ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1920-1929/1924/1924_02_09.pdf · word cannot fail. God's...

--- - - C FAMILY AND / M I SS IONARV PAP1§:R / \ -- ---- - - - NUMBER 533 S PRI N G FIEL D, MO.. ________ .. .j ) ) Tla' Sl'n:nlh :\nnual l'onvcnt;oll of tht, L,Hin'\nll'rieaI1 .. tal "-ih IIt:11i ill San (';lIil TI\l' fir"t .\llIl11al rOl\v('ntion. held year,., :11:'0 in Killg'\'iHt, Tt'xa .. , hall ol1h· 1\\'0 rt',I{ui;.rh ..... 1:1 in or/ler" a""{'lIlbli('s. \,ow tht'fl' afl' a],oul forty ;l ... \\ COI\\'\,'I1I;ol1 \\'{'fl' Spani .. h. Porto Rican', Portm,:uc'>t', l'll' \,'on dcrfu\ 100'c and unity prevailed in thc conn'ntion held in San Jm(', :\cariy two hundred rCJ,(i ... u:rcd. \\'c n·rtainl.v have much lor which to prai:.c God ior the .. pkndi(] l1Iade in [he work elllbracing' Latin America , ,

Transcript of ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1920-1929/1924/1924_02_09.pdf · word cannot fail. God's...



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NUMBER 533 S PRI N G FIEL D, MO.. F~E~B:..:.R~U~A~R~Y:..:-. ~9~.-,,19~2~4,--________ ~~~~'~~,:'~,[~~P~:~~~d~F~~~;'~i~~ .. ,,-,:~1:::=


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Tla' Sl'n:nlh :\nnual l'onvcnt;oll of tht, L,Hin'\nll'rieaI1 Pl·IlI~·co .. tal \\(lrkl'r~ "-ih IIt:11i ill San Jo,~·. (';lIil TI\l' fir"t .\llIl11al rOl\v('ntion. held ~e\"CJl year,., :11:'0 in Killg'\'iHt, Tt'xa .. , hall ol1h· 1\\'0 rt',I{ui;.rh ..... 1:1 in or/ler" a""{'lIlbli('s. \,ow tht'fl' afl' a],oul forty ~uch ;l ... ~('mblit's. \\ tld~ COI\\'\,'I1I;ol1 \\'{'fl' Spani .. h. Porto Rican', Portm,:uc'>t', l'll' \,'on dcrfu\ 100'c and unity prevailed in thc conn'ntion held in San Jm(', :\cariy two hundred rCJ,(i ... u:rcd. \\'c n·rtainl.v have much lor which to prai:.c God ior the .. pkndi(] progrh~ l1Iade in [he work elllbracing' Latin America ,



Page Two TilE Pf'XTECOST,\L EV:\XGEL February 9, 1924


It is written of our blessed Lord, "Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; thcrefo'rc God. cven thy God, hath anointed thee with the oi l of ~Iadness above thy fe.llows." It is the purpose of (.oc! that ,\:r, as. wc are Ill,dwelt by the Spirit of Ilis ~Ol!. ~ho ll 'd hk<.·wlse lovc rlghteousncss and hate in~ IqUlty. I see that therc is a place for us in Christ Jcsu<; whe re we arc no longer under condemnation hut wlH'rc.: the heavens are always open to us. I sec lha l God ha s a realm of divine life opening up to us ~vh~'r<', th('l'e arc boundless possibilities, where there IS lllllll1ess power, whe re there are untold resources, whery we ha\"(' vinory over all the power of the deyil. I he,hrH' th!ll, ~~ we are filled with t he desire to press on mto thiS hf(' of true holiness, desiring only the ~Iory of God, thl'r(' is nothing that can hinder our true ad,·ancement.

Peter comlllences his second epistle with these word s. "~im () n Peter, a servant and an apost le of Je,slI s C~l'Ist, to the III that have obtained like precious faith wllh li S through the righteousness of God and our ~aviour J esus Christ." It is through faith that we r(',ah zc tha,t we have a blessed and glorious union With our" ri sen .Lord. ~Vhen He was on earth Jesus told li S , I alll 111 the l ' athe r and the Father in me H

"The Father that dwellcth ill Me He doeth the k " ' w?r s: ,A nd TIc prayed to His Father, not only for

H,s d isciples, but for those who should believe on II im through their w?rd, "That they all may be one; as Thou, Frtther, art 10 Mc, and I in Thee that they also nlay be onc in us: that the world n{ay believe that Thou has t sent Me." Oh what an inheritance is ours whcn the very nature, the very righteou sness, the very power of the Father and the Son arc made real in us. This is God's purpose, and as we by faith la y hold on the purpose we shall be ever conscious of the fact that greater is He that is in us than he that is in Ihe world. The purpose of all scripture is 10 move us on to this wonderful and blessed eleva­tion of faith where our constant experience is the manifestat ion of God's life and power through us.

Peter goes on writ ing to these who have obta ined like precious faith , saying, "Grace and peace be mul ~ liplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord." We can have the multiplication of this grace and peace only as we li ve in thc realm of fa ith . Abraham attained to the place where he hecame a friend of God. on no ot her line than that of believing God. He believed God and God counted that to hi m for righteousness. Righteousness was imputed to him on no other g round than that he be~ lievcd God. Can this be true of anybody else? Yes, evcry person in the whole wide world \\' ho is sa,"('d hy faith is blessed with faithful Abraham. The prom­ise which came to him because he bel ieved God was that in Him all the families of the earth should be blessed. \Vhen we believe God there is no knowing ",here the blessing of our faith will end.

So me arc tied up because, when they are prayed fur. the thing that they are expecting does not come off the same night. They say they belie,'e, but you can see that they are really in turmoil of unbelief. ,\hraham belie\'Cd God. You can hear him saying to Sarah, "Sarah, there is no life in you and there is nothing in me, but God has promised us a son and I

l,elieve God." And that kind of faith is a joy to our father in heaven.

One day I was having a meeting in Bury, in Lan· cashire, England. A young woman was present who ('altle from a place called RatllSbottom, to be healed of goiter. Before she came she ~aid, "I am going to be healed of this goiter, mother," After onc meeting she came forward and \\"a ... prayed for. The next meeting she got up and testified that she had becn wonderfully healed. and she sa id, "I shall be so happy to go and tell mother that I have been wonder· fully healed." She went to hcr home and testified how wonderfully she had been healed, and the next year when we were having the convention she came again. To the natural view it looked as though the goiter was just as big as ever; but that young woman was bel ieving God and she was soon on her feet gi\"· ing her test imony, and saying, "I was here las t year and the Lord wonderfully healed me. 1 want to tell you that this has been the bes t year of my life ." She seemed to be g reatly blessed in that meeting and she went home to testify more st rongly than ever that the Lord had healed her. She believed God. The third year she was at the meeting again, and some people who looked at her said, "lIow big that goiter has be­come." But when the time came for test imony she was up on her feet and test ified, wfwo years ago the Lord gloriously healed me of goiter. Oh I had a mOSt wonderful healing. It is grand to be healed by the power of God." That day someon e remon strated with her and said, "People will think there is something the mattcr with you. Why don't yOlt look in the glass? You will see your goiter is b igger than ever." That good woman went to the Lord about it and said, "Lord, you so wonderfully healed me two years ago. \.von't you show all the people that you healed me," She went to sleep peacefully that night still believing God and when she came down the next day there was not a trace or a mark of that goiter.

God's word is from everlasting to everlast ing. His word cannot fail. God's word is true and when we rest in the fact of it s truth what mighty results we can get. Faith never looks in the glass. Faith has a glass into which it can look. It is the glass of the perfect law of liberty. "\Vhoso looketh into the per ~ feet law of liberty, and continueth there in, he being not a forgetful hearer , but a doer of the work, this Illan shall be bJessed in his deed." To the man who look s into this perfect law of God all darkness is r e~ llIo"cd and he sees hi s completeness in Christ. There is no darkness in fa ith. 'There is only darkness in nature. Darkness only exists ",hell the natural is put in t he place of the di vine.

Not only is grace multiplied to us through knowl­edge of God and of Jesus Chr ist, but peace also. As we really know our God and Je sus Christ whom IIe has sent, we ",ill ha ve peace multiplied to us even in the Illultiplied fires of ten thousand Nebuchadnczzars. It will be multiplied to us e\'en t hough we arc put into the den of lions, and we will live with joy in the midst of the whole thing. \Vha t was the difference between Daniel and the king that night when Daniel was put into the den of lions? Daniel knew, but the king was experimenting. The king came around the next morning and cried, "Oh Dan iel, sen-ant of the li ving God, is thy God, whom thou ~ervest cont inu­ally, able to deliver thee from the lions?" Daniel answered, ".i\Iy God hath sent His angel , and hath ~ hut the lions' mouths." The thing was done. It was done when Daniel prayed with his windows open toward heaven. All our victories are won before we

February 9, 1924 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL P:;age Three

go into thc fight. Prayu links us 011 to our Im'cl" Cod, our. abounding God. our multiplying Goo. oh I lo'·e Him! lie is ::.0 wonderful!

You will note. as you read these first two vcr~c~ of the .first chapter of the second epi::)tle of Peter, that th,,, grace and peace is multiplied through the knowledge of God, but that first our faith COlnt!5 through the righteousness of ~od. Note that right­eousnC5" comes first and knowledge afterwards. It cannot be otherwise. If you expect any revelation of God apayt from holiness you will h~n-e only a Illi:...­ture. llollntss opens the door to all the treasurc .... of God. lie must first bring us to the place "'here we, like our Lord, 10\"e righteousness and hate in­iqu ity, before 11e opens up to us these gooo tr<'il!5UreoS. \;Yhell we regard iniquity in our hearts the Lord will not hear us, and it i!5 only as we are made righteous and pure and holy through the precious blood of God's Son that we can enter into this life of holiness and righteousne!5s in the 5011. It is the righteou!5ness of our Lord Himself made real ill us as our faith is stayed in !lim.

After j \\<15 haptized with the Holy Ghost the Lord gave me a blessed revelation. J s:tw Adam and Eve turned out of the garden for the ir disobedience and unable to partake of the tree of life, for the cherubim with Qaming sword kept them away from this tree. \Vhen ] was baptized I saw that I had begun to eat of this tree of li fe and 1 saw that the flaming sword was a ll round about, It was there to keep the devil away. Oh, what privileges are ours when we are born of God. How marvel ously He keeps us so that the wicked one touches us not. I sec a place in God where Satan dare not come. Hidden in God. And lIe invites us all to come and share this wonderful hidden place where our lives are hid with Christ in God, 'Where we dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. God has this place for you in this blessed realm of grace.

Peter goes on to say, "According as His divine power hath gi"cn unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue." God is calling us to this realm of glory and "irtue where, as we feed on His exceeding great and precions promises, we are made partakcrs of the di"ine nature. Faith is the substance of things hoped for right here in this life. It is right here that God would have us par­take ot His divine nature. Tt is nothing less than the life of the Lord Himself imparted and flowing into our whole beings, so that our very body is quickened, so that every ti ssue and every drop of blood and our bones and joints and marrow receivc this divine lifc. 1 believe that the Lord wants this divine life to flow right into our natural bodies, this law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus that makes us free from the law of s in and death. God wants to establish Our faith so that we will lay hold on this divine life, this divine natu re of the Son of God, so that our spirit and soul and body will be sanctified wholly and preserved unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

\1Vhen that woman was healed of the issue of blood, J eSllS percei\'cd that power had gone out of Him. T he woman's faith laid hold a nd this power was illl ~ parted and immediately the woman's being was sur­charged with life and her wcak ness departed. The impartation of t his power produces e\'erything YOll need; but it comes on ly as ou r faith moves out for its impartation. Faith is the victory. If tholl canst believe, it is thine. .

I !luffcred for many years from piles, till Ill)' whole

hody was thoroughly weak; the \lIonel u~cd to gush from me. OUI: day I got d(.'~pl:ratc and I took a bot­tic..' flf oil and anointed Illv,>cli. I <;;31d to the Lord. "1)0 "hat you want to, quil'kly." I wa:-. hc:altd at that very momcnt. God wants us to h;1\ c an activity oj faith that dares to believe God. Therc is what ~ecms like ,faith, an appearance of faith, hut real faith belie\'es God right to the end.

\Vhat was 'the difference ht.'tween Za(hana~ and "{ary? The angel came to Zacharia~ and told him, "Thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son." Zal'ha­rias was there in the holy place, but he began to question this mcssage, saying, "I am :\11 old man, my wife is well stricken in years." Gahriel n'bl1ked him ior his unbelief and told him, "Thou shalt be dumo, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words." Rllt note the contrast whc..'1\ thc angel came to Mary. She said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord he it unto me according to thy word," :\nd Eliza heth greeted Mary with the words, "Blessc..'d is she that bc1ieYNI: for there shall he a perf(lrlllanCe ui those things which were told her ftom the Lord." God would have us to lay hold on 11is word in like manner. He would ha\"c~ liS to cmne with boldnc!5s of faith declaring, "You havc promiscd it, Lord. Now do it." God rejoices when we manifest a faith that holds Him to His word. Can we get there?

The Lord has called us to this glory and ,·irlue: and, as our faith lays hold on 'lim, we shall see this in manifestation. I remember o ne day I was holding an open-air meeting. My uncle came to that meet­ing and said, "Aunt Mary would like to sec Smith before she dies." I went to sec her and she waS assuredly dying. I said. "Lord, can't YOIt do some­thing?" All 1 did was this, to stretch out my hands a1ld lay them on her. It seemed as though there was an immediate impartation of the glory and virtue of the Lord. Aunt Mary cried. "It is going all over my hody." And that day she was made perfectly wholt:.

One day I was preaching .1:''1(1 a man brought a boy who was done up in bandages. The boy was in irons and it was impossible for him t o walk and it was difficult for them to get him to the platform. They passed him over about s ix seats. The power of the Lord was present t o heal and it entered right into the child as I placed my hands on him. The child rried. "Daddy, it is going all over mc." They stripped the boy and found nothing imperfect in him.

The Lord ,\·Otild ha"e us to be walking epistles of ITis \\'ord. Jesus is the \oVonl and is the power in us, and it is lli s dcsire to work in and through U!:l llis own good pleasure. \Vc must believe that He is in us. There arc boundless possihil ities for us if we dare to act in God and dare to believe that the wonderful vir tue of our living Christ shall be made manifest through us as we lay our hand s on the sick in Hi s name.

The exceeding great and precious prom ises of the \OVord are given to us that we might be partakers of the di\·ine nature. I feel the Holy Ghost is grieved with us because, when we knoll; these things, we do not do greater exploits for God. Do('s not the IToly Ghost show liS wide-open door!; ()of opportunity? Shall we not let God take us on to greater things ? Shall we 110t believe God to take liS on to greater manifestations of I-lis power? JTis call for us is to forget the things that are behind, and reach forth unto the things which are before and t o press to­ward the mark for the prize of the high calling of (;od in Christ J ('sus.

Pagr: Four HII:: PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL Fdmlary 9. 1924

The Pentecostal Evangel P.bHthed W~dtl7 (SO .. IUU I ,u,r)

Stank , It. Yrod..lbl m. . Editor

Publi.bin, Office. JJ6 Wul Padfie Street. Spon,field. K o

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J. W . Welch _.cbairman D. H, McDo .... ell _..Anialln t a.. lrman J, R, E"an., Secretar,

THE NUMBER OF TH[S PAPER [S 533. ('olllparc thi, numher with til(' numht· .. on tlw \\'rappl'l' (If y01l1' pap('r, and you can 1<'\1 wl1('11 ,\ filiI' ~uh .. ('ripti()n l·xpin: .... , ,


1 do n"t I'dlu\\' ho\\ il lila, hc wilh Hlh('rs. hUI I it'el Ihat \\ htu I can :-a,", till coming- I,f the I ~orcl dr;I \\t"th 11(';11'. I ha\(' a \\{'apun III Illy hand (If Ilo (\1111

111011 l'c!g'l' and tt'Ill]l('l'

1 l'all g'I' til till' stl' ug-g-lill1.!' .... aint against wholl\ the J.:tltk "l·(·I11. ... {'I go hardly, ancl .. a,\', "Faint not. til(' Lord i~ ;It h:II1/1. anI! 11(' \\'ill IH'lIi"e S;ltan under your k£,1 shllrth," ~

Tn the saint \\l':tried ,wi th a \'{',\lng world, frdted \\,Ith it-; \'anitil's, and trouhl<-<l \\'ith t h l' thickening darkn(',,> flf its midnight. I ran '>ity. "Be of good dH,'tr, thl' I.orc! i .. at hand: hilt a little \\'hik and tht \\'orld .. hall n'aSl' tn \'t'\, .... IIIlIler than YOII think tlw llIorn \\ ill hrl'ak ,"

To thl' ,ufTning .... "int I can sa,". "\\ '{'cp 1101, the I ."rei IS at hand: the lorn heart shall Ii(' hound HP, ;11111 Iht, lIitlrl'lw .... '> of ht:rt'aH'l11cnt forg'otkn 111 th(' j(l~ IIf ullioll fO .. ('\,l'r,"

To Ih(· nag-g-ing- silillt. hca\'," and slothful in hi .. \\;dk. I can say, "l'p. for the I.ord is al hillHI: work \\ hill..' it is clay; Iolllk at a dying world. all IInH'ady for il!oO Jnrlgt" en .. t illY ,"ollr sl'lfishn('s:-; and Im'l' of ease."

Ttl th(' ron-tolls saint I rail sa\'. "The- I.nrd i .... "lIming' it i .... 11 0 til1l(' fill' Iwarding no\\' hcap 110t IIp II't'a~un' i"r til(' las t <lays."

,\('" 10 U ll l' ,,\\ 11 ,.,al\'atillll musl CIII1lC Ihe day of '~'IHlillg' t ill' J,{(,"'p('1 If) a ll. \ \ "c" begin at Ihe inner rir tIl'. hUI \\1)(' til liS if we slOp thtH', \\"n(' he to I'"

d ",(' pn',H'1l n( 11 lilt gll,>pel to <:\'('ry creat u re, For hul litlk tilllt l"('llIaint'th, The nig-hl i" falling', Thl' ,tol'l11 j, h(·j.!'illning- to h u rst. \ \ '(. can not heap u p trt'a .. urc fnr tilt' last days, \\'c m u st give liherally as long as t he t i1l1(, a 110\\'", T hose who look for a ('aim. IOIIg' day. may si t down listless ly, hut we dare not. \ Y(' fe el t ha t t hert' is not a moment to he lost; and that " h(, t hcr II1('r(' arc few or many 10 he sa\'(~d. i t llIattcrs nol to u s, \ \ 'c m ust fu lfil (omr mini st ry , not n1u n t in g l'\l'n ou r 1i \'(~s dear u n to li S, tlu lt we may d o the w ill of Ilim w ho "e nds m:i. a nd tesl ify t he gospel IIi Ihl' g ra('e of Cod" Il ora tiu "i Bona r ,

" The precept s o f Sc ri p ture are giyen to GUIDE the LIFE o f a Chri s tian, and their claims a re a ll founded 0 11 the Cross o f Christ ."

THE R[GHT USE OF BOOKS Tht Chn .... lIan mt ..... t take .... pecial carc that he do

Ilot .. ufirr 11l1lbC1i to })(' led away from the Word of God hy the Illany manuals 1 public.'ations) which in our days are :-;ee illg the light. Thc .... c hook .... will have this r('sult.- -\\,hene\,er a man .... ceks his in'>tru('tiol1 only in what the Wl'ite r has to say, he then b('l'OnH~s an'u!-;­tlJllwcI to take c\'erything s('omd hallc\. The~e hooks may h('UlIll(' a hlessing to the fe<l(kr only whe n the y bring him always to that portion of God's Wor d \\'hirh i .... treal~'d of in order that he may meditate further UpOIl it hims('1f and receive it for himself a s from the mouth of God. Christians. there is in the \Vord of Lod all inneclible power. The hies s ing \\ hich lies hid ill it is incol1nivahlc, Sec to it Ihat \\ Il'll \ 'HI ha\'(' J'('ad a portion (of anything' written upon "the \Von!. c.), you always r('turn t(, that passage of SniptllTe (,f which an explanation is g-i\'ell, ,. I fold f('lIowship with God through tl1(' \\'ord, Take tillie til speak with ]Jim ahout it. t o give an :l,11:-;\"l'r to IIilllcollccrlling it. Th(,1l shall you under i'i tanri 1\111.t Ihe I.onl ] csus says: "The words which f ~1H'ak unto yon are spirit af'!d life." \ndl'(,\\ .\ltlnilY, in "The I.ord's Tahk,"

"llalllt.... oj long' years jormati(ln are hut g-radually 11\ ('ITOI1l('. except tl1('re be a (olllpkll' nlllf('ssion. a hn'aking- down and a l1I('iting dO\\,11 of SELF."

"The Aesh is enmity agailhl God. SELF is its ()\\:-\ (;01) Xa}" it doth not appear in ilS O\\!l hon­(' .... t liking: hut would dece ive Illllsl' \\'ho would seek lhl' ri ght way,"

"The seli life has e\'(T h{,('l1 an ('nelll), of man, and ('\'('1' ri~ing up hetween him and hi~ (;od,"

"Only as th(; seli nature is laid down, l'rul'ifit'ci a nd made dead, can man (ome into fcllo\\'ship swcd and Irut' with his God,"

"The e nd {If the flesh doth hring- the power of the Spirit, I >Cath to self doth hut open the door through \\hil"h shall hc IIshel'cd ill 1)I)\\'cr and great glnry,"

"(lllt oj a .... he ... (oi thl' Otsh ('(11,..,11111('(11)\' thc lires of I rial ) ("011](':-; Leauty," '


f I;tYl' \'011' cn:f ('onsidcfcd th t· I1nn'r \;Iilll\' of makint{ a \\'ill~ ~'an\' han' made a \\'ill. <It·signaling where Ihl'~' w;\1Il their mOllt',V placed al their ekalh, an,1 ofH'n th('\ han' nOt heen dead a vear IUlIil Ihti~ \rill has hc ... n brokcn :111(1 til(' nl(1l1C\' USl'<1 for ~OlllC worldly hlls;nc .. s IJfOpositioll

1'0 a\'o;,1 all this \\e offer ~ VII a silll pi" and safe mClhod of dispo~ing of yom 11'(':l('Y. and of heing \,OUf own eXl'cutOr. \'011 did lIot know that ~'Oll ('011111 he vall:' (l\'n {'xccutor, did you: \\'cll, ~'ou can By takin,cr out one of our \\'cll secufcd ·\'K:\TITY BONDS YOII arc I)lal'i ll ~ \'0111' money where ~'Oll wanl il. and 110 olle call 10llch it aftcr you havc ,crone 10 ~Io rr,

Ha\'c you 'iCIlI 10 the General Counril. ,1J6 \\" Pac ific St. Sprin~fie l (1. ),1'0, for one o f ollr booklet!>, ANN l' I l' Y BOK O S? ~ent free upon applkation

Ft'hruary 9, 1<)24 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL Pagt: Five

Strengthening the Inner Man c. C . Garrett ,

(;0<1 has made it a \a\\. that to he ~trengthencd in the natural. \\C IlIU ... t partake of th0~e things "neccs­... ary (or thc hody," i. c .. foue! and drink. If unable to ohtain natural fotlc!. Cod t'an and ~)ften docs mirac­ulously ... trengthen the hotiies of Iii ....... aints. hut when food is ohta inable 11(' l'X\H'l'ts us to partake of it. a ... k­ing I li:-. blessing upon it. \\'itnc ... -. the words of Paul in t he l11id,., t oi expos u re to the elelllclll:-. and in im­med iale cianger of shipwreck. a ... they are ft.'tofdcd in \('1:-; 27 :33 . .')(1, \\'t' Il1lcl abo at t ht' lillie \If Pa ul' ...

l'OI1\Tr"'IOIl and three day·... fasting that hl' wa ... "strengthened" aiH'r he had partaken of ml'at. Peo­ple who arc e.'po:-.ed to rough wcather. wind .... no\\' or rain. c~pccially ftt."1 the Ilt.'cd oj nouri..;,hing- food. and it i..;, a \\'cll-knO\\ 1l faCllhat "oldier..;, can neither llIarcl1 110r ligh t Oil :1.11 clllpty ..;,tomach.

If (';od ha s Illade tl1('se t hing.; til he trul' in the natu ra l hfe. how llIuch Illore in t he .;])Iritoal. \\hile nat u ral food quicken .. and I'C\'iH";' the na t ural life, only the food that i~ ... p iritual can quicken and n.,\·j\C

th(' sp ir itual. \\'e are li\'ing in day..;, whell it ..;,cellls to he q u ill' th(, popular thin!-!, among other modern Chri ... t ian adi\-i t i(' ';, tu Ol-!!"an i ze laq{l' Bihle das~es: and n6g-hhoring chul'cht' ... maint;l!n a ir i('ndly ri\'alry for qua n t ity rathcr t han quality. \\'h ile the writer \\'\1 u ld not minillli/<.' all)" good that lIIight be dOlle, he doc..; k no\\: it t o be a fact. t hat in a great Il lt lllht'r pf ca st> it is simply gathl'ring a large l'umpany of nat­u ral- m inded people log-etl1a in an end(' ,, \'or tl) ked them on spirit ual food, In 1 Cor. 2 :14 \\"t' !"t_'ae!, "But the nat u red man r('('i\(, t h 110t the things of the Spir it o{ God: for t h t'y arc ioolishne .. s unto him' IH.'ithcr <-'an he kno\\' thel11, iH:c;tllsl' they arC' spiritually discertl('(l."

To Ili~ c hi ldren, ho\\t,\cr. tho!'ic who h:l\,t' heen quickel1l'd hy II i .. Spirit. a nd rcgeneratt'!l h,\ the pOWl'!" of t he 11(1), Christ , th(' Lord !'ia."s: ".\s 11('\\'­

horn hahes , desir,. t hl' ~inl'erl' m ilk (If the \\"ore \. that ye 111;1)' g row the]'ehy: if so he t hat ye 11 <1\'(' tasted tha t the L(.rd i..;, g-rariou:-." t 1 PCll'r 2. :2, :\). I ~\·t'n " hell wc ha\-c grown out of sp iri w al in fa Ill")" in to f1111-grown ma nh ood in Christ J e:-,u:i, the spiritual "milk rd the word" ~till rl'l1Iail1". a \"("I'Y IHllIl'i .. hing fuod . alt hough (;od expect..; \IS to go Oil, as our powcrs dc­\·clop. and hye and hye to dc .. ire the .;trong meat of Ihe \ \ 'o rd . "lta\'ing our H,'n"cs exerci~t'd to d i .. cern both good and {'\i l." Tht., word, ho\\"c\er , upon which \\l' ha\'e heen comnl<11ldeci to iced is dt'ad and lifeless \\ it ho llt the pO\\'t'r of t he Spirit to encrgi/.t' a nd mak e it lif(, lI 1l t o liS, I t is only as the 11(1)" Sp irit mini!'itc}"s t il l' word u nto n ... , mak in g thc things of C()d real un to lh. t hat \\'(' arc bcnefl tt ed . Paul speaking- to t he Co­r in thian chu rdl tcll .. til t.'m t hat God had made him an "ahle lII ini"ler oi the Ilt'\\" te..;,tamCnt: Ilot oi t he letter . hut oi the spirit: ior the \cUt'r kil1eth: b ll t the !->pirit g iYC t h life,"

\~ a bo)" I ireqllelltly u~ed to hear the c-"-Jlrc~sion a.~ wc went to the tahle to par take of a meal, that we \\"('r e no\\' g-oi ng to ha ve some thi ng- to sa ti sfy the "inner !llan." 1 h (1 \'<-' found out sinct' I f.!~u" ";;l\'ed mt.' a nd haptized 111<.' in the Spiri t how far' fr01l1 the t ruth it rea lly was. \\'hi le (;od i.; in t erested in. and sup­plies Ollr natu r a l 1I0d ies' need", l l,e is 1l101"l' l'I lIlccrned abollt the g rowth and \'ig-ol' of t h(' spiri tua l life of I i i .. rhildr t' n , a nd to t hat t' IHl has pro\' id l'd "all thi n g''';' lH.'{'('~~a1"\" unt u lik and g-()d l i n es~ ."

.lu s t as at times oi bodil y st ress a nd tria l. \\'(." seck

l HlUri~hlllt'nt and strength in t.'arthly food and refresh Illent. so the Lord experts li S tt) ... cek H is face for "'pi ritual strt'llg't hening- and rdre.;hlllc n t. \VheJl 011

the del ()!'\" side a nd all ht.'an'n ~<.'l'IllS ttl smile u pon t1~. how easy it is to pray a nd read the written \ \ 'onl of 11k \\"hell in our (;t'lhSt'lltalH' or ttl mig-hty t rials oi disnlltragcll1l'lIt. hll\\ hard it , ... then ttl prt'~'" through and rccein:' :-.piritual ht'lp and .. treng'th. TheTt' ..;('elll'; to be ~ol1lething ill tht' makl'up IIi most. If IIlll ~ll. oi (;\ld'~ dlildren. that tl'l1d~ to harden \In<ll'\ -;tr(' ..... and trial. and \\'ol1ld turn u, ;1\\<1\ Irol11 111111 w ll(l alonl' IS thl' One tIl Ill'lp "'" in \ll!'r l"\lrelllit~ .I u .. ! at the t ime w e a r c t he Ill o!->t u rgently in nct.'d IIi .. trength fnr the "inner man" \\l" oftt.'1l fet'l III nUl' -;l'hl'''; thl' lea:-.t like g-,)illg' tu tht, IJlll' "Pllrt"l' oi ht'III, I Ip\\- Illall\" of 11" at lillie'" lik\.' thi .. haH', Iikl' 1 ~lijah, lain dnwn' undl'!' our lunipl'r Il\hh anI! tril'll "to .. In'p it otT" Hut (jod i ... iaithful and, it... \\ ltll Elijah, tilt' Lord'" \lH'::l'i ("nIlW" and tt'lI ... II-. til "ari"'l' aud I'at " \\'c think ~olllt'tinH..''''' \\h{'11 \\t' It't'l \\l'an' ilnd tin'(1 in the wa\', that wt' \\ til g"U tn hl'd and haH' a g-ond rt'st. onh' 'tt) lind I'n ari.;in·g- that tht' "iullt'r man" ha ... not hccli ~trl'llgtht.'Ilt.'d :l11d \\ t' !'nall)" haH' t n g't) to uur l .onl for IH..'e<\cci ~lrl'ng-th

.lame ... "':lY ... "I ... all~ ;Iillirll'd, Itt him pray l)o11't wait IIntil ~ uu it-l'1 h(:ttl'r and il't'l hkc praying-, hilt pray rig-ht a\\a,\ ,\ncl at nthn tilllt· ... \\hl'n t'\l'ry thing- ~l'l'nh til hl' pointing' 11m' way and our patil'IH'I' i:-; worn \"t'n- threadharl' and almost rt'ach' 10 hn'ilk, dn not wait 'till attn th\: hn'ak, hut "'n'k .;'tn'IIg'lh ill" thl' "ill n l'l" mall" throug-h prayer, and Cod \\ til "s l rl'lIgt hen .\011 with all Illight, arcord ing to l1 is glo­rious IHI\\l'1" . u ntu all patit'IlCl' and Jrlllg- ... u fT{'ring \\ illt joyiu ItH' .... _" ,"ot jl1 ... t l'llol1g'h ... tll'II,L!\h to grin and hl'iU' il.llt1t l'llHIIg-h til hl'ar it j\ldu lly. Ilalklu.1ah1

SOlllt,tilllt"" o u r "11111t'l" Illan" j ... ~o wl'a" that it i ... ahout all 11(' can dOlH lit,;']!' \\tllt patit'1ll',:? th l ' huITt.,tin!,! that \\C (\(>~t'I"\T for (11Ir lilll1t ... , hilt tlte Lord t(:I1 ... u ...

of a place of strength \\ l1('re \\"(' can "endur<.' gTIl'1

... ufTt'ring \\"l"ongfully," following ill lilt' !oolstt'lh of I lim "who did no sin. lll'ithn \\a..; g-ui1e il,uml in I i i ... mou t h: \\ 1111 \\-h('11 I Ie \\as !'c\-ikd, n'\'i\t:d 110t agalll: \\hel1 l i t., ~ II ITered Ill' lhreatt.'ned 110t: h Ul I'llInmittl'c\ Ilil11:-;t' lf tp Ilim t hat judg-t.·th rig-htcollsly" ( I "{'tn 2 '22. 23j, \\'(, may \\ell sa,\ that. in ollr IIwn ~tn'llgth, \\ l' ca n !It'H'r reach that plan': I,m \\"(' rail ... un·',\· claim irom (;od C\'('11 a ... I'alll did fIJI" lilt' Ephl· ... l:Jn dmrl'h. pu tting ourseh'b in plan' of them. that "1 h' \\(Juld grant u.;. anonlillg- til t! H' ridl('" of Iii ... glll!",\. 10 he strt.'llgthened \\"ith mig-Ill h) l li~ Spirit ill lilt' inner Illall: that Chri.;t mig-ht (1\",11 in nllr lH':nb h\' ia il h: that \\'C, he ing runted and g'r()tlnded ill lU\-l', lIIa~' he able to comprehcnd wi th all saints wlwl i..; till' hreadth and \('1l/!th :111(\ (Il-pth and heig-ht: and til kno\\" the lo\e o i Chris t. \\ hi('h passl,th knC)wledg-t" that we might he filled \\'ith <111 tIlt, fllllllt's..; oi (;nd."


The re are .i" different department. in our Go.pel Publi,h_ ing Hou.e be. ide. the printing room. The y are : (I) The General Council Office. (Chairman, A .. i.tant Chairmlln and SeerdKry), (2) The Mi .. ionary S ecretary'. office; (3) That of the Mi .. ionary Trcaaurer, (4) The Ge neral Bu.ine .. Office, which hKndle. orden, .ub.cription. and , e neral hu.ine .. ; (5) Editor'. department, to which article. (or publication and other matter. relating to the editorial work of the paper .hould be addre .. ed; and (6) a department which handle. r e port. and prayer rcquellt.. If matter (or different department. i. put on aeparale .beets or paper, it will lighten the labon of our hard·worked office (orce, and al.o will expedite attendin, to the variou. matten in your letten. B", .ure to .i,n name and addre .. (plainly) to each .h..,et .



Sunday: "For they shal l not be asham­ed that wait for Me" (Isa. 49 :23).

" Thi s waiting upon God all behalf of IT is Church and people will drpend great­ly upon th e p lace that waitin", a ll H im has taken in our ]>trsonai lik, The mi nd Illay often have beautiful visions of what Gall has promised 10 do, and the lips may speak of them in stirri ng words, but these are not really the measure of our faith or power, No, it is what we really know of Cod in our personal experi ence, His conqueri ng the enemies within, reign­ing "nd ruling, rev{'alinj{ lIil1l ~elf in li i<; Holiness and Power ill our inmost be­ing,- -it is this will be til(' real measure ()f the spiri tual blessing we expect from Him, and hrinl{ to our fe11owl11('l1. It is as we know how blessed the waiting 011 Cod has !)t'come to our '4')wn souls. that we shall conrLc\ ently hope in the bles!'in", to come Oil th e ·Church around us, and th(' key-word of all our ex per­i('nce will be, H e ha th sai.!: 'All they that wait 011 M(' sll;i ll not h(' ;l';hame(I.' From what II(' h:l!h done ill us, we shal1 tru st H im 1('1 do mighty thil1g~ arOllnd II !'."

Monday: " God commendeth His love toward us. in that, while we were yet sin ners. Christ died for us" (Rom, 5:8),

H ow fully do w(' appretiate thi~ WOI1-,lnful lo\'(' ·of Cod? Rather ~ tartling are thr- fol1owinA' word~ penned hy a poor hillati c in :'In :l~yh!lll a nd found after his death: " C"onltl w(, \\"i th ink the ocean fill,

And were till' sk i('~ o f parchmcnt mad e ; \Vas ev('ry stem on eart h a Quill,

And ey('rv man a scri be by trade; To write th'e love of Cod. wou ld drai n

th e ocean dry, Nor cou ld th(' sc roll cO lltain the whole, T hough s tretched from sky to sky."

Tuesday: "Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart" (Eph, 6:6). ~ometimes God t('ste: us in om 5er\' ­

ice for IIim jU5t to l'ce how pure oul' Ill ot ives reallv are, lI e allows others to get credit fo~ what we have laboriously accomplished, perhaps at a great sac­rifice; IT e permit!' !'ome to minimize our dlorts or ~ucc('!'s and all the wh ile Cod restrains l1o; from any word of resent ­ment or self-vindication. I t is a cut­ting way oftimes, by which God brings 11 5 to the place where we realize anI' ~en'ic e is done hefore H is eyes alon e: hut oh what victor)', what rest, what peace of mind th(,LI is ours! Hi s glory, Hi s lo'·e. has become the impelling po\\,­er of our lahar for Him and the strai n of ~(' lf-con !'i<leration is: forever ,zone,

Wednesday: "And I will bring the blind by a way th at they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight, These things win r do unto them, and not for_ sake them" (ls3. 42:16).

"It i~ h~' uo mean~ enoll!-,:,h to ~F,T

OL'T che('rfully with your God on any venture of iaith Tear into small pieces any itiner:lry for the journey , ... hieh your imagination may ha ... e thrown up, Koth· illg will fall out as you expect, Your Guide will keep no beaten path. li e will lead you by a way ~ lIch as you never dreamed your l·ye s would open upon H e knows no fear and lIe expects you to fcar nothing while He is wittl you. It is your business to learn to be peaceful and ~afe in Cod in e\'ery sit uation, To take Y('lu 10 His end by the way yotl know would profit Y.Otl little; He chooses for yOI1 a way you know not, that you ilia ... bt' lead into a thousand intercourses with Himself whic h wi'l l make the jour­!H'Y forCY('r memorable to J rim and to YOll ."

Thursday: "I will praise Thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praises unto T hee" (Psa, 138:1),

God delights in the wholelwaned praise o f Hi s people, whether in te sti­Illony or _~O fl g'! Had "Otl thought that artu:tl lir s ar(' ~omet illl t s sting right in th e house of God? GoJ holds lI!\ ac­l·ounta bl r for what we si n ~ ;'IS well a!' what we ~ay, " T rut h in the inward part~" impl ic_~ a full sincerity in nil Ol1r \\'or~hip and conduct, in our home as wcl! as in th(' hOI1 ~e of God,

Friday: "Take us the faxes, the little faxes, that spoil the vines" (S, S, 2:15).

I wonder if we ha'·e forgotten th e r hildh ood rhym e we had in !'chool y("ar~ ago. "For the want of a nail the shoe was losl:

For 111(' wa nt of a shoe a horse was lost: For the want of a horse a rider '\'ns

los t ; For th e \\'nnl of a rider the kill~doll1 wa~


And all for the want of a horseshoe nail! Co uld Cod's people realize this they

\\·ould gn,Hd marC' closelv thc "Iiltle d Qors" ('If Satan's approacl~. F,y('n' ad­\'ance of Satan through a "little ~loor" \\'id(' n~ that ~Ioor percep tiblv ;,mel makes more possihle th e overthrow of thr hca"c l11 y citadel within. "Resist th(' de"i l a nd he will nee from you."

Saturday: «For I reckon that the suf­ferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Rom, 8: 18),

The following extract cam(' home to Illy heart in a new \\'ay the other day: "T like that phra"e 'worthy to "ufhr.' Tt i" to tho!'(' whom God 100'es b('<;t anr1 most that He give$;, as H e gaye to H i", ~on, th (' ('hanee of sufferin,z. Sympath~', !'trel1/lth, r('ality, the se are somc of it <; fruits for th ose \\'ho a11o\\' them to grow, 01,e in pain probably never feels him­~elf of thc elect during the actual hour of trial: hllt afterwards, \\'hen the <;tln shin(' s more brightly a nd the sk~· is more tender bhle. bv contra,,! h(' should r('c­N!nize that lif~ has h een tran!'lated into higher and holier l eyel~ ' through hi~ pain. One ought n c\'er to shrink from sl1fTerin~:

February 9, 1924

fo r it is a' great crystalizer by a strange and compensating alchemy which teaches one canons of judgment; which burns a­way what IS haphazard and slovenly ; ,,,,.hich purges from hearts and sOtll s that v, hicit is impure- and untrue."


It is generally admitted that humility IS the Christian's cardinal virtue. The Bible is unequivoca l on this point, and one inspired writer affirms the truth that humility is even before honor. The leaching and example of our Lord ) e­SU,i Christ are emphatic in this direct ion, an d the apostolic writers do not shri nk from declaring the same truth. ft is catura!, therefore, tha t in the e nlightened Christian consciousness there should be a great value attached to the quest of this grace, And yet there is probably no vir­tue which can .. 0 easily be imitated, and which ca n so readily lend it self to the :lbuse of affectation. The whole diffi­culty with so many apparently humble people is that thcy are aware of their meekness; and such self-consciousness practically destroys what hl1mility they may actually possess, 'vVe have to be on our guard, therefore, lest in our earn· est desire to possess the bcst gifts we do not vitiate the charm of humilit\' bv :\ deadening, subtle, and ~emi-;;pi;itu~1 pride.

I It has been obse rved that in the de­

portment of many professcdly humble people there has crept ill a curiolls af­fectation. Sometimes it is the affecta­tion of man ner, sometimes the affecta­tion of language, sometimes the affecta­tion of tone, It ha s a lso bcen observed that very frequently speech whicil has to do with religious matters ha s a dif­ferent accent to t hat which characterizes the homely speech of everyday life. It may be, of course, t he almost uncon­scious desire to be as g ood as our words are sweet, but the perils of affecta tion are very con si derable. however we view the situation ,

J ohn son defined a lie as th at which is intended to dece ive; we do 110t suggest for a moment that the affected life in­tends to d ecei\'c : the awkward fact i!' tha t somehow it docs dec eive, Verv often we indulge in exalted lan,'{ua gc when our actual ex perie nce i!' common­place and meager enough in all con­science ; V('ry often the hon eyed words of our tongue are sharply co..nt l'adicted by our heart of pride, It ,,·ottld be a wise and sens ihl e thing, in consequence, if \I'e paid a little more attention to our !'pcech. L et us pull ourselves up sharp­ly at times, an d ill(Juire whe ther the word .. 've arc tittering are the honest expres­s ions of an ordered life.

J ohn Mason Neale, in a sea rching mes­sage on "Sins of the Tongue," tell s this si mple s tory: "There was once a holy mjln nam ed Pambo, who serveQ our Lord With prayer and fasting, dwelling by him­self ill th e wilderness for seven ty years, \Vhen he fir st began this life, he wen t to a " ery aged servant of God and in ­(jtlired how he ought to live. The old

h:-b ruary 9, 1924

lIla ll took down lhe P~:L1tcr, a nd bet:­gan to read the Psalm' ' I sa id , I will take heed to my ways, that I offend not w ith illY longul'.' '~IOp; said Pam­boo ' that i" enough for a whole life; tel me go home and pr:t("tin' it.' ,. II should he to u <; a salu tary i ('!'<;on. Thcr<~ i~ a speciol] " humili!\' \~'hich i:-.,I\{'" in a nall­!'orating affectation, ::11(\ in no ,lircctiOIl is t his morc clearly "cen than in tho.: la nguage we u~c. \\'hat occur" in "cx:iai life very frcq u('lltly o('cur<; ill «pirilliai cxpait:llcc. ~lc!l h·i~T1 what is rl'alk not fac t

Says R ichard Baxter' "The affecta-lio:1 of imita ting' fa;;hiol1 mOI1l,;-!:r". <t11'\ hearing a pan aho"c om"" rank. and to lin' like them thitt afC 01 .. leI) abO\-c th.

ratht:r than thoo:;c th:.! arlO a -.tI.:p belo\\ lI'. are <;ignc: as !'igniJicanl (, prid~ a~

1 he rob!'s oi a ju'I,,~· or doctor arc oi their d igni t ic!' an.; dcgn'e ;" ;md pre­(·i"l·1\· the .;aI111 .. · da:ll-:'t'r tl"'C:l lcn'" in ~I);r illlal expt' rie' Il {"l·. \Yt' em afl':rt to be wha t reatly \\"e ar " "ot; We' ("all profcs~ a hum ili ty wh ich i .. Ilullified in the \"t;r~' pl"or..:ssion. \\'c "til 11:;- in\"t'''~l'd with that most perni cic II s of a l1 p('f\"rr~i \ jt·", an arrogant m('('km'~' C'hri'-liall \\"ork in ~e ne r a.1 is 1I0 t whol1y frl"e frolll the H'l~ dt·!lt·v: ami \\·il: il' lH' pr(,',ahl\" "'ent ;, little: too far, th ere i.,. Il en'r':lel( "'nllH thi ng , 'i tal :l'1d <;;:. ne abollt thc 0111\11ailll of Hllsk in wl1("11 he spe.:tk", of tho:'e "ho arc swollen with th {' wincl of ma ll rather tl1;1 1l with the h rea th of God : "Yollr con­H'lled c h il d~e ll who t('ath \ht·;r pOlr(, Il !.': \'our con \'('rt e(\ com' ids who l e:~c h han e"l men; your converted dunces, wh o. hav­ing li"ctj in ("r et inon <.\upcfaetion ha.!i their five<;, and suddenly a wak(' ning to the fa ct o f there heing- a (;0(1. fancy them­sekec; H is pecu liar people and Illessen­.l!e r.~. " T he"e a rc hard words, but th ey arc nOI rash . and the" arc not withollt .. ome fo ,mdatioll . \V(. have frequ ently heen pained by t itt aggre s~ive meckn e~" of those who ha v(' hecn born out of du e time, who ru"h in \\·hcre angels fear to tread, wh o, with has tily aC (Juired accom­pJ i ~hments, woul,1 s(' ttle all th e problem c: of criticism, phil osophy and ethi c<:. The word ,; o f the :.:-rea t :trt criti c mar .. corch a little. but in <:0 f;\ r a<: they represent a phase of experience , we should pro fi l h" their me<:sage. The Chris tian. of all n~en, should he truk modes t. although hraTe :md confident: he should he hum­hie, althoug-h settlerl and dcterminC'd: he should he hone"t, although cautions <llhl di scr('-('t. Abo\'e all thin ,(!"<: . he should 1)(' ("onraJ:!(':ollsly sincere. with •. ttrowin r.­hatred o f anythinq- affe, ted, \':11ether it he spiritual ity, learning . speech, or a t­tai nment: and hi ~ humility <: h ould be a " natural a nd artle ~<: a~ th(': merry laugh o f a happ~' hoy.


A specious humility .:tad a culti\'ated afTer la tio n arc made to do dutv for the r ('al qualities which arc mi ssing." \Ve arc p(' rfectly sure that thc truly humhle mall m"ver car('c: a penny-wi~e about h is hu ­mility. It ;s a<; natural a <: hreathin~, an ,1 juc:t a<: necessary. Tt ha c: hec ome an au tomatic proce<: c; o f daily liying. H e d ('c~ not talk about it; h{' doe~ not d is~

CI1'=''' how hC' acquired it . He lh-es natur-


ally. thinks quietly, act.. .. alll.'ly, speaks gently. One of the gn. .• .!t folhl"~ 01 so lIlall~' arrl(:t~·u Pl"Oph- i~ that Ihey thi nk and .. peak at the lop of thei r voices. T hey become the arch-t1ogmati~b of con ­t r()n~r~) ~t'lll~ ot the attacks a ll the ('PPOIl{'nl,,- oi Ihe faith ha\'e bee n litt le !-ollor! oi lIau,,~·ati n C". rhl" ar 'ulIll'nb ha\'c hl'en ,,"perfie;al, the Ul'p(lrtmUl! ha, Ill'('ll arrog-ant, and thl' !:.lliritualllY ha .. h In \ ;1I1id. ~oml'Ollc ha, ~;aid th,lt thi" I" ,llw3\", til(" wa~' .\ ~n'at eh,llIIpiol1 bk l· the lall' i'roic<sor J:lllle~ Orr wa~ ;, ~nal Chri~liall gentleman bdore he was :lnnhill!-\", ;m,1 \".ithOllt thl' slij.dlll,~ .. t trace of affl'etnlion, he wa .. as humblt· :I .. ;\ littk child, Tht· aiTt·l·tl·1! ~o\ll i~ .. lr;\·;111.! 10 produl"c what i, ;I\.'\ualh- I:\l·k lUg- Thl,.. it i:. that a ~reat thinker like Juhn llriRhl 1I.,cd very ~ill1plt' \\ords, whill tilt' alTcl'lt'd "tmknt illlllllj.{l·s ill \\onl ... oi Il\l' ><dlable~. l" hl' Il'llI.;:th oi thc word is sup'posed to CO\'('r Ih e 110V'

l f!\' oi thoug-itt. TIl{'~e eon('\\1"iol1>; arc lIot I )k;t~a!ll.

bllt they arc obvious to al! wlHl are prt' pared to face t hc iact., Tht, world i .. \\'carr of makc-bclie\"c, 1·:"(;IIh'.1 proic~· 1>io l1 ~, sp('c iou::> humi lity, rl'iij.,';olls affl"t­latio n. and iOIlJ,!s for thc clean \\ imi 0: a noble honesty.

It is not partielllar l ~' ea"~' to preser:ill' all)' laws in regard 10 humilit}', ior Ihl "illll)le ye t ,;.ullicicllt re.:tSOIl that in the proces<: we wa nt to avoid draw ing" at­tent ion to our selves. 'roo Il lnc h <:elf­l" xamina t ion i~ un hea lt hy for the soul \\ 'e n('e-d to look alit 'rathe-r tha ll in: to look awav to Ch rist rather tha n 10 self. ll llt w·e tan s t,lr t in a vcry de· menlary fashion to tread the hllm ble way Thl" rc arc a t Ie-ast fo ur th ings that shollid be obsl'n 'ed in the cu lture of 11IImilil\. and the~e \\" t' lllay no w ind ica te. .

(1) Fin\. it i~ ll e('('ssar\' that we sh oulll pl1rge ou rs(, l\-('S from an II ntrue COIl­

cept ions. Th l'fC is in mos t o f us an in he-rCllt t Oll cc it which is d a n ~ero l1 ~ ill th e cxtrC llle if it is unch ecked . \Ve shoul d gel fr ee from all ideas o f our superiori ty As long as hea rt shal1 beat we a rc n oth ­ing morc th a n poor, wea n', h(': lpl es3 !'in­ner ~. \Ve brough t nOlh ing int o the worid, and it is certain we shall ta rn' nothing out. T hese th ings should not (lepress li S, but should help 10 <:ecure for ti S a right point of \"j ew. ~ome on e h a3 \\"e ll remarked that "pride of bi r th is the mos t ridicul ous of 0111 vanit ies : it is like a tree boa slin ~ of its root ill s t ~ad of it s fru it," and Gray, in \\"e l1 · rerlclIl hered li T1 c ~, tl' l1 s u" that-

The bo .. <: 1 of herald ry, the pomp of pow'r, And all th at bea uty, a l1 tha t wealth,

e'er gave, \ wait alike th' inevitabl e hour :

The paths of glon' lead hut to the grave.

(2) Second, \\'e should get a ('o mmo n­sense view of our brethren. It is almost a had thing when a man is an only son, for the dan~er is that he will miss a ('(':rtain <:t('rn co rrecti\'e tha t one of a nu mber rl' ('ei \'es. Thl' real \'a 1tlC of a coll ege or a un iversity con <; i<; t .; 110t in the amount o f compu! c;ory work undertaken, :l ~ lI1u ch as it docs in the influe nce of the

P age Seven

common-room, wh ere a man Sl'(''' him­"elf simply a~ one of ma ny. . \ n)"th ing that tends to make a man isolat t'd i~ to be scriou",ly a nd Sll'adiast ly c\l'prec,ltl'l.

(J) Third, it i~ nece<;sary Ihat '\e ~hould shu n l"\'erYlhing that tends to­ward affectation. Lt·t u~ rclraln....-..-c\"c.'n though we arc mi"ulldcr .. tootl·-i~olJl J.::i" 111~ \'oke tl' rdl!o:"i{l\!" ><('111i111cnl" \\!lich 1:\\"e no place in our actual l"xperil"ncc,

(4) Finaily, we ~holiitl IIH (Ius(, to God, naturally. S\\\ l't1,\·. withoul strulot­gle. Then wc ~haH discover. a~ T hun',lu says, that "humility, likl' .larklll·"s, n' ycal.~ the he:l.n' nly lii-,'"h t " ~t('n will c:ltch ~omcthing (If the ~Iory of (-;od in the .;implici ty of our 10\'e to C'hri~1

There is a pa~sag:l" in the lett('r tn the Colossiani. "hich is oi pt'ruliar \ .• lue 10

our present tht'Ill(" If \\e Illi~t.lke nOl , it "as the idcntical pa""';l~(' \\ hich h· I Ih(' RI'\' Il u\Jert Brooke 0111 of UIln-r

laint~· of expcrielll't' and fl'ehl!'lln~ of charac h'r into the lih' whi('h i~ life in(in d. T hese arc the words: "·\ s , 'r ha\'l' re· ceived Chris t J l'~ U ~ the Lo~d, so walk ye in H im." "Rut," ("'omp i ain~ l'h:Jr\{'s ~illleo n . "how fr\\" take the ~rrilltllft' comment in wh ich the contcx t h:lo; ,Ie sc r ibcd what it i~ to walk in C hriq ' II is to be 'rooted an d bu ilt up in lI im, an.1 s tabl ished in the fa ith as "e ha\"e 11\'('11

taugh t, ahou ndi ng- therein' \\ ilh thanks giving.''' T he CJl1l·~t i on na t uralh' ;\fi"l'l(. II o\\" did wC' f\'::t'iH' ('hri.,.t?

Perh aps the hones t an"wer to such a qm'sl iol1 l'la.\ bri ng wilh it a gn'at eOIl­\'ietion that we have nevcr real ly accep t­ed Ch ri<:t. Thc n here is the evange l as \\ell as a re trospect.

(1 ) \\'c rccein'd Chri~t in grea t hu· III j l it~· of SOI1\' a nd in great poverl~' o f sp iri t, for we h ad nOlhi n;.:- to hri ng, ''';1\'('

our si ns and our (Ieht s a nd onr fl'ars T herc wa,~ not hin g" ~pcciou<; about that early humility ; it \\"a" not t ill ,l{l'(1 with af fectatio n \Ve ,~ aid it . an d \\e hOIl(' ... tiv meant it-" !\'othin g ill my h an ds I h ri ng-.; · T hc n as we recei\'cd Ch ris t <:0 ha \"e we to wa lk. beeaus c 0'.11 ncrd of lI im i~ a~ gre<l t as ever.

( 2) W e recei vecl Ch rist in si mple. re i \'ery definite fa ith It was a tran sact ion complet ed in a ~illg ie act, It wac: 11 01 a wearyinR" p rO'e.~<; of att l"mpt ing to he­come like H im. \'\'e <: imply .:tcceph'd H im a<; .Iefinite,," as W (' lake the hrl'ad ami d ri nk the \':in('. ~o I11 I1'1 t wc do st ill \Ve mu '>t w alk with H im ill tht, sa me spiri t of fa ith . and with the <:am c de finit enc ss of pnrposc: for o nlv tll\l ~ shall wc he del h'ered fro nt Ih(': ' hollow ma ke-belic \'c, from the .5puriou <; sa ncti­fi ca t ion, from the !'pecious hu mil ity , and ani}' thu s sh all we bccome in (:~·ed . ancl o f :I trllth . li\'ing sons and ,laughten; of Ih e L ord Go(1 A lmighty.-T hc Lifc 01 F aith .

May he had in tract r Ofl1', fn' e, from .J 5 . HOl1<;e, 510 Bas<: Block. Fort Wavne 1 nd ia na - ,

Se mi twcnt .\' - five C('llt s fo r sample pack­ag e o f trac ts. Gospel Publi~h j ng Housc Springfielcl , Mo. '


~=="=I =A=m=th=e=L=or=d=T=h=a=t ="=e=aI=et=h=Th=e=e'=' ==l.ij "PRAI SE THROUGH" ;iflc::r arrech from it. I mentioned thal

I am t::oinF:' to ,pI'ak iI little about tl\!· I had had a little tw;teh in my right eye, lif" of pr;li<;(' \V t · oft("n Ilt"ar lH'oph' .. <tV, hut that .. oon pa"<'('d off. Then .. he told 'pra\" through." hut I think "prai ... l' 111(" Ihal, when she came ami found me

thro!'gh" j" mon° heantihtl. UIl,oll<icious the righl eye was lying out I Ihink (~Ofl would hal'l' nil" ,,:-I\T a (,f it~ <;O(""kN on the chInk Sh(' (]l1i('klv

IlIth· Jlt"rsollal n:peri('IICt, 01 110'1 1-1(. prt,~~t"(1 it hack, and praved a ... sh(' did lauglll me 10 "prai~c throlLgh." I wa'i "0, hut in all the af\t'f ('\"('nt .. she for· ("Tossill.'! th(· (""olllnry froll1 111(' 11·('~t ;tnt! .'!at to tell 1111.' ahout it. got a .. far as 1111' (""Otl~ill''' in ])l"Iroit, ;w,1 \\I1("n "hi;' rai .. eci Ill(' to Ill\' ft'd I \\'a~ I wao; expel,tin.'! to kal'C 10 goo 10 1Il1' ;n ~uch joy in tilt' mid .. t of the ,i.,'Tl·at 110111(' in New EIIgla1ll1 on Ih(' follo\\"in~ "gOIl)" I i('lt I mU:-.1 lie dO"II, hut I dar On tht, morning of the fLn' Ill" kllt'w Ih(" Lord had th(· (""a~c in hand and fore I w,,~ goinJo( to I{'al't' I wa~ ;11 Ill) 11(· wnuld !I'lI Illt' what to do. lie "el'm-room writing wht'n I ... 1I,IIlt-llly thou.(ht, "'\ 10 .,ay, "Si! in !hal chair." I ~aid to "ColI.,il1 Ilarrr ha .. h(JllJo(ht ;\ I1('W hOll'-t' Ill\" cOllo;ill a .. w('11 a .. I could, "Th.- I,ol'd and I han' not {'\'l'n Sh'n it. and whrn Idls Ill(' to "it in that ("hair." So ... he I gl'l hOllle tlwy will want 10 knOll all a· helped 1m' to it allfl I ~at Ihl'fl' Aftl'r hou! i! .. I am <;0 hlilHI ;UlI\ dt'af to all ('x a tilll l' th l , Lord ~aill. "el'l ~Iarion to ("('pt tht' thing~ oi Cod Ih;lI. uIlI(' .. ~ I Iwlp you and go to thc (Irawing' room and ;1111 1'l'lllillfl('11. I am li"hl t • to forg'et ,til ";1 !ht'r('." \\'Iwn I got thl'rt', Ihe Lortl ah'lUt tht' .. e thing~ So I Llid IloWII 1I1~ ~airl," .\~k for two hot wal('r hottlc" 0111(\

pen and thought; "Y I''', I will takc';( ha\".· 0Ill' for vonI' hand ... and thl' uthcr Mil \"('v oi thl' hOIl"I'. I rC'!lH'II1IJ1'r h(m for ~'our 11'("1.': Tlwll I iouncl that Illy

IIH' room .. ;lfl' .. iluall'cI tlo\\ II Slil;r~,"O haml ... and fl·(,t wcrl' lik(' i(.T

I will tak(' a run aroun,l ht'rl' alld "'IT \\'ht'll I told lin cO\l .. in .. ht· .. <\i.1. huw this is 10raH'II." "Yt'~. I alll "'Ilr(· th;lt i~ a good thing ~o I ran through Ih(' room" ilnd ("anH tn do" -\fI{'r I hilfl tht, hot \\ atl'f hOI

10 a dark ~Iairwa\·. "\'('~" I thoughl, tin I In!.1 Ill." t'oll"in In gn hark to h('r ·C'nu .. in Ilarry told l11e th('rt· was an work; !-h(' \\a" pr(·pal'ifl.L:' th., la .. t mt";ti

allic." So I .. pr'lllg' up, hut il1~tt';HI of In' '\·{'{'t· goin).{' 10 hal'(' to).{'t'lh('l', ;t sort fi1lliing lIly~c1f on thl' ~Iair~. r foUt)!1 of ft'a,,! 111eal. I I\anit'd 10 he ;ilolll..' my~('Jf in <'P;l('c! \\'I1I'n I re;\liu'] that r wilh m~' Hl·lol'NI Tt wa~ on(' oi Ihose wa, falling I ifllUH'iliatc1.r lurned my till1t·~ \\llI'n "tll"O i~ 1'01llpall\" and thrt·(, ,(,If into !IIi;' !'orrl'" hand. Thai Wit" tlw i .. a crowd" amI Iht' Lord Il'I I11t' h;I\'(' a lir~1 thin)l, and III(' ~l','o1lfl \1;\'0 that the ta .. \.- of ,\hat it \\ill h(' lik" !o han' tilt' Lor.! att('nde-d to it. I kfl('I\' no mort' full pr(''Il'IICt' of ]eslI.. Pr('s('ntlr m~' IIntil I turncd a ~Ofllll1t'r ;Hlit and lallliNI ('011 "ill ('am(' from clown 10\\ nand .. Iood on til(' l1("xt floor. ("oll1in~ clown, like a looking at 1111' ... a v im ... •. ''('nu .. in I .Inil'. hamlll('!". 011 thl' lop of 11l~' la'ad. I did ho\\' di(1 all thi .. hapP(,Il:" I .. aid, "0 1101 cOl11e to con~riou~I1I'~e; for a ~('(""olld Cousin 1 f.,rn·. lIT 1101I't \\ ,Ill{ In look or 1\\,('1. \\'111'11 I did ~o Ill\' hl',lt! \\a~ at it lil-;(' thaI. JI'~U~ is 11\'1'1' ;m\ has til(' pl"('~!'('(1 d(lIIll untn Ill\' du's! and 111\' ra .. (' in han.!." \\'ith that till' l!10I"\' thaI lil1'h .. wnl' plan'd in such a wav that it '\';h 011 hi .. Iliil, .111(1 on nw ft.11 on him lonked \"('rr ~ " rio\l" 1 thought a~ I 10("",. and \11' all prai~t'd tilt' Lord tOi-!"<.,th L\IlW tn fon .. rion~nt· ~. "I~ it goil1l-!" 10 t·r Tht'll 111' told.us thai \,hile hi' wa~ h. t';tr lh or hCI\'('n?" Tn<:tantly <;011l{' down 10\\11 a grl'at <1arknn .. ralll(' 011 IllIne: pr;IIlK up anti ,Iii\, "\\'hat Ii". ~ him and hi' IhoUl-!"ht -,ollH'lhinl! h:1I1 hap-it m.111rr, it j ... ~oin" 10 h~' thl' II ill oi pt'full' to hi ... wifl' 1;.>11." \nd till'1I 111\' h{'arl hegan t('l Pr('s(,lltly tilt' Lord SOlid 10 1Ih', "YOII

kilp an" d:tn("{, anrl rdoi(""(" ]"')r('~t'llth' r:U111llt take that train tomorro\\'. 21"( \'Ollr

1111' rOIl:-.in 1'<llIlt' allil .. aid, "Oh, ('ol1~in rn\l~ifl 10 wir(' all.' rhallf,:'C' Your f\"~{'l"\·a. r ,ini,'. \,:hcr(' are \'011 hurt;" r Ila~ ill liotls to tht n('xl dav.'· 'rht"n til(' !t'l(' "lIrh ('(""stan' if] Ih(' l'lid~t of till' h'rr;hl., gram W;lS ,l.';\'('n to lI\e wor{1 for worrl pain. ;Ind wl1{'11 I Iri('11 to .,peak to hel' anll;)'s l't·oI101nic .. lh- a~ it could Iw I' 11\\' tOIl~ue wa" ~o ~\\'ollt'lI that T eonld \\a" Ih(' 011(' who commamit-ti 10 J,:ath"r IIOt "pI'ak. Aftl'r a lillll' 1 m;HIC' hl'r un til(' fra~1l11'nt~ that rf'lIIaillC't\. thOlll,.11 h{'ar the mumhlc, "Oh. COII~in \brion. TTt> i" ('\'l'r a hnuntiful lIi'·l'r. Sonn IhC'I' don', h(' ~orr~", it i" th(' will of Goo." Idt m(' :\1011(' a'-'"ain wilh 11H' Helo\,(',l Theil tll(, ~lor.\' thai \\';1" on me i('11 011 H:llll'llliah! I rallclujah ' ,\fh'r a whilt' Iwr tll(' Lortl "aid, "GI'I tht'lll 10 h('lp \'011

Present].;' Ill\" Lord ~el'l11('cI to ('0111(' tn up· ... t;!irs ;1Il.] go to h('(1 IInlil ~ix o','lork 111<'. 110t \'ie;ih l ~·. htlt T f('1t Tl im eom(' itl111 and Ihen ~('I lin and go to Iht' Hihl(' ~tand h~' Ill\" ~i d (' :\nd T kl1('I" H,· 1\<1S ~dlo()1 wllt'r,' "011 han' an t'l, 'ral!""mC"lI ('ome 10 lake I'are of Ih(' (""as{'. H (' "('('n' tn ~pl';lk tf'mil{il t " Shor th' aftt'r. \fario" ('d to <.aI', " Draw Ihat limh down." T ('011111' in with a ho\\"l of "oup ami 1 t(1111 tift'\\" do\\"n the lim h anti Iha l i(.ll'l' 111C' hrr \\·hat 111\' Doctor. til(' T,( ,rr! I~'~\I~, a little pu rchae;C'. Ih(' n TTr ~aid, "turn a had "aid. Tt took 1\1'0 of th~'111 10 tl~'! 1111' littlr." T turned ;'11111 Ih{'n m,- l'ou!'ill U)"I Ih(' sl;]ir~. a~ T harl no pow('r ('I1'('r ml' ,,·ilh ~0T11(' effort ~ot 1111' to 111\' f('("I. Two h<,.I\', ami all liI(' ,\"Ilil(' \\'a~ in ('xl r('111e \'ears lalC'r when T IVa" with Ill\' cousin lorhlr('. hu l all til(' time- r \\"a~ praisim:r again and we w('r{, dio;c l1 ""ill.'! fhe fall. and adorilll.!' 111Y L ord. ' rarion 11!1'lr('~,,-m~' (,o\l~ i l1 ae;ket! 111(' if r had fdt all\' -... ('<I 111(' and lhl..' l1 lefl me aloll t, wilh my

Fehruary 9, 1914

Lord. Soon I fell ij~leep or dOl.nl and 0111.1' whell I took a deep hrcalh did thl' pain awakcn 1111': then I awokc prai~111g and ft'll ao;lc<.'p prai.~inv again.

AI six o'clock l ~lariOll came in to dre~ ... IIll'. and with my twO cousins I started off to the Olh{'r side of Delroil Xo ... ooller had WI' started than r pa<;,,('d irom ~woon to ~WOOI1, and lhe three oi u:-. a~ happ ... a~ could h<.·1 There WCfe thrl'(, changee;, and \\"h(,l1 we gOt to the la~: dlangl' I \\;1" ahl(' 10 walk the hlod.; alltl " half withoul a <;\\"0011. The Lord wa~ doing a mighty miracle, but Ill' did not want 111\' to h:I\"I' an\' exIra qrain, so lie told 111(' to go into another room \lhi1<' Iht·.\" ";111g' alld ollly go OUl Wh{'11 r had 10 ~peak. So they led me illlO ;Inothl'r room. I l11tht ha\'(' looked a .. I ra"!.:"{ . ...:ight 10 them, one ~ide oi mI' iace \Ia~ hlaek ilnd .. \\oll('n and the otla:r it'll a~ thoul.[h a hoard had ht·t:n nailed !o it r sta.nd in that room I1l1til it wa~ ti11l(" ior 1111' 10 "pl'ak. hut it 11('\'('r 0.'­t'III'l'd 10 111(' Ihat if I o;poke r should hal"(' ~omcthing to ~p('ak alJout. \VIIt'Il I ,.rot l1p r lookt'd to thl' I.ort! aud 11(' ~hO\\"('d m(' a C'haptt'r ill Hcn'lalion which I had IIl'\"l'r ltfl(i<'r"lootl \,("n' \ITl! all(1 on ",hidl I had 1l('\"{'r had \'('rv mudl lig-ill. Thi.' Lord hl('~ .. t'd us ~o tililt Iht' \\"holl' hod\" of 1)t'OPit- rO<;t' tl) Ilwir iet't and, rai .. in~ thlir halltb. prai~c'd aTlI pr;ti~('d the I.ord.

I (lid Tlot ~wOOn on,(, l'omillg- hack atl(l IlIV ('ousin's wife ht'lp~'d 111(' to IH·d. r had a wO llllerful night-not much ~lt-,.p hul a \'a<;( amount of praise and g lon'

The lH'xt day thl' Lord sent in a ~oo.l many pl'ople, ~onlr' unSil\'c(1 and till'\, got tilt' \('~tiT1lon\" 10 lhe h('alin~ that \\"a~ g-oing on Thl'\' were <;urpris(,11 to ~t'l' this hlat'k faCt' and c1o,.,('d eye ilnd happy heart. ()nl' famih- of hackslidl'f~ ralll(' in an(1 rdurnrd t'o th(' 1.ord Later I ,.,ai,1 to ,rarion. "I want you 10 prar Ihat :'III thi~ di:-.rolOratioll will il'a\'t· III' forc 11l0fniug', and r will pray 100."

I had 110t thou.'!ht of prayin~ lH'iol'{', hUI T f('11 th(' fri('nri<; :It hOI1lC' would .L:'l"I a ~ho~'k if Ih(·\· .. aw me likt' that. and IhtT .. om(·tinl(""': Ihink T am J::"ettin~ 10C" old to ~() ahout an\,\\':\\' This wa" tIll' (IIII\, pra\'{'I' in all that limt·. :111(1 T \\":1111 \"l\l 10 mark lhi~ -·it \\'::1."; not :'IfI'j\\'I'r.'el' ThC' llext morning' ml" ian' wa ... Wllr"I'. hul T .. tarktl nut and tra\'('II{'d that ,Jav ;mrl tilt' 111.."'::1. anti arri\'ed in 111\' hnl1lc \\"hl'n r I!<'t lh"rt', r f()l1fld !h~1 ~0111t' thin;.! had happ('nrtl to th(' ekC'tricitl' and tIlt' whole C'il\" \\,;10; ill darkl1('ss: our hntl~ \\'a~ in total darklll'~" eX('C1)\ for :1 tim' talTow or SOTllt'lhinR' ill the .ira,,·jll(.!" rO('lm1 r ~1t (I('own :lIld \H' talked and lau~hcd allf1 r told them a litllc ahout th(' fall. ~wl \\'1' latHzh('(j ov('r it and went to hed, lTm\l'\'I'r, till' Ill'xt ria" when lh("," ~a,,· lIlt' faCt' th('\" \\'('r(' horrifiC''', hut it I'('n' rani(lh- Il('al.'r! ami T "'ae; quid \\·(,11

The I,orcl ~ho\\"('d 111(' ho\\' rapidh" 11(' ("" .... 111(1 work \\'11('11 \\"t' \I'('fe in a ~pir;1 nf pr"i~f' Xn Ill:l!t.'f hOI\" rlark I'our "ffair~ .... r ~'<'l1r rll\· .. ic .. 1 (""o nr!ifiofl m:1\' I)t', if YOU f"d 10~1 10 ('\·!"f\"thin(.!" ('I~(' hut nr;'!i~­in(t" Tt'~\I~. TTl' (""all \"ork on \'Ollr hl'llalf fillirkh' 1'h(' rI('\·il onnol \lork "hil,· "',, ;or,> prai ... i\l(.!", hilI 11(' ('an work IIIit'll \\1 ;Ire pra\'tm?', wlll'lI w(' na~...: from nr;t\'rr to prai~{' Ih(' eil-vil (,:Inllol ~lal1d il

February 9, 1924

1 n Re\'. 8:3, we read, "And another angel came and ~tood at the aitar, hav­ing a golden cemer; <l.nd there wa" given UlltO him muc h incense that he should offcr it with the prayers of all ~aillt<; upon the golden altar which was before the throne." Incen ... e is prai:;c and the ccnser i., golden. I':\"(:rvthing that i.~ a type of the Lord }t'sus Christ is of gold. The censer contained the prayer~ of all the saints. T suppose that Ilwans th~' left-ovcr praya ... oj all the "aITlt ... -thosc that were not answered in Ihelr time.

The ~ainl~ of all ag('s arc .Ii ... tinctl\" told tha t their pra\'crs arc to IH' ofT{'r{'(] wilh much inccll~e-Illllch praise Ther~' i ... ;\ lime coming when all Ihe prayer" of all Ihe saints frOIll all aR"c'o arc going 10 h:I\'(' their completc answer and we have th e pri\'ilege of living" in tht' ell(1 time, It is in this hour that th{' golclcll Ct'IlSN is full of IIlIl,h ince~se. It be\ol1g .... to Ihie: hour to have our wholt, spirit filled with the prai~t' of Jesus -Elil'ahcth ~isson ill Thing" ~e\\' and Old.

SAVED, HEALED AND BAPTIZED \Vc know J esu'o is the ~al1lC, \~' ... tcrda\·,

;'1:1(1 tod:n", and iort·\'er. Prai:-l' bt' io Iii ., na me, Husband and I wen' won­dc r iullv heall'':\. )..:lol"iou~ly ..,;tv\"fL and filled with the 1101\" ~pirit an'ording" to .. \ct~ l:~ a year ag-o. \\'e W('f(' led tn Christ thr(lUKh our ~ix-\'ear-old ho\ \\ h.) had infalllik paral.ni" -"'0 that Ill" l'ould not walk. Cod wOIHIl' fi ull\" undertook and h(' is walkillg no\\" ,'\\a.., Iwakd of nervous troubl" which T ha,1 had "incl' childhood: al~o oi chronic con<:tipation" HII ShOlllrJ was c!t-li\"l'rt'(] from tht· toha,co hahit of 18 p'ars ~tandi ll g. ~inl'l' whkh tim(' ht: has gai lll' d 39 pOlln(ls. All praise and g lor .... he 10 Co.·1. \\'l' arl' anxio!! .... 10 ht, out in Ih l· han'cst field a~ thl' la"of('r~ arl' fe\\", Pl"a\" for II".-\fr~ Catht'rill{' ~fc\'n',~or. Bahr-;Iicld. Calif.. Box 254.

r am savcd and haptizt'd in Ih(.' Hoh' Spirit ('al11101 praisc Ill\" Sa\"iour t.·nough for all !-l is gocxlnc:o<s ;\I1cl tl1('rcy to IlH'. I han' bl'('11 healed of T. B .. 01

ulcers of the qomaeh, and oi a "olllplira­tion of diq'a~es, whell T \\.:1 .... lIot ahlc to \\alk across the rOOIll. The doctors "aid there wa~ no {'hallce ior me except ;'IJ1 operation : but. prais{' Hi s (](-,"\r na1lh-. H e healed my frail hod y. To lI im ! give all the glor.\· T Ilt' next t.'\"t'nill~ I ,,"alk" {'d 0111' Illile to ch llrch. I han' S('Cll a vision of hea\'l'll :"I nd it WOl" a mo;.! hcau tiful place" )Of.v delerminatioll i~ 10 rcach ;1 \\"ha\('\'l'I' the Iriat.~ an d coa!'t !lwy he. Pray for Int' that Tri s will shall be ,] 011(' in illY liie ).[r<;. D. \ . \,it.ilOl". lT ol1~'. Colo. -

L;hl ~\llllnH'r :-ufl('rcc\ \"('n" much \\'ith lilY right si (\c. and al..;o h:ld ,;('\"cn' spells :It timc.. with m~' .. tomach­could not "Il'ep at ni/.';1\. I aske I tht, loved one .. ill ehri"t to (")rOly for me. a n,]. thank (iod, praycrs ha ve been answ('rcd. P ra~' for 111 (' a nd family that we llIay 1{TO\\ ~trong-('r in H i.; lo\· e.

)o rrs. H omer T:n-Ior Skarda, K' \I (·x.



TYPHOID FEVER Praise be to my hlr'osccI ~a\'iO\lr iOI

all H e ha:o< hC(,1I to \11(, and illY family. , havc becn tru"ling Him for three ycar~ io, healing, and I Ie ha~ always ("om(' to our rescue" t.ast ~eptell\h(,1 m~' littlt: ho~' was takcn with whooping t'ou~h and t\"phoid fever lOgelhcr. It caught Illt' in ;I \"l'ry \\"('ak .... t;tge and ~o I decidcd to t."all the doctor \\ e I..,r.l\·l' hilll t:\ ('r~ thin~ ,III.] he got wor .... e all the lillll', Hi~ fl'n~r ro ntilllled for ti\"{' \\"t.'~·k .... , al Olll' t1l1h"

beillK 102. \t ~t'ell1ed 10 Ill(' I did \lot 1t:I\'l' il fri('\l(\ in the world J\I~t Iht'n dear old ~i~tt'r Timer CilllIt' OH'r an.1 \\h("n she \\a~ ahout to le<l\'(' t " .. kt'c! th l , boy jj he would like to han- \I .... pr.I.\ inr him before "he left. lie "ai(\ ~'e" \\\' knelt C!O\\1I to pra\" Ynu kilO\\" thc .kar Lorc! has promi"t,cI 10 hk~~ \\ ht'rt' th,'re arc ;I .. 1lI,ll1r it... t\\o or thr('(': .. (I \\"t.' IH"Kan to ]lour oul ollr heart to I;()II ancl, prai:<e Ili~ holy U;lllIl', jl'Slh die! Ihe \\ ork. The hoy ill'gall (0 inlpron' from thaI time on ,11111 wc didn't )..:";\·e him alII' morc Ilwdi,;Ill" Li1li(').k Lenore. {; len", .\Ii"".

AN INVALID'S TESTIMONY ! can'l walk a step and can nl'n'r g-o

to church, but the Lord lil1" me at h0l111' \\·;tll I'rais{''o and W(·{·pi11!.:" and .... hOlltill;.! and tlr" hln~("(1 holy l;lI\1.;"ht~'I· I rt'jOil'(' at the thought of the ('omin,.! of the I.ord. T {Io prais(' God for ~al\"ation and Ii i ... ~rcat lovc. T han' had th" Bap­t;"111 in Iht.' Holy SI,irit TH';'Irly c1l'\'t'1\ ~ t'ars. r am Idt ;dont' for hOllr .. ;"11 ti111(' hilt I l';I\'t' th l · "In'{'t~' .... t ,01l11l1111Ii(11\ with Iht.· Lord alont'. I had a iool ,I11l

pl1tah'c\ lH'callSt of tulh'rcl1lo~i .. of tilt' hOIl('. D{'ar pcopit' all O\"t"r thl' worlel. lime i~ too ~horl 10 lmt off ~alvali()\1, Come whilt' yt"1 thl'f(' i.; lill~l' )ofr .... )Of I· Didll, ll i1o!"hlo\\"cr, TI·xa~.

Page Nine,


I ";h IlOt dille- to h('lp lIly~t'1i at tlllll.:~. and l'ould not he in bed at night. I told the ..,aint~ to pr,t\' for 11\{, and now I alll "hol('. AI .... o a "littl" J;6rl oi mine \\;1 ....

healed by Ihe '.ord \\'c think sht' had pnnllllonia. PI('i\"l' pr.IY ior 1I1t' and nn­laI1111.\".-}ohn } Drawbaugh, Thoma ... I'ilk, York Co .. Pa. R D. 2



PcrhalH ~ ou are one that ~ays, "I can­not help?" Let Il '> tell you how you can help. We have a Bible School Ca lenda r that i~ arranged !i0 that each month wh en YOIl It'ar off the:! ~Iip, you can turn it over and ell fo ld a fift\'-cenl piece and send to us in the ~mall cllvelopes providcd for that purpose. \\'c will se nd you the cal­endar free. It is good for the year 1924 l1lltil October or for a school year

Thi~ lIlay appear to be a ~Tllall t hing, bUI ii .111 ou r ~lIhs('ribc rs would follow this plan, it \\"oull1 mean a la rge Slim in Ihc ag).:"rt'gall', ami wc ('ould soon com­pkte the school building"

rl ("a~e oreier ,"our ('alendar at onCe:! and begin with the current month

Be Sllre to order tile Bible School Cal· endar

Order frOIll the Gospel Publishing Home. ,1.\6 \\' Pacific St, Springfield, Mo,

\Vhen vou inve.,t, invest for eternity. ~end for ilr(lther Bell's booklet, "Annui_ ty Bonds." Sellt free:! on application

3.16 \\ Pacific St !,pringfield, Mo



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l'in' l!i~li\lrtic>n and H·lill(.·I11t:l\t

With 1'1I\t."10\ll".


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t ,rt·t·lilll.!" alld flt1in~ aiplure

h·xt..... ~ix d{'"i¥l1~, :i'"urtcd.

Per dllz 200


Pag(' Ten [Ill. P"':,\T!-:COSTAL EVAr\GEL

I, MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT 11 ========================== All ofJcril1,' lot Fort'iI'n M,nlon •• nd lor opeu.t of wnductm. th", !ohslIoonary lkparlm",nt,

.bould be .tnl by Cllt<"J., Utaft, Jo..)l:pten or POltAI MOIl"'Y Order, made payabl", to ), Ro ... ",11 FlowCT, 'runr",r. !l6 \\ ell "Ic,{ie St .• ~prmgfidd . Mo .• U. 5 A

MISSIONARY REVIVAL Such arc the many rcpOfl, that come

to the office from the foreign field!!. ~ure Iy the Lonl is anxious to open up the windows of heaven UI)on liS, if we an' n'ady and willing to mC'C't the conOition~. ThC' \Vonl ~ay!!, "farry until ye he {'n

(lta'd with power from on high." "Ye ~hall rect·ive POW('f aftcr that the Holy Spirit i'l ("ome U])OIl you." Sorth China, Fg\'pt, and lIlis!';iollarics here and the.e arC' having ohl,time PC'ntecostal revivals.

TIlf' Mi!';siol1ary SecrC'ta.y has a very ~lrOIlj.( conviction that all over the world there would burst forth old-time Holy ~pirit revivalt;, ~piritual quickening, a1l'1 he;1\"C'I1I.,. livillJ.:" if w{' would all go down "I'on 0~1f f<ic('" before Ciod ill humility. hf'art ~t'arehin~, confl'~~i()n, r('I'entance, \\'('\·pinJ.( and fnrgivcll(,!Os. Tears of joy wO\lld flow and fa('c!O would heam wit', the glory of the I.·ord. DifTeren("es would Ihen v:lni!Oh; barrier!! would break down: rou~h plaec~ would hecome ~mooth and nook('rl wa~'s straight. and the way would be prepared for continuous re· ,.i,·al Wa\"f'~ in ewry Church ami Mission. Thi~ would he produetive of the unifying and cementing of our hearts into 011('

mighty band of Pente("o~ta l Christians, !';o that we could storm the strongholds of sin alHl liberate million~ of souls for 1 ,'~U!!. Thus Ollr forei)l11 mic;sionary in· t('r{,c;tc; would he fostered 10 the hi;.:-hest deR'rec of efficiency,

II i ~ liP to liS missionaries to take the i'l1 liative in becoming the forerunners of thi!! world·wide forC'ign missionary re· "ivaI movcment. It will then stir thl' home latHl to take up their burdens and follow in ()IIr train. The rc'\u1t~ will hc a preparation foe the coming of Ihe King, For this Gospel 1lll1st first be p:-eachrri to the ullermost part!! of the \'arth

C(·me on('. ('orne all. Cio down before the Lord. Prav. pray, pray The revival i~ coming.

William M. Faux. tr:!'Isionary $ecretn.y.

WHAT D O YOU WEAR ? \ mis!'ionarv who wa~ at home 011 fur·

lou!:!'h W;'IS im'heel to dinnrr at a ,'mmmer resort, whrre he ~a\\" alld met n1nny women of prominence and position. Af· ler dinner he wrote a I('tler to his wife. H e said: "Dear \Vire· T'\'e had dinner at the ):!Teat H otel --. 1'h(' company '\'a'l wonderful T ~aw ~trallge thing~ today Ther{' were some who wore. to my ccr· tain knowkdve. one church, for ty cot, tage or gans, and twenty librari es." Til h'~ ~r('at lonlrin~ for monrv to pro"idc the (:o~p('l for Ihe hungering milliom. he ('nllM not rdrain from e~t i mating the o:;'ilk~, <;atin'l, and diamolHI~ of the ~tl('~t~ at th(' rl;nner in term~ of his peonle' ;:; n('cd, \\"h:H arc 'Vou wearing' -From :\risc:ioM

WORN OUT, YET STRENGTHENED Ou. Brother Sorensen writes thus from

.\eg('lltina r fed rather \\"orn out this fon'noon but the Lord I!'; our portion fore\'er. A~ we sec what the Lord is rloins;:-, it jll"t thrills our hearts. Souls an' ol'ing ~aH'd evcn thollgh we ha\'e not 5('('11 !';o many l:ttdy ,IS we would like to 'ICC'. On Xov('lllber 25 we haptiled four in ,\akr: on D('[('111her 9. iour Illore; and on ~unda}', Januar." 3, tIHT{' 111\1<;t ha\'e h{" n ahout nil1(' or It'n ll1or('. Prai.'e the Lord,

'\ fruit peddler was saved s0l11e time ago, but he found it haed to give up 0,1.'11· ing on Sunday morning. He was nn· der cOU\'iction and !!aid that hc would think it ovcr. The resnlt walll th:"!t he wt'nt out again, got a good sOi,killg as a heavy rain set in, took sick for sevcra l (lays and lo!';t more than he gained 'fhe re~\llt now i!! that he is going to tjuit and kt the Lord have His day.


\Ve praise tl1(' Lord for [li~ go()(l. n('s<; to liS and to the dear Chinese a· n~ong whOl~i we are laboring, I.",t week \'~' had 3 ~e\\" special meetinl{,';, with the rl'sll!t that some accepted Christ a~ Ih{'ir personal Saviollr. an,1 one recei\'ell the BalHism in the H oly Spirit. \\' e han' also r{'nt{'d huildings for another mis· sioll in a very lIC<'dy part 01 the city, and hOPe to havC' Ollr opening" lIH't'ling there next Sunday, \Vith the 1\\'0 mis· sian halls in the citv we shall lla\'c meet· ings every night. an'd two ~u1!(I; •. " Sc110ol~ ~t1nday mornings. Br'lthe. Creamer ha'l heen away for nearly a month, anll will not he home till :tfter the fifteenth. :t~ :1l' h helping Brother Simp~("'11 for !'\

while in the Bihle School.

The North China Pentecostal 11l1~~lon· aries han' eveey rea~on to prai~e the Lord for a good Bihle t;chool to which 10 semi the 'l<tt1\"es for traming. About a month ago I made a !~ip to Shih Chia Chuang in behalf of th(' District Council 10 inspect the lot a11"1 b,!ild:ngs already purcha!!ed for the l1'le of 'h(' nihIl' School. and to arrange for n eed~d reQair~ and "I· !{'rations on same. \Ve found it neces· o:;arr to alter the buildinj?s a 'food dcal for the better accomodation of the school. \Vhen these alterations an'] additions have beel1 carried ou t eigh ty students can he accommodated without ov~!* ('"fowdin~. The auditorium wi ll scat one Inmdred easil\'. and therc is a cla~o:; room for fift)· to ~~ixty. There will be also room for two foeeign teachert;. ;l.Tld for a Chinese teacher and fami ly. with 'lep· arale cook ing arran~ements. and t\\"o room!' for watchmen, besides two eoom~ for orinting press, or any othe> needed purpose.

Martin K,'amme and wife. Xorth China.

February ', 1924

ON TOUR IN INDIA AND CEYLON Brothel" W. H. Clifford writes of an

('\"3nJ.::e11'>tic lour in which the bles,,;ng of 11Il' l,orr! wa~ mar\"clou"lv ,.alliiest 'I.t',n·in'! IWllle ahout midnight, we start· cd ff,r Sf)uth India and Ct"\"lon. ,\ftu 3 \l11';I~al1t raih\-ay journey we'r<.-ached our de~tillalioll. Bans;:-aiore, where we held our fir~t ~cf\'icc in the Iwnw of Brother and Si,h'r 'bhaITey, ,;\ numbt'f were prayed for and !i(.'\·cral hack~liders came back to God, The evening service was held at the ,,<inll' place anti about thirty were anoinll'd and pra}~'d for \VI: next went to Salun \\here we found that manl \\'ere ~ct:king ior Ihe Bapli~m of the Iioly SpiriL and wc had hlessed fellowship to· gel her.

"In TUlicurin ,ye met Ihe dear iri~'llds whu, IIlHkr (;0<1, haH made it pos!>iblc for th tn \,tk(' Ihis tour. On Sunday morning, we had lht, joy' 01 giving the message to Ihe Tall1il l'Imgrl'gation of the ~tcthodi5t Church, and Ihe Indian pastor ,"cry kindly int('rpretnl for 11Ie. At night a Divine I fealing ~ef\'ice was held in one of the ~ch(>ol~, and a ,'ast crowd assemhled in ~pi\(' of Ihe pouring rain. \Vhen we gave till' altar call, a number came forward ~('cking pcace and pardon through th.e blood of Jesus. \Vhen we gave thc in· \·ilalion for the sick to COl11e, it seemcd a<; though the whole crowd in the building wall It'd 10 be prayed for and we ,"oIHlered whclllt'r the whole of Tuticorin were sick. I do not know h(J\\- many were prayed for, but Ihe doctor hcr{' think'i nOI less thau a Ihollsand, \Ve were very lired when it \\<lS O\U, as il was the biggest crowd that Wl' had e \'cr attempted to pray for.

"On Tuesday we had allothe. busy day. In thc afternoon. five men and onc woman suIT ering from fits came who had walked seven miles in sea rch oi thc meetings. \\' e praycil for thcm aile by one, and we hcli('ve Ihat some, if not all of them. were delivered from the power of the dcvil. At niAht we <;tarte<\ meeting in the ;\;[unicipal {.irls' School. and il was packed. crowd!\. ~tallding at tile doors and windows. \Vell o\"er a thousand were present. Seve.al Icstifietl to healing from levee, lumbago, a~thma and other trOllhle~. A number weft' sin'cd and hundreds camc bringing their families to bc praycd for that the bles~ing of the Lord might be upon them. :'\e\'cr in all my life have I seen such de­termination among such great crowds to get till' blessing of the Lord . It is a strange lact that the doctors support and help 11<; in this work, and that the church, for Ihe most part, who ought to support and carry OUI this wo.k according to the divine command, work against and put ob· staclcs in the ,,-ar of such meetings being hcld.

"Aller bi(hling farewell to the kind friends at Tuticorin, wc went on board the la unch which was to take us out to the ship for Colombo. \\·c were met at Colombo by frit'll(is who ,'ery kindly entertained us dueing Ollr stay there, The first public l\leetil1g was held in the Jampettah Church, which was fdled. In this place also God blessed in a wonderful way. A sp{'(.:ia l service was held for serious cases and for those who could not get to a night sen·ice. One of the most touching oi thc~e cases wa~ that of a Hindu woman

J."ebruary 9, 1924

who I~ad been brouJ,::ht by a Buddhist boy. The hoy had attended tne ea rl ie r services for healing, and had decided that he would fo llow Christ, though at first he had been reluctant to do so. This boy got some other boys, and thty put this woman in ;1 chair and carried her to the meeting. \\'hell we looked at her, we thought, 'From Itt-'f appear.lllCC this woman is not i .. r irom the gra,'c' On inquiring about h('r we iound that she had not been able to ('at solid food for eiJ,::ht months. \Vc I)r .. yl.:(\ for her, and two days later the following tC~ll!nonr \,as given, 'After be· ing: prand for, tht· bon carried her away lowards her home, but JUSt beforc she got Ihlie she told them to PUt her dowl1 as ~hl' wanled to walk the rest of the way. So they put hcr down and she walked hOIl1(, and aft('r\\'ard~ ate rice and re­tained it and was gcttinR on all right.' All prai~t, to j ee;lh!

"Lcaving Colombo \\C went to jaffna, \\here we prayed for about two hundred and fi ft y :;ick ones. A number were heal­('d ami others helped It was a remark­able time for deaf and dumb children. Several were delivered. A young woman, cleaf, dumb. and lame, \\'a~ carried into the meeting. The ('vi'l e;pitits were re­huked in the name of the Lord and com­mamled to come out, and wc had the joy oi kno\\-ing that she hearti , and she spoke the precious name of Jesus, and took a ft·w faltering steps,

"During our tour of about one-months duration, we traveled severa! thousand miles, vi~ited twelve places and held thir­ty-aile meelings. Numbers were saved, backsliders were reclaimed. and many were healed. All praise to th e Lord je­~us Christ who so wonderfu lly proved that lie is Ihe g real 'I A~(' today."

PENTECOST IN SYRIA From Miss Yumna G. Mali ck of Syria

('a mes this report: I am glad my first report of Ihe work

to you carries with it a note of victory in J es us' name, 'Though ri sing out of the mid st of a holy fight, and from surround­ing clements which oppose and ridicule the Spirit of Pentecost. our God is march­ing on, I can sal', His \Vorcl is being sown broadcast, being backed by Hi s promse, "It shall not return unto Me yoid." The Sunday school children arc " loring it rapidly in their little heart e;. a­long with many llihle storics. 'The older folk are bound to form and ritualism and find it hard to break away , ('\'en af­ter they arc convinccd of the t tllth. Thcr arc not used to our kind of worshipping God in Spirit and in truth . and so do not have the patience to tarry before Him in prayer any lenglh of time. There arc two now seeking the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. and we are askinp: the Lord 10 set them free to the praise and hon­or of His name.

Village work is "cry interesting. Peo­ple there show much willingll(,s~ to hear the \VorJ, Hundreds of village '> arc scattered on and betwcen the hille; of T ,ch<lnon and ~yria, all in need of the go"pel me~sagc. D o pray that T may be ahle to carrv it to them in Je~',s name. for His co~ing (iraweth nigh.


A LEAKY ROOF Brother ]. Perkins from L,iberia, Af­

rica. writes: '\Ve have some dear friends who seem to belicve that you ha\"e come 10 Ihe Kingdom for just such a time as thi .. ancl arlO in~istinR" that we write ron abou: thr roof of the Blt'ho hOI1.::e, which leake; nry badly. .\ new roof is neetit'd

"\\"c are not in tht' hahit of hegKin~ f("l~ I"l"'oney and cia not wi~h to be.'!in now, hut to plca~e our iri\:lHh t e;hall tell yOll

about thi" house and ae;k VOl! to join with I'~ \"{'r~' ddinitel" in prar~·r that God will "I,pply th(' mone~' with whi{'h to put a new roof on the Bleho Mission housc J beli('V(' ther havc a prayer hann at the Ilihl(' ~rhn01 tht're in ~prin~fi('ld, ann if "nn think ,,·el1 \·ou mi~ht a~k thel1l to'i0in in tilt' petition. In 3n"wrr to pr:'l~·er the Lord ha .. gracioue;J\o :'In,1 wnn­derfulh- supplird the mean.:: for ollr build­in!!'s herco, :'Ind I fecol that the "bank of he;,\\'el1"' is not \·ct hrokc. Tn the \VORD we are cllcour3~ed to ask largel\"

"Brothcr Edgar Per!>oncue;, IWW a teacher in Ihe Bl'thel Bihlr Trainins ~dlO(\l. Nl'wark, ~. J.. built this hou~e and could tell ,·ou all about it. H e an(1 othere; think tllat a roofing of a~be5tos ce111ent shingels from the U. ~. A. would he cheaoer and better than wooden shing­le .. made here. I have written him ae;k­ing him to find alit the ('ost of cement e;hilll{its and to let me know rr \\'e 11<I.\'e the means soon we can easily get the roof fixe(l before th e ncxt rainv <::ea­.. on. Tt is a real good. roonn" fram:." h:"l~I~e huilt on high {'ement pillars and it scems a pity to han' it "poi I for lark of a g00d roof. We arc mueh interr~ten. of coure;e. for the welfare of the ho,,"e. hut stili more for th"'t of the mis.::ionariE'~ who live in it

"\Vc ha\'e already laken step~ to ha\'e lil(' Bleho propert" and th:lt at other ':: Iati ons here, secured to Ihr General Council, a nd ha'"e reason 10 helie\·c the mailer will come alit all rirdlt."

P ULL OF P RAI SES Sister M , Carlson from T aianf" writc<;:

"Praise God, it is sweet to hc a {'hild of the M oe;1 High, and mr "oul is filled with prai.::!!e; \11110 Him for the wonder­ful way He has helped and kepi me. ;'I~ well ;'1<; all in the home hcre "Oh. glory he to Jesm:, 'ti" true, Oh vee;, 'tie; true; God's won<'lerful promise i .. true: for T true;ten and tested and tried it. anrl T know r,OfJ'e; promise ie; true."

TTallel l1j ah! T ;tm ~o glad to tell of thc "'onderf"l

wa,' GcrJ ha~ helped in the H ome, ~oul;: arc· .. eekin::!' God. \Ve had a haptie;mal <:('t\'ir(' her(' o,"cr two wcek.:: ago. A­hout one hundren childr('n were haptizcd: a le;() a few women ;tnd mcn . Glory to T(' <:u~ ! 'The dear Lorel is so go()(l and H e an~\\'ers prayer. May TTe now ble.::e; thc littlc ones that the\, m:lV I!'row in (!'ra('C' ami in the knowlt'dgc of Him who ha.:: purcha~en ;tnd r<'n<'cemr{ thcm with H; <: own prrri0t1<; hlo~'l. Hall,.lujah! ('on:inue to pray for them. plea~e. that thr\' may (rl"' on fr0m yi('tnrv unto yi('­ton'; also that thev mav h c 11<:('d of r.orl In hrinC" many other!: to Chri~t. \Vlm ! a Jtloriol1':: da~' it will be when their

Page Eleven

Yoices, also. shall be heard around the tbrone in heaven.

Oh. it paye; to sen'c je~u!'l, He is l"(uni,,~ SOOIl, and His reward is \\ith Him. \by He ,,'Tant that on th at ,by "e nny ha\'(' ""llle .. tar~ in our crown~, ,\1111 not me ('mpt~"-hand(,'(l before Him

PRESSING ON The work on (lllr <;Ialion i.:: movinj{

al0n~. thOllj,.:h not \\ ith any glowing re­ports. It fakr~ mudl patienct', lahor and wisdom to deal with thee;e cll';tr Iwople \\'e are htl<:y with language study \Ve were hindered in the hrglnllinJ.!" fnr l'Y.

aal month.:: on 3('('ount of sirkncs". hut we still fcC'! encnllra~('(1 to pres on Rnu do our bcst for Him.

\\'e £t·el we h:\Ye ~Ollr pra~t'r III lIur heh:df ami Iru .. t that Iw our 10"e for I'a("h other alld for God we ~hall all he able to pull fOKcther for thl' ad\"ant (' ment of Hi<: kin~dom in clark India \\'{" do nerd the confidence of one another in these day~ 10 he ahle to stand :\qa;n.,t the forces of Satall. for hl' i~ tn'in).:" to hinder in e\'ery way po~~ihlc

Pray for us as a body of ml~<l;onarit· that there will ('nme a\Zain in our mid .. t r<'al 10"e and fellowe;hip anll th:\t lIis work will ~o on for yel a little while. and that He that !'hall com(', will ("Olll(' and will not tarn".

J Edgar Barrirk, India

RECONSTRUCTION Siser J essie Wengler writ<'s th us from

japan: "Thi.:: i~ tht' fire;t Chrie;lmas fm our H achiovi Christiane;, Thr-\' !'{'('m e;o h;tpp\' in tile Lord. \Ve rejoice in the Lord thai TT(' ~pan'cI our cit\" an.! that w" can t!o on with the work· here. 'The c1e\"a~t:tted district.:: are recovering !'ome­what from the awful dee;trll('tion thai ('ame ~ept('mber the first. 'Temporan' huiidin)t!: han' been crected in all these disfri{'ts, and ('vcr\' one has some kin ,\ of a hOtl~e to li vc· in. Of course it wilt take yt'ars for the> r<'al work of recon· s truction of e;tlch lar~e citit'~ ae; Yoko­hama. ;tnc! Toh'o, and the linandal 1 0~<I; to Japan is so stupt'ndotls that ~he will not soon reco\'er. \Ve pr:l.ist' God for TT i~ eontinuou.:: carc and provie;i01l It ie; wonrie rful how H c carce;, a nd watrhe<l; o\'{"r Hi ~ own, \Vc prai~(' the Lord for the many .'!iff .. of love that h:l.\'c p011rt'ri in from th(' ~tatc!'. Man\' ha'·r hf'rn .::!'Ia,lrh'II ('(1 Il\' thr J.!"cnero.:: it:v at Iho'!C' in the Homelan d, May Cod rcward each 011(' accordin~ to TTie; tichec; in glorY. Japan at all l imre; i.::, we think, d;e;finctlv a hard pla{'('. fli seotlragln~ wr mil::-ht ~a~' if wc diri not ha,"c faith in God; ann it i~ clifficult f('lf more r('ac;on.:: than one ~ince tht' ea rth f/l1akr and fir(' ""l"h placr~ ;I':: Ha r hiov; an,\ die;trict!' that \\"('re not ~o ('ompletclv de .. troverl hay(' re~pon(l('(l to th(' ~oe;p('l. an(1 more p('onle th:lIl "\"N hdor(' lla\"(' ('om{" Ollt to thr meC' ting<l; nllt we 11 1'('(1 to '!rc thr brC'aking fnrlh of a real. .::p iritllal. Penfc('o!:tal pO\\"('r, a derp('nint!' of hrart " in .::pirillTal Irllth~ . that will ("au~co them to he rooted :tn(! flTnl1nrt"d and nnt ~oon turn<'ft awa" from Ihr Irutl\. PI(';t"r pr:w (('If \I':: an n for Tapan. Ihat thie; Pentr~o<:la l pn\\'('r \\":11 comr anfl that r.or\ ",ill hr rrlnrilirrl in an d throug'h ('arh of TTi ~ ('hildrcn.


~=l ====~==OR=T=S=FR=O=M=T=H=E =Fn==D====ij

BELLINGHAM, WASH ,-Wc arc ~ Iild 10 report victory, Our pastor, Robert (~illespil· . having recei\'ed a call 10 Victoria. B, c., bade \1'; farewell T,u'!'­day cv{'ning, j;lIluary 15, II was a very impn'sfoiH sl'n'in', ~lanv !'J\okc word .. o[ hil{h aVPfl,.·ialion of Ihe minislry of our brOlher and si!'ln :llllon", us.-Thos. I fun',v , S('!'.

DRUMRIGHT, OKLA. -The A"sct1l­hl\' of Cnd at Drllmright was "('I in oni('r h~ ilr()llwr f),r.Lr jon{'~, Siall' Chair­l1;al1, \\ith Z5 names ('nrolled, Broliu:r A R J)onilld ~nn i ... 11" .. lor, All visilors to thio; ('it\' wi\l flllel a \\ d.ol11e at the lIlissiol1, -tlf, E. Broadway. Any preach ('r in I.:'("onri tanding' \dth the Council. :,nd pol .. o;!n/{ thi ... way, is wdcollle to vi"'-il "ith II II Y Clark. ~ec·trt'ae;,

T AM P A , F LA, J am holding arc· \i\'al at ():!k Park Talwrnaclc hcrt' io'­Ihn·t' w('t'k Co(1 i. \\'n ml('rinllv hless­inl-('. Th" " ...... hlant I);\slor hen: is j f,. Wd,h, Thl'H' :If(' threl' h('"ut;ful .hurdl­(' ... 1Il';lr ont' anothl'r in thl' \'ieinity and tlln' llI'eli badly Iht· rn,operation oi the (~(,;II'ral ('ount'il. I j. Bolton, the pas, tQr at Oak Park, i!; :l tl11C ('\':Lllgc list, h{'"iek~ IH·in/{ a ~OI1'" k;Hkr and pastor.

Olin L.um[ord, Linton, Ind.

SUSQU E HANN A, PA.- A liltl(' O\W

a y('ar ag-o .. onlt' p('opl(, rami' and held I1Il·t·lil1~~ in ;( lilI1(' srhoolhou<'(' !H'ar \\hl'ft' I lin'. I \\t:nt a few lime:" <111(1 Cod ... hmH'ri 1111' 11ll' 10s1 cOl1(litiol1 oi Ill}

"QuI. 1 hl"",an to ~eek thc Lord ami Hc IIlI t anrl «;(\,('(1 nit' :\ f('w wcck" laler I It, hapti/",1 Ill!' ill tilt' I l ol~' Spir;t ac t'C"rfling' In '\rt~ 2:4 1 thank Je:<us for It'ading IllI' inlo Iht" }"'('nl('cO"'lal wa\" Fnm ollwu OIr(' pr;I\'ing- with 111(' that Cod \\"il1 gin' \I ... ,\ p,'nt{'l-O~lal \\"ork hen' in thi .. pla(',·. Ont' In~ n't'{'i\'l'd tilt' R:1I1-tj"m, IwO other" ar(' o;l'eking. \\'c ha"c a pnpulati(lJl of ahout 4.0f)O p,'oplt-. who 11('('11 1("0 ht·:!t alioul P('nt('~·ost. Ple:l"'I' IW\\' inr 11" Tlworlon' \, Sqll,re~.

SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF.-God is Ilke;sin", in t'\·er.\" "'I'r\"i('e, 1'h,re 011'1' Ill any ht1!1g'n' .. ouL hrn' \Vt' art' in 11('(.'£1 ("of a I'l,\,i \'al al Ihi" lill1t,. \ Vc han' a I(' nt .lOx 50. Tt i~ pilc h('d at the corner of Third :i!1I1 ArrO\rh,'ad in thc main hll"i­l\t'o;", part of Ihe' 10Wl1 r would lik,' to L.!:d in tOut'h \\ ilh ;1 good n'iln,I{,'li ... t. al .. o <;0111(, Ol1t' thai o.,n tak" ('hargc oj 1!1l' ... iuRing, \\'t· would like to begin a meet­ing' ahout the 15th of Apri l or thc 1st of 'fa,', This place is about 65 m iles east of Lo<; \n${t'le~ and the popul:Ltion i~ ahout .15,000 Tha(' afe many \ h'xical1<; III'r \\"110 I1t'('d IIII' $(oo;jlel. \11\' t'\·a ng-('I. istic rar!\' thai i~ II',C<l hr Ihe Lord and ft'e1~ kae! ma\' writc to 1111' at 815 3rd St,. ~all Rert;ardino, Calif \\ ' c ar(' ill full fd low!'hi l) with th(' Cou nc;1 and <;0 dl· ... irl' a CoulH'il parh' 10 hold Ihc meet· in~.-C W \faupi n.

BOSS, MO, -j U\t dosed a Iwo-weeks mecting at Do«;on schoolhousc, >:inc o;OId!l wcre ~a\'ed and reclaimed anel four f('fcivt·d Ihe Bapti!'111 in Ihe Holy Spirit. Inlere st \\a~ ~ooc\ from firsl 10 laq AI­Ihou/-l'h the we;tlht:r was very cold-snow ;uul rain ;111([ i('('-it didn't hinder the 111cellng. Peopit' C'lllle, sOllle walking Ihree and four milt·s, The saini ... w('rc t'l!couragcd to ",0 through for Jesus. Ftt-rnity alonc will rt'V('al th e good that was dOTH' at that plan', Brother Ceorge Brook e; of Bo .. s preach('d Ih c \Vord, Pray that he mil\" Il t· the mcan ... oi man\' mor(' "OllIs bein/( .. a\·('r! Pray for u" . ....:...Cra.c Broob

WILLITS, CALI F,- -COfI l~ slill hlt:s"illg h('r<' Thio; is ;:\ town of about 2000. ill l10nlwrn California \\hen we: (';l1m: here thl' mi~~iol1 wa~ ahout to do~t,: hut, Jlrai~e Iht' l..old, Ululer Him \\t" wc:rt' ahll' to )('1 Illc work on a 6"00<1 -rriptu ral foundalioll al111 a I.:'oodl~' I1l1m· he l' han' hl·tn added to the church. ~ix­tc:("n h",'(' 1I('('n ",,\l·d and haptized ;n Ih(' lIoly Spirit ~l'" in Arts 2:.J, and there hav(· I>('('n SOIl1(' H'markahk h('alinl{s. \moll/{ tlwl1l wa .. a Illan 72 v('ar'! old, \\ho \\'01 .. he:d"11 of p:traly~j~: also a ...ish'r. \\"hO~l' jaw" \\'l'I'(' so twisted that Ill'r :edh did nol IIlci"I at all. alld who!'(' l(lng-II~' \\a~ in !'1I("h ... h:lp~' that ~he ('011 hi ... eal"('('I_\· 'Ill"ak J~'~II" in his ~~rt'at mercy 11'::lkd 111('111 hnth, allli 011"0 a ('a~e of hlood poisonin/{, Ftll'rt,'en ha\'~' h('en haplizcd in waler an:ordillg to :\lal\ht'\\ 2f1'IQ, and a I1l1mhcr art' ~t'(-k;ng- the Bilpti .. m ill tl1(' Holy Spirit. \\'t, h:l\"e ;\ good Sunda\' .... hool ;\IlI! art· thing- the P('l1t('cost:d qU;jrtcrli~·5i. Plt'a~l' pra~' for :t grcilh'r Olllilollring- 01 the ~piril'~ po\\"­{'r.-Fn·rJ Sentt :l11d w;I('. pa"tnr .. -in­,-h;trl!('

PO R T ARTHUR, TEXA~, ~ur('k -'(' .. u" IS pa~~inK Ih is way Brolll('r Cl'org(' llarri~("on from \\·~'~ ... on. \rk. a~si!'h'd h\" hi ... hrotht'r, \\' ~r. 1 brri .. on. rillllt· dO\\11 10 hold tl~ a C'hrisll11a~ mt'l'!­in~ It la~tl'd Ihn'I' \\l'\,k .. ami it was wonli('rful h(l\\ till' I.ortl \\'ork('d :lnd hle~sl''' in hrt'akil1~~ Ih(, hr~';HI oj lift' l(l hlll1g-r~' "ouls a nd in gi\'illL.!: OUI illterprc­t;l(iol1'" with \\'orrl~ of ,'!H'ollra1!t'!11('l1! in other to!1/{IIt'" TWl'lltY-SC\'('!1 r("rei\'cd the napti .. l1l with the e\'id('I1t:(' of spl'akin)t in (llhrr lon${ue .. , ~i" othrrs were !<a\·ed. \ hollt i\\'(,l1t~- \\·('rt· !il't'kill1! thr Lord

\\ht'll Ihl' mct"lil1~'" clo .. ccl, Tlllrl("('11 wcre haptizl'd in watl'r ;111(\ otht'r" arc 10 1)(' haptizecl lai('r \\'1' hO\\-e jll"t hl1ih a 111'\\ churc h 11("')11".' :tnti ha\'{' a nic~- 11;01110 for it. \\-,. im'ik am' Spirit 'ilbl mini,.;i<"r who i" in harmon\' willi th,· C{'nn'al C("oul1cil 10 ... top \\"ilh II" in p:l.o;;;.in'! In' \\'e a .. k the "aint" "\Trndwr\' to pr~\' for thc ';\'l'kt'r" lI('re \\'t· tnl'" Ih(' Lord wi!1 .({il'e us ;l11otlwr ;':-00(1 r('\"i\-a l latf'r that other !<olll~ ma\ find t hcir \\'a\' to r:od .\I~o pra~' for tilt' ~a;llt~ he~e.-H . F . r:reer, '

MO RELAN D, AR K.-W('. the Pen­tecostal people of Morela nd , have startl'd to build a mission ;In\1 a ... k the prayers of all the saint!' that the I..,ord will open the hearts of Ihe people , Our building is JZx36 with .41\ addition 16xI2.-Buildin" Committce, A S. Barton, R, H , RolJl"rb. H. ~, Wrighl

--CHARTE R OAK. MO.- We wi!1 rl'­

port victory, for \'.'{' sure ly have some viclory. \\'c have h("cn here Ihrcc f'r four days ant! tht, "('rond night al till altar fivc \\crc saved \\'e arc e;tal'lil~g II") build a church 0111(1 <in,ire the pHI)"(·r ..

of all oj IIl e Evani:el family that Cod will hless u<; in the efTorl.- Pa"tor I ~, O. Robi ns and E\,anJleli ... 1 \\'111. Griffin (d Parma, :\f o.

BRI STOW, OKLA,-Praifol.: (~ocl jor thc \\'01\' He i~ slill bles!'ing- thi .. PMI oi the ('ountrv. \Vife ,111e1 T h<l\'l' ju .. t o;pent a iew' n;ght .. at the little ncw d1l1rch .J milc~ south of Bri ... lOw, which Ihey ha\'c reccnlh- huilt. Thc a~;;.embl.\· \\'01" sct in order not long a~o hy BrOlh l'r O<;('ar jont'!' An.\' one in fello\\ ... hil' wilh the Ccncral ('oun(';1 and passinI.:' thi ... wa~- I am .;mc \\ ill find a hcart~­wl'lcoll1e.-Bert \Veh..,I('r.

E L DORADO, KA N S.-Pra~· fOI Ihi,.; {'it.\" that 1.0(1 will ~clld in an eva ng-d­i!'t. sing-cr. and workt're;. Therc art· a­hout S or 10 ~ail1ts herc that T knO\1 ni and there l11a.1" Ill" more. \\'e arc \"l'r\'

hungry fo!' a kac](-r ~ent from (iod , II i ... a \'('n' wieke(1 city and can he toucla'l! only In- the Full .Co~p('1 with the ~ig-n ... followil1g. Pra\' for 1\1(, a .. I fed w\'ak and am younv, i;l ('xperienLe \Irs, ('Irlit' J Blair,.J2J \\", .jIll ~t

LOXLEY, ALA .-\\t· art' ill ,: part of Ih(' comltrl" \\ lll'rc thell' i ... nut ;1 Peu­I(-(,O<;lat prl"<lchcr. )'fy wife and I 11t-­sirc Ihat one ma\' cOllle Ihi .. way, Tht'r\' are four c!iffl'r\'nl (I\·nominational ('hurch­t"~ h~re anc! not a pn·a.her for an\! of Ilwlll The Il{'oplt· arc Ihir~t\· for ~onll' 011(' to preach ior tht"111 ~on1l' Ollt' i~ nrrdl'd who i~ \\'illin)( to work al "om,' otht'r \'ocation , ~II" \\if(' ami I are 11h'111-hers of lilt' \ssel1lblies of Cod. \\'l' arc poor a~ far as thi~ world's g-ood~ M'­t'Ol1ccrm'd. Pr,l\' for liS to he ('\'cr read\' f("or Ihe I'oming h.ill${.-\\'lll. R Gn·.v,on:. R I.

EDOM. TEXAS.-A .. \\'l' fl'a(1 Ihe /.:'ood n'!)Ort~ from othcl' fide/... we want t,.., tell what tl1(· T,ord is doinR for us in th,' Flat\\'oo,J C011lIlltlni!\' \\'~, hac! med­ins.::-,.; for aft'\\' da\' .. (!tl;'ing Ihe holiday~, and Ih(' Lorrl wO;lderfull~' I1les ... cll: "oul", \\Tr(, o;a\"cc\ ami hal'k",liclcr!' came hal'k­i in all-and thl' Iwopl(' \\"t'r,' intt·re"tc(l . Th(' pow,'r of GOfI jcll won.kriull,\' Sain'~ \\ ho ha\"l' hel'll in till' faith ~"\"eral \'\':lrs __ aid :hat it wa,.; tl1\' hl'~t l11l'd;ns.::-' th{'y wcrc I'H'f in. Th(' Iwople .. eC111e(\ to rl'ali7r thaI tl1\' .om;ng of thc Lord is !lear and th:L1 it hehoO\'{'~ U~ to he watch­ill;! ;Ind r(,;,.h· Pra~- fO!' m(' and millC it" wc ar,' doi n'! our h(· ... t to sen'e tht' Lord ami to hrill${ nur hah;e~ up 10 s{'n'c and honor H im. P;t~tor~fonro(' Ckl111110n<; :\nd \\if('.

Fehruary 9, 1924

P ASSA IC, N. J .- I.d~t Xo\"t:lllbcr we ope nul dll Italian P(:ntcco~tal church. and the Lord ha,.; already don..: a great work. Abollt 10 have bt:cll ~aH'd and ;tll arc \\<li{illlo{ tor Iht: Bapli-'Ill in the H\lI~' ~piril Olll' llliHi had rhcumati"l11 and \\,,-. IHake!. Bdorc, he could not \\'vrk, no\\' he \\ork~. \\'c hin'c EntoC1i!-h ~tr\'irl'" ;11"'0. and th~· Lord j" -.tartiug a rn'ival I'ra\ ior \1'0 that the Lori! \\ ill continue Iii, \\ OIl.. and haptill" thl; helien(" ClOT) to Jesus loren.T R :-;a 1II,IIll;, ria

ROGERS, TEXAS.-Wc have mon-Ii to Ihi" 11('\\' territory, ~alldy Ridge, frOI1l I:urkhoh ... , I t:xpcn to hal.! til) Chr;~t 10 th l'S\; pcopk I 11111"1111 to begin wilh pra~'{'r mcct1l1t{.; in Ill\" hOlllt': Ihell a R"O<lrl ~nnda.\ "hool I kd .. urt: that it i!- Cod's \\ ill ior lilt' to III hl'l!.: ,111,[ l' X\)l'ct to hol(1 a rt:,'ival in Ihe sumlller, r earneql\' r('que~1 prarer Qf tlt l' EYal1g('.'1 iamily and oi Ollr iri('nc\~ in Texas, r wOllld hl' glad to ha"t a kttl'r oj (:n couragetnellt hom any of Coer!> ehildrcll who feel an illtlTC"\ ill this I1l'\\ field, I W,UlI to say to Illy friends that T recci"cd lilY Bapti!>1ll in the ~piril Dl'n'mht'r. 3, 1923-lhe "\I'Ct'lcst 11l01t1ellt~ of 111\' lik

\\ ill Cunnillo.!"hal'l, -

CLANTON, ALA.-Hrotht'l" Dan ])u.

hast 1l;1!> jU"1 do-.el! a mO~1 \\ 01111\ dul Illn ting hen'. About 30 wcre ,saved and 16 rl'rci"ed {ht, Bapti .. 1ll ill t lH' 11011 ~pirit <lctordin..r to \ ('b 2-1 rrai~l' I ii,., til-ar nalll('! Our soul" ha\'c h('('11 "or red 10 "cl'k thl' Lord a,-, Ill'ltr bcior(', rhe young puoplc ha\'t' he en having ~OlHc

lI"olldlrilll Illt'eliu,-,s sil1cc thc rampaign do .. ('(\. :-;1:I'I;f,d han,' bcen .. a\ed ;tn(1 11<1\'( fel'l'iYl'd tilt, Bapti"m in thl' ~pirit. ( 'ue dav, ju"t a" IlIl' Ilweting clo"e.!, a r' pon l'aml' Ih.1t I ~l'e II('a(lIl'\"" baby \\a .. d~'illg, Brolhlr Vuho..;e WCIll and pra~·. t,cI for it and tht, Lord healed it in!>tant\\-. Prai"e he to Ii i" (kar 11<\llll', Pra~' fcr \h th;.t IH lIla,\ <10 lli~ Irle~~l(1 will aTl(1 ht' rtad' wlltTl H I' t'(JI It'~ I~ .\10;\11"

GOLDE N GATE, ILL.-\\' t, arc glad to report \-ieton· at Ihe 1h'j.,(il1lling oi t hi ~ vear. Fur the Piht \\'('ek th{'ft~ hil"; hn' n ' a rlOll ~pirit of I'c\'il'al ht'!"(" alld quite a Ilumher ha\'e been "an:d, On :':'l1ndar morning', January 1.1, the .!ear Lord took dHlrg-e of Ihe s('n'icc th­iore w(' could do <lnythiing iI, the SUIl d:l\- ~chool, til<' Spirit i('\1 upon Ih alul ol'e li ttll' Iioliuess woman rccein'li the B<tptislll in Ihc Hoi)' Spirit. for we 11t'arc\ Itt'!" ..;peak wilh tonguc!'> anel mag-nih' God \\"c hael 11ladl' no ,-,pecial efTort to haw

rl,\'ival; hut on Sunday night. Jan ­uary 6, the Spirit came f;\\'eepillg in to th e dlUrdl an.:! see med 10 mak(, 11 i ~ pre .. -('I1Ce ielt In' ('wry one in the house. Sin­ners couid hardly kc(,]) from, the altar: ;!IId mam" canH' and knelt at the fet'l o i Je<;\I" for clcan;;ing and filling. :Much th... ~amc conditio n conlinued for Ihe week iollo\Ying, Ko preachi ng- could be d(lne for ..;evcr:ti nights, II ~eemed like olcl-time Pentecost. 1-h ' sa icl there ;; hould h(' "rain in the time of the latter rain," -E. F, CUllningilam.


DEV ALLS BLUFF, A R K.-'rht' Lord is hlessinJ.{ hal BrOlher (;iliam of X011h Little Ro(:k i~ with u ... 011 S.tturd.I~" ,11111 SUlHla)'~ as tl'mpurar\ pa~t()r. :-;und.!) lli)::ht. Janu.tr,1 lJ, \hl' Lonl won(it'riully ~;l\'ed ..... oul"" 2 oi \dWl!l rCCl'in'd ,ht' B.II'ti"'l11 ;I~ 111 \(1 .. 2':4 Tlw saints \\cr~ all tOlllw..:tl'lI up and Wc had a rl'al Jlol\' ~pirit mcctjl1~. I'rai"l thc Lord, \\'td Ill".(I,I\ nij.,(ht \\l Ilht jor pr'l~tr 1l1l'ctin~. Brnthlr I'hillf nnadlcd allil ,I ~omls mall 1\'1.. ,In'd .IIHI r('rei\'l'd till' Hap ti"l11 ill th l Spirit. \I.IIIY 11t'ar1~ ar(, hUI1-Io-:f,\ ,tlld ~t\tr. rt' alllh1,.:t t'.hh 1\1 J.,'lYf

lIP Pra\ mudl f(lr Ihi~ plan: a1ll1 ior 111\, dl~o jor 111\ hu .. halld thai III 1l1a~ he ,:L\'l'(I.-"r .. J l II.lrn ..

SPRINGFI ELD, MASS.- \\ l' "OIlnd 1I0tl' oj prai"l' \to (~"d ior what lie hOI"

dOlH' in O\lr 1llid~: in tilt' :",~t yt'ar It i~ tnd~' w01l{hriu1. '111,1 nrr l'11{'ol1r.q,:i11l{. I.<i~t .. pril11: "I' op"III'd a \\ork down on 'lain ~1. in II\(, I ill·, .'" our dl.l\ld i .. III th l , ""hlllh,,, an,1 .. tl ;1 IS r.nlll r ,Iii findt 10 narh tht, ml~al'l'll thl'fl' Co(1 trull, was in the mon', for "('"cral h;ll't, hl(.'ll glOllOlhh .. ,\\('11 and kl'Jlt. EI'\{,II of th('m hal·t h l'I'11 h.lll1iz(';\ ill \\iltl'r and a IHl111h('r h;1\'\' r('n'il'I'd till' &.:ift of tilt' H 0" Spirit a tho y (lid at Ih l' hq.:illl1ing' \\'t· h \t I't'(liwd 1$ or III inlo full icl 1(1\\ "hip. and 1II0r,' arl' 10 iollow "0011, \\'t' al~o h:ll'l' had a \'{'rr f'().O, I COIl\'t'Il' lion, ill ",hirh (;011 uwt \1 .. all In ~ 1I10~' ,l;!lori01h \1;1\. \\ I t'uh jrnlll our In:art.; a .. nih{, Ullto (;()(I el l'r~ bil oi honnr and 1..'1<'1"., for "ithoUl Ilim Ill' call do 1I0th­Ill' Pr,\' jor \1" It T <':'11111:( loe

GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS "St; h II! a \'efl' profilahh- mecting h"rl' dill· in).! tht' holiday~, Hrotlwr B, \ !.O\'

in'lll \ l'rnon wa" IWH' Ir t, SUft I~ (li,1 ";Ol1\t' fin(' prt':tchi 1Ij..". The ..;aint.. .Irt' in IH'ttcr ulli'~' than tht,), ha\'c l)l'e,l,in inr ~O!lll' tIll1t', COlI\'i\'lioli \\i\S o n t ht, f)t'O' pit :-;unla\' ni,l;!ht-"iIl1H r .. \\l'p~. Our hah\' ";('t nw<i not to do wdl. ;I" ',I \' h.ld to ~aise him on til{' honk II i .. ;ond cli~;lgrl'ed \\ith him At tlw agl' of ahout .. ix \\'(,;{'k~ hl' rapiclh' grew wor .. l' :11111 Ila .. at (it-a th'..; cloor. \\'(, tru~ll'd our ),!'rt'.t:

PI1.\ ~ieian and <t"kl'.i tht' !Oa ints to pray hUI I\id 110t ,l.!'t'I lH'alin,l;!, E\'er~'bod~' had ):!,i\'l n hill\ up, Ont' oi our ~aint..; "as a Irainecl nur,,{', ~hl' said Ihat hi..; finj.,(l'r nails w('re purple a 11(1 hi !'> cye~ were al­mo"t ~et Hr hat! the drttth rattle, Jl i~ PUISl' wac: at Ihe limit Sunday ('vcnin):!', aft t'r wc h:lfl preaclle,1. a\ II :30 we r{'­tur ll l'(1 to the parc:onag-l' 'InrI foum! (lur hal,y a lmo;;t galle 1 took him ill my 'Inns and h(,R'311 10 walk thc floor an d cry. Rrothef H!a{'k, Oll l' of our el{'a cOIl ~, was with u;;, \\'e cried and prayed for ;10 minutes or more, A~ r pa .. scd br t lt t' promi;;e box, which was on the dressn. I felt impress('.[ to elrall' Ollt a promise, T did ~o , and pa;;.;cd the hox to Broth('r Black, ~r \" promi!>c;; wert': "The T .ord will <:ee," ~r, "provide;" and "T wil\ work and who can turn it back," Brother B1aek'c: prol1li~e wa;;. "I ha\'e heard tll\' prayt'r~, I ha\'c seen thy tears; heh old, Twill he:!1 Ihee" (ma rgin). Oh, glor~' to God! The \\·ork was done! \Ve knelt


Pai~ Thirteen

hl'~i.!t, Ih(' bt'd ;h \It' kit till' b;tb~, a~

11 1\I'rt', III the arm) of Jl'''U~, and we bed o. it'l\ marl' tl',lr_" Qj jo~ prai"i,,/{

,1l'oH Jesu~ iar \\h.ll 11" had dallt' A..; \\c looked at:;.lin into the L.'t oi our h;tby \\t .. al\, not a (hin~ "ah~, btlt "lithoid, lit li\(th t " ,\'0 OIiC hilt Je .. \!" know .. h,)\\ Wt' felt \\'e roul;1 alllHht ~et' thl' s)lIIp:t,hiling' Je II. "t't~lth!, S \\t' \\lpt; \Iun \\{' t'lltlltl ,lImo.;t lal r· II "a" COIlll' j.)rth.· \11<1, hi,·,. ... I! I" (~ud, \1(,

~.I\\ th" hal" .IS he \',1111(' I'--'rlb \\'l'lh,'lI alo",t' ,11111 tarn II Ihl hah\ tll hh II 'tlnr

.. Eliiah or old ,Idi\, rl'd the dl\ld to ttl> l11olh"L .di\t' Then thtTt' \\'1:' a lime oi rcjoit'in' \\·1\('11 th" 11111 ~" r lilli' !Iext ":1\ .. tit' aid. "nlt, it .. \'ul (':s 0 mlldl ht ttt" :-;1 ( s.n.; 1\1\\ tiM! 1111 .. "a tn llJtht \1 '--'11Ilt-rilll mir:lclt ~III t'I'l'r \\ II "(' .... l,d Tod.tr th l , hah, I~ It'll' picture of 11I'.t!th. Bit tht' l'()r,1. 0 m\' s(lul,

nd ;t!1 !hat i .. "ithil1 Illl'. hit's His holl-l.lIm" Hk~..; tbt, l.ord, () 111\ 011\, ,\11<1 e11j:let no\ all Hi h(,I1('lds \\·hll for

I.."inth all Ihint' iniljuitit,S; \\lto hC11dh .Jll til\' <ii",',1.;.' .. " If \'ll\1 11('('<1 :l m('I't­ill),!, l;r.IY If it pll'a..;o {~lld I \lil\ 111' \.!j,ul fo :t~ .. i~t \tlll .\11\ COl1llcil min 1 tlr n,mil1~ this I\,IY pIt' t' ~tnp (Iff

:-; \ T horp, IW t01'


I Pdt'l I IX, 19

0, "qlth ul 11H';t'\! 1'.111 it h;

That "IWit ;l pri, I' \\;l~ p,lid JOI 111(',

That )t'"I1'" blootl, and it ,dolle nid I'or lin \\Trl,I1,'d soul ton

\\"I1I'n .. ill-I'r, 1!"ld ;wd 1'1 n lOlls ~I III \\·111'11 1II0titi \'ir\1It ~ of iCl"l m{,11 l'nuifl I1{'YI'r 1':1\ tilt ,Id)! ,i ~in ".lId 1I1akt, 111(' pur .\11,1.,:1, .111 \\Ithi!!

'T\\'a~ l'hri~l, tl1l' =-'011 oi r;OII, \\ho died. '1'\\;\" irom 11; .. I'ru iOI1"; \\olllllkd i(l{' lllt're flowed a ~tn'al1l \\ hirh naid the

deht I'M ..;in Th.tnk (~nd 'Ii~ !lll\\ing' \d,

r brillg' 110 I irtllt,,, (II Ill' own

1'0 dailll 111\' ri\.!ht at ll\'al't'lI'" tl1ffll1t', Bill how in we .. kI11',," at IIi ... i t'lt 1Ii" hloo-l atone..; full anti n>11l111t'1t

TIIt'Il. \\ hilt' on \';lfth, 11\1 ~onl.!<t h.11 b, or H im \\110 diul on (';\han' \\'111'11 d0111' on ('arth I'll join tilt' thron .... ThaI .:\i ll .Ioth sinl! n'(kmlltiot\'s "oug

Jhwl Rn .5:C) Roy r ~l'Ott



In a recent issue of the Evangr:1 thr: pr iee of the 1923 Combinr:d Min utes was given as twenty cents per copy. This was a mistake,

Th~ price per ~ il1 gle copy is twenty -five cenb, but we will make a p r ice o f $2,50 per dozen to those who ordr:r in quan­tities.

Orde r from thr: Gospe l House, 336 W, Pacific St" Mo

Publish ing Spr ingfield,


Par{t Fourteen


THORO HARRIS SONC BOOKS SinK Hi s Prai e . .$ .25

Pt'r doz, $2.50; 100 copies ... _. 20.00 Sing II i, Praise', fltxible cloth.... .35

Per doz., $3.50; 100 copits. ... 25.00 Songs of His Coming, hristol cov-

erli, each _ _ _. 25 Ptr doz., $2.50, 100 copies .. _ .. ZO.OO

SOlIE(. of Ilis Coming Ko. 2. bO;Inl cove'rs, each. .35 I'('r do.l, $3.50, 100 cop;e.'l. 25 .00

Songs of I lis Coming No.2, nwnilla covers, r-ach ... .... 25 Per doz., $2.50, 100 copies ...... . 20.00

Songs We Love, flexible cloth, cach ... __ . .35 Per do,., $.3.50: 100 co p;o, ........ 2;.00

I IYIlIIU of 1 lope, manilla, each.... .35 Per doz., $3.50; 100 copies ... _ .. 25.00

Hymns of Hope, art canvas , each .40 Per doZ". $4.00, 100 cop ies ........ 30.00

HYlIln s of Ho pe , board cloth (sewed), each .. ..._..................... .45 Per d07" $450, 100 cop;e5 ... _ ... 35.00 TABERNACLE HYMNS NO.2. Manilla binding, s ingle copy.... .30

Per doz., $3.60; 100 copies .... 25.00 Uoth binding, single copy........ .50

Per doz .• $6.00; 100 copies .... 40.00 Art Buckram, single copy ....... _. .60

Per doz. $1.20; 100 copies .... 50.00

BENSON'S SONG BOOKS Hallelujah Songs, each ................ .30

per doz., $3 .00; 100 copie.> .... 24.00 Joyful Songs, each .......

per doz., $2.50 ; 100 cop ies Soul Stirring Songs, e:lch

per d07., $2.00 ; 100 ('op ies Glory Songs, each ...

pe r doz., $3.50; 100 copics Redemption Songs, each

per doz_. $3.50; 100 copies

.25 20.00

.20 16.00

.35 .. 21.50

.35 27.50

WINSETT'S SONG BOOKS Power and Songs of Revival

Glory, ('ach ... _ .... _ ........ $ .35 per doz., $3.15; 100 copie!; 21.50

Jehovah'. Praise, eac h per doz., $3.15 ; 100 copie!;

His Voice in Song, each ... per doz., $3.75: 100 copies

Pentecostal Power, each ........ _. per doz., SJ.1S; 100 copies

Songs of Old Time Power,

.35 21.50

.35 27.50

.35 27.50

each ........................ ' .... .:lS per doz .• $3.50 ; 100 copies .... 25.00

Songs of Perennial Glory, each .35 per dOl., $3.15 ; 100 copies 21.50

Songs of the Kingdom, each .35 per doz_. $3.15; 100 copies 27.50

Gospel Song Messenger, each 35 per doz .• $3.15; 100 copies 27.50

Songs of the Coming Kin«, paper bound , each pel" doz., $2.75 ; 100 copies

Sonp of the Coming lGng, cloth bound, each ........ _ ....... _ .. per doz., $4.S0; 100 copies


Springfield, Mo.

.25 20.00

..0 35.00


Pentecostal Sunday School Literature FOR FIRST QUARTER NOW READY

The Internatio nal Sunday School LeuotU Dealt With From the Pentecostal Viewpoi nt.

Little Picture Lesson Carda., per "iet per yea r..... - ._ ... _ .. Or per (luart!!'r ... . ... __ .......... _

Lar&e Picture Roll. per quarter _ ..... _._ ....... - .-.. -- .. -- .. --.. -- - ~ .. (This is for the same c1:.ss as the cuds)

• . 16 .04


Junior Quarterly, per ycar. .... _ .... _ .... _ .. _ .. ___ ... _ .. _. __ ._._ .. ____ .. __ .JO Or per cl ua rte r. . ..... _ ........ _ ........ _................. ........................... .OS

Intermediate Quarterly, per year ......... _ .... _... .20 Or per <Iu arter . . .......... _... .05

Adult Quarterly, per ycar. . .............. _........... .20 Or per quarter.......... ... . ... _ ......................................... _.. .05

Lesson Leaves ( the same as Adult), per year ........... _ ... _... .16 Or per Quarter .. _ .. _ ... _. __ ._ .. _ ................................................... '....... .04

(Ca llad ian friend ll please add postage. Ie for every 3 Quarttrlies. Ie for eve ry 5 'et' of Cards. and 6c fo r Picture Roll.)

Secretary Book ......... _ ... _ .... _ .... __ ._ ..... _____ . __ .... ___ ... _ ....... _._ ......... _ .... _ .... _._ .zs Class Book ... _._ ...... _ ... ___ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _._._ ....... _ ... __ ._ .. _._ ................... _ ..... _ .. _.... .11 Clas. Book with Pencil _ ....... _ ................... __ ... _ ... _ .... _ .... _ ... __ .......... _ ... _ ... _ _ ........ .14 Gist of Lesson ....... ' ..... _ .... _ ............... _ ... ___ .......... _ ... _ ......................................... _ ..... _ S7 Arnold's Practica l Commentary ....... _ .... _ ........... _ .... _ ... _ ..... _................ .. ....... _ ....... 1.00

Our Sunday School Papers --r ==-.:;=::::::::::::::=::.n==::::::::: ~~~~~:



Is a four·page weekly paper, gotten out with the purpose of bringing th e full gospel to Ollr boys and girls. Each nUIll~

ber is well ill ustrated . Biographies of noted Christians. missio na ry letters, the S. S. lesson, testimoni es o f healing, and helpful stories by Pentecos tal writ ers, are special features of thi s paper. Price 60 cents per year. In lots of 5 or more, SO cents per year or 12~ cents per copy per quarter (Ct. Brita in , 31~ per year) .


A ~ page week ly paper for Reginnen . Contai n! the S. S. lesson. and helpful stories for the little folk. . Well illustrated. Price 30 cents pe r year. Canada, 40 cents per year. In lots of 5 or more, ZS cents per year, or 634 cents per copy per quarter. (Gt. Britain , 21~; 5 copies, 616.)


Springfield, Mo. _______ .~._._".'m __ *'.~n'~' __ • • _____ _

SPECIAL To schools that have not yet had our liter­

ature we offer the first quarter's supply of Quar­terlies, Lesson Leaves, Our Pentecostal Boys and Girls and Our Pentecostal Little Folks at HALF PRICE.

Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, Mo.

Fehruary 9. 1924

~ Forthcoming Meetings ~ SEDALIA, MO., REVIVAL CAMPAIGN.­

E ... ;",gtliq A. \\'al. Arille .and party will con­dun a r(~"aJ c;ur.paign at the: A,.tEnbly I.r C<ld Tabcm:U:lc:. fr"m ~I.lrch 9 to Z3 i ,IUILVc:.-R F.!. mn Uaker, Pastor.

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.-F.,-anjt. 1,.hn H. U,,"r.- -!. wIll (,,,d\, I .:r. f",i.'al c;4,,,pa;gn in the t;p~r R .... m 'urm"l~ . .z5J Monr,>e _~H'_. lIei'm­mug J ... ",,;lry ."l. ;wrl c<>nli"ultllC Ih,-ouJ(b the: mOllth .jf February. We: an~ i<x.king to the Lord illr .1 fc:a~t of ",,,~I thing5.-Rol\in M Severance, PaS!<H. "lit. 903, Y M. C. A., Grand Rapids, Mich.

M e ALESTER, OKLA.- A bii u1nrrc:lbtic: cam· paicn for 1011 !IOull, cocduclcd by E ... anacliau Earl W. and Buc:b. O. Clark and PloTt,., in the M. E. Oturch (KII'ni' nOlI) in the center 01 the CiIY. beginning January 2S and cloatna Feb­ruary 25. SainI. in Ihe .uITou"dlng coDllDuaity are urKed t(I .nend a nd help in the ",Iv.rion of loS! fOul.. BrinR' Ihe .ick. For furtber infor· malion address ]. W. Hudson, Sav.DlISb, Okla.

MIDWINTER R£V1VAL, . t Philadelphia, Pa. Evnngrli!l n ert \\·illiam. of Perrr, N. Y., w;]l ho ld .pe<:ial revival mcelin!!:s at HIGHWAY M IS· SION Tt\D ERNACI.E, R,dge Avenue and Ox· ford St reets, Fcbruary 13 to 24. A lime of .pir. ilual bleuing a nd salvation i. expecled. Friend. lrom ncighboring communities arc inviled 10 share the ~nefiu 01 Ihese meetings wilh the loca l assembly.

810LE CONFERENCE, NEAR CALHOUN LA., ix-ginning Februa ry 15, D. V., for ten d:\y~, at the P leasant Valle)' Assembly. BrOlher W. J. Walthall, Cbairman of the Arkansas District Council, will give Ihe Bible lesllOr... There will be e\'angeli.tic serv icta each nighl. \Ve espe· cially urge the brethren of this part of the dis · trict to attend Ihi . conference. Train. "ill be met on Ihe V. S. & P. railroad on Ihe 14lh, ]5th and 16th, and the ane1l1bly at Pleuant Valley will arrange to lake care oi all "'ho attend.-E. L . Tann~r, Summerfield. 1,.:1. --------

KANSAS OlSTRlCT SlSLE CONFEJtENC£ February 15 10 March 2r at the A ... elUbl, of God Chnrch. 7th & Riverv,ew Kan.u City .l;:a", • . Brolher and SiSler D. W . ten In c.h,,&,e of Bible confere n. e, a~siS led by Uro ther and S'ller \V. C. Pcirce ami o ther workers. We expect all the X:. asa.s Di.trict preachers and workers 10 come t(I t b is conference, tha I we rna, ",tady to shew our.elves approyed unto God, workmen that need 1\ot to be ashamed." Let each .sselUbly take an offerini for the pulor's u;penles. El!.tertail!.· men I will be furnished free to all rniniateu, and accredited workers_ Thi. Bible conference .. for all Ihe sainu. We will have • li.t o f room •• t rtallO:,able ratel. For furtbe r informalion yrhe to Fred Vogler , Wak arus2, Kans. , Chairman Itao· sal District.

IOWA AND NORTH MISSOURI CONVEN_ TION.-God willing. "I' will halle our regu lar "i,'ler c""vl:n li01\ 11, Dcs Moines, Iowa, February 7 to 17. \\'1' "ish that all Ihe mini~ters in Ihe di~trkt would arrange to be pre.sent.

Elder I). 11 .• \ Id"k,well "ill be wilh us for the enl're In11e.

Evcrylxxh come. :as "e ha ve SOlDe business 10 come up; and we ""aut Y9U to be pre!ICnl when il is discussed; alllO, we wan I )"our pre!;Cnce, to sho.... )our co·oper~tron in Ihe work in the di •• trict. Du~iness meeting February 14, 15 and ]6.

lleal, (>II Ihe free·will·offering plan and the saint' w,ll entertain as many in thci r homes as Ihey pouib]y can.

All persoDs wishin&, ordination, and I1C"" work· ers ""hing license, can be pre!ICnl for the busi. neiS dars.

Roy I'. Scott. I) istrict Chairman. Mercer, Mo. , J. H . Ho~ trom, Sec'y, Brookfield, Mo.


An olJ · tune PentecoSlal Convent ion will be held ill Ihe ne .... F ull.GosJl";1 <.:hurch. 28JJ Hillman St. , Youngl lown, Ohio, l'ebruary 3 to 17 inclulive.

W e are expecting Chairman J. W. Welch of Springfield. Drother V. S. Mumbulo of Rochesler, N . Y., possibly J . Narver Cortner of Cleveland, Ohio, al!lO T. K . Leonard 01 F indlay, Ohio, a nd n t h"'r Jlreac1,ers and miuionaries.

~lInd."lY , February 10, will be se t apart (or the Mdicalion of Ihe new church building.

We ",ill endeavor 10 provide free enterlainment ror rn " l1l1crs and m issionaries in fellowship with Ihe veneral Council. hilt can gna rantee financial rcmlmeration only for Ihoae engaged al .~iAl worker.. For further information, address G. E. Srnit l), pastor, 8..'9 I'arkwood Avc., Youngsto ..... n, Ohio.


REVIVAL SERVICES PITTSBURC, PA.­E, ... ngel:...t !\u, .od, Park, f L mben!>ura:, Pa, ... ,il h lid >;1 'C\1\ _ , _It G •. lle Str«t .. "I LI1,It .hc uc, p,tt,l'Url/. P.L. F.bruary 1 I" Ii r"cI" IH' T.,ke- F'''l1kU"wn Avenue or H.'U1;]lon .\.'cn"" ,,)U :lnd I'H ~·fi at the c<>rn",r f 1..3' g awl }<', nk~I""'n. r Lang and Kclly


TUL<iA, OKLA ·E'''"IJel I, Farl \\ u,,-I Bcula n., I lark ot I" Ir;\ll .... poh~.'II')lI open a revival eam-1,.11",11, S'lnda>', 'I'ltch _. III Ih~ luge Tuba faber· 1l.1t Ie. ,e.ll111K /,.50). "i~l, ~ ch";r .. I 400 ,,< 'ces and '~l I ,·r~.m~1 " rk .. r ami 60 " hNS. whcrc Rtlchey Tn" Jun, J,j ~'" ",«1"'1(. in that city. The I !:Irk'.. 'HI' ,q~ r the E~a"gel re"der, I r Ih .e t , III oar i r 1,,-, .01.11 I'lan 10 .• \lc "I

REVIVAL MEETING AT CANTON, OHIO, Fehtuary 7 10 17, il1du~iH'. ,in ch:trgc "j Brother \\,,11 Walker, l1u:."k« 1·,lr"l ,· •. L11!o:e]i.t E"try_ ""l' in (·.1·~. 11 a,,,1 't~;tUt' c<",It .• lly ;,,\·il.,<1 Old Urkk German church <'n East T\1~ca....,.a SL has tx-.-, renled I,r Ihe occa.i n. "i~si"n hall, 415 Third St .. ~. L, ("anlun. Oh~, }<'irsl Ihree- mM.l­ing. in th!" h .'1 F'r illrll" r "f,.rm.lti .• " a,ldreq .\t \\. Rid "r,1 , Jr. I'ru" .. t~ 'Ilice, Cantu Ohio.


DISTRICT COUNC1L \\'1' gr("et ) '1.1 in Ihc 1I.1mc of ]e~u~ (lrn I, our

1...-",1 .... "d .\'allt'T. The Tc,'th .\nnuat D,ur'cl ('"uII(il oi Ihe As·

1;elllbliea of Gld ill S,lulhern Mi~."lIri will ('<",vene with the ,\~semlrly at Tha)'rr, .\10.. March ., 1924 The date 01 Ihis cmrndl "a~ c.hanlted by the DI~ln("1 Pr~~hylers. Thayer i~ about 100 1lI,le .. "",uth of Stlringf\dd. M-:. .. on the llIa'n line "f the: Fn'.'''. Th(" Auembly :o.t Thayer w,l1 lur· ru~h bed. and meal~ free. For add,lt"" ... 1 ,nf,.,r. malio" wrilc to Pastor Manin Ifart~, Thaycr. Mo.

"'1' .... d..,~e th:o.t al1 thc milll!lers of thr' d,.­trict bcj;li" IInw 10 "':Ike their pr("!13r,\li"nl to Pt· teud this C""11Ci\. W(" aplK'al 10 the AU("mhlies 10 elect a,,1i .elld ddeK ... te~ to this council. and ~("e Ihat )"ur pasl()r' .. cxl>cn'e to and from this cnuncii is met.

Those expecling 10 hc nrdained or hecnsed at th,~ council will tle"se ",nlC to llIe for anapph· catHlII blank. an after fill", .. il out have 11 ~,,_ d"tsed by )'Ol1r pastor ur ;l~~emhly or some !;O>un· c,\ ministcr a,·d return it to 11\(" vI the mini.· l("r5 amNI11lee Ihi~ in Ih("ir ,,"'cling,.

We athise thaI the Ii,e'l~ed n,illi~tefl of the di~trict renew their Fellowship Certificale by Ihe lu~,e Ihe councd meets or at Ihe <:ounc,l. This does not appJ,' II) ordained ministers. Ord .... lIl~d ,nini$ler',renew at Sprinl{tield, Mo., to Elder}. '''. Welch; !rcensed 11lini~len renew to Ihcir dtlltricl c!' .... inllil1l

Heloved ;., II .... I.ord, let u~ p,a) Ihat the ",:ill "I Ihe Lord ""II he w"rked OUI ill Ihi~ dl!ltnet '()I;'ncil, a~d Ihat Ilis wi~dnm ",ill be gi\'("n Ie j;lUlde II' 111 e\try matt("r that may cume bd"re 11~ . an,1 aho ... , :til Ihin!l:~. that lenell! ]0 .. 1' will COHr alld l)rHail o'er ner)- difference Ihat may ar ,se. and Ih:o.t we 'l1:1Y 1\1Ih 01lC hearl amI voice ~huw forth lI i~ j.;'!ory ""d I,rai ~e in Ihe face 01 ]eSI1~ Chn~t. ()nr blessed Lord and Im'ing ?h:llet. .\1I1en.

Don'l f,ors"" Ihe dale /'ll r hi~ council-lJ arch 4 1<) 9, 19:'4.

F Silt. e. Chairman.


From Jllnu"ry 18 to t~ inelu.ive! (Thi~ 11,>(" ""1 include olT~rini's for CXI)~"ses of

Ihe Foreign '\Ii ... i"n~ Dept.) $\95.00: Glad Titlil1g~ Taix-r ;\'e'<\' York ;\' Y ],?7.I}l: S S Tlllsa Okla 106_00: LiRhlho"s~ .\ucrnbly Brooklyn N Y IOS.00: l\s"cn,bly Pilt~hl1rl{ Pa 100.00: l\~~l'1I1b!r Terre lIa11tl' IlId ; U pper Room

;\l issiol1 San jO"le {"alif f;llOO: A P \\'''~Ibrnok Me 75.00: Lelti~h Pen 1'1 Church NeW" York N Y 69.00: .\Irs (' L I 8 emidJi )Iinn 64.00: (i<)spel Tal ... r ~ S Alton III SIl.OO, A~semhly Vint'land N J: Mr~ (" \\'("ekaw·

k'n ;.,' J; " (' \\"eehawkm N Ji Fernwood S S E.1 SI l.a118\lo",l1," I'a

4.1.13: Mis~')' S<xiet) of S. Calii Bible School Lo, Allgeles Calil

41.20: A~~eml!ly I'ue.blo ('010 J5.00: S S ?>IIlfnrd 1'ebr .30.00: I. II Lakc Hunlingto11 N Y ; F M La,

Ang(" c~ ('alii; G P ByeS\'iJle Ohio; Assemhly Braddock 1'"

25,00: Mr & Mrs H C II E.lr1e Ark; M rs C D Miami Fla; E D W Butler N J

21.10: Auembly York I'a ~.OO: Mn I: M Mihon N Y: II M Plain .. ieW"

Minn; C L F Sarr Diego (";\Iif; G B P Wal!lOr1 · "ille ('alif; Mrs E I. Chkago Ill; ."~~embly &. S S Spokane Wash

19.53: Assembly (\)llinni11e Okla 18.70: As~e11lhly !I'ew H aven COll11 17.25: S S DUllsmuir C .... lil 16.00: As~embly Endicott N Y ];;.00: ,hsembl)' Paudena Calil; Friends ill New

York ;.,' Y; ,\ "ull,bly IIaf\' ("Y'. L.1ke Pa ; As· sembly E"ing Mo; :'-1 & C D Ocean Grm-e N ]

Pa~~ Fift~~n

l' 1'1 t t!r .n lSI 1-01;1 .. l,t ... .\ "til 'l .e I ora Full V< f""1 i\ wrnhly f:urek. Calif l'cnt'l l r h I. kf'r I r I 01 \Idn.h '\ ,...,,,,hlv (aQAan S~W Jiamp S S j..-..:khart At. ~ S n",,' K III \It F H nroul;; .. :'\ \. £ S ~I'!inilfi .. ld R ( G tJ rlua \11 \\"}< L Knoxvr.lk

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8'. \ < K T ~ .. ",h rill :\ Y; .\ .. emhiy :o."ew. I "rill ;..: y, l' k \I.}.t ,llt'rl. K1 }<'ull G '1 I \It!' ~ n \llCt".: ... " (,I 111,-1 10 (;laol T.dlng, T:.l>er Rudini Pa

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5_ I I. II T I'". , K"n~ .\~lCmbly Hartl< rJ \1 . "" I B C .. r~'w "., .00: 'I J. \\ linl!. rd 'Ii!.; W I. \\ f.o~ An~ks

("alii- II { (rntr.l] I'.rk ;..: Y, R F J Ceutr.1 i'ark' ~ Y. " II 1I( .. ,k~ M,1!~ \\' V.I; ~lrs M II S S.t t.\ ,\na (.,101. j n lI ... r,,~I>I\t1{ Ill; U l' \ " .. ,Ii 'rd ~I .... ", \"("Tn!>ly .\ S S I{ 'lien C,,~,;

\1 .. \. T 'terment '" 1..1; .\Irs }<: 11 Renn ~e\'; S J S .\It .. 1.<>l11a (:alil; F M to Ncw Unl.i" ,'''nn; .hfC,,,hly S.l~1II,1W, M,,·h; \\ B Sa,-u· mCnl" ('ali£; '\Ir~ I~ U Lodl C\I,I; W n K .\ins· worth ;":eh: , \ I' Jurrcau .\I:uk:a: \l r. I. " \It,,,, iii; ;..: (' jelrnlJre Kan~; ~1r1 J J) G Gyp· .,t' i'a. \, r~ \1 {' S (Jreellsimr&, 1'a

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V,l Ala ~.tl7: S S K1I"'(0i11c h. Jr.): II t: O'N Sa" (;abriel COIhl; f. V N Rochu·

Irr;": Y; W Si~tn ltaw,,,, Kan.; S S Sagin ..... \I,d,; IIr,. S 10'1"'1 .\I,ch; A Frrend Flinl M'ch, \In M E \\ 11.·,,,("11 1' ..

:'.Stl: R L H R,..,k)· Funl C"lo;S II Thicket Tv; 2.35 ""'Ihhe .\Hcmhi) M("ndUl" Mu. 2.m: \ ~; j O:\kl."I<1 (':lhl; ~: S V M ]ason\iUe

I"d. \It & MI S (' A U Woodston Kana; W & 1\ " ~hre\('I't)! I I ...... ; ,\ Fricnd in Calif; 101 fIl \ II n Alban> Or("; L U ~alllidc Calil; J A

.\1 Wi1liall'l)Qri \hL In Je~I1" l'rr:<;iOUl N.mc Is \.~I: \la ( .\ ,\1 ~hrev .. port La \..; .... .\In,\l 11 (i:\rJ.1nd Tu; Mr. II U 0 1I, .. ,ker

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Sa,k: ~Ir. W S R Ihmh11 Tel(; '\Ir~ A \\' I .... s .\'u.:de, Calil; .\Irs l' V Euhr Y Dak; M" S .\ .\t \larcelur(" Mn; \\" J I E"crl<)n I\ rk; E .\ (ialena Kan_: U C Watt. Calil; ll rs C 1-: I' Sanr~"n Ala: Mrs \\' II ,\nnand " .... n; \\ R 1I,I!.d"k il.1i,'h; \fra I{ J) Hillsdale M1('h; l' S \\"e~lu"ll(nt Mti

.9~. '\11lflUnU k~~ Ihan $1.00 T ut :l!. I~~~ $ll4.2!, '111"'11"15 ~ent dired

mi."innarle. by aa~("",hlies P]u~ d'e~k rCluTI)("d

Total ."mount IIre\","u~h rCI>orud T"t,,1 .'''''''lnl rn' r i,c,1 t1url1'&' month

, . $J,0')6.10

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$9,IU 7'

CONTRIBUTIONS rOR HOME MISS IONS $-401): ,\'~("1!1I,ly Sir:>;" Mo ::.SO: S II Thicket l'ex; Glad Tidinas Ahembl,.

S:lCr"mel1l<> ('aliI. ].00: ~I,.. I. W n lI il\wa tha N("!)r

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