HINDUISM Not a Religion but DHARMA

HISTORY, DHARMA (NOT RELIGION) AND SCIENCE OF ANCIENT INDIA- CALLED HINDUISM NOW -It is not a religion, but a an ancient history documented in various forms for people to understand depending on their ability, grasp, depth of knowledge and mind and brain. As you know Ved are an oldest ancient documented to pass on through oral knowledge through various sages and ancient scientists. Many old scriptures were transcribed later on by Gupta empire during Chanakya’s time. मममम ममममममम ममममम , मम मममममम ममममममम मम ममम ममममम मम मममममम मम मममम मममम मम मममममम मममममममम मम मममममम ममम मममममममम मम मममममम मममम मम मममम ममममममम मम ममममम मममम ममम मममममममममम ममममममममममममममममम ।। + ममममममम मम मममममम :- मममममममममममममम मममममम ममममममम मम मममम मममम ममममम , मममममममम ( मममम , ममममम ममम मम मममम मममम ) , ममममममममममम ( ममममम मममममम मम मममम मममम ) , मममममममममममम ( मममम मम मममम मममम ) , मममममममममममम ( मममममम ममममम मम मममम मममम ) , मममममममममममम ( ममम ममममममम मम मममम मममम ) , ममममममममममम ( मम , ममममम ममम मममम मम मममम मममम ) - मममममममम ममममममम 1875 मममम ममम मममम मम मम मममममम ममम ममममममम ममममम मम मम ममममम मममम मम मम मममममम मम ममम मम 400 ममममम मम ममममम मममम मम ममम ममम ममममममम मममम मममम मममम मम मम मम मममममम ममममममममम मममम ममम मम मममम मम ममम ममममम ममम ममममम मम 97 मममम ममममममममममममम मम ममममम मम ममम 20 ममम ममममममम मम ममममम मम मम ममममममम मम मममम मममममम मम मममम ममम मममममममम ममममममम मममम ममम


Hinduism is Dharma and not any modern religion or cult.

Transcript of HINDUISM Not a Religion but DHARMA

HISTORY, DHARMA (NOT RELIGION) AND SCIENCE OF ANCIENT INDIA- CALLED HINDUISM NOW-It is not a religion, but a an ancient history documented in various forms for people to understand depending on their ability, grasp, depth of knowledge and mind and brain. As you know Ved are an oldest ancient documented to pass on through oral knowledge through various sages and ancient scientists. Many old scriptures were transcribed later on by Gupta empire during Chanakyas time. , + :- , (, ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), (, )- 1875 400 97 20 dasahena tu karkandhuh |kalalam tv eka-ratrena |panca-ratrena budbudam |pesy andam va tatah param 3-31-2says Bhagavata PuranaTranslation : On the first night, the sperm and ovum mix, and on the fifth night the mixture ferments into a bubble. On the tenth night it develops into a form like a plum, and after that, it gradually turns into a lump of flesh or an egg.In 1972, Dr. H.P.Robinson of Glasgow University, showed using ultrasonic Doppler technique, that the heart begins at about 12-14 weeks.Bhagavata Purana states that two ears develop and gets knowledge of sound and directions. Two separate functions are attributed to the ears, clearly. It is proved true during 1936 when Ross and Tait published their paper showing that the directions are recognized by the Labyrinth, situated in the Internal ears.Aitereya Upanishad (1/1/4 and 1/2/4, written in 6000 BC) mentions the same fact.The Bhagavata Purana gives microscopic details about the origin of a person (Purusha). It is narrated in a form of a story of He and She. (3/6/1-5)He noticed that unless He and She unite, reproduction is not possible.Therefore He conjugated with She. He entered into her 23 principles and brought together all the 23 principles.Modern science discovery has shown that 23 chromosomes of a sperm join with those of an ovum and then an embryo forms.Chromosomes are called as Gunawidhi in bhagavata purana and mahabharata because they control Guna (characters) and Widhi (functions).Blue colour bodyIt means that thebody is transparent as if it was not there. Even Krishna, Shiva, Rama are depicted in blue. That doesnt concern the physical body but inside is infinity. Whatever is infinity is represented by blue: sky is blue, ocean is blue33 CRORE GODS?A popular but unfounded belief has been spread that Hindus have 33 crore gods. It is a misunderstanding of the Vedic concept of the State, and hence a misinterpretation of the wordkoti.33 divinities are mentioned in the Yajur-veda, Atharva-veda, Satapatha-brahmana, and in several other Vedic and later texts. The number thirty-three occurs with reference to divinities in the Parsi scriptures of Avesta as well.The expressiontrayastrimsa devais found in the list of classes of gods in Sanskrit Buddhist texts like the Divyavadana and Suvarnaprabhasa-sutra.The wordkotihas the same meaning asuchha koti.It was a problem even in AD 725 when Subhakarasimha and his Chinese colleague I-hsing translated the Mahavairocana-sutra into Chinese. They rendered the compoundsapta-koti-buddhaasshichi (sapta) kotei (koti) butsu (buddha)in which they did not translate the word koti that transliterated its pronunciation as kotei. The Buddhas were not seven crore, but only Seven Supreme Buddhas: six predecessors and the historic Buddha.In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, chapter 3, Yjavalkya has said that in reality there are only 33 gods and goddesses. Of these 8 are Vasus, 11 Rudras, 12 Adityas, and Indra and Prajapati.33 koti gods = 8 Vasus + 11 Rudras + 12 Adityas + 2 Heaven and Earth ( 8+ 11 + 12 + 2 = 33).An inscription from the Baku Atashgah. The first line begins: I salute Lord Ganesha ( ), the second venerates the holy fire (, Jwala Ji) and dates the inscription to Samvat 1802 ( , or 1745-46 CE). The Persian quatrain below is the sole Persian inscription on the temple[7] and, though ungrammatical,[7] also refers to the fire () and dates it to 1158 () Hijri, which is also 1745 CE

The magnetic compass was first used in India around 1800 BCE, for navigational purposes at sea, and was known as Matsya yantra (which roughly translates to fish machine), because of the placement of a metallic piece shaped into a fish in a cup of oil .The work "Merchants Treasure" written at Cairo by Baylak al Kiljaki mentions the magnetic needle as being in use in the Indian Ocean.The route that Fa-hien , the celebrated Chinese monk, took to return home after his stay in India (412-413) is fully described by him. Leaving Tramralipti, the Orissa port, he took fourteen days to reach Sri Lanka. From there he embarked for Java and called at Nicobars (Nakka-varam), the island of the naked. From Nicobar the ship passed through the Straits of Malacca into the Pacific. Oceanic travel was therefore well advanced in the fifth century and Indian mariners not merely crossed the Bay of Bengal at its widest point, but sailed far out into the Pacific

Sun and whole universe are round Yajur Veda 20. 23

Shape of Earth is like an Oblate Spheroid. (Rig VedaXXX. IV.V)

Moon is enlightened by the sun Yajur Veda 18, 20.

Earth is flattened at the poles (Markandeya Purana 54.12)

Blue Sky is Nothing but scattered sunlight (Markandeya Purana 78.8)

There are many suns Rg Veda 9. 114. 3.

Seven colours in the sun Atharva Veda 7. 107. 1.

Electromagnetic field, conversion of mass and energy Rg 10. 72.

The gravitational effect of solar system makes the earth stable (R.V.1-103-2, 1-115-4 and 5-81-2).

The axle of the earth does not get rusted ,the earth continues to revolve on its axle (R.V. 1-164-29)

The Sun never sets or rises and it is the earth, which rotates (Sama-Ved 121).

The science of Time and its subtle nature is described in (R.V.1-92-12 and 1-95-8)Flawed Arguments and Recent InvestigationsIt turns out that there are serious problems with this argument. There are no references to an invasion in the Vedic manuscripts; and the Sanskrit word"Aryas" means "noble", not a superior cultural group. Secondly, recent archaeological evidence suggests that the Indus civilization was shut down by droughts combined with a devasting flood, not a violent confrontation. Recent archaeological evidence also shows that many of the so-called "Indus River" valley peoples lived in the Sarasvati River, which is mentioned in the Vedic manuscripts as a homeland. There is no biological or archaeological evidence of a massive invasion of people of a different race.Ancient Shiva temple discovered in Java, Indonesia

Estimated Archaeologists in Indonesia have uncovered a 1,000-year-old temple that could shed light on the country's Hindu past.

The temple was found on the grounds of Yogyakarta's Islamic University as workers probed the ground to lay foundations for a new library, and they realized the earth beneath their feet was not stable.What it means ,is that Islamist destroyed temple and erected Muslim library there.