Homework for Lesson 14.9.15

Media language: The colours are quite faded, and I think this was used to make the cover more ‘retro’. This could be an indication of her style of music, shown through colour alone. The layout of the cover is organised and there isn’t much happening on there; this may also reflect in her music. The font is simple and the image could possibly suggest loneliness. These things together give me the impression that the music would be calm, and also quite powerful in the words Representation: On this cover, the artist (Halsey) breaks the stereotype for a typical young woman, as she looks independent. Young females are often associated with loneliness/feeling like they should be in a relationship however in this, the artist shows that she feels comfortable being alone. Also, in her appearance, she clearly has a different taste to what is considered ‘normal’, for example, her blue hair and different clothing. This shows she is comfortable with standing out and having her own image. Audience: I think the audience for this cover would be young adult females/teenage girls. I think this because it is mature looking, however it also has the pop of bright colours, such as the blue and baby pink. This indicates that it is aimed at females as the colours are more light, however males are usually associated with darker colours; and younger females Institution: The creator of this media was the artist Halsey.


homework for lesson 14.9.15

Transcript of Homework for Lesson 14.9.15

Media language:The colours are quite faded, and I think this was used to make the cover more ‘retro’. This could be an indication of her style of music, shown through colour alone. The layout of the cover is organised and there isn’t much happening on there; this may also reflect in her music. The font is simple and the image could possibly suggest loneliness. These things together give me the impression that the music would be calm, and also quite powerful in the words she might use.

Representation:On this cover, the artist (Halsey) breaks the stereotype for a typical young woman, as she looks independent. Young females are often associated with loneliness/feeling like they should be in a relationship however in this, the artist shows that she feels comfortable being alone. Also, in her appearance, she clearly has a different taste to what is considered ‘normal’, for example, her blue hair and different clothing. This shows she is comfortable with standing out and having her own image.Audience:I think the audience for this cover would be young adult females/teenage girls. I think this because it is mature looking, however it also has the pop of bright colours, such as the blue and baby pink. This indicates that it is aimed at females as the colours are more light, however males are usually associated with darker colours; and younger females because it has a balance of the more modern looking colours & the retro effect.

Institution:The creator of this media was the artist Halsey.

Media language:The colours used are done so to tie in with the dark outfit, making the bright colours stand out. The T-shape layout theory is shown here by having the masthead and image in the T shape. The fact that part of the masthead is covered shows two things- one being that the magazine is so recognisable, you don’t need to see the whole title of it to be able to identify the magazine. It also suggests that Lady Gaga in this case, is more important than the actual magazine, and so she is worthy enough to have more space and therefore cover part of the masthead.

Audience:The audience could be anyone interested in this artist – possibly young females. On the other hand, taking the image into consideration, it could also be aimed at men, as she may appeal to them.

Representation:Lady Gaga breaks the stereotype for an average woman through the clothes she is wearing and the hairstyle and colour she has. Typically, a young woman has a natural hair colour and doesn’t wear such revealing clothes as this. By having such a bright hair colour, Lady Gaga is breaking this stereotype, and also by wearing the revealing outfit in the way she is. Woman are represented through this image as confident and comfortable in having their own image and style, and being independent and unique..

Institution:This media was written by Billboard Magazine, and it’s owners Prometheus Global Media.

Media Language & Audience:The camera is used to make the character seem more powerful than the audience, as if he is looking down on everyone. The colours used are dark, with the small section of light used to seem as if it is separating the statues behind; these could be indications to themes explored in the film. The layout is neat, with the main focus being on the character. This will affect the audience as by using someone like this, it may attract more female attention than it would have previously. It would also attract males based on what the colours, and images etc. suggest about the film’s plot.

Institution:Sony, being producers of the film, produced this media.

Representation:In this media, men are presented as powerful. This representation is indicated by the camera shot used on the main character. By having the camera on a lower level, it suggests that the character has more importance than the audience, and is more overpowering and perhaps intimidating. Also, men are presented by this media as smart/sophisticated. I have interpreted this from the fact that the actor looks well groomed. Also, he is wearing fairly smart clothes. These two things show that he has taken care of his appearance and he takes pride in this. I think this character has met the stereotypes of a middle aged man: smart, well dressed etc.

Media language:The yellow and gold colours suggest energy. This could indicate that the film includes action and/or adventure scenes. The font is quite bold and eye-catching, and this suggests some kind of power. Also, with the professional look of the font, it suggests seriousness too. The camera is level with the actress, showing equality between the character and audience.

Institution:Being the producer of the film & the films promotion, the creator of this media is Lakeshore Entertainment.

Representation:In this media, the actress has broken the stereotype of a young woman and presented this group of people as powerful and independent. This is shown through the use of the weapon; she seems dangerous while holding this weapon and based on the position that she is standing in, she seems powerful and intimidating as she comes across as quite confident in the fact that she has a weapon. This shows that she has broken the stereotype as young woman are seen to be quite weak/ let the men take charge, but in fact this image on the cover shows that woman can do the same job.

Audience:I think the audience for this media is young adult/teenagers, however I think this could appeal to both genders. Female, because of the actress on the front and the idea of gender equality; and males because usually males are associated with action/adventure, so the

fact that there is a weapon involved on this cover shows that there may be some of this action in the film, and therefore may attract males.