Hermanus times 24 04 2014

Jou Koerant Your Newspaper Established 1949 THURSDAY, 24 APRIL 2014 | Tel 028 - 312 3717 | Fax 028 - 312 4316 Hermanustimes.mobi/www.hermanustimes.co.za R5.20 Passiespel bederf deur harde musiek 3 Mayor is first Proust interviewee 9 Lemm’s ‘sad’ corner 10 Quiet weekend for law enforcers JANINE VAN DER RIET Law enforcers had a relatively quiet Easter weekend with no se- rious incidents and no fatalities reported in the Overstrand area, despite the thousands of cars coming into Hermanus during the weekend. The Hermanus Police also had a relatively quiet weekend with only a few incidents, while the Her- manus National Sea Rescue Insti- tute (NSRI) also attended to a few in- cidents which included trying to save a small dolphin. Rudi Fraser, chief of traffic, said they were well prepared and their operational planning was in place at the start of the Easter weekend. Traffic officers focused on high visibility patrols on all main routes in the Overstrand. Incoming traffic started picking up on the evening of Thursday 17 April – the highest volume of traffic was experienced between 17:00 and 18:00 with 1 140 vehicles per hour coming into Hermanus. On Friday 18 April the highest number of vehicles incoming was between 16:00 and 17:00 with 1 140 vehicles per hour. On Saturday 19 April between 15:00 and 16:00, 2 363 vehicles per hour were incoming and on Sunday 20 April 698 vehicles per hour were counted coming in between 14:00 and 15:00. On Monday 21 April, the highest count for vehicles leaving Her- manus was between 12:00 and 13:00 with 1 360 vehicles per hour outgo- ing. All officers focused on high visi- bility, blue light patrols, public transport and fatigue management in the Overstrand area. Three taxis were impounded for violations of the roadworthiness act and had no transport permits. Speed enforcement was done in the whole of the Overstrand for the duration of the Easter weekend. Fraser is very pleased that no fatal accidents occurred. Only a few fend- er benders and minor accidents were reported. According to Sergeant Mbongeni Mazuthu of the Hermanus Police, four people were arrested for driv- ing under the influence of alcohol during the Easter weekend. “SAPS thanks all the road users who were responsible during the Easter weekend,” says Mazuthu. On Friday the NSRI crew mem- bers were contacted to transport a dolphin that had washed up on shore at Grotto beach, to the SA Shark Conservancy on a sea rescue vehicle. Unfortunately this attempt to save its life was unsuccessful and the dolphin sadly died during trans- portation. Later on the same day, the NSRI was contacted to assist five people on a rubber-duck, off-shore of Schulphoek, after their boat had sustained motor failure. The NSRI towed the boat to the New Harbour. On Saturday a sea kayak capsized at Harderbaai in Onrus. A helicop- ter searched for one of the two men after one man safely swam to shore, but the other man was still missing. A while later the second man walked to the scene and said he had managed to swim to the shore. On Saturday afternoon, two vehicles collided at the Sandbaai intersection on the R43. It is alleged that the driver of the Mazda bakkie (left on the photo), travelling from Hermanus in the direction of Hawston, collided with a Ford KA that was travelling towards Hermanus from Onrus. Au- thorities are still investigating the cause of the accident. No serious injuries were reported. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER PAASHAAS EN SY MAATJIES: Checkers Hermanus het Don- derdag 17 April al die kinders van Hermanus Pre-Primêr met Paaseiers bederf. Baie dankie aan die Paashaas (Luzuko Matan- zima) en Veronica Badenhorst van Checkers, wat hier saam met juffrou Lorna Such se klassie staan. Kinders van verskillende klasse het by die Hermanus-polisiestasie gaan kuier en Paasei- ers vir die polisiebeamptes gegee, en ook vir die siek kinders by die Hermanus Provinsiale Hospitaal. FOTO: LORNA SUCH EASTER: NO FATAL ACCIDENTS Paaseier-bederf vir kleuters, polisie en siekes


Hermanus times 24 04 2014

Transcript of Hermanus times 24 04 2014

  • Jou Koerant Your Newspaper


    THURSDAY, 24 APRIL 2014 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316 Hermanustimes.mobi/www.hermanustimes.co.za


    Passiespel bederf deur

    harde musiek 3

    Mayor is first Proust

    interviewee 9

    Lemms sad

    corner 10


    for lawenforcers


    Law enforcers had a relatively

    quiet Easterweekendwith no se-

    rious incidents and no fatalities

    reported in the Overstrand area,

    despite the thousands of cars

    coming into Hermanus during

    the weekend.

    The Hermanus Police also had a

    relatively quiet weekend with only

    a few incidents, while the Her-

    manus National Sea Rescue Insti-

    tute (NSRI) also attended to a few in-

    cidents which included trying to

    save a small dolphin.

    Rudi Fraser, chief of traffic, said

    they were well prepared and their


    the start of the Easter weekend.

    Traffic officers focused on high

    visibility patrols on all main routes

    in the Overstrand.

    Incoming traffic started picking

    up on the evening of Thursday 17

    April the highest volume of traffic

    was experienced between 17:00 and

    18:00 with 1 140 vehicles per hour

    coming into Hermanus.

    On Friday 18 April the highest

    number of vehicles incoming was

    between 16:00 and 17:00 with 1 140

    vehicles per hour.

    On Saturday 19 April between

    15:00 and 16:00, 2 363 vehicles per

    hourwere incoming and on Sunday

    20 April 698 vehicles per hour were

    counted coming in between 14:00

    and 15:00.

    On Monday 21 April, the highest

    count for vehicles leaving Her-

    manus was between 12:00 and 13:00

    with 1 360 vehicles per hour outgo-


    All officers focused on high visi-

    bility, blue light patrols, public

    transport and fatigue management

    in the Overstrand area.

    Three taxis were impounded for

    violationsof theroadworthinessact

    and had no transport permits.

    Speed enforcement was done in

    the whole of the Overstrand for the

    duration of the Easter weekend.


    accidentsoccurred.Onlya few fend-

    er benders and minor accidents

    were reported.

    According to Sergeant Mbongeni

    Mazuthu of the Hermanus Police,

    four people were arrested for driv-

    ing under the influence of alcohol

    during the Easter weekend.

    SAPS thanks all the road users

    who were responsible during the

    Easter weekend, says Mazuthu.

    On Friday the NSRI crew mem-

    bers were contacted to transport a

    dolphin that had washed up on

    shore at Grotto beach, to the SA

    Shark Conservancy on a sea rescue

    vehicle. Unfortunately this attempt

    to save its lifewas unsuccessful and

    the dolphin sadly died during trans-


    Later on the same day, the NSRI

    was contacted to assist five people

    on a rubber-duck, off-shore of

    Schulphoek, after their boat had

    sustained motor failure. The NSRI

    towed the boat to the NewHarbour.

    OnSaturday a seakayak capsized

    at Harderbaai in Onrus. A helicop-

    ter searched for one of the two men

    after oneman safely swam to shore,

    but the othermanwas still missing.

    A while later the second man

    walked to the scene and said he had

    managed to swim to the shore.

    On Saturday afternoon, two vehicles collided at the Sandbaai intersection

    on the R43. It is alleged that the driver of the Mazda bakkie (left on the

    photo), travelling from Hermanus in the direction of Hawston, collided

    with a Ford KA that was travelling towards Hermanus from Onrus. Au

    thorities are still investigating the cause of the accident. No serious injuries

    were reported. PHOTO: CILENE BEKKER

    PAASHAAS EN SY MAATJIES: Checkers Hermanus het Don

    derdag 17 April al die kinders van Hermanus PrePrimr met

    Paaseiers bederf. Baie dankie aan die Paashaas (Luzuko Matan

    zima) en Veronica Badenhorst van Checkers, wat hier saam met

    juffrou Lorna Such se klassie staan. Kinders van verskillende

    klasse het by die Hermanuspolisiestasie gaan kuier en Paasei

    ers vir die polisiebeamptes gegee, en ook vir die siek kinders

    by die Hermanus Provinsiale Hospitaal. FOTO: LORNA SUCH


    Paaseierbederf vir

    kleuters, polisie en siekes

  • 2Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    Crime snippets

    ) Business robbery

    On Sunday evening 21 April at about 19:30

    fourmenwalked into theMount Pleasant Su-

    perette, pretending to be customers.

    AccordingtotheHermanusPolice, themen,

    who were carrying firearms and a knife, sud-

    denly demanded money. They took around

    R10 000 in cash and fled the scene on foot.

    No one was injured in this robbery.



    stable Graig Philander on 028 313 7000.

    ) Sexual assault

    A60-year-oldmanwasarrested for thesexu-

    al assault of a 14-year-old girl on Saturday.


    in Zwelihle and tried to rape her.

    She screamed and her mother called the

    neighbours tohelpher.Thepolicewerecalled

    to arrest the suspect. He will appear in court

    this week.

    With Child ProtectionMonth coming up in

    May, Hermanus Police members said they

    will not tolerate people who abuse children

    in any way.

    SAPS urge parents to safeguard their chil-


    inflicted on their children, even if it is done

    by family members.

    Wish list for foster



    On 8 May all property agents and staff from

    Keller Williams Realty branches worldwide

    will stop what they are doing, roll up their

    sleeves, and get stuck into a community


    Pat McLoughlin, director and principal at

    Keller Williams Hermanus, says they have

    chosen to partner with Hermanus Child Wel-

    fareandwill giveJubileeHaven, a foster- care

    home in Hawston, a major revamp.

    This community project initiative is called

    RED, which stands for: renew, energise and


    McLoughlin says: Its about ploughing

    something back into our community.

    Rina Louw, manager of Hermanus Child

    Welfare, says Jubilee Haven is a foster home

    forchildreninneedofcare.Shesays theWom-

    ens Union from the United Church are in-

    volved in the home and support the house-

    mother in her tasks.

    A social worker does all the legal work and

    the therapeutic processes.

    McLoughlin says the home needs to be re-

    painted inside and outside, the flooring needs

    to be replaced, the wiring and electrical fit-

    tings need attention, as does the security situ-

    ation, and some of the furniture needs to be


    Although the home was opened by Child

    Welfare in May 2011, the place is showing

    signs of wear and tear.


    live inthehometosee thatabetter life ispossi-

    ble. We want to show them we care and we

    want to give them a positive environment in

    which to live.

    He says this is a community project and the

    focus is on Child Welfare. Although 8 May is

    the key day, their teamwill get stuck into the

    refurbishment of the home from Saturday 3


    The childrenwill be temporarily accommo-

    dated elsewhere while the extreme home

    makeover is under way.

    McLoughlin says theyneed input andmate-

    rial from individuals and members of the

    business community.

    So far, Pierre Henning from Electro-Q has

    offered to see to the homes electrical needs.

    If you can contribute in anyway, this is the

    wish list for the project: Roof paint, interior

    and exterior paint, paint brushes and sup-

    plies, floor tiles, paving, fencing, gates, arm

    chairs for each bedroom,mirrors, sturdy gar-

    den furniture, a washing line, playground

    equipment, aswell as tilers, painters andany-

    one who wants to be involved in the project.

    Call Pat McLoughlin on 082 924 8238 or

    028 312 3142, or Leana Kriel on 028 3123 142 if

    you are able to contribute towards this initia-



    nial hand over of RDP houses took

    place in Eluxolweni, Pearly Beach on

    Tuesday 15 April. A total of 183 new

    houses were built for beneficiaries in

    this area and a further 28 sites were

    serviced for people who did not quali

    fy for houses. After the formalities,

    which took place in the Eluxolweni

    Community Hall, Bonginkosi Madikizela

    (left) Western Cape Minister of Human

    Settlements, officially handed over the

    housing units to the beneficiaries.

    Alongside the minister is new home

    owner Selanga Sabela.


    NATUREMATTERS: The amazingCape Floral Kingdom

    Did youknow: The Cape Floral Kingdom is about

    the same size asMalawi or Portugal. It hasmore than

    8 600 species, and over 5 800 of them are endemic.

    They occur only here in our backyard.

    On the other hand, the British Isles is 3,5 times the

    size of the Cape Floral Kingdom but it only has about

    1 500 species of which fewer than 20 are endemic.

    During the ice ages glaciers wiped the surface veg

    etation clean off these little islands.

    RIGHT: Protea cynaroides PHOTO: RON HAZELL

    A reader sent in this

    photo of a mole snake

    eating a frog in his gar

    den. According to Wiki

    pedia the primary food

    sources of a mole snake

    are golden moles (hence

    the name), rodents and

    other small mammals.

    For this reason, it is con

    sidered useful for the

    natural control of prob

    lem rodents.



    mingo Bay development, within the Mid

    dlevlei Estate, was officially opened re

    cently. Only a limited number of erven

    are on offer at this exclusive develop

    ment, which is situated inside a 360 hec

    tare Marine Nature Reserve and within a

    UNESCO World Heritage Biosphere. It is

    flanked by the Atlantic Ocean and the

    Botriver Lagoon and overlooks the Kogel

    berg mountain range. With the Overstrand Mayor, Nicolette BothaGuthrie (second

    from right), who officiated at the opening ceremony, is the Seeff marketing team: Lin

    da Woolnough, Rion van der Merwe and Corlia Smuts.

    EGG HUNT: Children

    from Leisure Park in

    Sandbaai had great

    fun during the Easter

    weekend while hunting

    for Easter eggs in and

    around the complex.

    Egg markers were

    planted in the grass as

    clues to where the

    eggs were hidden.

    Marinus Neethling and

    his sister Nicole, to

    gether with a friend

    Skye du Preez, each

    filled their baskets with

    lots of Easter eggs and

    goodies they had

    found. PHOTO:


    PLAY TIME: The children from Siyakha Educare Centre in Zwelihle recently received a dona

    tion of toys from Oakhurst Girls Primary School in Rondebosch, Cape Town. The donation

    was facilitated by Joan McKee, who is Siyakhas financial manager and a former principal of

    Oakhurst. With the children are Noluthando Kulupele (left) who is the Gr R teacher at Siya

    kha, and Callinah Mpemba (right), principal of Siyakha. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

  • 3Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014




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    Passiespel lokduisende,maar

    klubsemusiekdoof speleuit


    Vrydagaandhetdie jaarlikseHer-

    manus-Passiespel vir die 19de ag-

    tereenvolgende jaar in die OuHa-

    we plaasgevind. Fanus le Roux,

    regisseur van die Passiespel, s



    was n groot sukses behalwe vir

    die laaste halfuur toe Shimmi, n

    klub bokant die Ou Hawe, klip-

    hard musiek gespeel het.


    niks op die verhoog konhoor nie. Dit

    is n groot skande! het LeRouxges.

    Besoekers aan Hermanus van

    KwaZulu-Natal wat Vrydag die Pas-

    siespel bygewoon het, was ook baie

    ontsteld oor die klub se oorverdo-

    wendemusiekwat die opvoeringuit-

    gedoof het.

    Dis baie jammer dat hierdie be-

    sigheid, pleks daarvan om die ge-

    leentheid te ondersteun deur vir n

    halfuur die volume af te draai, dit in

    die wiele gery en vir die honderde

    toeskouers bederf het, het Renate

    Rhrs van KwaZulu-Natal ges. n

    Dorpwat bekend is as n toerismebe-

    stemming se mense moet eerder

    saamwerkasommekaar so tedwars-


    Lucas Steyn, eienaar van Shimmi

    s hy vra om verskoning as hy Vry-

    dagaand ongelukkigheid veroor-

    saak het.


    en het alle respek vir die toneelop-

    voering. Ons was regtig nie bewus

    dat ons musiek so hard was dat dit

    die klank van die Passsiespel ben-

    vloed het nie. Dit was beslis nie op-

    setlik nie.


    demper is hy en sy span baie dank-

    baar vir almal se ondersteuning en

    lojaliteit elke jaar. Dankie aan die

    munisipaliteit se elektrisiteitsafde-

    ling, so ook almal wat gehelp het om

    die aand n sukses te maak.

    Hulle was baie opgewonde om ou-

    dergewoonte die Ou Hawe in n ver-

    hoog te omskep, s LeRoux. Drie dae

    voor Goeie Vrydag word daar n stel

    gebou om Jerusalem, Betani en Ge-

    tsman so na aan die werklikheid

    te laat lyk as moontlik.

    Die kruise waar Jesus vir die af-

    gelope 18 jaar gespeel deur Rein-

    hardt Singleton gekruisig word,


    die horison as agtergrond.

    Nagenoeg 90 spelers is betrokke

    bydieopvoering,wat indiedonkerte

    afspeel met net n

    volglig op die bepaal-

    de plek waar die to-

    neel afspeel.

    Geelbek, die donkie

    waarop Jesus sit met

    die intog in Jerusa-

    lem,word vanaf Stan-

    ford aangery en ver-

    tolk sy rol al die afge-

    lope 19 jaar.

    Donderdagaand 17 April het die Passie

    speltoneelspelers n Bybelse ete saam om

    die nagmaaltafel in die Ou Hawe geniet,

    geklee in Bybelse kleredrag. Daarna het

    die kleedrepetisie begin om vir oulaas te

    oefen voor die Passiespel Vrydagaand.


    Fanus le Roux ver

    tolk die rol van Ju

    das Iscariot, en is

    ook vir die afgelo

    pe 10 jaar die regi

    seur van die toneel

    stuk wat elke jaar

    op Goeie Vrydag

    opgevoer word.

    Johnny Slamat (links) is al vir vier jaar deel

    van die Passiespel. Hy speel die rol van Pe

    ter, een van die 12 dissipels, en Dennis de

    Koker wat die afgelope drie jaar by die spe

    le betrokke is, speel die rol van n skrifge

    leerde. Beide mans is van Stanford.

    Voor die Bybelse ete, het Maria de Koker

    (links) van Stanford en Im du Preez van

    Onrus opgewonde gewag om aan te sit vir

    die maaltyd.

  • 4Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    Overstrand junior councillors

    embarkonorientation tour

    Members of the 2014 Overstrand Jun-

    ior Town Council (OJTC) embarked on

    the first leg of their orientation tour of

    the Overstrands facilities and infra-

    structure on Tuesday 8 April.

    The tour began at the Waste Transfer

    Station and Recycling Plant where Johan

    VanTaak (OverstrandMunicipality:man-

    ager solid waste management planning)

    gave a talk on the importance of recycling.

    In Kleinmond the group was joined by

    CllrLiselKrigeandDenzelArendse (Over-

    strand Municipality: administrator in


    The group visited the Stony Point Pen-

    guin Colony where Rulay Oncker gave a

    presentation, the Harold Porter Botanical

    Garden where Neville Green spoke about

    the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve, and a

    new housing development in Kleinmond.

    The last stopwas theKidsCanAfter-school

    Care Centre, where the children sang a

    welcome song for theOJTC. Toys collected

    by Northcliff House College learners were

    handed over to the KidsCan staff for the


    The learnerswere accompaniedbyman-

    ager Unity Mtomile (OJTC manager),

    Bulelwa Mbane (Overstrand Municipali-

    ty: assistant area manager), Julia Gugel

    and Elisa Furman, both interns from Ger-

    many,NoluthandoZweni (OverstrandMu-

    nicipality: communications officer), and

    Ren du Plooy (Overstrand Municipality:

    secretary mayoral office).

    The second leg of the tour is scheduled

    forTuesday 13Mayandwill cover theGan-

    sbaai area.

    Members of the Overstrand Junior Town Council with the mentors, managers and experts who facilitated and provided input during

    the first leg of their orientation tour last week. PHOTO: REN DU PLOOY

    Kansa Relay samel

    derduisende in om

    mense te help

    Kansa is opreg dankbaar vir almal se bydraes


    vind het.

    Jul meelewing, deelname en finansile onder-

    steuningwordopregwaardeer, sElnetteduToit

    van Kansa.

    Almal se betrokkenheid het dit vir Kansa

    moontlik gemaak om R135 780,73 in te samel.

    Weens die feit dat Kansa nie n subsidie van die

    staat ontvang nie, is deurlopende fondswer- win-

    gaksies soos die Relays baie noodsaaklik, s Du


    Tydens die afgelope jaar het Kansa 91 pasinte

    in die Overstrand bedien, en is 513 mense in die

    Overstrand bereik deur hul uitreikings en Wel-


    Kansa raak betrokke by die hele gesin en bege-

    lei hulle ombinne hierdiemoeilike omstandighe-

    de te groei, hulself te bemagtig met inligting en

    steeds n sin en doel uit die lewe te haal.

    Waar nodig word toerusting en hulpmiddels

    gratis voorsien soos doeke, linensavers, Nutrimill

    en toerusting soos rolstoele, eierdopmatrasse,

    commodes, wigkussings en pruike.

    Kansa benut ook geleenthede soos Welweesdae

    en optredes by skole, werksplekke en verenigings

    om die publiek in te lig en aan te moedig om n

    gesonde leefstyl tehandhaafomhulrisikovirkan-

    ker te verminder.

    Jaarliks word PSA-toetse, bors-, servikale- en

    sonkliniekegeorganiseerenhierdie jaarkonKan-

    sa 301 personemet hierdie diens bereik, voeg Du

    Toit by.

    KontakElnetteduToitvoor2Meiop028316 3678

    om betrokke te raak.

    Om by Relay For Life 2015 asook enige ander

    projektebetrokke te raak, kontakMarykeMalone

    by 028 316 3678.

  • 5Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    We opened a Trading market on 20 April at

    and would like to invite you as a stall holder to

    participate if interested, in having a stall at this market

    or know of any other person that would be interested

    in having a stall at themarket -

    if so you could contact me on

    072 339 3303 or028 3161860


    to forward you the documentation.


    Right hand side of Farm Stall & Coffee Shop on

    the Grass Area - very visible from the Main Road-

    R43 -

    [email protected]


    Times for

    trading would

    be from 09:00

    to 15:00 on


    Best plant sale in 20 years



    It was a record-

    breaking Easter

    weekend for the

    Fernkloof Nurserys

    annual indigenous


    from 18 to 21 April.

    Jack Bold,

    Fernkloofs nursery

    manager, says: We

    have broken all previ-

    ous sales records,

    since the Easter plant

    sale startedmore than

    20 years ago.

    The Fernkloof

    Nursery is a non--

    profit organisation

    which is owned and

    run by the Hermanus

    Botanical Society


    Deirdr Richards, secretary of BotSoc,

    says: Initially, localplantswerepropagated

    by volunteer members and distributed free

    ofchargewithin thesocietyasamembership


    The present nursery has grown from

    those early beginnings. The society now

    employs a nursery manager and two

    permanent staff.

    The original aim remains to encourage

    local gardeners to appreciate the diversity

    of beautiful plants growing wild around

    them,and touse these indigenousandwater-

    wise plants in their gardens.

    Fernkloof Nature Reserves nursery was a hive of activity over the

    Easter weekend as residents and visitors took advantage of their

    annual indigenous plant sale. At work on Sunday afternoon were

    (from left) Thulani Gobjoni, Jane Crawford (BotSoc), Jack Bold

    (nursery manager), Deirdre Richards (BotSoc secretary), Wanga

    Bokolo, Isaac Magwaza and Maya the nurserymans dog.


    Knowledge transfer at wastetransfer station

    Agroupof learners fromHaw-

    ston and Mount Pleasant Pri-

    mary schools visited the Her-

    manus Transfer Station and

    Walker Bay Recycling last

    week, as part of a waste and

    recycling project run by

    Whale Coast Conservation


    Both these schools are reg-

    istered on the WCC Eco-

    Schools programme and Jo-

    han van Taak from the Over-

    strand Municipality gave


    ipality treats our refuse.

    Anina Lee, communica-


    taught thatall thegeneralwasteofHermanus

    is transported to theHermanus Transfer Sta-

    tion before being taken to the nearest landfill

    cell at Gansbaai.

    It costs the municipality, (and therefore

    us), about R13 000 a day to take 360 cubic me-

    tres of waste to Gansbaai, well over R3 mil-

    lionayear,which iswhyratepayers payR140

    a month for refuse collection.

    In addition, it costs between R12 million

    andR20milliontobuildeachnewlandfill cell,

    so we need to put as little waste as possible

    into it.

    The learners were shown overWalker Bay

    Recyclingwhereall therecyclablesaresorted

    and baled and sent to factories where thema-

    terial can be reused. Apart from being fasci-

    nated by an old rusting car, the learners en-

    joyed seeing the conveyer belt where recy-

    clers sort paper from glass and the tins from

    plastic. They were also impressed by the

    crusher compacting bales of plastic bottles.

    WCC is leading the learners through their

    Grade 6 waste project. They will be involved

    in practical projects, do a waste survey in

    their communities and, with a drama teach-

    er, create a play about recycling. This play

    will educate other learners about thenecessi-

    ty of recycling, not only to save money, but

    also to save resources.

    The project is funded by the Overstrand


    If the residents of Hawston and Mount

    Pleasant learn from their children about the

    two bag system (black bag for general refuse,

    clearbag for recyclables), the amount of recy-

    cling in the Overstrand can be increased and

    the amount of waste can be reduced.

    Did you know?

    . You can take up to one tonne of waste to

    the Hermanus Transfer Station for free.

    . The Transfer Stationwill accept hazard-

    ous household waste such as paint and gar-

    den poisons, and Ewaste such as old comput-

    ers and cellphones.

    Johan van Taak, Overstrand waste manager, introduced

    learners to the transfer station and told them how the mu

    nicipality treats our refuse. PHOTO: ANINA LEE

  • 6Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    Liana Knutsen (regs) is oortuig die ontbyt wat sy by die tuinmarkie

    in die HemelenAarde Village bestel het, is van die beste in die

    dorp. Sy het saam met Elizabeth en Jakkie Swanepoel Saterdagog

    gend di markie met al sy lekkernye besoek. Hulle is van Somer

    setWes, maar het vakansiehuise op Onrus en besoek die Over

    strand gereeld.


    woners en selferkende markieverslaafdes ma

    en dogter Barbara en Silke Eckard geniet n

    koppie koffie by die tuinmarkie in die Hemel

    enAarde Village. Voor sit Chlo en William le

    Roux by Khaya, die Eckhards se hond. Die Le

    Rouxs woon tans in Lagos, Nigeri en di

    twee spruite se ouers het snuisterye by die

    markie besigtig toe di foto geneem is.


    EASTER AT IPIC: Easter celebrations were in full

    swing at the Ipic/Pick n Pay Centre this past long

    weekend. Doing their bit at Taurus Jewellers were

    (from left) Neethling, Tawani and Bertus Naud.

    Yelllow chicks were

    popping up all

    over the place at

    A. Stewart Phar

    macy this Easter

    and taking charge

    of them were (from

    back left) Riana

    Buys, Faith Mnyan

    zeli, Amanda Sym

    ington and Juanita

    Shepherd. In front:

    Maril Geldenhys,

    Hannelie Roux and

    Lindsay Light.

    Corine Geyser from the Vet

    shop cuddles an armful of

    chickens for Easter.

    GENIET MARK: Bruce Burgess en

    Angela Inglis van Kaapstad het vir

    die langnaweek Hermanus toe gery

    en n draai by Hermanuspietersfon

    tein se kosenwynmark gemaak. Die

    mark, soos die ander markte, het

    Saterdag gewemel van al die mense.


  • 7Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    TROUKLOKKE: Rolanda Jansen (But

    ler) en Jason Jansen het op 8 Maart

    getrou. Die seremonie het by die Le

    wende Waters Gemeente plaasgevind

    terwyl die onthaal by Houwhoek Inn

    gehou is. Hulle sien uit na n mooi,

    liefdevolle toekoms saam.



    Hermanus T-shirt

    TheHermanus TourismBureau is challeng-

    ing all guest houses, restaurants and coffee

    shops to join in thecelebrationofHermanus.

    Participants are encouraged to buy a Her-

    manusT-Shirt for themselves and their staff

    at R70 each or R100 for two.

    The Tourism Bureau asks that all partici-

    pants wear their T-shirts on 2 May to show

    their love for our coastal town.

    T-shirts are available in black, red and

    light blue.

    The back reads:HereEveryoneRecogniz-

    es Music Art Nature & Undisturbed Scen-

    ery. T-shirts can be bought at the Hermanus

    Tourism Office.

    For more info, call 028 312 2629.

    Deon Matinka from HPP and Eric Davalala

    (whale crier) from Hermanus Tourism show

    ing off the back and front of the Tshirts.



    onlangs sy jaarlikse nasionale prysuitdeling

    gehad, waartydens die maatskappy ook sy

    50ste verjaarsdag gevier het. Seeff is trots

    daarop dat een van sy agente, Irma Herbst,

    wat op Onrus en Vermont fokus, sewende

    gekom het onder individuele agente in die

    WesKaap. Hier is Samuel Seeff saam met


  • 8Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



  • 9Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014





    LIST: Ten

    months ago

    Dante ar

    rived at the


    Animal Wel

    fare Society

    as an aban

    doned shy

    puppy. He

    has been

    waiting ever

    since for someone to take him home. He is

    gentle and will bond with those who show

    him love. He has been on the HAWS last

    chance poster for many months and he is

    not even a year old yet. He is fine with cats.

    Can you help Dante find a home? Contact

    HAWS on 028 312 1281 or 076 963 2092

    In-house Architect

    Garden Cottages from R250 000

    Contact Joe

    072 635 4070

    PLAN & BUILD with


    Quality Home Builders since 1988

    NHBRC registered registered 7328

    [email protected]


    NEW R450 000-00from excluding plot.



    A past learner from Hermanus High

    School is doing her alma mater proud

    with her exceptional achievements since

    graduating top of her class in 2002. Sanja

    Lutzeyer (29) recently met up with Liz

    Huysamen, who was her grade 5 teacher

    in 1995.

    She always stood out as a learnerwhowas

    motivated and academically very strong as

    well as exceptionally talented in sport, said

    Huysamen. She was a learner at Hermanus

    High from 1998 to 2002.

    Lutzeyer said that she was exceptionally

    grateful for the quality education that she re-

    ceived in Hermanus.

    She said her years were very memorable

    and that she felt thatHermanusHigh encour-

    ageddiversityand leadership.Sheadded that

    the school prepared her very well for her ca-


    A comment made by Sanja which struck


    ful that she was able to spend her formative

    high school years livingwithherparents, the

    two people who have been her mentors and

    friends throughout life, said Huysamen.

    After completing Grade 12 and being the

    topofherclass, shedecided thatafter12years

    of school, it was time for a break.

    Sanja took a gap year to

    travel through Europe and

    do a four-month intensive

    Spanish language course at


    in Spain.

    Sanja says that taking the

    gap year and learning Span-

    ishwasoneof thebest things

    she has ever done.

    Travelling, she said, ex-

    panded her view on life and

    learning a new language

    providedaccess toanewcul-

    ture, newmusic and awhole

    newwayof seeing theworld.

    Upon her return to South

    Africa, Sanja did a BA PPE

    (Politics, Philosophy and

    Economics) at Stellenbosch

    University (SU).

    The combination of the

    three majors taught her to

    think critically and logically and made her

    realise thatsingledisciplinesprovide limited

    answers to multifaceted world problems.

    Once she completed her Honours in Eco-

    nomics at SU, she was awarded a Fulbright

    Scholarship to do her doctorate at North

    Carolina University.

    After five years in the US,

    Sanja graduated with her

    PhD in Economics in May


    While she knew that she

    was fully committed to re-

    turning to SouthAfrica, her

    love for languages and cul-

    tures led her to do a three-

    month stint with her best

    friend in a small French

    town called Eymet, where

    shewasable to learnFrench

    and enjoy their food and


    Sanjawasveryaware that


    she could interact with peo-

    ple, work on real-life issues

    and be surrounded by like-

    minded people.

    In December 2013, after a

    three-month interview

    process, she received her dream job: a posi-

    tion as a management consultant at McKin-

    sey and Company, where she now works.

    Hermanus High is indeed very proud of

    Sanjas incredibleachievementsandourbest

    wishes accompany her for the future, said


    Sanja Lutzeyer


    Mayor BothaGuthries answers to Proust questions

    Thewell-known Proust Questionnaire is a

    questionnaire about ones personality it

    reveals the tastes and aspirations of the in-

    terviewee, in this case the Mayor of the

    Overstrand Municipality, Nicolette

    Botha-Guthrie who agreed to be the Her-

    manus Timess first candidate to answer

    these insightful questions.

    Your favourite virtue

    Integrity and faith

    Your favourite qualities in a man


    Your favourite qualities in a woman

    Caring and gentleness

    Your chief characteristics

    Passion, motivation and fairness

    What you appreciate most in your



    Your main fault


    Your favourite occupation

    To serve my community

    Your idea of happiness

    Being withmy family and time tomyself

    Your idea of misery


    If not yourself, who would you be

    Godcreatedmeand Ihonourhis creation

    Where is your favourite place

    Hermanus and Corfu

    What is your favourite building

    Topkapi Palace, Istanbul

    Your favourite colour and flower

    Blue; Strelitzia

    Your favourite authors

    Danielle Steel (for fun and relaxation).

    Max du Preez (Political - A Rumour of


    Your favourite poets

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning and A.G.


    Your favourite heroines in fiction

    Clarice Starling, an FBI Agent. (Clarice

    Starling isa fictionalcharacterandthepro-

    tagonist of the novels The Silence of the

    Lambs and Hannibal by Thomas Harris)

    Your favourite heroes in fiction

    James Bond

    Your favourite composers

    JS Bach and Johann Strauss

    Your heroes/heroines in real life

    NelsonMandela,HelenZille andMarga-

    ret Thatcher

    Yourheroes/heroines inworldhistory

    General JannieSmutsandMotherTere-


    Your favourite food and drink

    Dry white wine and prawns

    Your favourite names

    Mark, Philip, Memr

    What isyour favouriteplace toholiday

    Greece and Istanbul

    What I dislike most


    The reform I admire the most


    The natural talent Id like to be gifted



    How I wish to die

    Happy and surrounded by family

    Whats your present state of mind

    Open and optimistic

    Forwhat fault do you havemost tolera-



    Your favourite motto

    This too shall pass from Persian Sufi


  • 10

    Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    Geduld, mense

    Mens verstaan die nuuskierigheid van moto

    riste wat hul nekke breek om n ongeluksto

    neel te wil sien meeste van ons is skuldig

    daaraan. Dis menslik om nuuskierig te wees.

    Wat nie menslik is nie is die ongeduld van

    sommige motoriste by n ongelukstoneel. Be

    seerdes word nog op die toneel behandel.

    Die pad is vol glasstukke en motorolie. Ver

    keersbeamptes en die polisie moet nog aan

    kom. Die toneel is nog chaoties en vars.

    Maar daar is motoriste wat hoet en toet

    en tussendeur al die chaos deur die toneel

    vleg. Met ongeduld. Dit is wat die geval was

    by die botsing Saterdag etensuur by die

    Sandbaaikruising. Dit was skokkend om te

    sien. Een wintiemotoris het amper n ver

    keersbeampte raakgery in sy haas om te kom

    waar hy ook al wou wees.

    Volgende keer, onthou:Vra jouself afwaar

    jy eerder sou wees op daardie tydstip. Veilig

    en ongeskonde in jou motor, of opgekrul

    langs die pad, bebloed en in pyn, met jou

    hele naweek in sy maai en dalk nog verdere

    probleme vorentoe.

    Geduld, mense. Bel jou familie of vriende

    om te s jy gaan laat wees. Wees dankbaar

    dis nie jy wat in n ongeluk betrokke is nie.

    S vir jouself There, but for the grace of

    God, go I.

    Choir was a treat!

    A full house of over 250 fortunate people en-

    joyed a rare treat on Friday evening, 11 April

    in the Grobbelaar hall when the Cape Town

    Male Voice Choir presented a varied and in-

    teresting programme singing mostly in four-

    part harmony.

    This choir, together with a Johannesburg

    choir, represented South Africa in 2012 at the

    InternationalWalesChoirsof theWorld inthe

    Royal Festival Hall. Some of the items of this

    concert were included on Friday.

    The programme began with some well-

    known church music, an arrangement of the

    23rd Psalm being one of the highlights. The

    soloist Victor Kasongo had a magnificent

    voice.Come Colours Arisewaswritten in 1994

    with Tutus Rainbow Nation as inspiration

    and it was stirring stuff! A richly deep-voiced

    bass singer, ThabileGxwalintloko, sang a sad

    and moving traditional southern spiritual;

    and later in the programme sangOlManRiv-

    er from Showboat, a rendering which was

    reminiscent of Al Jolson himself.

    The pice de rsistance was from Africa

    South featuring a Highveld storm the pitter

    patter of the first rain drops (finger clicking)

    was soon accompanied by rolling thunder

    (feet tapping) and increasinglyheavyrain, re-

    alistically depicted by hand clapping, and

    then hands-on-thighs clapping. Slowly the

    thunder softened and the rain reverted first

    to pitter patter and then eventually dying

    away. We almost wanted to check if we were

    wet through!

    It was a memorable occasion and the Over-

    strand Hospice are to be congratulated on

    bringing this talented choir to Hermanus.

    From the excited buzz afterwards, this

    choir would be welcomed back any day!


    Librarys Easter draw

    a resounding success

    The librarians and Friends of the

    Hermanus Library (FOHL) recently

    held an extremely successful Easter

    lucky draw, in which the prizes were

    a cake and baskets of Easter eggs.

    TicketssoldatR5each.Thanks to the

    generous support of the public, we

    raised R2 000 which will be spent on

    new books, dvds, cds and librarymate-


    We are so proud of our library, and

    the enthusiasm ofmembers enables us

    to carry on the good work of keeping

    the shelves stocked with new and

    requested titles, all of which remain in

    Hermanus. Thank you somuch, every-




    BALL OF FIRE ON THE ROLL: Hettie Maree from Sandbaai sent in this photo of a

    sunrise spectacle taken last week. Her poetic caption reads: What it touches, it sets

    on fire with shades of yellow.

    Lemms (sad) corner a reflectionof thependingdemiseof theheart ofHermanus


    ner erected upside down on three

    gum poles, advertising Lemms Cor-

    ner Craft Market, you may have

    thought it was April Fools Day. But

    in fact, it was Saturday 22 March,

    part of the recent Family Day long

    weekend. And not surprisingly, the

    town was bustling with visitors.

    Although at first glance, signage

    standing on its head could have been

    seen as maybe a little quirky, the re-

    ality of this farcical incident carries

    a sinister foreboding of the tragic de-

    mise of Lemms Corner and its once

    famous craft market.

    In the 1990s, as Hermanus began

    togrow,sodidits craftmarketwhich

    thenwenton tobecomeaweeklydes-

    tination for visitors from Cape Town, sur-

    rounding areas as well as international tour-

    ists. Somuch so that, as its popularity spread,

    the colourful mosaic of this market featured

    in coffee table books advertising a scenic

    SouthAfrica. Sadly, long gone are those days,

    when amidst an ambience of joie de vivre, ga-

    zebos were erected on Market Square and

    both local and out-of-town crafters created a

    diversity of innovative skills to offer the pub-

    lic. Each Saturday a local band entertained

    thecrowdsat theFishermansCottage restau-


    Today tells a different story. During the

    week, in goodweather, staff from local restau-

    rants and loiterers invariably take up a hori-

    zontal siesta on theopenground.WhenSatur-

    daycomesround there isadepressingandsad

    huddle of a few desperate stall holders who


    thismarketwas abuzz and packed to capacity

    with traders and visitors.

    The reason for the tragic demise of a once

    lucrative market can be placed solely on the

    shoulders of the controlling body, namely the

    executives of the Old Harbour Trust. Apart

    from various in-house issues, lack of commu-

    nication as well as a non-proactive attitude

    from management created conflict and even-

    tually forcedthetraders torelocate tosuccess-

    ful venues such as the Hermanus Country

    Market and Hermanus-pietersfontein Boere-


    Unfortunately, another result of the dismal

    deterioration of Lemms Corner Market has

    been the detrimental financial effect on the

    surrounding retail outlets. Themanyvisitors

    to the once lucrative craft market resulted in

    a spill over including the towns charming

    speciality retail venues and restaurants in

    their shopping experience.

    However, this is certainly not the case to-

    day. The current downwardmarketing trend

    has been exacerbated by the shift of the CBD

    to both the Checkers andWoolworths centres

    situated adjacent to The Marine hotel. And

    recently, in the same area, yet another devel-

    opment offering commercial space has

    opened its doors.

    These factors add up to a realistic equation

    that the old town centre is increasingly in a

    critical situation. Asmentioned, the CBDhas

    a mix of speciality shops and certain factors

    need to urgently be addressed to preserve

    thesesmallbusinessesand toencouragemore

    of an old-world charm to the town.

    ShouldHermanuslosetheseshopsit is inev-

    itable that in the future they will be replaced

    by cheapies, franchise outlets and offices

    which will only discourage tourism to the

    townandwill impactseverelyontheeconomy

    of Hermanus.

    Recently, a programme online showed the

    surreal and dismal images of nine malls in

    the Midwest of America which have been

    abandoned due to the downward spiral of the

    economy. They tell a sinister story of greed

    and over-development with a lack of insight

    towards the sensitive and fragile infrastruc-

    ture of a town.

    The following steps are suggested as a sur-

    vival strategy to be put into effect to prevent

    thesamescenario fromhappeningonourown


    1. The trustees of the Old Harbour need to

    appointmanagement that ispro-activeandre-

    alistic in their approach to the possibility of

    negotiating the return of crafters to Lemms


    2. The municipality which to date has

    shown little or no interest in the restoration

    of the old town urgently needs to appoint a

    team to investigate and formulate ideas to re-

    store this once popular and lucrative tourist


    3. A committee of concerned retailers

    should be formed to address the immediate

    problems regarding the deterioration of the

    CBD. This is especially vital as the Sandbaai

    shopping mall is a reality and will be built

    sometime in the future.

    4. Shop owners in the CBD need to realise

    that the outdated attitude of trading hours

    fromMonday tomid-day Saturday is no long-

    er viable especially in view of the fact that

    tourist resorts such asKalkBay andFransch-

    hoek trade extensively throughout the week-

    end. Visitors to Hermanus arriving on Fri-

    daysaredisappointed to find thatmostoutlets

    shut down midday Saturday to only re-open

    their doors again on Monday morn-

    ing, by which time the visitors have

    left. This regressive and unrealistic

    retail attitude is questioned again

    and again by visitors to the town.

    5. Landlords of buildings in a once

    vibrant and sought-after CBD need

    to take cognisance of the retail shift

    to the new malls, a sure indication

    that the dynamics of the old town

    have changed. These landlords are

    urgently requested to review their

    exorbitantmonthly rentals and hike

    increases charged at present. Unless

    this problem is addressedmany spe-

    ciality shops could be under threat.

    6. Harbour Road urgently needs to

    be reconsidered as a one-way route

    down to the sea to increase the flow

    of traffic into this area so that it can spread

    out into theCBD.Currently this section is not

    only being bypassed but is confusing to visi-


    7. One of the most important factors for the

    survival of the CBD is to create an attractive

    and tourist-friendly town as is seen in many

    European countries. For one thing, the CBD


    in neutral white, beige or grey.Many of these

    buildings are neglected and their drab exteri-

    ors remain unattended to. A landscaper re-

    cently described one of the lanes in the CBD

    as a construction site without maintenance.

    A paint chart could make all the difference.

    Interleading lanes connecting the town toMa-

    rine Drive and others could be painted with

    seascape/fynbos murals and made more wel-

    coming and user-friendly. Hermanus has a

    nucleus of talented artistswho could enhance

    the bland and empty canvas of the town with

    their creativity. Colour creates energy.

    8. What about the creation of a park at

    Lemms Corner? What about a beautiful ven-

    ue of trees and indigenous flower beds under

    the custodianship of Fernkloof Nature Re-


    Art in the park and similar events could be

    held on Sundays.

    9. As Hermanus constantly grows so is the

    heavy traffic increasing. Surely it makes

    sense to have a vision for the town which in-

    cludes more tree-lined walkways to create

    pleasant outdoor accessibility to the shops

    and restaurants.

    Sadly, LemmsCorner today reflects the de-

    mise of the heart of Hermanus and these pro-

    posed suggestions should be given urgent at-

    tention and put into effect as soon as possible.

    It is important to note that in the 1980s

    Lemms Corner was purchased by means of

    public money, municipal and government

    funds and the landwas intended to be a venue

    for the residents of the town and to become

    a vibrant centre.

    As it stands today, Lemms Corner has be-

    come a desolate and deserted area and is of

    no benefit to Hermanus.


  • 11

    Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    ) Just want to ask: Where have all the crickets

    gone? Since they made it to the front page of the

    Hermanus Times, they seem to have disappeared!

    Maybe they didnt like the exposure? Good show!

    But really, I am fascinated they have gone!

    R DU P

    ) Ek kry vanmiddag n oproep van n dame wat

    gesien het hoe n man in n wit Fordbakkie amper

    my kind van sy motorfiets af ry naby CTM, terwyl

    hy soos n vark deur die karre gevleg het. Ek won

    der hoe jy sal voel as iemand so n oproep aan

    jou doen? Ek weet wie jy is, volgende oproep sal

    aan die hoof van verkeer gaan! Daar is al hoe

    meer skoolkinders wat van motorfietsvervoer ge

    bruik maak en dis skokkend om te sien hoe min

    respek motoriste vir die kinders op hul fietse het.


    ) Could the 15 % increase in rates be due to the

    large overdraft brought about by mismanaged

    overspending by the Overstrand Council?


    )Well said Piet Louw, please keep it up! Problems

    have been exacerbated since councillors were al

    lowed to draw salaries and not small ones either.


    )We need a mall with movie houses etc to give

    the moaning and interfering people of Hermanus

    Eastcliff something to do. They are clearly bored.


    ) Ek woon in Chanteclairweg 11 in Onrus en in

    Berghof isdaarook nChanteclairweg11,volgens

    pos en goedereaflewerings. Hoe is dit moontlik?

    Gaan die munisipaliteit iets doen nadat hulle al

    jare lank bewus is van die probleem?


    ) To the entire staff of a wellknown restaurant:We

    as customers dont owe you anything. We still

    want a service, even if we do come every day.

    Best of all, to bad mouth companies around you

    to those companies clients, shows what type of

    business you really are. From your no longer

    group of 10 patrons. SHARON

    ) As n laerskool meneer op sy rugbyseuns vloek

    wonder mens wat se voorbeeld hy stel? Daar is

    vir seker beter maniere van spanbou, meneer.

    ) Estelle Oelofse, ek het ook daai stel afgetrap,

    maar gelukkig het ek die fynskrif gelees en was

    geregtig om die gimkontrak te kanselleer binne

    vyf dae. Dit het wel ses maande en n oproep na

    die verbruikersraad geneem voormy geld aanmy

    terugbetaal is. Voorspoed. LINETTE VERSTER

    ) In n kerkkantoor in Hermanus speel die perso

    neel net rekenaarspeletjies. Wonder wat sou ge

    beur het as hulle betaal sou word volgens werks

    produktiwiteit en nie n vaste salaris gekry het nie?

    ) Accident intersection at Sandbaai traffic lights

    Saturday refers: Therewas a vehicle and tow truck

    in themiddle of the intersection. But oh,myword...

    there was one traffic officer, a number of police

    officers and two civilians directing traffic, all at

    the same time. I tried to keep my eye on the traffic

    officer for instructions, while a police woman

    standing at the kerb told me to go, but what about

    the traffic coming from my right who had been

    told by the traffic officer to proceed? Oh yes, and

    not forgetting the civilian lady in the centre of the

    roadalso indicating that vehicles from theopposite

    side could proceed. I felt so sorry for the lonesome

    traffic cop surely he needed assistants who could

    actually work in unison with him and the others

    should have butted out, most especially the lady

    in the black pants and black spaghetti strap top.

    Chaos I cant believe there wasnt another acci


    ) Ja, nog n plakkerkamp langs die sinagoge in

    Hermanus met n beskadigde heining en daar

    word net vuur gemaak. Ek is bekommerd oor hoe

    ons dorp nie meer skoon is nie. WILLI

    ) There is a house in the Lakewood precinct that

    has three prisontype floodlights shining all night.

    It is not apparent why such a level of surveillance

    would be necessary in a secure golf estate, but

    for neighbours, the glare of the lights spoil our

    wonderfulnight skies. The fynbosdwellers toomust

    live in perpetual bright light in the area. Perhaps

    a motion sensor may be an answer to this glaring

    problem? I am beginning to see the light.

    ) I lostmykeyonWednesdayat the library. Please

    phone me on 028 316 2902 or 083 518 7278.

    ) Ek het my sleutel verloor by Checkers. Kontak

    my asb op 028 316 3111 of 061 427 9023.


    Leenasbvir onsdiehandfiets vir ons resies

    BesteTiaan, baie gelukmet jougouemedaljes

    met jou vinnig nuwe fiets. Ons vra dat jy asb

    die ou rooi fietsie wat die mense van Herma-

    nus vir jou gekoop het vir ons sal leen. Die


    nus rystoelresies ry op 10 Mei en het nie n

    handfiets nie. Een van onsmanne het verlede

    jaar so fantasties gery.

    Jyhet tweefietseenonsvraomdieoufietsie

    te leen asb. Ons oefen nou van hierdie week

    af. Jy het mos in die koerant ges dat jy dit

    sal skenk aan iemand wat dit nodig het.

    Kan iemand dalk vir Euodia fietswinkel n

    geldjie gee vir nuwebande as ons die fiets kan

    gebruik vir die resies. Baie dankie.


    Thanks toallwhomadeNight Shelter eventa success

    On behalf of the Hermanus Night Shelter As-

    sociation, I wish to express my appreciation

    to all who assisted in making our first fund-

    raising event the success it was.

    The hosts and hostesses, who were so com-

    mitted to filling their tableswith guests, were

    an integral part of the success of the evening.

    Thankyouall thosewhoparticipated in the

    evenings programme: Kevin Abbot (the

    Caller), theHermanusDanceStudio,Edian

    Barnard and David Shreeve, a guest who

    turned auctioneer.

    Last,butmostcertainlynot least,ourgener-

    ous sponsors: Spookfontein, Whalehaven,

    Hermanuspietersfontein, Bouchard Finlays-

    on, La Vierge andNewton Johnson for donat-

    ing excellent wines for auctioning. We were

    also privileged to auction a pair of magnifi-

    cent earrings donated by Geta Finlayson.

    This may well become an annual event on

    the social calendar of our wonderful town.




    Duisende spinnekoppewoekeraansoutpan-webbe

    Die uitgebreide webbe wat Cha-

    n Payne aan die oewer van die

    Vermont-soutpan gefotografeer

    het (HT 14 Apr 2014) word deur

    duisende spinnekoppe gebou,

    veral die talle roesrooi langlyf-,

    langbeenspinnekoppewat rond-

    loop of in die middel van n web

    sit. Daar is ook ander spinne-

    kopspesies, waterjuffers (dam-

    sel flies), en hottentotsgotte

    (praying mantis). Om hulle al-

    mal aan die lewe te hou, vereis

    n goeie voedselbron.

    Dr. Ansie Dippenaar-Schoe-

    man (Landbou-navorsingsraad)

    het die roesrooi spinnekoppege-

    dentifiseer as ledevandie fami-


    tragnatha sp. (langkaak-water-


    Hierdie familie het goed ont-

    wikkelde kake (cheliseras) met

    sterk tande, agt o en n verleng-

    de abdomen. Interessant is dat

    al die eksemplarewat gefotogra-

    feer is, mannetjies is.

    Die spinnekoppe is predatore

    en vreet muskiete, muggies en

    ander spinnekoppe.

    Wat n wonderlike ekologiese

    sisteem is onse pan nie.



    Die Tegragnathaspin

    nekop, in Engels be

    kend as die long

    jawed water spider.

    Oostewind begin


    Die bolug wat oor die Overberg-gebied hang, ge-

    dra hom goed vir hierdie tyd van die jaar, so tus-

    sen die oorgang van somer- na winterrens. Die


    oos tussen 19 en 35 km/h. Dit peper ons met n

    14,5 C bries.

    Maar, vir di wat wonder, so 3 km bokant ons

    kop is die wind saans maar weer sy ou self die

    maltrapwat tussen 2 en 3 in die oggend so te kere

    gaan. Vanoggend is hy weer terug op die grond

    maar steeds baie sterk op 36 km/h.

    Die algemene prentjie daar bo is stabiliteit

    want die Atlantiese hoogdruk is duidelik nog in

    beheer van die algemene weerpatroon. Dit is n

    klomp koue wat uit die suide gekom het en weer

    by Gough weggedruk word, maar in die proses

    was daar sommer baie goeie konveksie wat met

    al die warm weer in die laaste tyd ook baie vog

    uit die see opgeneem het.

    Diemeeste van die water sal oor die Suid-Kaap

    terug val, maar dit lyk of die Overstrand die ver-

    wagte driedagren vrygespring het.

    Langfaan swatwo!Onsmoet onthou dieOver-

    strand is op die grens tussen die somer enwinter

    renvaltyd (n gebied) en as die isobaar van die

    Atlantiese hoogdruk nader aan Mosselbaai in-

    draai land toe, kan enige iets voor die naweek


    Die glas is aan die styg en dit lyk of die ooste-

    wind ook bietjie sterker begin stoot. Dit is net

    vir vanmiddag, want vanaand druk die suide-

    wind weer in. Lesers wat dan wakker is moet

    dit sien as n oorskakeling,want die noordwes

    steek na middernag sterk op met vog wat hy

    die hele pad vanaf die noordweskus bring.

    Teen Vrydagaand sak n rentjie van agtuur

    tot Saterdagoggend uit met n goeie 4 mm.

    Saterdagmiddag is die son spesiaal vir n

    bietjie pret agter die wolke uit, maar ons sal

    voel hoe die luggie weer 16 C word.

    Sondag word dit n toutrekkery tussen die


    maarwarmaantrek. Dit gaan 12 C daar op die

    kerkbanke en in die koffiewinkels word.

    Die koue weer bly aan en af irriterend tot

    Maandag se namiddag wanneer die son weer

    warm deurbreek en 20 C verskaf. Maar hier

    kom oom Langfaan se voorspelling in: Die

    tweede front is in die noordweste op die hori-

    son en dit kan nie anders nie; dit ren so 3mm

    tot daai volgende Woensdag toe.

    During this transitional period from summer to winter there

    is a tug of war between the south/east and north/west winds

    that will bring cold and rain (about 4 mm) on Friday evening.

    By Saturday afternoon the sunwill be out again but the tempe-

    ratureonlyreaches16 C, followedbyamaxof12 ConSunday.

  • 12

    Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    Statistics reveal shocking levels ofpollution. Where is theestuarymanagementplan?

    While discussing the Hermanus Lagoon re-

    cently, a remark was made, that in 25 years

    time the estuary will be a large vlei, with the

    Klein River meandering through it, choked

    with reeds, algae, and foul smells.

    We may come to regret the day we laughed

    and dismissed this sad ironic joke, because

    wedidnothing tostemthe tideof theestuarys

    decay, now being supercharged by sewage ef-

    fluent and nitrate/phosphate run off, due to

    archaic and outdated planning, building and

    farming practices.

    Studies have shown that there are approxi-

    mately 255 functional estuaries in SouthAfri-

    ca; the Klein River estuary is known to be the

    5th most ecologically important.

    On 23 November 2007 a report was pub-

    lished by Dr Victor Hamilton-Attwell titled:

    Sewage Pollution in the Klein River from

    thebridge (R43) on theKleinRiveratStanford

    up to Scout Camp (Hermanus). A summary

    reads: The most important source of pollu-

    tion are the septic systems along the shore.

    All indications are that human impact and es-

    pecially sewagemanagement,must be target-

    ed as the biggest pollution source. Along the

    estuary it has been ascertained that conserv-

    ancy tanks are seldom pumped and that grey

    water is dumped in soak-aways and at some

    stands, all sewage is dumped directly into a


    In January I managed to obtain, with great

    difficulty, and only through the Access to In-

    formationAct, themunicipal water sampling

    records for the estuary, Grotto beach and the

    Klein River. These records were previously

    published on the Overstrand Estuaries web-

    site until March 2013. The site was discontin-

    ued and no results have been published since

    then. We wonder why?

    InDecember2013 themunicipality sampled

    the estuary, in its customary bi-monthly wa-

    ter sampling program, in order to determine

    the level of intestinal enterococci, one of the

    bacterial indicator organisms used to deter-

    mine faecal pollution.

    The following figures were recorded at the

    sample points in the Klein River estuary:

    Scout Camp: 1 940 cfu/per 100 ml

    Prawn Flats: 3 100 cfu/per 100 ml

    Hermanus Yacht Club: 5 200 cfu/per 100 ml

    Stanford (Kings Street) 1 100 cfu/per 100 ml

    The last flood (1:50 year) occurred on 16 No-

    vember 2013. These water sample readings

    were taken on 12 and 19 December 2013, a sig-

    nificant lapse of time between the flood and

    sampling, indicatinghowthe floodconditions

    affect the pollution levels.

    The SA Water Guideline for Recreational

    Water (2009) states a level in excess of 185 cfu/

    per 100 ml as poor (unacceptable) with a gas-

    tro-intestinal (GI) health risk index of 8.5%.

    The above water samples average well over

    1 000%higherrisk factorcomparedto theoffi-

    cial health hazard levels, and in the case of

    the Hermanus Yacht Club, an unbelievable

    2 500 % higher on those specific days.

    The Blue Flag registered Grotto beach had

    a reading of 1 733 cfu/per 100 ml on 28Novem-

    ber, and in the storm water stream alongside

    Dutchies on 23 January an unbelievable

    2 419cfu/per100 mlwasrecorded flowingonto

    Grottobeach,confirmingthetheses thatsome

    have expressed that sewage contamination

    will threaten the Blue Flag status of Grotto


    It is understood that the flood conditions af-

    fected not only the flooding of septic tanks,

    but runoff from the land and increasing un-

    dergroundbiofilmseepage (originally formed

    by leakingseptic tanks)all contributing to the

    exceptionally high readings.

    Between 2010 and 2012 (three years after the

    Hamilton-Attwell report was published) an

    auditwas conducted amongst a groupof prop-

    erty owners on the Klein River Estuary (Her-

    manus Lagoon). Of those participating it was

    found that 80% of the tanks inspected were

    found to be faulty and beyond repair inmany

    instances, furthermore many of these tanks

    and their soak-awayswere founda fewmeters

    fromthehighwater levels anda largenumber

    below these levels. Regardless of the efforts

    to renovate the septic tanks, sewage pollution

    continues to rise and any discussion of the

    owners converting to conservancy tanks was


    Estuary water levels are defined as levels

    above mean sea level (msl) and it is said that

    the estuary should breach naturally at 3 m

    above msl, furthermore that the official set

    back line for properties should be 5m above

    msl (or in the case of the Coastal Protection

    Zone 100 m, to be managed, regulated and re-

    stricted). In your dreams, none of this occurs,

    nor has it ever been implemented!

    Of further interest, the high water mark is

    nowpegged at 2.6msl, thanks to the expedient

    lobbying of home owners who have built too


    tion whenever the estuary rises to the level

    it should and could rise. There are over 100

    houses built below the 5m msl and the 1:50

    year flood line on the river.

    Stanford alone has 65 properties found be-

    low the 50 year flood line and it may well be

    asked if the developers and town planners

    who passed this very irregular, ill conceived

    development (onzonedagricultural land)will

    now pay for the water-born sewage installa-

    tions that are presently being installed. An-

    other of themany costly lessons of town plan-

    ning gone wrong, for both the tax payers and

    the environment.

    Where will the leadership be found to put

    into place an estuary management plan (20

    years on the drawing boards) that has regula-

    torycloutandconsequence thatwill effective-

    ly manage, intervene and rehabilitate the es-

    tuary (and river catchment) ecosystems?


    Liezl Bezuidenhout, Senior Manager:

    Environmental Services, responds:

    One cannot deny that theKleinRiver estuary

    has environmental problems which are partly

    caused by riparian developments that took

    place in the early days when people were not

    as knowledgeable about environmental im-

    pacts as they are today. One of these problems

    is indeed faecal pollution, as indicated by the

    high readings for intestinal enterococci.

    It is important, however, to remember that

    both intestinal enterococci and E. coli occur in

    the faecies of allwarm-bloodedanimals,which

    means that the high readings in the estuary

    cannot be attributed purely to human waste,

    although the latter is part of the problem.Estu-

    aries, especially when they are closed off from

    the sea, are the collection points for everything

    that flows from the catchment, including the

    runoff from farms and towns (e.g. stormwater


    Water resources in the Overstrand are man-

    aged by the Breede-Overberg Catchment Man-

    agementAgency (BOCMA)based inWorcester.

    They are also responsible for water quality

    monitoring in order to establish compliance

    with theNationalWaterAct 36 of 1998. Thewa-

    ter quality samples that are collected twice a

    month by the Overstrand Municipality (OM)


    itys role is purely to collect the samples for

    BOCMA. Environmental health is not a func-

    tion of theOM,but of theOverbergDistrictMu-

    nicipality (ODM) which has offices in Her-

    manus and Kleinmond.

    The water quality results have previously

    beenmadeavailableon theOverstrandEstuar-

    ies website (a private website), but the munici-

    pality has not been allowed to use it since the

    middleof lastyear.Efforts tostartourownestu-

    aries website have failed due to financial con-

    straints, but BOCMA is presently looking into

    the possibility of placing the results on their

    own website (www.bocma.co.za).

    We find it hard to believe that the personwho

    wrote the letter had to resort to the Access to

    Information Act to obtain the water quality re-


    at the Environmental Management Section

    (EMS) of the municipality since August 2013

    when BOCMA started a new bi-monthly pro-

    gramme (the previous one was every three

    weeks). Letter and response shortened Ed.

  • 13

    Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    Get TWO delicious T-bones,

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    Booking is essential

    Call 023 3487200

    PAASFEES PRET: Graad een leerders van Curro Hermanus is Donderdag

    deur Hermanus Toyota bederf met paaseiers. Die kinders moes oral op die

    terrein na die paaseiers wat weggesteek is, gaan soek.

    PAASPAKKIES: Die kleintjies van Duifies en Kuifies skool in Mount Pleasant was

    baie opgewonde toe hulle Donderdag pakkies vir Paasfees ontvang het. Twee

    mas, Kaylin May en Megan Benade, het deur die nag gebak en brou om die 52

    kinderharte bly te maak.


    DAG: Die gr. 5leer

    ders van Laerskool

    Hermanus het Donder

    dag n Oupa en Ou

    madag vir die bejaar

    des van Huis Lettie

    Theron by die skool

    saal gehou. Elke leer

    der het ekstra werkies

    tuis gedoen om sak

    geld te verdien waar

    mee die skool gesken

    kies vir al die oupas

    en oumas gekoop het.

    Die leerders het gesing,

    gedigte opges en bal

    letdanse uitgevoer. Die

    gr. 5meisies van Mari

    na Skool van Dans het

    ook n pragtige ballet

    uitvoering gelewer.



    Willa Gerber (middel) is as die oudste oupa

    van die dag gekroon. Hy het vanjaar 94 jaar

    oud geword. Juffrou Louisa Smit het hom ampte

    lik gekroon met n spesiale serp.

    Die gr. 5leerders het vir tannie Netta Pieterse

    Veels geluk, liewe maatjie gesing. Sy het Sa

    terdag 82 jaar oud geword.

  • 14

    Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



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    Cartoonist Corakuierby

    Hermanus Leeskring


    Cora Coetzee het bekendheid verwerf as illustreer-

    der, of eerder cartoonist, soos sy na haarself verwys.

    Syhetmeeras150boekegellustreer (virskrywerssoos

    Elsa Joubert, Audrey Blignaut en Philip de Vos) maar

    deesdae skets sy op die ingewing van die oomblik en wy

    haarself toe aan groter kuns.

    Cora was die gasspreker by die Hermanus Leeskring

    se samekoms Dinsdagoggend. Om haar in die sitkamer


    ter werke uitgestal, meestal houtskoolsketse. Johnny

    Cash is duidelik herkenbaar op een.


    wys na n liedjie van Cash op YouTube. Ek het dit oor

    en oor gekyk. En vandaar het die inspirasie gekom om

    hom te skets, met sy gesig effe vertrek n sy beroerte.

    Ander kere is dit n foto in n koerant wat inspireer of

    bloot net die prag van die Overstrand. Dit word al hoe

    meer opwindend. Ek werk nou vry. Ek vat n stuk wit

    papier en dinge gebeur. Soms werk dit, ander kere is dit

    n flop en dan begin ek weer.

    Cora is n gebore engeto Stellenbosser enwas eenvan

    die eerste kunsstudente byMaties. Sy vertel hoe dissipli-


    plinenie.Ofditnouwasomnskulp900keeroor te teken

    om die vorm en groewe 100% reg te kry, of die halfuur

    van oefeninge voor hul kunsklas op Maties begin het.

    Die verwysing na hierdie soort dissipline vat n draai

    na kinders en inkleurboeke. Is dit reg of verkeerd om

    n kind te dwing om binne die lyne van die prentjie in

    te kleur? word sy gevra. Cora, self ouma, se


    n inkleurboek en in die ander n stuk wit pa-

    pier en vra die kind watter een verkies hy.

    Cora het sewe jaar gelede na die Overstrand verhuis

    en s Hermanus is n salf vir haar. Ek kan maak nes

    ek wil. Ek teken die see, berge, wolke. Die mense s mos

    Hermanus is die voorportaal van die hemel.

    Regs agter Cora is die

    sketse van Johnny

    Cash. Die skets links

    van haar, van vyf kin

    ders, is genspireer

    deur n koerantberig

    oor Joodse kindertjies

    in die konsentrasie

    kampe. Die titel is

    Ons het Auschwitz

    Birkenau oorleef. Co

    ra se pa as vyfjarige

    is die middelste kind

    in die kunswerk. Hy

    was nie in die kon

    sentrasiekampe nie,

    maar ek wou hom in

    die sketse inwerk

    saam met al die an

    der sad gesigte. Sy

    ma is oorlede toe hy

    vyf was en die foto

    van hom is toe ge


    Cora is nog steeds mal oor cartoons doen, maar net

    per geleentheid. Hierdie Veels geluk, liewe maatjie,

    omdat jy verjaarskets het sy vir vriendin Linda Zaai

    man gedoen. FOTOS: CILENE BEKKER




    Naud en




    Eat yourway to better health

    In his latest bookGoodMedicine,

    acclaimed nutritional expert

    Patrick Holford

    says it is not a lack

    ofdrugsbut rather


    trition that causes

    chronic diseases.

    Your pain, can-

    cer, indigestion,

    anxiety, insom-

    nia, asthma, ecze-

    ma, angina, sinus

    problems, high

    blood pressure or

    whatever else it is

    you suffer from, is

    not caused by a

    lack of drugs but

    rather the food and lifestyle

    choices you have made in the

    past, says Holford.

    He claims that the majority of


    ed to too much of the bad stuff

    and not enough of the good.

    We are literally digging our

    owngraveswith aknife and fork.

    Thecauseof thebig

    five diseases can-

    cer, heart disease,

    diabetes, obesity

    and Alzheimers

    is down to the food

    we eat, what we

    drink, smoking,

    stress and a lack of


    Holford exam-

    ines why we get

    sick in the first

    place and explains

    the root causes and

    how and why the

    natural approach

    makes sense.

    He suggests which foods and

    extra nutrients are themost ben-

    eficial in this comprehensive re-

    source of what really works for

    the most common health prob-


  • 15

    Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014



    167a Main Road. Hermanus

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    Workshop of Handprinted African Fabric

    Ceramics, Gifts, Jewellery,

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    028 313 2935


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    Francois Grobbelaar

    [email protected] /


    TEL/FAX: 028 312 2928

    CELL: 082 719 0907

    167 Main Road, Hermanus, 7200



    Jenny Jackson


    Jenny Jacksons Gallery 19

    072 270 1883

    19 High Street, Hermanus

    Email: [email protected] / www.jennyjackson.co.za


    ) Join the Hermanus Hacking Group from 07:00

    to 11:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call Andr van den

    Berg: 0 072 191 3516.

    ) Die borduurgroep vergader by die DeWetsaal

    elkeDonderdagvan09:00 13:00.KontakAnna

    le Roux: 0 028 316 1612.

    ) The Probus Club meets every second Thursday

    of themonth at The Class Room restaurant in Hem

    elenAarde Village at 12:15. Contact Lyle:

    0 028 314 1390 or 073 778 2777.

    ) Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday at

    17:30 at the De Wet Hall in Roos Street, Onrus.

    Call Henriette Vlugter: 0 082 738 7809.

    ) Hermanus Rotary Club meets at 18:30 at

    Mollergren Retirement Village. All are welcome.

    Call Frank Matthee: 0 082 870 1187.

    ) Sandbaai Belastingbetalersvereniging hou hul

    algemene jaarvergadering in die Sandbaaisaal

    om 18:00.

    Alle belangstellendes is welkom. Bel Chris Theron:

    0 028 316 3812.


    ) Hermanus Hacking group meets from 06:30

    08:45 above the sports field near Old Boys Club.

    All volunteers are welcome. Call Charlyn Vosloo:

    0 082 558 8731.

    ) Geniet tee/koffie en tuisgebakbydie biblioteek

    se Bhuki Kafee 09:00 11.30. Elke besoek help

    om n boek te koop.

    ) Die Kolwyntjie Teetuin by Onruskerk: 09:30

    11:30. Heerlike tuisgebak, terte en koeke met tee

    of koffie ingesluit vir net R20.

    ) Kunsklasse by die De Wetsaal in Onrus van

    09:00 12:00. Bel Estelle Valkenburg:

    0 028 316 3522.

    ) Brug by die De Wetsaal van 13:00 17:00.

    Kontak Jaye Howse: 0 028 312 1553.


    ) HermanusCountryMarket from09:00 13:00

    at the cricket grounds.

    ) Hermanuspietersfontein se kos en wynmark

    van 09:00 13:00.

    )Market in the Garden from 09:00 14:00 at

    HemelenAarde Village.

    ) EmileMinnie stel sy nuweCDbekend bySprok

    kelster Teater in Onrus om 20:00. Kaartjies kan

    bespreek word by Louise: 0 082 896 5106/

    028 316 4567.


    ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:00

    to 11:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call Andr van den

    Berg: 0 072 191 3516.

    ) The U3A presents French Rural Art Posters

    as a form of Art, by Klaus Dembeck in the Catholic

    Church hall at 10:00. Call Barbara Pretorius:

    0 028 312 1438.

    ) AfriForum hou hul ledevergadering by die mu

    nisipale auditorium om 18:30.

    ) Fiksheidsklasse by die De Wetsaal: Maandae

    08:00 09:30; Woensdae 15:00 17:00 en

    Donderdae 08:00 09:30. Belangstellendes kan

    Alida Liebenberg bel: 0 028 316 3994 of

    082 783 5160.

    ) Duplicate bridge at 13:00 at Fernkloof. Call:

    0 028 314 0662 or 072 230 9179.

    ) Zumbadans, De Wetsaal, Maandae en

    Woensdae 17:30 18:30. Bel Emilia Knight:

    0 028 316 1491.

    ) Linedancing, DeWetsaal, 18:30 19:30. Call

    Maryanne Calitz: 0 073 469 9132.

    ) Hermanus Pro Musica Choir practises in the

    Grobbelaar Hall from 18:00 20:00.

    ) Touching Hearts meets at 18:45 in Onrus. Call

    Martin: 0 082 438 6008.


    ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:00

    to 10:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call Andr van den

    Berg: 0 072 191 3516.

    ) A talk on Local Restaurants and Cooking will

    be presented at the U3A meeting at the Catholic

    Church hall at 10:00. Call Letitia Snyman:

    0 028 316 5170.


    ) Hermanus Hacking Group meets from 07:00

    to 10:00 at Lagoon Edge. Call Andr van den

    Berg: 0 072 191 3516.

    ) Trimgimklasse vir seniors weekliks deur

    Mathilda Roos by die Onrusrivierdienssentrum

    van10:00 11:00.R30perdienssentrumlid,R45

    vir nielede.

    )WeighLess group meets at the De Wet Hall in

    Onrus at 08:30. Call Annette Meiring:

    0 082 560 2836.

    ) Recycle Swop Shop AGM, Grobbelaar Hall,


    ) Die Christelike Afhanklikheidsbeweging kom

    byeen van18:00 19:00bydieGrobbelaarsaal.

    Bel Nick Kruger: 0 074 890 2250.

    ) Egskeidingsondersteuningsgroep elke tweede

    en vierde Woensdag om 18:00 in die gebeds

    kamer by die NG gemeente Onrusrivier. Bel Erika

    Oosthuysen: 0 072 322 0998.


    ) Join the Hermanus Bird Club on a birding jaunt

    to Hawston View and Van der Stels Pass. Meet

    at Onrus Trading Post at 08:00. Visitors welcome.

    Call Craig: 0 083 227 9003.


    ) Join theHermanus Ladies LuncheonClubonFri

    day 9 May at 12:00 for 12:30 at The Class Room

    restaurant. Booking essential. Call Erna:

    0 028 316 2866 or 082 932 6276.

    ABALONE GALLERY: Abalone Gallery is

    showcasing the exhibition Reflections with

    work by four prominent female artists: Alta

    Botha, Lien Botha, Pippa Skotnes and Lynette

    ten Krooden.

    Alta is exhibiting her Universe series, which

    she completed before she started her studies

    for the MFA degree at the Michaelis School

    of Fine Art in Cape Town, which she has just

    obtained with distinction. Odd Objects

    (2008) her solo exhibition was highly

    appreciated by art collectors and friends of

    the Abalone Gallery. Lien Botha, whose work

    is an integral part at Abalone Gallery exhi

    bitions, is showing some of her narrative

    photography, the Amendment series. Pic

    tured is Amendment 3: The case of going

    Dutch in the desert. Her solo exhibition An

    thology was hosted by Abalone Gallery in

    2009. Her tenth solo exhibition Yonder is

    presently on view at the Barnard Gallery in

    Cape Town. The critic and author Amanda

    Botha referred to it as n hoogtepunt in Lien

    Botha se reeds bewese kunstenaarskap.

    Numbered and signed limited edition cata

    logues are available at Abalone Gallery. Pip

    pa Skotnes, daughter of late icon in the arts,

    Cecil Skotnes, and professor at the Michaelis

    School of Fine Art in Cape Town, is repre

    sented with two very special etchings from

    the 1980s, which are collectors pieces. Or

    trud Mulder has shown many series of Sko

    tness works at museums and institutions

    overseas before she relocated to Hermanus.

    Lynette ten Krooden, a Pretoriabased artist,

    has some of her smaller works on show, re

    flecting her research on the old trade routes

    from Petra in Jordan to Kimberley. Her most

    recent solo exhibition, African Mysteries in

    September last year, was accompanied by a

    presentation of her career as artist and re

    searcher over thirty years.


    The Willie Botha Sculpture gallery opened

    its doors in June 2013 at 171 Main Road,

    Hermanus. The gallery forms a part of the

    Hermanus Art Amble. This follows the in

    ternational trend to have concentrated are

    as in cities and towns dedicated to the vis

    ual arts where art lovers can casually stroll

    from gallery to gallery. People also like to

    see the artists in action or at least meet the

    artists whose work they are buying. That is

    why Willie Botha decided to use part of his

    gallery to work on smaller pieces where

    the public can learn more about sculpting

    as well as the bronze casting process. You

    can visit the gallery to view their fantastic

    collection of works by old master painters

    such as Jan Dingemans, Frans Claerhout,

    Piet van Heerden, Hennie Niemann, G.W.

    Pilkington, Chris Tugwell, Alfred Krentz, Di

    no Paravano, Trechikoff, Gregoire Boonza

    ier and Majory Wallace among others with

    works of Pieter Vermaak and Angela Keys.

    LEMBU GALLERY: Lembu Gallery is the

    home studio of artist Ed Bredenkamp, best

    known for his dramatic and vivid red ele

    phant paintings and other wildlife studies.

    During FynArts, Lembu will stage an exhibi

    tion entitled Portrayals which will feature

    the work of both Ed and Elsie Macdonald,

    the Knysnabased surrealist artist, a few of

    whose beautiful and whimsical paintings are

    currently on show in the gallery. Lembu has

    also just unveiled a new collection of hand

    crafted, handpainted glassware from talen

    ted glass artists Ronel Basson and Janette

    Anderson. Each piece of glass is individually

    hand painted before being fused and slum

    ped in a high temperature kiln. Its a slow

    and meticulous process and each item is uni

    que. A new range of jewellery has also re

    cently been released featuring fiery red co

    rals and dazzling black and green agates.



    The coup[e

    Francois and

    Christine Grob

    belaar, who run

    Walker Bay Art

    Gallery, have

    brought a won

    derful variety of

    artistic media to

    the public, in

    cluding pain

    tings, sculptu

    res, ceramics

    and glassware.

    Since its incepti

    on in 2007 the gallery has housed one of

    the countrys finest collections of South Afri

    can art pieces in a beautifully restored his

    torical building in Main Road. The gallerys

    Courtyard Caf also offers refreshments.

    On Saturday 3 May, all art lovers and col

    lectors are invited to the opening of the

    Aviva Maree exhibition at 18:30 for 19:00.

    Heln Truter will be the guest speaker.


    Jackson was a late bloomer who only star

    ted painting when she was in her sixties. Her

    first solo exhibition was hosted at the Rossouw

    Modern in 2012 and her gallery attached to

    her home/studio in High Street opened in De

    cember last year. This restored fishermans cot

    tage is filled with light and reflects Jennys

    boundless energy and delight in her work. Her

    unique technique of using a palette knife to

    apply thick strokes of paint to canvass re

    minds one of weathered walls with peeling

    paint. The paintings, ranging from still lives to

    portraits, are rounded off with finer touches of


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    24 April, 2014



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    Hermanus Times

    24 April, 2014





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