In a Nutshell - The Administrative Procedure

The Administrative Procedure in a Nutshell by: Kent Bengtsson Before you carry on here, beware of this: Although I have tried to think of everything in the text below, I may have omitted things, I may have some things wrong and there may be factors in this process that I am not aware of. Therefore DO NOT take anything here as truth. This is a description of how I do things or suggest one does them, it is not to be interpreted as legal advice or a foolproof system. This information is given for entertainment purposes and as an account of what I would do. If you decide to use anything described here, you are doing so at your own risk. Do not point any fingers at me or try to shift the blame for any problems you may find yourself in as a result of using any information given below. Do not do anything you do not fully understand and for which you are not willing to take the potential consequences. Study the concepts and any related materials until you have a good understanding of the subject and can make informed decisions on your own. There may be many factors that play a role in whether you will be successful or not in using this, and many of these may not be covered below. Even if the paper process is without fault, you may be tested by police, Government Officials, Court Officials, Judges & Magistrates, etc. and if you cannot hold your own with these people and avoid the traps they will be setting for you, you could make your paperwork null and void in an instant. My favourite philosopher L. Ron Hubbard, wrote this once: “If one fully understands something, he cannot be the adverse effect of it” I am sure you can relate to this. The areas of life where you are knowledgeable and fully competent are not the areas that gives you any headaches. True? So if we have problems with Taxes, Money, Government, millions of rules and regulations and rapidly disappearing Freedoms and Rights, we probably do not know all there is to know in these fields. So if you decide to travel this road, keep travelling it all the way. It may be hard going at first, but it will get better and better, and in a few years you may find yourself more free and independent than you thought ever would be possible in the world of today. Hi, This text is mainly for the people who have joined my mailing list, where I give tips and try to pass


“If one fully understands something, he cannot be the adverse effect of it” L. Ron Hubbard

Transcript of In a Nutshell - The Administrative Procedure

  • The Administrative Procedure in a Nutshell

    by: Kent Bengtsson

    Before you carry on here, beware of this: Although I have tried to think of everything in the text below, I may have omitted things, I may have some things wrong and

    there may be factors in this process that I am not aware of. Therefore DO NOT take anything here as truth.

    This is a description of how I do things or suggest one does them, it is not to be interpreted as legal advice or a foolproof system.

    This information is given for entertainment purposes and as an account of what I would do. If you decide to use anything

    described here, you are doing so at your own risk. Do not point any fingers at me or try to shift the blame for any

    problems you may find yourself in as a result of using any information given below.

    Do not do anything you do not fully understand and for which you are

    not willing to take the potential consequences. Study the concepts and any related materials until you have a good

    understanding of the subject and can make informed decisions on your own.

    There may be many factors that play a role in whether you will be successful or not in using this, and many of these may not be covered below.

    Even if the paper process is without fault, you may be tested by police, Government Officials, Court Officials, Judges & Magistrates, etc.

    and if you cannot hold your own with these people and avoid the traps they will be setting for you, you could make your paperwork null and

    void in an instant.

    My favourite philosopher L. Ron Hubbard, wrote this once: If one fully understands something, he cannot be the

    adverse effect of it I am sure you can relate to this. The areas of life where you are knowledgeable

    and fully competent are not the areas that gives you any headaches. True? So if we have problems with Taxes, Money, Government, millions of rules and regulations

    and rapidly disappearing Freedoms and Rights, we probably do not know all there is to know in these fields.

    So if you decide to travel this road, keep travelling it all the way.

    It may be hard going at first, but it will get better and better, and in a few years you may find yourself more free and independent than you thought

    ever would be possible in the world of today.

    Hi, This text is mainly for the people who have joined my mailing list, where I give tips and try to pass

  • on materials to freedom seekers. Since I have kind of bribed people to join the list by offering templates on how to deal with Penalty Charge Notices, I feel I should provide a more in depth description on how to use this procedure. Some of you have then written and asked questions about how exactly to go about dealing with different matters, and I find myself writing the same things over and over, but also not saying many things that I think matters, just because I cannot write everything in an e-mail. So this is an attempt to remedy this, since I feel I started it, by giving out template letters. I have tried to outline below how to best go about an Administrative Procedure in the private (as opposed to the fictitious world of the Public. I hope I do not end up writing a small book.

    Your Choice I suggest you view anything that is presented to you from the Public as an Offer to Contract. It does not matter if it is a Parking Ticket, a Tax Bill, a Utility Bill, a Voters Roll form, being told you have to take a vaccine, or a policeman stopping you for some traffic violation. With every offer you have four doors to go trough. You can agree. Example: pay the bill or fine or agree to take what they dish out. This is an honourable option. You are honouring them or their presentment. You can conditionally agree. Example: I'll gladly pay your fine, if you can show me how I agreed to be governed by the statutes you base it on, in the first place. Or, I will be happy to show you a drivers licence, if you first show me a photo ID proving without a shadow of a doubt that you are a genuine policeman, and if you agree that by showing you a drivers licence, I have in no way granted you any jurisdiction over me or abandoned any of my inalienable rights. This too is honourable, and it also has the additional beneficial effect of acting as a counter offer in contract negotiations, making the original offer null and void and placing your offer on top. You can argue. Example: How can it be a crime if no one got hurt? Why should I pay taxes that may go to murdering innocent civilians in far off countries like Iraq and Afghanistan? I never agreed to be ruled by you people. I am a sovereign, leave me alone. And last, you can remain silent. Example: I stand on my right to remain silent (or not bear witness against myself) and then say nothing more. Or, you get a presentment in the mail, and you do not reply to it within three days, or any time limit given to respond. The last two are not honourable, and will most likely lead you to a Guilty verdict down the line, if it is any serious matter. There is possibly a fifth door. It is called confess and avoid. This is practised very much by Politicians and people within the legal profession and also by people in general. Example: Voice on the telephone: Are you John Doe? You: What is this regarding? or How can I help you? You did not answer the direct question but also did not deny that you are John Doe, but turned the attention to something else. These are your choices with any offer, and I encourage you to view anything coming your way as an offer and then decide which door to go trough. Even Please take out the garbage. is an offer, and if you know what is good for you, you better accept. (I guess you can tell I'm a man sorry

  • ladies for the biased writing).

    Public and Private

    To do the process below, it would help to understand a little about our modern society. This can be a bit tricky to get ones head around, and if you are not comfortable with these concepts, stay in the Public with your actions. Public: This is a world that is the product of the human mind (fictions) and that is mutually agreed upon by those that participate in it. It is ideas expressed on paper or in documents in computers. Examples: MacDonalds Inc. The United Nations, Microsoft Corporation, the UK Government, Amnesty International. Most people can see that these things are basically fictions. The buildings, the people and the papers or hard discs are real, but on their own these real objects do not make up the fiction, the fiction is the registered titles the Corporate Rules etc. Most people can see this. But most people do not realize that their person is also a fiction. When I say person I mean that entity that get sent all the bills and presentments from the public. Usually written in CAPITAL LETTERS or with a title before the name (Mr, Mrs, Ms) but the form is not essential. If if comes from a public entity, is is addressed to the person (also called Strawman), because the public cannot see the Private or interact with the real man or woman. Your mother (registering your birth) and later in life you (signing all kinds of forms and applications) together with the state created a trust called the same as your Christian name plus Family name (JOHN DOE), which is the vessel you use to sail the fictitious sea of commerce and which acts as a go between, between the Private and the Public. There is more to all this, but that is the subject for another book. Most people think that they (the living man or woman) and the person/trust is one and the same. This suits the Powers that Be, because they own the person/trust, and what you own you can do what you want with. They do not however own the real body and mind living man or woman and have no authority over them, so they invest a considerable amount of energy in keeping us in the dark about who we really are. We were born free, created by Nature, God or the Universe (depending on ones beliefs) with inalienable rights that no worldly power can touch. Involuntary Servitude (slavery) has long been abolished. This means no man can become a servant to another without his consent. So if you hand over 75% of the fruits of your labour (taxes etc.) to the Government, be certain that you volunteered to do so. When doing the process below, one best does it from outside the Public as a Private Man or Woman. This is why the address of the sender (you) is written like it is. This is why is says This is a Private contract between the parties in the headings. But if this public private stuff does not make sense to you, you can still do this and you might have some success. It is still contracting. Never do anything you do not understand yourself.

  • The Process

    Below is a series of letters and how to send them etc. This is basically a method of establishing agreement, so that if the matter should ever end up before someone who will have to decide which party is more right than the other (like a judge), it will be clear who have been acting honourable and who has not. Who has violated the contract and who has honoured it. Justice is blind she just weighs opposing claims. I have picked a debt collector demand as an example, since this is a common matter. But the process as such can be applied to any matter where claims are being made on you or your Strawman/Person. Just apply these principles and put together your own Notices as applicable to your matter at hand. If you decide to use the letters I have given you below, make ABSOLUTELY SURE that you have deleted any names, dates and figures I have put in these letters, and make them yours by writing them in a way that you would have worded them. Imagine what a fool you will look like if you leave in one of my fictitious names in your process. Letter one: Recorded Mail # H666 666 GB John Adam Smith, a man, non resident non individual. c/o: 123 Broke Street Anytown Brokeshire near: [AT22 6QW] non-domestic, without the UK 10 October 2010 Humbug & Bah Ltd. 99 Easy Street Gravy Town GT12 3HH


    This is a Private Contract between the Parties.

    Re: Your letter of demand dated 5 October 2010, reference: X123456789 VISA Gold. I am in receipt of your computer generated letter asserting that Mr. JOHN A SMITH owes VISA Gold 11,435.17 which you would like paid to you. You are erroneously claiming Civil Dispute between us. There is none to my knowledge.

  • There must be a contract between us. Contract Law supersedes all Acts of Parliament, Rules, Regulations and Statutes. If you are the Fiduciary in this matter, I need a copy of the contract between us to continue further communication. I do not give permission or consent by assent for you to enter as a third party to this alleged civil dispute, nor to issue letters of threat to Mr. JOHN A SMITH, including you reporting to various credit reporting agencies. My house is private, my telephone and e-mail are private. My person is private and for private use by myself and by those with whom I may contract. If you are attempting to enter this alleged civil dispute without contract or my permission, you are in trespass. I am not a corporation. Produce a Contract, Delegation of Authority, Regulatory Authority or cease and desist. Unless you are a Secured Party, Holder-in-Due Course, Creditor, Debtor or Signer on the Original Contract, you are a third party. You are a liability and no assistance. Take Notice: You are lawfully and legally dismissed. I will not discuss my Private Affairs with an Unqualified Third Party Am I not correct in stating that any contract that Mr. JOHN A SMITH might have with VISA Gold is governed by the Contracts [Rights of Third Parties, Act 1999]? Am I also not correct in stating that [S1 Contracts, Rights of Third Parties, Act 1999] sets out the circumstances in which a third party may seek to enforce the terms of a contract? As no third party was expressly identified by name as required under [Section 1, Sub-sections 1 - 3 of the above Act] you are not a third party to the contract and have no rights in this matter. You have 30 days to provide the a contract between us or other proof asked for above, that establishes without any doubt that I have any obligation toward your company. Any documentation must be originals or certified copies. Any statements must be sworn to by a living man or woman under his/her full commercial liability and under penalty of perjury. If you cannot provide the proof requested, in the form requested, within the 30 days of receipt of this Notice, you agree to cease and desist in this matter. Failure to respond will be interpreted as agreement with the conditions given in this Notice. Failure to cease and desist, without providing the requested proofs, after the time limit has run out may result in demands for damages as a result of your commercial dishonour. In your next timely correspondence, please forward the instrument that establishes the alleged debtors obligation to perform as you request, plus your ID and Delegation of Authority, otherwise you will be accepting my offer to provide letter writing services at 1,000.00 per correspondence. The same fee will apply to dealing with phone calls from your company or personal visits (applicable jointly and severally to any agents). If you accept my offer to provide this service, simply send any correspondence other than what I have requested. Any and all replies to this Notice are to be sent to: Mike Brown Neutral Street Freetown Independence County FT89 6QS who will act as an impartial witness to this process. Sincerely and without ill will by:

  • John Adam of the Smith family, the sentient soul of a living breathing man. Authorized Representative for Mr. JOHN ADAM SMITH or any variation thereof. WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all Inalienable Natural Rights Reserved. Attachment: Certificate of mailing by Mike Brown (signed original on file). ----------- Place a seal over your autograph (a thumb print is a good one). This makes it more of an authentic private enforceable contract, according to some. Even better place a postage stamp where you will sign and sign over it, and then place you thumb print on top, this is said to place your document under the authority of the Universal Postal Union in Switzerland, giving it more clout. Now, this is maybe not the best letter to scare off Debt Collectors, but I have a reason to use this one, and that is the last paragraph. If they do not produce the proof you are asking for, but carry on trying to collect from you just reply that they still have not provided the proof you asked for and ask why on Earth you should pay any attention to what they say, without said proof. Then attach an Invoice for 1000.00 for you having to answer their letter, as per agreement of 10 October 2010. You can also take further actions to recover damages as set out further on in this process. They still have no contract with you, except one that says that you can bill them a thousand pounds for each of their letters, phone calls or visits you reply to, that does not provide the proof you have requested. Down the line, when you have learned more about this stuff, you can go after them for the debt they owe you, if you like. [Note: in dealing with debt collectors in any way, never make any statements or argue with them. Never agree that you owe the money they claim, and never comply with any of their demands, like: for security purposes we need you to answer the following questions: If you do, you have with your actions acknowledged that they have a claim or rights, and you have identified yourself as the Strawman/Debtor. Only ask questions. Be civil and courteous. And NEVER agree to pay anything, if you do, you have agreed there is a valid debt and that they have the right to collect it.] The above is a letter I have been using, but I have added things to it here so it can be used to illustrate the Administrative Process. If you want a letter that will get them running for the hills, go to and click on Audio at the top and then The Living Temple and then The Living Temple classes 2009 Then study session 21 and 22. This is also a very good follow up study to this text. It will make things more clear. A few comments about this letter are in place I believe. Why did I write my name and address in that way? This is a letter from the PRIVATE man. He does not reside in the corporation called The UK he resides in the real universe, not the fictitious PUBLIC realm. The post code designates a place within the fiction The UK, that is why it is in brackets, which means it is not there. For the same reason the references to relevant Acts, are in brackets. They are not there in this letter as far as I am concerned, they are just mentioned in brackets so that the Debt Collector is made aware of what he violates in his jurisdiction.

  • Also notice that I make a distinction between the alleged debtor and myself. Mr. JOHN A SMITH is a fictitious entity in the Public. He can be seen in the public, because nothing in the public is real. Donald Duck can see Micky Mouse, but they cannot see Walt Disney who drew them, although he can see them. Of course Humbug & Bah Ltd. cannot see John Adam of the Smith family, so you might ask Why bother writing like this?. We are writing like this, because a Judge in Chambers can see both sides, and if we play our cards right, we may get public confirmation of the contract with the help of a Judge in Chambers at some time in the future. John also refer to himself as the soul of a living breathing man. If this goes against your beliefs, leave out the soul. But They (the masters of our current economical and political system) have got us to contract away practically everything, even the right to our own bodies, so the only sovereign entity left is the soul or the spirit (which they teach us in school, does not exist). This happens to agree with my understanding of life. Look at the Soul or Spirit as the software and the body as the hardware. Software can migrate between different hardware. I have included the Registered Mail number I am using. To do this you have to go to the Post Office and ask for some Registered Mail stickers, so you can see the numbers, or you can fill them in by hand in the post office once a sticker has been placed on the envelope as long as you leave the envelope open. If they reply Usually no one will be willing to reply to your notice especially not in the way you have stipulated. You may just get another computer generated demand. Do not ignore anything they send you, but reply within 3 days. If you do, you may just lose your contract. For anything other than what I requested, I would just get out my red pen and write diagonally across the face of what they sent REFUSED FOR CAUSE, Insufficient Frivolous Response. See Attached Notice of 10 October 2010 for how to properly respond. or something to that effect. Then I would make a copy for my files and return the original to Humbug & Bah Ltd. You may get letters from them or their lawyers saying thing like: What you are doing is just an Internet scam, and has no legal significance what so ever. or According to the terms and conditions of your loan agreement with VISA Gold, you have agreed that VISA Gold can sell or assign a third party debt collector to the account if you do not keep up your payments as agreed. To this I reply something along the line, I have no objection to VISA Gold selling or passing the account on isn't it their account? Are they not free to do what they want with their account? How does that give me any obligation to deal with you, since I still have no contract with Humbug & Bah Ltd.? Or they may quote some Act of parliament that they believe gives them the right to act as they do. Ask them to prove that this legislation applies to you or a real living man or woman, and not just the artificial person/citizen/resident. Basically, they have no contract, so you can safely toss anything they send back (with an invoice, if the time limit given is up). Return the original always and make a copy for your own complete record. The witness: Make and print out two copies of this Certificate. Have an unsigned one go with your Notice and have Mike Brown sign the other one and retain it for his records, or you keep it.

  • The best way to do the third party witness is to use a Notary. Many notaries may not be willing to do this, that is why I have used a friend in this example. But a notaries Certificate of Non-Response carries more weight in a Court. If you use a notary, make sure you write the forms for him in such a way that it is clear that he is nothing but a witness, and have had no input in the process or the wording of the Notices or forms, if you neglect this he may lose his notary status. -------


    I ________________________________(name) of _____________________________(address) hereby attest to the fact that I put in an envelope the following document: ________________________________________________________(name of your Notice) written by John Adam Smith on ______day of _____________, 2010 and mailed same at the main post office of Neutral Town, to _______________________(name of recipient) recorded mail. Recorder mail number;___________ I did this at __________day of_________, 2010. Autograph:______________________ Date:__________________________ --------

  • Letter two: Recorded Mail # H777 777 GB John Adam Smith, a man, non resident non individual. c/o: 123 Broke Street Anytown Brokeshire near: [AT22 6QW] non-domestic, without the UK 15 November 2010 Humbug & Bah Ltd. 99 Easy Street Gravy Town GT12 3HH

    Private, Confidential. attention: Ben Scrooge, CEO.


    This is a Private Contract between the Parties.

    Dear Mr. Ben Scrooge, I am sending you this notice because I never received an answer to the attached Notice of 10 October 2010, as stipulated in that notice. In case that was a mistake or oversight by your staff, I am hereby giving you, or someone from your company, a second chance to reply to the attached notice in the substance and form requested in said notice. I am giving you a generous ten days to reply. If you or a member of your staff fails to reply as stipulated, Humbug & Bah Ltd. will be in default regarding this matter and you may lay your company and yourself and any member of your staff personally, that have been dealing with this matter open to a lien on your funds, assets and property in order to recover any charges you have incurred in your unlawful collection attempts as well as penalties for your commercial dishonour of up to the amount of 100,000.00. If you do not want to answer the attached notice as requested, you have the second option of sending undersigned a letter stating that you are no longer handling this account and have returned it to your former client. This letter has to be sent within the ten days time limit given or you will be in dishonour. If you have any outstanding invoices, from charges your company has incurred as per the attached notice, you need to settle these in order to stop any further actions being taken as per above. Any and all replies to this Notice are to be sent to:

  • Mike Brown Neutral Street Freetown Independence County FT89 6QS who will act as an impartial witness to this process. I am looking forward to your timely response. Sincerely, without ill will, by: John Adam of the Smith family, the sentient soul of a living breathing man. Authorized Representative for Mr. JOHN ADAM SMITH or any variation thereof. WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all Inalienable Natural Rights Reserved. Attached: Copy of: Notice of no Civil Dispute, dated 10 October 2010 Certificate of mailing (signed original on file) ----------- This time I have addressed the notice to the CEO or whatever title the head of the collection agency holds. There are websites you can pay to get this information, but a search in Google will usually turn up some forum posts about them where the boss will be named. Also, I try to find a physical address for my private communication, rather than a PO Box address. This is just a second chance for them to come into honour. Lets be civil and give our fellow man a chance to set things right.

  • Letter three: Recorded Mail # H888 888 GB John Adam Smith, a man, non resident non individual. c/o: 123 Broke Street Anytown Brokeshire near: [AT22 6QW] non-domestic, without the UK 30 November 2010 Humbug & Bah Ltd. 99 Easy Street Gravy Town GT12 3HH

    Private, Confidential. attention: Ben Scrooge, CEO.


    This is a Private Contract between the Parties.

    Dear Mr. Ben Scrooge, I am sending you this notice because I never received an answer to the attached Notice of 10 October 2010, as stipulated in that notice nor to my Notice of Fault of 15 November 2010 (attached). You are now in default. In case that was a mistake or oversight by you or your staff, I am hereby giving you, or someone from your company, a third chance to reply to the attached notice of 10 October 2010, in the substance and form requested in said notice. I am giving you another generous ten days to reply. If you or a member of your staff fails to reply as stipulated, Humbug & Bah Ltd. will be in default regarding this matter and you may lay your company and yourself and any member of your staff personally, that have been dealing with this matter open to a lien on your funds, assets and property in order to recover any charges you have incurred in your unlawful collection attempts as well as penalties for your commercial dishonour of up to the amount of 100,000.00. If you do not want to answer the attached notice as requested, you have the second option of sending undersigned a letter stating that you are no longer handling this account and have returned it to your former client. This letter has to be sent within the ten days time limit given or you will be deemed in dishonour. If you have any outstanding invoices, from charges your company has incurred as per the attached notice, you need to settle these in order to stop any further actions being taken as per above.

  • Any and all replies to this Notice are to be sent to: Mike Brown Neutral Street Freetown Independence County FT89 6QS who will act as an impartial witness to this process. I am looking forward to your timely response. This is the final opportunity to set this matter right. If I have not had a proper response from you or a member of your staff within ten days of receipt of this notice, you have by your failure to respond agreed to all conditions laid out in this and former notices on this matter and the enforcement thereof. Sincerely, without ill will, by: John Adam of the Smith family, the sentient soul of a living breathing man. Authorized Representative for Mr. JOHN ADAM SMITH or any variation thereof. WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all Inalienable Natural Rights Reserved. Attached: Copy of: Notice of no Civil Dispute, dated 10 October 2010 Certificate of mailing (signed original on file) ---------- Now you have given them three opportunities to set the matter right. Now no one can say you did not give ample warning before you take any further actions. Now if you still have no proper response or a letter informing you that this matter has been returned to VISA Gold, you can have Mike Brown sign the certificate below and turn over his signed copies of the Certificates of Mailing (if he held them) to you.


    I Mike Brown, of...(address) hereby certify that I have received no response from Humbug & Bah Ltd. to the any of the Notices John Adam of the Smith family asked me to mail for him, (that complied with the stipulated ways to reply, as given in said notices include if applicable). This is true. Autograph: ____________________________ Date:_________________________________ --------- You now have a complete process and a private judgement. You could now continue with a Commercial Lien process (not taught here, and to be regarded as advanced material. You could hurt yourself and others with this) or sell the debt Humbug & Bah now owes you to a collection agency and let them collect for you. And they now have someone who can verify a genuine debt (you) if they like to take the matter to a public Court. Many Bailiff companies are actually not proper authorized Bailiffs, but rather Debt Collection Companies. You could use one of these. But we sovereigns should be nice people and not needlessly hurt the poor souls that think that they are persons, citizens, taxpayers, etc. So if they have not been especially nasty and unpleasant in dealing with you (thereby needing their fingers slapped) why not let the matter rest? Of course if they still insist that you owe them money, by all means go ahead and teach them a lesson. This pretty much covers the Private Administrative Process, as I understand it. Remember, I do not encourage anyone to do anything they do not understand fully and feel comfortable with and for which they are not willing to take any consequences that may come their way as a result of doing any of the hare brained things I do. There is no substitute for study. Study all the stuff at for a very thorough understanding of this and much more. Other people that teach this stuff are: Winston Shrout. His web site is or search for his videos in YouTube or BlipTV. Tim Turner. Search in Google Victoria Joy. Search in Google

  • If this was sent to you by someone else than me, and you would like to join my mailing list, you can do so at . Then you will get weekly tips or links or stuff related to freedom seeking. You will also get occasional updates on my own misadventures in legal land. I wish you all the best on this journey if you are one of the brave souls that are willing to travel this road in order that we might avoid complete and total slavery down the line. Kind Regards Kent Copyright 2010 by Kent Erik Bengtsson, all rights reserved. This text may be forwarded in e-mails or posted on web sites or forums, provided that it is not edited without my express permission. I can be reached on [email protected]