
1 Integrated Marketing Communications Plan: Blackberry Q10 Larissa Braga Andrew Brown Anthony Franks Cristina Gonzalez Maika Revilleza Cindy Rubio BMGT 450 – Prof. Bob Fiddler



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Integrated Marketing Communications Plan:

Blackberry Q10

Larissa Braga Andrew Brown

Anthony Franks Cristina Gonzalez

Maika Revilleza Cindy Rubio

BMGT 450 – Prof. Bob Fiddler

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I. Problem and Objective

Research in Motion (RIM) is a Canadian telecommunication and equipment company

founded by Mike Lazaridiz in 1984, which provides wireless hardware, software, and services on

a global market scope. RIM designs and develops its products under the globally known brand,

Blackberry. It operates mainly in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. The Blackberry

product line includes a variety of Blackberry smartphones, the PlayBook tablet computer,

software development tools for businesses, and a wide range of product accessories. On top of its

hardware and software products and services, RIM also generates revenue from network access

fees and software licensing fees.

In 2009, Blackberry was the market leader in the wireless telecommunications

manufacturing industry in terms of sales, brand positioning, and market share. In recent years,

however, the company faces intense rivalry in the smartphone industry’s competitive landscape.

The current market leaders, Apple and Samsung Electronics, have skyrocketed ahead of all other

existing rivals in terms of overall sales and market share. According to Will Connors of The

Wall Street Journal, RIM's share of the U.S. smartphone market has plummeted from 50% in

2009 down to 5.9% in 2013. This leaves the Blackberry brand in a very vulnerable position,

which has led the company to face and struggle an uphill battle to sustain its competitive

standing and profitability. Connors stated, “The two smartphone market leaders (Apple and

Samsung) also have significantly more cash than RIM to maintain their leads, meaning RIM may

no longer be fighting to be a smartphone leader but rather to simply keep a place on the table.”

The executives at RIM recognize and acknowledge Blackberry’s current weak market

position in the smartphone industry, which has led the company to design and engineer two new

smartphones running on RIM’s new Blackberry 10 operating system: Z10 and Q10. The new

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Blackberry 10 products display promising features that comprise of a more secure network and a

more advanced technological features. The focus of this advertising plan is specifically geared

toward the Blackberry Q10 smartphone, which primarily targets the enterprise market segment.

RIM can still place its high hopes in the enterprise market segment, since Blackberry has

already established a strong brand positioning in this area. It has been projected that RIM will

continue to dominate the enterprise market because of its high security network features.

According to industry estimates, global smartphone shipments to business customers are

estimated to grow at a CAGR of 15%. The business customer base is also projected to exceed

30% worldwide and 65% in North America. Market experts suggest that Blackberry devices will

regain its strong market position by 2015, despite its competitors’ substantial market share gains.

The growing enterprise market, coupled with RIM’s market dominance in the area, will continue

to be beneficial for the company’s long-term profitability and sustainability. Therefore, it is vital

for RIM to implement aggressive marketing strategies toward the Blackberry Q10.

The overarching objective of this advertising plan is to generate brand switching by

implementing a creative media strategy to convince the target market (industry professionals) to

switch from their current brand of smartphone to the Blackberry Q10. This will ultimately result

in an increase in Blackberry’s overall market share in subsequent years. We expect to witness a

50% increase of its current market share one year after the official release date of the Blackberry

Q10 in June. Therefore, we project Blackberry’s market share to increase from 5.9% this year to

8.85% in June of 2014.

II. Situation Analysis

Blackberry, formerly of “Research in Motion”, made a bold splash back into the

smartphone marketplace late last February during the National Football League’s Super Bowl

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telecast. The company’s strongest communication in recent years signaled a legitimate, public

attempt to recover from a drastic loss of market share in the past decade. In order to accurately

illustrate a complete picture of the current marketing and advertising position of Blackberry

today, we must first examine the history leading up to the company’s recovery efforts.

Less than 4 years ago, Blackberry sat on a dominant market share position within the

handheld mobile phone world at roughly 44%. This dominance was achieved through the

delivery of security, reliability and the ease of technological use. A secure network and

ergonomically efficient “QWERTY” keyboard positioned Blackberry favorably in the eyes of

government, business, and general industry workers. The early Blackberry models are even

considered one of the drivers of the nation’s movement towards text messaging as a primary

source of communication (Surowiecki, 2012). Fast forward to the present, and Blackberry’s

market share sits roughly around 4.7%, with new ownership and re-branding efforts already in

place. The main reason for this fall was that as smartphones progressed, the end-consumers

rather than business users began to take precedence with producers. As this occurred, businesses

began to tailor their operations to fit the devices of preference displayed by their workers.

Blackberry simply failed to take necessary action to change with the marketplace, and as a result

was left behind.

Today we focus on the efforts of Blackberry’s new product line launches of the Z10 and

Q10 in the United Kingdom, The United States of America, and the world at large. The Super

Bowl advertisement placed the company’s brand new production, the Z10 handheld, directly in

front of the eyes of the nation. Though the advertisement achieved success in effectively

reaching a vast prospective customer base, the message failed quite miserably. The spot focused

on what the phone was unable to perform, poking fun at the functional benefits displayed by

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competitor ads, and provided little insight into the capabilities of the device. The advertisement

attempted to be humorous without a legitimate message in tow, and in doing so failed to deliver

on either component. Unfortunate as their initial publication might have been, the news of a

creative partnership with popular R&B artist Alicia Keys provided hope for a fresh start. New,

longer TV ads placed an emphasis on cultural ties with one’s hometown, simultaneously pushing

a musical component to link with the purely touchscreen Z10. Other Z10 advertisements include

a hip, younger, musically invested crowd with functional benefits sprinkled throughout.

Blackberry has recently released the “Keep Moving” commercial, displaying multiple

individuals in a side-scrolling, ever-changing environment. The key message accompanying this

structure is the depiction of individuals’ crossing over from a work environment to a personal

environment, and vice-versa. This message is reinforced when the Z10’s functional benefit of the

“Work/Personal” organizer, helping to display Blackberry’s intent to target consumers that

balance their work lives and personal interests with one problem-solving device. Blackberry has

yet to release advertisements relating to the Q10, though several product specifications are

available to the public. A full “QWERTY” keyboard and a UK government verified security

network headline the tangible functional benefits of the industry-focused handheld. The lack of

chartered action relating to the Q10 gives our team the flexibility needed to create distinct


The comparison of Blackberry to competitors is a multi-faceted analysis due to the

differing components offered by competitors. In one aspect of competition we have operating

systems such as Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS, Windows Mobile 7 as direct competitors to

Blackberry’s OS. The other component of handheld devices is the device themselves, the phone

hardware. In this arena Blackberry can cite Apple, HTC, Nokia, and Samsung as direct

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competitors. Each competitor across both segments favor Television advertisements for

communication, with distinct differences in strategy and target markets.

Apple’s Iphone 5 and iOS represent a formidable duo in the smartphone marketplace. A

staple of Apple’s success in past decades has been their ability to set themselves apart as

technological innovators. The company’s advertisements follow a consistent format of the

iPhone set against a white backdrop, performing new and intriguing functional benefits. The

simple, straightforward message places the product in the forefront of the consumers mind

during the advertisement and provides little interference to the gorgeous product design.

Google’s Android, or “Droid”, has presented their product as a unique operating system

built to be integrated into the consumer’s everyday life. The naming of the newest operating

interface as the “Droid DNA” is illustrated in the commercial by the same name. This

commercial literally depicts the injection of the Droid DNA (by HTC phone hardware) into the

arm of a man, who is then charged by the syncing of Droid Molecules into his bloodstream. The

marketing campaigns of the Droid often feature futuristic, tech-driven backdrops and

environments to showcase a sleek, forward-looking product.

Samsung can be seen as Blackberry’s single major challenger to the business and

industry professional consumer segment. Samsung’s Galaxy S4 poses a legitimate threat to

Blackberry, as it has chosen to advertise to what was previously considered Blackberry’s turf.

Several of the Galaxy S4 commercials depict young, trendy office environments that collaborate

and create using the handheld for integral operations and edits. Samsung has also focused on the

family side of business users, with communications highlighting the products ability to connect

family members on business trips in a meaningful way.

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The consumer behavior model can be uniquely applied to the handheld market due to the

variable of service carriers. Different service carriers can impact the search and selection of a

handheld quite a great deal due to restrictions and selected brands within the carrier’s service.

For example, several years ago the iPhone was restricted to AT&T customers only. The initial

consideration set illustrates the beginning steps of the mobile phone customer to form their

“evoked set”. This evoked set is made up of the brand perceptions formed through past social

exposure and previously held beliefs. During the active evaluation phase, potential consumers

will manage their evoked set by gathering information on their product options. In this phase we

may see the difference in functional benefits and values start to make a greater impact. For

example, the addition of the Blackberry Z10 may come from an individual’s preference to their

“Work/Personal” organizer feature, as opposed to the gadget-heavy exposure of the “Droid

DNA” presentation. The consumer will then ultimately make their decision and from that

moment on evaluate the functional strength and emotional benefit derived from the product for

future re-purchase decisions. In this “loyalty loop” the consumer may decide that switching

from the Apple iPhone 5 to the Samsung Galaxy S4 was worth the money saved due to the

handheld’s comparable performance between family and work life. Currently the mobile phone

market holds upwards of 3.7 Billion fully-paid, unique, mobile phone service subscribers

(Ahonen, 2011). The industry is also growing at an upward rate, and may reach a 100% market

penetration at some point by the end of the current year. Current trends within the mobile phone

industry include the movement towards purely touch-screen interfaces, superior video quality-

sound- and video game resolution, and the strength of unlimited mobile applications to help fully

synchronize all technological aspects of one’s life.

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The brand “Blackberry” has held a fairly simple and straightforward position in the

minds of consumers since the product’s launch in 1999. Due to the company’s success in the

corporate world, the brand holds a strong position as the businessman/woman’s phone. The ease

of type is vastly undervalued by younger consumers brought up on pure touchscreen interfaces,

mainly because they do not share the pressing need to fire off detailed e-mails for hours on end.

The term “Crackberry” came about during the peak years of Blackberry market dominance,

illustrating the way owners coveted their handheld problem-solvers. Government employees also

felt a strong sense of loyalty for their Blackberry’s due to the amount of reliability and durability

with which they came to associate with the product. The secure network provided by Blackberry

allowed the sensitive sharing of information, problems, and solutions across trusted channels for

important issues in business and government work. It is imperative that Blackberry create a

greater buzz and fresh image within the younger demographics due to their relative withdrawal

from the market in recent years. Without innovation and improvements of substance,

Blackberry’s position may fade from a certain “Titan of Business Communication” to “Your

Dad/Mom’s Old Work Phone”.

The iconic “1984” commercial marked the beginning of a technological dynasty in Apple

inc. The company has been widely regarded as a market leader in innovation, ease-of-use, and

everyday application for the past three decades. The company has churned out new and

groundbreaking products such as the iPod, iPad, and iPhone to achieve an extremely favorable

position in the minds of consumers. Stylish and practical, Apple portrays a certain prestige

without alienating every-day middle and lower income consumers. Younger, more hip

demographics gravitate to the allure of the strong-functioning, multiple application holding

product and brand.

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The Android position is not quite so defined as that of Apple or Blackberry. The open

source programming exhibited by the Android system allows for further customization by tech-

enthusiasts, matching up favorably with advertising attempts to portray technological

advancement. Though the operating system is dominant in terms of handheld market share,

analysts predict that Apple will surpass them in the next few years. Android holds a favored

position in the minds of consumers, but most likely second to that of Apple.

Previously a distant competitor to Apple and others, Samsung has recently enjoyed

success in brand-building and market penetration. A switch from value-centered appeal to

broader innovation and fresh approaches to former limitations has helped Samsung become a

major player in the smartphone world (Naidu-Ghelani, 2013). Their recent targeting of business

environments is expected to continue this trend in cementing itself as a respected, mature

producer of handheld devices.

Currently the market share picture of operating systems portrays Android at the top with

68.3%, Apple in 2nd with 18.8%, Blackberry with 4.7%, and Windows coming it at 2.6%. The

numerous mobile phone producers have kept sales figures close to the vest, and any estimate at a

concrete number could be disputed by several other sources.

Based on the analysis outlined above, we feel that Blackberry has a strong chance to gain

back a significant piece of market share in the next fiscal year. In order for Blackberry to do this,

the company must embrace a singular identity, and effectively communicate that brand message

to a selective target audience. Blackberry’s absence in the market has been felt by older industry

professionals that may have loved their “Crackberry” back in the day. It is now time for the

company to re-establish and communicate themselves as the premier business mobile phone

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brand. Blackberry must continue to showcase a business product that helps professionals

effectively manage a hectic, on-the-go lifestyle that forces an individual to balance work and

home-life responsibilities. Consistently reaching young professionals will help to cement

Blackberry’s return and could in turn introduce a new loyal customer group that will appreciate

the differing functional benefits of a business first phone.

III. Recommendations

As previously mentioned, the focus of this advertising plan is specifically geared toward

the Blackberry Q10 smartphone, which primarily targets the enterprise market segment. The

stated overarching objective of this advertising plan is to generate brand switching from our

target market’s current brand of smartphone to the BlackBerry Q10. By successfully achieving

this objective, BlackBerry will be able to gain market share from its competitors (Apple,

Samsung, etc.) who have been the dominating players in the wireless telecommunication

manufacturing industry for the last several years.

Target Market: The Blackberry Q10 will specifically target the enterprise market

segment that primarily comprises of industry professionals. The individuals in this target market

are best described as technology-savvy, hyper-socially connected, and multitasking professionals

that seek to balance both their work and personal life. These professional individuals are 30-64

year old males and females, whose occupation categories fall under front-line, entry-level, mid-

level, management, or executive level. Investment brokers, retail managers, healthcare

employees, and accountants, are only some of the industry-wide professionals that are part of

Blackberry Q10’s target market. As of December 2012, there are 134,668,000 people employed

in the labor force within the United States. Out of this target audience, we recommend

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Blackberry to aim a reach of 70% and position itself as the dominant business-user handheld

mobile phone provider with the Q10.

IMC Tools: The recommended IMC strategy for the Blackberry Q10 will be focused on

both traditional (outbound) and content (inbound) marketing in order to attain satisfactory

results. The entrenchment of Blackberry in the experienced industry professional’s mind helps to

legitimize our outbound message. Industry professionals exposed to our outbound message will

be reminded of the functional strength Blackberry previously held in the business market. This

immediate effectiveness, combined with the strong differentiating functional benefits illustrated

in media will allow our communication to be successful. We recommend that the total marketing

expenditures should allocate 87.10% towards traditional marketing 2.90% towards content

marketing, and 10% toward sales promotion.

Traditional (Outbound) Marketing: 87.10%

Contrary to the belief of marketing innovators, traditional marketing still perform a

highly valuable function. Traditional marketing yields extraordinary opportunities to instantly

communicate a brand’s value to millions of consumers through creative and promotional ads.

TV Ads: 29.38%

TV ads as a media vehicle has the capacity to efficiently reach the mass audience

on a nationwide scope. Our media strategy will then include 30-second creative TV

commercials played within 10 selected primetime cable shows (Mad Men, Suits, etc.) and

news programs (CNN, Fox News, etc.) that members of our target audience are likely

tuned in to. We will also not miss the opportunity to play the well-crafted ads during the

highest-rated shows such as the Superbowl and the Oscars. With a frequency of 112 for

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the one- year time period, we believe that this strategy will generate the broadest reach

among other media vehicles within our target market.

Print Ads: 17.34%

Newspaper: According to O’Guinn, Allen, and Semenik, newspapers still reach

about a third of U.S. households, which represents about 100 million adults. This specific

audience massively comprise of our desired target market. Moreover, daily newspapers

are heavily distributed to geographically well-defined audiences, typically in densely

populated urban locations and metropolitan markets. These particular geographic areas

are the dwelling place of businesses that are massively populated by our target market.

Therefore, we consider newspapers as a feasible media vehicle strategy. The print ads

will be placed on the following newspapers distributed in five major U.S. metropolitan

cities: The New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune, and

Philadelphia Inquirer.

Magazines: Magazines, on the other hand, serve as an ideal print medium as well

because it has the ability to attract and reach a highly selective audience based on content

of interest. We believe that placing ads on business-related magazines is a strategic way

to directly and specifically target industry professionals. Unlike newspapers, magazines

offer a much more creative environment for ad placements because of the ability to use

vivid colors, apply high-resolution visual techniques, occupy wider space, and vary the

size of an ad. Lastly, subscribers tend to revisit the pages of the magazines they are

subscribed to and these magazines are usually kept for longer periods of time. The print

ads will be displayed in the following business-related subscription magazines:

Bloomberg, Forbes, Esquire, and Business Week.

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Radio Ads: 14.60%

Our media strategy will only consider placing ads on radio networks that deliver

programming via satellite to affiliate stations across the U.S. Unlike the conventional FM

radio, radio networks focus on news, sports, and business reports. According to O’Guinn,

Allen, and Semenik, some of the most successful radio networks that draw large

audiences are ABC, CNN, and AP News Network. These are radio programs that

members of our target audience are likely tuned in to. Therefore, these radio programs are

effective media vehicles to reach our target audience. The audio commercials will be

played in five major radio networks: ABC, CNN, Bloomberg, Fox, and NPR.

Outdoor Ads (Digital Billboards): 15.90%

We believe it is relevant to include outdoor advertisements in the media strategy

plan to also reach the target market. These ads will primarily be in the form of digital

billboards displayed in densely populated cities in the U.S. This is a viable media vehicle

to promote the Blackberry Q10 to its target market because, as mentioned before, the

desired target market heavily populates inner city areas. Moreover, crafting well-designed

digital billboards appear enticing to technology-savvy industry professionals that are

clustered in these specific geographical locations. The digital billboards will be displayed

in the 25 major metropolitan cities across the U.S.

Content (Inbound) Marketing: 2.9%

This will include SEO, PPC, and a social media platform. Content marketing is essential in

gaining insight into a community of high interest and keeping track of progressive marketing

results. A subdivision of Blackberry’s marketing team, which will include a team manager and

nine content marketing officers, will be specifically responsible for the facilitation and

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management of content marketing for the Blackberry Q10. 2.9% of advertising expenditures will

be allocated toward the content marketing employees’ overall salaries, PPC costs, and progress-

tracking software.

Internet Search (SEO):

Because of consumers’ high dependence on search engine websites, such as

Google, optimizing SEO has been one of the most vital tactics used in today’s marketing

communication strategies. Therefore, our media strategy will also focus on increasing the

Blackberry Q10’s SERP ranking. We intend for the Blackberry Q10 to be on top of the

SERP when, for an instance, consumers simply search for “business smartphone.”

Internet PPC:

Relying on organic search alone is not sufficient. Paid search ads are also an

essential part of our media strategy for the Blackberry Q10. SEO requires substantial

amounts of time and effort to establish and does not guarantee immediate top ranking on

the SERP. We want to ensure that the ads for the Blackberry Q10 are immediately placed

on top of the SERP and the only way possible for that to occur is to actually pay for the

ad placement.

Social Media:

Following the latest technology trends, it is necessary to keep a social media

presence as well. By utilizing the most popular social media websites, which will include

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, Blackberry will be able to constantly notify a wide

reach of subscribers of the Blackberry Q10’s special features and promotions. It will also

aim to build long-term relationships with current and prospective consumers. Becoming a

power user of the most popular social media websites will involve consistent contribution

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of quality content, rewarding those who vote positively on that content, and growing a

large base followers. An effective social media platform will build traffic and gradually

improve Blackberry's SEO.

Sales Promotion: 10%

A two-month temporary price-cut ($100 less than market value) post-launch will seek to

disrupt competitors’ strategies and drive initial sales revenues. According to Bloomberg, its

suggested retail price in the U.S. is $249 with a two-year contract. Cutting the price down to

$149 for two months, starting its official release date, will initially drive the target customers

away from rival smartphones such as the iPhone5 (priced at $200-$300 with two-year contract)

and Samsung Galaxy (priced at $200 with two-year contract).

Through these traditional and content marketing tools we hope to set BlackBerry apart

from its competitors, by reminding industry professionals of the functional strengths that the

brand once had and introducing a new set of highly improved features of the Blackberry Q10. By

heavily emphasizing BlackBerry’s private network that allows for security and safety for

sensitive industry information we hope for businesses to feel safe and trustworthy when it comes

to confidential information sharing among the employees on the go. The launch of the

Blackberry Q10, which incorporates both the QWERTY keyboard and a touch-screen interface,

will complement the versatility and capability of dynamic communication across industries.

These communication vehicles will focus on highlighting BlackBerry’s secure network along

with the new BlackBerry Q10’s features.

Given that the BlackBerry Q10 is combining a high secure corporate network, coupled

with two technologies (QWERTY keyboard and touch-screen interface), the IMC media tools

produced should take on a modern but professional tone in order to attract our audience of

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technology-savvy, hyper-socially connected, multitasking industry professionals. In order to

measure the success of this marketing communication strategy, we will analyze the changes in

market share from FY2013 to FY2014 I terms of sales and market share. Given that the

BlackBerry Q10 has not yet been launched in the US, it gives the company high levels of

flexibility in terms of what it can do with advertising.

The total marketing budget allocated for the Blackberry is $39,316,286. Out of the total

budget, 87.1% will be allocated toward traditional marketing, 2.9% will be allocated toward

content marketing, and 10% toward sales promotion. For outbound marketing, the total

expenditure will be $11,550,000 on television ads; $6,253,000 on outdoor digital billboard ads;

$6,015,000 on magazine ads; $5,751,500 on radio ads; and $4,732,000 on newspaper ads. For

inbound marketing, the total expenditure will be $1,140,000 toward PPC costs, the overall

salaries of the content marketing team, and progress-tracking software. Lastly, the total

expenditures for sales promotion will be $3,874,786.

IV. Rejected Alternatives

Our team initially considered including Point-of-Purchase (POP) advertisements in

the form of retail digital signage as a media vehicle option. Retail digital signage are video

advertisements displayed inside retail stores. The media strategy plan we intended for POP

advertisement was to display the retail digital signage in affiliated retail stores such as Best

Buy and network service provider stores such as AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon. We initially

projected that POP advertisements would serve as an effective strategy because it works

quite well for new product introduction. Since the Blackberry Q10 is a new product under the

Blackberry brand, our team thought POP advertisements would be a feasible option.

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The problem, however, addresses the question of whether or not POP advertisements

(retail digital signage) will effectively and efficiently reach the desired target market for the

Blackberry Q10 smartphone product. If the overarching goal is to mainly attract the target

market’s (industry professionals) attention, how much of the target market truly spends time

inside the retail stores long enough to actually even notice the POP ad displays?

For an instance, according to a data from The Consumerist website, Best Buy’s top

three incoming customers are profiled under group clusters called Buzzes, Jills, and Devils.

Buzzes are early adopters and buyers of the latest gadgets. Jills are technologically clueless

suburban women who are short on time but are always on a shopping hunt for gadgets for the

family. Devils use rebates, stock up on loss leaders and flip on eBay, use unfair internet

knowledge to exploit Best Buy’s lowest-price guarantee. The target market of the Blackberry

Q10 does not fall under any of these group clusters. It suggests that the presence of the target

market is too minuscule to spend substantial amounts of advertising expenditure toward a

media vehicle that will yield low effectiveness. Therefore, our team ultimately decided to

eliminate POP advertisements as a media vehicle for the BlackBerry Q10 because of the

overall projected ineffectiveness.

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Exhibit 1: Our advertisements: Magazine Ad

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Newspaper Ad

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Social Media

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Radio Script:

"Introducing the Blackberry q10. It’s crafted with precision designed with durable and

lightweight materials for premium performance. The classic BlackBerry keyboard has

been engineered for the most effortless typing experience.

Access your work e-mail on the BlackBerry q10 without compromising your personal

experience and use. The BlackBerry Balance technology keeps your information secure

by creating separate work and personal profiles.

Stay close to what’s important to you without stopping what you’re doing. The

BlackBerry Hub technology allows effortless flow of information in and out of your

messages or conversations.

Host a videoconference for work and share files together. The new Screen Share feature

allows sharing of photos, browser, and business documents while video chatting.

Collect relevant photos, lists, messages and web links, and group them all in one place.

The BlackBerry Remember feature keeps your business and personal files organized in

easy-to-locate folders.

Do more everyday with the BlackBerry q10."

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Exhibit 2: BlackBerry’s current advertising/competitors current advertising


Alicia Keys in the City


Time Shift Mode



Apple Iphone Thumb


Apple Iphone Physics


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Samsung The Next Big Thing


Samsung Work Trip


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Droid DNA by HTC


Droid Razr Maxx Exit Strategy


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