Human Bio Final

Your Final Exam will be taken from these questions. 1. When the outermost electrons are transferred or shared between atoms, A: chemical bonding occurs. 2. Glands are made of A: epithelial cells 3. A solution with a pH of 4 would have _____ hydrogen ions than a solution with a pH of 6. A: 100 times more 4. Whereas ___________ glands are associated with sweat, ___________ glands may be associated with sexual attraction. A: eccrine, apocrine 5. In a water molecule, two hydrogen atoms are bound to one oxygen atom by A: polar covalent bonds.


test for human bio review final

Transcript of Human Bio Final

Your Final Exam will be taken from these questions.1. When the outermost electrons are transferred or shared between atoms, A: chemical bonding occurs.2. Glands are made of A: epithelial cells3. A solution with a pH of 4 would have _____ hydrogen ions than a solution with a pH of 6. A: 100 times more4. Whereas ___________ glands are associated with sweat, ___________ glands may be associated with sexual attraction. A: eccrine, apocrine5. In a water molecule, two hydrogen atoms are bound to one oxygen atom by A: polar covalent bonds.6. Epithelial cells A: have all of these stated properties.7. Within cells, energy for cell work A: is converted from the potential energy in chemical bonds of nutrients into the chemical bonds in other molecules such as ATP.8. The blood-brain barrier is a specialized epithelium that prevents many materials from passing from the blood into the brain. The type of cell connections most likely present between the cells forming this barrier are A: tight junctions.9. Endocytosis A: involves the formation of a vesicle by pinching off the cell membrane.10. Covalent bonds occur when A: two atoms share electrons.11. A polar compound is what? A: hydrophilic12. The smallest particle of an element that has the chemical characteristics of that element is a(n) A: atom.13. In __________ solution, water enters the cell. A: hypotonic14. Organic compounds always contain ___________ atoms. A: carbon15. Solutions injected into tissues or into the circulatory system must be ______ to prevent crenation or swelling of cells. A: isotonic16. pH measures what?A: hydrogen ion concentration in solution17. When the bonds between R groups and hydrogen bonds that maintain a protein's three-dimensional shape are broken, the protein becomes nonfunctional, and is said to be A: denatured18. __________ keeps lungs clean by sweeping fluid past the cells. A: cilia19. When two or more atoms, ions, or molecules combine to form a new and larger molecule, the process is called a A: condensation synthesis reaction.20. Active transportA: moves materials against their concentration gradients, requires energy, and a transmembrane protein.21. Glands secreting products into ducts are called A: exocrine.22. Glycogen and starch are examples of A: polysaccharides23. LysosomesA: are formed by the Golgi apparatus, contain digestive (hydrolytic) enzymes, and are concerned with intracellular digestion.24. The differences between one protein and another lies inA: the linear sequence of amino acids.25. An ion is an atom or molecule thatA: carries an electrical charge.26. In ______________ carrier molecules move a substance against (up) the concentration gradient. A: active27. Two atoms with the same number of protons and electrons, but different numbers of neutrons, are calledA: isotopes.28. What is responsible for skin color? A: melanin29. When one atom loses an electron and another atom accepts that electron a(n) bond between the two atoms results. A: ionic30. Atom X has an atomic number of 23 and has a mass number of 40. The number of protons in atom X is equal to A: 2331. The outer-most occupied electron shell is called what? A: the valence32. Subatomic particles located in the nucleus of an atom are calledA: electrons.33. Endocrine glands.A: secrete hormones.34. Which tissue covers surfaces and lines cavities? A: epithelial35. If the concentration of glucose in the water outside of a cell is higher than the concentration insideA: water will tend to leave the cell by osmosis.36. Which of the following contains high-energy phosphate bonds? A: ATP37. The movement of H2O across a plasma membraneA: is called osmosis.38. According to the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane,A: protein molecules that perform important cellular functions float in a lipid bilayer.39. What is found in an organic molecule? A: H and C40. What happens to cells when they move from the stratum basale in the epidermis to the surface of the skin? A: They tend to die.41. Which tissue contains an extensive extracellular matrix? A: connective42. An unsaturated fat is one that _____________________.A: has fewer hydrogens in its fatty acid tail than a saturated fat43. Which layer contains blood vessels and nerve fibers? A: dermis44. Phospholipid moleculesA: are arranged in a double layer in the plasma membrane.45. Atom Y has 11 protons, 11 electrons, and 12 neutrons. What is the atomic number of Atom Y? A: 1146. The plasma membrane is A: selectively permeable.47. Due to its polar quality, a ___________ bond can form between the oxygen end of one water molecules and the hydrogen end of a different water molecule. A: hydrogen48. What is found within the cell's nucleus? A: chromatin, nucleolus, and DNA49. Nucleolus A: are the locations for production of large and small ribosomal subunits.50. If you place a red blood cell in a solution that is hypertonic to the cell, water will move _________ the cell and the cell will _________. A: out of; crenate (shrink)51. An element with the atomic number 6 would contain A: 6 protons52. The change represented by the equation: sucrose + water glucose + fructose, is an example of a(n) A: decomposition reaction.53. In a condensation synthesis reaction, ___________ is removed to allow the formation of a covalent bond between monomers. A: water54. Chemical reactions with the property of being able to proceed from reactants to products and from products to reactants are calledA: reversible reactions.55. Substances that donate hydrogen ions (protons) to a solution are called A: acids56. The pH of the blood is slightly basic. Which of the following describes this pH? A: 7.457. Which of the following is the best source of saturated fat? A: lard58. Molecules form because ofA: transfer or sharing of electrons.59. The process called diffusionA: Is the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration and is the product of random movement of all atoms, molecules, and ions in a solution are correct.60. Which of these cells would most likely have the largest number of mitochondria? A: muscle cells61. Atoms that have gained or lost electrons are called A: ions62. A solution with a pH of 7 is considered to be A: neutral63. A person with no color in skin, hair, and eyes has A: a genetic disorder.64. OsmosisA: occurs through a selectively permeable membrane.65. Atom Y has 11 protons, 11 electrons, and 12 neutrons. What is the mass number of Atom Y? A: 2366. What is the final electron acceptor in cellular respiration? A: oxygen67. The pulmonary veinA: carries blood to the heart.68. In humans, fats are absorbedA: primarily into the ducts of the lymphatic system (lacteals).69. Which of these reactions is the final one in blood clotting, resulting in the insoluble thread framework for the clot?A: fibrinogen --> fibrin70. The hepatic portal vein carries nutrients to the A: liver.71. What may respiration include? A) breathing, external respiration, and internal respiration72. The minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphate are moved across the wall of the large intestine by A: active transport73. External respiration gas exchange occurs at the respiratory membrane between the A: alveoli and blood74. Chief cells are found in A: the stomach75. Where is most of the body's blood volume (blood reservoir)? A: veins76. Peristalsis occurs in the digestive tractA: from the pharynx to the anus.77. In an ECG, the QRS complex representsA: depolarization of the ventricles (ventricles are about to contract).78. HCl acid is found in the A: stomach.79. The pancreas secretion of digestive pancreatic juice is an A: exocrine function80. Food is prevented from entering the trachea by the A: epiglottis81. When does an Rh negative person make antibodies to the Rh antigen?A: when exposed to the Rh antigen82. The left atriumA: receives blood from lungs.83. Water moves across the wall of the large intestine by A: osmosis.84. Which chambers contract simultaneously?A: two atria85. Food leaving the stomach on way to small intestines is called A: chyme86. The __________ absorbs water. A: large87. Within the circulatory system, the main advantage of the thinner vein walls is that theyA: allow compression from skeletal muscle contractions.88. Which blood type would contain anti-A antibodies but not anti-B antibodies? A: B89. Which gastric gland cell type secretes HCL? A: parietal90. What is the function of the valves in the heart? A: to prevent91. The __________ is the voice box. A: larynx92. The diaphragm isA: a muscle involved in breathing and is below the lungs and above the stomach.93. The pancreas secretes enzymes acting on A: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates94. The __________ only transports food. A: esophagus95. Villi increase surface area in A: the small intestine.96. The __________ digests only protein. A: stomach97. The __________ digests only starch. A: mouth98. After leaving the trachea, air enters the lungs thru the __________. A: bronchi99. ____________ breaks down proteins.A: Pepsin (secreted as pepsinogen)100. Given these compounds:1. fibrin2. fibrinogen3. prothrombin4. thrombinWhich of these sequences represents the most correct order of normal clotting factor activation? A: prothrombin, thrombin, fibrinogen, fibrin101. At which of the following locations does exchange between blood and tissue fluid take place? A: capillaries102. The __________ absorbs most of the nutrients. A: small intestine103. The __________ contain(s) air sacs that are shaped as grape-like protrusions. A: alveoli104. Red blood cells containing little hemoglobin or a deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to _____________. A: anemia105. Within hemoglobin, the heme portion _________________ which ________________.A: contains iron; binds with oxygen106. Erythropoietin is released by _______________ to stimulate increased _________________.A: kidneys; red blood cell production107. The liverA) stores glucose in the form of glycogen. C) produces bile.B) converts amino acids to glucose and urea. D) is described by all of these characteristics.Ans: D108. The __________ contains pepsinogen. A: stomach109. The major component of plasma is A: water110. ErythrocytesA: contain large quantities of hemoglobin.111. Chemical digestion begins in the A: mouth.112. PlateletsA: play an important role in hemostasis.113. The emulsifying ingredient(s) in bile is(are) A: bile salt114. The enzyme contained in saliva that breaks down bacterial walls is A: lysozyme115. Systole refers to A: contraction.116. __________ carry blood to the heart. A: Veins117. Which of these transfusions would be least likely to cause a transfusion reaction?A: type O+ blood transfused into a type B+ patient118. The heart sounds are due to the A: valves closing119. The diaphragm contracts (moves down) during ___________ and relaxes during ___________. A: inspiration, expiration120. What is the heart's pacemaker? A: SA node121. __________ binds to vitamin B12 and increases its absorption.A: Intrinsic factor122. What accounts for blood flow in the arteries?A: blood pressure123. Erythrocyte productionA: Occurs in red bone marrow and is stimulated by erythropoietin124. HCl acidA: activates an enzyme.125. Residual volume isA: air remaining in lungs after very deep breathing.126. For the first nine months after birth, Ronny Knowse had not experienced any problems with sickness. After that, however, he had many severe bacterial infections. The reason for the delayed onset of this problem wasA: for the first nine months he had passive natural immunity from antibodies passed to him through the breast feeding.127. The resting membrane potentialA: will be changed if the membrane permeability to one or more ions is selectively altered.128. ____________ involves B cells.A: Antibody-mediated (adaptive) immunity129. What produces the female sex hormones? A) ovaries, follicle, and corpus luteum130. T cells and B cells are A: lymphocytes.131. Molecules on the surface of actin serve as active sites for the formation of cross bridges with molecules of A: myosin132. Actin myofilamentsA: are attached to Z disks at one end.133. The sensory neuron pathway is A: impulse to CNS.134. This attaches bone to bone. A: ligaments135. In which direction does an impulse go across a synapse? A: axon to dendrite136. Lymph vessels are similar to cardiovascular A: veins.137. In which case does the recipient start making antibodies to the specific disease?A: active immunity138. Active immunityA: occurs as a result of exposure to antigens.139. During depolarization A: sodium ions move inside.140. Allergies are due toA: antibodies being produced for substances that ordinarily would do no harm to the body.141. The seminiferous tubulesA: are found in the testes and are where sperm are formed.142. Interferon is a defense against A: viruses.143. TestosteroneA: matures sperm, causes oil glands to secrete and is responsible for male secondary characteristics.144. The neuroglial cells that form a myelin sheath around axons areA: both the Schwann cells and the oligodendrocytes.145. After _____ (bone forming cells) become completely surrounded by bone matrix, they are called _____ (mature bone cells).A: osteoblasts, osteocytes146. The __________ is where the sperm matures. A: epididymis147. A protein is produced and secreted by virally infected cells and binds to the surface of neighboring cells. This protein causes the neighboring cells to produce antiviral proteins to protect themselves and is called A: interferon.148. How many bones are in the human body? A: 206149. Compact bone consists of cells called osteocytes located within spaces in the matrix called A: lacunae.150. The outer surface of bone is covered by a connective tissue layer called the A: periosteum.151. T cellsA: are activated by macrophages, may stimulate B cells and produce memory cells.152. What flows across the synaptic cleft? A: a neurotransmitter substance153. What is the function of the lymphatic system?A: returns fluid to the bloodstream, absorbs fat molecules, and defends the body against disease154. What enters the subclavian vein? A: lymphatic duct155. Which produce antibodies? A: B lymphocyte plasma cells156. In a neuron, cell processes that receive information and carry it to the cell body are called A: dendrites.157. The autonomic nervous system is theA: parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.158. Follicles are found in A: the ovaries.159. Edema isA: swelling due to excess tissue fluid.160. A vaccine contains A: antigens.161. The sperm's acrosome contains A: enzymes.162. Rigor mortis (stiffening) that occurs in skeletal muscles a few hours after death is due toA: lack of ATP, which prevents muscle relaxation.163. Restful activities stimulate theA: parasympathetic nervous system.164. Passive immunityA: occurs when antibodies are given and is short-lived.165. NeutrophilsA: usually arrive at the site of inflammation faster than other phagocytic cells.166. HistamineA: makes the capillary more permeable (leaky).167. When a follicle loses an egg, it becomes a A: corpus luteum.168. Which are the bone-forming cells? A: osteoblasts169. The testes A: produce gametes and secrete hormones.170. The red pulp in the spleen contains A) macrophages, lymphocytes, and red blood cells171. The cells that actively break down osseous bone tissue are A: osteoclasts172. As a result of an allergen-antibody reaction,A: mast cells release histamine.173. The interneuron pathway is A: always within CNS.174. During growth of a long bone, the site of growth in length is the A: epiphyseal plate175. The __________ conducts and stores sperm. A: vas deferens176. The female is pregnant whenA: HCG is present in the blood.177. What does red bone marrow do?A: produces red and white blood cells178. This attaches bone to muscle. A: tendons179. Why do the testes descend into the scrotum?A: Abdominal temperature is too high to produce viable sperm.180. ComplementA: is a series of proteins that attract phagocytes and cause bacteria cells to burst.181. Red bone marrow functions in the formation ofA: red and white blood cells and platelets.182. Estrogen is produced in the A: ovaries.183. ATPA: attaches to the myosin myofilaments, provides energy for the movement of the cross bridge, is required for muscle relaxation, and releases part of its energy as heat.184. T cells are responsible for A: cell-mediated immunity185. A sarcomere isA: the distance between Z lines.186. Plasma (effector) cells produce A: antibodies.187. The specific antibody that binds to mast cells and basophils and stimulates the inflammatory response also seen during an allergic attack is A: IgE188. Which layer of the uterus varies according to the monthly reproductive cycle? A: endometrium189. The basic structural and functional unit skeletal muscle is what? A: sarcomere190. The movement of lymph through lymphatic vessels is caused largely byA: muscular activity. 191. Gaps between segments of oligodendrocytes or between individual Schwann cells are called A: nodes of Ranvier192. The __________ produces seminal fluid. A: bulbourethral gland193. Which are in lymph nodes? A: lymphocytes and macrophages194. LH and FSH are A: gonadotropic hormones.195. Which has the nucleus in a neuron? A: cell body