How To Double Your Business in 12 Months

11 Well-Guarded Secrets of Top Marketers … And How To Use Them In Your Business!

description How To Double Your Business in 12 Months

Transcript of How To Double Your Business in 12 Months

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11 Well-Guarded Secrets of Top Marketers … And How To Use

Them In Your Business!

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Marketing – Hate It Or Love It, It’s The Core Of Any Successful Business

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When Armed With The Most Powerful Strategies, You Too Can

DOUBLE Your Business In 12 Months ... Or Sooner.

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With The Right Mind Set And Knowledge ... Anything Is Possible!

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Even If You Only Have $5,000 To Start Your Dream Business

Sara Blakely started Spanx

with $5,000 and she failed her

way to $1 Billion. With the right combination of

business, people and marketing you too can be unstoppable!

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Let’s Do This!!!

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1. Develop A Realistic Forward-Looking Marketing Budget

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Make this the year that you corner off a larger, more flexible budget to tackle new marketing opportunities to better adapt to today’s fast-changing marketplace.

Don't throw money on the wall and hope it sticks, instead, make strategic investments on marketing offerings that better position your business in places where consumers are increasingly going to research products or services and make purchases.

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2. Build A Simple & Effective Website

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The website is the central component of any business’ digital strategy; it’s how your current and potential customers can most easily find and connect with you.

Given its key role, it’s astonishing that more than half of small businesses owners (52%) said their business does not have a website, according to the Yodle survey.

Make your website a priority this year. Whether you’re just building your website now or looking to improve the one you have, keep it:

a. simple

b. clean

c. user friendly & easy to navigate

d. make sure to let people know of the actions you want them to take

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3. Be Mobile-Ready!

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As consumers increasingly turn to smartphones and tablets to search for local business information and to shop products and services, it’s essential that your website is properly optimized for those experiences.

A recent Google/Nielsen study found that 59% of consumers visit a business’ website when conducting a mobile search.

However, the vast majority of small business owners — 9 out of 10 — said their websites aren’t optimized for mobile, according to the Yodle survey.

This represents a clear gap in small business’ ability to provide on-the-go consumers with a proper website experience, thus threatening their chances for securing business from those visitors.

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And It Doesn’t Matter If You’re Selling Products, Services, Software Or Kindle Books

...You NEED To Be Mobile-friendly!

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4. List Your Site Where It Matters

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Whether it’s Google, Bing, Yelp,, or, small businesses appear on a variety of business listing websites.

Ensuring that your business’ listing is complete and accurate plays an important role in determining whether consumers reviewing your listing can move forward with contacting you and making a purchase.

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5. Successfully Manage Negative Online Reviews

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Online reviews are playing an increasingly central role in driving consumers’ purchasing behavior. Similar to word-of-mouth, consumers place high trust in the accuracy of online reviews.

In fact, a recent Nielsen online study of 29,000 consumers across 58 countries found that about 70% of consumers trust online reviews – making them the third-most trusted form of advertising.

Another recent study from Harvard Business School showed that something as simple as a one-star improvement in a Yelp business listing can deliver a noticeable increase in a restaurant’s revenue.

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6. Engage Potential Buyers With Your Social Media Efforts

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Facebook recently announced that 24 million small businesses maintain active pages on their site - social media is here to stay!

Here are a few tips to leverage the power of social media:

a. Determine Which Social Media Channels Work Best For Your Business - don't do it all.

b. Create An Editorial Calendar To Remain Engaged

c. Be Active & Respond Promptly To Consumer Questions

d. Share Content That Matters And That Explains To Customers Why It’s Worth It For Them To Follow You

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7. People-Based Research Makes A Comeback

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Marketers are addressing big data overload by seeking more human insights. It used to be called “ethnographic” research.

Now it’s “qualitative” research—asking people what they think of products and services.

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8. Meet Your Customers Face-to-Face

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And ...

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As consumers get overloaded and begin unplugging and masking their identities online, marketers will need to create more events and situations to give them a reason to interact with their brands in the real

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9. Online Video RULES!

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Online video is now officially ruling over banner ads. The tablet has already become established as the “second screen” at home, and increasingly consumers on the go are turning to mobile media as their main channel.

And as consumers move their activities to their mobile devices, video will move with them.

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10. Create “Snackable” Content

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With the ascendance of mobile, content had to scale down to fit the smaller screen and shorten to fit the attention span of consumers on the go.

Infographics, image-based social media sites such as Pinterest and Instagram, and short-form video platforms such as Vine took off in 2013 and will continue to drive mobile viewership in 2014 as mobile continues to drive ad growth.

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11. Track Your Results

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The Yodle survey found that more than half (56%) of small business owners do not measure results from their marketing. This means that those small business owners have no baseline to determine how well their marketing is doing or how to set priorities for what else they can or should be doing.

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Adopt A Solid Strategy That ...

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That’s EXACTLY What You Get With ...