History / Organization / Calendar Objective Content : 2 possible « tracks »:

Sécurité, Cryptologie et Codage des Systèmes d’Information Security, Cryptology and Coding of Information Systems History / Organization / Calendar Objective Content : 2 possible « tracks »: « M2 P » SCCI : « M2R SCCI » Yet: « SAFE » : cursus en apprentissage, enseigné en Français Some examples of Master thesis Grenoble University


Grenoble University. Sécurité, Cryptologie et Codage des Systèmes d’Information Security, Cryptology and Coding of Information Systems. History / Organization / Calendar Objective Content : 2 possible « tracks »: « M2 P » SCCI : « M2R SCCI »   Yet: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of History / Organization / Calendar Objective Content : 2 possible « tracks »:

Page 1: History / Organization / Calendar Objective Content : 2 possible « tracks »:

Sécurité, Cryptologie et Codage des Systèmes d’Information

Security, Cryptology and Coding of Information Systems

History / Organization / Calendar Objective Content : 2 possible « tracks »:

« M2 P » SCCI : « M2R SCCI »  

Yet:• « SAFE » : cursus en apprentissage, enseigné en Français

Some examples of Master thesis

Grenoble University

Page 2: History / Organization / Calendar Objective Content : 2 possible « tracks »:

Context - Objective

Context : expansion of networks and distributed applicationsConfidentiality, Authentication, Integrity, Non-repudiation

Various applications and professional skills: Enterprise specialised in security: solutions providers (hardware, software, smartcard,

…); security audit, … Specialized department of a company : bank, e-business, telecom, video, tv, … Information system within a company: network/system administration

Formation spécialisée en 1 an conjointe UJF – INP (Grenoble Univ.) Institut Fourier et Ensimag

Objective : formation of experts in security and coding technologies Cryptology : mathematical protocols (RSA, AES, ECC…)

Security: software/hardware (network, system, integraton) Applications : watermarking, multimedia, smartcard, …

Directed to profession (M2P) or to research (M2R)

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Brief history & Organization Master UJF-IPG Cryptologie, Sécurité, Codage de l’Information (2001…)

Sept 2003: first promotion:17 graduate students Up to Sept 2010: 198 graduated students (99 IPG, 99 UJF); 230 expected in 2011.

From Sept 2007: international M2P – program taught in English M2 Security, Cryptology and Coding of Information Systems Gathers French and English speaking students (2 groups of students)

From Sept 2008: part of MOSIG International Master Director UJF/IF : [email protected] Co-director INP/ENSIMAG: [email protected]

From Sept 2011: 2 academic programs: M2R and M2P SCCI http://www-ufrima.imag.fr/ue_filiere.php3?filiere=M2RCRYPTO&id=739&lang=en http://www-ufrima.imag.fr/spip.php?article49 http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/enseignement/spip.php?rubrique19

From Sept 2011: can be attended as a standard track for ENSIMAG students « Grenoble-INP » semestre à choix

Academic calendar: M2R : sept-january : courses / Feb-june: Master thesis M2P : sept-march: courses / April-sept: Master thesisr thesis)

mid-June: mid-term presentation and mid-September: Master thesis defense

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M2- P Mosig SCCI (M2-P)

Organization / Credits

27 ECTS Thèse de Master 3 ECTS UE Transversal (Anglais/Français/Histoire des sciences, ….)

30 ECTS “scientifique/technique” 15 ECTS Tronc commun 12 ECTS Spécialisation au choix: “info” ou “math” 3 ECTS = UE au choix (2 proposés, ouvert Master)

General schedule for a 6 ECTS scientific module 36h lectures (in English) + 24h “training” in ½ group: TP/ Exercises/ Complements

1 group taight in English + 1 group taught in French

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Security, Cryptology and Coding of Information Systems

Content / Credits for the Master degree

Security, Cryptology and Coding of Information Systems

Content / Credits for the Master degree

Non-elective Core Courses 18 ECTS ECTS Teaching teams

Security models: proofs, protocols and politics 6 Autreau, Lafourcade, Roch

Symmetric and asymmetric cryptology – PKI 6 Dumas, Elbaz-Vincent

System administration and network security 3 Denneulin, Wagner, Marchand

English or French 3 Pool Langues

Choose one of the two following elective 12 ECTS

Elective A. Security of systems and infrastructuresAdvanced security of system and networksHardware and embedded secure architectectures Distributed algorithms and fault-toleranceDeployment of a secure grid infrastructure


Wagner, CastelluciaLeveugleQuéma, AnghelDenneulin, Wagner

Elective B. Cryptology, coding and multimedia appl.Advanced cryptology: elliptic curves and cryptanalysisMultimedia applications and watermarkingError correcting codes and fault-tolerance


Elbaz-Vincent, Leprévost, GillardCayre, Ebrahimi, Bas Roch, Patchichkine, Brossier

Choose one of the two following elective 3 ECTS

Elective 1. Smart card security, certification and norms 3 Autreau, Canovas, Potet

Elective 2. Quantum cryptography, biometrics, pairings 3 Arrighi, Elbaz-Vincent

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Parcours M2R Security and Cryptology

Formation à la recherche en SECR Travail individuel (lectures, no “training”, assignments)

1 ECTS = 24 H work = 6h lectures + 18h individual homework Aspects fondamentaux, aussi bien math que info

Common core: 24 ECTS Security models: proofs, protocols and politics [6 ECTS] Symmetric and asymmetric cryptology – PKI [6 ECTS] System and Network Security [6 ECTS]

• System administration and network security• Advanced security of system and networks

Advanced cryptology:elliptic curves and cryptanalysis [6 ECTS] Elective. 6 ECTS

Either: [6 ECTS]• Smart card security, certification and norms [3 ECTS]• Quantum cryptography, biometrics, pairings [3 ECTS]

Or elective course in the M2 MI [6 ECTS]• Requires validation by the program director

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Examples of Master thesis Integration of zero-knowledge authentication on smart card [C-S] Secure server for SIP telecommunications [INRIA] Integration of strong authentication in an information system [British Telecom] Management of identity for printer access [Helwett-Packard, Germany] Reconfiguraton of a secure infrastructure [France-Telecom, Grenoble] Conception et réalisation d’un composant de sécurité [Ministère Défense, Paris] Analysis and deployment of a confidential data service [Solucom, Nantes] Integration of biometrics in crypto protocols [SAGEM, Paris] Hidden channel attacks [SAGEM, Paris] Windows CardSpace components in a smart card [Gemalto, La Ciotat] Secure loading of jar in JavaCard3.0 [Gemalto, La Ciotat] Lightweight electronic signature [Dictao, Paris] Wireless infrastructure for emergency comm. [Wisecomm, Germany] Secure and anonymous communication on internet [UL, Luxembourg] Test of crypto-secure random generators [LTSI, Lyon] Security analysis of a medical data protection scheme [Philips, Eindhoven] Supervision of the CEA computer infrastructure [CEA, Grenoble] Security analysis of images watermarking [GIPSA, Grenoble] Security audit of the SCADA platform [Atos Origin, Grenoble] ….