History of biotechnology-Nhất Camry

History of Biotechnology

Transcript of History of biotechnology-Nhất Camry

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History of Biotechnology

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Stages of BiotechAncientClassicalModern

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Ancient BiotechBegins with early

civilizationDevelopments in ag and

food productionFew records exist

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Ancient BiotechArcheologists research Ancient carvings and

sketches sources of information

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Classical BiotechFollows ancientMakes wide spread use of

methods from ancient, especially fermentation

Methods adapted to industrial production

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Classical BiotechProduce large quantities of

food products and other materials in short amount of time

Meet demands of increasing population

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Classical BiotechMany methods developed

through classical biotech are widely used today.

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Modern BiotechManipulation of genetic

material within organismsBased on genetics and the

use of microscopy, biochemical methods, related sciences and technologies

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Modern BiotechOften known as genetic

engineeringRoots involved the

investigation of genes

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Ancient BiotechNot known when biotech

began exactlyFocused on having food

and other human needs

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Ancient BiotechUseful plants brought from

the wild, planted near caves where people lived

As food was available, ability to store and preserve emerged

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AncientFood preservation most

likely came from unplanned events such as a fire or freeze

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Domestication15,000 years ago, large

animals were hard to capturePeople only had meat when

they found a dead animalCame up with ways of

capturing fish and small animals

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DomesticationFood supplies often seasonalWinter food supplies may get

quite lowDomestication is seen by

scientists as the beginning of biotech

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DomesticationAdaptation of organisms

so they can be culturedMost likely began 11,000

– 12,000 years ago in the middle east

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DomesticationInvolved the collecting of seed

from useful plants and growing crude crops from that seed

Involved the knowledge that the seed had to properly mature

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DomesticationProper plantingNeed for water, light and other

conditions for plant growthEarliest plants likely grains

and other seeds used for food

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DomesticationRaising animals in captivity

began about the same time in history

Easier to have an animal close by that to hunt and capture a wild one

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DomesticationLearned that animals

need food and waterLearned about simple

breedingHow to raise young

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DomesticationCattle, goats and sheep

were the first domesticated food animals

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DomesticationAbout 10,000 years ago,

people had learned enough about plants and animals to grow their own food

The beginning of farming.

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FoodDomestication resulted in

food supplies being greater in certain times of the year

Products were gathered and stored

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FoodSome foods rottedOthers changed form and

continued to be good to eatFoods stored in a cool cave

did not spoil as quickly

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FoodFoods heated by fire also

did not spoil as quicklyImmersing in sour liquids

prevented food decay

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Food preservationUsing processes that

prevent or slow spoilageHeating, cooling, keeps

microorganisms (mo’s) from growing

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Food preservationStored in bags of leather or jars

of clayFermentation occurs if certain

mo’s are presentCreates an acid condition that

slows or prevents spoilage

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CheeseOne of the first food

products made through biotechnology

Began some 4,000 years ago

Nomadic tribes in Asia

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CheeseStrains of bacteria were

added to milkCaused acid to formResulting in sour milk

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CheeseEnzyme called “rennet” was

addedRennet comes from the

lining of the stomachs of calves

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CheeseRennet is genetically

engineered todayNot all cheese is made from

produced rennet

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YeastLong used in food

preparation and preservationBread bakingYeast produces a gas in the

dough causing the dough to rise

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YeastFermented productsVinegarRequire the use of yeast in

at least one stage of production

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YeastSpecies of fungiSome are useful Some may cause diseases

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VinegarAncient product used to

preserve foodJuices and extracts from

fruits and grains can be fermented

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FermentationProcess in which yeast

enzymes chemically change compounds into alcohol

In making vinegar the first product of fermentation is alcohol

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FermentationAlcohol is converted to acetic

acid by additional microbe activity

Acid gives vinegar a sour tasteVinegar prevents growth of

some bacteria

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VinegarKeeps foods from spoilingUsed in picklingBiblical references to wine

indicate the use of fermentation some 3,000 years ago

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Fermentation controlIn ancient times, likely

happened by accidentAdvancements occurred in

the 1800’s and early 1900’s

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FermentersUsed to advance

fermentation processSpecially designed chamber

that promotes fermentation

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FermentersAllowed better control,

especially with vinegarNew products such as

glycerol, acetone, and citric acid resulted

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DevelopmentOf yeasts that were

predictable and readily available led to modern baking industry

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AntibioticsUse of fermentation

hastened the development of antibiotics

A drug used to combat bacterial infections

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AntibioticsPenicillinDeveloped in the late1920’sIntroduced in the 1940’sFirst drug produced

by microbes

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AntibioticsMany kinds available todayLimitations in their use keep

disease producing organisms from developing immunity to antibiotics

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AntibioticsUse antibiotics only when

needed.Overuse may make the

antibiotic ineffective when really needed later

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AntibioticsSome disease organisms

are now resistant to certain antibiotics

Used in both human and vet medicine

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Modern BiotechDeals with manipulating genetic

infoMicroscopy and advanced

computer technology are usedIn-depth knowledge of science

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Modern BiotechBased on genetics research

from the mid 1800’s

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GeneticsStudy of heredityMost work has focused on

animal and plant geneticsGenes – determiners of


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GenesCarry the genetic codeUnderstanding genetic

structure essential for genetic engineering

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HeredityHow traits are passed from

parents to offspringMembers of the same

species pass the characteristics of that species

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HeredityDifferences exist within each

species.Differences are known as


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Heredity &variabilityAre used in modern


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Modern BiotechUse of biotech to produce

new life formsEmerged in mid 1900’sMade possible by rDNA


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rDNARecombinant DNA ProcessGenetic material is moved

from one organism to another

Materials involved are quite small

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rDNAChallenging and often

controversialMany have opposing or

negative views of biotechnolgy

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People in BiotechZacharias JanssenDiscovered the principle of

the compound microscope in 1590

Dutch eye glass maker

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Anton Van LeeuwenhoekDeveloped single lens

microscope in 1670’sFirst to observe tiny

organisms and document observations

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Anton V.L.Work led to modern

microscopesElectron microscope

developed in 1931 by group of German scientists

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Gregor MendelFormulated basic laws of

heredity during mid 1800’sAustrian Botanist and monkExperimented with peas

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MendelStudied inheritance of seven

pairs of traitsBred and crossbred thousands

of plantsDetermined that some traits

were dominant and other recessive

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MendelFindings were published in

1866Largely ignored for 34 years

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Johan Friedrich MiescherSwiss BiologistIsolated nuclei of white blood

cells in 1869Led to identification of

nucleic acid by Walter Flemming

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Walter SuttonDetermined in 1903 that

chromosomes carried units of heredity identified by Mendel

Named “genes” in 1909 by Wilhelm Johannsen, Danish Botanist

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Thomas Hunt MorganStudied genetics of fruit fliesEarly 1900’sExperimented with eye colorHis work contributed to the

knowledge of X and Y chromosomes

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Thomas Hunt MorganNobel Peace Prize in 1933

for research in gene theory

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Ernst RuskaBuild the first electron

microscope in 1932German electrical engineerMicroscope offered 400X


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Alexander FlemingDiscovered penicillin in 1928First antibiotic drug used in

treating human diseaseObserved growth of molds

(Penicillium genus) in a dish that also contracted bacteria

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Alexander FlemingBacteria close to the molds

were deadExtracting and purifying the

molds took a decade of research

Penicillin first used in 1941

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Alexander FlemingPenicillin credited with

saving many lives during WWII when wounded soldiers developed infections.

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Rosalind Elsie FranklinResearch in France and

England in mid 1900’sLed to discovery of structure

of DNAHer early research was used

to produce an atomic bomb

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Rosalind FranklinSet up X ray diffraction labPhotographs of DNA

showed that it could have a double helix structure

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Rosalind FranklinSome questions surround

the theft of her work in 1952Including x ray photographs

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Watson and CrickJames WatsonFrancis CrickCollaborated to produce the

first model of DNA structure in 1953

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Watson and CrickDescribed DNA dimensions

and spacing of base pairsHad major impact on genetic

engineering carried out today

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WatsonBorn in the USCrick – born in EnglandCollaborative research at

Cambridge University in England

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Norman E. BorlaugDeveloped wheat varieties

producing high yieldsResearch in MexicoSemi dwarf varietiesDeveloped wheat variety that would

grow in climates where other varieties would not

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BorlaugNobel Peace Prize in 1971Credited with helping relieve

widespread hunger in some nations

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Mary Clare KingResearch into nature of DNA

during late 1900’sDetermined that 99% of

human DNA is identical to chimpanzee

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Mary Clare King1975 found similar gene

pools between humans and chimpanzee made it possible to research hereditary causes of breast cancer

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Ian WilmutCloning of a sheep named

Dolly in 1997Produced from tissue of an

adult sheepPrevious cloning efforts had

been from early embryos

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ResearchUse of systematic methods

to answer questions.Problems may be basic or


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BasicRequire generating new info

to gain understandingApplied – involve use of

knowledge already acquired.

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ResearchSupplies facts that can be

used to improve a process or product

Settings range from elaborate labs to field plots

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Field PlotSmall area of land that is

used to test questions or hypothesis

Belief is that same result would be obtained if carried out on larger scale

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Field PlotsOften tested several timesKnown as replication

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ResearchDone by agencies, universities,

private companies, individualsBiotech research in ag is

carried out by ag experiment stations and large corporations

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DevelopmentCreation of new products or

methods based on findings of research

Carefully studied before being put into full scale use

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DevelopmentNew products tested before

approvalGovernment agencies such as

the FDA are involvedPrototype is developed –

research model that is carefully tested

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PrototypeBecomes a pattern for the

production of similar products

After being fully tested, full scale production begins.