HOLY TRINITY PARISH · 2019. 1. 1. · HOLY TRINITY PARISH Hudson and Germantown, New York 429 E....

HOLY TRINITY PARISH Hudson and Germantown, New York 429 E. Allen St. – P. O. Box 323 Hudson, NY 12534 January 13, 2019 PHONE: (518) 828 - 1334 WEBSITE: www.holytrinityhudson.org E-MAIL: [email protected] VERY REV. ANTHONY BARRATT, E.V. Pastor DEACON RICHARD WASHBURN Deacon REV. WINSTON BATH Pastor Emeritus

Transcript of HOLY TRINITY PARISH · 2019. 1. 1. · HOLY TRINITY PARISH Hudson and Germantown, New York 429 E....

  • HOLY TRINITY PARISHHudson and Germantown, New York429 E. Allen St. – P. O. Box 323 Hudson, NY 12534

    January 13, 2019

    PHONE: (518) 828 - 1334 WEBSITE: www.holytrinityhudson.org E-MAIL: [email protected]



    REV. WINSTON BATHPastor Emeritus


    Today we keep the great feast of the Baptism ofJesus. It marks the end of our season of Christmas inthe church calendar and the beginning, once again, ofOrdinary Time. In the Gospel, we hear how Jesus asksto be baptized by Saint John the Baptist and after this,he begins His three years of public ministry that wewill hear about in our Gospel readings each Sunday.Perhaps, like John, we might be puzzled by Jesus’ re-quest. After all, Jesus is the Son of God and is “onelike us in all things but sin.” Surely Jesus does not needto be baptized? This is certainly true, but as BishopRobert Barron puts it: “Jesus stood shoulder to shoul-der with sinners in the muddy waters of the Jordan, notbecause he was a sinner in need of salvation, but be-cause he wanted to bring the divine love even to thedarkest and most painful corners of human experi-ence.” Jesus’ baptism is therefore a great sign of God’swonderful love and mercy.

    Today’s feast is also rather like an annual re-minder of the great sacrament of baptism that we havereceived and so, at Mass this weekend we will renewour baptismal promises and we will be sprinkled withholy water. (We use holy water to put us in mind of thewaters of our own baptism.) Most of us do not remem-ber our own baptism or the promises made for us whenwe were baptized because, of course, we were just alittle baby when it happened; although perhaps wehave had the joy of being present at a baptism recently.It is good to remember all the wonderful gifts that thesacrament of baptism brings to those who receive it:new life and a washing clean of all sin, adoption assons or daughters of God through Jesus Christ, thelight of Christ to guide us, entrance into the communityof the Church to name but a few. Once again, we mightsay that these are all great gifts that come from God’slove and mercy for us.

    Going back to our Gospel reading for today,there is one other important gift that we receive in thesacrament of baptism and it very much ties in with ourparish and school focus on evangelization: that is ofliving as true disciples of Jesus Christ and sharing ourfaith with others. In the Gospel, a voice is heard fromheaven and God designates Jesus as His “belovedSon”. In a way, Jesus receives a call from God and amission and after this event at the Jordan River Jesusbegins his ministry.

    So too with us when we were baptized. Thevery first thing that happens in the Rite of Baptism isthat the parents are asked: “what name do you giveyour child?” This is a very significant and symbolicmoment. Giving a name gives an identity to a personand also a purpose. When the person being baptized is“named” it means that God will know them by thatname and call them by that name for the rest of theirlives. We received that naming and purpose when wewere baptized…let us live up to that name by whichGod knows us and calls us!

    Incidentally, this living up to our Baptism isvery much at the heart of our “Re-igniting Our FaithCampaign. The Campaign reminds us that we arecalled to be people of faith and that this faith can belike a living flame. We received that flame of faithwhen we were baptized, but now we must make surethat this fire of faith does not diminish or even go out.We want to be sure that the church buildings that welove so much and the faith community to which webelong will all still be here for generations to come.

    One final thought. We have the custom ofblessing ourselves with holy water as we enter or leavethe church: we do this almost instinctively or automati-cally. On this feast day of the Baptism of the Lord, it isgood to remember why we do this. It is actually a ritualreminder of our baptism and of the promises of thatsacrament that we try to follow and to live, not justwhen we gather in the church, but when we leave to goabout our lives. So, as we bless ourselves with holywater, why not also say a short prayer or make a prom-ise, that we will live up to our name and our callingthat we received when we were baptized. And perhaps,we can also pray that just as we have received so manygifts of mercy, we will also be merciful to others.

    Fr. Anthony


    Wednesday, January 16

    The Gathering 7:30 p.m. - St. Mary’s

    THURSDAY, January 17 Our Lady of Grace Prayer Group 6:30 p.m. -

    St. Mary’s Church Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. - St. Mary’s Academy

    Personal Care Products Drive

    On Sunday, January 20, 2019, CatholicCharities will be conducting a drive for per-sonal hygiene items. Some possible sugges-tions are: shampoo, soap, deodorant, tooth-paste, toothbrushes, feminine products, toiletpaper, dish soap and laundry detergent.

    Please leave your donations in the vesti-bules of the church.

    Re-igniting Our Faith

    We need to keep our Church fresh, vi-brant and welcoming. Our campaign thereforegives thanks for the past, celebrates the pre-sent and provides for the future. Now is thetime for us to seize the opportunity to rededi-cate ourselves to our baptismal vows and beactive witnesses for Jesus in our own day toopen hearts to the truths of His Gospel. Let usgo forth and together build for the future . Letus Re-ignite our Faith!

    For more information please refer to:

    [email protected]


    The State’s Home Energy AssistanceProgram helps low income folks pay for heat-ing costs during the winter. Peter Meyer andSusan Troy, of our parish, have offered to as-sist those who qualify with necessary forms.

    The following Eucharistic Moment has beenshared by the perpetual Adoration Committee topromote Eucharistic adoration:

    Sunday, January 13

    "My sweetest Joy is to be in the presence of Jesus inthe holy Sacrament. I beg that when obliged to with-draw in body, I may leave my heart before the holySacrament. How I would miss Our Lord if He wereto be away from me by His presence in the BlessedSacrament!"

    St. Katharine DrexelDevotional Prayers

    Greg Pepoon will be leading devotionalprayers at 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays and at 8:00 a.m. onSundays. He will be leading the devotion using theDivine Mercy Chaplet and the Chaplet of the HolyFace.

    Income Tax StatementsParishioners who wish to have statements with respect to

    their 2018 contributions to Holy Trinity Parish may call St.Mary’s Rectory at 518 828-1334. We will gladly providedocumentation that will allow you to get appropriate crediton your Income Taxes.

  • Join thousands of Catholics nationwide

    in the annual pro-life novena, 9 Days for Life,

    Monday, January 14 - Tuesday, January 22.

    Pray for the respect of all human life with

    daily intentions, brief reflections, and more.

    Download a free mobile app, or sign up to re-

    ceive the novena through daily emails or text

    message. (A printable version is also available

    online.) Sign up at www.9daysforlife.com

    Help! Help! Help!

    After the 9:00 Mass, January 13, we will beputting away the statues and other parts ofour Christmas decorations. Because the assis-tance of a great number of people in previousyears, we were able to get things put away inshort order. Help us continue the tradition.Mike Van Allen and other members of ourparish team will be giving directions to keepthings organized.

    Adopt a Poinsettia

    After the 9:00 Mass, Janu-ary 13, our beautiful poinsettiaswill be available to adopt.

    We have over a hundred poinsettias thatare still in great shape. Adopt one of theseplants and take it home. If you are not at theSunday 9:00 Mass, stop by during the week.The plants will be free for the taking in the ves-tibule.

    Sacrificial Giving


    Regular Offertory Last Weekend (Jan. 6)….….. $ 6,262.00Utilities………………………………….. 546.00Seminarian Support……………………… 373.00Solemnity of Mary…………………… 82.00


    Regular Offertory Last Weekend (Jan. 6) …...…... $ 1,369.00Utilities………………………………………… 120.00Solemnity of Mary…………………………… 70.00

    Dr. Martin Luther KingMemorial Service

    Once again the faith communities of theHudson area are invited to participate in theannual service to honor the legacy of Dr. Mar-

    tin Luther King, Jr. The service will take place Sunday eve-ning, January 20th, at the Shiloh Baptist Church, 14 War-ren St., 6:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Parish has always had goodrepresentation at this service. Please help us maintain thetradition. (If you would like to bring some snacks or fingerfood for the gathering after the Service, your gift would bewelcome and appreciated.)

    The Presentationof the LordSaturday February2nd

    On Saturday, February 2nd during the eveningMasses (4:00 pm, Hudson and 5:30 pm, Germantown)will be celebrating the Feast of the Presentation of theLord. As part of the traditions surrounding this feast(which recalls the revelation of Christ as the light ofthe world) candles which are used in the liturgicalcelebrations are blessed for use throughout the comingyear. We encourage parishioners to bring candles(which will be used for prayer in your homes) to Masson this evening to have them blessed. A table will beset up a table at the front of the church for candleswhich you would like to have blessed. You may placethe candles there before Mass begins, and pick themup after Mass has concluded.

  • Our Parish Resource Personnel


    We are always happy to welcome people into our parish com-munity. Visitors or those who are new to our parish are cordially in-vited to make their presence known by introducing themselves tothe priest or deacon after Mass. Our parish staff is always willing tobe of service to you:


    Very Rev. Anthony Barratt, E.V., Pastor

    Rev. Winston Bath, Pastor Emeritus

    Rev. Mr. Richard H.A. Washburn, Deacon

    Mrs. Arlene Liepshutz, Business & FinanceAdministrator of Religious Ed., Germantown

    Mrs. Elsie Turoci, Office Manager

    Mrs. Maura Nedwell, Administrator of Religious Ed., Hudson

    Mr. Michael W. Van Allen, Liturgical Coordinator/Sacristan

    Mrs. Rita Koeppel, Director of Music, Hudson

    Mrs. Linda Meicht, Pastoral Care

    Mr. Orville Maxwell, Maintenance

    If you wish to speak with any of our staff, please call them atSt. Mary’s Rectory : (518) 828-1334.

  • Holy Trinity Parish Staff E-mail Directory

    Please use this directory to ensure that your correspondencewill be directed to the appropriate parish staff person:

    Pastor: Very Rev. Anthony M. Barratt, [email protected]

    Deacon: Mr. Richard H. A. [email protected]

    Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Winston L. [email protected]

    Bulletin Editor: Wonderful [email protected]

    Business & Finance: Mrs. Arlene [email protected]

    Initiation of Adults: Mr. Michael W. Van [email protected]

    Liturgical Coordinator / Sacristan: Mr. Michael W. Van [email protected]

    Maintenance: Mr. Orville [email protected]

    Music Director (Hudson): Mrs. Rita [email protected]

    Office Manager: Mrs. Elsie [email protected]

    Pastoral Care: Mrs. Linda [email protected]

    Religious Education (Hudson): Mrs. Maura [email protected]

    Religious Education (Germantown): Mrs. Arlene Liepshutzfinance.holytrinityhudson@gmai[.com

  • Readings for the Week of January 13

    Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11/Ps 104:1b-2, 3-4, 24-25, 27-28,29-30 1]/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7/Lk

    3:15-16, 21-22Monday: Heb 1:1-6/Ps 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9 [cf. 7c]

    /Mk 1:14-20Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12/Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9 [cf. 7]/Mk 1:21-28Wednesday Heb 2:14-18/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Mk 1:29-39Thursday Heb 3:7-14/Ps 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11 [8]/Mk 1:40-45Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11/Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8 [cf.7b]

    /Mk 2:1-12

    READINGS AND HYMNS (HUDSON)Reading: p.59 Opening Hymn: # 648 Closing: # 533


    MONDAY: Weekday (Jan.14)

    7:15 AM Patricia Karic - Curtis & Mary Elizabeth Vincent

    Jon Wilder - Family

    Mary Grand - Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donahue

    Mary Lewicki - Ray & Carol Ann Paul

    TUESDAY: Weekday (Jan. 15)

    7:15 AM Mary Rosalie Grand - Cheryl Clow & Family

    Mary Grand - Dolly & Lee VanDeCarr

    Marilyn Donahue - Joanne Walker

    Anne Drew - Ray & Carol Ann Paul

    WEDNESDAY: Weekday (Jan. 16)

    7:15 AM Virginia & Joseph Plasky - James & Charlene Plasky

    Michael Erickson - Elaine Erickson, Mom

    Marilyn Donahue - Janice Clow

    THURSDAY: St. Anthony, Abbot (Jan. 17)

    7:15 AM Patricia Karic - Dee Marotta

    Kenneth Wilber - Jack & Mary Ann Nytransky

    Marilyn Donahue - Neddie Shallo

    FRIDAY: Weekday (Jan. 18)

    7:15 AM Robert Jenks - Patricia Hart

    Mary Grand - Joanne Walker

    Theresa Lenahan & Deceased members of Lenahan

    Family - Kathy & Jim Curcio

    9:00 AM Memorial for deceased relatives - Jane & Bill Martin(G’TWN)


    SATURDAY VIGIL MASS: (Jan. 19)4:00 PM Patricia Karic - Judith McDonald

    (HUD) Patricia Angela Drahushuk - Mr. & Mrs. Robert DonahueRobert Jenks - Christian Service Committee

    Rudolph Skoda - Skoda Sons & Daughters

    5:30 PM(G’TWN) Living & Deceased of the Parish


    9:00 AM John & Mildred Roetina - James & Kelly Schermerhorn

    (HUD) Patricia Karic - Janice & Tom BrodowskiJohn (Jack) Decker Jr. - Robert &

    Jane ConteJohn J. Buchal - Carolyn Chernick

    11:00 AM For World Peace

    The sacraments are wonderful gifts from God to us.

    BAPTISM: Congratulations! If you would like toarrange preparations and a date for Baptism, pleasecontact the Parish Office.

    RCIA: For those enquiring about the CatholicFaith or wishing to complete their sacraments: wel-come! Please contact the Parish Office and we will bevery glad to help you further.

    RECONCILIATION: Celebrated on Saturdays2.30-3.45 pm in Hudson, before and after Masses inGermantown, or at anytime by appointment. (Note: itis best to call ahead first to check on the availability ofa priest)

    ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Priests regularlyvisit the hospitals, nursing homes and the homebound.Please do contact the Parish Office if you or someoneyou know is in need of the anointing of sick.

    MARRIAGE: Congratulations! So that proper ar-rangements (paperwork, preparations etc.) can bemade, please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Anthonyat least six months before the desired date.

    VOCATIONS: If you are considering a vocation tothe priesthood, diaconate or religious life, please con-tact Fr. Anthony to share thoughts and prayers further.