Hunger games climax

Katniss’s Diary

Transcript of Hunger games climax

Page 1: Hunger games climax

Katniss’s Diary

Page 2: Hunger games climax

The Games Have BegunDear Diary Today was the day when me and Peeta were going to compete in the hunger games. We were told not to go for the weapon in the begging as we had heard that it is a slaughter. Just when the bell rang I ran into the forest. I did not see Peeta so he must have gone in another direction. After running slightly deep into the forest I try to climb up a tree to be safe. I then waited. I saw smoke and light in the distance which meant someone was making a fire. I was wondering why anyone would do that since it would be really easy to spot them. After a few minutes I heard someone squealing in the distance.

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The Second Day Dear Diary I was getting really thirsty so I wanted to take a sip of water . I went down the tree I was hiding in. After taking a sip of water I was just heading back to my tree then suddenly I got spotted by Peeta and some of the people from the richer districts. I quickly made a run for it while being constantly bombarded with arrows (though none of them hit me). I ran into a bush and quickly climbed up a tree. They saw me up the tree and they just waited for me to come down or starve to death. I was really famished I needed food. Then suddenly I saw a girl on the tree with me and I gasped. She gave me an apple and told me to keep quiet. The teenagers who were harassing me finally left of boredom.

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RueThe mysterious girl and I have made an alliance. She introduced herself to me. Her name was Rue she was a 12 year old girl who had short hair. We made our own distress system which was was the echoing of mocking jays in the forest. We wanted to steal food from the richer tributes.. So we made a plan so we could get some food and escape without being noticed. We tiptoed to were the richer tributes were settling in. I noticed even Peeta had made an alliance wit the richer tributaries. I had a feeling they had placed land mines near the food. IT seemed thy ha dplaced land mines near the food . So we stole a bit of food and ran. We unfortunately go spotted and got chased. Rue was not so lucky since she got hit by an arrow. In self defense I shot back at the person who shot down Rue. I tried to stop Rue from bleeding so she would not die. But she told me to stop and let her go. In her final moments she sung to me and after she passed away I put a bunch of flowers over her to honor her.