How Formats are Changing - Jeroen Verkroost Crossmedia Cafe 06-11-2012

How formats are changing Jeroen Verkroost, Microsoft Advertising


Presentatie Jeroen Verkroost, Country Manager Microsoft Advertising & Online

Transcript of How Formats are Changing - Jeroen Verkroost Crossmedia Cafe 06-11-2012

  • 1. MSN & Messenger: editorial content AdvertorialsBrandedContentMobile

2. Unilever Dove DeoUnilever - Axe Dry ING Villa Pecunia & MSA 3. MSN.NL97.010 AD.NL NU.NL Likes 78.368 2.940Likes 50.659Likes Talking about1.394 Talking1.843 about Talkingabout312Top 100 Nederlandse Facebook sites 1 nov. 2012, onderdeelOnline Media Sites op Facebook. 4. Nieuwe technologien brengen verandering 5. And areGettingBigger 6. Advertising innovaties in Apps op verschillendeschermen 7. NUads: Transforming the 30 second TV ad 8. Smartglass Xbox SmartGlass With Xbox SmartGlass, you can use a phone or tablet to enhance your games and entertainment experience on Xbox 360. 9. Social Engagement 10. People will forget what you said,people will forget what you did,but people will never forget how you made them feel.Maya Angelou 11. THANK YOU