HortFlora Research Spectyrum, Vol. 3 (4); Dec. 2014 ABSTRACTS


Transcript of HortFlora Research Spectyrum, Vol. 3 (4); Dec. 2014 ABSTRACTS

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Journal's International Impact
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Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 27.39 (Poland); Global Impact Factor (GIF): 0.364
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Volume 3(4) : December 2014

















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Date of Publication : 25-12-2014www.hortflorajournal.com

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1. An Over view on Ex ploi ta tion of Male Ste ril ity for De vel op ment of Hybrids and Seed Production

in Hot Pep per

P. R. Kumar*, S. K. Lal1, Shiv K. Yadav2, P. L. Sa ran and I. S. Solanki

In dian Ag ri cul tural Re search In sti tute, Re gional Sta tion, Pusa, Bihar- 848 1251&2Di vi sion of Seed Sci ence and Tech nol ogy, IARI, New Delhi -110 012

*E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT : Male-sterility in chilli was documented for the first time in the 1950’s. Since then, considerableknowledge has been accumulated on the nature of the trait, the means of its identification, induction,inheritance of both genetic and cytoplasmic genetic male-sterility, maintenance of inbreds, and their potentialfor breeding hybrid cultivars. Heterosis for various economic traits like; maturity, fruit weight, size, number andtotal yield have been utilized. Today, several internationally known seed companies and research institute usethe genetic mechanism [msms] on a large scale for producing hybrids of sweet pepper, whereas thecytoplasmic genetic sterility [(S) Rf rf] is used mainly for breeding pungent hybrids. The possibilities ofexploitation of male sterility for crop improvement as well as production of F1 hybrids have been reviewed anddiscussed in the present paper. Biochemical as well as biotechnological aspects of this phenomenon has alsobeen vividly reviewed.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 301-309 (De cem ber 2014)

2. Intercropping for Ef fi cient Rre source Utilization in In dian Ag ri cul ture : A Re view

P. S. Kashyap1*, Alka Verma2 and Stefan Siebert3

1De part ment of Soil & Wa ter Con ser va tion En gi neer ing, GBPUAT, Pantnagar -263 145

2Departmet of Veg e ta ble Sci ence, GBPUAT, Pantnagar -263 1453In sti tute of Crop Sci ence and Re source Con ser va tion, Bonn, Ger many

*E-mail: pskashyap@ya hoo.com

AB STRACT : In In dia, ag ri cul ture is driven by small and mar ginal farm ers mostly and hence ef fec tive landuti li za tion is an only way to get more har vest and si mul ta neously tar get ing im por tant up com ing en vi ron men talprob lems, in clud ing re duced soil fer til ity and re duced biodiversity. Intercropping of two or more crops is an ageold prac tice in In dia es pe cially un der rainfed con di tions. The most com mon ad van tage of intercropping is topro duce a greater yield on a given piece of land by achiev ing more ef fi cient use of the avail able growthre sources that would oth er wise not be uti lized by each sin gle crop grown alone. Ce re als, oil seeds, le gumes,cash crops like sug ar cane and hor ti cul tural crops; all can be ef fi ciently used in intercropping for tak ingad van tage of eco log i cal bal ance, more uti li za tion of re sources, in creas ing the quan tity and qual ity of har vestand re duc ing dam age by pests, dis eases and weeds si mul ta neously.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 310-314 (De cem ber 2014)

3. De vel op ment of Ready-to-Fry Frozen Po tato Snack and Its Qual ity Eval u a tion Dur ing Stor ageSukhpreet Kaur* and Poonam AggarwalDe part ment of Food Sci ence and Tech nol ogy, Punjab Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Ludhiana-141 004, Punjab, *E mail: [email protected]

AB STRACT : A sim ple tech nique for the prep a ra tion of ready-to-eat frozen po tato snack was de vel oped whichdo not re quire any costly ma chin ery. Snacks were pre pared us ing stan dard ized for mu la tion with 100 g mashed po tato and 30 g boiled mashed peas. The pre pared snacks were par-fried, packed in LDPE and stored un derfrozen (-20±2oC) stor age for three months to study the shelf life and qual ity at trib utes of the prod uct. All thenu tri tional pa ram e ters re mained un af fected dur ing stor age upto three months within the cultivars stud iedSnacks pre pared from ‘K.Pukhraj’ showed the high est to tal an ti ox i dant ac tiv ity. Snacks pre pared from‘K.Chipsona-1’ had lower oil up take than from ‘K.Pukhraj’. Ran cid ity pa ram e ters in terms of free fatty ac ids and per ox ide value re mained un af fected dur ing the en tire frozen stor age pe riod. The de vel oped prod uct from allthe three cultivars were found to be highly ac cept able for up to 3 months of stor age with out any change insensory quality.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 315-322 (De cem ber 2014)



HortFlora Research Spectrum, 3(4) : (December 2014) ISSN : 2250-2823

Journal’s International Impact : Index Copernicus Value (ICV) : 27.39; Global Impact Factor (GIF) : 0.364

4. Ef fect of Plant ing Dis tance on Growth and Frond Pro duc tion in Boston Fern [Nephrolepis

exaltata (L.) Schott]

Parminder Singh and R.K. Dubey

De part ment of Flori cul ture and Land scap ing, Punjab Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Ludhiana 141 004, Punjab.

*E-mail:[email protected]

ABSTRACT : Studies were conducted to optimize planting distance for frond production in Boston fern[Nephrolepis exaltata (L.) Schott]. The suckers were planted at a spacing of 30 x 30 cm, 30 x 45 cm, 45 x 45cm, 45 x 60 cm and 60 x 60 cm, in the month of March, 2012 under net house conditions which provided 50 per cent shading. Planting density had significant effect on plant spread, frond length, mean lamina length and leafarea. Increase in planting density (30 x 30 cm) led to increase in frond production per unit area but with regardto the production per plant, it was at par in all the spacings where row to row distance was 45 cm i.e. 45 x 30cm, 45 x 45 cm and 45 x 60 cm. Number of fronds per plant increased as the plants were widely spaced,highest being recorded at 60 x 60 cm. The fronds produced from wider spaced plants were of superior qualityin terms of length and strength of the stem. Quality parameters, viz. length of longest frond as well as freshand dry weights of fronds was observed to be higher with closer spacing. Frond production per plot and yieldper hectare exhibited significant increase with decreasing plant spacing. Planting density did not affectlongevity of the fronds. Considering the yield of fronds per hectare, cost of production and net return, 30 x 45cm spacing is recommended for the cultivation of Boston fern.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 323-328 (De cem ber 2014)

5. Im pact of Seasonal Vari a tion Flux on Growth, Leaf Phenology and Fruit De vel op ment in

Nagpur Man da rin of Jhalawar District

Prerak Bhatnagar*, Jitendra Singh and C.B.Meena

Col lege of Hor ti cul ture and For estry, Ag ri cul ture Uni ver sity Kota Cam pus Jhalarapatan, Jhalawar-326 023, Rajasthan, In dia.

*E mail: prerakb_22@ya hoo.co.in

AB STRACT : It may be in ferred that dur ing early bear ing phase of Nagpur man da rin, the ma jor con tri bu tion ofveg e ta tive growth was from spring and rainy sea son flushes. In the early bear ing phase of Nagpur man da rin,the ex tent of sea sonal veg e ta tive growth was max i mum in spring flush (45.03%) fol lowed by rainy sea son flush (42.02%), how ever, the win ter fall flush com prised only scanty flush of the an nual veg e ta tive growth to the tune of 10.75% only. Like wise, spring flush leaves ex hib ited the min i mal val ues of leaf scle rophyl ly i.e. leaf freshweight and dry weight, den sity of fo liar tis sue and leaf suc cu lence with re spect to rainy and win ter sea sonflushes in fer ring that growth dur ing spring sea son is uti lized as a sink for de vel op ing fruits. About 72 per cent of the fruit ra dius was found con trib uted by peel thick ness in I phase of fruit growth. Dur ing phase II, fruit growthwas found de pend ent upon in crease in pulp tis sue thick ness con trib ut ing about 81 per cent of the to tal fruitweight. Fi nally, dur ing III phase of ma tu rity and rip en ing there was com par a tively de creased rate of in crease infruit weight and size and lit tle bit in creased rate of dry weight, rind thickness and reduction in moisturepercentage.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 329-333 (De cem ber 2014)

6. Growth and Yield of Kharif On ion (Allium cepa L.) as In flu enced by Dates of Plant ing and

Cultivars in Red and Laterite Zone of West Ben gal

Smaranika Mohanta* and Joydip Mandal

De part ment of Crop Im prove ment Hor ti cul ture and Ag ri cul tural Bot any,

In sti tute of Ag ri cul ture, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan - 731236 (West Ben gal), In dia

*E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

AB STRACT : An ex per i ment was con ducted at Hor ti cul ture Farm of In sti tute of Ag ri cul ture, Visva-Bharati,Sriniketan (West Ben gal) to find out the op ti mum plant ing dates and cultivars of on ion suit able for kharifsea son in this re gion. The treat ments con sisted of four dates of plant ing (15th and 30th Au gust and 15th and 30th

Sep tem ber) and five cultivars (Agrifound Dark Red, Arka Kalyan, Arka Niketan, Indam Mar shal and RedStone). The ex per i ment was laid out in fac to rial ran dom ized block de sign with three rep li ca tions. There was asig nif i cant in crease in growth of plants and size of bulbs when plant ing de layed from Au gust to Sep tem ber. The over all per for mance of kharif on ion in red and laterite belt of West Ben gal was highly sat is fac tory with av er age

bulb yield 171.1q/ha. Data re vealed that the cultivar Agrifound Dark Red when planted on 30th Sep tem ber gave superior result in almost all yield parameters and yield.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 334-338 (De cem ber 2014)

7. Ef fect of Plant Spac ing and Nitrogen Lev els on Quan tity and Quality Char ac ter is tics of Asi atic

Lily (Lilium spp.)

R. S. Vedavathi, B. Manjunatha, M.G. Basavanagowda, K.S. Thippanna and Ravishankar M. Patil*

KRC Col lege of Hor ti cul ture, Arabhavi 591 218, TQ., Gokak, Karnataka, In dia

*E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: A field experiment was carried out as a Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3replications at UHSB, COH, Mudigere. Different plant spacing (30x15 cm, 30x30 cm, 40x15 cm) was the first factor andthe second factor was the different levels of nitrogen (0, 100, 150 and 200 Kg/ha). The spacing between plants of 30x15cm and 200 kg per ha of N had a significant effect on quantity and quality characteristics of Asiatic lily. Data showedthat the plant spacing of 30x15 cm with nitrogen application of 200 Kg per ha obtained the maximum qualitative and quantitative characteristics of flowers.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 339-343 (De cem ber 2014)

8. Op ti mi za tion of Fertigation Sched ule for Cut Chry san the mum (Dendranthema grandiflora


S. Ganesh*, M. Kannan and M. Jawaharlal

De part ment of Flori cul ture & Land scap ing, Tamil Nadu Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Coimbatore – 641 003, Tamil Nadu, In dia.

*E-mail: [email protected]

AB STRACT : A green house study was con ducted in 2013 to op ti mize the fertigation sched ule for cutchry san the mum var. Amalfi. The ex per i ment was laid out in a ran dom ized block de sign (RBD) con sist ing ofnine treat ments with three rep li ca tions which in cluded fer til izer lev els at 75, 100, 125 and 150 per cent ofrec om mended dose of fer til iz ers along with fo liar spray of 0.2 per cent EDTA chelated micronutrient mix ture toeach of the fer til izer lev els. The re sults re vealed that 75% rec om mended dose of fer til iz ers @ 12:3:12 gNPK/m2 along with 0.2 % EDTA micronutrient mix ture as fo liar spray sig nif i cantly en hanced the growth,phys i ol ogy and yield pa ram e ters. Also in creased rec om mended dose of fer til iz ers i.e., 100 % per centim proved the to tal leaf area per plant, sol u ble pro tein con tent, flower di am e ter, flower stalk length and girth.Though cer tain flow er ing pa ram e ters were re corded high in 100 % RDF, Yield con trib ut ing pa ram e ters likeplant height, root length and fresh weight, to tal chlo ro phyll con tents, ear li ness in flow er ing, yield/m2 and vaselife showed su pe ri or ity in 75 % RDF along with fo liar spray of 0.2 per cent EDTA chelated micronutrientmixture.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 344-348 (De cem ber 2014)

9. Ef fect of Post-Har vest Ap pli ca tion of Diphenylamine on Stor age Life and Qual ity oF Punjab

Beauty Pear

Sumanjit Kaur * and W. S. Dhillon

Fruit Re search Sta tion, Gangian (Dasuya), Punjab Hor ti cul ture Post Har vest Tech nol ogy Cen tre, PAU Ludhiana

*E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: The study was conducted to assess the effect of antioxidant on post-harvest quality of pear fruitscv. Punjab Beauty with treatments of DPA (500, 1000 and 1500 ppm) during storage. After treatment the fruitswere packed in corrugated fibre board (CFB) cartons and then stored in cold storage at 1-3oC temperature with 90-95% RH for 45, 60 and 75 days. The observations revealed that pear fruits treated with higherconcentration of DPA i.e. 1500 ppm recorded lowest physiological loss in weight, spoilage losses, corebrowning and fruit colour degradation. Same concentration of diphenylamine (DPA) maintained higher fruitfirmness, TSS, reducing sugars and acidity throughout storage period. With the prolongation of storage periodphysiological loss in weight (PLW%), spoilage percentage, core browning, fruit colour degradation, totalsoluble solids and reducing sugars followed an upward and acidity showed downward trend. Diphenylamine

treated fruits could be cold stored for 75 days in CFB cartons with lowest weight loss, spoilage and better fruitquality. Fruits under control showed higher spoilage and shriveling due to loss of weight and firmness.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 349-352 (De cem ber 2014)

10. Ef fect of Pre-Har vest spray of MH and Stor age Con di tions on Qual ity of Bulbs of Spider

Lily (Hymenocallis littoralis L.) cv. Lo cal

Nilima Bhosale1 and A.V. Barad2 1 De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, Col lege of Ag ri cul ture, Baramati (Pune), Maharastra2.Col lege of Ag ri cul ture, Junagadh Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Junagadh (Gujarat)

*E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

AB STRACT : The pres ent ex per i ment on stor age of bulbs of spi der lily (Hymenocallis littoralis L.) cv. Lo cal wascar ried out at De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, Col lege of Ag ri cul ture, Junagadh Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Junagadhdur ing 2011-2012. The ex per i ment con sisted of six lev els of pre-har vest MH spray with four lev els of stor agecon di tions and it was laid out in Fac to rial Com pletely Ran dom ized De sign (FCRD) de sign with threerep li ca tions. Pre har vest spray of MH 3000 ppm was found to be more ef fec tive for re duc ing weight of bulbs,size of bulbs, phys i o log i cal loss of weight, sprout ing of bulbs and spoil age of spi der lily bulb. Sim i larly,bio chem i cal pa ram e ters like TSS, to tal sug ars, re duc ing sugar and non re duc ing sugar were also found betterin MH 3000 ppm for stor age of bulbs. Dur ing stor age the bulbs should be kept in plas tic car ets at an am bi ent

tem per a ture hav ing good circulation of air in the store room.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 353-356 (De cem ber 2014)

11. Ir ri ga tion and Mulch ing Ef fects on Lemon Peel Prop er ties

Savreet Khehra*

Punjab Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, FASS, Amritsar-143001, Punjab, In dia.*E-mail: [email protected]

AB STRACT : The peel is a nat u ral pack age that pro tects the flesh from in sect and mi cro bial in va sion and lim itswa ter loss and gas ex change. Mar ket ing of lemon de pends on the peel qual ity, thus, for the peel to be comemar ket able, it must form and de velop with few de fects and be re sil ient enough to main tain its in teg rity on thetree and dur ing postharvest stor age. Moisture reg u la tion is of ut most im por tance to get aimed fruit qual ity inlemon. As lemon is chal lenged with se ri ous prob lem of fruit crack ing which is di rectly re lated with peelpa ram e ters so timely sched ul ing of ir ri ga tion and mois ture con ser va tion needs to be em pha sized on pri or ity. To study the im pact of mois ture reg u la tion, an ex per i ment was laid out in Ran dom ized Block De sign com pris ing of six ir ri ga tion treat ments with and with out mulch ing at “Punjab Gov ern ment Prog eny Or chard & Nurs ery, Attari,Amritsar” dur ing the fruit ing years 2005 and 2006. Use of black poly thene as mulch in com bi na tion withfrequent irrigation after 3 days influenced the peel parameters the most.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 357-360 (De cem ber 2014)

12. In te grated Dis ease Man age ment for Late Blight and Bac te rial Wilt in Po tato at Dif fer ent Lo ca -

tions of Arunachal Pradesh

K. M. Singh, R. C. Shakywar* and M. M. Kumawat

De part ment of Plant Pro tec tion, Col lege of Hor ti cul ture and For estry, Cen tral Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Pasighat -791102, Arunachal Pradesh*E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT : The demonstration programme of bio-control based IPM in potato was carried out at threelocations of East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. Potato variety Kufri Pukhraj was used. The crops wereplanted at 4th, 10th and 15th November in the Farmer’s practice, untreated control plot and IPM practice, atJhampani. At Oyan, the crop was planted on 31st October in the Farmer’s practice, 5th November in bothuntreated control plot and IPM practice and at Sille the crop was planted on 19th, 20th and 20th October in theIPM practice, Farmer’s practice and untreated control plot, respectively. The crop was harvested at 90 daysafter planting. However, at 50 DAP, no significant difference was observed between the three treatments atJhampani and between farmer’s practice (4.00%) and control (10.00%) at Sille. Farmer’s practice fieldrecorded significantly lower incidence of late blight than the other two treatments in all the three locations atboth 50 and 60 DAP. Highest incidence of the disease (70.07 per cent leaf area damage) was observed inuntreated control (Sille) at 60 DAT. IPM practice recorded 20.60, 15.87 and 44.67 per cent leaf area damage at

60 DAP at Jhampani, Oyan and Sille and were significantly lower than the untreated control in their respectivelocations. The outcome compared with all the locations, Oyan was found better and also significantly superiorover rest of the location against bacterial wilt incidence of potato.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 361-364 (De cem ber 2014)

13. Ef fect of Ni tro gen Sources and Phos pho rus on Bulbs and Bulblets Pro duc tion of Tuberose cv.

Dou ble

A.P.S. Gangwar*, J.P. Singh and I.P. Yadav

De part ment of Hor ti cul ture,C.S.Azad Uni ver sity of Agri. & Tech nol ogy, Kanpur-208 002

*E mail:[email protected]; [email protected]

AB STRACT : An ex per i ment was laid dur ing two con sec u tive years in Hor ti cul ture gar den of CSAUA&T,Kanpur.There were three ni trog e nous sources viz. urea am mo nium sul phate and cal cium am mo niumni trate,four lev els of ni tro gen viz 0,50,100 and 150 kg/ha, and four lev els of phosphrus viz 0,100,200 and 300kg/ha thus con sist ing to tal num ber of forty treat ments rep li cated thrice in Fac to rial Ran dom ized Block De sign.Cal cium am mo nium ni trate treat ments re vealed greater har vest of bulbs/clump both by num ber (9.43, 8.97)and weight (229.90, 235.0g) and bulblets/clump (10.56,10.80 and 115.78,123.14g) in first and sec ond year,re spec tively. Ni tro gen @100kg/ha pro duced high est bulblets per clump (10.50 and 11.09) dur ing both theyears of in ves ti ga tion. This trend was same re gard ing the weight which re vealed 106.60 and 115.91 gre spec tively. The weight of bulbs and bulblets greatly in flu enced by ap pli ca tion of phos pho rus at the rate of 200 kg/hect are It also in duced max i mum num ber and weight of bulblets (10.44,10.81 and 104.74,113.47 g) dur ingboth the years The high est dose of phos pho rus 300 kg/ha re duced the num ber and weight of bulblets(10.19,10.29 and 93.75,105.60 g) during both the years of investigation.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 365-368 (De cem ber 2014)

14. Ef fect of Mod i fied At mo sphere on Bio-chem i cal Pa ram e ters and Shelf Life of Guava (Psidium

guajava L.) cv. Hisar Safeda and L-49

Chetak Bishnoi 1* , R.K. Sharma 1 and S. Siddiqui 2

1De part ment of Hor ti cul ture. 2Dept. of Food Sci ence & Tech nol ogy

CCS Haryana Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Hisar 1250-04, Haryana, In dia

*E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: An experiment was conducted to study the effect of different durations of modified atmosphere onbio-chemical parameters and shelf life of guava under ambient conditions. Fruits were packed in perforatedpolyethylene bags (LDPE) of thickness 300 gauge and then stored at 8ºC in BOD incubator for the periods 1,2, 3 and 4 days. After respective durations of storage under MA at 8ºC, fruits were removed from MA andpacked in CFB and stored at ambient temperature. Fruits were sampled at every day for various bio-chemicalpigments of guava. Among different durations of MA storage, the maximum total sugars and reducing sugarswas recorded in the fruits stored for 0, 1 and 2 days and minimum in the fruits stored in MA for 4 days. The fruits stored in MA for different durations maintained high phenol contents and recorded maximum phenol in the fruitstored in MA for 4 days and minimum in control fruits. Higher retention of chlorophyll was recorded in the fruitsstored in MA for 4 days while lesser carotenoids were recorded in fruit stored in MA for 4 days. Carotenoidscontent increased and chlorophyll content decreased with the increase in storage period in both the cvs Hisar

Safeda and L-49 (Sardar).

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 369-372 (De cem ber 2014)

15. Ef fect of Micro nut ri ents Spray on Growth, Yield and Flower Qual ity of Glad i o lus cv. White

Pros per ity

Chandra Mohan Singh* and V. M. Prasad

De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, Sam Higginbottom In sti tute of Ag ri cul ture, Tech nol ogy & Sci ence (SHIATS),

Allahabad- 211007 (U. P.)

*E-mail:[email protected]

AB STRACT : The pres ent in ves ti ga tion on ef fect of micro nut ri ents spray on plant growth, spike yield and flower

qual ity of glad i o lus (Glad i o lus grandiflorus L.) cv. White Pros per ity was un der taken in the De part ment of

Hor ti cul ture, SHIATS, Allahabad. The ex per i ment was laid out in RBD (5 x 5 Fac to rial), hav ing five lev els each

of zinc (0.0%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.5%) and bo ron (0.0%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.5%), con sist ing a to tal

of 25 treat ment com bi na tions. Re sults showed that the fo liar ap pli ca tion of bo ron and zinc alone at all rates

and as com bi na tion sig nif i cantly in flu enced plant growth, spike yield and flower qual ity with max i mum value at

0.4% bo ron and 0.4% zinc lev els. As a re sult of in ter ac tion be tween bo ron and zinc, the best re sults re gard ing

plant growth, spike yield and flower qual ity were ob tained with treat ment com bi na tion B3 Z3 (B 0.4% + Zn


Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 373-376 (De cem ber 2014)

16. Ef fect of Spac ing and Ni tro gen on Bulb For ma tion and Growth of Asi atic Lily un der Hill Zone

R. S. Vedavathi, M. G. Basavanagowda, Ravishankar M. Patil* and K. S. Thipanna Uni ver sity of Hor ti cul tural Sci ences, Bagalkot, Karnataka, In dia *E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT : Bulbs of Asiatic lily (Lilium spp.) cv. Gironde were planted under open field condition in hill zone of

Karnataka (Mudigere) to study the impact of spacing and nitrogen levels on bulb formation and growth.

Treatments comprised of three levels of spacing (30x15 cm, 30x30 cm and 40x15 cm) and four levels of

nitrogen (0, 100, 150 and 200 kg per ha). The plant spacing of 30x15 cm and 200 kg per ha nitrogen level

showed resulting in a significant effect on weight, size and yield of bulb, and weight and number of bulblets per

plant, the maximum qualitative and quantitative characteristics of bulbs and bulblets.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 377-379 (De cem ber 2014)

17. Eco-friendly Man age ment of Rhi zome Rot (Soft Rot) Dis ease of Gin ger un der Pasighat Con di tion of Arunachal Pradesh

R. C. Chaturvedi* De part ment of Bot any, J. N. Col lege Pasighat – 791 102, Arunachal Pradesh*E-mail: rameshchaturvedi71@ ya hoo.com

ABSTRACT : Rhizome rot of ginger, caused by Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitz, is a major constraint

for the production of healthy rhizome, sometimes causing total failure of crop. Chemical control of this

pathogen is not economical and non-ecofriendly. Thus, the treatment with bio-control agent (Trichoderma

viride) may offer practical and economical alternative for eco-friendly management of this disease. The lowest

disease incidence (18.00 %) was recorded in T5 - Rhizome treated with Trichoderma viride @ 10g/l of water +

Three foliar sprays of Trichoderma viride @ 4 kg/ha followed by T4-Rhizome treated with Trichoderma viride @

10g/l of water + Two foliar sprays of Trichoderma viride @ 4 kg/ha with disease incidence of 24.33 %. The

highest disease incidence (86.33%) was recorded in T6 (control) which was raised without any rhizome

treatment and foliar sprays.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 380-382 (De cem ber 2014)

18. Ef fect of NPK and Pot ting Me dia on Plant Growth and Spike Yield of Den dro bium Or chid cv. Sonia Hiskula

Gufran Ahmad* and S. Saravanan

De part ment of Hor ti cul ture, Allahabad School of Ag ri cul ture, Sam Higginbottom In sti tute of Agriculture, Tech nol ogy and Sci ences (SHIATS), Allahabad*E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT : An experimental was laid out in the CRB Design having 10 treatment and 3 replications. The

treatment T9 (10:30:30 NPK + 0.3% Brick pieces + Gravel + Poultry manure) was found to be statistically

significant over other treatments which recorded highest plant height (29.61cm), number of leaves (9.69), leaf

area (36.11cm2), number of new shoots per plant (4.58), shoot girth (3.16 cm), root length (16.73cm), number

of root per plant (20.25), total number of spikes per plant (3.47), number of florets per spike (10.69), spike

length (33.91cm), and longevity of spike (42.91 days) under shade net condition.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 383-385 (De cem ber 2014)

19. Role of Proline as Coadjutant on Di rect Re gen er a tion of Cit rus Rootstock Rough Lemon (Cit rus jambhiri Lush.)

G. S. Sidhu1 and H.S. Rattanpal2*

1School of Ag ri cul tural Bio tech nol ogy, 2De part ment of Fruit Sci encePunjab Ag ri cul tural Uni ver sity, Ludhiana-141 004*E-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: At present, about 61 per cent area of fruit crops in the Punjab state is occupied by Kinnowmandarin which is mainly propagated on rough lemon rootstock. Polyembryony, sterility, poor viability ofhybrid seeds, unknown mode of inheritance and long juvenility present major problems in citrusimprovement through conventional breeding programme. Tissue culture and biotechnological methodsprovide fast improvement to a particular crop and their success rests upon the reproducible and efficientregeneration protocols. The experiment carried out on effect of proline on tissue culture aspects of roughlemon (Citrus jambhiri) revealed that proline might have reduced the effect of NAA and can replace ABAin direct regeneration of citrus rootstock rough lemon.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 386-387 (De cem ber 2014)

20. Eval u a tion of Chry san the mum Ge no types for Flow er ing Traits un der Open Grown Con di tion

Rajiv Kumar*Di vi sion of Or na men tal Crops, ICAR-In dian In sti tute of Hor ti cul tural Re search, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bengaluru 560 089*E-mail: flori_rajiv@ya hoo.co.in

ABSTRACT : An experiment was carried out to evaluate seven genotypes of chrysanthemum for flower qualitytraits at IIHR, Bengaluru from 2010-11 to 2012-13. Significantly wide variation was recorded in all floral traits.Results revealed that maximum number of flowers/plant (81.51) and flowering duration (43.14 days) wererecorded in Anmol. Maximum plant height (47.25 cm) and flower diameter (5.03 cm) were recorded in GardenBeauty. However, maximum average weight of flower (2.59 g) and flower yield/plant (131.43 g) were recordedin Autumn Joy. The genotype Winter Queen recorded maximum number of sprays/plant (6.89). On the basis of three years observations, genotypes Winter Queen, Garden Beauty and Autumn Joy found promising forgarden display.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 388-389 (De cem ber 2014)

21. First Eval u a tion of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Ge no types Against Leaf Blight (Phy toph thora colocasiae in Ghana

F. K. Ackah1, G.C. van der Puije1 and E. Mo ses2

1Crop Sci ence De part ment, Uni ver sity of Cape Coast, Cape Coast. Ghana2Cen tre for Sci en tific and In dus trial Re search, Crop Re search In sti tute-Ghana*E-mail: ackah_frank@ya hoo.co.uk

AB STRACT : Taro ge no types were col lected and eval u ated to de ter mine their re sis tance in the Aowin Suamandis trict of Ghana. Twenty five (25) ge no types of taro from both the Ashanti and West ern Re gion wereeval u ated for six months in a lo ca tion for re sis tance to the leaf blight dis ease in the study area. TheRan dom ized Com plete Block De sign was used with each ac ces sion rep li cated three times. The re sultsre vealed that of the 25 ac ces sions eval u ated, no ac ces sion was com pletely re sis tant to the dis ease in thestudy area, though some were mod er ately re sis tant, and that the only so lu tion to the disease is to breed forresistance.

Pub lished in : HortFlora Re search Spec trum, 3 (4) : 390-391 (De cem ber 2014)


www.hortflorajournal.com ISSN : 2250-2823

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