Implementing Guidelines in Data Analysis_May 31

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  • 7/26/2019 Implementing Guidelines in Data Analysis_May 31


    GUIDELINE Internal

    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) 1 of 19


    Guidelines inPractical Data Analysis

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

    *+1,000- rev. 00

  • 7/26/2019 Implementing Guidelines in Data Analysis_May 31


    GUIDELINE Internal

    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) of 19

    Table of Contents

    1. OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................. 3

    2. SCOPE...........................................................................................................................................3

    3. RESPONSIBILITIES....................................................................................................................... 3

    4. CONTENT SOLUTIONS QUALITY GUIDING PRINCIPLE............................................................3

    5. TYPE OF REPORTS...................................................................................................................... 4

    6. COMMON METRICS AND KPIS................................................................................................... 5

    . DATA TYPES.................................................................................................................................. 6!. SAMPLING..................................................................................................................................... 6


    DATA ANALYSIS PROCESS FLO#....................................................................................................

    1$. GUIDELINES.................................................................................................................................. !

    11. APPENDICES............................................................................................................................... 14

    12. REVISION %ISTORY....................................................................................................................1

    13. REVIE# %ISTORY....................................................................................................................... 1

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

    *+1,000- rev. 00

    Issued by:Ronilo VillonesAssistant Manager, Content Solutions Quality



    by:Ra"il #elos ReyesSenior Quality Manager




  • 7/26/2019 Implementing Guidelines in Data Analysis_May 31


    GUIDELINE Internal

    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) / of 19

    1. OBJCTI!"

    'o establis( a guideline t(at )ill be i"le"ented a*ross Content Solutions )(i*( )ill assist

    all +usiness ro*ess Analyst and Quality ersonnel, ser!es as t(e data analyst, in ro!iding

    sound analysis reuired by internal and e.ternal *lients

    #. "COP

    '(e i"le"enting guidelines )ill *o!er *o""on reorting analysis reuested by t(einternal and e.ternal *lients ro" all sites o Content Solutions business units +2s3

    $. %"PO&"IBI'ITI"

    41 '(e Asso*iate Vi*e resident or Quality, is resonsible or t(e o!erall e.e*ution o t(eguideline )(i*( )ill be i"le"ented a*ross Content Solutions5

    4'(e Content Solutions Quality CSQ3 tea" )ill sear(ead t(e i"le"entation andensuring t(at t(e guidelines s(all stri*tly be i"le"ented, results are *onsistently

    "onitored and aroriate a*tion ite"s are or"ulated as ne*essary

    44 '(e +usiness 2nit +23 eads o Content Solutions 8erations and Suort tea"s3 areresonsible in dri!ing t(e i"le"enting guidelines in data analysis on t(eir rese*ti!eunits

    49 '(e data analyst ie, roe*t Manager, roe*t 8;*er, +usiness ro*ess Analyst, Quality8;*ers, Quality I"ro!e"ent Se*ialists, Suer!isor, or 'ea" e*ti!eness o t(e *orre*ti!e a*tions

    (. CO&T&T "O')TIO&" *)A'IT+ G)IDI&G P%I&CIP'

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

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    Content Solutions Quality is *o""itted in instilling *ontinuous i"ro!e"ent t(in=ing to all

    e"loyees o Si ?lobal @e are *o""itted to t(e *ontinuous i"ro!e"ent o uality

    a*ross all units o Content Solutions and to re"ain at t(e oreront o i"le"enting best

    ra*ti*e initiati!es )it(in Si ?lobal

    'ranslate t(e organiationBs strategy into obe*ti!es, "etri*s, initiati!es and tas=s*usto"ied to ea*( grou and indi!idual in t(e organiation5

    Monitor *riti*al business ro*esses and a*ti!ities using "etri*s o business

    eror"an*e t(at trigger alerts )(en otential roble"s arise5

    Analye t(e root *ause o roble"s by e.loring rele!ant and ti"ely inor"ation

    ro" "ultile erse*ti!es and at !arious le!els o detail5

    Manage eole and ro*esses to i"ro!e de*isions, oti"ie eror"an*e and steer

    t(e organiation in t(e rig(t dire*tion

    ,. T+P O- %PO%T"

    '(ere are di>erent reorting s*(e"es reuested by our internal and e.ternal *lients t(at

    )ill reuire di>erent le!el o analysis on t(e "etri*s asso*iated Sound analyses to t(ese

    reorts (el t(e ro*ess o)ners, arti*ularly t(e one )(o "anages t(e a**ount, to ro!ide

    a**urate de*ision/disosition on t(e root *auses identied

    D1 Proect Performance %eport E eror"an*e o t(e roe*t *o!ering t(e t(ree"aor roe*t eror"an*e *ategories: a3 Quality5 b3 #eli!ery5 and *3 Feedba*='(e reort is usually issued on a "ont(ly basis or )(en reuired by t(e *lientinternal or e.ternal3

    D -eedbac/ Analysis %eport E reort s(o)ing t(e eror"an*e o t(e roe*t inter"s o "anaging eedba*= re*ei!ed eriodi*ally '(e reort is usually issued on a"ont(ly basis or )(en reuired by t(e *lient internal or e.ternal3

    D4 Correction Analysis %eportE reort s(o)ing t(e eror"an*e o t(e *orre*tionro*ess as reuired by t(e *lient '(e reort is usually issued on a "ont(ly basis or)(en reuired by t(e *lient internal or e.ternal3

    D9 Inspection Analysis %eport E reort s(o)ing t(e internal eror"an*e orodu*tion '(e reort is issued at least on a )ee=ly basis or as reuired by t(eroe*t Manager

    DD Internal 0aluation %eport E reort s(o)ing t(e internal eror"an*e o t(ere!ious ro*ess '(e reort is issued at least on a )ee=ly basis or reuired by t(eroe*t Manager

    D6 %e0isionDisappro0al Analysis %eportE reort on t(e list o "ost disaro!edles sent by t(e se*i* *lient "ont(ly

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

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    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) of 19

    5.7 SeeAppendix 1for the possible sub components of the requested report.

    2. CO33O& 3T%IC" A&D 4PI5"

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

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    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) of 19





































    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.*+1,000- rev. 00

    PA%TIC)'A%" D"C%IPTIO& -O%3)'A

    A**etan*e rate AR3 Ratio o t(e a**eted les tot(e total inse*ted les

    accepted files

    inspected files 100

    C(ara*ter / FieldA**ura*y

    Ratio o a**urate*(ara*ters/elds to t(e total*(ara*ters/elds inse*ted

    accepted char / field

    inspected char/ field 100


    1( char/ field witherror

    inspected files )

    Grror er age G3 Ratio o t(e errors *o""ittedto t(e total ages inse*ted



    A**ura*y or G Con!ersion o G to a**ura*y exp (-epp)

    Sub"issioneror"an*e Suber3

    Ratio on t(e nu"ber o ti"esa le (as been sub"itted untilit (as been a**eted

    submissions of inspected fil


    'urn Around 'i"e'A'3

    '(e ti"e ta=en to *o"leteone *y*le o ro*ess/roe*t

    time spent

    completed files

    A!erage andling'i"e

    A!erage ti"e sent in*o"leting 1 transa*tion

    time spent

    completed transactions

    ro*essing 'i"e #uration in *o"leting onero*ess / roe*t

    End time Start time

    rodu*ti!ity Hu"ber o les t(at "ay be*o"leted )it(in a *ertaineriod

    files completed

    within thetime period

    Seat 2tiliation rodu*ti!e (ours or ea*(oerator oti"ied3

    handling time


    Inse*tion Reort and

    Hon-Conor"ingrodu*t #isositionIRH#3

    A tool used in re*ording errors

    sotted during inse*tionIRH# tool su""aries t(edata and generates gra(s oranalysis uroses

    Quality Manage"entSyste" QMS3

    A tool used in re*ording errorssotted during inse*tionQMS su""aries t(e data andgenerates gra(s or analysisuroses t(at readily ro!idet(e result to t(e sulier

    Corre*ti!e A*tionRegistry 8n-

  • 7/26/2019 Implementing Guidelines in Data Analysis_May 31


    GUIDELINE Internal

    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) 2 of 19

    6. DATA T+P"

    71 Continuous DataE Values or obser!ations "ay ta=e on any !alue )it(in a nite orinnite inter!al It *an be di!ided into ner and ner in*re"ents o re*ision"easurable3

    G.a"le:- A!erage (andling 'i"e a!erage o all in*urred ti"e3- 'urnaround 'i"e 'i"e started E ti"e sub"itted3- rodu*ti!e 'i"e start ti"e E end ti"e3

    7 Discrete DataE Values or obser!ations t(at is *ounted as distin*t and searate and*an only ta=e arti*ular !alues *ountable3

    G.a"le:- Grror er age o errors/ages inse*ted3- #is*onne*tion rate o dis*onne*tion/ days or )ee= or "ont(3- Figure a**ura*y total gures )it(out error/total gures inse*ted3

    7. "A3P'I&G

    J1 In general, t(e sa"ling "et(odology to be used is t(roug( KSa"ling by Conden*e

  • 7/26/2019 Implementing Guidelines in Data Analysis_May 31


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    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) - of 19

    @(ere:n *o"uted sa"le sie *onden*e le!el5 set at NDO C< 1N6 !alue3e "argin o error5 initially set at P 00D roortion set to 0D to obtain t(e "a.i"u" ossible sa"le sie5

    obtained ro" re!ious eriod

    H oulation )(ere you intend to sa"len *orre*t sa"le sie *o"uted3

    J4 '(e table belo) )ill be used as reeren*e in *o"uting or t(e sa"le sie using t(eabo!e or"ula

    *Note: From the table above, the user only needs to input the population perperiod.

    Marin of error may also be ad!usted but "ill need concurrence from the#uality team

    J9 Redu*tion o sa"ling sie )ill be i"le"ented i t(e ollo)ing *riteria are "et

    Four 93 *onse*uti!e eriods

    Ho e.ternal eedba*= asso*iated to t(e roe*t

    JD 8n t(e ot(er (and, sa"le sie )ill be in*reased i t(e ollo)ing *riteria are not "et

    ')o 3 *onse*uti!e eriods belo) t(e t(res(old

    At least 1 !alid e.ternal eedba*= a**ounted to t(e roe*t ro" re!ious eriod

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

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    18.$G.loratory dataanalysis






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    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) 9 of 19

    9. DATA A&A'+"I" P%OC"" -'O:

    18. G)ID'I&"

    101 Data Gat;eringE #ata is *olle*ted ro" a !ariety o sour*es #ata Analyst )ill*ollate all rele!ant inor"ation on t(e "etri* asso*iated to t(e reort reuired Clearlylan t(e "easure"ent a*ti!ities to ensure t(at all needed data and inor"ation arein*luded

    '(e data to be *olle*ted are deri!e ro" t(e ollo)ing sour*es but not li"ited to3:+ State"ent o @or= S8@3+ Aut(or/Gditor *orre*tion+ Feedba*=+ In-ro*ess inse*tion+ QC inse*tion+ #eli!ery eror"an*e+ Sub"ission eror"an*e+ CSA' results

    '(e *ollated data s(ould be la*ed in a MS G.*el te"late or easy analysis A generi*

    te"late *reated by Content Solutions Quality tea" "aybe used to analye t(e data )(i*(*an be *usto"ied as needed

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

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    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) 10 of 19

    10 Data cleaning and 0alidationE rodu*tion grou s(all ensure t(at all datat(at )ill be *olle*ted are a**urate and ree ro" "easure"ent errors '(e #ata Analysts(all re!ie) and !alidate t(e inor"ation )it( t(e ollo)ing te*(niues but not li"itedto3:

    + C(e*= i t(e nu"ber o data sa"les are reresentati!e to t(e studied oulation+ Validate t(e *o"utation and tools used in *ollating t(e data C(e*= i t(ere are

    biases in t(e or"ula and *o"utations+ C(e*= or in*o"lete and duli*ate entries


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    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) 11 of 19

    &ar raph E a gra( t(at *an be used to*o"are t(e a"ounts or reuen*y o o**urren*e o di>erent tyes o *ategori*al

    data +ar gra(s is (elul in *o"aring one *ategory to ot(er *ategori*al data

    @(en to use +ar ?ra(s:o +ar gra(s are used to *o"are t(ings bet)een di>erent grous or to tra*=

    *(anges o!er ti"e o)e!er, )(en trying to "easure *(ange o!er ti"e, bargra(s are best )(en t(e *(anges are larger

    Stac'ed raphE is a gra( t(at is used to brea= do)n and *o"are arts o a )(ole

    Ga*( bar in t(e *(art reresents a )(ole, and seg"ents in t(e bar reresentdi>erent *ategories or arts o t(at )(ole #i>erent *olors are used to illustrate t(edi>erent *ategories in t(e bar

    @(en to use Sta*=ed +ar

    o Sta*=ed bar is used to brea= do)n and *o"are arts o a )(ole

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

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    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) 1 of 19

    $areto chart E A areto *(art is a bar gra( '(e lengt(s o t(e bars reresent

    reuen*y or *ost ti"e or "oney3, and are arranged )it( longest bars on t(e letand t(e s(ortest to t(e rig(t In t(is )ay t(e *(art !isually dei*ts )(i*( situationsare "ore signi*ant

    @(en to use areto C(art

    o @(en analying data about t(e reuen*y o roble"s or *auses in a ro*ess

    o @(en t(ere are "any roble"s or *auses and you )ant to o*us on t(e "ost

    signi*anto @(en analying broad *auses by loo=ing at t(eir se*i* *o"onents

    %ontrol chartE '(e *ontrol *(art is a gra( used to study (o) a ro*ess *(anges

    o!er ti"e #ata are lotted in ti"e order A *ontrol *(art al)ays (as a *entral line ort(e a!erage, an uer line or t(e uer *ontrol li"it and a lo)er line or t(e lo)er*ontrol li"it '(ese lines are deter"ined ro" (istori*al data +y *o"aring *urrentdata to t(ese lines, you *an dra) *on*lusions about )(et(er t(e ro*ess !ariation is*onsistent in *ontrol3 or is unredi*table out o *ontrol, a>e*ted by se*ial *auseso !ariation3

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

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    Control *(arts or !ariable data are used in airs '(e to *(art "onitors t(ea!erage, or t(e *entering o t(e distribution o data ro" t(e ro*ess '(e botto"*(art "onitors t(e range, or t(e )idt( o t(e distribution I your data )ere s(ots intarget ra*ti*e, t(e a!erage is )(ere t(e s(ots are *lustering, and t(e range is (o)tig(tly t(ey are *lustered Control *(arts or attribute data are used singly

    @(en to use *ontrol C(arto @(en deter"ining )(et(er a ro*ess is stable in statisti*al *ontrol3

    o @(en analying atterns o ro*ess !ariation ro" se*ial *auses non-

    routine e!ents3 or *o""on *auses built into t(e ro*ess3o @(en deter"ining )(et(er your uality i"ro!e"ent roe*t s(ould ai" to

    re!ent se*i* roble"s or to "a=e unda"ental *(anges to t(e ro*ess

    @(at to loo= or Co""on !isual analysis se*ial and *o""on *auses3o 8utliers #ata oints3 e.*eeding t(e uer and or lo)er *ontrol li"its

    o Runs and 'rends

    o Cy*li*al atters

    %eminder.'(ere are D di>erent tyes o *ontrol *(arts, deending on your data tye %ou "ay as=so"e assistan*e to your assigned +A or

  • 7/26/2019 Implementing Guidelines in Data Analysis_May 31


    Mont(ly A' er ro*ess3

    GUIDELINE Internal

    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) 1, of 19

    o 'o see relations(i or *orrelation

    (ine chart E '(eline *(art is reresented by a series o data oints *onne*ted )it( a straig(t line

    @(en to use S*atter *(arto

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    Doc. No. Q-16/00007 Rev. State 00 Page(s) 1 of 19


    + Su""ary o t(e study and data, as )ell as any rele!ant substanti!e *onte.t,ba*=ground, or ra"ing issues

    + '(e Kbig uestionsL ans)ered by your data analyses, and su""aries o your*on*lusions about t(ese uestions

    + +rie outline o re"ainder o aer+


    #i!ide t(e body u into se!eral se*tions at t(e sa"e le!el as t(e Introdu*tion, )it(

    subse*tions li=e:

    + #ata+ Met(ods+ Analysis+ Results or t(e root *auses+


    '(e *on*lusion s(ould rerise t(e uestions and *on*lusions o t(e introdu*tion,

    er(as aug"ented by so"e additional obser!ations or details gleaned ro" t(e

    analysis se*tion He) uestions, uture )or=, et*, *an also be raised (ere

    )dentied +ctionsteps and timelines

    In a table or"at, list do)n t(e agreed a*tion ite"s and ne.t stes in*luding t(e

    resonsible erson )(o )ill do and *arry out t(e a*tions and stes and t(eir rese*ti!e



    8ne or "ore aendi*es are t(e la*e to out details and an*illary "aterials '(ese

    "ig(t in*lude su*( ite"s as

    'e*(ni*al des*ritions o unusual3 statisti*al ro*edures #etailed tables or *o"uter outut Figures t(at )ere not *entral to t(e argu"ents resented in t(e body o t(e reort Co"uter *ode used to obtain results

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

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    11. APP&DIC"

    +ppendi- . %ommon Metric per service line.

    Area *uality
































    ount M





    Tournals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    CIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Con!ersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    +oo=s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Custo"erSer!i*e

    . . . . . . . .

    +ppendi- /. 0ther %harts 1usin minitab2.

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    Area Deli0ery










    Tournals . . . .

    CIS . . . .

    Con!ersion . . . .

    +oo=s . . . .Custo"erSer!i*e

    . . . . . .

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    1#. %!I"IO& =I"TO%+


    n "tate%e0ision Date Aut;or %e0ision Description

    00 Ronilo M VillonesInitial Issue t(is suersedes t(e

    old guidelines $C/Q-14/0040&3

    1$. %!I: =I"TO%+

    %e0ie>ed by %e0ie> DateRa"il #elos Reyes

    The latest verson of ths !oc"#ent s $"%lshe! onlne. &n' $rnte! co$' s an "ncontrolle! co$' for reference $"r$oses onl'.

    *+1,000- rev. 00