Index 20170724


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Index of Files 20170724.Sharon Xiao Liu.I never delete anything from my Slideshare account. Anyone who deletes my files, fear my wrath.2017/09/14. 25 files. Memorise this number. It's the date of your birthday. You lost the 26th file, but you must hold on to your birthday number.

---File listing.1. Upwork.Clickworker. Private.2. Memory file.3. Tasklist.4. Money Tasklist Temp.5. CV.6. Specifilist.7. Drawings notebook.8. Problem cruncher.Problem cruncher text. (Not yet uploaded.)9. Index file.10. Pft and Sc.11. How to become a programmer presentation.12. How to land a permanent job presentation.13. Granma v2.14. Granma v1.15. Stackpirt.16. Goalslist.17. Sac v1.18. Sac v2.19. Sac screenshot.20. Quickbridge paper.21. Granma paper.22. Immortality paper.23. Wormhole startlet.24. One day profits.25. Simple Kaplan-Meier Chart in Plain JavaScript and HTML.26. Problem cruncher new.

26. GONE MISSING!!!What was the 26th file?Contact list. (Not this one.)OneNote notes for HTML5. (Not this one.)Presentation for HTML5. (Not this one.)Noteslist (Not this one.)Persistence log. (Not this one.)Specifilist motor (Not this one.)Diary (Not this one.)Targets file. (Not this one.)Ideas for others. (Not this one.)Memory presentation. (Not this one, it was never created.)To do list. (Not this one.)Right. It was not a programming file, because that's Sac, Granma and Stackpirt. It's not a Quickbridge file, as that is the Quickbridge paper, Wormhole startlet, Problem Cruncher, and Problem Cruncher Text (not yet uploaded). It's not the Tasklist, or Tasklist Temp, the first and the greatest. It's not Immortality. It's not a minor file, as that is One Day Profits and PHP Goal Pyramid for Memorising.

Organised file listing.1. Upwork.2. Clickworker.3. Problem Cruncher.Problem Cruncher Text.4. Money Tasklist Temp.

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5. Money Tasklist.6.

---Backup as well.

Working folder.XAMPP htdocs.Photos Master.


1. Upwork. Private. Public.Description: Upwork strategies for proposals, tests, common challenges met at work, communication.

2. Clickworker. Private. Public.Description: How to do Clickworker projects, and when you last did something for Clickworker.

Contact list. Private.

3. Tasklist. Public.Description: List of ideas generally applicable to life.

4. Money Tasklist Temp. Public.Description: Newer list of ideas generally applicable to life.

5. Problem cruncher. Public, private.Description: Contains the Quickbridge project.

(3.) 6. Specifilist. Public.Description: Things which I used to do. The specifilist motor section is the only section now being updated, containing tips for driving and table tennis.

7. Granma. Public.Description: No longer updated, as MyScript and Grammarly have already commercialised this idea. A project for handwriting recognition and grammar correction.

8. Stackpirt. Public.Description: A python project, which aims to predict stock market prices based on news and past experience.

---Targetslist. Private.Description: List of video bookmarks, list of websites I visit repeatedly, list of most important books that I own.

----Extract 2017/12/17.

Reasons for waking up at 7am (impetus tasks/facilitating tasks/something to help you work hard, singular "impetus task"."Impetus tasks": Is when there is more than one impetus task. Alternatively, you could think of it as referring to the list of impetus tasks.): (This has been discontinued, because now I try hard directly.)

An impetus task must be sufficiently interesting to you, contain sufficient variety (to distinguish it from the targeted work), involve a purchased object (which is plentiful in supply, so you can see it being used up, and you are reminded to use it), be a low stress subject (i.e. should not be as high-pressured as hard work), be fun, and must not have been used recently, for it to work. Monitor the longevity of impetus tasks. Impetus tasks need to be used

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infrequently for them to persist. Impetus tasks are longer lived if they span across more than one consumable, e.g. sticky notes and text messages.How to use: do the impetus task first, then work hard. When you run out of energy, come back to the impetus task, and repeat the cycle. Use while doing paid work and study. Rotate impetus tasks if the current one expires.Triggered: when sitting down watching television. When walking about.When to not use: if you are working with another person, and they tire out, you are not to force them to keep working.

Sing in your head and outside whilst working. Play a song from your playlist and try to fathom the words. Keep the head occupied, every second.1) Smart wonder core Mat exercises.Drinking water.- Eating. Granola. Fruit. Cereal: Cheerios honey hoops.New things to do with new objects you bought, new way of using old objects, find a way to prolong the use of the impetus object.Hours of walking back and forth, when seated to rest make a straight horizontal line with your arms.Recall.Any task in the targets file.Try really hard, without fear; try very hard to be fast every minute.Find an absorbing task of sufficient difficulty. Talk: projects.Three devices/computers. Talk to yourself.Imagine what you are going to do next.Concentrate on fulfilling your immediate goal, think of ideas which will help, until you fulfil your goal, don't listen to music whilst thinking.--2) Send text messages to yourself with instructions. Use the Persistence Log. Text yourself on any conceivable topic. To modulate mood, to generate ideas (search for goals, establish goal, write solution), to memorise, to plan what to do. To take programming notes, take notes from an online tutorial, take notes from the news, to copy from a book (memorise parts of the book, to make the texts come together), to make notes (to understand a book), to copy lyrics heard from a song (can do this standing up). To plan diagrams and equations. To write a short story. To write pinyin. To list problems, consider them from others' point of view. Use emojis to make texting more fun. To guide coding, copy neat work onto computer, copy up each line to the computer as you write it on the sticky note. To tackle projects, copy neat work into notebook or electronic devices (devices being the preferred option). To plan out the whole day, with time deadlines for each item, re-write the text if rescheduling is needed, label sticky notes as active or inactive.If you use up all your texts, it means you are work capable, as it involves trying hard directly, many times in a day.Use Post-it sticky notes, stickers and a clipboard (or Compact Disc jewel case) as an alternative. The stickers should be small enough, like a bullet point. Gem stickers. Write commands, use one sticker per command, all on sticky notes.Problem: How to keep stickers interesting. Solutions:Â The use of emojis must have deep meaning. You should choose attractive-looking stickers to buy. Combine stickers with words on sticky notes. You should use one emoji or sticker every time you want something done, write down the word for the task (this helps you to keep track of how much you have done).

--Read up on the basics of something, e.g. python basics, do questions if there are any.Take notes in noteslist, write diary for theoretical tasks.Observe what's around you for practical tasks.Generate an impetus task while aiming to do something specific, e.g. you remember to check documents before you board a tram (remembering to check documents being the impetus task, and boarding a tram being the aim), the impetus task does not have to be related to the aim. Go directly to the highest value task (aimed task) you can do.Do the hardest thing at a particular time point.Enjoy work no matter what your beliefs.

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Do the morally correct thing at a particular time point.Anything you can use around you is an impetus task.Observe: how a service is provided, how a product is made, how money is made.Read or watch get rich material.- Talk your train of thought for generating ideas, mnemonic words for memorising, story for memorising, reaching a purpose/goal. Do this whilst receiving input, e.g. from a book or video, when you are outside. Make sense of the input by talking about your interpretation. If you want to talk about the same purpose/goal, be very specific in which aspect you talk about this goal, e.g. are you trying to do it faster or some other improvement. Or type your train of thought. Or use meanings instead of words. Mnemonic pictures put in a grid, with mnemonic pictures as links to represent relationships between the mnemonic pictures placed in the grid. Talk out aloud or inside your head a command for doing things.Dance. This is useful for practical tasks.Impetus task: something you have not tried to do before.Spend money. Keep spending private.Anything can be an impetus task, so long as you link it to work.Get permission.Provide reasons.Talk out aloud your train of thought whilst you are doing something, say what it is you are doing, what is your aim.Post on the Upwork forum what you are achieving, and how to get what you want.Shriek at people, until they give you what you want. You are kind enough to do that.Do something new.--3) Write in a private online diary. Give the current time, the target time, and what it is you are going to do. Penzu. Use emojis in Word, then copy up into text file without the emojis. You may want to copy the text containing emojis into Windows Notepad first, so the emojis don't corrupt the master text file.Problem: How to make programming as enjoyable as possible. Solution: To make programming enjoyable, the interface must look good. Download art from the web and paste it into your working document. Mark out the sections of the master file copied, using "+++" and a name, in the working document. Write modification list in Penzu, then carry out the modifications in the master file.

--4) Write and draw on paper. Write letters to people.Be fearless.Do something, write down the rules from experience.Imagine yourself doing the action.Carry something in your hand.The voices take your mind away. They turn you delusional.Eating. Cupcakes. To provide you with energy. Biscuits. Keep a biscuit and bottled drink collection by your desk.Take a tour around the house and around all the files on your computer, looking for something to do. Look at the software on the computer. Buy new things you can use.Improve your mood by singing and dancing.5) Play with bottled water, drink it from time to time. Hold anything up in your hand, within your vision. For hydration and good health, to exercise the arms.Find a solution if your impetus task has expired. Write in your Penzu journal.Find a new impetus task every day. It should be something short and purposeful. Hopefully, it improves your health, or makes you more skilled.Eating. New flavours. Cup soup.You need to spend money to unlock an impetus task, to keep your mood even. Have at least 1 shopping trip a day, where you spend all your money. You must spend at least £30 a week, with £10 being the absolute minimum.Use YouTube to watch people doing practical work.Listen to your music collection (having recently bought an album), to stay working on the computer whilst enjoying a song. The longer you stay on there, the more music you will listen to.Make sure your day is as varied as possible.

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6) Start saying "I don't want to...(e.g. get to work)" as a problem, as often as you want. Then ask yourself "why don't you want to...?". Also suggest solutions as to how you will solve the problem.People get delusional when they don't do enough work. You should be able to work as much as you want to work.Problem: how to keep going without your mobile phone or sticky notes. Thinking near the solution: a bottle of water could be used, except that it wouldn't do to take it inside shops. Thinking of an emotion and acting or dancing to it might help. I used to hold up a bag to help keep me going, and shifting it around. Singing a christmas song might help. If you sing at low volume, that won't disturb anyone. Practicing singing at night will help you to sing well.Use a new pen.- Look in Daily Targets and the rest of this file. Look at the other files.Find a related task to what your job is about, to encourage you to think about the job. Subdivide the job skills required.Spend time at work to get smarter.- Use Google Voice. Or ask other people questions about problems.Analyse why it is you are unhappy.Just do something fun to pass the time. Make sure your life is somewhat tolerable.Work is the highlight of the day.Fill in Ideas for Others.Impetus task: do a repetitive action with something attractive.

----Extract. 2017/07/24.

Illchil: don't be ill, don't say you can't do something, don't say you can't agree with someone, be happy, listen to your parents.Tonbss: Think, obey, negotiate, believe, spend money, stay at Upwork.

Regular magazines.Nature.Financial Times.How It Works.Technology e.g Raspberry Pi.

Regular books.Get rich. solving.Communication.


---Noteslist. Private. No need to make extracts public.Description: My private file, for random thoughts, and more importantly notes taken from other sources, like books, for personal study.

Contact list. Private.

9. Goalslist. Public.Description: List of ideas which give other ideas. Rather like the tasklist, but less specific.

10. Drawings notebook. Public, private.Description: List of ideas in pictorial form.

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To do list. Private. No longer used.Now in the Persistence Log.

7amlist. Private.Description: Ways to get up at 7am.Now in the Persistence Log.

Ideas for others. Private.Description: Ways other people can improve. Also contains a reciprocal section, "Ideas from others".

---Persistence Log. Private.Description: Ways to persist at doing what needs to be done, including reasons for doing things. Contains a daily to do list.


Think, obey, believe, spend money.Spend £5 per trip, 1 trip a day, to spend in total no more than £35 a week.Don't tell mum about the money you spend, in case an occasional >£5 per trip spend gets disapproved, you need to spend money to get to work, to wake up at 11am, to stay out of hospital, to keep attending your health appointments. Actually, if you tell mum about your spending, and the spend amount goes down as a result, the money spent may become more effective.The spend per week, because of your mother's objections, has gone down from £50 to £35, to £5 a trip/day.The more you do of the same, the easier it gets. The more you do of the new, the easier it gets.Write down individual hand, foot or other movements.Write down exactly what you plan to say.Persist at your job and finding a husband and generating ideas.Persist at the hardest thing possible to do at any time.Persistence is important in developing initiative.IMPORTANT: Don't go too far. Think, obey, believe (obsolete) (not obsolete), spend money (obsolete).Any time you feel like giving up, spend some money (obsolete). Go out during the daytime and work in the evening. Spend a little bit of money every day, only a little because you need to spend every single day. You don't need permission from your mother to spend £50 a week, she will allow you to go out, but will probably never directly approve this figure. Write a letter to your mum, telling her you need to spend £50 a week. Spend, but without a spend target. Spend target £35 a week, or £5 a day, if you still need to go shopping after this has been reached, spend your parents' money. Give your mum money for board when you fall behind £5 a day as a spend target.Use paid books and music instead of free material and music.Any time you feel like giving up, Google or YouTube search for how to become rich, how to grow your freelance business, how to write a proposal, how to write an upwork proposal.Don't buy books online until the top-up credit has been rectified. Google is rich, so if you get a refund, gratefully accept it.What to spend money on: fruit, fruit jelly, vegetables, salad, white meat, milk, yoghurt, cookies, E45 cream, tissue, sanitary towels, music albums, books, magazines, film DVDs, food takeaways, board (to mum, remainder of the week's spending money to her on a Sunday, as a last resort) (alternatively, mum can spend this "board" money when going to shop at ASDA in the evening with you), mobile phone.Check what your mum is going to buy, before you go shopping with her, don't go with her if you have nothing to buy and she wants to buy sugary products, e.g. dessert, biscuits, chocolate.Go shopping twice a day.Any time you feel like giving up, take notes.Walk for at least 10 hours a week.

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Continuous computer screen work: 2 hours close screen work, 1 hour of watching a video at a distance. Use an alarm clock on the computer.Always use impetus tasks.Nothing's going to happen to you if you try hard and other people living with you approve.Nobody gets to a successful place without a lot of hard work.Health check: are you doing nothing important?Fight at least once a day.Always use one type of device, away from the computer use your tablet PC and phone.Trylog: whether you have tried to do something, and how many times you have tried, and how you have tried. A try is what you would especially like to do; the quality of work is generally above a TO DO item.As long as you are of sound moral character, you can do what you want. When to fight: when there are no repercussions.Persist at finding a truly major advance every day.Persist at keeping active without causing injury for 14.5 hours a day. You would need 9 hours of sleep, 0.5 hours awake in bed. 8+14.5=22.5 .--

---One Day Profits. Public.Description: General ideas for businesses.

Businesslist. Private.Description: Business plans for simple projects worth monetary value.

Place extracts and essences of private documents in a new file. Edit private documents before they are put on the Web, search for keywords to delete. Delete current information, put historical information on the Web (1 year old), keep all information in lists in chronological order. Upload information immediately after it is wrote. Keep a censored section of every private file, find alternative ways to express sensitive topics.