168 INDONESIAN LOCAL WISDOM IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ERA OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 MUHAMMAD ARYA DWIKI RESSA ADRIANI Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] NANA SUPRIATNA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected] Abstract In the era of industrial revolution 4.0 we cannot separate human life from the so-called rapid technological development. These developments should put attention to aspects of environmental balance regarding its advancement and impact to our surrounding. This study aims to link the current society development and local wisdom in Indonesia as a potential tool in preserving environment and sustainable growth. This research uses literature study based on books and research reports in articles or journals. Analysis of the data used in this study was annotated bibliography to obtain identification results in this discussion. From this study we can conclude that Indonesia’s local wisdom is a potential relatively untouched or underdevelopment source to keep the nation in their culture and identity in facing the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 which is accelerating in the face of globalization. Keywords: Local wisdom, Environment, Sustainable development, Industrial Revolution 4.0 INTRODUCTION Globalization has launched a new era called the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Klaus (in Shwab, 2016) stated that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a continuation of the previous three what so called industrial revolution, as follow: 1) Industrial Revolution 1.0 occurred in the 18th century through the invention of steam engines,







Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia [email protected]


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

[email protected]


In the era of industrial revolution 4.0 we cannot separate human

life from the so-called rapid technological development. These

developments should put attention to aspects of environmental

balance regarding its advancement and impact to our surrounding.

This study aims to link the current society development and local

wisdom in Indonesia as a potential tool in preserving environment

and sustainable growth. This research uses literature study based

on books and research reports in articles or journals. Analysis of

the data used in this study was annotated bibliography to obtain

identification results in this discussion. From this study we can

conclude that Indonesia’s local wisdom is a potential relatively

untouched or underdevelopment source to keep the nation in

their culture and identity in facing the era of Industrial Revolution

4.0 which is accelerating in the face of globalization.

Keywords: Local wisdom, Environment, Sustainable

development, Industrial Revolution 4.0


Globalization has launched a new era called the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Klaus (in Shwab, 2016) stated that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a continuation of the previous three what so called industrial revolution, as follow: 1) Industrial Revolution 1.0 occurred in the 18th century through the invention of steam engines,


mass production and consumption of goods, 2) Industrial Revolution 2.0 occurred in the 19th-20th century through the massive electrification which made production costs lower and improve competitiveness of products, 3) the Industrial Revolution 3.0 occurred in 1970s through the spread of computerization making production more advance and highly technological usage, and 4) the Industrial Revolution 4.0 itself occurred in 2010s through ‘intelligence machines’ and the ‘internet of things’ as the backbone of such movement focusing in connectivity of humans and machines through artificial intelligence.

Technological advancements indeed, help human’s daily activities. Because of the industrial revolution, it is increasingly easy for us to communicate with other people in various parts of the world as if interactions are unlimited. In addition, the dissemination of information becomes very fast with various forms (text, photos, videos and sounds). Industry 4.0, whose principle of work upholds automation and digitalization, which greatly helps industry players or companies in increasing their opinions because its application makes the production process more efficient and effective.

This era also disrupts various human activities in various fields, not only in technology, but also in other fields such as economics, social, and politics. However, behind the convenience offered, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 caused negative impacts, for example natural damage caused by industrial exploitation and the human environment.

The environment is a complex system that is outside the individual that affects the growth and development of organisms. The environment is very influential for human life. The environment can change its function due to various factors, one of which is due to the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Various environmental problems and disasters occur cannot be separated from human activities. In the last two hundred years the development of human history happened very fast, not only and only a few parts of the world, but this change has become a global change that is accelerated by technology. This development is really worrying, because we have seen symptoms of real environmental damage that currently increasing anywhere.

Humans are an inseparable part of the natural surroundings. According to various stories and belief systems (religious) that humans are created by God and live side by side with other creatures on earth. In Anthropological, human existence since the beginning of its


existence, grow and be able to adapt to the natural environment (Daeng, 2008).

The environmental problem turns out to be closely related to local wisdom. It can be seen that the existence of local wisdom actually plays a role in preserving the environment before environmental care movements emerge. Even in certain cases local wisdom has more role in protecting the ecosystem than the law determined in regulating community patterns. The existence of myths, rituals, and noble ways that are closely related to nature are able to regulate society in such a way in relation to the surrounding environment. Local wisdom is a term that is often used by scientists to represent the system of values and norms that are developed, adhered to, understood and applied by local communities based on their understanding and experience in interacting and interacting with the environment.

Local wisdom is all forms of knowledge, beliefs, understanding, or insight as well as customs or ethics that guide human behavior in life in the ecological community (Keraf, 2002). Gobyah (2003) states that local wisdom is defined as truth that has been directed or fixed in an area. Thus local wisdom in a community can be understood as a value that is considered good and right that lasts for generations and is carried out by the community concerned as a result of the interaction between humans and their environment.

Forms of local wisdom in society can be: values, norms, ethics, beliefs, customs, customary law, and special rules. In this connection Ernawi (2009) explains that substantially local wisdom can be in the form of rules regarding: 1) institutional and social sanctions, 2) provisions on spatial use and estimated seasons for planting, 3) preservation and protection of sensitive areas, and 4) forms of adaptation and mitigation of climate change, disasters or other threats.

Local wisdom according to cultural Saini KM. it is the attitude, views, and abilities of a community in managing its spiritual and physical environment that gives the community resilience and power to grow in the area where the community is located. Local wisdom can also be called a creative answer to the geographical-geopolitical, historical, and situational situation that is local. Ecological awareness is so important for society. With natural conditions that continue to experience degradation and increasingly alarming. On the other hand, the natural response began to appear. This condition began to threaten


human safety. Building ecological awareness is something important to humans. This can be balanced with the process of internalizing ecosystem awareness naturally.

According to Sanusi (1993; Lamech and Hutama, 1996; Rika, 2010) one way is to develop attitudes, behavior, lifestyles, and traditions that have positive implications for the preservation and preservation of the environment. These traditions are referred to as one application of a local wisdom. Local wisdom (traditional wisdom) is knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by villagers in managing their environment, that is knowledge that breeds behavior as a result of their adaptation to their environment, which has positive implications for environmental sustainability. In Indonesia there are so many types of local wisdom that are spread in various regions in preserving the environment. However, this local wisdom is weakening because it is degraded by the progress of the times, it needs an effort to maintain its existence.

Industrial Revolution 4.0 which fundamentally resulted in changes in the way humans think, live, and relate to one another. However, in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 was not matched by environmental awareness so that it would become a problem for the environment itself. The role of local wisdom is very important in facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 in protecting the environment.


This type of research uses a qualitative approach, namely by emphasizing its analysis in the process of inference comparison and the analysis of the dynamics of the observed relationship using scientific logic (Azmar, 2001, p.5).

This research is a library research; this research will explore Local Wisdom in Indonesia in Preserving the Environment in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Literature research is a series of activities relating to the method of collecting library data, reading, and recording and processing library collection materials alone without requiring field research (Mestika, 2004, p.3).

This research will present scientific reasoning arguments from the results of the literature review and the results of the researcher's thought about a problem or topic of study. This type of research is supported by data obtained from literature sources in the form of


books and research reports contained in articles or journals. Analysis of the data will be discussed critically and deeply in order to support the discussion of Local Wisdom in Indonesia in Preserving the Environment in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.


Local wisdom in various regions in Indonesia contains many cultural values that are still strong nation becomes the identity of their people’s character. But on the other hand, the value of local wisdom is often ignored, because it is considered not in accordance with the times. However, in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, local wisdom that was ignored by humans turned out to have an important role in it, including preserving the environment. It turns out that local wisdom from various regions has the same function, namely preserving nature which must be maintained and understood. Of course, with traditions that are not much different from the local wisdom of the area. If this local wisdom continues to exist, preserving the environment in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 becomes a perfection between the environment and the times. Following are the results of research on some local wisdom in Indonesia in preserving the environment. Sundanese Local Wisdom

Sundanese people see that the natural environment is not something to be subdued, but rather must be respected, nurtured, and cared for. In essence the attitude of the Sundanese people in relation to nature is more adaptable to nature. This is evident in terms of farming that must carry out the tradition of traditional beliefs in the form of offerings, sacrifices of animals, or objects used to overcome life problems that are considered or trusted because of the aspect of relations with nature (Suryaatmana, et al, 1993).

The position and self-awareness of Sundanese people in interpreting Nature, originated from the existence of human consciousness consisting of air, wind, fire, earth and light which are actually the same as nature's nature. The existence of trust and awareness in aligning with nature is questioned is the form of attitude and character of Sundanese people will not make nature as a material for exploitation. Efforts to balance between ‘jagat alit’ (micro-cosmic) with ‘jagat ageung’ (macro-cosmic) on one side also as a form of


Sundanese human religiosity as ‘Holy’ or a tool that comes from the nature of purity ‘kahiyangan’. As a Sundanese Man (Sundanese = clean, holy, beautiful, good), then Sundanese people have the task of "regulating and perfecting" nature associated with connecting with other humans of different cultures (Indrawardana, 2012, p. 6). Baduy Local Wisdom

The customs, culture, and traditions that live in Baduy are easily seen from three main things that are thickly colored in their daily lives, namely a simple life attitude, friendly with nature and nature, and a spirit of independence. The forms of environmental conservation and conservation behavior carried out by the Baduy community include: (a) agricultural systems, (b) knowledge systems, (c) technology systems, and (d) conservation practices. All of that is done by basing on customary and ‘pikukuh’ provisions that have been embedded in the soul and carried out with full awareness by all members of the Baduy community (Suparmini, et al, 2013). Local Wisdom of Colo Village, Kudus

The people of Colo Village, Dawe Subdistrict, Kudus Regency have an important role to play in preventing environmental damage in the Muria Region. The process of self-defense in the form of local wisdom is a form of manifestation and the role of the community. The role of environmental protection is carried out by the Colo Village community in ecomistic local wisdom, which is an activity that emphasizes the love of the environment associated with local wisdom associated with community trust in forces outside of humans who help preserve the environment.

Local wisdom in Colo Village related to ceremonies or local traditions can be seen through alms, which is a means of communication between humans and nature. While the Kupatan tradition in Colo Village leads to a community service. But in this case, kupatan in Colo Village has already been packaged to have to become a Sewu Kupat Parade (Hendro, et al, 2012, p.30). Local Wisdom of the Riau Malay

Malay society is full of cultural wisdom values in preserving the environment. This can be seen from the expressions of spells, advice,


bekoba, poetry, and petatah-petitih contained in the traditions of their daily lives. The wisdom of maintaining environmental sustainability can also be seen in their socio-economic system, for example in maintaining customary forest lands, fishing, taking honey, river maintenance, forest maintenance, water ecosystem, and land. In Malay culture there is a symbiosism between customary values and religion in environmental preservation. In Malay society it is full of expressions of preserving forests, rivers. Flora, fauna, and natural balance (Thamrin, 2013, p.58).

Local Wisdom of Tengger Tribe in Wonokitri Village

In an effort to preserve the environment, the Tengger Tribe of Wonokitri Village performs several ritual traditions based on their customs and beliefs, namely conducting Leliwet, Pujan, Munggah Sigiran (Among-among / ngamongi jagung), Wiwit, Kasad Festival, Mayu (Mahayu) Village, Mayu Banyu, Pujan Mubeng / Narundhung (Ayuninggar, et al, 2011, p. 104).

Tengger Tribe people in Wonokitri Village apply the value of local wisdom in their daily socio-cultural life, among others, as seen from, seeing the division of conceptions based on customary and administrative territories, discussing the placement of elements forming settlements, land tenure and control systems, as well as adaptation places to live on climate and local wisdom that discusses the season for farming, traditional technology systems in field management, animal maintenance systems, forest management and protection systems, air sources, and Wonokitri (Ayuninggar, et al, 2011, pp. 104-015). Local Wisdom of Bajo Tribe, Torosiaje Village, Gorontalo

Bajo people are close to the resources and ecosystems of mangorves, seagrasses and coral reefs. The condition of this ecosystem appears to be well maintained and maintained even though community activities and settlements are in the middle of this ecosystem. This Bajo community has local wisdom that is ecologically able to consider the interests of settlements with the concept of conserving mangroves, seagrass and coral reef ecosystems. The tradition of Mamia Kadialo with its taboo has the value of preserving coastal ecosystems. The use of simple equipment in fishing activities is considered to have positive


ecological consequences for the survival of the ecological system and its biological resources. Although the development of science is advancing, local knowledge about the natural phenomenon owned by the Bajo people is still a reference for them in living their lives at sea.

Local wisdom in the traditions, knowledge and local knowledge has ecological values and the principle of preserving the Coastal Environment as a form of ecological intelligence of the Bajo people. For this reason, efforts are needed to explore and reconstruct it for other coastal communities (Utina, 2012, pp. 19-20). Local Wisdom of the Dayak Benuaq

The Benuaq Dayak has the value of organic life, preserving biodiversity, having conservation behavior (protecting the environment sustainably) which is rooted and the value is sought to be passed down from generation to generation in the form of local wisdom in dealing with nature.

Oral culture is a hallmark of Benuq art, speech culture through advice, tales, folklore, poetry delivered orally from one generation to generation. The contents of the ecological message, heroism, noble attitudes and wisdom of life in its aim to arouse awareness, shape perceptions, attitudes and behavior. Oral art touches affection, revealing attitudes, values, and environmental ethics (Rahmawati, 2015, p.111).

The Local Wisdom of the Nusa Penida

The development of the marine potential and the development of the tourism sector in the Nusa Penida Island region have the Tri Hita Kirana concept in environmentally sound development. Nyepi Segara on Nusa Penida Island becomes a philosophical, juridical and sociological foundation in the preservation of the marine environment in the Nusa Penida Island Area (Adnyani, et al, 2014, p.310).

The people of Nusa Penida interpret the implementation of Nyepi Segara as a human effort in balancing the harmonious relationship between humans and God, humans with each other, and humans with nature which is the core of Tri Hita Karana. This also relates to the expression of gratitude for the ocean or something that has filled the community with a source of livelihood and income. This was stated in the form of offerings which were presented in a series of


Nyepi Segara ceremonies. The community believes in the goal of Nyepi Segara so that living things and the environment will be quiet after being purified in the form of Banten Pekelem. The time provided for this is only one day and one night and humans are prohibited from touching sea water so it is not dirty (Adnyani, et al, 2014, p.308).


Local wisdom in this era is getting degraded because of the changing times. It is undeniable that in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, with the advancement of technology, many generations began to lose their identity as a nation that has local wisdom. This is one of the reasons why local wisdom is weakening so that the weakening of local wisdom can cause various problems, one of which is environmental damage. With the current era, it should not be impossible to create environmentally friendly technology.

Indonesia, which has a variety of local wisdom in each region, must be able to begin to exist in order to preserve the environment in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The results of this study are some local wisdom in Indonesia, there needs to be more local wisdom that we need to know together. Preserving the environment with local wisdom in each region leads to development that is supported and able to drive an increasingly advanced era and can also maintain the tradition of local wisdom so that it is not integrated with the times. If globalization is equated with a whirlwind, only one pillar can protect us from the strong wind. Pillars are local wisdom.

Further research is needed on local wisdom in preserving the environment in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. Remember there are still many and unique local wisdom from various regions that need to be regained. Should be cultivated by environmentalists so as not to be degraded by the times. REFERENCES Adnyani, Ni Ketut Sari. (2014). Nyepi Segara Sebagai Kearifan Lokal

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