Horror film opening

By Sophie Barnes, Sophie Coull, Ellie Morphew and Cassia Lima

Transcript of Horror film opening

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By Sophie Barnes, Sophie Coull, Ellie Morphew and Cassia Lima

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Tommy Johnson Played by Thomson Coull

A young, quiet natured and kind boy.

Victim of an abusive mother who is

violent towards him because he is

the child of her husband’s previous


She eventually kills her son, and his

ghost haunts her for years after the


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Sarah Johnson (Turner)

Played by Lizzie Evens

The villain of the narrative.

She is deceitful and manipulative.

Murdered her ‘son’ whilst beating him.

She is haunted by his ghost throughout the film, and eventually kills herself due to the torment.

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William Johnson

Played by Max Johnson

He is the biological father of Tommy.

He is kind natured and forgiving, like his son.

Sarah covers up the murder of his son, but after his death, the relationship between Will and Sarah falls apart and he leaves her.

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Plot Summary Will Johnson married a girl named Sarah, and together they planned to raise

the child (Tommy) from Will’s previous marriage. Max is unaware that his wife is actually a cruel and manipulative women, that abuses his son behind his back.

In November 2010,on Will’s Birthday, Tommy and Sarah present Will with a cake. Tommy accidentally drops it. As Will reassures him, and his mother does to, her evil streak forces her to follow the child up to his bedroom, and beat him with a leather belt. She soon realises that she had gone too far, and that Tommy is dead.

Over the following months, Sarah covered up the death by claiming that he fell down the stairs, and Will is left oblivious to the murderous wife.

Tommy’s death changes Will for the worst. He becomes depressed and secluded, which leads to the break down of the marriage. He eventually leaves Sarah.

Sarah continues to live in the house, and a month after Will has moved out, Sarah is woken from a nightmare; reliving the day she murdered Tommy . This sets the scene of the first indication of Tommy’s ghost haunting Sarah for revenge.

As time goes on and Tommy’s troubled soul torments Sarah, she is eventually believed to have gone insane, and even when she has been rehabilitated in a mental institution, she still is being haunted, which eventually drives her to killing herself.

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Props and Costumes


A Leather Belt- The murder weapon

Cake- Red icing- symbolic of blood on the

hands of the mother.

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Sarah-Smart clothing- dressed to symbolise that she is the villain, lots of black and dark colours. Plain makeup- She should look natural, and tired and dishevelled. Makeup on hands to look like bruised knuckles.

Will- Smart/Casual- Pale colours to represent his quiet yet kind nature. Nicely dressed and well groomed appearance.

Tommy- (Alive)Smart/Casual- Dressed with a red tshirtto symbolise danger and foreshadow his death. Could also symbolise his liveliness.

Tommy-(Dead)- Wearing the same clothes as the day he died. Looks scruffier, faded colours will be used in editing. Makeup to create fake wounds/ bruises to indicate his beating.

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We used a family house in a suburban

location to make the film more conventional

of modern horror films, which take place in

relatable settings to make a more realistic

impact on the audience.