How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon...

How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon Business -In The Next Few Months – The idea behind this PDF is to help you explore different things to do to make your Amazon business more of a success. Here are a few main points of what we will cover today: 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests 2. The Amazon face off Jason VS. Ezra 3. Why even $100 dollar bills have wrinkles 4. 3 Questions you should ask any Amazon customer 5. Why “linear” and Sequential thinking are the kiss of death 6. How to spend more to get a customer at break even (or better) than what your competition sells their product for 7. How to get out of stagnation! 8. An exact step by step traffic solution for your business Anytime you are selling online, the goal is to set it up once, tweak it to where you are ranking and then let it run hands off once you get your products to rank.. You want them to STAY ranking! This screen shot was what Amazon recently deposited in to our account. The work that we originally did setting up the listing and the work that we put in to test and tweak until we were ranking laid the foundation for such a nice pay out from Amazon, this work was done many months ago. We set it up and then left it in place to run. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Transcript of How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon...

Page 1: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon Business -In The Next Few Months –

The idea behind this PDF is to help you explore different things to do to make your Amazon business more of a success. Here are a few main points of what we will cover today:

1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

2. The Amazon face off Jason VS. Ezra

3. Why even $100 dollar bills have wrinkles

4. 3 Questions you should ask any Amazon customer

5. Why “linear” and Sequential thinking are the kiss of death

6. How to spend more to get a customer at break even (or better) than what your competition sells their product for

7. How to get out of stagnation!

8. An exact step by step traffic solution for your business

Anytime you are selling online, the goal is to set it up once, tweak it to where you are ranking and then let it run hands off once you get your products to rank.. You want them to STAY ranking!

This screen shot was what Amazon recently deposited in to our account. The work that we originally did setting up the listing and the work that we put in to test and tweak until we were ranking laid the foundation for such a nice pay out from Amazon, this work was done many months ago. We set it up andthen left it in place to run. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 2: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

Amazons ad networkThere are very good advertising opportunities right inside of Amazon for running ads to your products. Inthe first example we spent $3,266.95 and we made $15,484.60 in sales. A 21% ACOS.

Amazon is the single most trusted brand and site online. Customers even keep their credit cards on file on there.

Mobile Friendly

Customers who are online on their mobile phones wan to use sites that are completely mobile friendly. They can search, read about, purchase etc. All in one place. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 3: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

Amazon is your merchant! And they pay out every 14 days.

With all that GREAT stuff that Amazon offers, we do have to put up with some limitations:

You can not track your conversions data is very limited

We do not get any google analytics type of value

No idea where our traffic is coming from (keywords) VERY limited data!

It’s hard to bump order size and qty.

We do a try to bump up the orders with coupon stacking and with lines on our listings such as “so consider ordering two or more.” It is challenging on Amazon to upsell.

1 out of every 20 customers would buy more than 1 – which is not a great. We would like to increase that order size for every single visitor, upsell at least half of them. Also, on Amazon, we are not able to use video in our listings, which would be huge!

How do you build flow to make that happen when we are so limited? Even competitors listings show up on ours. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 4: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

When Amazon is your sole platform, your business and your sales are dependent on Amazon.

Customer (seller central) support is terrible.

Check this out… on August 4th – one of our listings, with 4000 pieces in stock got blocked. They didn’t give us warning, or even a courtesy email. After going back and forth with Seller Central support they wanted us to remove some words from our title. EVEN though every single seller on page 1 had the exact same wording, so we did. And finally we were able to get the listing back up. But think of all the sales we missed in the 48 hours we were down.

Pricing is driven down over time (for examples think Garcinia or silicone baking mats

We have complete lack of control Amazon has/owns everything.

If Amazon wanted too, and without warning, they could double their fees. We would keep paying them. It would hurt … but we would pay it. They have done it before, it was called “project Gazelle”. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 5: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

Naturally – we put up with this but day in and day out – some of these may start to bother you as you start to sell more.

Disconnect From CustomersAmazons Communication Guidelines

“In general, you may contact a buyer who has purchased from you on only to complete an order or to respond to a customer service inquiry. You may not contact buyers in any way for marketing or promotional purposes, via email, physical mail, telephone or otherwise.

If you send a permitted email to a buyer, your email may not include any of the following:

Links to any website

Logos, if they contain or display a link to your website

Any marketing or promo messaging

Any promotion for additional products or referral to third party products or promotions”

There are packaging limitations: – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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You can not even split test

Copycat marketers (they may steal your copy, your images, your title or bullets)

Hundred Dollar Bills Even Have Wrinkles…. Even if you make a million dollars, you gotta pay about 40% to taxes. It’s not like everything doesn’t have limitations. It is just reality.

When you deal with limitations for long periods of time, there are always certain challenges. You get sick of them, you want to find a solution for them , or maybe you want to avoaid them all together. So you start to think about some other options

Enter Shopify Platform.


Shopify is a very specific type of content management system that is specifically related to selling ecommerce products. They are the number 1 seller and they just went public this year and their stock is going through the roof! – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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It just so happens we have an inside connections on all levels.. from the ground all the way up to the topwithin Shopify!

Why else choose shopify?It is SO easy to use. Earlier this month live on a webinar Jason showed, with a recorded video, exactly how he set up the Shopify store from scratch and he did it in 1 minute and 7 seconds.

If you are interested in trying out the Shopify platform, you can get an extended (45 days) free trial offer and 20% off select plans with this link:

One of the BIGGEST reasons we decided to go with Shopify, is that it connects directly with Amazon for fulfilment of the sales.

To set your account up with shipping directly from Amazon all you need to do is click on “Activate”.

It will then take you over to Seller Central, where you can put in your email and password. Then it pops up the Amazon MWS terms and conditions, you accept those and press next. Then it lets you know you are almost done, press continue. Then you are done. You will see this message pop up: – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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It’s THAT simple to get started! Now any time a buyer buys in your Shopify store, Amazon just directly fulfills the order!

Always-On ShoppingPeople are shopping 24/7 these days. It is no longer a store closes at 10 pm world. You can shop anytime any place as long as you have access to the internet.

Facebook has even jumped in on the band wagon. Since customers are always buying stuff, Facebook decided that they want to keep the buyers inside of Facebook so they have integrated to be able to accept payments right there inside of Facebook. Well guess who is integrated with Facebook? Shopify!

Shopify has an exclusive on this.

Of course, where Facebook goes – Twitter goes. And where Twitter goes, Pinterest goes. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Now accounting for 50.4% of ALL ecommerce traffic.

Most Importantly – the virtuoso feedback loop.

Do the work once, get twice the output with the same amount of work! Why does this work?

LEVERAGE! That is why this works. Do you have a brand? A logo? A color scheme? Then with our theme custom created for your theme for your success.. You can do something like this: – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Inside of theme options for branding, you can hand pick your theme colors, upload your logo and your basic store is set up. By the way, this isn’t just to look nice. We do things to increase sales and to make money. Just by changing the main primary color, you have already activated what we call “The Isolation Effect”, a known psychological trick to increase sales without buyers even realizing that it is working on them.

For example, here is one of Ezra’s stores, Boom, By Cindy Joseph:

Just the pink color was changed and it updated the text, add to cart button, the video player button, etc. You change that main color in one place and it automatically updates the entire theme for you. Everything matches and is fluent throughout the visitors time on your site. This is the power of LEVERAGE my friends!

Another example: – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 11: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

Add your product to your Shopify account.

It’s simple, let’s walk through it!

Under the “products” tab click on “Add a New Product”. You can take the exact title from Amazon and put it in the title field or you can take some of the keywords out and make it more pleasing visually, and then just enter it in the title field. Do the same with the description, images, etc. Just drag and drop the info right from your Amazon listing.

Pricing in your Shopify account can be the same or higher than what you are selling on Amazon for.

Make sure you click on Amazon Marketplace Web for Fulfillment service. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 12: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

ReviewsIf you already have reviews on your Amazon product you can leverage them inside your Shopify store.

Do you have a domain? You can leverage that inside of your Shopify. You can change your store name on Shopify from to very easily and Shopify has the tutorials to make it painless for you to do it.

Overcoming ChallengesSetting up your own site – off of will bring you some challenges.

Just to name a few:

Pages must be mobile friendly

Overcoming customer distrust

Creating all kinds of web pages

Getting traffic to your site.

How do you overcome all of those? Painlessly?! YES! – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 13: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

What you lack in credibility you make up with optimization.

Optimize your home page.About 50% of your traffic will land on your home page. No matter how they reached the site originally. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Step 1. 1. Change your main color

2. Add your logo

3. Add your phone number (not required and if you want it can go to a recorded message)

4. Create an offer header add an “Add To Cart” onsite

5. Add search option

6. Dynamic coupon easy as checking a box and fill in your offer

7. Join the _____ club (email list)

8. Banner section and tag line

Now all that is ABOVE the fold on your website, lets look below the scroll:

1. We add images. If you only have one product you can do collages like the image below. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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2. Add to cart button is always at the bottom of the page. (Its everywhere)

Any user on your website is 1 click away from accessing their shopping cart since the Buy Button is easily locatable no matter where they are on your site. If you have more than one product you can show most popular items’

3. Next we add a giveaway or contest

4. Videos – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Why buy from us?

HELLO! Welcome to _______.

5. Testimonials

6. Footer – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 17: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

How easy is it to do all that with the proven profitable theme? It’s as easy as checking a box. These are all fill in the blank options with the customized theme options.

The entire goal of your home page is to take your visitors to your products.

If you have multiple products you want to take the visitors from the home page to the collection page. Ifyou have a single product you will go from the home page to the product page. From the collection page they can decide which product(s) that they want to buy. It’s important that you understand the psychology behind this page. This page is automatically created for you. The reason we lay this out like we do is on purpose.

Check This Out: HeatmapEzra has spent a lot of time and money to test these layouts thoroughly. To pin point exactly what works and what doesn’t work. In the image below you can see where the red is – this is where the visitors’ mouse most often is. The visitors’ didn’t know where to go. These could be buyers were confused. And confused buyers do not purchase. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 18: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

Here is how the heat map looks with this customized theme option. The pages that you use with this theme are already optimized for content to force the visitors to put their mouse where you want them to, which in this case is the video. If you don’t have a video it will be the detail page for your product or the add to cart button, or possibly the header.

Now, the collection page will then take them to the product page. Here is an example of what the product page will look like. Again, all of this copy for the product page – you will pull right out of Amazon. It just takes minutes to set up each product. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

Page 19: How To Double, Triple, or EVEN Quadruple Your Amazon… · 1. Why you most likely ACT against your own best interests

With a check box you can also open this up:

Instead of other peoples products showing up at the bottom of your listing, like on Amazon, you can link to your very own products. Next, you will want to bring in the footer. People are use to having lots of content – and being on their mobile devices or Faceook with the constant scrolling down, so at this pointin time, we do not mind going below the fold on our pages. We add the “You may also like. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Once the buyer picks out their products they will head on over to the check out. And as you can see from the image below, the color scheme and logo and the whole header area in its entirety follows themand stays the same all the way until they are done paying. The color choice of your choosing for your store is flowing throughout the site. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Get on the phone and CALL your last 20 customers. Seriously.

Ask them these 3 questions: – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Do not, I repeat, DO NOT try to sell them anything. Just listen to their feedback.

This is a very simple process, and a very effective technique. The feedback that we have received in doing this has helped us tremendously on our store, as well as on Amazon with our other listings. In onecase, one of the people we talked to had a suggestion of another product that they thought we should sell. And we sell it on Amazon. So we brought it into the store as well. Don’t leave money on the table!

Now, I know this may be out of your comfort zone, I always joke that it is too painful to make an extra 6 figures.

On the thank you page put a short video onto the page with a link to take a survey.

This is why Amazon is so appealing! – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Jason and Ezra have made it super simple to do all this work.

Still the problem of traffic is not solved.

Would you like to know the traffic source that accounts for the majority of the traffic that comes? – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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We have tested this theme out. In many niches. The figures above are lots of different niches. We always use the same theme, with the same options and the same traffic source. The only thing different is what the store itself is selling. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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So what are we using? The main source for ALL our traffic is…

Here are some examples of the different types of stores we tested this theme on. Coffee, a chair, dog toys, Beauty Products, etc. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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All of these converted using Google Adwords and the One Stop Shop theme.

Google rakes in 33% of ALL online Ad revenues this year. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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A Tale of 2 adwordsSearch

Search is this: - - - - - - - - - - - >

We do NOT want to do search.

Google Adwords Display Network.Text ads perform better than image.

Login to adwords > select display network only > Click on Buy on your website.

Start with $5 a day.

Set your daily budge

Next be sure to click on “Affinity Audience” – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Any website or web page related to these keywords: – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Who knows… We have no data! Amazon doesn’t supply that to us.

We measure indirectly -but we are in a state of uncertainty. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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The secret sauce:The best approach?

You need the Place

You need the Theme

You need the Traffic

MAGIC Happens. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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You don’t take the visitors directly to your product listing you take them to an article. An article between400 and 600 words. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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Google Adwords traffic takes care of the rest

Are you ready to get started? – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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What was Ezras investment in time and resources? Over the span of 7 years.. programers, designers, engineres etc to perfect this theme? Split testing, finalizing, digital media advertising costs? Development and optimization world class support – Just how much DID that cost? Well over $1.5 million dollars. – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST

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We even paid $12,000, for our staff to be sent to NYC to meet with Ezra and set up our store.

For you today on this “first time offer to the public” launch the special the price is $3995 – Offer Closes TONIGHT at 11:59 PM PST