How Openstack is Built

How Openstack is Built Ant(on) Weiss - Otomato 1

Transcript of How Openstack is Built

Page 1: How Openstack is Built

How Openstack is Built

Ant(on) Weiss - Otomato


Page 2: How Openstack is Built

How Big is OpenStack?

265,850 commits

5,744 developers

54 project teams

585 git repos


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OpenStack CI System


• Developed and managed by the OpenStack Infra team

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Ansible+Puppet - two invisible hands.

■ All configuration of CI infra nodes is managed by Puppet manifests ■ The ‘Puppetmaster’ is actually an Ansible control machine■ Puppetmaster holds playbook + hiera data■ Ansible playbooks trigger ‘puppet apply’ on the nodes



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Git - the mighty archivist

■ the most widely used distributed open-source VCS

■ Served by ‘cgit’■ Changes submitted with the help

of ‘git-review’ tool


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Gerrit – the gatekeeper

■ Originally developed by Shawn Pearce at Google for Android development.

■ Manages git repositories■ Provides code review and

approval rules■ Collaborates with human and non-

human gatekeepers


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Zuul – the dispatcher

■ Written by James E. Blair■ Defines and enforces the gating

process■ Listens to Gerrit events■ Manages the queue and

dependencies■ Dispatches the verification

process to Jenkins (through Gearman)


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Zuul – the beautiful dispatcher

■ Written by James E. Blair■ Defines and enforces the gating

process■ Listens to Gerrit events■ Manages the queue and

dependencies■ Dispatches the verification

process to Jenkins (through Gearman)


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Gearman - the outsourcer■ a framework to farm out work to

other machines or processes


■ sends jobs to Jenkins through jenkins gearman plugin (by Khai Do & James E. Blair)

■ manages the job queues

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Jenkins - the butler :)

■ Continuous Integration Server■ Executes testing jobs, records executions results■ Jobs performed on slaves■ “Our jenkins servers, at peak load, runs 20,000+ jobs

per day. At that load we require many jenkins slaves (900+)…” (From Jenkins Gearman plugin page)

■ Jobs created and managed by Jenkins Job Builder■ devstack slaves provisioned by Nodepool


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Jenkins Job Builder■ Configures Jenkins jobs using YAML files stored in git■ Defaults, macros and job configs

- job: name: example-docs node: node-label

triggers: - zuul

builders: - git-prep - docs

publishers: - scp: site: 'scp-server' files: - target: 'dir/ectory' source: 'build/html/foo' keep-hierarchy: true - console-log 11

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Nodepool - the provisioner

■ Manages a pool of Devstack images to use in project testing.■ Provisions nodes on HP and Rackspace clouds. (using novaclient)■ Makes sure there are always available nodes for each provider type.■ Listens to events from Jenkins ZeroMQ publisher plugin. (by C.Boylan)■ Tears down old instances when tests are completed.


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DevStack Gate■ The integration test that verifies that all projects still work together after the

changes■ Provides a full OpenStack installation on a single machine with Devstack■ Installs Devstack and runs Tempest (the OpenStack integration test suite)


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■ All jenkins job logs are indexed and stored by Logstash

■ Logs pushing also handled by Gearman jobs


■ Elastic Search helps analyze the test results

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Wrap Up

■ Git■ Gerrit■ Zuul■ Gearman■ Jenkins Job Builder■ Jenkins■ Devstack■ Nodepool■ Logstash


Only 9 out of 32 projects/tools managed by the Openstack InfraTeam

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Some References:

■ Scaling the OpenStack Test Environment -■ Zuul: a Pipelining Trunk Gating System -■ Multiple Jenkins Masters with Jenkins Gearman Plugin - http://■ Understanding the OpenStack CI System -

understanding-the-openstack-ci-system/■ cgit -