Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3



Hitchin Live Venue Music Reviews

Transcript of Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

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Page 2: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

Yet another Fortnight has come and gone, and in typical British style the weather has been all over the shop!! Lucky for us the standard of music in

this small market town of ours remains as high as ever. Our third issue, and we have seen an amazing amount of growth in our

site visitors and magazine readership. www.hitchingigs.co.uk now boasts a page dedicated to legal downloads from local bands, currently featuring My

Passion, Scar My Eyes and Lost Without Cause.

Front Page My Passion

Page 2 Contents

Page 3 Track Review: Chaos Baby

Page 4 Venue Review: Molly Malones.

Page 5: Gig Guide Listings of Hitchin’s gigs over the next few weeks.

Pages 6-9 These Boys are Special: Review and Interview with LoFi Culture Scene, Monaco Bears and The Panda Police

Pages 10 & 11 Webscape: What’s new on the Web

Pages 12 & 13 Gadget Review: Laptop or Net Book? That is the Question.

Page 14 & 15

My Passion: Interview with lead singer Laurence Rene

Pages 16 & 17 My Passion CD Review and Competition, Downloads and snippets available online.

Pages 18 & 19 Jack Wilshere, Hitchin lad to Arsenal Legend?

Page 20 Problems Sexy Nana answers your problems.

Page 21 Zodiac Gypsy Rose Lee reads you future in the stars.

Page 22 Cinema listings and a readers review on the latest Harry Potter

Page 23 Classified Adverts: Looking to Buy or Sell this the page for you

Page s24 & 25 Sub Zero the Venue for Under 18s

Pages 26 & 27 Are we Breaking the sound barrier. A report into the issues surround-ing environmental Health and our Live Music Ven-ues.

Page 28 Mill Radio: For 2 weeks starting today Mill radio is Broadcasting.

Page 3: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

Local Band Chaos Baby Are about to release two new songs on their Myspace.

Choas:Baby This four piece female led band takes on the grunge/Punk genre

with all its energy and shocking sounds. The lyrics are not for those of a prudish disposition and Parental Guidance is advised, but that’s not to say they are gratuitous. The harshness of the language fits perfectly with the anger and

rebellion being portrayed and when listening to some of the other tracks available the skilful use of the instruments is the outstanding feature.

Some creative and certainly talented guitar playing sets off Laura’s punk based growl extremely well.

A popular band locally, they are one to watch to see how far they will go. For more visit


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Molly Malones is

situated half way

along Nightingale

Road and is a

wonderful old styled

pub on the outside.

Close to the Railway

Station and only a few

minutes walk from the

town centre, it makes

an Ideal alternative

location for some of

the more low key

musical events.

A long L shaped

lounge bar offers

exceptional space and

comfort in which to

watch any performance

and a large flat panel TV

offers a distraction when

there is no act booked.

To the rear of the pub is

a pool room and ample

garden space for the

smokers .

Every Thursday evening

sees an Open Mic

acoustic Jam session, so

all you budding

musicians should make

a note and head down

there to try out your


Most Saturday nights

see live performances

and often charity nights

and quizzes are held.

The pub opens during

the week at 5pm and at

11am at the weekends.

Andrew, the Landlord is

an affable fellow, who

takes a real interest in

his locals and welcomes

new visitors.

Despite its name, this is

not a an Irish theme

pub, but a sports and

entertainment pub, with

a strong and healthy

local attendance.

Clean and welcoming,

and offering a good

range of our favourite

tipples this is certainly a

pub to visit if you

haven’t already.

Page 5: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

Date Venue Appearing Time Cost

31st July REMIX Look See


7pm £7 on Door

31st July The Venue Broken


7.30 Free

1st August The Venue Reggae DJS 12.30-12.30 Free

1st August Club 85 Liquid


7.45 £4

5th August Kings Arms Jazz


8pm Free

6th August Molly



Open Mic

8pm Free

7th August The Venue Drum and


8pm Free

7th August Club 85 Exit Avenue 7.45 £5

8th August The Venue Turn It Up


8pm Free

For more Gig Listings www.hitchingigs.co.uk

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On the third Saturday of every month, the venue at Club 85, Whinbush Road, is used to promote young bands. Entry fees vary, but all age groups are welcome. This is an excellent opportunity for young people to see what their peers are achieving and also for parents to see the enormous amount of talent there is amongst the youth of today ! These boys - and girls - are so enthusiastic and talented, they are a pleasure to watch and it should be noted, this was one of the best attended events I have seen ! There were five bands playing; Kids With Fireworks, Monaco Bears, Panda Police, LoFi Culture Scene and Kebeedies, these all are all Indie Bands. We have chosen the following three to review.

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LoFi Culture Scene Every once in a while you get to see something special and you just know you are looking at the future. If this band are not huge within the next couple of years then there is no justice in the world. These guys have been together for 3 years and performed their first gig when they were 12 years old. The level of talent is staggering, I have seen professional adult bands who could not hold a candle to these young men. The three guitars are as tight as any band you will see, the vocals solid and true and excellent drumming, really first class. You can get a look at them on www.myspace.co./loficulturescene Or check them out on YouTube and see their amazing video. I cannot wait to see these guys again and if you get the chance you should grab it with both hands. They play all over the country. Well done all you young men, the very best of luck to you all, can’t wait for your CD - which is out in a couple of weeks. Loved you !!! I hope to review their CD in the next issue.


Culture Scene





Tom H

Lead Guitar



Tom M


Star Sign Aquarius Cancer Sagittarius Virgo Aries

















Eva Mendez Scarlett


Megan Fox Helena

Bonham Carter


Football Club


ter United

Arsenal Arsenal Hull City Shrewsbury


Other Band

Radiohead Cigar Ros Strokes Bloc Party Pull in




Indian Sushi Pasta Chinese Vietnamese



Tea Sprite Tea Hoy





Holiday Destination

America New York South Af-


New York/





Mini Aston Mar-


Beetle Fiat Panda Ferrari


Fav TV


Curb Your


Flight of the




Scrubs Family Guy



Red Green Green Blue Mauve/


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Lead Gui-tar


Rhythm Guitar







Star Sign Taurus Gemini Aquarius Sagitta-





Orange Green Blue Red Dark Blue








tworth Miller

Jim Carey Jason






Girl from

50 First Dates








Football Club

Liverpool Wolves Wolves Spurs Liverpool


Other Band



Lady Ga


Kings of








Lasagne Chinese Chinese Pasta Pizza



Oasis Cream



berry Milkshake





Holiday Destina-


Turkey Disney-


Caribbean Spain Malta



Not a car


BMW Old style

Mini Cooper S

Jaguar Aston

Martin DB5

Fav TV


Big Bang


Scrubs Prison


How I

Met Your Mother

My Name

is Earl

Monaco Bears This band have been together for about 18 months as this line up, but Joe and Matt, the rhythm guitarist, have been writing together since they were six years old ! They are all 15 years old, except Dan who is 17 and he and Matt are brothers. The band describe their music as Indie Pop. Their performance here was good, but by no means the best they can do. One could see that with a bit more experience and rehearsal, this is definitely a band we are going to see a lot more of in the future. Having said that, they gave a very good account of themselves, their songs are original and very gutsy for a band so young. They have already recorded a few tracks and I look forward to hearing their first release, hopefully not too far in the future. Well done guys, keep it up !


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Panda Police





Ben C


Ben S


Star Sign Scorpio Sagittarius Aquarius Capricorn



Yellow Purple Black Sunflower




Samuel L




Tom Hanks Tom Cruise



Uma Thur-


Megan Fox Angelina





Football Club

Chelsea Don’t like


Hull City Baldock Un-

der 16’s _



Other Band

Too Many to

Mention !

Black Eyed


Fleet Foxes Muse



Pizza Spag Bol Hot n Sour


Cold Oreos




Budweiser J D and Coke Panda Pop Bulmers Ci-



Holiday Destination

California New York Centre Parks Skegness



Prefer to


I walk


Batmobile I like boat-

ing !

Fav TV




Sex and the




Fireman Sam

Panda Police As this line up, the Pandas have only been together since early this year, not long at all and at the moment they are only rehearsing once a week in Ben C’s bedroom ! They describe themselves as Indie. This is a good looking band, with a very strong vocal front in Jamie, solid guitars from Ben S and Richard all held together by a great performance from Ben C on drums. Again, this performance was good, but I felt that there was a lot more to come. These guys freely admit that there is still a lot of work to be done to pull all their individual talents together. There is no doubt that all the basics are there and the crowd loved them, they definitely had the biggest following of the day. They have been invited to appear on The Mill Radio this summer and this will give them the experience and exposure they need. A good job well done, I look forward to seeing them again when they have been together a little longer.


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Have you ever wanted to

show how clever you are?

Ever wanted to show off to

people well here is the per-

fect cheat.


uk uploads the solution for

the tricky cryptic cross-

word in the Daily Mail

every day. Normally The

paper prints the solutions 3

days later, but this site has

them on site by 2pm and

most days by 12 noon.

So if you are a crossword

fan and need help, or want

to pretend then this site is

for you. It also has some

neat features such as a

crossword solver to help

out with any crossword and

a forum where you can ask

or give help.

Orange Rockcorps are

looking for volunteers, visit

www.orange.co.uk for reg-

istration and the deal is

simple. Donate 4 hrs of

your time to complete a

community based project,

and in return receive 2 free

tickets to gigs specially

hosted. Having already re-

ceived great accolade in

Manchester this scheme

has now been launched na-

tionally. Generally dealing

with clearing graffiti and

helping the vulnerable

members of our society this

is a laudable project from

one of the corporate giants.

Are a member of the rock-

corps collective? If so we’d

love to hear from you, con-

tact us through the website

or email us at

[email protected]

Have you ever heard a

piece of music and cant

quite remember who wrote

or sand it?

Have you had endless argu-

ments with friends over

who the artist was of that

obscure no.1 hit in 1997.

Or have you caught the end

of a new song that’s in-

triguing on the radio, only

to find you missed the intro

so now you’ll probably


Page 11: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

never know who sang it,

creating another gulf in

your musical knowledge.

Well all new and improved

Shazam is the answer.

This site and phone service

has been available for a

few years and many of you

may have tried it previ-

ously with variable results.

Often tunes weren’t recog-

nised and if they were it

could be hours to get a re-

sult, however with a new

algorhythmic approach the

process is much faster and

much more accurate. The

Database holds a ridiculous

number of musical com-

parisons and can even

differentiate versions of

the same song.

Invaluable for the quiz

cheat, or the music fanatic

who just wants to know.

Did you know we are on

face book? We have a

members page and a group

page, any one can join and

we use it to keep you

Visit www.hitchingigs.co.uk for details

informed of updates

and developments

on our website,

changes to the gig

guide and how the

next issue is


Its also an easy way

for you to let us

know about your

gigs, your band and

your venue. Is there

a particular band

you’d like to hear

about? Is there a Gig

you want to write

about? Keep in

touch and let us


Page 12: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

With mobile com

puting on the m

ove becoming m

ore and

more important

, the question w

e are all asking

is whether we

should buy a fu

lly fledged lapto

p or one of the

new net book

machines now a

vailable. We are go

ing to try and i

dentify the

questions you n

eed to ask to se

e which you sh

ould buy.

When considering which to buy

we first need to identify exactly

what you are going to use the

machine for.

If the unit is to be used as your

main computer and you require the

power to run heavy and exhausting

applications, then the answer is

simple, You need a laptop,

However, if it is to supplement the

desktop at home or in the office,

then it becomes a little more


Net books tend to have less

powerful processors and therefore

run slimmed down versions of

programs such as word processors

and spreadsheets. This is fine if the

final document is to be edited back

at base, or just basic processing is

needed. However the netbook is

solid state. This means there are no

moving parts.

Where a laptops Hard Drive spins

and whirrs during use, the memory

in a net book is more akin to pen

drive or USB stick. This means a

massive saving on power but also a

severe reduction in memory. A fully

charged laptop will typically last

2hrs working on its battery where a

net book could last up to 10 hrs.

A net book is also considerably

smaller and therefore lighter, often

weighing less than a kilo and

obviously taking up much less


This lack of space obviously

provides other restrictions, meaning

in nearly all instances a smaller

screen, invariably 10 inches or

smaller, and a more compact


In some cases the track pad is

replaced with a mouse button in the

centre of the keyboard, a device I

have always despised since the days

of the IBM ThinkPad, and in many

ways a net book is a reinvention

of the ThinkPad.

Brought about by the quest for a

computer for every child in the

3rd world, the idea of a limited

spec web surfing machine has

caught the imagination of nearly

every computer manufacturer.

Initially running the LINUX

operating system for its

simplicity, the choice of most

manufacturers seems now to be

choosing Windows XP, well you

can’t shut Microsoft out of

anything. Windows 7 which is

on beta now will also come as a

slimmed down version designed


Page 13: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

for the net book model, and

Google is soon to release a new

operating system to compliment its

Chrome web browser, for phones

net books and PC’s.

If you want to multi task with the

add-ons, such as a DVD player,

and want to surf while also editing

a document while listening to mu-

sic, then you will struggle with a

net book.

Multi tasking has always been

difficult for computers and only

now are laptops comfortable with

so many demands, it’ll be a little

while before its smaller

counterpart catches up.

If sending and receiving emails,

and surfing the web , updating

your face book etc are your main

aims in life then the net book could

well be your choice. The solid

state nature of its components also

make it far less susceptible to

damage from drops and the like.

Of course the cost is a factor,

a net book can be as cheap as

£150 where a reasonable

laptop tends to retail for over

double that and often much


As solid state technology

improves and memory can

be increased, these lines will

certainly start to blur and

eventually the difference will

not be one of Net book or

Laptop but simply of price.

Until then my biggest

concern is that net books will

become dated very quickly

and the increased number of

applications we need to surf

the net successfully from

adobe and sun Microsystems

could well leave these

machines lacking.

The other thing to take on

board is WiFi access.

Although seemingly every-

where, WiFi is rarely free to

use and I wonder whether

taking a subscription with a

wireless network for 12 or 18

months along with a free

fully fledged Laptop would

be more useful.

N.B. many of these Wireless

Broadband Dongles will not

work with a LINUX operating

system, so beware of buying

one for your net book that is

running Linux.

Personally speaking I don't

think my laptop is that heavy, I

rarely am out of reach of

power for more than a few

hours and my generous years

mean that the 17” screen is

adequate and any smaller could

cause me to squint.

I often like to use heavy

applications, even if I’m not at

my desktop, so for me the

net book has a little way to go.

I’m sure though in 18 months

or so I may well be changing

my mind.



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My Passion are a Hitchin based band, who have been together for only four years. This year they managed to achieve several immense strides towards mainstream recognition. Having signed with Mascot Records, their new album Corporate Flesh Party, has caught the attention of several industry insiders. Having recently performed at Tea in the Park and last weekend at Underage, they are soon to embark across Europe on a tour which includes Sweden, and supporting Dead By April in Berlin. All very impressive, however, this week they are VIP guests at the Kerrang Awards, having been nominated for The Best British Newcomer Award. Also Red Bull, sponsors of this years Motocross, have chosen their track Hot in the Dolls House as the score to their new national TV advertising campaign. So overnight success for this band, apparently, but having spoken to Laurence Rene, the bands lead vocal, “There were plenty of times when we had no money and even nothing to eat, but we kept our eye on the goal and kept going.” He even tells us that Simon, the bass guitarist can often be found on a Sunday night stacking the shelves in a local supermarket to make some extra money ! Dedication indeed ! In fact even when things are going well, he worries it can all change and recalls the time when My Passion supported Kill Hanna on a European tour to wake one morning, in the middle of the alps, with the tour bus on fire. The resulting explosion destroyed all their possessions, with the exception of the t shirts and boxer shorts they were standing in ! Luckily, no-one was hurt and the music equipment was being carried in a separate container and survived without damage.

The explosion which was posted and is still available on U Tube, caused the dedicated, loyal and sympathetic fan base to bring spare clothes and shoes etc, for the band to complete their tour. When asked what the future holds for the band, Laurence lists a string of engagements, with a single due out on August 8th, Day of The Bee. Their new album is available at HMV, Spotify and I Tunes and also at www.hitchingids.co.uk/downloads.aspx

They still manage to

allocate time for working on

album number two,

although he says this could

well be a year away.

National success has not

diminished this bands

appetite to recognise their

home town fans and they

were disappointed to not be

able to perform at Rhythms of

the World this year. They are

insistent that they will be ap-

pearing in Hitchin again within

the next twelve months.

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Hitchin has always had a strong base of young musicians and Laurence is keen that any achievements My Passion wins should be shared with Hitchin, the town where they launched. Offering advise to other young artists in the area, he says its all about the time and effort , working hard is primary. You should also be prepared for a few knocks and disappointments along the way.

He added that often the time a band starts creating momentum will coincide with time where other life changing decisions need to be made. He points to his fellow band mates Jonathon and Simon who recently had to decide whether to commit to the band or go to University. They decided to stay with the band and it seems to be working, however, not everyone is so lucky. If you want to know more please visit: www.myspace.com/mypassion

At this time of social pessimism, credit crunch, swine flu etc, it is great to be able to celebrate some truly home grown success and we wish My Passion all the best for the future, in particular at the Kerrang Awards on August 3rd 2009. You can also listen to snippets of the album or download tracks or the whole album at www.hitchingigs,co,uk/downloads.aspx

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My Passion’s debut album Corporate Flesh Party is every bit as professional as you would expect from a band which has made so much progress in the recognition stakes. Lyrically, it is reminiscent of Radiohead and The Cure, but with a more vibrant and edgy sound. I got a definite feel of Nickleback, however, the intelligent use of synthesisers and computer generated sound prevents the music falling into the heavy metal genre. The single from the album, Hot in the Dolls House is I am almost positive, already being covered by younger bands on the circuit. Although a catchy and addictive tune, it was not my favourite on the album.

After Callais breaks from the high tempo angst that runs through the album, for a more subtle style of darkness. It also shows real musical rhythmic talent to those who may not be au fait with the heavier sound. Thanks For Nothing starts lulling you into the belief that this album has quietened down, but ascends into a chorus of “you are evil now “, which belies this and will blow you away. Drums, which are always my main focus, are taken by Jonathon and they are taken in a masterful and confident fashion. He also takes electro, and executes both in excellent fashion. Raucous, per-fectly timed, enthusiastic and innovative. Bass is taken by Simon, he also takes live synthesiser, and

again this is great performance. It always sounds a little twee to be praising everyone so freely, but what can you do with brilliance ? Lead vocal is taken by Laurence, supported by Jonathon. Again, absolutely no complaints, a very able, imaginative and talented performance by both men. John takes lead guitar and is quite frankly genius, but then all these guys are ! The hard work has definitely paid off. The Fabulous Blood Disco is a roller coaster of a tune and is second only in my mind to Day of The Bees. Available at HMV for about £12, this album is excellent value-an album that will be in your col-lection for years. You can also download at www.hitchingigs.co.uk/dowloads.aspx


Win a Limited Edition Copy of Corporate Flesh Party By My Passion Signed by Laurence Rene Q: What is the last song on the

album ? Answers by e mail to [email protected]

Closing Date 6 pm 12.8.09 Download the album now at www.h i t ch ing igs . co .uk/downloads.aspx

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JACK WILSHERE is the fresh faced teenager destined for greatness with Arsenal - but he has always remembered the kids he left behind at school. While Wilshere has been at Arsenal since the age of nine, he was also the star football pupil at The Priory School in Hitchin.

Wilshere's former PE teacher Dan Nearney, has said: "It is an absolute pleasure to see Jack perform at the highest level.

What is really good about Jack is that, even though he was with Arsenal, he never missed a single school game from the age of 11 to 15.

Even after he left school, Jack would come and watch to support his friends. That tells you everything you need to know about the lad,

I was also his form teacher for one year and I not only got to know Jack but his parents and they are very nice people.

He was always an inspiration, he led by example. Since his addition to the Arsenal first team there has been a real buzz around the school

From the first time I saw him at 11, I always thought he would make it.

There was no comparison with any other pupil I have ever seen.

With him, we got into the last eight of the national Under-14s.

He was always all over the park, he had such an amazing engine. Despite his size, he was still the strongest player on the pitch.

We will see Jack play for England, there is no doubt about that.

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We won the District Cup every year with Jack in the team. We also won the County Cup. Whenever there was an influential goal to be scored, it was Jack who got it.

Dad Andy, a plumber, said: "Jack has always loved playing football.

We first took him to play for a local side near us in Hitchin. He was four but the coaches put him straight in with the Under-8 team."

Jacks’ sister Rosie and brother Tom, also go to watch all his Arsenal matches. Arsenal Football Club has now announced that Jack has signed a new long-term contract with the Club. Jack signed a professional terms contract with the Gunners in January 2008 and enjoyed a breakthrough season in 2008/09, making eight first team appearances and scoring one goal. He rewrote the Arsenal history books on his full first-team debut, coming on as an 81st-minute substitute at Blackburn on September 30, 2008 to become the youngest ever player to represent Arse-nal in the League. Jack was just 16 years and 256 days old at the time.

first full competitive start for the Club in the Carling Cup Third-Round victory over Sheffield United, capping off a fine performance with his debut goal for the first team in a 6-0 win. Jack made further history for Arsenal when he came off the bench in the 76th minute of the UEFA Champions League home match against Dynamo Kyiv on November 25, 2008. At 16 years 329 days, he become the youngest ever player to represent Arsenal in European competition. When he wasn't making headlines for the first team, Jack was contributing to a hugely successful season for Arsenal's Under-18s. He was an integral part of the Youth Cup-winning side, playing in seven of the eight games for Steve Bould's team and scoring twice. Jack was also a regular for Neil Banfield's Reserve team and impressed in a number of positions, operating across the midfield or in a more advanced role behind the main striker. We are so proud of Jack, as is everyone in Hitchin and we will watch his career with interest. Watch this space—as they say !

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Some of you may already know Sexy Nanna from her involvement with radio station Perception. If you have any problems you need to share, simply E Mail Sexy Nanna at [email protected] and she will do her best to help you. If you would like to know more about Sexy Nanna and Perception Radio please click www.myspace.com/perceptionfm

Dear Sexy Nanna, I feel a bit silly writing to you at my age, I am 57, but my problem is driving me crazy ! My Mother is 79 and she just about takes up all my time, I don’t mind, but recently I met a very nice man and I want to spend time with him, but my mother doesn’t like him. She is calling me constantly and I now find I have no spare time for a social life at all. Please help me. I know this is an unbelievable problem for someone of my age-but I don’t know what to do. Angela Sexy Nanna says: There is no need to feel silly as most of us have this problem. Our parents have spent a lifetime looking after us and now its our time to help, if required. But we only have one life, and no-one knows how long that will be, so we must make the best of what time we have. I suggest that if your mother is becoming too demanding you seek help from social services. If your Mother loves you she will understand that your future happiness must come first.

Dear Sexy Nanna, This year I have decided that I want to go on holiday abroad, but my boyfriend won’t even discuss it with me as he doesn’t want to go. He says he is scared of flying, so I said I would go with my mates, but he hit the roof and says he will finish with me if I do. This is not fair is it ? I can’t go on holiday in this country for the rest of my life just because he can’t fly. Am I being unreasonable ? I am 24 and he is 26, we have no children. We do live together. Sharon Sexy Nanna Says: All is not lost Sharon, Partners have differences of opinions and life is a constant struggle to come to amicable solutions. Why not discuss going by coach, or cruise liner or even train to your destination. All of these can be great fun and competitively priced. You never know what you might conceive on the cruise of your dreams!!!

Dear Sexy Nanna I think my Mum is having an affair and I don’t know whether or not to tell my Dad. I noticed about two months ago that she started wearing make up and smarter, more trendy clothes. I didn’t think too much of it until I heard her on the phone. She was talking quiet and giggling, if you know what I mean. I always thought my parents were happy, but now I just don’t know what to think. What shall I do ? Charlene Sexy Nanna Says: Have a chat with Mum and tell her you have noticed a change in her behaviour. The situation may not be as drastic as you think. Its is important to be really sure of your facts before you drive a wedge between them. As well meaning as your intentions may be, don’t forget the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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Leo Some things simply can’t be done, other objectives are achieved all too easily. Somewhere in between the two are the aims we have which are quite often overlooked because we assess situations too quickly and the chance passes by. The question is, what are you really capable of ?

Sagittarius You are not a person who likes to have voids in your life, but not everything lost can be replaced immediately with something else. Patience is a virtue for you at the moment. Make some room in your life and your timetable, then stand back and see what rushes in to fill it.

Aries You only seem to enjoy yourself if you know what you are going to be doing. Where is your sense of adventure, why not step out of your comfort zone once in a while ? If we accept an unusual situation, sometimes we can be pleasantly surprised. Its your turn to be amazed !

Virgo There will never be a time in life when there is too much love. Much the same can be said of fear. We all crave both of these emotions, but you are likely to seek them out. There is no shortage of things to worry about in your life at the moment, but there is also lots to celebrate.

Capricorn Why must you question everything that is good in the world with one breath and then settle for the mediocre in life in the next. Remember that the first step to the creation of magic is the acceptance that there is some magic out there. Give yourself a break, someone is trying to show you the magic side of life.

Taurus Dare to be different, attempt the impossible and break the mould. No-one is suggesting you jump over the edge, just creep to the brim and peer over, you may like what you see. Something that once felt fresh has now become very tiresome. Is it time to explore the alternative ?

Libra You do not make silly mistakes, but you do make carefully considered errors of judgement, that’s why they are potentially more dangerous. You are extremely aware of your ability to do harm, though maybe trying to do good. Does this mean that you should not try ? Be careful not to miss an opportunity this week.

Aquarius Something is weighing heavily on you at this time, but it is ludicrous for you to feel that you must bear the total weight, it is not your responsibility. Look around you, open your heart to someone who is needing your help not your guilt. A problem shared remember is indeed a problem halved.

Gemini There is no point in continually following the rules and hoping that all will turn out well, because the rules keep changing. People who think on their feet are more likely to succeed than those who are more stoical. You are blessed with the talent of being able to adjust, put your talents to work, unless you would rather everything just stay the same ?

Scorpio You have been taking time recently to pass on your knowledge to the younger generation. This is all very admirable, but when doe it become time for you ? Be selfish, take some leisure time for yourself, share time with a close loved one and see the benefits unfold for you both.

Pisces The body may not be too fit, but the mind is certainly willing. You feel in need of some mental stimulation and a bit of a challenge. Be open to suggestions and look for opportunities to broaden your intellectual horizons. It might be time to stretch yourself.

Cancer Some say that birds of a feather flock together, whilst this is opften true, it is not the law. You need to be part of a team where one persons strength compensates the others weakness. To make such an alliance possible, a mutual respect must be cultured and fostered.

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Hitchin Gigs Reader — Nicole Winchman has sent us this review of Harry Potter - The Half Blood Prince. Nicole lives in Germany and is a big fan of My Passion. She will be going to see them in Cologne and then again in Berlin. Well done Nicole, let us know how both gigs go !

Harry Potter - The Half Blood Prince First of all the movie was absolutely amazing ! We enjoyed every second of it. Scenes were really funny, especially the ones with Ron Weasley, played by Rupert Grint. We also liked Bellatrix Le Strange, played by Helena Bonham Carter, she is such a great actress. The atmosphere inside the cinema was great as well, so all in all we must say it is one of the best Harry Potter movies ever and we cant wait to see it again, nor for the DVD to come out. Nicky and Eleanor.

Download tunes from My Passion, Scar My Eyes and Lost Without Cause, from the Hitchin Gigs website now !


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Page 23: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

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Page 24: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

All throughout August we are opening Sub Zero during the day. We will be open for all members to come along and join in with whatever is happening. We are going to be doing various activities, as well as having an Xbox 360 and a Wii console, a Playstation 3 and a football table as well as Internet access . Snacks and Ice Cream will be on sale, so if you are looking for somewhere to hang out then come along. If you are not a member, don’t worry, it’s free to join, just follow the links on the website. Only 50p admission charge.


Page 25: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3
Page 26: Hitchin Gigs and Gadgets Issue 3

There is growing concern amongst the live music community, that the Department of Environmental Health are taking a heavy handed approach in dealing with one of our towns’ biggest attractions. Is it right that venues which have been around for years should be held to ransom by the complaints of people who have only moved to the area recently. One phone call from a local resident after 11pm can cause untold numbers of problems for venues, even to the extent that they can lose their licence. As loyal gig attendants we feel we have a responsibility to let others know what your elected Council is doing to the entertainment venues in the town, quite often it seems with very little reason. It is of course the responsibility of each individual to moderate their behaviour when leaving venues, however, this is fast becoming a case of the many being punished for the actions of a few. We have spoken to a selection of Landlords for their views. Our question to Pub and Venue Landlords this week is “Do you believe that the noise abatement regulations are being enforced in the interest of the many, or in the interest of the killjoy few?”

The Ivory Brand Street

In the interests of confidentiality, we will not name individuals. One of our sources says; “I feel that legislation is geared to protect the many, but is open to abuse by the minority, to be used as a vendetta against a particular business or person. On the whole, I have found Environmental Health to be helpful and although they try to resolve any issues, they will not commit themselves to giving advice on a specific course of action. Once a noise abatement notice has been served, it continues Indefiniyely and could lead to a court appearance and loss of entertainment licence, despite issues being years and years apart. I would like to see a different approach taken if a complaint is received over and over again from the same person, as this indicates intolerance on the part of the complainant.”

Another Pub Manager was less conciliatory stating that; “All but very few music events in this venue have been cancelled, despite having the facilities, Environmental Health refuse to tell us what we need to do to be compliant. When there were complaints, nobody contacted us so that we could address the issue and the first we knew was a letter in the post three days later. We have not been advised of any sound levels that we need to adhere to, nor who the complainant is, so that we can resolve the issue to their satisfaction. This has resulted in a net loss of business, approaching two thousand pounds per week. It is unreasonable for us to spend tens of thousands of pounds and not be sure the end result would be any good.”

The Red Hart Bucklesbury

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Our third Landlord, however, took a much more pro-active approach to the problem. Whilst acknowledging he has fewer residential neighbours than most, he employed Noise Surveyors and implemented the solutions they recommended, at substantial cost. Although he feels Environmental Health would have wanted him to go further, his due diligent attitude has to date has prevented any action being taken. He says; “If making noise is your business then you need to mitigate against it.!” Overall, all of our respondents agree that if you are buying a property, or moving into a new area, where there is a pre-existing venue, then it is the responsibility of the resident to discover whether they can live with that activity.

Remix Hermitage Road

The Venue Bancroft

The music levels are only part of the story, the type of music can often have a big influence. The booming vibrations from Drum and Bass can carry far further than an acoustic set and the emptying of glass bottles into outside bins in the early hours of the morning can be a constant irritation to local residents. Add to this, loud and often tipsy people leaving the venues and the overall effect can be quite negative. However, with sensible scheduling of gigs, i.e. no drum and bass on a Sunday afternoon ! The organisation of the clear down of the venue or pub, put the empties out in the morning ! Consideration from the venue goers, sing quietly ! We can eradicate some of the problems experienced by those who do not go to pubs and gigs.

Hitchin is a town which has always been famous for its love of music in general and live music in particular. We have some very promising new bands in the Hitchin and surrounding areas, it would be a tragedy if our venues were closed, simply because we do not govern the noise output. It could be said that if you don’t like the loud music coming from the venue near you, then move somewhere else ! Unfortunately it’s not as easy as that. We will be following this matter up with the MP Peter Lilley, to see what he has to say about the decline of the entertainment industry in the town and we will also be giving the Environmental Health Department the right of reply. In the meantime the message would seem to be clear, Landlords must take the matter into their own hands. Take a more positive attitude towards saving your valuable entertainment licence. Make the law work for you, get an expert in and be ready when the Killjoys come calling !

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