How much are you motivated and why?

How much are you motivated and why? 1 Options Trading

Transcript of How much are you motivated and why?

Page 1: How much are you motivated and why?


How much are you motivated and why?

Options Trading

Page 2: How much are you motivated and why?


You need a strategy!

Before you start anything in life, you have to be motivated. The same applies to stock exchange too. It is very important to have clear aims regarding what you want to achieve. You need a strategy!

What does a good strategy contain?

Where are you now?

Where do you want to be?


Page 3: How much are you motivated and why?


I want to earn a lot of money

These three elements must always be included in your strategy.

It is not enough to set the goal "I want to earn a lot of money." Do you know why?

If you do not clearly define your aims well in advance, the "I want to earn a lot of money" attitude will not bring the long-awaited results, as "a lot of money" can be 5000, 50,000, 500,000 - it is different for each of us.

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Why we do things?

The other very important question regarding motivation is to see why we do things.I have heard very, very professional objective setting methods time and again, but none of them detail the "why" question.

It is not enough to know that you want to earn a lot of money, you should know, why you want a lot of money ...If you do not have a specific purpose for earning money, you have no exact idea of what you want to do with the money you earn on the stock market, you will not be able to earn money.

Page 5: How much are you motivated and why?


Ask yourself!

If you do not know the reason and you do not know the purpose, you have no chance. Now that you know your "why" - not just your "how" – you are far more prepared. Why is a very important question, and it must be part of your strategy. Before you begin to "earn a lot of money" on the stock market, stop for a moment and ask yourself the following questions:

What do I want to achieve?

Where am I now?

How do I want to get there?

Within what time frame would I like to achieve it?

All that for what purpose?

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Ask yourself!

If you do not get the answers from yourself at first, no problem. You do not have to hurry, the point is that you have to be aware of your expectations yourself. Without this, you'd be like a GPS, that knows only where it's going, but has no idea where it started from, it will never be able to get there, because it will not be able to choose the right and the shortest route.

The two first and most important questions that you need to clarify in every life situation are:




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Ask yourself!

If you can give clear and understandable answers to these two questions, you can then ask the second two key questions:


WHEN?If you know the reason and the purpose, that is, the "What?" and "Why?" questions are clear, you can deal with the "How?" question. The "How?" is always secondary, "When?" also.You know, usually those who face the biggest losses, are those who jump immediately into the "How?" and "When?" questions. Without purpose and reason, they will not be able to find the corresponding, viable responses.

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You will find your way

It is possible that in your case, “not the stock market” will be the answer to the "How?" question, but you will find your way at least. I can help you in supporting your progress, if your answers to the "How?" questions are the stock market, shares and options.