HVj/il P. /fnW colaifona. ead White Riser »ari.x rs?a Besseheek-rise Dlsisieaa of the parade Oreat...

9 TH9GSANDS COMING TO SEE MONSTER PARADE 6re*t Demonstration in Favor of Sound Money. BIGGEST IN THE NORTHWEST. |vtr/bodj WmU to n<*r Be® Bat- terworth ud G*n. Porter. FIFTH DIVISIO*. WllUsra R. %.«!«?« t Msr«hal. Ptamna'l 8«r.4. Mrhinky C'laU. High Scluml *»«* id M-ney Cleb. Mlnen' Mrklnt'T Clah. F»r«t \«>r»' MfKml'y Club. Colored Mm'» -"HrKlnley Club. Ifli;;! Rivet I'*rn>«r»' JVKialty Club on l!omb#th. C>ti<« Cifrlsjf*' Xh« recites* Alfoeaiee mt am «?»?»» Dollar ?lleedreda ef Wfc«elaf», W Itb Cyeiaa Oayly Useoratad. to lead tba proeasaioa Old teldlers Tram Ta- cf.Tr« to March With Thais HeaUlo Comrades - Sailors la Pkt«r»M|uir l aifona. ead White Riser »ari.x rs ?a Besseheek-rise Dlsisieaa of the parade Oreat Crowds Conning ?»/ Kail ead *oa«. ILACE* Or All delegation* participating in the pa- most r».;.iiin it. tne.r p»*ee* J ?"* ®rd«r* a-- f.v. n by tnc grand m.rito. or cm of his a; ie# to fe-< it, o ~>.e. Tr>*- motrn't*!, SUM*' tno irransi jr.a anal at the corner of Tn.rd avenue xuJ Vnton street, not la -r taaa ? M « Seattle ao'l Taauma Cyce Clubs and at. ether f «rru on Union stree\u25a0_, be- tween F.rst anu Third aven :es _ t'.a-toon of police, f-orna or T.t.rd ave- v''f vj'-:- Uni-jn Vetera as* i*\u25a0 - ... j. »£ .<-* fjnn in columns o. :.n weM <»de of Tnlrd avenue, bead £55. ... r i-, head : ~ nit south s;ie of Lniaa bailors and S"at?i.» wri enir,». !? - r *h Bet-ond and Tmrd ward*, fore or. we... f .d" of Tmrd aven 4 e, fc-ad resting on nu< -»i ai'ie of Union sf!e- t. , . . 5 s - utk' ward clubs. Ftrirtfc. Fif.h an v. c jj-jj fonii uj co. .®n of fouT> on ?*. ? of Thsrd avenue, he.t 1 resting on !"n;-.»n s: recv . _ . - A- i'ti * ani clots. ? ? ven'h. E k \u25a0 - and S nr>i war.is, form in eo.-mn of -ours tn ud.- of Piite sue- .. head resting on T trd avenue ... Bj* n m M mi'S Rorjnd Money forms in column of fours on east 5,..e <>. f-- nd avenue, head resting on sou,h so- of Union stre t. _ . Riiiway employes' Sxmd Money <.:ub. ? <n»« in column of four* on west or s- >nd avenue, ne*id resting on *»uth £id» of Uni'"»n ttrect. . , , »*n V M 'Kiiley ? 1., H.gh bchool 'ond Money Clun. Miners' McKiniey t- i. F;rs: Voters* and Colored Mens M -Kinley <'lui»s. form in coh;mn of fours of. west s. of Be\ »n«l avenue, head rest- ing oi. norih si:k i of Umcr. street. :1 n«*fioremeri. form in eol.imn of fours « , e».v s;dt f.Knoni avenue, heal rest- !;;« on r.-.-rsf; s de of Union -tree:. Woe Kiver Farmers' Nf Klniey » on horwebu'-k. orm in column of :wos on » - i».i> o! First avenue, heud resting on nor a side of Union street. ? if in rurriag-". fen on west si'* A of First avenue head resting on north y\.l& of Union street. P. 2r EVEJI in fhe p-j't*- I ical 'hiyfory ? ' the 1 »ut« has th're been I aoe-h a demonstra- tion as »n. take plaee todiy in hon- or of Hot; Benja- min Butterwortb . and Gee Robert P. | l'ort»-r. The sound 1 nK.ri-.-y mer. >f th.s city are united in extending a wel- come to the distin- Wwi*?e4 speaaers. and from ail over tne people will flo< k to U- ar the cham- p.a sof an bonest do.iar It is expe. thi.t alone a"»il s<-nd 2.<ta) i»eopie, and Urge delegations ar»- expected from WMuea. Port Townsend, Everett and important points, while amaiisr g>l-u-es, particularly towns in King county, wl J be fsliy represented. of th» features of the parade will \u2666?? the a;»t»earan<.v of lfl« of the C i'ors' Union, whkrh las: evening de- c. ' 1 t# join in the demonstration for Mc- J ey an-i sound money. Forty of them Wol «ion their pictures«4ue uniform, and s.t.iiovi -tediy a ill as go>>i \ show- ing »» any delegation. The pla. e assign tfcsm Is one of the best, in the third d.v.skir. immediately betiind th* m'lltii- men's drum cori»s. «nd ju*- in front of v - n.-o- Seattle ward < iuos There ar. not uniforms In the city for the <»ntir« » ... but ther-- will be a hundred or t ? men turn out. "Tne b.g parade will stir* promptly at 7;"# frrm the «orner of Third avenue ar,J Union street, and l«d by the Wheel- men. »''.h cycles jra.ily decorated, will grove F.rst avenue. tii- Ti- »? to Pione* r ? a-e. th#fir« to flt-cond awnue, thence to yilie street. !hcnc» to Seventh avenue, ,th?nc. to the Armory, countermarching ®n I' ?&o Tii.r.l avenue. Here is the for- mation of the psrade; The I.lne i»f Mareh. The proceiwion will start from the coi*- n-r of Tt: rd avenue ani Union strict at " "V> sharp, an I tnovet A'* « n I'nion stree- to Firs; ivenui-. S j fh «m First avenue to Pioneer place. Aif*r>K P.on«er piaee- ; > Yfiler. aui eas. or- Yesler way to Second avenue. ir;h on S-tobi! avinu- to Pike >'ree!. .1 ? on nort'i side of Pik- street to St-v- --. uui ..vfnue, then countermarch to Third a 'Die. S i*h on Thirl avenu« to Union s're-M. on t'nion *;wt to th< Arraory, into which the column wiil march. \ gre»t many wheelmen are expected to turn out for the parade, and those who part In the demon*;ration are asked t » If orate their wheels. An «asy and atira live d<'oration Is to wind a piece of wire about th# frame Jus; above the front fork, allowing me ends of the wire to extend several Inches to either aide; then attach Japanese lanterns. The five b dt orated wherls are to receive spe- al ntlon In the Poat-Intell.jcenccr of Fri- day morning. Capf a. A Carman will be at the corner of Fourth avenue an 1 Pikes *'.r- .-t at 7 o'clock. Wheelmen on leaving t:t ? i«raJ«' will K" to :h> si>i.;> entran- e if the* armory, where the bicycles may be f tort 1 in a roi>m un !er th ? rye of a po- li' t-rn in, who will take are of them. A ! A l a: on of wheelmen is expected from T i Tima. THE riiOTESftIOX. Seattle ii i T touia ( yrle I Into and All tllher H herluirn. I'latoon «»f I'ollrr, langrr A l.itebrn'a Kind. GruJ Marshal 11. A. Biftelow and aides, as foßoas: E. I*. Allen. P Alien. R. A >na*Miiitt<. Al< i Ai»der*on. Howard V. A3X5«a, I J. Allen. <*tuir;> ?< Bogart. P. If. Brawn, M F. Backus, Ira CharCo B«*klngba«Q. Ble-hard Burkman, SC. C Ke'.dUig. Charles Bruttn, £ J. Cran- dali. T. <*arui. O 8 Carpenter, Will- lam w?'.;dweil. 8 Cahrl », C A Crai*:. u V C:r kett, »{ W era;*. Prank riiim- %ej!'n. hi crown Chapin. Thomas H. l»«-mp- y, I T !\u25ba U-e. H 1. 1». nr./, M. 1 > 4r,. E 15 r.".a, Chariea Fair. I, VV r o .<, W K Fitzgerald. 11. A Fr» «l*»r 1- ks, Co'., Joseph <irt-ene, Tlmmas W. Gordon. L H. Ora>. J 1.. OwnH. \l p Haynes, H. J. Hoi . F J }l.«\tnan. Ue 11 Hall. A. 1,. Hut', A. H*nirk-h. Sidney Hansard, F. §f«ehbrunn MaJ. K. B Ingraham. E. W. Johrstou, d. C. Jemsen, J. 1. Kahaley. Ter r > K , Janes l>-e. ft. J lamur* iix, Wll Uiiiuv. 11, iir.'it> (le- ra. Ing. C. H IJ!!y, N. H l.svtimer. It K. j. John F Miller. J T M. »i, | j. T%" Mcore Miller. J ft M ?< i ; J H M irf»u*hlln, W If M\u25a0'! t T J M.-'errv, II :ium Mr<;r---..r, Fred M<> r, "W'.Jan Martin. M. .1 \ . , n #1 F P ? kit » Crank Car; r. f 1 pr >r brry. Ben P »»;». P-«i»k !*.«ul. Ci )r >n P SPli.mp on. Pot' , i; p, , B. \\ »' W J it ki r. P.. W S'r . c A ft .jifr S Ku:ii-«), ?' 1." J{ ; i> ,? . F K S!r*?. VV ' t»m It \u25a0 \ \j - r. C Smiti*. fj Jl H ** T » !"\u25a0 K K ?«?!"! . V F r: k r AV I|> Ti v; or . ?' »l T. »IT (.1 \\\ Fred \ W n». s it White, y j u . J*! V\ ' I M Wt:. ?\u25a0.J J \V > ' er. J. »-r ,? -, n »«? j i;? j. \ .jj, inlt ' C Vf,-s , i{ j, jj, w k r j* ?>l\ t*r ram t r.r.i , \u25a0 || on ni| . ~ <"*or-h ..! ?... ? . , m ? *; ,}y J \u25a0» w '? v J 'i H M - G r " 1 s >- v \ r «... *' \u25a0 I ' , run +f I'll <" i f. . ' . - *».» ~tr It, ' ' s T '-r - MiJ w 8 Ha-',n ? M T * ' F»' - \u25a0 . v , ..j... r *ll/ ce i:f ; *"ltt*T 1»I t H[o\. Cot. J. n. \««utant ( ?.ten V«U ?>.? I i-»;up, of I Htli.4 » »!..» * "? r*n>' r «1.1,.ii0 I ca««e. ?f srrov i> i>i \ mk>\. MaJ K lafrnt.n,,, Marshal. Ta (-??«> ! ttand. Tar.. m «% »1. K l»»|o r < j?h. HrKluley I lanthvaw I l«h ?f rinett, lr« I nlform. MrHlntpy < ivifi. MsKlnu-t « lufc» ?r oih «>, riacaa. I til l; DMPtION, SttJ » | Hli-hrll, Marshal, "?t 111 t »m« n'« < ~rp». *ail»r« » nknn in I I > U|ili»rrt ir«. M.Ktntev ~f !».? , lr , ft *? ron> , t'hlra. » ?i.iiti | ifth s,?h enth l.thit, ar«t». srtdl,. »«l nt II J>|\ hION, < el ». Marshal. fir.t K'liuiril ti an>l. llH«lae*s Me«-, t illwii > .a,,d M »nr t <lnh. At tl-. m- rim* of :!i« committer yester- day tn county heatK; sarters, the final ar- ranjt»-montH v. compiet. 1 for the dem- t>i \u25a0 n While the '©mmlttee was In w was received that tiie f.i- U;. *#' M 'Klnley Club, of Tacoma, 100 »* roup, will attend the a;.ath<rir.g at the A- \u25a0 ,-y, .id ~t* v.. "h-.-j, r> -erwd fur th< m en tlvo n>a,n iljor of the hill. One of !},dr nuir. nr. 'Mrs. Frank Haskell. wiU r> ,i h ;mor..;,< j.» tl >:» j for© Mr. Ru"erw . i tli - * a:ldre. - Mrs Ha >k« II w.ii f' 1 " 1 - ti> this ity by train, escorted l>y .i c '-nml!!f- of ten tnoinhcis fit the Ladies' | . '.ib. The Tt ma r.iombra Till come I>V bo.-r. ft !.; I* m. » hv A. T Am- ! bro.«o. who will cjnd.i.i th.'in to the Ar- i m>'ry. iv.r Mr. Jv-fr's meet! 1:5 In Ranke's I ha!l vn i; Mifiom will b:> r.-ndered by >" \u25a0'» ' '*!* V !"" t;? «:n; «e.} ,f; 1d . < from ! * t..»' -na t«»d>'V Club, i Alt ? ? Itl -Hi th«* Ranko*s hall «M*t- ,' v * \u25a0l ' an ojh, ortun.ty to hear Mr lint!- >% >rth. v ho. after flr.;shing his ' ' Arm, ry. will he escorted ' 1 ' 1 i: ' He will make nn a>idr?s* Im- ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? liately f >llowln ? Mr. !\>r ? r. > An \ j>» .<{i vi'c i»f > I'cnu each wty ? »». n-1 ?? f.-r 1 n'- of Newcastle. : utt ? Col imh a & Pi> t Socad. r*te -y it «h > Armory w til ho ;e- --' «*: ?? d for Is J!e«. \ tu hit t>e- n appointed to tak<» ? »f the .-hairs r»«erved for the vico - Uri's t; \m '.-v mtfi'.njt " * ' sr>» the \ ce pre- Vnu ;>r , * t* j m?etir>fs: Ihe trniory. * .V , ? w Emmoni. i.J tl > Mart h.do- Mm Krark 1 M ' Crts-o \\ T ft. : \u25a0 » .ph,r. K « in". ?:M«,«»vart |- j- s - R rn ' " J A P iwjr, ii A Cbti Imlck ? > > > 'JOT. Jtitiu.i H>r ' V. ' ; ' Y «11 j. 1; ilawktjia, I J Mnrj*. i 0 V ' '!' 1 ' ' '?»? , j«S R Van \wir.t I « , ??'«???;>!>? rt'S. Vaa A '.vl:. * 8 J Hohrea, \ r > ]l lAtimer. m,? rurk, H 1\u25a0- Kr « j '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'!- IH mm* V Norton, ,\ a SMfTtrt. I j J 1 .-ny. Vi V D ." liarnw. ] v ..1 Van Tuyl, h 6 9 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ,;* rrett - V r 1 I ' I' Afy ' ' K.i! \u25a0**. > V «*\u25a0 »\u25a0' «RI. Jo*m ? . i v H.-kina, « * ! ; '?> an, K'- ? s ? >? i < W lIK-r. *'>~at \u25a0* lSv*-h IV. r * t n ' '" rJa * n K ? * I V," A »' V«-al*«n. of f*al- l«*s;er Hor on, !,i r j S M !> Munrj, v.m >r \\ D WlvJ j f \ N- Nj -ju <. I V \ P 1 * \u25a0 I \\ % -«r n w h!-« rapt Jofm r,vJof, *rhi>der. \u25a0 K r»'««r, v Nt ' r n 1 \u25a0 \u25a0 « K< if. r. j r- 01 jJ< n\ *u una. J ?«.. a II FW'e, ' ,) ? ? <?- f? % i!r. ! 1, ; I" of Mark Harrire- ????«* ><* fera. ton j V Wt ? rv, > * 1 K th ' I <"WI Shotdad. ' . . K ?* M- j N ; ? tr i l ' Miakrlc*. | J v| - '!*? r. j ; v. .. r. ] h KT,V t 1* K ."r-; ! j il: uri. \ 1 r.-t m I jV- W. t r«r- II . v., KM , k> ? i"f \u25a0 v"» <'%rr !! 4 r 'V Of ' K K Tv «-tc,' ra "" : V - I i A - H V : " i H i <\u25a0: r :: % A cf 1 » fftkhnan. 1- ? ' -,r.. | , *.at < » >\u2666- n. J K ; v r ' >n CJ-or. ... . t »; ; " »- - H efc*. ** j ' - ; . >? n * . | ! ' J W*r*l - ir 1 ' y? \nn Hi }| i nv ,11 * A **>. * ;> w ; nh».. ;? * *' t . ? » omi *. t . ; ? i"- «? ? r Bra*. * fc* *. . . ««rusjr. 1 r-.-1-^r iti v -. .- , . , 4? ? 4n - N< :.al? -a.,..,./ j iy I \ t- _ Hrvß. | > J ** 1 t- 31 I , " it . k .... ' I j u u l*-.<gb' I V - 1 * k \u25a0 i I : J*. t, Coffee x tt* on s r « i>«* qu*,.: w*ctatna t*;#*r n *.-vwh#~« 4t *r-.v rf » .. ift To> \u25a0? \u25a0? ;? ? »-v>u !,' try our Pt «\u25a0> V -WA AND J \VA i:: , Bf'l tv i*y *t ooc i H>i ' Pound. N't- n <re tfcjw J it »- t ?ri«i , r^ift. SEATTLE TRADING CP. <iiiCX'KKs. ??1 Iff B IH| ATklt^ Tim crowd rr.n m mcoma. Stnnfrt »4 Train* to Be Crowded With E«r»r*l< \u25a0!«*». Ta.-oroa. Oct. XL?SpeciaL?- for *h» aesnater excursion to tSeetite to- morrow nJ|pit to attend the gr*at R*pub- l»*-an rally ere all complete, ani It is safe to predit-r tnat a crowd of Republican par- ty worker* numbering from I.W to 1.3n0 men wtlj co over iron hwe. Today George H. Boardman. cbauman of rtie eomnlrte* ors srraiurements George H. Stone. its tr«a#urer. and Rdward S. Hamilton have be»n bus:ly engaged n arrirging the las- d*taiis of the excursion. Fifteen hundred ucJeco were printed, and they have be»n ?old at such a rap. I rate that it is al- ready evident the City of Ktnrtston's car- rying capacity will be completely tak»n up ay rhe crowd. The steamer can carry at least a thousand men, and this with comfort. Those who will not care to go as ear.y as i o'clock, the hour mm for the Kingston's departure, can take tho North- ern Pacific special train leaving at 6 o clock. The trtm has been ordered for the <-«pec!ai accommodation of tt»e larire - nr. i>er of rai way employes who desire to Attend the parade and participate in the oem>,nstrat;on. But the public will also be earned at one fare for the rojnd trip. E S. Hamilton president of the Yojn« Men's McKin».*v Club. will be in command of the deu i.tnent from this city. He will b- assisted by a half-dozen aide*. The t.j.'.o* oxga nlxi-tk>ns alii send delega- tions which a ill march in the Mr parade: Young Men' 3 McKlniey dub, E. S. Ham- pton pre.-ldent; Doo! tie Republican Club. O J. H. Swift president; Union Veterans' Patriot!' League, Don O. Love!l presi- dent; Women's McKinley and Sound Honey IxvLirue, Mrs. Ursula Martison president; Thorns Business Men's Sound candidates win in the C'-»r*.irtg elestlon. Whalen wis enable to attend thf m-e: nr. anl hij place waj supplied vy Jim-» Mirshrt:*. who was elected chair- man of the mfeting. KANSAS' DEGRADATION. The populist Peffers and Leases Have Made Her Name a Rtproarh. Thomas B. Smith, aho lives car Fort Brr-.z, Kan., and who with his family has be-en doing California and Oregon, passed through Seattle yesterday morning en mute to \ ictoria. Vancouver and th~ Eas-_ "I am hurrying h'jme to vrxe for M'- Kinley,'' ft* exc/aimed. "My son falls of -lge on the Sunday precwling electtcr. and he Is inxicus to record his vote In favor of the party that opposes <ie money ani tn favor of that one that has always : l-az*-i the pathway of progress ar,i to national prosperity. "l observe that wheat is teclag up. Now. if com couli eommenoe on the up-gra.ie Kansas would pronounce in strore language for the Republican party, an*, the lestroyers of *h- honorable name of Kansas woui 1 be overwhetmed. Do you kr.ow tbtt I have be-en almost ishim->! to link mv name uo<mi a hotel register with the sta.e I am from? Why, the hotel ma.% the bellooys. the omnibus driver, and In fact nearly everyone with whom I have been thrown In contact on the present trip have «ixed ir..-- up as if I were an escap- i luoatk* ord a pauper.. It is quite evident that the Populistfct farmer wno has dom- inated our state for a few years has caused a stigma to res* upon its note* e* of hecn. u>:n brave Kansans who fought ur ier Gnint. Sherman olii Pap Thomas. Franz Siejsod ar.i other Union geTera's, ani upon the teoords ma'i bv the heroes who ma.le Kansas a fre- s*ate Jus* b-fore the ereat war To a man pos- Miliag state priie. wh«-:heT he has a "dol- lar out si ie of l«ls farm, or even owrj a form, a stnse of tiishonvor that makes the Sound Money Club Notice. Fourth Ward Spec al Notice. POLITICAL POINTERS. TORN OUT TONIGHT. All sound money men will march in the parade this evening. Voters of all ages and of every calling will make up the greatest procession ever seen in Seattle. You should not fail to be in line and to see that your neighbor is there with you. Every good citizen will be perform- ing his duty if he takes part in this great demonstration in behalf of honest money and good government. Every one should turn out, rain or shine. The parade will start promptly from the corner of Third avenue and Union street at 7:30 sharp. Do not fail to be on hand at that hour. CAMPAIGN SPEAKERS. Money Ge irge H. Stone president. Besides these, thtre will be delegations of Northern Pacific employes and those * f the T. mm Railway anJ Motor Company. Th-se will be assigned to places in the line. The torchlight company of the Young Men's Mc Kin ley Club and the flambeau club of the Doolittle Club will be out in force. A new lot of transparencies have b> >n m.Je, and altogether the Tacoma del n will be well equipped with iho lm;'enur.ts of campaign warfare. A j: imber of retail stares have arranged to allow :heir msale employes to get olt earli- er than usual f;o they can Join In the ex- cursion. face red and tingle with shame, comes : over him when he reflects on the iepth J of political ;-~ra into which th*- natne and the record of our state has fallen under the ion-.ination of PelTer. ljeH4t.se ar. I the other Popullstic crank-. No- where in the universe is there a fairer state, nowhere a grander jjossibility for I poor and the rich man, nowhere does the sun lift its rays upon more pro- lific soil. Kansas has he* n blessed with productiveness, with great crops, with i c,»il. with a ?eniil climate, ar I only | cursed bv the rn.*n who claim to l>e thi* up.Mulders, but who are in fact the down- pu.iers. Mark the effect of the PopuH-.ic craze and t.ie Populistic influ- ence: Kansas o>f today is shur.n 1 bv the Immigrant, and en route to the other *«« r C K~ t3 ~N r b r! * t0 r 'ah. to denial or, u . t :U ' f . nrrit Washington and ?hT , the iptenrflntf settler pulls down ,ne wlr dow of the car in which he is rid- i~3. holds hi» no- an ] thank* God afu»r no ha<» 3 over the lire that t ape ; from c intaridnati r.. No trtV'V. n - rTi ' in wSth :i d >!, * ar to invest dnres ri>.t it in the FMte; r.o business man in t"0 wholesal> centers like St. Joe. St. « .' ,nsi ' i City or Chicago, sen l< out o .»1 11 of r K>ds 'inle-.« a at' i hed to H or the integrity of hl« cusi"mer is ' r Question. In fact, one of the 1 grar.les' ar:-i most glorious, and one cf toe richer; tr; 1 fairest s ates In the str-at i country is tovlav by-ward and r>- 'roa -h Hut i chance V i-mlr ** and the leper-. | wc:'> nave v.roug t the paralysis %»:ll be thronn out of t'.e ti-r.;de and our state i J*'-' .mal.v wash awiv the Si.air. ui>on ? her fair name and r-irain he- place in the hon'Tahle 5-i- - erh,>\u25a0>i of states. Kansas i n: '' tor honest money and proteetion i in unmis'ilfjblf term® and In the win*- rs to ?? m<- unier the a>lministration of a Rf- p ? an j-r. <il».r.; we expe.-t to n:. ke* our corn an 1 r.ot urn it as fuel "As to Callfor; ia. i; is unmistalca |y for boner: mone> . P . u oreecn Am to Washington. I have v ? h. re long enough to iud«e. From reports it is be- is ve.j tri\u2666» s-ate ram* ! after ore of th" ;ci".>s*. iH-st ar.d r.o:-.!- «? of Ameri -.in j iv-nm.'tiw will un<iiK-*?:onably array lt-» lf i w - h t>reirin and C.»H?->mki. \u25a0*v% hv *bou'' Washington heslta'e for s rr,.irr..-nt ** V. vt hive y u to !>v - v: i ?s, bv , votv- i 's* eu» of i r I- Tillman r.obler ! than Harri* -a or « *l»-\ ?'an 1" Alt geld. | who ;'«ardom ! the <*h'. \u25a0 uro ana - ?hist* and *' seeks ?ho ov .?- arr>w r-f tr ?? - .. s rt~ j be*f«-r than ;ha- noble pit riot. M -K: n! <-\ * t « wh le h*-» ».??? n spent in t'le in- j tere-"* of Ism an-1 :he elevation cf ! labor" Are these would-be de t_ r -vers ? t j be tr isiel with th-> reirs <.f thi.» ereat r- - j public, in preference to noblt» men and 'Y\u25a0 'ir iw>»>ple s, K '»uii not for a moment h- *itite. The -isk Is to ureat; ro pl sv- »rg »i'h ? re; -.of- lling . f tne ro- th* very life rtf the "-i:ior, is at s*ake. It ! is _? siirnlv a q.i'fti ,n of «Uver »?ain-t j ir>lt. fr' v. Pouli. j ianks in tho I'op- -1 uli-*! pli *-rm .???. k tr array one ». Mon jof the irO'. m aaram-? tfie otht-r Tiiiu' j an! Alt g. 11 are ex ?\u25a0lien: typ»s of -ni* ! \u25a0 \u25a0 i ?; S ,'h 1; , -- ; | North a .-1 of a .. 1 the- ,«r»> n endeavoring to | nm j c-ord with the South an ! W-«t #cilre :he j sn*il hit*e !t in 'he «i- nof M Klrdey." \ Vrrsf f.»r the John F. M .< r a:. ! J. E Lilly form a ! s'ron* eampaten team, and they have f . n ! > nsr e Xr..U,- - « ,rk d ir mr t ? - p.- t f,w weeks. Mr Li - M - tea h.s atten- j * n to the flnanc ,1 que«i:on. and .Mr. j M Her descants or. Poo- an i Populism. He j has a few : : lIM of rhyme that he ltkes to j W. ? n » *--\u25a0\u25a0 mar'v of Kansas mar hed an 1 ftlle 1 the P jpu'.sts' ranks. The mottey ,r. o> i Kan-as ma- hed and W hen the people rose up In the.r might j But the money in those r.astern banks is ba k there somew ' ere yet." Iteput>l 11 i»r.« *< l!»rlf<ird. f AlUnlort coiriiptafl-t<;y»: "At ths j ? me sf our co rt house .-sr-ntea; a H»rt- j ?. i-.y w- \u25a0 » f-r 1-h -??ft. He a* rur't I v t*"i; City, i s Mae man ti«>w i ' -«n !?"» f-'-r Brr »n. Two n.e»-k* so they i t»enty-fli»» men j "It w-.l'l )Hk a *i.sgra -e to our a-a*e i' tt | r a for free a ver. as it . a oast , « »te. a.;s >-ramer*e * t:. a.; t:.e « irtd." j N »tlen»l Democratic t ounty Committee N»l\u25a0 v - - j * c -mm. -.tee was organ .a last night by th* FORTY MEN FKOX EVERETT. i'laiuhcau Club to Tirt in the I'xiadr - |H| Drilled. I>at« Jast evening Ri?»- low rive i a mf!sa;etnm K. C. AMn a:. Snob m .'l. starsns tha: the Everett J 1 m ? iu C'--#b of forty merit- rs uni'. r Ca;>t. F. J would arrive in the city to :ay. and that they w.inlxd a plioe in .he ;«ir.» if The Ever. club l-= one of tho hi >t drilled on the sound, and the mem- t. will make a most creditable show. j'hree .Steamer* Prom Towasend- Port Towns-n i, O. t. 21 Sp «.ial.?V-.;:-jy !*> R. ;v:bi,cans and enthjsiasttc sound money Democrats will take advantage f low n -ursioa r.ites tomorrow «n ! visit S»\ittk'. to h. ir Congressman Butt r- worth and tl»n. BoMft P. Porter. The R : »' an entral committee has «? I arrangement* for a turnout, an i :".t it a>; \m that n> ar.y everjbody 1n the city hut a f>-w prejudiced Populis's in*- r.i vlvirirg the Q i«=en ?it> and enjoy- tr.sr a ca'a d-.y. Sound currency Demo- c; \u25a0 * ar» actively urging the attendance of «s many pwpli as can spare the (fiat »\u25a0 1 m* ir« t » t »k»» the trip. Thrvo steam- er# «\u25a0 il l''i\ fi>r Seattle, and it pro- d. tt i thfy w.U ca-ry large p*?ser.gcr li«'^. still They < Snohomish <>-t. 2" <9r--e-"!al.?One hu;>- Ird people from Snohu'««h and 4»v. fro-a 'aVr part !n the for Mc- K:n: y a: 1 so ini money TU» t ni«>n Veteran*. Th- -e rn a tij«:rx*ss m«< \ng of the T' \u25a0 -n \jet ii ' .if jcl >'\u25a0> ro> - n* ia>t r.ight. about l.V> memt»e-< b-- ' < prcT.t. It w unanimously vot*>d. » i.h s*i at app!;r.«e, tha* the i«' vsri»» a or r m a b\\ly in torrcht"* ur at pro- < »\u25a0\u25a0«\u25a0«; n It *J« *l«0 decided that th" leac ;e m- rntier* should asiwmbie at their ha.i at (5 .?clcx'W ' >r the purTHise of march- ?.n& :j ' \u25a0 it to r->»ive the ».' Pa ~ fr vv T.i »m.» It is egpected t - ? t #»? v "rar. \,sier<« will be o? ?> i'l'v ' K.-«: ? " Th- verernns' le.ic;- <>f th\u25a0« v * .I! rv "heir fr ?? \u25a0; Ti -iia what th* Bl ittl* \ *:«'r»ns fVC*tv*1 on the a«i a >? rfi*»tr v*tt to the <.' !>? « T I \u25ba««' nv a «hivt ?;rr.e arr The veter- -1(5"--* i-sim «xw*p» * :li in attendanoe to ''Ct tn the boat. A ! old soldier" and cv 1 nv fed The e\--<vjt;\f» »rnrr. tee de*ire» <x>mr»<!v« to or tvan»i as : prompt'*' a* j>v;s.s;c At t s <o idj«nmm»M of the le.igue meet- -1: k !--»* night more than t"° of i nv. ' tt>i in a t-vVy t > the Armory to : ». : t«H t - N :? P. Hav:*rn » «; -e.-t, !: \i» bew ~t med the ».-\-«-aU* { old *ol- I- van club d inrti v*vit m--r» ? m- rr v »-rs t.han t >e I'rton %'eter -rs" Pat: - I ot.c j». T' t . *rt-:*r w~j d'-mon*tra' .* j t >r. ,{.it ho* strong they are. 1 'if 1 "II C ?'«»\u25a0 II t|i flight- , Th* I ha.l : ija-sted. through t.heir prealdeat. > N *. Wr, *>n, and secretary. Mr Ovom I*. a »? rt talk 'root J. A G v m ;.h on the ' l I"- ?' "** At ?o' "i«\-k :as" n.iehf a ." ';r hi-ad«3"jarter«. Nt: -essence ~f r,-f the u" >-c - nv» thetn h . »i-*s « th- «na»-!*l q U -.>« from ?01 ' 're v r. vn-par .<a*n s.ar \u25a0.;\u25a0 - :it 1 *-.?\u25a0 « ;.t ,*f ? 1 ?i n of the j...:-r '"'l'd a >, c v 'nment was ' L *nd the res Ct of h s speech * *rp*-' at fey the atter.rlan given the -«-* statement* were >a an al»- » » i r.i»*i and his appeal *ras ; n . » en'-,rely -n the ground of the great \u25a0 * v-j ?-> srie s>-*ie of W i*r.;ngton and the v / of ska.la* *ao?id UM *cuad money THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22, tSW. scrcn-l money Democrat*. An ad-lress xril! soon be issued :o the voter;! of the county, anl in tne near future a big mect'rv* will be h Id, to be addressed by »>me speaker of national re nown. The make-up of .th-- 4 county committee follows: Chalrtiiin Charles F. Munday. S"tr*tary Oeorg? Fortsoa, Charles Osner. W. H. H. Green. P. E. Dure, J. 8 Kloe- ber. M.:hael Phillips. Josiah Collins. George Don worth, B. H. Carter, of Stuck; Mr. Young, of Ken:. Lyman Burke, of Ballard. All members of the Business Men's Sound Money Club are re<iues:t>d to be present at club headquarters at 6.15 sharp. A cirruiar letter ha? been sent to each member requesting him to Joth the pro- cess.on, and present prospects the full membership of the club will attend. Each member will he supplied with a yel- low badge and Roman candles, and will be requested to use his voice vigorously. Notice is given to members of the Fourth Ward Republican Club mat the meeting place for the parade this evening will be on T: :rd avenue, between Pike and Union, instead of the municipal court room, as previously arranged. Please meet prompt- ly at 7 o'clock at above named place. G. V. P. LANSING, Secretary. Good Republican nteetsr.es were hell Tu- .- iay evening at Re hnond and Maple \ iiiev. At Redmond Herrr.on W. Cra\ *"i « .a the speaker, and at Mario Valley W. H. Morris and John H. Pr ep \ large audience greeted John F. Miller an J J. at Richmond Beach. In . ulcon precinct last right Miiileton's hall was iiled with to hear Her- a. -n W. Craven the issues of the cax|\iign. Much enthusiasm was mani- fes ei. as toe speaker helJ up one argu- ment after an«;ier jf the free silverites a- ! riddled them all to pieces. So con- vincing was his speech that no man in the audience ia..ull usk him a question at the close. J. M Wiestlir.g. A. E. Origin and J. M. Lay hue also ma'.e brief remarks. The rrt-eting was consid- ered one of the best ever hell in the pre- cinct. and much good was done for the cause of sound money. Mr. Sanders, of 'he firm of Sanders A Verd. lo?-Kers at Maltby. was in the city last evening. He sated that he firm ha i rot discharged men on account of their free silver views, but because of inatten- tion to business. He added that, con- trary to a statement in an ever.ing P <p- ulist paper, r.one of the los'jers had been o '--r "1 or in any way restrained from at- n i tig politi mi meetings. In refe-or.ee to the re er* visit of Mr, Carey, of Sr.o- hO'mish, Mr. San lers sat i Mr. Ver 1 was nwav from the c.tmp a: the time, and not have fold the tbn* oe ha r "no up; rs for silver men " The Sr n has never refused a meal to any v.j- ir r. State and Comity Aulftnmenti for the Keiiublicana. Speakers for the campaign have been a-s.gaed by the Republican state and co .my headquarters r.s follows: Ballard? Hermon W. Craven, October 29. Eellevm ?J. E. Lilly and John F. Miller, Oc tot er 23. Buckley?A. F. Burleigh, October 29. 'tar.- n?M A Root. .1 M. \V estling and I B. Knickerbocker. October 2-1. Castle Rock?A. S. Cole, October 23. Ct ,;ralia?itoi>erl P. Porter and E. W. Ross. October 24. Chautauqua?M. A. Root. J. M. Wiestling and I. B. Knickerbocker. October 23. i . ? halis?Charles A. Routelle, Octo- ber liS. Ch- halts county?E. W. Rofs. October 22. Clallam county?John \V. Corson, Octo- ber 22 and 23. Clarke county?H. A. Fairchiid, October 23 and 24 Columbia county?F. 11. Brownell. Oc- tober 23 and 21; Edward Whit sin, Octo- ber 26 and 27. Coitax? Rober* P. Porter and John 13. Allen, October 28. Covello?E. W'hltson. October 27. Davenport?John B. Allen. October 26. Dayton?E. W'hitson, October 2fi; Robert P. Porter, October 27: John 11. Allen. Oc- tober 30. Duwamish?John H. Powell and \V. 11. X - o 'ObT 22 Edison ?E. W. Roes, October 2S. Elirnsburg?Charles A. Boutelle, Octo- ber SI. _ ? Everett?Ben Butterworth. October 22 (afternoon); Charles E. Clay pool, Octo- ber 24. Garfield countv? F. H. Brownell. Octo- ber 22. Uoldendale?W. L. Jones, October 24. Goshen?-VI. G. Wlnstock. October 24. Gray's harbor?Niis P. llaugen, «>cto- ber 22. _ II waco?W. L. Jones. October 25>; E. \V. Km«, October 31. Issaquah-John I. Wilson, October 23. Hermon W. Craven, October 28. K< nt?Hermon W. Craven, October 30. Kelso?A. 3. Cole, October 2S. Kin* court v hi. u Koss. iV*ober 2S. Linden?John 1.. Wilson, October 27. Mon Cristo?Charles L. Oc- tober 23. Mmm? Vernon ~T -!. W. October 27. Newcastle?F. W. Cu-hrr in. Octo'.) , r* 23. New \V hitcom?E. W. Ross and John L. W'lson. <. ; >cr 26. North Bend? Hermon W. Craven, Octo- ber 26. N irth Yakima?John B. Allen. October 22; Ci.sr'es A Ron October 30 Olympic?J S M Mi'lm. O 'Cilier 24; Ch«rli s A. Bou'elle. October 27; W. L. Jon- October 31. Orttng?W. H Doolittle and A. F. Bur- lellfh. October 21 Port Angeles?A. F. Burleigh, Octob. r 2* Port Blake ley?F. W. C.i-liman, Octo- ber 2.'. P rt To^vnserd?Moivln C \Vin«""-k. Oc- tober 27; John L. Wilson, October 3ft. Pullman?Join B. Allen. O:ober 27. Puyallup?Andr« w F. Burleigh. October 23. Ponton?Herm:>n W. Craven. Ortober 23. R! rv lie- .John R -V'Sc-.. October ?£,. Seattle?F. \V r-.ishmm ar 1 W E HumpJmy, 0-*t>>-' <t 27; C :irl--> A Rou- telle t>ct.iher John I. Wi 'on and W. R. Gay. Oct o'er 31: John B. Alien, No- vember 2. S- 'ro?J.»h" I* Wilson, October y>. S Iney?F \\ . Cushman, October 2*. Sknmoknwa?W. L ,I.%nes, October 27. Snohom --h?J.ihn L. \V11« v n. October .( S "111 v?\. I, V?» k. 22 23 and 2C F \V October 2»*>. Snrtijuaimte?iiirmon W. Craven. O o- ber 27. South Ben 1 R-'hert P. Porter an 1 E. W. Rosa. October 23; W. L. Jones, Octo- ber Sj*>k.»r.e? N:N P Haucn "n-l John R. Ail n, October Hi. W. H. I>>oll:t,e «»cr-)- b- r .»'? G- v. M Sonne";, of i la ho. < > tob. r 2" Oharl* s A .M-'utelU . Nov-s n-, i»t 2 Sr»r-npbr«> k- W. K. G<«v .rwr -4 imas? Melvin G. Wlnstock. Octo- ber 23. T;i*ot:- r*h<ir!e« A \r O<tohv»r A F. Vir ? ith, October 3J. W. L. J. n< - N --vrn. . r 2. t r.-i.-s !. , --Melvln G. Wlr.ato-k. O ? er , t n j Vancouver? E. W Ross. October r> W'ba V'Ula-H-.Nrt P. V r:. r. t»ctcl-er 2»" -I ? r. *' \ 11. n. <V" !*r ri Walla WalU iMijntv ?l-1 Wht'son. cv- -53 fni 24 t->hn H «"'n '>-r^V r n wmr?w F. W. I'lifhaiar. October 24. I'.en I', utter a or I h. Everett, Th'trsiav. Octor er 22 (after- ? a;:le. T' fav O >l.-r 22 (evening). < !u r *A. Itont I<". 7i' i, Monday, Octob-r 26. <T.; ». , -;v, i> ;«?)»: 27. Che-»wlis. l\v,r«!iv i"» -v»r 2«. S- a 'ti- Thur-. :av. iV- . - » N-;rth Yakima. Frliav. October ». Spokane. 55 -n , No\>t. ?r2. *' Kolirrt P. Porter. s-n loV :'V:ik\v. O 't>»~ 23. «'? n*r»lV<». Satur }<«\u25bc, : .:w*r 24. Wir t »V , y ? 36. Daj : ta, Tuesday. u«ctc?t>er 27. Col fas. V\ e-in*« :av. < --r 2S. >il« I'. litscn % «I! *7 r- v .t 21 Ta -ma. Frt -a- . 0.-<>JKr :t Art I ritur Ogiinj Tom rr<.«. A hinr party of the Seat: e Art L .. r T'-i J* >?>. of de- r.~. wiii l«sve ' ? f >«n th Hinckley t j. 'i» to*R';rro«r : . , r - ? ? nt?» t.ori T v 2 ;y. e tt.ifh avenue tn-1 Dearb m atreet, ajn-i Frtday. St To -an f ranrl"- ? tts. F.~ S' a:tie. t*v ng herh in tour;st fratn V »r* ..-.n . 124 a rat e'-iae. I:,- Ot'T .i :n Pullman sleet -v fr:m Portiand? tor tr.i:r.a leaving »*> p. rn. f er X a: ; 4 m. 4- t-> : -- r 24. t 4 - i~ era V; t. «...i cf*.. ?», i.j Fr- * a. Beautiful Women Ar« beautiful only through the power o? health which makes a clear skin. bricht eyes, a healthy color and a srood com- plexion. Every woman may not be beau- tiful. but every woman may become more attractive by building up health w;:h the aid of Duffy's Pure Halt Whiskey UneQualc<d as a tonic and stimulant for worn-out ar.d tired bodies. It stirs up the sluggish blood, creates a good appetite he;;>s litest on and renews the vitality. Its eff cts are speedily shown :n improved looks, increased strength,, and better health. Tell your grocer or drugu-st you must have Duffy's and accept nothing else. THE LUMBER COMBINE. All the Big Cna*t Lumber Concerns Sign * Compact to Keep I p Trices. San Francisco, Oct. 21.?1t is now cei- ta:n that the lumbfrcomWnf known as the C> ntrai Lumber Company of California will t>e given a new lease of life January 1 18S7, and that it will early in ihe spnng attempt to hold prices at a higher figure than they have been for years. So far as the foreign lumber business ;s concerned, the m itter has been settled bey mJ the q. est.on of a doubt, and aa >0 ptr cent, of the rtrnw interwsted in the domestic trade are interested in the foreign business, the most conservative opinion expressed is ttiai the local lumbermen will patch up the.r differences and *>.gn an agreement for ano her year. "r "foreign pool." as it is known in c a: radio Lion. to tne "domestic pool," w.ts ar: uig a yesterday after a sen<« cf iva- ferenoea extending ov»-r a period of three w? > iv.-. The British Columbia Mills. Tim- ber and Trading Company. after standing out for a year, entered the combination, necessitating a readjustment of stock. It naired rive Jays of continuous meeting, after two weeks of committee confer- ences. to settle the matter, but the deta.ls were finally arranged, and last night ail the big lumber concerns on the Coast signed a cv mpact to keep up the present schedule of prices for another year. T..is having been aoccmplislhed, the lumbermen from the North, who have no interest whatever in the foreign tia !e, puvk.d their grips and started for home. W aether or n«: pric.-s will be raised will depend very much upon the outcome of the terms on which the domestic pool is renewed, if the middlemen i»er>i.-t in breaking up the combine it is probable that the prices of domestic lumbi r will be forced down to a lower point than they hare ever been, but thv loreign prices will not be disturbed. It the renewal of the pool is determined upon, an effort will surely be made in the spring to raise pricts, both dumesllc and foreign. GUNBOAT BENNINGTON. She Will Come to Seattle Neat Week for Five !)avit. Tacoma, Oct. 21.?Special.?'The United States gunboat Bennington, Commander George \V". Plgman, arrived in the har.K>r at 3;3(J this tifternoon and anchored to a buoy off the St. Paul mill do lt. The Bennington has been ordered to cruise about tho Sound, stopp.ng on an avi rase of five daya at Tacoma, Olympla and Se- attle in the order nsnv 1. It was at first believed that the Bennington would ue ordered to make a test or Washington coal during 3tay on the Sound, but one of the ofßc. rs said today thai no such in- structions had been rxeived from Wash- ington City. The Bennington will visit Olympia next, week, and after that will go to Seattle. The ship's oft!%rs aret Commander. George W. Pieman; lieutenant commander, A. R. S;»yers; lieutenants, O. E. Lasher, If. Domba.iga and C. P. Eaton; ensigns, C. D. Stearns anl R. C. Buimer; chief engine r. J. K. Barton; ass'ant engineer. E. Wlnship; paymaster, P. V. Maimer; surg on, J. W. Baker; assistant pay- master, E. G. Addlscn. I.egr»l Mnjcrlty for » Voter. Springfield, HI.. Oct. 21.?Assistant D'.s- tr:\u25a0 \u25a0 t Attorney N>wt»:; h lls that a man b - coming of age on Vovtmbf r 4 is cntitied to \ >te for pr-sbbmt this y< ar, having reach**! his b-gal majority November S?- that is having completed twenty-one years of existence. On the morning of Novem- ber 4 h>» enters upon hif> twenty-second year. The person horn November 4. is. therefore, entitled to vote November 3. TO < I Ml'. \ COLO ! \ OJIB II \\ . Take laxative Promo Quinine Tibet*. All drt.-Ffripts refund the money if it fails , to cme. Tjc. Fir-st :>!g football gam Saturday. PIiRSOS IL. J \u25a0':< t It. M i r > <\u25a0> 1 {>«. ' ' r -m i v it with relative* and fr.en is a: San Fran .: I K C. i-.-.-il ?h dairyman <>f <*-#- ' b-f vesrer 'ay for la * v»nn«r. afu r i ivi.v aver.lei *he ialryrnen* rr. ? ti*>sc ;»? Sam 1 rr \rA the n ? ting i fir' by Mai. ,Mv<>-: in the Chamber of Corrsmtroi i here Tu- s lay Firs: big football inm- Si* jr lay. M Hon<r < hang at tl >rr»e. P. king. Oct 21.?L1 Tl .ng fhar.g ha* ar- rive i h-re. ir.d w:.. shortly pre *.t ns report to the emperor. \\ The best parts op If v \ The bcst cattle »?* // ft Liebig COMPANY'S & Extract of Beef jy f t That'u why rr s the be&t. 1 \ Ij MANLY VIGOR «j /V»VE MOT'H in harmony \iA r-Mh w »i' 11.2000 r "mp>:» iv r >.i M , ,L tKe. an ? grind* «"*'? » i scc- r'jrc f ,r * x- Mai wuj. \u25a0\u25a0*, *ad t V '""\ v ?' " ta-'Wu,t:> r -v- V *- ?*? lj >\u25a0\u25a0«. Aa /\u25a0£ *' :ii * ; n~ , "**. \u25a0 *"'J la r % er .r <* ii._ i proofs Wi:i r>e f*al to « ;f- -- rv.x rn»n »**M! 'rr/ j- :: n 4 \ gor perzita&e&tiy resu.r-4. rwu^re ERIEMEOiGALCO. BUFFALO,N.Y.' SING LUNO Ac CO MERCHANT TAILORS P.- 'n: sr fror.t b'.s -,??\u25a0\u25a0-? G* it r-<1 . ? r I or. -.£ jt i j. 1* S-ccot#^ 1 # YES, SIR 2 We Have Almost Everj- M thing a 5 <%4fi A \ T S Nil MHN? | [[' % (&M "ll m Can Ask for in * HV ! ft' K j/il J, ° V E IWc1 Wc /fnW B c o 3 Would //[w] HB | Liko to Wp ,i I / At q 1 Interview | fife A O, | The Man !i» . I P S Whom Lj ! J CL * We Jfj Cannot * * Please in Style, / J | j Quality and Fit, f -'[ Jgt g Clothes I $ Bearing . te? J ; * S This m) C w | Label TOj |7T| jjj Warranted. | KLINE & ROSENBERG !*< Gas Company's Bargains.. A RAS range for 16, connects Also a so;«*r\»te fixture for Uttt anl a «*ooH book. CHKAPER THAN RKNTINO. SEATTLE GAS! AND ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. 216 Cherry St.. Above SeoomL AIR-TIGHTS AIR-TIGHTS We Are HBADQL'ARTEBS For All Kimlß of HEATERS HEATERS HEATERS Frederick, - Nelson & Munro, Furniture, Carprts, *!'»»<?*, Crarhrrr, II o u «<- hold Goods, 1213, 1218, 121T, 1219, 1221 '-»?'! *rpond A*. \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666< I* Grilman « Coal^* H 'IS M.GHiV GOOD Xt COAL XX Heat Maker. It Money Saver. \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666M< \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666 \u2666 iMM EXAMINE OUR NEW Waterproof Hunting Coals. Also oar SWEDISH DOGSKIN COATS. _ THEY ARE THE HARDY - HALL ARMS 00l No <o* First Atwm w DELE. MARTINKATCLIFfI IF YOU'VE FOOLED WITH and are iu?no| the con*equenc«fc_22 no Utiie In *te.ug tnls successful It you'v male the m.stake of tfco?- iearn thz- thousands have been «???*£\u25a0 the effects of their mistake. man. strong. n,»niv. virile^ gut* amon< \o.ir ttAatt-toao. Jyy eult the docu.r. whose life hssij* con-,!nuou< «uccess trj treating diSSWRgJ. eu.lar to tne i>ro<-reat; ve fungttaßfc_ . disease of both »e*e» pjs:tive-T ®*®sw tnar.«n;:y cured If ?sn't c*H. "EE Trea merit by m»II fulljr foor who comit to the orice VTla*f *?? noor* v. >tS be treated free Office houri. j a. m to 9 p. «? 20 \ m. to ;2 m v \y L *. ait tin r% c.irr*. *; jyj'ai 713 UN'SOM BLOCK BgAT*t»,_l^J| fisv wncox coMPOWtt | TrANSY9PtU&i safe i»rnJ aare> relief, .»e*er are imitation. A i...i I ±££jZ*K M cuntu,, £»{*>. dgtubflt* 1 y,, Tfee Sweetest Music jjf requires a Guitar, Mandolin or Banjo... and See Them 3 LOWMAN & HANFORD £ «i* rm»T AVC. a $

Transcript of HVj/il P. /fnW colaifona. ead White Riser »ari.x rs?a Besseheek-rise Dlsisieaa of the parade Oreat...

Page 1: HVj/il P. /fnW colaifona. ead White Riser »ari.x rs?a Besseheek-rise Dlsisieaa of the parade Oreat Crowds Conning?»/ Kail ead *oa«. ILACE* Or All delegation* participating in the



of Sound Money.


|vtr/bodj WmU to n<*r Be® Bat-

terworth ud G*n. Porter.

FIFTH DIVISIO*.WllUsra R. %.«!«?« t Msr«hal.

Ptamna'l 8«r.4.MrhinkyC'laU.

High Scluml *»«*id M-ney Cleb.

Mlnen' Mrklnt'T Clah.

F»r«t \«>r»' MfKml'y Club.

Colored Mm'» -"HrKlnley Club.

Ifli;;! Rivet I'*rn>«r»' JVKialty Clubon l!omb#th.

C>ti<« b» i» Cifrlsjf*'

Xh« recites* Alfoeaiee mt am «?»?»»

Dollar ?lleedreda ef Wfc«elaf», W Itb

Cyeiaa Oayly Useoratad. to lead tba

proeasaioa Old teldlers Tram Ta-

cf.Tr« to March With Thais HeaUlo

Comrades -Sailors la Pkt«r»M|uir

l aifona. ead White Riser »ari.x rs

?a Besseheek-rise Dlsisieaa of the

parade Oreat Crowds Conning ?»/

Kail ead *oa«.


All delegation* participating in the pa-

most r».;.iiin it. tne.r p»*ee* J ?"*

®rd«r* a-- f.v. n by tnc grand m.rito. or

cm of his a; ie# to fe-< it, o ~>.e.

Tr>*- motrn't*!, SUM*' tno irransi

jr.a anal at the corner of Tn.rd avenue xuJ

Vnton street, not la -r taaa ? M «

Seattle ao'l Taauma Cyce Clubs and at.

ether f «rru on Union stree\u25a0_, be-

tween F.rst anu Third aven :es_

t'.a-toon of police, f-orna or T.t.rd ave-

v''f vj'-:- Uni-jn Vetera as*i*\u25a0 - ... j. ȣ .<-* fjnn in columns o.

:.n weM <»de of Tnlrd avenue, bead

£55. ...

r i-, head : ~ nit south s;ie of Lniaa

bailors and S"at?i.» wri enir,». !? -r *h

Bet-ond and Tmrd ward*, fore or. we...

f.d" of Tmrd aven 4 e, fc-ad resting on nu< -»i

ai'ie of Union sf!e- t.,


5s - utk' ward clubs. Ftrirtfc. Fif.h an v.

c jj-jj fonii uj co. .®n of fouT> on?*. ? of Thsrd avenue, he.t 1 resting

on !"n;-.»n s: recv. _ .


A- i'ti *ani clots. ? ? ven'h. E k \u25a0 - andS nr>i war.is, form in eo.-mn of -ours tn

ud.- of Piite sue- .. head resting onT trd avenue ...

Bj* n m M mi'S Rorjnd Money

forms in column of fours on east 5,..e <>.

f-- nd avenue, head resting on sou,h

so- of Union stre t._ .

Riiiway employes' Sxmd Money <.:ub.? <n»« in column of four* on west ors- >nd avenue, ne*id resting on *»uth £id»

of Uni'"»n ttrect. . , ,

»*n V M 'Kiiley ? 1., H.gh bchool'ond Money Clun. Miners' McKiniey

t- i. F;rs: Voters* and Colored MensM -Kinley <'lui»s. form in coh;mn of foursof. west s. of Be\ »n«l avenue, head rest-ing oi. norih si:k i of Umcr. street.

:1 n«*fioremeri. form in eol.imn of fours« , e».v s;dt f.Knoni avenue, heal rest-

!;;« on r.-.-rsf; s de of Union -tree:.

Woe Kiver Farmers' Nf Klniey »

on horwebu'-k. orm in column of :wos on» - i».i> o! First avenue, heud resting onnor a side of Union street.

? if in rurriag-". fen on west si'*A

of First avenue head resting on northy\.l& of Union street.

P.2r EVEJI in fhe p-j't*-

I ical 'hiyfory ? ' the1 »ut« has th're beenI aoe-h a demonstra-

tion as »n. takeplaee todiy in hon-or of Hot; Benja-

min Butterwortb. and Gee Robert P.| l'ort»-r. The sound1 nK.ri-.-y mer. >f th.scity are united inextending a wel-come to the distin-

Wwi*?e4 speaaers. and from ail over tne

people will flo< k to U- ar the cham-p.a sof an bonest do.iar It is expe.

thi.t alone a"»il s<-nd 2.<ta) i»eopie,

and Urge delegations ar»- expected from

WMuea. Port Townsend, Everett andimportant points, while amaiisr

g>l-u-es, particularly towns in King county,

wl J be fsliy represented.of th» features of the parade will

\u2666?? the a;»t»earan<.v of lfl« of the

C i'ors' Union, whkrh las: evening de-c. ' 1 t# join in the demonstration for Mc-J ey an-i sound money. Forty of themWol «ion their pictures«4ue uniform, ands.t.iiovi -tediy a ill as go>>i \ show-ing »» any delegation. The pla. e assign

t» tfcsm Is one of the best, in the thirdd.v.skir. immediately betiind th* m'lltii-men's drum cori»s. «nd ju*- in front ofv - n.-o- Seattle ward < iuos There ar. not

uniforms In the city for the <»ntir«»

... but ther-- will be a hundred or

t ? men turn out."Tne b.g parade will stir* promptly at

7;"# frrm the «orner of Third avenuear,J Union street, and l«d by the Wheel-men. »''.h cycles jra.ily decorated, willgrove t» F.rst avenue. tii-Ti- »? to Pione* r? a-e. th#fir« to flt-cond awnue, thence toyilie street. !hcnc» to Seventh avenue,,th?nc. to the Armory, countermarching

®n I' ?&o Tii.r.l avenue. Here is the for-mation of the psrade;

The I.lne i»f Mareh.The proceiwion will start from the coi*-

n-r of Tt: rd avenue ani Union strict at"

"V> sharp, an I tnovetA'* « n I'nion stree- to Firs; ivenui-.S j fh «m First avenue to Pioneer place.Aif*r>K P.on«er piaee- ; > Yfiler. aui eas.

or- Yesler way to Second avenue.'» ir;h on S-tobi! avinu- to Pike >'ree!..1 ? on nort'i side of Pik- street to St-v-

--. uui ..vfnue, then countermarch to Thirda 'Die.

S i*h on Thirl avenu« to Union s're-M.on t'nion *;wtto th< Arraory, into

which the column wiil march.\ gre»t many wheelmen are expected to

turn out for the parade, and those whopart In the demon*;ration are asked

t » If orate their wheels. An «asy andatira live d<'oration Is to wind a pieceof wire about th# frame Jus; above thefront fork, allowing me ends of the wireto extend several Inches to either aide;then attach Japanese lanterns. The fiveb dt orated wherls are to receive spe- aln» ntlon In the Poat-Intell.jcenccr of Fri-day morning. Capf a. A Carman will beat the corner of Fourth avenue an 1 Pikes*'.r- .-t at 7 o'clock. Wheelmen on leavingt:t ? i«raJ«' will K" to :h> si>i.;> entran- e ifthe* armory, where the bicycles may bef tort 1 in a roi>m un !er th ? rye of a po-li' t-rn in, who will take are of them. A! A l a: on of wheelmen is expectedfrom T i Tima.


Seattle ii i T touia ( yrle I Into and Alltllher H herluirn.

I'latoon «»f I'ollrr,

langrr A l.itebrn'a Kind.

GruJ Marshal 11. A. Biftelow and aides,as foßoas: E. I*. Allen. P Alien. I»R. A >na*Miiitt<. Al< i Ai»der*on. HowardV. A3X5«a, I J. Allen. <*tuir;> ?< Bogart. P.If. Brawn, M F. Backus, IraCharCo B«*klngba«Q. Ble-hard Burkman,SC. C Ke'.dUig. Charles Bruttn, £ J. Cran-dali. T. <*arui. O 8 Carpenter, Will-lam w?'.;dweil. 8 Cahrl », C A Crai*:. uV C:r kett, »{ W era;*. Prank riiim-%ej!'n. hi crown Chapin. Thomas H. l»«-mp-w» y, I T !\u25ba U-e. H 1. 1». nr./, M. 1 > 4r,.E 15 r.".a, Chariea Fair. I, VV r o .<,W K Fitzgerald. 11. A Fr» «l*»r 1- ks, Co'.,Joseph <irt-ene, Tlmmas W. Gordon. L H.Ora>. J 1.. OwnH. \l p Haynes, H. J.Hoi . F J }l.«\tnan. Ue 11 Hall. A. 1,.Hut', A. H*nirk-h. Sidney Hansard, F.§f«ehbrunn MaJ. K. B Ingraham. E. W.Johrstou, d. C. Jemsen, J. 1. Kahaley.Ter r

> K , Janes l>-e. ft. J lamur* iix,Wll Uiiiuv. 11, iir.'it> (le- ra.Ing. C. H IJ!!y, N. H l.svtimer. It K.

j. John F Miller. J T M. »i, | j.T%" Mcore Miller. J ft M ?< i ;J H M irf»u*hlln, W If M\u25a0'! t T JM.-'errv, II :ium Mr<;r---..r, Fred M<> r,

"W'.Jan Martin. M. .1 \ . , n#1 F P ? kit » Crank Car; r. f 1 pr >rbrry. Ben P »»;». P-«i»k !*.«ul. Ci )r>n PSPli.mp on. Pot' ,

i; p, , B. \\»' W J it ki r. P.. W S'r . c

A ft .jifr S Ku:ii-«), ?' 1." J{ ; i> ,? .F K S!r*?. VV ' t»m It \u25a0 \ \j

-r. C Smiti*. fj Jl H** T » !"\u25a0 K K ?«?!"! . V F r: k rAV I|> Ti v; or . ?' »l T. »IT (.1 \\\Fred \ W n». s it White, y j u .J*! V\ ' I M Wt:. ?\u25a0.J J \V > 'er. J. »-r ,? -, n

»«? \» j i;? j. \ .jj, inlt 'C Vf,-s , i{ j, jj, w k r j*

?>l\ t*r

ram t r.r.i , \u25a0 || on ni| . ~

<"*or-h ..! ?... ? . , m ?

*;,}y J \u25a0» w .»'? v J 'i H M -

G r " 1 s >- v \ r «...

*' \u25a0 I ' , run+f I'll <" i f.. ' . - *».» ~tr It, '

' s T '-r - MiJ w 8 Ha-',n? M T * ' F»' - \u25a0 .v , ..j... r*ll/ ce i:f ;

*"ltt*T 1»I t H[o\.Cot. J. n. \««utant( ?.ten V«U ?>.? I i-»;up, of

I Htli.4» »!..» *"? r*n>' r «1.1,.ii0 I ca««e. ?f

srrov i> i>i \ mk>\.MaJ K lafrnt.n,,,

Marshal.Ta (-??«> ! ttand.

Tar.. m «% »1. K l»»|o r < j?h.HrKluley I lanthvaw I l«h ?f rinett, lr«I nlform.

MrHlntpy < ivifi.MsKlnu-t « lufc» ?r oih «>, riacaa.

I til l; t» DMPtION,SttJ » | Hli-hrll, Marshal,

"?t 111 t »m« n'« < ~rp».*ail»r« » nknn in I

I > U|ili»rrt ir«.

M.Ktntev ~f !».? , lr , ft *? ron> ,t'hlra. » ?i.iiti | ifth s,?h

enth l.thit,ar«t». srtdl,.

»«l nt II J>|\ hION,< el ».

Marshal.fir.t K'liuiril tian>l.

llH«lae*s Me«-,t illwii > .a,,d M »nr t <lnh.

At tl-. m- rim* of :!i« committer yester-day tn county heatK; sarters, the final ar-ranjt»-montH v. compiet. 1 for the dem-t>i \u25a0 n While the '©mmlttee was In

w was received that tiie f.i-U;.*#' M 'Klnley Club, of Tacoma, 100»* roup, will attend the a;.ath<rir.g at theA- \u25a0 ,-y, .id ~t* v.. "h-.-j, r> -erwd furth< m en tlvo n>a,n iljor of the hill. Oneof !},dr nuir. nr. 'Mrs. Frank Haskell. wiUr> ,i h ;mor..;,< j.» tl >:» j for© Mr.Ru"erw . i tli- * a:ldre. - Mrs Ha >k« II w.iif' 1"1 - ti> this ity by train, escorted l>y .ic '-nml!!f- of ten tnoinhcis fit the Ladies'

| . '.ib. The Tt ma r.iombra Till comeI>V bo.-r. ft !.; I* m. » hv A. T Am-

! bro.«o. who will cjnd.i.i th.'in to the Ar-i m>'ry.

iv.r Mr. Jv-fr's meet! 1:5 In Ranke'sI ha!l vn i; Mifiom will b:> r.-ndered by

>" \u25a0'» ' '*!* V !"" t;? «:n; «e.} ,f; 1d . < from! * t..»' -na t«»d>'V Club,

i Alt ? ? Itl -Hi th«* Ranko*s hall «M*t-,'

v* \u25a0l ' an ojh, ortun.ty to hearMr lint!- >% >rth. v ho. after flr.;shing his

' ' Arm, ry. will he escorted' 1 ' 1 i: ' He will make nn a>idr?s* Im-

' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? liately f >llowln ? Mr. !\>r ? r.> An \ j>» .<{i vi'c i»f > I'cnu each wty

? »». n-1 ?? f.-r 1 n'- of Newcastle.: utt


Col imh a & Pi> t Socad.r*te -y it «h > Armory w til ho ;e-

--' «*: ?? d for Is J!e«.\ tu hit t>e- n appointed to tak<»

? »f the .-hairs r»«erved for the vico- Uri's t; \m '.-v mtfi'.njt

" * '

sr>» the \ ce pre- Vnu ;>r

, * t* j m?etir>fs:Ihe trniory.


.V , ? w Emmoni.i.J tl > Mart h.do- Mm Krark1 M ' Crts-o \\ T ft.

: \u25a0 » .ph,r. K « in".?:M«,«»vart |- j-s - R rn' " J A P iwjr, ii A Cbti Imlck

? > > > 'JOT. Jtitiu.i H>r'

V. ' ; 'Y«11 j. 1; ilawktjia,I J Mnrj*. i 0V ' '!' 1 ' ' '?»?


j«S R Van \wir.tI « , ??'«???;>!>? rt'S. Vaa A '.vl:.* 8 J Hohrea, \ r> ]l lAtimer. m,? rurk,H 1\u25a0- Kr « j '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'!-I H mm* V Norton, ,\ a SMfTtrt.

I j J 1 .-ny. Vi V D ." liarnw.] v ..1 Van Tuyl, h 6 9 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ,;*rrett -

V r1 I ' I' Afy ' ' K.i! \u25a0**.> V «*\u25a0 »\u25a0' «RI. Jo*m ? . i v


* ! ; '?> an, K'- ? s ? >?

i < W lIK-r. *'>~at \u25a0* lSv*-hIV. r *

tn ' '" rJa * n K

? * IV,"A »' V«-al*«n. of f*al-l«*s;er Hor on, !,ir jS M !> Munrj, v.m >r \\ D WlvJj f \ N- l» Nj -ju <.

I V \ P 1 * \u25a0I \\ % -«r n w h!-«rapt Jofm r,vJof, *rhi>der.\u25a0 K r»'««r, v Nt ' r n

1 \u25a0 \u25a0 « K< if. r. j r- 01

jJ< n\ *u una. J ?«.. a II FW'e,' ,) ? ? <?- f? % i!r.! 1, ; I" of Mark Harrire-????«* ><* fera. ton

j V Wt ? rv, > * 1 K th 'I <"WI Shotdad. ' . . K ?*

M- j N ; ? tri l '

Miakrlc*.| J v| - '!*? r. j ; v. .. r.

] h KT,V t 1* K ."r-;! j il: uri.\ 1 r.-t 1« m I

jV- W. t r«r- II . v., KM , k>

? i"f\u25a0 v"» <'%rr!! 4r 'V


' K K Tv «-tc,'ra ""

: V-

I i A- H V :


i H i <\u25a0: r :: % A cf1 » fftkhnan. 1- ? ' -,r..

| , *.at < » >\u2666- n. J K; v r ' >n CJ-or. ...

. t»;;

" »- - H efc*. **

j ' - ; . >? n*


| ! ' J W*r*l -


' y? \nn Hi}| i n v ,11

* A **>. * ;> w ; nh»..

;?* *'

t . ? » omi *.

t . ; ? i"- «? ? r Bra*.* fc* *.. . ««rusjr. 1 r-.-1-^r

iti v -. .-,

. , 4? ? 4n -

N< :.al? -a.,..,./ j iyI \ t- _ Hrvß.| > J ** 1 t- 31


. k .... 'I j u u l*-.<gb'I V

- 1 * k\u25a0 i I : J*. t,

Coffeex tt* on s r

« i>«* qu*,.:w*ctatna t*;#*r .» n

*.-vwh#~« 4t *r-.v rf » .. iftTo> \u25a0? \u25a0? ;? ? »-v>u !,' try our Pt «\u25a0>V -WA AND J \VA i:: ;» ,

Bf'l ;» tv i*y*t

ooc iH>i' Pound.N't- n <re tfcjw J it »- t

?ri«i , r^ift.


??1 IffB IH| ATklt^

Tim crowd rr.n m mcoma.

Stnnfrt »4 Train* to Be CrowdedWith E«r»r*l< \u25a0!«*».

Ta.-oroa. Oct. XL?SpeciaL?-

for *h» aesnater excursion to tSeetite to-morrow nJ|pit to attend the gr*at R*pub-

l»*-an rally ere all complete, ani It is safeto predit-r tnat a crowd of Republican par-ty worker* numbering from I.W to 1.3n0men wtlj co over iron hwe. Today GeorgeH. Boardman. cbauman of rtie eomnlrte*ors srraiurements George H. Stone. itstr«a#urer. and Rdward S. Hamilton havebe»n bus:ly engaged n arrirging the las-d*taiis of the excursion. Fifteen hundreducJeco were printed, and they have be»n?old at such a rap. I rate that it is al-ready evident the City of Ktnrtston's car-rying capacity will be completely tak»nup ay rhe crowd. The steamer can carryat least a thousand men, and this withcomfort. Those who will not care to goas ear.y as i o'clock, the hour mm for theKingston's departure, can take tho North-ern Pacific special train leaving at 6o clock. The trtm has been ordered forthe <-«pec!ai accommodation of tt»e larire- nr.i>er of rai way employes who desire toAttend the parade and participate in theoem>,nstrat;on. But the public will alsobe earned at one fare for the rojnd trip.

E S. Hamilton president of the Yojn«

Men's McKin».*v Club. will be in commandof the deu i.tnent from this city. He willb- assisted by a half-dozen aide*. Thet.j.'.o* oxga nlxi-tk>ns alii send delega-tions which a ill march in the Mr parade:Young Men' 3 McKlniey dub, E. S. Ham-pton pre.-ldent; Doo! tie Republican Club.O J. H. Swift president; Union Veterans'Patriot!' League, Don O. Love!l presi-dent; Women's McKinley and SoundHoney IxvLirue, Mrs. Ursula Martisonpresident; Thorns Business Men's Sound

candidates win in the C'-»r*.irtg elestlon.Whalen wis enable to attend

thf m-e: nr. anl hij place waj suppliedvy Jim-» Mirshrt:*. who was elected chair-man of the mfeting.


The populist Peffers and Leases HaveMade Her Name a Rtproarh.

Thomas B. Smith, aho lives car FortBrr-.z, Kan., and who with his family hasbe-en doing California and Oregon, passedthrough Seattle yesterday morning enmute to \ ictoria. Vancouver and th~Eas-_

"I am hurrying h'jme to vrxe for M'-Kinley,'' ft* exc/aimed. "My son fallsof -lge on the Sunday precwling electtcr.and he Is inxicus to record his vote Infavor of the party that opposes <iemoney ani tn favor of that one that hasalways : l-az*-i the pathway of progressar,i to national prosperity. "l observe thatwheat is teclag up. Now. if comcouli eommenoe on the up-gra.ie Kansaswould pronounce in strore language forthe Republican party, an*, the lestroyersof *h- honorable name of Kansas woui 1be overwhetmed. Do you kr.ow tbtt Ihave be-en almost ishim->! to link mvname uo<mi a hotel register with the sta.eI am from? Why, the hotel ma.% thebellooys. the omnibus driver, and In factnearly everyone with whom I have beenthrown In contact on the present triphave «ixed ir..-- up as if I were an escap- iluoatk* ord a pauper.. It is quite evidentthat the Populistfct farmer wno has dom-inated our state for a few years hascaused a stigma to res* upon its note*e* of hecn. u>:n brave Kansans whofought ur ier Gnint. Sherman olii PapThomas. Franz Siejsod ar.i other UniongeTera's, ani upon the teoords ma'i bvthe heroes who ma.le Kansas a fre- s*ate

Jus* b-fore the ereat war To a man pos-Miliag state priie. wh«-:heT he has a "dol-lar out si ie of l«ls farm, or even owrj aform, a stnse of tiishonvor that makes the

Sound Money Club Notice.

Fourth Ward Spec al Notice.


TORN OUT TONIGHT.All sound money men will march

in the parade this evening. Votersof all ages and of every calling willmake up the greatest processionever seen in Seattle. You shouldnot fail to be in line and to see thatyour neighbor is there with you.Every good citizen will be perform-ing his duty if he takes part in thisgreat demonstration in behalf ofhonest money and good government.Every one should turn out, rain orshine. The parade will startpromptly from the corner of Thirdavenue and Union street at 7:30sharp. Do not fail to be on handat that hour.


Money Ge irge H. Stone president.Besides these, thtre will be delegations ofNorthern Pacific employes and those * fthe T. mm Railway anJ Motor Company.Th-se will be assigned to places in theline.

The torchlight company of the YoungMen's McKin ley Club and the flambeauclub of the Doolittle Club will be out inforce. A new lot of transparencies haveb> >n m.Je, and altogether the Tacomadel n will be well equipped with iholm;'enur.ts of campaign warfare. Aj: imber of retail stares have arranged toallow :heir msale employes to get olt earli-er than usual f;o they can Join In the ex-cursion.

face red and tingle with shame, comes: over him when he reflects on the iepth

J of political ;-~ra into which th*-natne and the record of our state hasfallen under the ion-.ination of PelTer.ljeH4t.se ar. I the other Popullstic crank-. No-where in the universe is there a fairerstate, nowhere a grander jjossibility for

I poor and the rich man, nowheredoes the sun lift its rays upon more pro-lific soil. Kansas has he* n blessed withproductiveness, with great crops, with

i c,»il. with a ?eniil climate, ar I only| cursed bv the rn.*n who claim to l>e thi*

up.Mulders, but who are in fact the down-pu.iers. Mark the effect of the PopuH-.iccraze and t.ie Populistic influ-ence: Kansas o>f today is shur.n 1 bvthe Immigrant, and en route to the other*«« r C

K~ t3~Nrbr!* t0 r 'ah. to denial

or,u . t :U 'f.nrrit -« Washington and

?hT ,

the iptenrflntf settler pulls down,ne wlr dow of the car in which he is rid-i~3. holds hi» no- an ] thank* God afu»rno ha<» 3 over the lire that

t ape ; from c intaridnati r.. NotrtV'V.n - rTi ' in wSth :i d >!,* ar to invest dnresri>.t it in the FMte; r.o business man int"0 wholesal> centers like St. Joe. St.«

.',nsi ' i City or Chicago, sen l< outo .»1 11 of r K>ds 'inle-.« a i« at' i hedto H or the integrity of hl« cusi"mer is' r Question. In fact, one of the1 grar.les' ar:-i most glorious, and one cftoe richer; tr; 1 fairest s ates In the str-ati country is tovlav by-ward and r>- 'roa -h

Hut i chance i« Vi-mlr ** and the leper-.| wc:'> nave v.roug t the paralysis %»:ll bethronn out of t'.e ti-r.;de and our statei J*'-' .mal.v wash awiv the Si.air. ui>on? her fair name and r-irain he- place in thehon'Tahle 5-i- - erh,>\u25a0>i of states. Kansasi n: ''

tor honest money and proteetioni in unmis'ilfjblf term® and In the win*- rs

to ?? m<- unier the a>lministration of a Rf-p ? an j-r. <il».r.; we expe.-t to n:. ke*our corn an 1 r.ot urn it as fuel"As to Callfor; ia. i; is unmistalca |yfor boner: mone> . P . u oreecn Am toWashington. I have v ? h. re long

enough to iud«e. From reports it is be-is ve.j tri\u2666» s-ate ram* ! after ore of th";ci".>s*. iH-st ar.d r.o:-.!- «? of Ameri -.inj iv-nm.'tiw will un<iiK-*?:onably array lt-» lfi w- h t>reirin and C.»H?->mki.

\u25a0*v% hv *bou'' Washington heslta'e fors rr,.irr..-nt ** V. vt hive y u to !>v-v: i ?s, bv , votv-

i 's* eu» of i r I- Tillman r.obler! than Harri* -a or « *l»-\ ?'an 1" i« Altgeld.| who ;'«ardom ! the <*h'. \u25a0 uro ana - ?hist* and

*' ?» seeks ?ho ov .?- arr>w r-f tr ?? - .. srt~j be*f«-r than ;ha- noble pitriot. M -K:n! <-\ *t « wh le h*-» ».??? n spent in t'le in-j tere-"* of Ism an-1 :he elevation cf! labor" Are these would-be de t_r -vers ? tj be tr isiel with th-> reirs <.f thi.» ereat r- -

j public, in preference to noblt» men and

'Y\u25a0 'ir iw>»>ple s,K '»uii not for a momenth- *itite. The -isk Is to ureat; ro pl sv-»rg »i'h ? re; -.of- lling . f tne ro-th* very life rtf the "-i:ior, is at s*ake. It

! is _? siirnlv a q.i'fti ,n of «Uver »?ain-tj ir>lt. fr' v. Pouli. j ianks in tho I'op-

-1 uli-*! pli *-rm .???. k tr array one ». Monjof the irO'. m aaram-? tfie otht-r Tiiiu'j an! Alt g. 11 are ex ?\u25a0lien: typ»s of -ni*! \u25a0 \u25a0 i ?; S ,'h 1; , -- ;

| North a .-1 of a .. 1the- ,«r»> n ?» endeavoring to | nm

j c-ord with the South an ! W-«t #cilre :he

j sn*il hit*e !t in 'he «i- nof M Klrdey."

\ Vrrsf f.»r theJohn F. M .< r a:. ! J. E Lilly form a

! s'ron* eampaten team, and they havef . n ! > nsr e Xr..U,- - « ,rk d ir mr t ? - p.- tf,w weeks. Mr Li - M - tea h.s atten-

j * n to the flnanc ,1 que«i:on. and .Mr.j M Her descants or. Poo- an i Populism. Hej has a few : :lIM of rhyme that he ltkes to

j W. ? n » *--\u25a0\u25a0 mar'v of Kansas mar hedan 1 ftlle 1 the P jpu'.sts' ranks.

The mottey ,r. o> i Kan-as ma- hed and

W hen the people rose up In the.r might

j But the money in those r.astern banks isba k there somew ' ere yet."

Iteput>l 11 i»r.« *< l!»rlf<ird.

f AlUnlort coiriiptafl-t<;y»: "At thsj ? me sf our co rt house .-sr-ntea; a H»rt-

j ?. i-.y w- \u25a0 » f-r 1-h -??ft. He a* rur't

I v t*"i; City, i s Mae man ti«>w

i ' -«n !?"» f-'-r Brr »n. Two n.e»-k* so they

i t»enty-fli»» menj "It w-.l'l )Hk a *i.sgra -e to our a-a*e i' tt| r a for free a ver. as it . a oast, « »te. a.;s >-ramer*e * t:. a.; t:.e « irtd."

j N»tlen»l Democratic t ounty CommitteeN»l\u25a0 v - - j *

c -mm. -.tee was organ .a last night by th*


i'laiuhcau Club to Tirt in theI'xiadr - |H| Drilled.

I>at« Jast evening Ri?»-low rive i a mf!sa;etnm K. C. AMna:. Snob m .'l. starsns tha: the EverettJ 1m ? iu C'--#b of forty merit- rs uni'. rCa;>t. F. J would arrive in the cityto :ay. and that they w.inlxd a plioe in .he;«ir.» if The Ever. club l-= one of thohi >t drilled on the sound, and the mem-t. will make a most creditable show.

j'hree .Steamer* Prom Towasend-Port Towns-n i, O. t. 21 Sp «.ial.?V-.;:-jy

!*> R. ;v:bi,cans and enthjsiasttc soundmoney Democrats will take advantage f

low n -ursioa r.ites tomorrow «n !

visit S»\ittk'. to h. ir Congressman Butt r-worth and tl»n. BoMft P. Porter. TheR : »' an entral committee has«? I arrangement* for a turnout, an i

:".t it a>; \m that n> ar.y everjbody1n the city hut a f>-w prejudiced Populis'sin*-r.i vlvirirg the Q i«=en ?it> and enjoy-tr.sr a ca'a d-.y. Sound currency Demo-c; \u25a0 * ar» actively urging the attendanceof «s many pwpli as can spare the (fiat»\u25a0 1 m* ir« t » t »k»» the trip. Thrvo steam-er# «\u25a0 il l''i\ fi>r Seattle, and it pro-d. tt i thfy w.U ca-ry large p*?ser.gcr li«'^.

still They <

Snohomish <>-t. 2" <9r--e-"!al.?One hu;>-Ird people from Snohu'««h and 4»v. fro-a

'aVr part !n the for Mc-K:n: y a: 1 so ini money

TU» t ni«>n Veteran*.Th- -e rn a tij«:rx*ss m«< \ng of the

T' \u25a0 -n \jet ii ' .if

jcl >'\u25a0> ro> - n* ia>t r.ight. about l.V> memt»e-<b-- ' < prcT.t. It w unanimously vot*>d.» i.h s*i at app!;r.«e, tha* the i«' vsri»»

a or r m a b\\ly in torrcht"* ur at pro-< »\u25a0\u25a0«\u25a0«; n It *J« *l«0 decided that th"leac ;e m- rntier* should asiwmbie at theirha.i at (5 .?clcx'W ' >r the purTHise of march-?.n& :j ' \u25a0 it to r->»ive the ».'

Pa ~ fr vv T.i »m.» It is egpected t - ?

t #»? v "rar. \,sier<« will be o? ?>

i'l'v ' K.-«: ?" Th- verernns' le.ic;- <>f

th\u25a0« v * .I! rv "heir fr ?? \u25a0;

Ti -iia what th* Bl ittl* \ *:«'r»ns fVC*tv*1on the a«i a >? rfi*»tr v*tt to the <.' !>?« T I \u25ba««' nv a «hivt ?;rr.e arr The veter--1(5"--* i-sim «xw*p» *:li h» in attendanoe to

''Ct tn the boat.A ! old soldier" and

cv 1 nv fed The e\--<vjt;\f» »rnrr.tee de*ire» <x>mr»<!v« to or tvan»i as

: prompt'*' a* j>v;s.s;cAt t s<o idj«nmm»M of the le.igue meet-

-1: k !--»* night more than t"° ofi nv. ' tt>i in a t-vVy t > the Armory to : ».

: t«H t - N :? P. Hav:*rn » «; -e.-t,

!: \i» bew ~t med the ».-\-«-aU* { old *ol-I- van club d inrti v*vit m--r»

? m- rr v »-rs t.han t >e I'rton %'eter -rs" Pat: -

I ot.c j». T' t . *rt-:*rw~j d'-mon*tra' .*

j t >r. ,{.itho* strong they are.

1 'if 1 "IIC ?'«»\u25a0 II t|i flight-, Th*

I ha.l : ija-sted. through t.heir prealdeat.> N *. Wr, *>n, and secretary. Mr Ovom I*.

a »? rt talk 'root J. A G v m ;.h on the' l I"- ?' "** At ?o' "i«\-k :as" n.iehf

a ." ';r hi-ad«3"jarter«. Nt: -essence ~f:« r,-f the u" >-c -

nv» thetnh . »i-*s « th- «na»-!*l q U -« -.>« from?01 ' 're v r. vn-par .<a*n s.ar \u25a0.;\u25a0 - :it 1 *-.?\u25a0

« ;.t ,*f ? 1 ?i n of the j...:-r

'"'l'd a >, c v 'nment was' L *nd the res Ct of h s speech

* *rp*-' at fey the atter.rlan given the-«-* statement* were >a an al»-

» » i r.i»*i and his appeal *ras; n . » en'-,rely -n the ground of the great

\u25a0 * v-j ?-> srie s>-*ie of W i*r.;ngton and thev / of ska.la* *ao?id UM *cuad money


scrcn-l money Democrat*. An ad-lress xril!soon be issued :o the voter;! of the county,

anl in tne near future a big mect'rv* willbe h Id, to be addressed by »>me speakerof national re nown.

The make-up of .th--4 county committeefollows: Chalrtiiin Charles F. Munday.S"tr*tary Oeorg? Fortsoa, Charles Osner.W. H. H. Green. P. E. Dure, J. 8 Kloe-ber. M.:hael Phillips. Josiah Collins.George Don worth, B. H. Carter, of Stuck;Mr. Young, of Ken:. Lyman Burke, ofBallard.

All members of the Business Men'sSound Money Club are re<iues:t>d to bepresent at club headquarters at 6.15 sharp.A cirruiar letter ha? been sent to eachmember requesting him to Joth the pro-cess.on, and present prospects thefull membership of the club will attend.Each member will he supplied with a yel-low badge and Roman candles, and will berequested to use his voice vigorously.

Notice is given to members of the FourthWard Republican Club mat the meetingplace for the parade this evening will beon T: :rd avenue, between Pike and Union,instead of the municipal court room, aspreviously arranged. Please meet prompt-ly at 7 o'clock at above named place.

G. V. P. LANSING, Secretary.

Good Republican nteetsr.es were hellTu- .- iay evening at Re hnond and Maple\ iiiev. At Redmond Herrr.on W. Cra\ *"i« .a the speaker, and at Mario ValleyW. H. Morris and John H. Pr ep \large audience greeted John F. Miller an JJ. at Richmond Beach.

In . ulcon precinct last right Miiileton'shall was iiled with to hear Her-a. -n W. Craven the issues of thecax|\iign. Much enthusiasm was mani-fes ei. as toe speaker helJ up one argu-ment after an«;ier jf the free silveritesa- ! riddled them all to pieces. So con-vincing was his speech that no man inthe audience ia..ull usk him a questionat the close. J. M Wiestlir.g. A. E.Origin and J. M. Lay hue also ma'.ebrief remarks. The rrt-eting was consid-ered one of the best ever hell in the pre-cinct. and much good was done for thecause of sound money.

Mr. Sanders, of 'he firm of Sanders AVerd. lo?-Kers at Maltby. was in the citylast evening. He sated that he firm ha irot discharged men on account of theirfree silver views, but because of inatten-tion to business. He added that, con-trary to a statement in an ever.ing P <p-

ulist paper, r.one of the los'jers had beeno '--r "1 or in any way restrained from at-

n i tig politi mi meetings. In refe-or.eeto the re er* visit of Mr, Carey, of Sr.o-hO'mish, Mr. San lers sat i Mr. Ver 1 was

nwav from the c.tmp a: the time, andnot have fold the tbn* oe

ha r "no up; rs for silver men"

TheSr n has never refused a meal to any v.j-

ir r.

State and Comity Aulftnmenti forthe Keiiublicana.

Speakers for the campaign have beena-s.gaed by the Republican state andco .my headquarters r.s follows:

Ballard? Hermon W. Craven, October 29.Eellevm ?J. E. Lillyand John F. Miller,

Oc tot er 23.Buckley?A. F. Burleigh, October 29.'tar.- n?M A Root. .1 M. \V estling

and I B. Knickerbocker. October 2-1.Castle Rock?A. S. Cole, October 23.Ct ,;ralia?itoi>erl P. Porter and E. W.

Ross. October 24.Chautauqua?M. A. Root. J. M. Wiestling

and I. B. Knickerbocker. October 23.i . ? halis?Charles A. Routelle, Octo-

ber liS.Ch- halts county?E. W. Rofs. October 22.Clallam county?John \V. Corson, Octo-

ber 22 and 23.Clarke county?H. A. Fairchiid, October

23 and 24Columbia county?F. 11. Brownell. Oc-

tober 23 and 21; Edward Whitsin, Octo-ber 26 and 27.

Coitax? Rober* P. Porter and John 13.Allen, October 28.

Covello?E. W'hltson. October 27.Davenport?John B. Allen. October 26.Dayton?E. W'hitson, October 2fi; Robert

P. Porter, October 27: John 11. Allen. Oc-tober 30.

Duwamish?John H. Powell and \V. 11.X - o 'ObT 22

Edison ?E. W. Roes, October 2S.Elirnsburg?Charles A. Boutelle, Octo-

ber SI._ ?

Everett?Ben Butterworth. October 22(afternoon); Charles E. Clay pool, Octo-ber 24.

Garfield countv? F. H. Brownell. Octo-ber 22.

Uoldendale?W. L. Jones, October 24.Goshen?-VI. G. Wlnstock. October 24.Gray's harbor?Niis P. llaugen, «>cto-

ber 22._

IIwaco?W. L. Jones. October 25>; E. \V.Km«, October 31.

Issaquah-John I. Wilson, October 23.Hermon W. Craven, October 28.

K< nt?Hermon W. Craven, October 30.Kelso?A. 3. Cole, October 2S.Kin* court v hi. u Koss. iV*ober 2S.Linden?John 1.. Wilson, October 27.Mon Cristo?Charles L. Oc-

tober 23.Mmm? Vernon ~T -!. W. October 27.Newcastle?F. W. Cu-hrr in. Octo'.) , r* 23.New \V hitcom?E. W. Ross and John

L. W'lson. <. ; >cr 26.North Bend? Hermon W. Craven, Octo-

ber 26.N irth Yakima?John B. Allen. October

22; Ci.sr'es A Ron October 30Olympic?J S M Mi'lm. O 'Cilier 24;

Ch«rli s A. Bou'elle. October 27; W. L.Jon- October 31.

Orttng?W. H Doolittle and A. F. Bur-lellfh. October 21

Port Angeles?A. F. Burleigh, Octob. r2*

Port Blake ley?F. W. C.i-liman, Octo-ber 2.'.

P rt To^vnserd?Moivln C \Vin«""-k. Oc-tober 27; John L. Wilson, October 3ft.

Pullman?Join B. Allen. O:ober 27.Puyallup?Andr« w F. Burleigh. October

23.Ponton?Herm:>n W. Craven. Ortober 23.R! rv lie- .John R -V'Sc-.. October ?£,.

Seattle?F. \V r-.ishmm ar 1 W EHumpJmy, 0-*t>>-' <t 27; C :irl--> A Rou-telle t>ct.iher John I. Wi 'on and W.R. Gay. Oct o'er 31: John B. Alien, No-vember 2.

S- 'ro?J.»h" I* Wilson, October y>.S Iney?F \\ . Cushman, October 2*.Sknmoknwa?W. L ,I.%nes, October 27.Snohom --h?J.ihn L. \V11« vn. October .(

S "111 v?\. I, V?» k.22 23 and 2C F \V October 2»*>.

Snrtijuaimte?iiirmon W. Craven. O o-ber 27.

South Ben 1 R-'hert P. Porter an 1 E.W. Rosa. October 23; W. L. Jones, Octo-ber 3»

Sj*>k.»r.e? N:N P Haucn "n-l John R.Ail n, October Hi. W. H. I>>oll:t,e «»cr-)-b- r .»'? G- v. M ?« Sonne";, of i la ho. < > tob. r2" Oharl* s A .M-'utelU . Nov-s n-, i»t 2

Sr»r-npbr«> k- W. K. G<«v .rwr -4imas? Melvin G. Wlnstock. Octo-

ber 23.T;i*ot:-r*h<ir!e« A \r O<tohv»r

A F. Vir ? ith, October 3J. W. L.J. n< - N --vrn. . r 2.

t r.-i.-s !. , --Melvln G. Wlr.ato-k.O ? er ,t n j

Vancouver? E. W Ross. October r>W'ba V'Ula-H-.Nrt P. V r:. r. t»ctcl-er

2»" -I ? r. *' \ 11. n. <V" !*r riWalla WalU iMijntv?l-1 Wht'son. cv-

-53 fni 24 t->hn H «"'n '>-r^Vr nwmr?w F. W. I'lifhaiar. October 24.

I'.en I',utter a or I h.

Everett, Th'trsiav. Octor er 22 (after-

? a;:le. T' fav O >l.-r 22 (evening).< !u r l» *A. Itont I<".

7i' i, Monday, Octob-r 26.<T.; ». , -;v, i> ;«?)»: 27.Che-»wlis. l\v,r«!iv i"» -v»r 2«.S- a 'ti- Thur-. :av. iV- .

- »N-;rth Yakima. Frliav. October ».

Spokane. 55 -n , No\>t. ?r2.*'

Kolirrt P. Porter.

s-n loV :'V:ik\v. O 't>»~ 23.«'? n*r»lV<». Satur }<«\u25bc, : .:w*r 24.Wir t »V , y ? 36.Daj : ta, Tuesday. u«ctc?t>er 27.Col fas. V\ e-in*« :av. < --r 2S.

>il« I'. litscn% «I! *7 r- v .t 21

Ta -ma. Frt -a- . 0.-<>JKr :t

Art I ritur Ogiinj Tom rr<.«.

A hinr party of the Seat: e ArtL .. r T'-i J* >?>. of de- r.~. wiii l«sve ' ?

f >«n th Hinckley t j. 'i» to*R';rro«r

: . , r - ? ? nt?» t.ori Tv 2;y.e tt.ifh avenue tn-1 Dearb m atreet, ajn-i


St To -an f ranrl"- ? tts.

F.~ S' a:tie. t*v ng herh in tour;stfratn V »r*..-.n . 124 a rat e'-iae. I:,-

Ot'T .i :n Pullman sleet -v fr:mPortiand? tor tr.i:r.a leaving »*> p. rn.f er X a: ; 4 m. 4- t-> :-- r 24.t 4- i~ era V; t. «...i cf*.. ?», i.j Fr- *



Ar« beautiful only through the power o?

health which makes a clear skin. brichteyes, a healthy color and a srood com-plexion. Every woman may not be beau-tiful. but every woman may become more

attractive by building up health w;:h the

aid of

Duffy's PureHalt WhiskeyUneQualc<d as a tonic and stimulant for

worn-out ar.d tired bodies. It stirs up the

sluggish blood, creates a good appetite

he;;>s litest on and renews the vitality.

Its eff cts are speedily shown :n improved

looks, increased strength,, and betterhealth.

Tell your grocer or drugu-st you musthave Duffy's and accept nothing else.

THE LUMBER COMBINE.All the Big Cna*t Lumber Concerns

Sign * Compact to Keep

I p Trices.San Francisco, Oct. 21.?1t is now cei-

ta:n that the lumbfrcomWnf known as theC> ntrai Lumber Company of Californiawill t>e given a new lease of life January 118S7, and that it will early in ihe spnngattempt to hold prices at a higher figure

than they have been for years. So far as

the foreign lumber business ;s concerned,the m itter has been settled bey mJ theq. est.on of a doubt, and aa >0 ptr cent, ofthe rtrnw interwsted in the domestic tradeare interested in the foreign business,the most conservative opinion expressedis ttiai the local lumbermen will patch upthe.r differences and *>.gn an agreementfor ano her year.

"r "foreign pool." as it is known inc a: radio Lion. to tne "domestic pool," w.tsar: uig a yesterday after a sen<« cf iva-ferenoea extending ov»-r a period of threew? > iv.-. The British Columbia Mills. Tim-ber and Trading Company. after standingout for a year, entered the combination,necessitating a readjustment of stock. Itr« naired rive Jays of continuous meeting,after two weeks of committee confer-ences. to settle the matter, but the deta.lswere finally arranged, and last night ailthe big lumber concerns on the Coastsigned a cv mpact to keep up the presentschedule of prices for another year. T..ishaving been aoccmplislhed, the lumbermenfrom the North, who have no interestwhatever in the foreign tia !e, puvk.d theirgrips and started for home.

W aether or n«: pric.-s will be raised willdepend very much upon the outcome ofthe terms on which the domestic pool isrenewed, if the middlemen i»er>i.-t inbreaking up the combine it is probablethat the prices of domestic lumbi r will beforced down to a lower point than theyhare ever been, but thv loreign prices willnot be disturbed. It the renewal of thepool is determined upon, an effort willsurely be made in the spring to raisepricts, both dumesllc and foreign.


She Will Come to Seattle Neat Weekfor Five !)avit.

Tacoma, Oct. 21.?Special.?'The UnitedStates gunboat Bennington, CommanderGeorge \V". Plgman, arrived in the har.K>rat 3;3(J this tifternoon and anchored to abuoy off the St. Paul mill do lt. TheBennington has been ordered to cruiseabout tho Sound, stopp.ng on an avi raseof five daya at Tacoma, Olympla and Se-attle in the order nsnv 1. It was at firstbelieved that the Bennington would ueordered to make a test or Washingtoncoal during 3tay on the Sound, but oneof the ofßc. rs said today thai no such in-structions had been rxeived from Wash-ington City. The Bennington will visitOlympia next, week, and after that will goto Seattle.

The ship's oft!%rs aret Commander.George W. Pieman; lieutenant commander,A. R. S;»yers; lieutenants, O. E. Lasher,If. Domba.iga and C. P. Eaton; ensigns,C. D. Stearns anl R. C. Buimer; chiefengine r. J. K. Barton; ass'ant engineer.

E. Wlnship; paymaster, P. V. Maimer;surg on, J. W. Baker; assistant pay-master, E. G. Addlscn.

I.egr»l Mnjcrlty for » Voter.Springfield, HI.. Oct. 21.?Assistant D'.s-

tr:\u25a0 \u25a0 t Attorney N>wt»:; h lls that a man b -

coming of age on Vovtmbf r 4 is cntitiedto \ >te for pr-sbbmt this y< ar, havingreach**! his b-gal majority November S?-that is having completed twenty-one yearsof existence. On the morning of Novem-ber 4 h>» enters upon hif> twenty-secondyear. The person horn November 4. is.therefore, entitled to vote November 3.

TO < I Ml'. \ COLO ! \ OJIB II \\ .Take laxative Promo Quinine Tibet*.All drt.-Ffripts refund the money if it fails ,to cme. Tjc.

Fir-st :>!g football gam Saturday.


J \u25a0':< t It. M i r ><\u25a0> 1 {>«.

' ' r -m i v it with relative* and fr.en isa: San Fran .:

I K C. i-.-.-il ?h dairyman <>f <*-#-

' b-f vesrer 'ay for la * v»nn«r. afu ri ivi.v aver.lei *he ialryrnen* rr. ? ti*>sc

;»? Sam 1 rr \rA the n ? ting i fir' byMai. ,Mv<>-: in the Chamber of Corrsmtroi ihere Tu- s lay

Firs: big football inm- Si* jrlay.

M Hon<r < hang at tl >rr»e.

P. king. Oct 21.?L1 Tl .ng fhar.g ha* ar-rive i h-re. ir.d w:.. shortly pre *.t nsreport to the emperor.

\\ The best parts op Ifv \ The bcst cattle »?* //

ft Liebig COMPANY'S &Extract of Beef jy

f t That'u why rr s the be&t. 1 \


MANLY VIGOR«j /V»VE MOT'H in harmony

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MERCHANT TAILORSP.- 'n: sr fror.t b'.s -,??\u25a0\u25a0-? G* it r-<1 . ? r .»

I or. -.£ jt i j. 1* S-ccot#^

1 # YES, SIR2 We Have Almost Everj-M thing a5 <%4fi A \


S Nil MHN?| [[' %

(&M "ll m Can Ask for in* HV! ft' Kj/il J, °VEIWc1 Wc /fnW Bc o3 Would //[w] HB| Liko to Wp ,i I / Atq1 Interview | fife AO,| The Man !i» . I PS Whom Lj ! J CL* We Jfji£ Cannot *

* Please in Style, / J |j Quality and Fit, f -'[ Jgt

g Clothes I$ Bearing


te? J ; *S This m) C w| Label TOj |7T|jjj Warranted.



A RAS range for 16, connectsAlso a so;«*r\»te fixture for Utttanl a «*ooH book.



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Frederick,- Nelson& Munro,

Furniture, Carprts,*!'»»<?*, Crarhrrr,II o u «<- hold Goods,

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WaterproofHunting Coals.



HARDY - HALL ARMS 00lNo <o* First Atwm


DELE. MARTINKATCLIFfIIF YOU'VE FOOLED WITHand are iu?no| the con*equenc«fc_22no Utiie In *te.ug tnls successfulIt you'v male the m.stake of tfco?-iearn thz- thousands have been «???*£\u25a0the effects of their mistake.man. d® strong. n,»niv. virile^

gut* amon< \o.ir ttAatt-toao. Jyyeult the docu.r. whose life hssij*con-,!nuou< «uccess trj treating diSSWRgJ.eu.lar to tne i>ro<-reat; ve fungttaßfc_ .disease of both »e*e» pjs:tive-T ®*®swtnar.«n;:y cured If ?sn't c*H. "EETrea merit by m»II fulljrfoor who comit to the orice VTla*f *??

noor* v. >tS be treated freeOffice houri. j a. m to 9 p. «?

20 \ m. to ;2 m v \y L*. ait tin r% c.irr*. *; jyj'ai

713 UN'SOM BLOCK BgAT*t»,_l^J|fisv wncox coMPOWtt |TrANSY9PtU&isafe i»rnJ aare> relief, .»e*er

are imitation. A i...i '»

I±££jZ*K Mcuntu,, £»{*>.dgtubflt* 1

y,, Tfee Sweetest Musicjjf requires a

Guitar,Mandolin orBanjo...

and See Them


HANFORD£ «i* rm»T AVC.
