impact of terrorism on economy of pakistan


Transcript of impact of terrorism on economy of pakistan

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TOPIC Impact of terrorism and corruption on Pakistan economy

Terrorismthe use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

Economy survey of PakistanThe fiscal year 2013-14 was the third consecutiveyear when there was a reduction in losses over the preceding year as by the economic the survey.This years losses also pushed the total cost of the 13-year war above$102.5 billion,approximately two times more than the governments proposed total budget of Rs3.9 trillion for fiscal year 2014-15.

History of TERRORISM in Pakistan It roots can be traced back from 1979 An effort to kick out Russia from AfghanistanProblem became severe after 9/11now become a menace for our motherland.Pakistans choice to join theU.S led global war on terror provided it with an opportunity and chance to address militancy and religious extremism is the country

impact Of Terrorism on Pakistan Economy Agriculture Loss

Manufacturing Cost

Declining Foreign Direct Investment

Diminishing Tourism

Internally Displaced People/internal Migration

Agriculture LossAgriculture is the main source of revenue in most of the terrorism-affected areas, including FATA and NWFP. People in these areas rely predominantly on agriculture as their main economic activity. Swat has 98,100 hectares arable land, while 408,175 hectares remain uncultivable

Manufacturing CostThe manufacturing sector is witnessing the lowest-ever share of 18.2 per cent in the GDP over the last five years. In addition, the small and medium-size enterprises are a key area of manufacturing activity in Pakistan, particularly in the war-affected areas

Declining Foreign Direct Investment

Due to such terrorist acts and security threats not only the foreign investors terminate their projects and investments but also the residents of Pakistan and the national investors prefer investing and taking their money out of the country in more safe countries like UK, USA, Middle East and Europe

Diminishing TourismDue to such terrorist acts and security threats not only the foreign investors terminate their projects and investments but also the residents of Pakistan and the national investors prefer investing and taking their money out of the country in more safe countries like UK, USA, Middle East and Europe

Causes of Terrorismin PakistanAbsence of education UnemploymentInjustice or lack of justice Democracy by military dictators ever-growing religious intolerance Pakistan's participation in Afghan War

Causes of terrorism


First of all, religious leaders and scholars can play a vital role in this regard. They should use speeches and writings to preach the message of peace.Second, the civil society also needs to come forward and play its role in sorting out the problems face by the nation. Moreover, a huge campaign is required to defeat the ideologies of terrorists.


Third, uniform system of education can play a viable role in eradicating terrorism. The minds of younger generation need to be washed of all the rigidness; then only peace will prevail in society.Fourth, media can be the most effective tool in eliminating terrorism.


Fifth, peace in Afghanistan is one of the prerequisites for curbing terrorism in Pakistan

Sixth; an effective strategy to counter militant and extremist groups hinges in the capability to gain timely and accurate intelligence

Main solution




Corruption in PakistanCorruption in Pakistan is widespread, particularly in the government and lower levels of police forces In 2013, Pakistan scored 127 out of 175 on the Corruption Perceptions Index published by the Transparency International. This marked a significant improvement in the country's ranking on the index in five years the country scored 139 out of 174 in 2012, 134 out of 182 in 2011, 143 out of 178 in 2010, and 139 out of 180 in 2009 and now situation is worse

Increasing with an incredible speed

brief history

The Dominion of Pakistan was created as a result of the Pakistan Movement in 1947. Upon gaining independence, Pakistan inherited a strong bureaucracy and army from the British Raj. There has since been no major change in this bureaucratic set up since it was first implemented by British, albeit reforms were proposed by the Musharraf regime in 2007.

Impact of corruption on economyCCC Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transparency. Our society is facing a very grave problem of corruption that has threatened the basic foundations of our society. It is a cancer that will gobble up all the socio-economic and political achievementsAlthough corruption has wide-ranging deleterious effects on society and governance but its most deadly impact is always on the poor.

Impact of corruption on economyIt undermines democracy, hinders in good governance and weakens the democratic institutions. It hampers the economic growth and sustainable developments. Increase in corruption in any society is inversely proportional to good governance.

Impact of corruption on economyJustice delayed is justice denied. In time justice can minimize corruption practices. Salaries and wages should be increased in order to decrease the chances of corruption.Education system must be revised and improved according to national needs. Stable governments are essential to provide justice and to uproot corruption, and public awareness is must to eliminate corruption.

important cause of corruptionAn inducement to wrong by bribery or other unlawful means: a departure from what is pure and correct.Act of commission or omission by a public servant for securing pecuniary or other material advantage or indirectly for himself, his family or friends, is corruption.The very presence of black money:

Say no these

important cause of corruptionThe existence of large amount of unaccounted black money is one of the main sources of corruption.This money is obtained by various ways,namely,tax evasion,smuggling,speculation in immovable property and shares and stocksEconomic insecurity

How to stop corruption?

Pakistans government should take rapid measures in this regard to stop corruption in order to bring talented people in departments who will put the country on the track of success.

People need to become united in order to fight against this biggest evil of our country which is increasing with an incredible speed. There should be justice and the corrupt people should be penalized for their wrong acts.

How to stop corruption?

The only way that can lead towards elevation is that merit should be promoted in all areas of work which will bring the deserving people to the right positions and the country will start working in the right direction

we can