How to hire Digital Apprentices.

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Transcript of How to hire Digital Apprentices.

Page 1: How to hire Digital Apprentices.


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Page 2: How to hire Digital Apprentices.

“There are presently 750,000 unemployed 16-24yr olds...”

“ Digital businesses rely more on self-taught skills and internal training to build employee skills than they do universities...”

Source: “Powering the Digital Economy” Tech Report

“ Three quarters of companies consider missing digital skills as the biggest barrier to growth and development...”

Source: The Digital Talent Gap: Capgemini Consulting

“ There will be a 750,000 shortfall in skilled digital workers by 2017...”


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The stats on the previous page made for pretty scary reading, didn’t they? We’re approaching a talent crisis. But there’s an answer.

Digital Futures Apprenticeships.

We take the brightest and most able youngsters, without a degree, but with a passion for digital and train them in the skills you want. In the skills you need.

You’re in digital. You know what the industry needs. You know what you are missing

Digital Futures is an educational movement that’s leading the way when it comes to offering ‘from the industry, for the industry’ training for young digital talent.

That’s why we’re asking you to support Digital Futures.

Together we can narrow the skills gap and meet the industry needs, one Apprentice at a time.


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BEcOmE SOmEBODy’S ROcK STAR!We’re looking for Industry Experts with a background in digital marketing, media or social, to join us and help deliver a new kind of education. It’s time for a better way to develop skills from the ground up. You can teach a Digital Future.

Join our ever-expanding community of Industry Experts from agencies, start-up’s and brands and inspire an Apprentice

It will be current.

It will change as and when the industry changes.

It will be influenced by you.

It requires only the odd half day of your time.

We will pay you for your time.

It will be awesome!

We know you’re busy. We understand that you are valuable to your business.

We get that you may not have taught before... but, we also know that you will want to help future proof the industry!

Together we can make a real difference.

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Today’s 16-24 year olds are digital natives and desperate for an opportunity to show their worth. By getting involved in Digital Futures Apprenticeships, you can make the difference to the long term career opportunity for one of our inspired students.

With your help every hand picked ’young star’ has the potential to become a digital superhero of tomorrow

How does it work?

• You tell us you’re interested in offering an opportunity

• We help you select an Apprentice

• Recruitment of your Digital Futures Apprentice is free

• We help you access funding from Government

• You employ them four days a week (£250-300 a week)

• Our community of Industry Experts train them on the fifth day

• We deliver comprehensive in-company support to help you succeed

• After 1 year they earn their qualification

• You now have a valuable trained and experienced new employee

By choosing to offer an opportunity, you will be equipping your young star with the skills to guarantee theirs, yours and the country’s Digital Future.

That’s invaluable.


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Digital Futures Apprenticeships offer routes into all kinds of different digital marketing and social media roles

Here’s just a taster:

• Social Media Executive • Community Manager

• Content Editor • Content Executive

• Media Executive • Digital Performance Assistant

• SEO Assistant • PPC Assistant

• Affiliate Assistant • Digital Marketing Assistant

• Digital Marketing Executive • Web Editor

• Content Producer • Project Assistant

• Account Executive • Reputation Executive

• Digital Analyst • Web Analyst

Page 7: How to hire Digital Apprentices.

It pays to get involved.

Apprentices delivered nearly £1.8bn of net benefits to organisations in the uk in 2014

Apprenticeships are a low-cost, high return investment.

67% of apprentices stay five or more years with the Company that trained them.

So that’s lower staff turnover, coupled with more loyalty.

So you get the highly trained, highly skilled workforce you need, exactly when you need them.


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