Imige copyright

What is copyright ? Copyright is a legal placements that entiales that any work that you do is safe from other people claming it as their own .this legastation was set up in 1988 to stop the reuse of other peoples work this may inclode images , video , drawings or text . This sets down the rights for the owner copyrighted item this makes people unable to claim it as their own work or sell it off.where as the origernal owner can .There is also tangible which means that if you have an idea for something say a logo it is not achaly effected by to used of copyright unless you have lituraly drawed it while it is still in the mind it is not legastratied for copright

Transcript of Imige copyright

Page 1: Imige copyright

What is copyright ?• Copyright is a legal placements that entiales that any work that you do is safe from

other people claming it as their own .this legastation was set up in 1988 to stop the reuse of other peoples work this may inclode images , video , drawings or text . This sets down the rights for the owner copyrighted item this makes people unable to claim it as their own work or sell it off.where as the origernal owner can .There is also tangible which means that if you have an idea for something say a logo it is not achaly effected by to used of copyright unless you have lituraly drawed it while it is still in the mind it is not legastratied for copright

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How to use Copyright HubThis is a website that is used to help you find the rights to use copyrighted items. They do this by helping you find the original owner of the image and helps you to ask them to give you position to use it in your prodject what you are working for . They are also in contact with profetinals who would be willing to give you pomitisson to used their work . For exsample in the case of a magazine copyright hub they would give you conntact to an owner for a photo which could be used for the magazine they you can buy the rights to use it off of them. You can also manualy search for a certon image and if they have the connatact in their data base they will send you the informaiton to get into conntact with them

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What organisations can you contact to gain access to use images legally?

• On the copyright hub websites there are links to other websites that will allow you to gain access to legal images video text act . For example in the case of images there are four different links to copyright free images from BAPLA ,BBC , Getty images and DACS . On these sites you need to register a profile then you can find images that are in the public domain so the images will be able to go on a magazine without no cause of copyright.

Page 4: Imige copyright

This is a screen shot from the movie so the copyright owner would be the film studio which means that If I whish for the rights to use this image in my magazine then I would need to get in contact with Bazelevs Company or Blumhouse Productions the production company's of the movie if I whish to used it . But since I am doing a good review of the movie they would probably not have any problems with me doing this .

This is an image that would have been taken at the red carpet at the premier of the movie origin I was not able to find out the owner of this image so I went on a website called copy right hub where they can find the original owner .But unfortunately they could not find the owner . I could then send it to copyright hub and ask them to find the image owner for me which they might be able to find out but this may take them a few days to find it which means I may need to delay the relece