Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program

Marshall Islands Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program 17 November 2017 COP23 / CMP13 / CMA1-2 IETA Side Event

Transcript of Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program

Marshall IslandsHome Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Loan Program17 November 2017

COP23 / CMP13 / CMA1-2IETA Side Event

The Republic of the Marshall Islands

Population 74,539 (July 2017 ) Area 181 sq km (29 atolls)

Capital Majuro

Major Languages Marshallese, English

GHG Emissions170,000 tCO2e/yr, less than 0.01% of global


Climate Change ImpactsDrought May 2013 , Feb 2016

• Severe drought damaged agriculture, and health conditions deteriorated

King Tides Feb 2011, Mar 2014• Homes damaged• Residents evacuated

AFP: Giff Johnson


Marshall Islands Policy

2015 National Energy Policy and Energy Action Plan (2020 Targets)

• Households and businesses 50% more energy efficient

• Government buildings 75% more energy efficient

• Provide 20% of power generation through indigenous renewable resources


Marshall Islands NDC• RMI commits to a quantified

economy-wide target to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases to 32% below 2010 levels by 2025.

• An indicative target to reduce its emissions of GHGs to 45% below 2010 levels by 2030. IISD, November 2016


Marshall Islands Power Grid


Marshall Islands• 94% of all electricity generated by grid

was from diesel fuel, about 6% from renewable energy.

Majuro• Generation capacity is 23.66 MW (4.3%

renewable), total electricity generation is 53,540 MWh (0.45% renewable)

• Average household electricity consumption about 840 kWh per month


Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program

Project Location• Marshall Islands

Purpose• Improve energy efficiency of households• Generate renewable energy• Help meet energy policy and NDC targets

Funding• US$ 4 million loan by the TaiwanICDF

Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program

Republic of the Marshall Islands

Ministry of Finance

International Cooperation and

Development Fund

Marshalls Energy Company


Marshall Islands Development Bank



Receiver of loan from the TaiwanICDF and provider of subsidiary loan to MIDB

Sub-loan applications approval and provision to households

Project planning, execution, energy audits

Applicants of energy saving and renewable energy sub-loans

Provider of Program Loan


Stakeholder ConsultationProject planning with Ministry of Finance, Marshall Islands Development Bank, Marshalls Energy Company


Stakeholder ConsultationSolicitation of comments from local stakeholders and visiting households


Project Scope• At least 200 households

Project Activity• Free energy audit• Replace old appliances (e.g., lighting,

television, refrigerator, air conditioners, etc.) to improve energy efficiency

• Install solar PV system to cover 50% of its electricity demand


Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program

Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program

Fluorescent tubes T8→ T8 LED

CFL E27 → LED E27

Chest freezer, Refrigerator → high efficiency


Home Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program


TV tube type→ TV LED type

Air conditioner → high efficiency

Solar PV system

GHG Reduction Methodologies

AMS-II.E. : Energy efficiency and fuel switching measures for buildings (Ver. 10)

AMS-I.F. : Renewable electricity generation for captive use and mini-grid (Ver. 3)

Construction and operation of a power plant that uses renewable energy sources and supplies electricity to the user(s).

Installation of, or replacement or retrofit of, existing equipment with energy efficiency measures in residential, commercial or institutional buildings.

International Financial Institution Framework for a HarmonisedApproach to Greenhouse Gas Accounting (October 2015)


GHG Emissions ReductionReduce electricity use from Majuro grid (emission factor = 0.6681 tCO2/MWh)


Renewable EnergyAnnual GHG reduction

348 tCO2e

Energy EfficiencyAnnual GHG reduction

644 tCO2e

Environmental Benefits

Energy Savings

Renewable Energy

GenerationGHG Emissions


Electricity savings 964,800 kWh per year

Produce 520,940 kWh of renewable energy per year

Reduce 992 tCO2/yrof greenhouse gas emissions


Social Benefits• Cost savings for households from reducing

use of grid electricity• Raising awareness of energy efficiency and

renewable energy • Replacing old appliances to improve quality

of life


Making a sustainable future for the Marshall Islands

Home Energy Efficiency and

Renewable Energy Loan Program

Marshall Islands