ICC OPERATIONAL PLAN November 2011- March 2013nhri.ohchr.org/EN/ICC/GeneralMeeting/25/Meeting...

1 ICC OPERATIONAL PLAN November 2011- March 2013

Transcript of ICC OPERATIONAL PLAN November 2011- March 2013nhri.ohchr.org/EN/ICC/GeneralMeeting/25/Meeting...

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November 2011- March 2013

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At its 23rd meeting, held in Geneva from 22 to 25 March 2010, the International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions (ICC) adopted its Strategic Plan for the period 2010 to 2013. This Operational Plan is developed pursuant to paragraph 8.1 of the ICC Strategic Plan. The Operational Plan is based on the ICC Strategic Plan, including the ICC vision, mission and principles. The Operational Plan provides a practical chart of the operations that the ICC will undertake to achieve the strategic objectives as outlined in the ICC Strategic Plan. It also includes an additional strategic objective on the organisation and management of the ICC. As annex, it contains the ICC budget for 2011. Key priorities for this first period of the strategic plan, as presented in this operations plan are to: Strategic objective 1:

further strengthen the ICC accreditation process Strategic objective 2

further strengthen strategic engagement with the Human Rights Council and treaty bodies

intensify the focus on engagement in New York to gain recognition for the NHRIs independent status before all UN bodies and agencies Strategic objective 3:

further develop strategic partnerships with UNDP and IOI

Strategic objective 6:

ensure financial security for the ICC, through a programme to increase the payment of membership fees and to secure funding from external donors

Strategic objective 7:

embed sustainable systems for efficient organisational management and internal communication, and effective partnership with NIRMS

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The Operational Plan is general in nature, particularly regarding dependencies on NIRMS, and will require more detailed implementation planning. This is the second Operational Plan of the strategic plan period, following completion of the operational plan for the period March 2010 through October 2011. It is presented for consultation involving the ICC Bureau, Regional Chairs, Regional Coordinating Committees (RCCs), ICC members, ICC Geneva Representative and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights National Institutions and Regional Mechanisms Section (OHCHR NIRMS).

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Note: this section to be further developed in conjunction with the SCA

Activity Outputs Responsibility Timelines Dependencies

Ongoing activities

1.Tailor and contextualize SCA recommendations

Record context and background in which the recommendation was developed

SCA Progress report in regular SCA reporting to ICC

NIRMS to provide advice and secretariat support RCC to provide information and advice

2. Improve accessibility to SCA process for NHRIs and others

Translation of documents; improved information on nhri.net

SCA Progress report in regular SCA reporting to ICC

NIRMS to provide translation of documents NHRI.Net administrator

Development activities

3. Strengthen support for NHRIs’ preparations for ICC accreditation process

Review mechanisms and develop recommendations for ICC Bureau

SCA Recommendations to ICC Bureau meeting in October 2013

NIRMS to provide advice and secretariat support Item to be discussed at March 2012 SCA session, to determine who/ how SCA is to develop the report/ recommendations, and what timelines are needed to meet the reporting deadlines.

4. Strengthen transparency in accreditation process

Review of current processes, including review of General Observations

SCA re: the review of the General Observations. -The Working Group on the

Initial report and recommendations ICC Bureau in October 2013

NIRMS to provide advice and secretariat support Item to be discussed at

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Review of General Observations is tasked with this. Re: the review of the accreditation process to strengthen transparency, SCA to consider by whom review to be undertaken.

Final report and recommendations at ICC 26

March 2012 SCA session.

5. Strengthen systematic follow up to SCA recommendations

Resources allowing, consider visits to NHRIs (and their governments) to engage more effectively with institutions striving to meet the Paris principles and accreditation process standards.

SCA to develop recommendations; ICC Chair, Regional Chairs and Coordinators to implement, with advice from SCA and NIRMs

Recommendations to November 2012 Bureau meeting

NIRMS to provide advice and secretariat support for development of recommendations Item to be discussed at March 2012 SCA session, to determine who/ how SCA is to develop the report/ recommendations, and what timelines are needed to meet the reporting deadlines.

PROPOSAL: 6. Enhance understanding of the accreditation process

Increase awareness of the accreditation process through the development of outreach and education strategies which might include: (i) Building onto the agendas of the ICC plenary meetings & regional

SCA to prioritise and make recommendations to November 2012 Bureau meeting

SCA to consider and recommend when this task should be completed.

Item to be discussed at March 2012 SCA session.

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meetings; (ii) Engaging and enlarging the roles of ICC Regional Chairs and Regional Coordinating Committees (RCCs); (iii) Regular communications through regional and ICC Secretariat (OHCHR) bulletins and the NHRI Forum website; (iv) Periodic focus groups and roundtables; (v) Presentations and workshops; and (vi) Comprehensive plain language guide to the SCA process and General Observations.


Activity Outputs Responsibility Timelines Dependencies

Ongoing activities

1. Provide support to NHRIs engaging with UN mechanisms,

Information sharing; advisory services; representation of NHRIs in

ICC Geneva Representative

Ongoing Reports on activities to each ICC Bureau and

NIRMS to provide information sharing for NHRI; support to Geneva

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particularly HRC 18 plus UPR, treaty bodies and special procedures.

Provide support to NHRIs in their follow up activities

meetings; facilitation of exchange of experiences and lessons learned, and development of good practice; selected side event; reporting and liaising with NHRIs

General meetings

Representative; coordination and partnership on side events RCC to engage with mechanisms, provide support to their members, liaise with ICC Geneva Rep APF advice and guidance

2. Engage with Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures

ICC representation in annual meetings of treaty bodies and Special Procedures

ICC Geneva Representative

Reports on activities to each ICC Bureau and General meetings

NIRMS to provide advice and support to ICC Geneva Representative

Development activities

2. ICC strategic engagement with HRC and its mechanisms

Develop and implement strategic engagement,

ICC Chairperson

Progress report to March 2012 Bureau meeting, ICC 25 and Bureau meeting in November 2012

NIRMS advice ICC Geneva Representative analysis and guidance APF analysis and guidance

3. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and State Parties Conference

Follow up on the ICC statement for the State Parties Conference made in September 2011 and engagement with state party bureau members on the distinct recognition for NHRIs in section 33.2 of the CRDP

Canadian Commission to lead, involving ICC Chairperson ICC members ICC Geneva Representative

Ongoing ICC Geneva Representative and APF analysis and guidance

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and the standing of NHRIs at the State Parties Conference

Continue to develop cooperation with the Disability Alliance

4.Strengthen cooperation with Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures

ICC strategic engagement to promote harmonization of working methods and cooperation between TB, SP and NHRIs

ICC Chairperson


NIRMS advice and secretariat support ICC Geneva Representative and APF advice and guidance Treaty Bodies and SPs

5. Advocate for NHRI independent status before all UN bodies and agencies, including through an increased presence at treaty bodies and states parties in New York

Intensify the focus on New York to gain recognition for this objective. Advocacy for a GA resolution to this effect.

ICC members increased presence ICC Chairperson, ICC Secretary and ICC Geneva Representative for increased presence and GA resolution

Discussion on strategic engagement and advocacy at the ICC Bureau meeting in March 2012 and implement agreed next steps

Strategic advice and support from ICC Geneva Representative and APF Budget provision for intensive engagement in New York


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Activity Outputs Responsibility Timelines Dependencies

Development activities

1. Outreach to partners and key stakeholders

Continue cooperation with IOI and other regional and international Ombudsman’s organisations, and further develop relationship with UNDP Develop cooperation with INGOs (regular Geneva meetings), including with International Disability Alliance (see 3.3 above) Undertake selected presentations to key stakeholders on role and value of NHRIs in the international frameworks

ICC Chairperson ICC Geneva Representative

Reporting to each ICC Bureau and General meetings Regular Geneva meetings between ICC Chair and NGOs

NIRMS to provide advice and secretariat support UNDP, IOI and INGOs willing to engage


Activity Outputs Responsibility Timelines Dependencies

Ongoing activities

1. Hosting of 11th International Conference on gender equality including women and girls.

Conference programme and outcomes which support NHRIs in their domestic priorities on the ground

Jordan Centre for Human Rights, planning committee and ICC Chair

November 2012 and lead up

NIRMS to provide grant and secretariat support Regional Chairs and Coordinators to liaise with members

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Jordanian Government arrangements

2. ICC Bureau meeting ICC 25

Key planning and management decisions made, and information sharing on good practice.

ICC Chairperson ICC 25: 19-23 March 2012 Bureau: November 2012

NIRMS to provide advice and secretariat support Regional Chairs and Coordinators to provide advice and liase with members

Developing activities

4. Expand online information sharing

Review structure and management systems of NHRI.net website Implement recommendations agreed from the above review

ICC Chairperson NIRMs, in consultation with ICC Chairperson

Proposal from an independent consultant on structure and management systems to be discussed at ICC Bureau Meeting November 2012

ICC Chair satisfied with proposals NHRI.net administrator has capacity and capability to undertake work, or additional resources are secured.


Development activities

1. Respond to requests by regions to provide support

Provision of advice and support as requested

ICC Chairperson or designate

As requested Resources for travel and time

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for the strengthening of ICC regional coordinating bodies


Activity Outputs Responsibility Timelines Dependencies

Developing activities

1. Implement 3 year fundraising strategy

continue to implement the fundraising plan agreed at ICC24 with annual budget and plan; Further develop and implement procedures for timely payment of membership fees

ICC Chairperson ICC Finance Committee

Review outcome of engagement to prospects to date and develop a further engagement plan by December 2011 and implement during 2012.

APF advice and support Budget provision for face to face engagement with prospective donors


Activity Outputs Responsibility Timelines Dependencies

Ongoing activities

1. Embed systems for the organization and management of the ICC

Further embed systems for: financial management;

ICC Chairperson ICC Finance Committee

Report to each ICC Bureau meetings and General Meetings

NIRMS to provide grant and agree on service level agreement

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that can be run independent of the institution which supports the ICC Chair

membership fees; patterns of delegating ICC Chair representation; service level agreement with NIRMS, and finalise an ICC manual Finances allowing, make ICC Geneva Representative a permanent position; continue programme of provision of ant ICC Geneva Intern

Manual in place by March 2012 Finances allowing, decision on permanent Geneva Rep by March 2012

2. Development of ICC legal status

Register ICC statute changes Complete application to be registered for tax exemption

ICC Chair ICC Chairperson ICC finance committee

In May 2011 the ICC General Meeting approved amendments to the ICC Statute. Documentation to permit registration of the statutory amendments was completed and submitted to the relevant Swiss authorities.

Dependent on legal process and outcomes of March 2012 Bureau meeting and ICC25

Legal support from APF Requires legal representation

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Note on income: This budget sets out income that is likely to be received. However, additional income will be sought from two sources: - a grant application will be made to the OHCHR for 1) the development and maintenance of the ICC website and 2)for the ICC to

undertake translations for major meetings, reducing the lead time required by UN systems. - continued implementation of the fundraising plan, with a view to obtaining additional income from governments and philanthropic






Membership fee

IN100 225,000 170,000 225,000 Based on 45 institutions paying

OHCHR Grant IN200 26,000 26,000 26,000 Paid in US dollars.

Other funding IN300 0 20 10,000 Pledged additional funding for the SCA. Fundraising plan to produce additional income. .

Bank interest IN400 100 300 100

Total 251,100 196,320 261,100





Personnel EX100 94,000 84,000 94,000 Additional CHF 10k provided in 2011 for recruitment to permanent position unspent, but carried over to 2012. Any increase as a result of salary review provided in contingency line.

Travel EX200 46,000 70,000 60,000 Overspend in 2011 includes additional costs of travel to New York to engage with treaty bodies and includes costs of travel for ICC Chair representatives as well as ICC Chair.

Translation and interpreters

EX300 50,000 25,000 50,000 Allows for translation in all four ICC languages. NIRMs covered significant proportion in 2011, but the budget is maintained in 2012 to cover additional costs of International Conference

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Office supplies and equipment

EX400 6,000 5,000 6,000 New lap top funded from 2011 budget. Maintain to provide for potential replacement equipment, blackberry and regular office supplies

Office rent EX500 0 0 0 Not required

Meetings and events

EX600 6,000 800 6,000 Maintain facility if required, especially potential side events in New York

Legal and accounting services

EX700 15,000 10,000 15,000 ICC registration completed by end of 2011 financial year. 2012 budget includes payment for financial services and one-off estimated costs for ICC incorporation under Swiss Host Act (10 000 CHF)

Bank charges EX800 440 1,000 1,000 Bank charges minus interest, based on estimated 2011 financial results

Intern EX900 20,000 0 20,000 Intern placement started in final quarter of 2011. Budgeted for six to eight months in 2012. Can increase if fundraising plan produces revenue required.

Contingency EXA00 20,000 2,000 20,000 Allowance for salary review and other contingencies

Total 257,440 197,800 272,000

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Annex II: ICC strategic engagement, Calendar of relevant 2012 Geneva-based meetings and events

Event Dates Webpage and Secretariat

ICC/NHRI participation

59th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

16 January – 3 February http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/crc/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

60th session of the CRC (pre-sessional Working Group)

6 – 10 February (pre-sessional Working Group)


ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

51th session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

13 February – 2 March http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

80th session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination (CERD)

13 February – 9 March http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cerd/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

19th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC)

27 February to 23 March

http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/19session/ Secretariat: HRC Branch, NIRMS

1. ICC statements on: a) General Segment; b) HC Annual Report; c) Panel on Disabilities; d) Panel with UN agencies on human rights mainstreaming; e) Panel on best practices in UPR follow up.

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2. NHRI and regional groups' statements 3. Thematic side events

104th session of the Human Rights Committee (HR Committee)

12 – 30 March (New York)


ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

2nd session of the Committee on Enforced Disappearance (CED)

26 – 30 March http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CED/Pages/CEDIndex.aspx

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

7th session of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

16 – 20 April http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/CRPDIndex.aspx

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

16th session of the Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW)

16 – 27 April http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cmw/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

48th session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)

30 April – 18 May http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cescr/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

48th session of the Committee against Torture (CAT)

7 May – 1 June http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cat/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

49th session of the CESCR 21 – 25 May (pre-sessional Working Group)


ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

13th session of the 21 May to 4 June 2012 http://www.ohchr.org/E ICC advice and assistance

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Universal Periodic Review (2nd cycle)

N/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/UPRMain.aspx Secretariat: UPR Unit, NIRMS

to help NHRIs engage

60th session of the CRC 29 May – 15 June http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/crc/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

20th session of the Human Rights Council

18 June to 6 July 2012 http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/ Secretariat: HRC Branch, NIRMS

1.ICC statement and side event on human rights and business 2. ICC statement and advocacy on NHRI resolution and SG reports on NHRIs 3. NHRI and regional groups’ oral statements and side events

Annual Meeting of Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures

11 to 15 June (Special Procedures) 25 to 29 June (Treaty Bodies)

http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/icm-mc/index.htm http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/chr/special/index.htm

ICC statements

5th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

9 to 13 July 2012 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/IPeoples/EMRIP/Pages/EMRIPIndex.aspx

1.ICC statement on the Guidebook on the DRIP for NHRIs

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Secretariat: Antti Korkeakivi [email protected], Samia Slimane [email protected]

2. Participation in the session and possible side event

105th session of the HR Committee

9 – 27 July http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrc/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

52th session of the CEDAW

9 – 27 July (New York) http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

61st session of the CRC 17 September – 5 October


21st session of the Human Rights Council

1 - 28 September http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/ Secretariat: HRC Branch, NIRMS

1.ICC statement on indigenous peoples 2. NHRI and regional groups statements

53th session of the CEDAW

1 – 19 October http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

106th session of the HR Committee

15th October – 2 November


ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

14th session of the 22 October to 5 http://www.ohchr.org/E ICC advice and assistance

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Universal Periodic Review

November N/HRBodies/UPR/Pages/UPRMain.aspx Secretariat: UPR Unit, NIRMS

to help NHRIs engage

49th session of the CAT 29 October – 23 November


ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

49th session of the CESCR 12 – 30 November http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cescr/index.htm

ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

50th session of the CESCR November 2012 (pre-sessional Working Group)


ICC advice and assistance to help NHRIs engage

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Annex III: ICC strategic engagement, Calendar of relevant 2012 New York-based meetings and events

Event Dates Webpage and Secretariat

NHRI participation

56th session of the Commission on the Status of Women

27 February to 9 March

http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/csw/56sess.htm Secretariat: UN Women

Thematic side events If granted access, attendance of session

11th session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples

7 to 18 May 2012 http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/en/session_eleventh.html Secretariat: [email protected] http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/en/secretariat.html

Thematic side events Participation in the session Oral Statements (during previous sessions, registered NHRI representatives have made presentations)

Third Committee of the General Assembly, in particular: GA resolution on Ombuds institutions

September – Dec 2012 http://www.un.org/en/ga/third/index.shtml Mr. Otto Gustafik (Acting Secretary) Tel: 1 (212) 963-9963 Email:[email protected]

Side events Attendance in sessions Contribution to the development of the GA resolution on Ombuds

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institutions (Morocco-led)

Working Group on Ageing

n.a. http://social.un.org/ageing-working-group/index.shtml Secretariat: [email protected] OHCHR contact: [email protected]

Side events In 2011, several NHRIs have been invited as panelists however NHRI participation rights have not formally been confirmed

5th session of the State Parties Conference on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

12 to 14 September http://www.un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id=1535 Secretariat: [email protected]

Side events Attendance in sessions Statements