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Transcript of Hipolito

Page 1: Hipolito

Some psychological motivations for fashion opinion leadership and fashion opinion seeking

To the editor,

I am writing to give an opinion about the published Journal of Fashion Marketing Management of Laurent Bertrandias and Ronald E. Goldsmith. This document is a description of the relation of consumer need for uniqueness and attention to social comparison information and also the roles of opinion leadership opinion seeking.

The study shows the analysis done to a group of 201 undergraduates. They wanted to get a practical conclusion of behavior of these fashion consumers and the influence of opinion leaders on opinion seekers.

Its results show that consumers are looking more to get uniqueness with their purchases, so there is an important relation of fashion leaders and fashion opinion seekers.

With this, my opinion is that the articles shows good results and I support the idea that opinion leaders are more likely to be female. Additionally, there seems to be an important need to express their need for uniqueness for these leaders, but opinion applicants are less likely to express this.

Ronald. E (2006). Some psychological motivations for fashion opinions leaderships and fashion seeking. Journal of fashion marketing and management 10(1), 25-40.
