Hmi - Ridwan- Lh

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Transcript of Hmi - Ridwan- Lh

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    Presented By:

    Nama Anggota Kelompok :

    1.Mochamad Ridwan Pratama - NPM 13064!6"6

    ".#erri $l%ng &atri'a ( NPM 13064!361

    3.#erdinand &irait ( NPM 13064!3))

    4.*elo +a,i,i ( NPM 1"0633)"0)

    Health Management, Inc.

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    Health Management, Inc

    Cliford Hotte Had Problem ( Had come upshort o its ernings target)

    inancial analyst pro!ected "#$%&

    earning'share ctual P* "#$+&o achie-ed target :Bregman (C.) o lo/er

    C.*, Increase 0ross pro1t and net income


    in3ated "4$5 M year end in-entory ande/ smaller ad!ustment Bregman super-ised B6. *eidman 4757

    and 477# audit HMI

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    Health Management, Inc 8

    Cont9driggernya : 477+ Pri-ate *ecurities itigation;eorm ct (P*;) , ne/ ederal la/$ 6imanadengan P*; ini, sema

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    Health Management, Inc 8

    Cont9d 4774 Big *i> campaign to persuadecongress to reorm the ederal la/$

    P*; contains se-eral clause to

    independent audit unction, re=uiresaudit 1rm to design audit to pro-idereasonable assurance to detecting illegal

    act and reporting to *C any illegal actby client$

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    ?.h, by the /ay@A


    he B6. *eidman audit team 1nally arri-ed at HMI9s head=uarters duringthe latter part o une$

    .n that 1rst day at the client9s oce, sai recei-ed a rude shoc< rom herold riend$

    6uring a meeting /ith sai, Bergman inormed her o the "4$5 million o in2transit in-entory at year2end$

    sai, no doubt, /as alarmed by that 1gure since it represented nearlyt/enty percent o HMI9s year2end in-entory o "7$5 million andappro>imately one2hal o the year2end in-entory o HMI9s De/ Eoramined the e>pense report 1led by truc< dri-er and ound consistent /ith hischronolgy o the rele-ant e-ents and the chronology o those e-ents pro-ided byother HMI personnel$

    +) 6iscussed the in-entory transers /ith HMl9s controller /ho pro-ided a crediblee>planation or /hy the transers /ere necessary$

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    ists he Principal udit

    Procedures (Cont9d)


    ) 6iscussed the in-entory transers /ith HMI9s C. (Bergman) /ho indicated thathe had not been able to pre-ent the transers because he had not learned o themuntil ater the act$

    %) Fsed -arious mathematical tests, including a gross pro1t percentage test tochallenge the reasonableness o the company9s total year2end in-entory, these testssuggested that the year2end in-entory /as reasonable$

    5) .btained standard management representations letter and separate representationletter rom company ocials ocusing e>clusi-ely on the in2transit in-entoryL each othese letters con1rmed the e>istence o the in2transit in-entory$

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    .ther Issue in udit



    4) Dear the end o the audit, a dispute arose bet/een HMI management andthe auditors regarding the ade=uacy o the allo/ance or doubtulaccounts or the company9s more than "K# million o accounts recei-able$

    N he auditors proposed an ad!usting entry to increase the year2endbalance o the allo/ance account by "4$ million$

    Management insisted that an increase o only one2hal o that amount/as necessary$

    ter considerable discussion /ith HMI9s ocers, ed Bornsteindecided to accept the client9s proposed ad!ustment o "##,### or the

    allo/ance account$

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    .ther Issue in udit

    ngagement (Cont9d)


    ) nother problem the HMI audit team aced during the 477+ engagement/as an earnings release issued by the company appro>imately one /eeerts subtle but signi1cant pressure on the auditors to

    ?passA on proposed ad!ustments that /ould materially reduce theprematurely released earnings 1gure$

    I the auditors insist that a lo/er earnings 1gure be included in theaudited 1nancial statements, the unpleasant ?earnings surpriseA maycause a sharp drop in the clients stoc< price$

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    ;esult @


    B6. *eidman completed the 477+ HMI audit in late uly$

    *imilar to the audit opinions issued by the 1rm in pre-ious years on HMI9s1nancial statements, the 477+ audit opinion /as un=uali1ed$

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    ter ;eleased he udit oinancial ;eport


    In 6ecember 477+, 6re/ Bergman /as gi-en a ne/ title at HMI, Corporate6e-elopment .cer$

    Paul ure/icO, an indi-idual /ith considerable accounting e>perience in thehealthcare industry /as hired to replace Bergman as HMI9s C.$

    *hortly ater he !oined HMI, ure/icO /as ha-ing a casual con-ersation/ith the company9s controller, one o Bergman and Hotte9s coconspirators$

    N 6uring that con-ersation, the controller matter2o2actly reerred tothe in-entory raud, belie-ing

    ure/icO /as a/are o it$

    ure/icO inormed Cliford Hotte o the inormation he had accidentallyobtained rom the controller$

    N 6uring that con-ersation, the controller matter2o2actly reerred to

    the in-entory raud, belie-ingure/icO /as a/are o it$

    N ure/icO then too< matters into his o/n hands and inormed thecompany9s legal counsel$

    In ebruary 477, HMI issued a press release indicating that irregularitieshad been disco-ered in the company9s accounting records$

    N hat press release sent HMI9s stoc< price spiraling do/n/ard andprompted B6. *eidman to /ithdra/ its audit opinion on the companys477+ 1nancial statements$

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  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    ter ;eleased he udit oinancial ;eport (Cont9d)


    he attorneys or HMI9s stocimately "K% million and that B6. *eidman /asresponsible or %+ percent o those damages$

    In .ctober 477%, another healthcare 1rm ac=uired HMI or a nominalamount$

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    ;ed lags Crooimately "##,### in total$

    N hat amount /as our times larger than the appro>imately "4,###B.. *eidman recei-ed or perorming the 477+ HMI audit$

    he principal ob!ecti-e o the plaintif attorneys /as to con-ince the !urythat the auditors, at a minimum, had rec

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh


    Question 4

    4$ B6. *eidman9s attorneys pointed outcorrectly that proessional standards donot prohibit auditors and client

    personnel rom being ?riendsA$ t /hatpoint do such relationships result in-iolations o the auditor indepencenerules and guidelinesR Pro-ide

    hypothetical e>amples to strengthenyour ans/er

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh



    * 4##$& : *etiap Pra

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh



    ccording to court testimony on uly #, 47++,6re/ Bregman recommended to HMI9sboard o directors that Mei2ya2sai be hired

    as the company9s chie o accounting$ .ne/ee< later, B6. *eidman issued its auditreport on HMI9s 477+ 1nancial statements$Fnder presently e>isting proesional

    standards /ould this situation ha-epresented an indepence ?problemA or B6.seidmanR 6eend your ans/er

  • 7/24/2019 Hmi - Ridwan- Lh



    * 4##$& : *etiap Pra