How to Manifest With 100 Certainty

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How to manifest surely

Transcript of How to Manifest With 100 Certainty

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  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


    Copyright 2014 by Well Read Gnome, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learn more for FREE:

    Copyright 2014 Well Read Gnome, LLC. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, reprinted, translated,

    hosted, or otherwise distributed by any means without express permission.

    Published by Well Read Gnome, LLC.

    Disclaimer: This e-book is provided with the understanding that neither the author, nor the publisher is

    engaged in rendering any legal, financial, medical, or psychological advice. This e-book is not intended to

    be a substitute for therapy or professional advice. The publisher and author of this e-book disclaim any

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  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


    Copyright 2014 by Well Read Gnome, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learn more for FREE:

    Welcome to How to Manifest with 100% Certainty!

    You now have access to 5 lessons that teach you how to easily apply the Law of Attraction. They help

    you get crystal clear on what you want to manifest, so you can be certain of what you are attracting.

    You can begin using these lessons for immediate results, with little effort. Using these lessons, you

    should be able to make the Law of Attraction work for you.

    When I say that these lessons are easy, I mean it. But they WORK. So read the entire book and see for

    yourself. Then read it again. Do the exercises and start manifesting your desires!

    Wishing you great success,


  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


    Copyright 2014 by Well Read Gnome, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learn more for FREE:

    You were born with the ability to create a life worthy of recognition, a life of total fulfillment.

    You control the outcome of your life in every minute of every day. You do this with your thoughts and


    Your thoughts and your emotions create your reality. They bring to you whatever you desire. Everything

    you think, feel, and believe in any given moment projects energy. This projected energy attracts to you

    similar energy in the form of your desire being manifested.

    For example, if you think that your car is going to break down, you are projecting the energy of your car

    breaking down. Your thoughts will manifest your car actually breaking down.

    Now, this doesnt just happen with bad things, like your car breaking down. It happens with everything

    you think, feel and believe. Your new job, your new house, your family vacation they all originated in

    your thoughts.

    The key to the Law of Attraction lies in thinking, feeling, and believing in the appropriate way. This

    means focusing on the good, positive things that you want to have happen, not on the aspects of your

    life that you dislike.

    For example, if you are currently in a job that you dislike, if you focus on everything you dislike about the

    job, you will attract to you more of what you dislike. This could manifest itself in your current job or you

    could even attract a new job that has everything you dislike. But if, regardless of how much you dislike

    your current job, you focus on the 1-2 things you do like about it, you will begin to attract more of the

    things you like.

    If the only thing you can find to like about your current job is that you get a paycheck, thats okay. By

    focusing on how much you enjoy your paycheck, youll begin to attract more money into your life.

  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


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    1. Take a piece of lined paper and number the lines 1-100.

    2. Write down everything you have ever dreamed of having, being, or experiencing.

    3. Continue until you have written down 100 items. This may take a few days and it may be a bit of

    a stretch. You dont need to worry about the how. Write down anything that makes you feel

    excited or gives you goose bumps when you think about it. There are no wrong answers.

    4. Highlight your top 10 goals.

  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


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    What is the one thing that determines whether you live the life of your dreams?

    Is it your age? Harland Sanders, the founder of KFC, didn't become wealthy until after the age of 65.

    Is it your education? Bill Gates failed out of Harvard.

    Is it whether you were born wealthy? Barbara Hutton inherited nearly $50 million at the age of 21, but

    died broke.

    What determines whether you live the life of your dreams is very simple.

    Its so simple that it might have been staring you in your face all your life, but you never saw it.

    Its so simple that you might be tempted to ignore it even now.

    In fact, this one thing, when applied correctly can allow you to live the life of your dreams...

    Ask for what you want.

    That is all there is to it. You can live the life of your dreams. You just have to ask for what you want


  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


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    1. Take a piece of paper and write down the 10 goals you highlighted from Lesson 1.

    2. Expand on each of these goals. Write down all of the specifics you can think of the who, what,

    when, and where. When writing down the specifics, put it in the present tense. For example, I

    have a new car. It is black. It is easily paid for.

    3. Once you have written down your specifics, examine your feelings. Notice if any of them are

    negative or doubtful. Intentionally change them to better, more positive feelings.

    4. Look at each goal you have written down and ask yourself WHY you want it. Make sure you

    focus on why you DO want it, not on why you DONT want something else.

  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


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    The speed at which you manifest your desires is controlled by two factors:

    1. how much you believe that your goal is a fact and

    2. how willing you are to allow it to come into your life, easily and effortlessly.

    It is easy to allow something to come into your life unless you are afraid that you wont get it. The way

    to overcome this fear is through detachment.

    Detachment is about being okay with things continuing as they are. Its about making peace with what

    is, with yourself, with what you want, and with never getting what you want. When you can be okay

    with never having your desire fulfilled, your fear will be gone.

    Detachment doesnt mean resigning yourself to not having what you want. It isnt about giving up. Its

    about accepting what isaccepting your life and situation as it is now and being okay with itbut still

    being willing to allow yourself to have what you want still allowing yourself to experience that feeling

    of hope that it will occur.

  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


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    1. On a piece of paper, list the top 10 goals that you highlighted in Lesson 1.

    2. For each of your goals, complete the following sentence: If I never achieve this goal, I will


    3. Now play the what if game with what you just wrote. In this game, you take every negative

    thought or feeling you wrote down and turn it around.

    For example, if you wrote If I never achieve this goal, I will feel sad, you would go from What if I feel

    sad? to What if I dont feel sad? Then what?

    Remember, the key to receiving what you want when you want it is to eliminate all resistance. So be as

    thorough with this exercise as possible.

  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


    Copyright 2014 by Well Read Gnome, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learn more for FREE:

    Let us give you a very simple secret that can help you gain your desires faster: nature abhors a vacuum.

    This means that in order to get more of what you want in your life, you simply need to get rid of what is

    no longer useful to you.

    You need to make room for your desires.

    Clean out your desk, closet, garage, office, everything. Get rid of any old or unused items clothing,

    dishes, magazines, etc. If you havent worn it or used it for a while, you dont need it anymore.

    Look at the people in your life. Is there anyone who brings you down or holds you back? Is there anyone

    who brings out anything but the best in you? People can be the hardest thing to let go of, but when we

    are manifesting our dreams, we need to fill our lives with people who want the best for us.

    Look at how you spend your time. Do you feel like you are in a rut? Are you doing things simply out of

    habit or guilt? When was the last time you had a vacation?

    Doing this cleaning will help wake up old energy and will help you discover new things to ask for. So

    often we keep things that we dont need anymore because were too lazy to get rid of them or they

    provide a false sense of comfort.

    Just remember that the best part of this work is that since nature abhors a vacuum, you now have room

    for all of your desires to come into your life.

  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


    Copyright 2014 by Well Read Gnome, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learn more for FREE:


    1. Look at your 10 goals. Is there anything on your list that you need to make room for? Do you

    have room in your garage for a new car? Do you have space on your desk for a new computer?

    Do you have closet space for your perfect partner?

    2. If you dont have room for your 10 goals in your life, make the room.

  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


    Copyright 2014 by Well Read Gnome, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learn more for FREE:

    Everything that you want is already within you. Everything in your life now is within you. Everything

    from your past, your present, and your future is within you. ALL things are within you. What you want is

    not out there. What you want is within you right now.

    Happiness is within you. You don't have to go searching for it. It is not something that you have to find.

    It is something that you already have. Only you can make yourself happy.

    You have to live your life for today. Today is the only day that matters. It has everything you need to

    have a rich and fulfilling life - a life of happiness. When you focus your attention elsewhere, upon the

    past or the future, you lose sight of what is going on now and of who you are.

    When you focus on the present moment, it is easy to be happy. You will discover that you are

    surrounded by things to be happy about, things to be grateful for, things that you might have

    overlooked otherwise. The more time you spend in the present moment, the more your happiness will


    Just take things one at a time as they come to you.

    Appreciate everything in your life. Even if it is the thing you hate the most about your life at the

    moment, learn to appreciate it. Learn to love it. There is a reason why you brought it into your life. It

    isn't something that has to be healed.

    If it's something that you truly can't live with, tell yourself, "I'm sorry. I love you. Thank you." Tell

    yourself it is okay that you manifested it. Forgive yourself for creating it.

    Then begin focusing on what you truly want. Imagine your life better than it is now. Even if you can only

    imagine it being a little bit better, begin there. Then gradually imagine it better than that. And then even


  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


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    Make everything you do fun. No matter how mundane the chore - washing dishes or paying bills - find

    something exciting about it. The happiness will follow.

  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


    Copyright 2014 by Well Read Gnome, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learn more for FREE:


    1. Look at your 10 goals. What about them makes you happy? What about them makes you feel


    2. Focus on those good feelings. The more you feel good, the faster you will attract what you want.

  • How to Manifest with 100% Certainty


    Copyright 2014 by Well Read Gnome, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Learn more for FREE:

    Be on the lookout for signs from the Universe that it is responding to your desires. Whenever you

    wonder if something might be connected to the manifestation of your desires, you are right. It is

    through these nudges, ideas, and inspirations that the Universe communicates with you. You should pay

    attention and act upon them.

    The Law of Attraction is like magic that always works.

    It doesnt matter where you are right now. Wherever you are, its okay. You are on your way to where

    you want to be.

    Learn more for FREE at