1 FAMILY ON MISSION, GIFT IN A CHANGING WORLD This Report is the response to the letter of 10/12/2012 sent by the Phase Three Team to all the representatives who were at the second phase of the Congress in Martillac in reply to the questions below: What has happened in your context since your return from Martillac? How did you share the experience? How was the sharing received? MARTILLAC, 18 - 28 SEPTEMBER 2012 EUROPE AMERICA AFRICA ASIA PHASE TWO

Transcript of IN ASIA A CHANGING WORLD -...

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This Report is the response to the letter of 10/12/2012 sent by the Phase Three Team to all the representatives who were at the second phase of the Congress in Martillac in reply to the questions below:

What has happened in your context since your return from Martillac?

How did you share the experience? How was the sharing received?







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As Family on mission, gift in a changing world, we want to explore the changing context of the world and to discern God’s way for the world. With our unique gift of being a Family of five vocations – living the one mission how can we make an impact, make visible an alternative way of seeing and living in the world, of responding in some way to the thirst for spirituality, the thirst for communion and the invitation to deepen our faith and give visible witness to it? ...

Margaret Muldoon –

Martillac 17/09/2012

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he actual Congress was followed by the whole community on the website set up for the occasion. We used a projector so that the whole community could view it comfortably.

When the Sisters who had taken part returned, their spontaneous sharing confirmed what had been received through the website. It was very well received and the Sisters wanted to have direct echoes from it. It our case, two Sisters from the same contemplative community in Spain took part.

During a community meeting some of the powerpoint, presentations from the Congress were shown and these were the starting point for reflection and sharing. We found this very enriching and motivating.

At another community meeting we had a celebration during which the letter from the Congress of the Family was read and each Sister was given the Document of the Fourth Congress (Second Phase) 2012.

When the ECHOES arrived we enjoyed the second phase of the Congress once again. We read it together in community.

Now we are waiting for the Commission of the Family in Spain to launch the work of reflection for the third phase.

Mª Dolores Sanzberro and Merche Echezarreta

e received the Declaration in our communities and groups of lay associates by means of a meaningful prayer which was prepared for the occasion.

The website for the second phase of the Congress was much appreciated and followed with interest.

I shared my experience of Martillac with my Provincial M. Ángeles Berástegui; with my community; with the group of committed Lay Associates and, more briefly, with the group of Lay Associates in formation; with the National Committee of Lay Associates at their normal meeting; with the Leaders and the Apostolic Sisters who accompany all the groups of Lay Associates in Spain. We used some prayers and texts from Martillac and always showed photos etc. We also had an article in Aire de Familia, the six-monthly publication of the Lay Associates in Spain. We sent this magazine which deals with the second phase of the Congress to various lay people and priests who do not belong to the Family of P. B. N.

Since the first phase of the Congress was very alive both in communities and the group of committed Lay Associates, there was great interest in the second phase and everybody wanted to hear about the experience. It was very well received.

Lidia Lizarraga Pérez - Apostolic Religious Spain.



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e presented the various phases of the Congress emphasising the importance of each one in order to draw attention to our place and Mission in the FAMILY which is a GIFT from God in and for our changing world.

All the Sisters of the Solitude community had already met the participants from the other countries and had experienced the spirit of the Congress. It was the fulfillment of the our Founder’s Dream. All the Sisters were open and very interested in following the process of the Congress. We had already seen and shared on many of the presentations and documents after other sessions but now it was a matter of deepening our understanding and accepting the challenge to go forward as a FAMILY. We are committed along with the other Vocations but each one is responsible in her own context. We highlighted the importance of leaving our comfort zones, of listening to events, to the evolution of our world and to the contributions of science in order to hear the Lord’s call today and to strengthen our Faith. The word of God and the Eucharist which is the centre of our life take on a new dimension now. We use the same words but by repeating them and pondering them we realise how alive and relevant the word is and how well our Charism responds to the needs of our world. It is actually we who are evolving from within in order to hear what God is saying to us today.

Odette UWIMANA and Teresa McELHONE La Solitude Martillac


On my return from Martillac, armed with copious notes and some photographs, I

reported back to my group on the wonderful and rewarding experience of being present at The General Assembly of Lay Associates. This was received with lots of enthusiasm, followed by a great deal of discussion with the intention of inviting other Lay Associate groups to visit us. I used my notes to write an article about my experience at Martillac for our Parish Magazine, "In Touch", which is produced quarterly. The article was in the December issue. I spoke to our Guardian/Parish Priest, Fr. Austin, about The General Assembly and the power-point presentation on Creation. He was very interested and gave his permission for me to invite Sr. Catherine Lavery to come to Woodford and speak to our parishioners and to show them the power-point presentation. Sr. Catherine has agreed and will contact me towards the end of January with a possible date.

Kathy Howes (Woodford Green, Essex, England)

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atherine Lavery has spoken to the Sisters within the local communities using the power-point presentation of the Congress Prayer. Across the Province the Sisters have read Echoes and the Congress Declaration and accompanying letter becoming familiar with Phase II and continue to pray the Congress Prayer.

Marilyn Sutemire and Catherine Lavery have spoken individually at various Regional Lay Associates Meetings in Britain recalling the story of Phase II of the Congress and how the reflections of Phase I set the scene for the Phase II. Throughout the presentations we incorporated elements of the new world view and offered an opportunity for a contemplative approach to prayer. Rose Sullivan spoke of her experience of the Congress and shared the slideshow on the Congress Prayer at the Lay Associates Annual Assembly in Ireland in October. Findings from the Feedback For The Holy Family Lay Associates it was important to highlight the International dimension of the Family – the Congress as an example of one family one faith within a richness of cultures and the methods of communication available for all the Family i.e. websites and emails both nationally and internationally. The information regarding the evolving Universe story is relatively new to many groups therefore those presenting need to be aware of the starting point for each group. Suggestion for Phase Three To set up a Congress Transmission Province Team to include all Vocations represented

in the Province to ensure the transmission of Phase II and the implementation of Phase II. Throughout Phase II there was a call for a contemplative approach. We suggest a common reflection process that enables us to live our gift of oneness. It would be helpful to have guided reflection questions on family, common formation and collaboration for mission, where each point is taken individually. Reflection time could be given to our understanding of each point with a specific area of action identified, and a feasible response made across the Province involving all members of the Family. This information could then be shared across the entire Family of PBN.

Catherine Lavery, Marilyn Sutemire and Rose Sullivan

Province of Britain and Ireland


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hat has happened in your context since your return from Martillac? How did you share the experience?

In the bulletins En Famille of the Lay Associates and Tissage of the Sisters. The same

article appeared in both, comprising five accounts – one by each Vocation – on the

experience of the meeting.

In En Famille, Monique brought out the importance of interrelationships in the new


Sr. Agnes, the delegate from the Network, was invited to the National Committee of Lay

Associates in October 2012 to see what could be done to begin a reflection process for

both Lay Associates and Apostolic Sisters.

I went to meet the group of Lay Associates of Bar-le-Duc and the community of Sisters

of Reims, November 10 and 11 to share the Phase II with them.

I have the impression that I have been permeated by the whole experience of the

Congress and I recognise spontaneously a similar approach in reading, daily events and


On 15 and 16 January 2013, there will be an intervocational meeting in Saint-Mandé at

which the five Vocations will be represented.

How was the sharing received? There was a great convergence in the written accounts and they were received


There was openness to the international dimension: some Lay Associates appreciated it;

it was more difficult for others, “We don’t know all these people!”

Some Lay Associates want to know more.

Anne-Marie Sibille

Lay Associates - France

ow did you share the experience?

On a personal level I sent an up-date from Martillac to the Network Leader.

With the five apostolic communities. (I tried to communicate my experience in a

simple way: how I had savoured the joy of being Family, gift for today’s world.

I had a meeting with the Leader of the Campobasso community to look into the

possibility of living the third phase of the Congress at an intervocational level



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with, perhaps, the participation of a Priest Associates who lives in a parish in


With the Consecrated Seculars: a general update on the Congress. (to coincide

with the annual meeting which we have together.)

When I arrived back in Italy, I phoned the Lay Associates in Campobasso and Sicily.

How was the experience received?

Andrée’s (the Network Leader) response was joyful and encouraging

Some of the responses showed indifference and lack of interest – no questions, no

reflection. One community followed the Congress by means of the website.

A cold response: “It is impossible to meet together… There is enough in the Echoes and

Documents; The Lay Associates cannot participate, they are far away.“

The Consecrated Seculars participated actively. They were open and sensitive to the

Congress process and wanted to be part of it.

The Lay Associates of Sicily are interested and want more in-depth information. They

followed the Congress through the website.

Tonina Ferraù


e shared in the communities. I shared the details of the content of the Congress and we deepened it daily. I showed the power-point presentations which we had seen during the Congress. I shared on each day of the Congress at two meetings. The

sharing continues and the next meeting in each community will be at the end of January 2013. The Congress Declaration was solemnly presented at the end of the first meeting.

How was the sharing received?

Up to the present, all the meetings have been positive. The participants were happy and interested in everything that went on in Martillac. They expressed the desire to put the Declaration into practice in our life context. The process of discernment and of understanding the Declaration is continuing.

To help us to prepare some reflection guidelines for everybody, give one or two suggestions in the light of your experience of sharing which could help us to respond to the request for a process of reflection for the third phase. After one or two years we could have a meeting in Martillac to share the fruits of the Congress.

Province of Poland


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1) What has happened in your context since you returned from Martillac?

The joy of celebrating this phase of the Congress.

Hope after experiencing the vitality of the Family, the search for unity.

I want the whole Family to share the aims and challenges contained in the Declaration.

The conviction of the need for a change: the need to unlearn in order to learn.

The awareness of the importance of living the Charism and of sharing it in the new world in

which we live.

2) How have you shared the experience?

In small intervocational meetings. We tried to share the experience of Martillac, the atmosphere there

and the concern for the whole Family. We clarified questions and dealt with some topics such as

collaboration and the possibility of intervocational communities in view of a definite common


We looked at photographs of Phase II of the Congress. We prayed with the power-points of the

Congress Prayer and of the Seculars’ Prayer.

3) How was it received?

Wonderfully well. Expectations were extremely high. The interest in the Family was remarkable.

There was great life.

Consecrated Seculars of Spain

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few days after returning from La Solitude, while waiting for the document, I

shared with my Sisters in the community the impact that the Congress had

made on me.

The appreciation of the participation of all the members of our big Family.

Attitudes of listening and welcoming of various views in the groups and in the


The sense of thanksgiving of being members of this Family, the sense joy of being

together and the strong desire expressed with enthusiasm and responsibility to go

forward together in fulfilling our common mission.

I also shared with them, how the days were organized, how the group work was done, how

we shared the Word of God in groups before proceeding to the Eucharist and the different

celebrations and recreations we had…

Annette Suwaris

Contemplatives Posadas


Having shared such happy times with the Holy Family members from various

countries I am pleased to respond to the questions asked.

Since my return from Martillac I have shared about the Congress wherever

there are Lay Associates. Also, at an assembly, the report was read and we

shared the conclusions. All was warmly received and everybody wanted to

learn more – to know what ideas had been worked on and discussed and how

the conclusions had been reached.

We will continue with the sharing after the January break.

Yaya Toledo

Lay Associates, Argentina

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he following is the process used in the D. R. Congo for sharing what happened at the second phase of the Holy Family Congress 2012.

We had a meeting with the Delegation Council and the National Committee of

Lay Associates to give a brief report. Then with this Team we set up dates for

the transmission of Phase II of the Congress.

The diversity of apostolates meant that everybody could not attend a meeting at the same time so we decided to do the sharing in three groups. Then the Leaders of the Lay Associates would share with the Lay Associates in their area.

The two Congress participants would do some follow-up accompaniment. So the sharing was done as follows:

o 2 October, in Kinshasa: the Apostolics and the Consecrated Secular.

o 15–16 November in Idiofa : The Apostolics, the Consecrated Secular and the

Leaders of the Lay Associate groups of Idiofa, Banda and Lakas;

o 22–24 November in Ngashi: The Apostolics and the Leaders of the Lay Associate

groups of Gungu and Ngashi.

o In Kikwit: The Apostolics

o Finally, at the local church where we work we had a little sharing about this

Family event.

We had preparatory sessions for these three meetings:

The National Committee translated the Congress Documents into Kikongo (one

of the four national languages) so that they could be understood and


The Communications Team printed them.

Then the two Congress participants shared the tasks between them. We took

turns to speak except at the General Assembly of the Lay Associates when Mr

Leonard MBEMBE took his turn. The plan for the sharing was:


The welcome and opening

The reading with a commentary of the summary of the D. R. Congo for the

first phase of the Congress.

The presentation of the methodology of the Congress.

The presentation of the various themes and talks.

The calls heard as a Family.

A time of personal reflection.

Sharing in small groups and then in the assembly: on how to live these three

calls in our context.

Making the second phase our own.

2. Sharing on the experience of the General Assembly of the Priest and Lay



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3. A silent review of the day was followed by the closing Eucharist – using the colours of the Year of Faith (Idiofa), the colours of Christ the King of the

Universe (Ngashi – and by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Ngashi).

On the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (2012) we had the joy of reliving the Congress through the sharing of all the members gathered together for the occasion after the Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Bishop of Idiofa. The

presence of young people and the Lay Associates’ children provided an opportunity to share some points relevant to them: youth and young people at the heart of the

Congress. They made some firm proposals e.g. re-launching the group of young Associates.

The sharing was received in faith with a lot of joy and interest as a Family event. All the members were very much at ease with the Congress process and welcomed the

three calls unanimously, emphasising what we have to live in our context. Family:

The witness of life: conscience and responsibility.

The sense of sharing: time, the good use of all possible means of communication

and effective participation. (bereavement, illness).

To intensify Family meetings and initiate young people into the Charism.

Common Formation:

Strengthen the accompaniment of the different members by the Delegation

Council and the National Committee.

Form a leadership team which will include resource people.

Collaboration for the Mission:

Include a Lay Associate in the Justice and Peace of Communion (CJP) in our


Organise conference on respect for nature for our students and others.

Be mindful of the fact that we are a family also when it comes to common

action: join up with others to denounce corruption during State examinations.

This deepening of the three calls in the context of D.R. Congo shows how responsible each one is for the living out of the calls. The meals were special times of simplicity and communion.

Léonard MBEMBE and Elisabeth GITOGA,


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n our return from Martillac, the five delegates from South Africa (Sr Marion -

Apostolic, Pat and Dianne - Consecrated Seculars, Veronica and Carol – Lay

Associates) requested a meeting with the Apostolic Provincial Leadership

Team (PTL). The meeting took place over the weekend of 23 to 25 November

2012 at Mariannhill Monastery. Unfortunately, Veronica, was not able to be there

due to a family commitment.

The delegates gave a report-back on the Congress, together with power-point presentations, to the PLT. The Congress Document and suggestions given to help

implementation of the decisions taken were read and discussed. These were favourably received and it was agreed that there needs to be a change of mindset and

that a process of “unlearning” would be required.

FAMILY There was general acceptance of the

suggestions under this heading. As far as the formation of inter-vocational

communities for a particular need, is

concerned – this was accepted in

principle and more consideration will be given to it when and if the need arises.


When preparing the work during Phase I

the members, where possible, met in inter-vocational groups in their various regions to reflect and work together.

This had been very successful and it was agreed that this be encouraged in

future. It was agreed that a common formation

team be formed (including some participants to the Congress) early in

2013 with the purpose of reflecting together to find ways to implement the thrusts of the Congress.

In order for each vocation to learn more

about how the other members of the Family of PBN live out their particular vocations, it was agreed that

consideration be given to including this

early in formation for example that a

Consecrated Secular meet with the Apostolic novices to share with them the practical living out of the Secular


Although all the vocations are interdependent, it was agreed that the Lay Associates take more responsibility

for themselves. This seems to be successful in one of the groups in Cape

Town but not in the other group there or in other areas of the country. There is great dependence on the Apostolic

Sisters to arrange and facilitate meetings. The Lay Associates

themselves acknowledge this dependence and it is apparent that they need to be empowered to lead their own


COLLABORATION FOR MISSION It was agreed that there are plenty of

opportunities to work together on the various projects in which members are

involved for example the Apostolic Sisters work at the Cathedral in Durban

where there is a great need among the members of the community. Since we

had the meeting at Mariannhill, the

members of the two Apostolic communities in Durban as well as a

Consecrated Secular and Lay Associate met with the Administrator of the

Cathedral to see how we could as Holy Family work towards building up family


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in the parish. Of course there is the need to maintain the discretion as far as

the Consecrated Seculars are concerned

but ways will be found to accommodate this.


Due to the great distances between

various regions in our country and the resultant financial strain incurred in

travelling to these regions, it was agreed that all the Congress participants would not travel as a team to the

different regions. The participant/s

would report-back to those in the area in which they live and arrangements be

made for part of the team to travel to areas where there is no participant actually resident.

The report-backs have commenced as follows:

Veronica (LA) had reported to the Lay Associates at the end of

October/beginning November to a group of Lay Associates in Cape Town. She

is intending to report to the other group of Lay Associates in Cape Town early in

2013. This group will include three Consecrated Seculars.

Dianne (CS) reported to the Apostolic Sisters in Johannesburg at the end of

November. The group included Lay Associates and a Consecrated Secular.

Carol (LA) had reported to her group in Durban and together with Veronica (LA)

had reported to the National Team of LAs.

Sr Marion, Pat (CS) and Carol (LA) will report to the Durban Apostolic Sisters

and Lay Associates on 19 January.

Arrangements are being made for Sr Marion, Pat and Carol to report to the

Apostolic Sisters and Lay Associates in Pietermaritzburg and Elandskop during

the first weekend of February.

Arrangements are to be made to report to the Lay Associates in Vosloorus and

Kabokweni. Srs Shelagh Mary and Kathleen agreed to attend to this. Dianne

(CS) to be involved.

Everyone has shown great interest in the decisions taken at the Congress and have shown an openness to implement the suggestions.

Pat Kelly

South Africa

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The Initiatives taken to share the Congress Call

ince I am playing a double role of being the Asian Leader and also representing the Lay Associates of the Jaffna Province of Sri Lanka my initiatives have been both at National and Regional levels. My initiatives at the National level are included in the

Jaffna Province Team Report . The following are my contributions at the Regional level: 1. Coordinating and supporting sharing the CALL I forwarded all the relevant documents received from Rome to the National Team Leaders and the Presidents of the Philippines, India, Pakistan and the Colombo & Jaffna Provinces in Sri Lanka with a covering letter emphasizing the CALL of the Congress. I received acknowledgement from all the members with information on their efforts to share the CALL of the Congress.

I received information from Sr. Ida Joseph, the National Leader of the Lay Associates of the Philippines about the sharing with the sisters and the Lay Associates on 10.11.2012.

I received information from Mr. Mary Benjamin the National President of India on sharing the CALL of the Congress with different groups on 5th December 2012.

Mr. Habel the National President of Pakistan informed me of his efforts to share the call with the Lay Associates on 09.11.2012.

Sr. Arokiam Mary National Leader of India informed me of her sharing of the call on 02.11.2012 and 31.12.2012.

Sr. Janet the National Leader of Pakistan informed me of her work on 2nd January 2013

Ms. Soundarie Piterz the National President of the Colombo Province of Sri Lanka informed me of their plans to share the CALL on 2nd January 2013,

I continue to communicate with the Lay Associates on the progress of the sharing. 2. Promoting Collaboration. I forwarded the letter on the war in Congo received from Sr. Eithne on 24th Dec. 2012 to all on 29th December 2012 and reminded them of the need to stand up for the rights of the voiceless and the vulnerable by collaborating with others.

I exchanged communication with Sr. Sheila of Pakistan on the issue of Congo and tried to reach out to Avaaz.

I sent information on Avaaz, an online campaigner for issues on social justice and democracy with the intention of creating awareness on the available network for COLLABORATION on pertaining issues as declared in the CALL of the Congress on 28th December 2012


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3. Promoting Communion among the Family I shared the news of the death of Fr. Benny’s sister in the Philippines and the father of Sr. Arokiam Mary of India to promote communion and give the assurance of the closeness of the Family. 4. Information – a tool for promoting Communion I am planning to promote Pro-Asia as a source of sharing the efforts of the different countries of Asia among themselves and with others. 5. Suggestions for Phase III:

A holistic understanding of the FAMILY concept interconnecting all the elements in the light of God’s dream is a challenge and needs to be explored. The Common Call emphasizes the urgent need for Common Formation and hence a step-by-step approach should be worked out. The Regional Congresses of the Lay Associates that are due this year could provide the opportunity to:

- share the efforts made to respond to the CALL and the challenges - make concrete Common Action Plans - include intervocational presence etc.

Regina Ramalingam

Continental Leader-Asia

e, Sisters Malini, Anne Curie and Rishmala, shared with our community our experiences of Phase 2 of the Congress, informally at table as soon as we returned and later at a community meeting. Although the sisters had followed with great

interest the Congress web site, they were very interested in hearing more about what we had lived in Martillac, how we personally felt as we participated … shared with other Vocations… and reflected and worked as a Family. We had a second community meeting with the Congress Document in hand. We took time to read it together, to clarify where necessary and to answer the Sisters’ questions… They were happy to recognize in the Document some of their desires expressed in their sharing during Phase I. Having given sufficient time to the Sisters to reflect on the Document, a third meeting was held at which further questions and feelings were expressed.


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The challenge to each one to be responsible for the whole Family.

Regarding ‘suggestions to help implementation’, questions arose as to how far we can enter into what is suggested…e.g. inter-vocational communities.

The need for space and time to live the demands of the Congress. It is a slow process.

Much emphasis was placed on the importance of a dynamic Family Team at national level.

This Congress encourages us to feel more deeply our oneness as a Family at heart level.

At the end of the meeting, we decided on some small steps we can take in the light of what is said in the Document.

The Contemplatives Sisters in Nagoda,

Malini, Anne Curie and Rishmala

n the Delegation of the Philippines, the three Participants of the 4th Congress – Sr. Ida Joseph, Fr. Benedicto Furo and Teresita Esteves devoted quality time to meet together to prepare the Sharing of the Holy Family Congress Phase II.

Sr. Ida Joseph was tasked to report on the experience of the Congress - Phase II during the Delegation Assembly of the Apostolic Sisters on 14th October, 2012. Fr. Benedicto Furo was tasked to report the experience of the Congress - Phase II to the Priest Associates on November 11, 2012.

The three of them as a Team reported it to the Inter-Vocational Team on the 3rd December. Sr. Ida Joseph, Teresita Esteves and Albano Estavillo from the Inter-Vocational Team reported it to the Lay Associates of Bulan on 12th December. Sr. Ida Joseph with Sr. Bernadette from the Inter-vocational Team reported it to the Lay Associates of Manila on the 16th December. The three participants made the presentation in such a way that the whole Delegation was able to journey through the details of the Congress. We journeyed together, listening to the Spirit and listening to one another and to what the Family is saying. To reap the harvest of the lived experience of the Congress, the Team shared the proceedings of Phase II in detail.


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As a FAMILY, we want to hear the message from the Family in our country and in our context.

This introduction set the tone and atmosphere for the sharing of HF Congress Phase II. Sr. Ida said that their task is simply to lead all of us to enter into the spirit of the Congress Phase II and to journey through it to taste and to experience the journey that had already been started in Phase I which is now leading us to Phase II and III. We were led into this journey gradually and step by step with the help of a power point presentation that clearly explained the proceedings of the Congress at Inter-vocational, Vocational and Continental levels. The Sharing commenced with the Power Point presentation – The Prayer for the Congress – beautifully illustrated by a Lay Associate of Spain, which placed us in the atmosphere of being surrounded by All Life, the Family and the spirit of God Alone. Sr. Margaret Muldoon’s opening address was highlighted. It was a call to change, a challenge to move forward, an affirmation of who we are and an invitation to go beyond. Throughout the sharing, we could clearly see the aspirations, desires, dreams, zeal and the urgency to move forward together as Family. We entered into the different cultures, languages and vocational back-grounds (many, diverse and different) through the detailed responses of each vocational, inter-vocational and language groups - all working and moving beautifully towards the realization of the one goal of “Family on Mission; Gift in a changing World.” The aspect of Family was very present and that evoked in us a deep sense of inter-connectedness to the Source, to All Life and to the PBN FAMILY. The Team worked through all the Themes for the 7 days of the Congress, emphasizing the importance of each working stage leading to the broader and particular theme FAMILY on Mission; GIFT in a changing World. While sharing, they made us Listen and observe what the different countries are saying in their own context and how the Spirit is leading us all to listen to what the Family is saying. We kept on recalling the Founder’s Dream – the many kinds of flowers, fruits and birds and the many nationalities singing the same song Glory be to God Alone. The Team gave us in a nutshell the soul-searching reflections of Sr. Nellie MacLaughlin, which we felt is timely and appropriate towards our journey of becoming the Gift in a changing World. Ida said that it will form part of our animation during the One Year period of Phase III for deeper reflection into the Emerging New World View and the urgent call for a new mindset to move forward. The Final Statement as a FAMILY, we felt, is the fruit of the labour of all of us as we have journeyed from the first phase up to now in mind and spirit. The Sharing was very lively, leading to reflection, allowing us to question and calling us to move together as a Family in our context and at the level of the Delegation.

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How was it received? APPRECIATION :

We appreciate the work done by our General Leadership Team, the Council of the Family and the Preparatory Commission. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!

“All may be one” was very visible. The power and beauty of being a Family was shown and lived.

All the Five Vocations coming together to reflect and work together is a praise-worthy event. Surely, our beloved Founder was smiling at us!

The Family face of the Association was very visible throughout the Congress. We were very connected to it through prayer and the Website. Thanks to the

Information Team. Well done! We journeyed together through reflections and prayer. In the sharing we were able

to gather the fruits. IMPRESSIONS ABOUT THE SHARING:

The sharing was well prepared and presented effectively. We journeyed together. Thanks to the Team.

The sharing was done in an appropriate manner and has given the full picture of the Congress journey as a lived experience .

It was shared with conviction and delivered effectively and made us part of the Congress atmosphere and of the actual event as it happened.

The sharing prompted us to question ourselves on the many points. It linked us to the different contexts, cultures and countries and to all five Vocations. The sharing gave us the sense of Communion and Family.


To live in our own context the outcome of the Congress journey is our responsibility.

It calls us to recognize the urgent need for a change of mind set – a new way of relating to God, to deepen our understanding of the Charism and to live our Mission of Communion in the light of this new consciousness. A call to transformation from within to become one in mind and heart.

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The contribution of the different continents and countries were enriching and deep.

We heard clearly the call to act and to set out as “Family” to become gift.

We are invited to give more importance to listening to the Word of God and to centre our lives on the Eucharist.

We are looking forward to the rest of the Sharing of Congress Phase II and to moving on to Phase III. It is very exciting.

irst of all we planned a programme for sharing the Congress experience. We met the Delegation Council at Chennai, shared with them our Congress

experience and told them of our programme for sharing. We translated the Congress declarations and the guidelines into different regional languages for distribution to the members. We visited each community and shared our experience. The following were shared with the Apostolic Sisters, Consecrated Seculars and Lay Associates. The Priest Associates were taken care of by Fr Analin, and there are no contemplative sisters in India.

We experienced unity in diversity. We had a great desire to understand and deepen our identity as one family.

Each vocation is unique. We need to respect and collaborate with each other in complementarity.

Regular and effective communication is necessary for promoting communion among us. We need to change our mind-set and be open to unlearn old views and learn new views. We had a chance to rediscover the richness of our universe and understand it in a new

and integrated way. We are in an interconnected, interrelated and interdependent web of relationship. The environment shapes our life and our life shapes the environment. We should have a contemplative approach to everything. We should be the bearers of hope and joy to the suffering humanity. We need common formation to face the new challenges. The talks given by Sr. Nellie were shared using the power-point presentation. We also shared on what we had seen in the hermitage, the island and Bordeaux. We shared the photographs taken during the Congress.


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The sharing was received well by all with great enthusiasm and interest in the new way of understanding our charism. There were questions about the new universe story in relation to the book of Genesis. We could feel the unity of the members and their openness to listen to new things. Everyone appreciated the sharing. We suggested that the groups reflect on the Congress Declarations and the guidelines point by point and send feedback.

Sr Mary Arokiam Apostolic Sister, Mr Benjamin Alangaram Lay Associate INDIA

visited all the communities in the delegation and shared with them the richness of the congress. The Sisters were very taken by the idea that all the five Vocations form our big Family and how we all work together to enhance our charism. The importance of

communication between the Vocations was welcomed and the Sisters felt that this aspect should be given prominence. The Sisters also felt the different Vocations need to come together to share experiences of how we live our responsibilities of being Family. Today our country is going through tremendous hardship and we, as a Family, must understand the real situation and work with other groups for the betterment of the big family of God.

To share with others, specially teachers, students and parish community the idea of the new vision of the universe.

We also shared the need to overcome our old way of thinking and look at the world with new eyes.

We also shared on ways and means of coming closer to youth. We felt that today we have to go to them and help them to understand the world today.

As communities we felt the need to be more contemplative in our outlook and to re-read our Founder’s writings in the light of the new vision.

The Sisters felt the need to read the word of God with a new understanding.

We also felt the need to increase our family visits so that we come to know the suffering of the people. Today we come across so many broken families and children who are orphaned.

The Sisters said that the present-day need is to bring unity to families.

After listening to the sharing, the Sisters were more aware of the need to care for mother earth. The Congress had given us a new impetus in this regard.

We felt the need to become aware of other groups working to build a better world. I felt after sharing that the Sisters are very aware that the Congress has unfolded a big gift which we have to live and share.

Jenet Pakistan


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n the month of October 2012 the apostolic sisters had the 150th anniversary celebrations of their arrival in Sri Lanka. All the five Vocations were involved in the various activities organized by them and it was truly a family celebration. This experience of the oneness of the Family became a good starting point for us to launch into the 3rd

phase of the Congress. The first intervocational meeting was organized at Holy Family Convent, Wenappuwa on 26, 27 November 2012 in which 20 priest associates, 2 secular members, 5 apostolic sisters, and 7 lay associates participated. Unfortunately the contemplatives could not attend this meeting. It was led by Fr. J. Nicholas, Sr. Arul and Mrs. Regina Ramalingam. It was a meeting at national level and the participants of the Congress were present. The group felt that the sharing of the fruits of the Congress should be done both vocationally and intervocationally. With the help of the leaders of each Vocation the resource persons will draw up the programme for the members of the Family at zonal level to transmit the fruits and the experiences of the Congress.

On the 8, 9 December 2012 a zonal meeting was organized at Holy Family Convent, Parapankandal, Mannar in which 11 apostolic sisters and 21 lay associates took part. Sr. Arul and Mrs. Regina Ramalingam led the group. The members were able understand the calls of the Congress and a plan of action was discussed. It was decided to have a meeting with all the zonal leaders and draw up programme for the Lay Associates. The seculars had a meeting from 8 to 11 December 2012 at Mathagal, Jaffna in which 8 members participated. Miss. Pathmasegary led the group. The calls and reflections were explained and each member was asked to study personally

the outcome of the Congress and to meet again in April this year. On 5 January 2013 an intervocational meeting was held at Holy Family Convent, Jaffna in which 22 Apostolic Sisters, 13 Lay Associates, 6 Priest Associates and 4 Consecrated Seculars participated. Fr. J. Nicholas, Sr. Arul and Miss. Pathmasegary led the group. A committee of 12 members was appointed for the transmission of the fruits of the Congress at regional level. Five projects were planned by the participant to visit remote and neglected villages to make the charism visible within a period of six months. Common retreats and formation programmes were planned and the committee responsible will organize them in due time. Mrs. Regina Ramalingam has made the effort to meet the National Leader of the Lay Associates and the Sisters concerned to draw up the programme for the laity. She has translated into Tamil the sharings and calls of the Congress which is very useful for our meetings and animation programmes. All those who participated in our meeting showed great enthusiasm and expressed their desire to study more deeply the calls of the Congress. Many have volunteered to help with leading our future programmes and cooperate in the projects proposed in the meetings.


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The need for common formation was welcomed by all. All the members experienced the oneness of the family and want to journey together as one Family.


1. To have regular contact with the leaders and resource persons at continental level and communicate the progress of the Congress in order to enrich each other.

2. To publish the outcome of the meetings, seminars and plan of action to the whole Family.

3. To continue to live the spirit of the Congress until the next one. A plan with various themes for each year will be very helpful in working systematically.

Mrs. Regina Ramalingam, Lay Associates (Asian Leader)

Sr.Arul Mathias (Apostolic) Miss Pathmasegary (Secular Consecrated) and

Fr. J. Nicholas (Priest Associate) Jaffna- Sri lanka