Impact of IT



IT strategy, Impact

Transcript of Impact of IT


IMPACT OF IT ON ORGANIZATIONMade By:KARTIK SHARMA14030141085IMPACTSThe use of computers and information technology has brought many changes to organizations:

The Managers jobOrganizational structure, authority and powerJob content (Value and Supply Chain)Employee career pathsSupervision

The Managers JobThe most important task of managers is making decisions. IT changes the manner in which many decisions are made:

Automation of routine decisionsMore rapid identification of problems and opportunitiesLess reliance on experts to provide support to top executives.

Authority, Power, Job ContentThe IT revolution has resulted in many changes in structure, authority, power and job content:Flatter Organizational Hierarchies: ability of lower-level employees to perform higher level jobs.Growth in number of special unitsChanges in power and status: Knowledge is power, and those who control information and knowledge are likely to gain power.Shorter career ladders: The use of IT, and especially Web-based computer-aided instruction, may short-cut this learning curve.Changes in supervision: IT introduces the possibility for greater electronic supervision.Job mobility: Video conferencing for interviews and sites like offer platform to post job offerings and resumes.DEMAND ORGANIZATION The demand organization enables effective alignment of demand and supply. Activities are executed to manage demand side as well as supply side(internal/external suppliers).

FEATURES OF DEMAND ORGANIZATIONVisibility collaboration to provide accurate status of inventory and inventory movements, as well as production status and product quality.Planning collaboration to provide timely information about forecasts and plans.Execution collaboration to share orders, track material shipments, and process receipts and payments quickly and accurately.CATEGORIES OF ORGANIZATION Hierarchical Organization: Following the rules and procedures is of the utmost importance here. Market Organization: Focus in this type of organization lies primarily on the results and productivity. The feeling that holds the company together is the feeling of being better than the competition. Family Organization: Based on the idea of individual development, teamwork and shared norms and values. Entrepreneurial Organization: An organization that places innovation and opportunism at its heart in order to produce economic or social value.THANK YOU !!