Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex...

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations ISEC – Montpellier – July, 4th 2014 Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R Package Ghislain Vieilledent ⋆,1 Cory Merow 2 erˆ ome Gu´ elat 3 Andrew M. Latimer 4 Marc K´ ery 3 Alan E. Gelfand 5 Adam M. Wilson 6 Fr´ ed´ eric Mortier 1 and John A. Silander Jr. 2 [1] Cirad France, [2] University of Connecticut USA, [3] Swiss Ornithological Institute Switzerland, [4] University of California USA, [5] Duke University USA, [6] Yale University USA hSDM R package

Transcript of Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex...

Page 1: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

ISEC – Montpellier – July, 4th 2014

Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models

with the hSDM R Package

Ghislain Vieilledent⋆,1 Cory Merow2 Jerome Guelat3

Andrew M. Latimer4 Marc Kery3

Alan E. Gelfand5 Adam M. Wilson6 Frederic Mortier1

and John A. Silander Jr.2

[1] Cirad France, [2] University of Connecticut USA, [3] Swiss Ornithological Institute Switzerland,[4] University of California USA, [5] Duke University USA, [6] Yale University USA

hSDM R package

Page 2: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

1 IntroductionSpecies distribution modelsIssues : imperfect detectionand spatial correlationAvailable softwares

2 hSDM R packagePackage main characteristicsParameter inference

3 ExamplesN-mixture iCAR modelBinomial iCAR model withlarge data-set

4 Recommendations“statistical machismo” ?hSDM and applied research inecology

hSDM R package

Page 3: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

1 IntroductionSpecies distribution modelsIssues : imperfect detectionand spatial correlationAvailable softwares

2 hSDM R packagePackage main characteristicsParameter inference

3 ExamplesN-mixture iCAR modelBinomial iCAR model withlarge data-set

4 Recommendations“statistical machismo” ?hSDM and applied research inecology

hSDM R package

Page 4: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

SDM definition


Identifying the suitable habitatfor species persistence

Reference : species niche(Hutchinson 1957)

Representing this habitatspatially (maps)

Applications : conservationbiology

hSDM R package

Page 5: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

Imperfect detection

Species is not observedperfectly (“Now you see me,now you don’t”)

Detection probability < 1

Treating observations as the“true” species distributionmight lead to completely wronghabitat models

See Lahoz-Monfort et al.

2014 Global Ecology and


hSDM R package

Page 6: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

Spatial autocorrelation

Most species presentgeographical patchiness

Positive spatial correlation

Causes :

Exogeneous environmentalfactors (climate, soil)Endogeneous biotic processes(dispersal, migration)

Ignoring spatial correlation maylead to biased conclusionsabout ecological relationships

See Lichstein et al. 2002Ecological Monographs

hSDM R package

Page 7: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

Site-occupancy and N-mixture models

Site-occupancy model (occurrencedata)

Ecological process :Zi ∼ Bernoulli(θi )logit(θi ) = Xiβ

Observation process :yit ∼ Bernoulli(δit × Zi )logit(δit) = Witγ

N-mixture model (count data)

Ecological process :Ni ∼ Poisson(λi )log(λi ) = Xiβ

Observation process :yit ∼ Binomial(Ni , δit)logit(δit) = Witγ

Repeated observations at particular sites (multiple visits)

hSDM R package

Page 8: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

CAR process

intrinsic CAR

p(ρj |ρj′) ∼ Normal(µj ,Vρ/nj)

µj : mean of ρj′ in the neighborhood of j .Vρ : variance of the spatial random effects.nj : number of neighbors for cell j .

hSDM R package

Page 9: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

CAR process

Site-occupancy model (occurrencedata)

Ecological process :Zi ∼ Bernoulli(θi )logit(θi ) = Xiβ + ρj(i)

Observation process :yit ∼ Bernoulli(δit × Zi )logit(δit) = Witγ

N-mixture model (count data)

Ecological process :Ni ∼ Poisson(λi )log(λi ) = Xiβ + ρj(i)

Observation process :yit ∼ Binomial(Ni , δit)logit(δit) = Witγ

hSDM R package

Page 10: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

Available softwares

Softwares for mixture models

PRESENCE, MARK, E-SURGE, unmarked, stocc, JAGS, stan,WinBUGS, OpenBUGS

Softwares for spatial autocorrelation

OpenBUGS, WinBUGS, BayesX, stocc, CARBayes, R-INLA,spatcounts, OpenBUGS, spdep, CARramps, spBayes

Mixture models + spatial autocorrelation

Very few softwares available and limitations : OpenBUGS, WinBUGS

(might be slow), stocc (probit and binary data only).

hSDM R package

Page 11: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

1 IntroductionSpecies distribution modelsIssues : imperfect detectionand spatial correlationAvailable softwares

2 hSDM R packagePackage main characteristicsParameter inference

3 ExamplesN-mixture iCAR modelBinomial iCAR model withlarge data-set

4 Recommendations“statistical machismo” ?hSDM and applied research inecology

hSDM R package

Page 12: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

Package main characteristics

hSDM : R “user-friendly”package

Mixture models :site-occupancy, N-mixture,but also ZIB and ZIP models

Including a spatialautocorrelation process (iCAR)

Web-site :http://hSDM.sf.net

Vignette with several exampleson simulated and real data-sets

hSDM R package

Page 13: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

Parameter inference

hierarchical Bayesian models

MCMC methods (noapproximation of the posterior)

adaptive Metropolis withinGibbs (“efficient”)

written in pure C code (“fast”)

source code available throughgit on Sourceforge

hSDM R package

Page 14: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

1 IntroductionSpecies distribution modelsIssues : imperfect detectionand spatial correlationAvailable softwares

2 hSDM R packagePackage main characteristicsParameter inference

3 ExamplesN-mixture iCAR modelBinomial iCAR model withlarge data-set

4 Recommendations“statistical machismo” ?hSDM and applied research inecology

hSDM R package

Page 15: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

N-mixture iCAR model

Kery & Royle 2010, Journal ofAnimal Ecology

Abundance of the Willow tit(Poecile montanus)


264 sites with 2 or 3 visits

10×10 km cells

500 550 600 650 700 750 8005











hSDM R package

Page 16: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

N-mixture iCAR model

Models of increasing complexity

(1) Poisson, (2) N-mixture and(3) N-mixture + iCAR

500 550 600 650 700 750 800





















● ●


Spatial random effects (raster) and

observed abundance (circles)

hSDM R package

Page 17: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

Binomial iCAR model with large data-set

Latimer et al. 2006, EcologicalApplications

Occurrence of Protea punctata

Cap Floristic Region (South Africa)

36909 1’×1’ grid cells

Too many data to use ⋆BUGS


hSDM R package

Page 18: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

Binomial iCAR model with large data-set

Probability ofpresence

Spatial randomeffects



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hSDM R package

Page 19: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

1 IntroductionSpecies distribution modelsIssues : imperfect detectionand spatial correlationAvailable softwares

2 hSDM R packagePackage main characteristicsParameter inference

3 ExamplesN-mixture iCAR modelBinomial iCAR model withlarge data-set

4 Recommendations“statistical machismo” ?hSDM and applied research inecology

hSDM R package

Page 20: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

“statistical machismo” ?

Following Brian McGill’s post

Bonferroni corrections

Phylogenetic corrections

Spatial regression

Detection error

Bayesian methods

hSDM R package

Page 21: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

“statistical machismo” ?

Following Brian McGill’s post

Bonferroni corrections

Phylogenetic corrections

Spatial regression

Detection error

Bayesian methods

Can we be accused of “statisticalmachismo” ?

hSDM R package

Page 22: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

hSDM and applied research in ecology

Some recommendations

Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure).

Beware of over-parametrization and identifiability problems.

Complex models and applied research

It is true that in some cases, complex models do not significantlyimprove our ecological knowledge of the species.

Conservation planning : we need to identify the level of model

complexity we need to reach in order to take good decisions.

When complex models are necessary ?

hSDM : tool to investigate the situations (species, place) whereimperfect detection and spatial correlation lead to significant differentresults that impact decisions.

hSDM R package

Page 23: Hierarchical Bayesian species distribution models with the hSDM R … · 2019-05-07 · Complex models need appropriate data (quantity + structure). Beware of over-parametrization

Introduction hSDM R package Examples Recommendations

. . . Thank you for attention . . .

hSDM R package