Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles ...€¦ · CITY NEWS INDEX OF LOCAL...

CITY NEWS INDEX OF LOCAL EVENTS Chronicled on pugs* ?">. 6, a and 10 Forecast: Cloudy and unsettled. Bank clerks purged of contempt of court. The bill posters have their license raised. English as "she ls wrote" by a Qer- - man preacher. The truth about the Bankers' Al- liance failure. Death of T. D. Stimson, the well- known capitalist. Suit against the Southern Pacific, for seizure of laud. Contest in court over the custody of Ethel May Hickson. Trouble over a grade crossing on the Southern Pacific. Nine complaints filed for violation of the saloon ordinance. Water company presents a yearly report of rate collections. Three men seriously hurt by a Woken sheet of plate glass. Prof. Rohde refuses to face the mu- \u25a0ic at Brother Pitman's church. Santa Fe officials puzzled by the troublesome tunnel near Williams. Juan Orosco arrrested charged with the murder of his child bride a wek ago. Merchants and Manufacturers' as- sociation appoints standing commit- tees. John Z. Harnett, ex-supervisor of Ventura county, writes from the Klon- dike. A horse stolen from the Sentous Bros, is killed by the thief while es- caping. One of Hutchison's water resolu- tions dies a born in' in the council chamber. A new First Methodist church to be built at the northeast corner of Sixth and Hill. Miss Mac Owen is reinstated as a teacher in the public schools, despite Webb's snort. EVENTS OF TODAY Orpheum?Vaudeville. Burbank?"The Stowaway." Eos Angeles?Mahara's Minstrels. The board of police commissioners meets?lo a. m. Pioneers of Los Angeles meet, Cale- donia hall?7:3o p. m. Astronomical section Academy of Sciences, 325 West Adams street?B p. m. First popular concert Los Angeles Symphony orchestra, Music hall? 8:30 p. m. THE WEATHER sTEMPBRATTJRBI?Report of observations taken at Los Angeles Jan. 31st. The barometer is reduced to sea level. Maximum tmeperature, 66. Minimum temporal are, 47. Forecast for Southern California? Cloudy and unsettled weather Tuesday; probably rain; southeasterly winds. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF F. W. Krlngei, Inner, 218 South Broad- way, room 2"7. Wall paper and border 12-foot room. $1. Walter, (127 S. Spring. Tel. Green 983. Call Tel. Main 243 for ambulance. Kregelo & Brcsee, Sixth and Broadway, j Robert Sharp & Co., funeral directors, j 761 and 753 S. Spring st. Tel. Main 1029. Watches cleaned, 75 cents; main- springs, 50 cents; crystals, 10 cents, i Patton, 214 South Broadway. The fine entertainment given last night at tho First Christian church will i be repeated tonight. Admission 15 cents, i Max Wassman, dentist, has removed ' from room 12, Downey block, to rooms 225 and 227 Potomac block, Broadway, ( between Second and Third. i The Pioneers of Los Angeles county ? will meet in Caledonia hall this eve- ] ning at 7:30 p. m. Reminiscences, mv- ' sic and stories will be the program. 1 Adams Bros., dentists, South 1 Spring street. Plates from $4. Pain- 1 less extracting, 50 cents. Filling a ' specialty. Hours, 8 to 5; Sundays, 10 ' to 12. 1 Clearance sale of framed pictures left ' over from the holidays at H. C. Licht<»n- f berger's art emporium, 202 South Spring 1 stree. Closing out a choice lot of beauti- fully framed goods at $2 each, worth 1 from $3 to $5. ' While hitching a horse at his homo \ on Flr.st street yesterday afternoon f Carl Hurlbert was kicked over the eye J by tlie animal. He was taken to the ! receiving hospital, where Dr. Hagan ! dressed his injuries. ' Dr. Rebecca Lee Dorsey, Stlmson block, first floor, rooms 133, 134, 135. 1 Special attention given to obstetrical J cases and all diseases of women and children. Electricity scientifically used. 1 Consultation hours, 1 to 5. Tel. 1227. Allle Applemonts. aged 28, was brought \ to the police station last night very drunk and covered with blood from head to foot. He was Rent In by Patrolman . Blackburn, who found him on the side- j walk on Alameda street, near Allso He t had been brutally beuten by persons t.n- { known to the officer and for no apparent cause. : An entertainment will be given for the « benefit of Occidental college at St Jo c seph's hall, corner Pico and Santee 1 streets, Friday evening. The program c will be made up of a comedietta and mv- i Stc and will be presented by students of 1 the college under direction of Miss S I I Morgan, assisted by Miss Alice Maxsoii J and Mrs. Lillian Werth Fruhllng. \ ; ?* ? t A Cosy Cot c Neat, new, natty, nice neighborhood, 1 five rooms, good lot. Ninth, near Central. 1 dot to sell and you can get a good home 1 for less than cost, $900, at $100 cash, bal- £ ance $10 a month. Lang-worthy Co., 226 S Spring. ' 8 0 A HEAVY LOSS The Sudden Death of T. D. Stimson THREE SCORE YEARS AND TEN ONE OF LOS ANGELES' MOST SUB- STANTIAL CITIZENS His Death, Due to Heart Disease, Was a Shock to Hundreds of Friends At his palatial Flgueroa street resi- dence, T. D. Stlmson, the banker and capitalist, died at 8 oclock yesterday morning of angina pectoris. He had lain In an unconscious condition since 11 oclock Sunday evening, and death was not unexpected. At his bedside were his wife, his win Willard and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Fay. For ten years Mr. Stimson had suffered with his complaint, the attacks growing more frequent and severe as time passed on. During the past two weeks he had had several severe attacks, but on Sat- urday was apparently feeling unusually well. Saturday afternoon he was out driving until evening. Sunday morning he was apparently In his usual health and remained quietly at home all day. At 8 oclock Sunday evening he was I seized with a violent attack, which In- j crensed in severity until at 11 he lapsed into semi-consciousness. Dr. C. E. Jones, the family physician, was called and was assisted by Dr. W. C. Brown, both physicians remaining by the bed- side throughout the night. Despite their skill, the patient gradually sank, and a minute or two after 8 yesterday morning died. ln his death the city loses one of her most progressive and enterprising citi- zens. With ample capital he invested !it with full faith in the future of Los I Angeles and was about to build another I magnificent business block opposite the one which bears his name at Third and Spring streets. Orders have already been telegraphed to the architects in San Franc isco to suspend all work on tho plans and estimates. Telegrams have been sent to his sons Charles D. and Fred S. Stimson in Seat- tle and to J. D. Stimson at Brooklyn, N. I Y. Kara T. Stimson, his brother, is now on his way to this city from San Fran- I Cisco. No arrangements for the funeral j have yet been made. The life of Mr. Stimson was but an- other of those many examples showing what honesty, perseverance and grit can accomplish. Born seventy years ago of poor parents at French Mills. Canada, Thomas U. Stimson beguy, life ln a most humble way. To the disadvantage of tho want of an abundance of this world's goods was added the handicap of the los 3 of his mother early in life. Meager as were his means and unpromising as were his prospects, while still a boy he seized i upon every opportunity to advance him- self when that advancement could be j made by fair and honest means. After the deatji of his mother the fam- ily removed to New York state and at the age of 14 young Thomas, with such education as could be secured In country schools and by hard, tedious work at night, started out to blaze his own way to fortune. He-was fortunate but the fortune came to him through his own honest and earnest effort. He first entered business at Mar- quette, Mich., and from the start he prospered. Later he went into the lum- ber business, first as an employe and afterwards Independently upon the In- vestment of his savings. At that time the finest lumber territory in Michigan was far south of where young Stimson made his #tart. These lands were soon exhausted and the lands owned by the young man soon became very valuable. He was not slow to take advantage of this and his fortune was doubled sev- eral times over in the course of a few years. Having accumulated a competency sufficient to satisfy him he went to Chi- cago in 1877, and at once became a lead- ing business man. For twelve yeas the city by the lake was his homo, and in 1890 he removed to Los Angeles. The boom here had somewhat demoral- ized realty values, but in spile of this Mr. Stlmson saw that the depression was not to be permanent. He had con- fidence in the city and country, and at once made large investments In real es- tate. A year after his arrival he com- pleted the handsome residence on Fig- ueroa street In which he died, and the same year saw the completion of the Stimson block at Third and Spring Btreets. He was Interested In a number of other important ventures, and his name has appeared repeatedly upon the lists of directors of various financial In- stitutions. He was largely interested in the Citizens' bank, and was at one time vice president of the chamber of commerce. The acquisition of riches had no effect upon the personality of the man. He was never so happy as when at work, and no work was too hard for him. His charities were numerous. He was particularly Interested In the work of the Salvation army, and also In kinder- garten work. He and his wife en- dowed the Stlmson-Lafayette Industrial school, an Important educational Insti- tution. How much he gave privately to charity will never be known, for he dispensed his charity without ostenta- tion. In all public movements he took an active port and was Identified with nearly all the large enterprises started here ln recent years. The arrangements for the funeral have not been made. His sons in Seattle were notified by wire of their father's death, and the"y will reach the city at noon Thursday. Pntll then the funeral announcement will not be made. T. D. STIMSON FIRST METHODIST CHURCH New Building at the Northeast Corner of Sixth and Hill The quarterly conference of the First M. B. church met in session last night. Bishop John P. Newman was present and opened the proceedings with an ad- dress which set forth his intense interest In the future of the two principal Meth- odist churches in the city. He outlined a wise and liberal policy, and his re- marks were followed very closely by the conference in Its subsequent action, though not without much debate. The bishop's address was followed by the presiding Officer, Elder Hovard, and the pastor, Dr. Cantine, following the same line of argument. The board of trustees submitted a re- port, reciting Its action In .selling the old church site at 333 South Broadway, and asked for authorization to sell the par- sonage property at 525 South Broadway. The privilege to sell the latter was granted. F. M. Porter offered a resolution au- thorizing the board of trustees of First church to pay to the board of trustees of Simpson M. K. church the sum of $5000 from the sale of First church prop- erty and $5000 from the sale of the par- sonage property, to aid them ln erecting a new church home in the Westlake park section. The conditions of said gift were to be made by the building committee of First church. It is under- stood that one of those conditions is the sale of the present Simpson tabernacle, to which the Simpson officials have al- | ready agreed, and its abandonment as a Methodist Episcopal church. A. E. Pomeroy presented resolutions, i which w ere passed by the conference, di- j recting that the new home of First c hurc h be located on the northeast cor- ner of Sixth and Hill streets, work to begin soon, so that the new church will be ready for dedication early in Sep- tember. A unanimous vote was passed requesting Bishop Newman to dedicate the new church when ready. At a late hour the conference adjourned. McCurdy's Mishap The name of the man who was killed by a Santa Monica electric car near the Soldiers' home Sunday night, the par- ticulars of which were published in The Herald yesterday morning, was George G. W. McCurdy. He was an inmate of the home and had visited this city Sun- day. He beep.me Intoxicated and start- ed for the home. Leaving the car at a stopping place this side of the home, he started to walk to his quarters, but be- came lost. He was too drunk to walk properly and in order to cross the car tracks he had to crawl. As he was do- ing this he was struck by a car and in- stantly killed. He was 61 years of age. The coroner held an inquest upon the remains yesterday morning. Shultz on Sound Prof. James H. Shultz of the state normal school, assisted by a number of the students, entertained and instructed ian audience at the Young Men's Chris- tian association last evening in a lect- ure on "Sound." In the realm of sound, said the speaker, there is room for much research in undiscovered Kohls. We are deaf to many sounds that a more finely constructed human organism could de- tect. The usual range of ability to de- tect sound is confined to hearing those produced by from 16 to 10,000 vibrations a second. Yet In some oases the abllity extends from 15 to as high as 50,000 vi- brations. Large numbers of Illustra- tions of the principles of acoustics were given with apparatus prepared for the purpose, concluding with a sertes of ex- periments with singing and sensitive flames. Next Monday evening there will be a lecture on "Abraham Lincoln," by Judge John S. Thompson, who was a fellow- practitioner with Lincoln at the Illinois bar. Louis P. Boardman, counsel for the defense In the Durrant ease, is at the Westminster. Mr. Boardman is on his way back to San Francisco from Wash- ington, where he went to present the last appeal to the United States supremo court. IN THE TOILS Juan Orosco Arrested for Wife Murder INCRIMINATING TESTIMONY THE LATE LAMANDA PARK TRAGEDY RECALLED Suspicious Circumstances Seen by a Neighbor?The Prisoner Em- phatically Denies Guilt Juan Orosco, a young Mexican of Lamanda Park, was brought to the county jail last night by Sheriff Burr and booked for the murder, on Tuesday morning of last week, of Modesta, his bride of only seventeen days. Coroner Campbell went to the place where Mrs. Orosco's dead body had been found, with a bullet hole in the center of the breast, ranging backward and downward, the bullet being stopped only by the spine. She had met her death in the bed room upstairs of the lit- tle house where she and her husband lived, on the Allen ranch. Her clothing and the wound were badly powder burned. There were several suspicious circumstances connected with the case, which to a certain extent made the sui- cide theory rather improbable; but, on the other hand, no testimony connecting Juan Orosco with the sudden taking off of his wife seemed to be available, and the jury found, after a lengthy investi- gation, that the deceased had come to her death from a self-inflicted wound. The jurors, however, left the question of suicide or accident an open one. Juan Orosco and his child wife, Modes- ta Linares ?she was only 17 years old and had been married to her husband only as many days?came from the neighbor- hood of Downey at the time that he se- cured work on the Allen ranch. He was considered to be jealous of her, so it is said. On the night before Mrs. Orosco's death they had been to Los Nietos to witness the marriage of one of her sis- ters, and, as a matter of course, they were asked to stay to the baile that fol- lowed. But the husband refused and drove away with his wife long before the festivities came to an end. This hasty departure was ascribed by the friends and relatives to his jealousy. After Modesta's death and the inquest they were not satisfied with the verdict and set about making inquiries. Rumors were thick about Lamanda Park, but nothing was of a tangible nature. The brother of the deceased, Bito Linares, visited the offices of the coroner, district attorney and sheriff on Saturday, but the information at his command at the' time was not .sufficient to allow these !officials to act. Yesterday morning he came again and ! informed District Attorney Donnell that an American woman who lived quite I close to the Orosco house had stated to jhim that she had seen the husband go into the house on the morning of the wife's death and remain there about ten minutes. While he was there she had heard a shot and later she had seen him go away. With such a statement at hand, it was resolved that an immediate investiga- tion was imperative, and Assistant Dis- trict Attorney Williams took charge of it. He and Sheriff Burr proceeded to Lamanda Park in one carriage, while Deputy Sheriff White took another one by way of the mission, to head off Oros- co If he should undertake to run away, In case his suspicions became aroused. The American woman was found to be a Mrs. Neblino, a middle-aged person married to a Mexican, and who.formerly worked at the St. Elmo hotel. Her story was somewhat different from the Lin- ares' version. She lives only about 20 yards away from the Orpsco place. She said that on the day of Modesta's death she had heard a shot in the house at 8:30 in the morning. Some twenty minutes later she saw Orosco, as she wended her way to a little outhouse, on his own doorstep going in. He remained inside a few minutes, then rame out and went away. He did not speak to Mrs. Neb- lino at that time. ft was considered by the officials that there were sufficient suspicious circum- stances connected with Orosco's doings on that day to justify his arrest, and Bito Linares was permitted to swear to a complaint charging Juan Orosco with the murder of his wife on the 25th of January. Justice Rosslter of Pasadena Issued a warrant which was served up- on the accused as he was plowing yes- terday afternoon on the Allen ranch by Sheriff Burr. Mr. Allen was with the sheriff and said to Orosco: "John, this is the sher- iff. The people don't seem to be satis- fied with the verdict at the inquest." "I don't see why they shouldn't be satisfied," replied the Mexican, ' as h? quit plowing and asked to be permitted to put on his overcoat. He was then taken before Justice Ros- ' siter at Pasadena and remanded without bail pending examination. Upon hl3 arrival at the county jail his main thought was that he was very hungry and wanted a good hot supper. Orosco Is a tall, swarthy Mexican with piercing black eyes and a heavy moustache, not 1 ill looking. While being searched and 1 prepared for identification he said that It was all nonsense to say that he had ' been at his house about 9 oclock In the morning on the 25th as he was fully pre- pared to prove an unassailable alibi. He pretended not to know why Mrs. Neblino should say that he was there when he was not, and claimed never to I have spoken to her In his life. He laughed scornfully when told of the stories of his Jealousy and said that they were lies. As to his brother-ln- < law, Bito Linares, he stigmatized him I as a liar, because he had told him that he had had nothing to do with his arrest when as a matter of fact he alone had moved the machinery of the law to bring it about. All this time the prisoner was picking his teeth with a match and re- verting to that hot supper whlci the sheriff had promised him and which he wanted right then. Orosco will be taken to Pasadena this morning, arraigned before Justice Ros- slter and the date of his examination set. Fractured His Arm Peter Mcintosh, aped 18 years, was the victim of a serious accident at 1:20 oclock yesterday afternoon. He had recov- ered from an attack of typhoid fever but two days before, and yesterday was the first day his physician would allow him to leave the house. He was walking along Bellevue avenue and slipped on a piece of orange peel and fell. He sus- tained a fracture of the right arm in two places, besides other Injuries. It Is feared the accident will cause a recur- rence of his illness. M. ANDM. ASSOCIATION Standing Committees Appointed at the Directors' Meeting Last Night At a meeting board of directors of tho Merchants and Manufacturers' association held last evening the special committee appointed' by the farmers clubs was present to confer with the as- sociation regarding the establishment of a produce exchange. Prof. Sprague stated that the produc- ers of Southern California greatly ap- preciated the efforts of the Merchants and Manufacturers' association to es- tablish reliable market reports of the produce of this section and that the farmers realize that such an exchange would be of vast benefit to them as well as to the commission merchants. A committee from the association, consisting of Max Meyherg, Frank Simpson and H. P. Anderson, was ap- pointed to meet with the committee from the farmers' clubs for the purpose of formulating a plan of action. The two committees will meet next Tuesday morning at 10 oclock at the hall of in- dustry. The Invitation to be present at the opening of the new armory next Monday evening was accepted with thanks, and the board of directors decided to attend the event In a body. A resolution was passed In memory of the death of T. D. Stimson and setting forth that by his demise this rlty has sustained a serious loss, and a commit- tee was appointed to present the resolu- tion at the next meeting of the board of directors. The following were elected new mem- bers: C. L. Hanson, Golden Brand Hy- gienic Coffee company. President Baker announced the ap- pointment of the following standing committees: Public improvements?J. J. Bergin. J. S. Salkey, G. J. Griffith, F. K. Rule, D. W. Klrkland. Municipal Affairs?A. C. Jones, A. C. Bllleke, F. W. King, H. Jevne, James Montgomery. Transportation?Geo. Boole. E. A. Stu- art. P. W. Braun, J. O. Koepfli. M. H. New- mark. Trade and Commerce?J. M. Schneider. C. B. Boothe. M. W. Stewart, Geo. Wig- more. H. W. Frank. Manufactures?Max Meyherg, N. Bon- filio. B. Erckenbrecher, J. G. McKinney. A. Douglass. Grievances?S. G. Marshutz, F. E. Fay, Jos. Maier. Statistics?Carl Trlest, E. S. Sullivan, R. 11. Hunt. Membership?C. C. Desmond, H. P. An- derson. R. W. Pridham. Finance?Frank Simpson, R. W. Burn- ham. J. J. Bergin. Exhibition?R. H. Herron. R. W. Burn- ham. J. M. Schneider, Frank Simpßon, C. C. Desmond. Investments?H. J. Fleishman, R. W. Burnham, K. Cohn. > MUSIC NOTES Mrs. Gertrude Auld Thomas has never given more convincing proof of her rank as an artist than at the first of a series of song recitals last evening in the Blanchard-Fltzgerald hall. Her pro- gram, which was carefully selected, was delightfully presented, and, except for an occasional tendency to vibrate, which was probably due to nervousness, her voice was quite at its best. Mrs. Thomas met and conquered the dramatic and vocal exactions of the great aria from the mad scene in "Hamlet" with a very delightful art. As a well- merited encore, she sang KJerulf's tragic little "Synnove's Pong," with a delicious mezza voce. For encore to the group of three songs, with which the program opened, Yon Stutzman's "Vainka's Song" was given, with a dainty naivete. Another of the particularly enjoyable numbers was an "Old French Song" (1700), by Martini. Mrs. Thomas was ably assisted by Miss M. Edith Haines, who played her accompaniments with sympathy, and three solo numbers be- sides. The next recital will be given February 28th. o o *> The first matinee concert by the Los Angeles Symphony orchestra. Hariey Hamilton, conductor, will be given this afternoon in Music hall at ,1:30 oclook. The program will include, besides Bee- thoven's "First Symphony," Plerne's "Serenade" (for strings only), Mendels- sohn's "Flngal Cave Overture," a Strauss waltz. "Wiener Blut." and Rossini's overture to "William Tell." ILL-STARRED HORSE THIEF Steals a Rig but Kills the Horse While Escaping An unknown man made a determined effort to steal a horse and delivery wag- on belonging to Sentous Bros., butchers, at Aliso and Los Angeles streets, last night. That he did not succeed was due to an accident later, in which the horse was killed and the wagon wrecked. The horse was hitched in front of the firm's meat store shortly after 8 oclock last night. One of the employes of the store happened to notice a man driving the horse slow ly along the opposite, side of the street and called to him to stop. Instead of replying, the man whipped the horse Into a run and was soon out of sight. He drove to Main street and then past the plaza, turning into Sono- ratown, all the time keeping the horse running. At the corner of Castellar and Alpine streets he tried to make a sharp turn, and in doing so overturned the wagon. The horse was thrown and its neck was broken by the fall. A crowd quickly collected, but none of the peo- ple knew that the man had no right to the rig. He hurriedly left the place, seemingly uninjured, and disappeared In the direction of the oil fields. The mat- ter was reported at the police station, but, as no good description of the man could be furnished, he will be hard to find. Died of Heart Failure Mrs. Ida Vogel, who while insane tried to kill herself by cutting her throat at her home on Anderson street a month ago, died yesterday at the county hos- pital. Her death was only indirectly- due to the self-inflicted injuries. She had been gradually growing weaker ever since her admission to the hos- pital and the direct cause of her death was heart failure. She was 32 years of age and leaves a husband and one daughter. J. H. Adams of Pasadena was at the St. Denis, New York, Saturday. AT THE THEATER LOS ANGELES THEATER.?A gen- uine coon minstrel show of the old- fashioned kind was that given by the Maharas last night. The house was not heavy, as might have been expected, but the performance was quite a success and better of its class than is often seen here. The first part ot me entertain- ment went very smothly and the olio that followed contained enough of the knock-about element to please the colored population who made a very considerable showing In the audience. The minstrels will appear again tonight and tomorrow they will close with two performances, afternoon and evening, o o o ORPHEUM.?The usual large audi- ence last night witnessed a performance that was varied enough to suit the taste of ail parts of the hoURe. Among the new turns Barney snd Russell gave a very earnest, energetic act that was thoroughly well liked. The lady who followed and who makes pictures with colored sands wore yellow silk Inex- pressibles and made new tableaux which were greatly applauded. She does very clever work and one cannot but admire the deft way in which she Juggles the sands of various hues to do her bidding. Maud Beall Price is a monologue en- tertainer and clever imitator. She is of the style but brighter than Caroline Hull, who was here a few weeks ago, another difference between them being that Miss Hull was a three-story vo- calist, or so called triple voiced, while Miss Price pretends only the possession of two registers. She affords lots of amusement in a clever breezy way and was recalled several times. Patrice and Alf Hampton repeated their pretty little sketch, "A New Year's Dream," which keeps its charm as well as ever. Crim- mlngs and Gore have been here before and their amusing comedy skit is en- tirely funny and gets lots of laughter and applause. The Farnum brothers repeat their acrobatic work, which is excellent of its kind. A couple of French people, Paulo and Dlka, sing some songs In French and the woman of the team, who is decollete above and be- low and is besides perfectly justified in her choice of costume, accompanies her songs with gestures that were applaud- ed by the gallery only. The rest of the house appeared surprised, but at the finish the applause was hearty and gen- eral. The up-to-dateness of the turn is not to be questioned. o o o BURBANK THEATER.?The Elle- ford company opened Its engagement at this house last evening with a presenta- tion of the well known melodrama, "The Stowaway." The piece contains the usual number of escapes and heroic- speeches, all of which were greatly ap- preciated by the gallery, which com- posed the majority of the audience. W. J. Elleford, in the title role, was well re- ceived. As Chucky the newsboy Jessie Norton did much to add life and inter- est to the drama and made a hit with her songs. There was too much time given up to "business" for so long a play and the action was slow, but this latter Is likely a first night defect which will be remedied as the week advances. "The Stowaway" will be given the bal- ance of the week witlj a matinee Satur- day. o o o COMING ATTRACTIONS.?An ex- cellent company of comedians will inter- pret "Courted Into Court" upon its first appearance here at the Los Angeles theater next Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday matinee, the most im- portant members probably being Marie Dressier, John C. Rice, John G. Sparks. Jacques Kruger and several other well known farceurs. The eagerness with which the public besieged the box office of the Los Ange- les theater indicates that the production of "The Serenade" by the Bostonians next week has aroused more than usual curiosity. The success of "The Sere- nade" is such a matter of record else- where that there is every reason to be- lieve it will find equal favor here. The cast will include the full strength of th» organization, including: Henry Clay Barnabee, William H. Mac Donald, Jes- sie Bartlett Davis, Eugene Cowles, Alice Nielsen, George Frothingham. Josephine Bartlett, William E. Philip, Harry Brown, Crafton Baker, W. H. Fitzger- ald, Nellie Guistl, Helene Fredericks. Jennie Hawley, Charles R. Hawley and S. L. Studley, musical director. To Entertain Towne The committee having in charge the lo- cal arrangements for the reception of the Hon. Charles A. Towne of Minne- sota will meet today at luncheon at the rooms of the Sliver Republican club. 533 South Main street. A full committee meeting is expected, at which time re- ports will be made by the several com- mittees appointed by Chairman SpaMing at the last meeting. Secretary Cooper of the state committee announces that Mr. Towne will address the people of Los Angeles on Monday evening. Febru- ary 14. The location of the meeting will be announced later. From letters re- ceived by Secretary Cooper, Mr. Towne will receive a rousing reception in all the places he will visit, and the outcome of his trip west will be watched with great interest by all Interested in the cause of silver. Child's Play Several hundred people attended the entertainment given at the First Chris- tian church last evening under the aus- pices of Miss Katherine Page. A little play, called "The Midgets' Wedding," was enacted by children in the early part of the evening and was followed by classical groupings and posings by young ladies in Grecian garb, which were made the more effective by the use of colored light. The second half of the program was made up of drills, panto- mime and music. The whole entertain- ment was so eminently successful thnt it has been decided to repeat it tjpnight at the same place, wtih a reduced fee of admission. HE MAKES GOLD But Is Still Hunting for Metal In Mines PRESCOTT, Ariz.. Jan. 31? H. A. Strong, partner of Dr. Emmens of New York, inventor of an alleged process of transmitting silver Into gold, was a visitor at Prescott today. Emmens. Strong & Co., recently pur- chased a big gold property In Mojavs county, which they are working. When interviewed in regard to the manufac- ture of gold by Dr. Emmens' process, he stated that the company was at present turning out about $2000 gold per month which they sell to the government. He stated that the company with Improved machinery can produce dally an amount equal to the present monthly product. He said that the company had no stock to sell and consequently did not cars whether people believed or disbelieved his statement. While the transmuta- tions of silver into gold is in progress, the New York firm Is engaged in pros- pecting for native gold in Arizona. Fractured a Rib George Finney was taken to the re- ceiving hospital yesterday afternoon, apparently dangerously injured. He had attempted to board a moving street car near Second and Spring streets, and was thrown to the ground. Dr. Hagan, who examined his injuries, found that he had sustained a fracture of a rib and numerous severe bruises. There are something like 40.000 public schools in Japan. The buildings are, comfortable, and education is compul- sory. Judge Calvin Edgerton of Los An- geles was a guest at the Flfth-avenua hotel, New York, Saturday. At the Westminster A. W. Ballard, Geo. P. Curtis. San Fran- cisco; A. M. Compton and wife, Chicago; H. IS. Carlton and wife. Rochester; Frank Sancho. New Orleans; Louis P. Boardman, San Francisco: t>, Walton and wife. New York; R. A. Kddy and wife, ,f. M. Keith and wife. Mlsaula: A. M. Sutton, Sun Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Town,, Jackson Towne. Miss Dodge. Milwaukee; Miss Inez Miller. P. O. Miller, Newport, Vt.i Charles A. Johnson. Mrs. Charles A. Johnson. Denver, Col.; Geo. H. Bughroan, Pittsburg: L, w. Loomls, Chicago; Mrs, B. Regenshurger. Miss 1,. Regensburger, San Francisco; James Reed. Cariboo, it. C; R. c. Wrenshall and wife. Pittsburg; Mr. and Mrs. A. McC. Hardenbergh, Ne« Brunswick, N. J.: H. C. Btubbe, Banning; C. Stanley Hurlbut, wife and child, Phila- delphia. LOS ANGELES HERALDt TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY f, ,893 5 Time j Bar. I n. m.. 30.10 I p.m.| 30.A Th'r. 50 60 Wind Vcl.j Wcnthcr NK I 8 ICteir | s ! i Cloudy 50 59 Stiff Ankle Shoes For Weak Ankle Children, sizes 1 to 6, , \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 $I.QO This is just the shoe for children from 1 to 2 years old whose ankles require strength. i ? Snyder Shoe Co. 258 & Broadway .. . 231 W. Third TirPfl Fl/PV Willrest when prop- 11l vu ljko er |y fitted with per . ( tectlv -round glasses. We do nothing j else than fit md grind Glasses?it's our j exclusive business. Our work, as is well i known, v;ive such satisfaction that we ( feel justified in asking for a trial order j from you. ) Eyes Examined Free 0 ==== O Parker's Book Store 246 South Broadway Near Public Library j The Largest, Most Varied and Most Complete Stock of Books West of Chicago, O ?g=a ~ -=========3 # The San Diego Brewing Co. 2 J Makers of the Celebrated J * PRIMA and NISI M R # s Lager Beer s J No beer is permitted to go into the i J market less than three months old. \ \ JOHN ZENS & CO., Agents \ J 407 Turner St. Los Angelei W sumptive Should Ignore This "My niece says Microbe Killer saved her lifa after doctors had given her up with Consump- tion. My sister is never without it "?O M. i'aber, 479 a. Broadway, Pasadena, Cal. Hun- dreds ot others tell the same story. Call or write for complete proofs aud free sample*. RADAM' 3 MICROBE KILLER 2165. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal, Your Tax for the coming year on baking powder will be very light if you buy Schilling s Best and use only one heaping leaspoonful to a quart of flour.

Transcript of Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles ...€¦ · CITY NEWS INDEX OF LOCAL...

Page 1: Herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1893 : Daily) (Los Angeles ...€¦ · CITY NEWS INDEX OF LOCAL EVENTS Chronicled on pugs*?">. 6, a and 10 Forecast: Cloudy and unsettled. Bank clerks


Chronicled on pugs* ?">. 6, a and 10

Forecast: Cloudy and unsettled.Bank clerks purged of contempt of

court.The billposters have their license

raised.English as "she ls wrote" by a Qer-

- man preacher.

The truth about the Bankers' Al-liance failure.

Death of T. D. Stimson, the well-known capitalist.

Suit against the Southern Pacific,

for seizure of laud.Contest in court over the custody of

Ethel May Hickson.Trouble over a grade crossing on

the Southern Pacific.Nine complaints filed for violation

of the saloon ordinance.

Water company presents a yearlyreport of rate collections.

Three men seriously hurt by aWoken sheet of plate glass.

Prof. Rohde refuses to face the mu-\u25a0ic at Brother Pitman's church.

Santa Fe officials puzzled by thetroublesome tunnel near Williams.

Juan Orosco arrrested charged withthe murder of his child bride a wekago.

Merchants and Manufacturers' as-sociation appoints standing commit-tees.

John Z. Harnett, ex-supervisor ofVentura county, writes from the Klon-dike.

A horse stolen from the SentousBros, is killed by the thief while es-caping.

One of Hutchison's water resolu-tions dies a born in' in the councilchamber.

Anew First Methodist church to bebuilt at the northeast corner of Sixthand Hill.

Miss Mac Owen is reinstated as ateacher in the public schools, despiteWebb's snort.


Orpheum?Vaudeville.Burbank?"The Stowaway."Eos Angeles?Mahara's Minstrels.

The board of police commissionersmeets?lo a. m.

Pioneers of Los Angeles meet, Cale-donia hall?7:3o p. m.

Astronomical section Academy ofSciences, 325 West Adams street?Bp. m.

First popular concert Los AngelesSymphony orchestra, Music hall?8:30 p. m.


sTEMPBRATTJRBI?Report of observationstaken at Los Angeles Jan. 31st. Thebarometer is reduced to sea level.

Maximum tmeperature, 66.Minimum temporal are, 47.Forecast for Southern California?

Cloudy and unsettled weather Tuesday;probably rain; southeasterly winds.


F. W. Krlngei, Inner, 218 South Broad-way, room 2"7.

Wall paper and border 12-foot room. $1.Walter, (127 S. Spring. Tel. Green 983.

Call Tel. Main 243 for ambulance.Kregelo & Brcsee, Sixth and Broadway, j

Robert Sharp & Co., funeral directors, j761 and 753 S. Spring st. Tel. Main 1029.

Watches cleaned, 75 cents; main-springs, 50 cents; crystals, 10 cents, iPatton, 214 South Broadway.

The fine entertainment given lastnight at tho First Christian church will ibe repeated tonight. Admission 15 cents, i

Max Wassman, dentist, has removed 'from room 12, Downey block, to rooms225 and 227 Potomac block, Broadway, (between Second and Third. i

The Pioneers of Los Angeles county ?will meet in Caledonia hall this eve- ]ning at 7:30 p. m. Reminiscences, mv- 'sic and stories will be the program. 1

Adams Bros., dentists, South 1Spring street. Plates from $4. Pain- 1less extracting, 50 cents. Filling a 'specialty. Hours, 8 to 5; Sundays, 10 'to 12. 1

Clearance sale of framed pictures left 'over from the holidays at H. C. Licht<»n- fberger's art emporium, 202 South Spring 1stree. Closing out a choice lot of beauti-fully framed goods at $2 each, worth 1from $3 to $5. 'While hitching a horse at his homo \on Flr.st street yesterday afternoon fCarl Hurlbert was kicked over the eye Jby tlie animal. He was taken to the !receiving hospital, where Dr. Hagan !dressed his injuries. 'Dr. Rebecca Lee Dorsey, Stlmsonblock, first floor, rooms 133, 134, 135. 1Special attention given to obstetrical Jcases and all diseases of women andchildren. Electricity scientifically used. 1Consultation hours, 1 to 5. Tel. 1227.

Allle Applemonts. aged 28, was brought \to the police station last night verydrunk and covered with blood from headto foot. He was Rent In by Patrolman .Blackburn, who found him on the side- jwalk on Alameda street, near Allso He thad been brutally beuten by persons t.n- {known to the officer and for no apparentcause. :

An entertainment willbe given for the «benefit of Occidental college at St Jo cseph's hall, corner Pico and Santee 1streets, Friday evening. The program cwillbe made up of a comedietta and mv- iStc and will be presented by students of 1the college under direction of Miss S IIMorgan, assisted by Miss Alice Maxsoii Jand Mrs. Lillian Werth Fruhllng. \;?* ? t

A Cosy Cot cNeat, new, natty, nice neighborhood, 1

five rooms, good lot. Ninth, near Central. 1dot to sell and you can get a good home 1for less than cost, $900, at $100 cash, bal- £ance $10 a month. Lang-worthy Co., 226 SSpring. '




The Sudden Death of T.D. Stimson



His Death, Due to Heart Disease, Wasa Shock to Hundreds of


At his palatial Flgueroa street resi-dence, T. D. Stlmson, the banker andcapitalist, died at 8 oclock yesterdaymorning of angina pectoris. He hadlain In an unconscious condition since 11oclock Sunday evening, and death wasnot unexpected. At his bedside were hiswife, his win Willard and son-in-law anddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Fay.

For ten years Mr. Stimson had sufferedwith his complaint, the attacks growingmore frequent and severe as time passedon. During the past two weeks he hadhad several severe attacks, but on Sat-urday was apparently feeling unusuallywell. Saturday afternoon he was outdriving until evening. Sunday morninghe was apparently In his usual healthand remained quietly at home all day.

At 8 oclock Sunday evening he wasIseized with a violent attack, which In-jcrensed in severity until at 11 he lapsedinto semi-consciousness. Dr. C. E.Jones, the family physician, was calledand was assisted by Dr. W. C. Brown,both physicians remaining by the bed-side throughout the night. Despite theirskill, the patient gradually sank, and aminute or two after 8 yesterday morningdied.

ln his death the city loses one of hermost progressive and enterprising citi-zens. With ample capital he invested

!it with full faith in the future of LosIAngeles and was about to build anotherImagnificent business block opposite theone which bears his name at Third andSpring streets. Orders have already

been telegraphed to the architects inSan Franc isco to suspend all work on thoplans and estimates.

Telegrams have been sent to his sonsCharles D. and Fred S. Stimson in Seat-tle and to J. D. Stimson at Brooklyn, N. IY. Kara T. Stimson, his brother, is nowon his way to this city from San Fran- ICisco. No arrangements for the funeral jhave yet been made.

The life of Mr. Stimson was but an-other of those many examples showingwhat honesty, perseverance and grit canaccomplish. Born seventy years ago ofpoor parents at French Mills. Canada,Thomas U. Stimson beguy, life ln a mosthumble way. To the disadvantage of thowant of an abundance of this world'sgoods was added the handicap of the los 3of his mother early in life. Meager aswere his means and unpromising as werehis prospects, while still a boy he seized iupon every opportunity to advance him-self when that advancement could be jmade by fair and honest means.

After the deatji of his mother the fam-ily removed to New York state and atthe age of 14 young Thomas, with sucheducation as could be secured In countryschools and by hard, tedious work atnight, started out to blaze his own wayto fortune. He-was fortunate but thefortune came to him through his ownhonest and earnest effort.

He first entered business at Mar-quette, Mich., and from the start heprospered. Later he went into the lum-ber business, first as an employe andafterwards Independently upon the In-vestment of his savings. At that timethe finest lumber territory in Michiganwas far south of where young Stimsonmade his #tart. These lands were soonexhausted and the lands owned by theyoung man soon became very valuable.He was not slow to take advantage ofthis and his fortune was doubled sev-eral times over in the course of a fewyears.

Having accumulated a competencysufficient to satisfy him he went to Chi-cago in 1877, and at once became a lead-ing business man. For twelve yeas thecity by the lake was his homo,and in 1890 he removed to Los Angeles.The boom here had somewhat demoral-ized realty values, but in spile of thisMr. Stlmson saw that the depressionwas not to be permanent. He had con-fidence in the city and country, and atonce made large investments Inreal es-tate. A year after his arrival he com-pleted the handsome residence on Fig-ueroa street In which he died, and thesame year saw the completion of theStimson block at Third and SpringBtreets. He was Interested In a numberof other important ventures, and his

name has appeared repeatedly upon thelists of directors of various financial In-stitutions. He was largely interestedin the Citizens' bank, and was at onetime vice president of the chamber ofcommerce.

The acquisition of riches had no effectupon the personality of the man. Hewas never so happy as when at work,and no work was too hard for him.His charities were numerous. He wasparticularly Interested In the work ofthe Salvation army, and also Inkinder-garten work. He and his wife en-dowed the Stlmson-Lafayette Industrialschool, an Important educational Insti-tution. How much he gave privately tocharity will never be known, for hedispensed his charity without ostenta-tion. In all public movements he tookan active port and was Identified withnearly all the large enterprises startedhere ln recent years.

The arrangements for the funeralhave not been made. His sons in Seattlewere notified by wire of their father'sdeath, and the"y will reach the city atnoon Thursday. Pntll then the funeralannouncement willnot be made.



New Building at the Northeast Cornerof Sixth and Hill

The quarterly conference of the FirstM. B. church met in session last night.Bishop John P. Newman was presentand opened the proceedings with an ad-dress which set forth his intense interestIn the future of the two principal Meth-odist churches in the city. He outlineda wise and liberal policy, and his re-marks were followed very closely by theconference in Its subsequent action,though not without much debate. Thebishop's address was followed by thepresiding Officer, Elder Hovard, and thepastor, Dr. Cantine, following the sameline of argument.

The board of trustees submitted a re-port, reciting Its action In .selling the oldchurch site at 333 South Broadway, and

asked for authorization to sell the par-sonage property at 525 South Broadway.The privilege to sell the latter wasgranted.

F. M. Porter offered a resolution au-thorizing the board of trustees of Firstchurch to pay to the board of trusteesof Simpson M. K. church the sum of$5000 from the sale of First church prop-erty and $5000 from the sale of the par-sonage property, to aid them ln erectinga new church home in the Westlakepark section. The conditions of saidgift were to be made by the buildingcommittee of First church. It is under-stood that one of those conditions is thesale of the present Simpson tabernacle,to which the Simpson officials have al-|ready agreed, and its abandonment as aMethodist Episcopal church.

A. E. Pomeroy presented resolutions,iwhich w ere passed by the conference, di-jrecting that the new home of Firstc hurc h be located on the northeast cor-ner of Sixth and Hill streets, work tobegin soon, so that the new churchwill be ready for dedication early in Sep-tember. A unanimous vote was passedrequesting Bishop Newman to dedicatethe new church when ready. At a latehour the conference adjourned.

McCurdy's MishapThe name of the man who was killed

by a Santa Monica electric car near theSoldiers' home Sunday night, the par-ticulars of which were published in TheHerald yesterday morning, was GeorgeG. W. McCurdy. He was an inmate ofthe home and had visited this city Sun-day. He beep.me Intoxicated and start-ed for the home. Leaving the car at astopping place this side of the home, hestarted to walk to his quarters, but be-came lost. He was too drunk to walkproperly and in order to cross the cartracks he had to crawl. As he was do-ing this he was struck by a car and in-stantly killed. He was 61 years of age.The coroner held an inquest upon theremains yesterday morning.

Shultz on SoundProf. James H. Shultz of the state

normal school, assisted by a number ofthe students, entertained and instructed

ian audience at the Young Men's Chris-tian association last evening in a lect-ure on "Sound." In the realm of sound,said the speaker, there is room for muchresearch in undiscovered Kohls. We aredeaf to many sounds that a more finelyconstructed human organism could de-tect. The usual range of ability to de-tect sound is confined to hearing thoseproduced by from 16 to 10,000 vibrationsa second. Yet In some oases the abllityextends from 15 to as high as 50,000 vi-brations. Large numbers of Illustra-tions of the principles of acoustics weregiven with apparatus prepared for thepurpose, concluding with a sertes of ex-periments with singing and sensitiveflames.

Next Monday evening there will be alecture on "Abraham Lincoln," by JudgeJohn S. Thompson, who was a fellow-practitioner with Lincoln at the Illinoisbar.

Louis P. Boardman, counsel for thedefense In the Durrant ease, is at theWestminster. Mr. Boardman is on hisway back to San Francisco from Wash-ington, where he went to present the lastappeal to the United States supremocourt.


Juan Orosco Arrested forWife Murder



Suspicious Circumstances Seen by aNeighbor?The Prisoner Em-

phatically Denies Guilt

Juan Orosco, a young Mexican ofLamanda Park, was brought to thecounty jail last nightby Sheriff Burr andbooked for the murder, on Tuesday

morning of last week, of Modesta, hisbride of only seventeen days.

Coroner Campbell went to the placewhere Mrs. Orosco's dead body hadbeen found, with a bullet hole in thecenter of the breast, ranging backwardand downward, the bullet being stoppedonly by the spine. She had met herdeath in the bed room upstairs of the lit-tle house where she and her husbandlived, on the Allen ranch. Her clothingand the wound were badly powder

burned. There were several suspicious

circumstances connected with the case,which to a certain extent made the sui-cide theory rather improbable; but, onthe other hand, no testimony connecting

Juan Orosco with the sudden taking offof his wife seemed to be available, andthe jury found, after a lengthy investi-gation, that the deceased had come toher death from a self-inflicted wound.The jurors, however, left the question

of suicide or accident an open one.Juan Orosco and his child wife, Modes-

ta Linares ?she was only 17 years old andhad been married to her husband onlyas many days?came from the neighbor-hood of Downey at the time that he se-cured work on the Allen ranch. He wasconsidered to be jealous of her, so it issaid. On the night before Mrs. Orosco'sdeath they had been to Los Nietos towitness the marriage of one of her sis-ters, and, as a matter of course, theywere asked to stay to the baile that fol-lowed. But the husband refused anddrove away with his wife long before thefestivities came to an end. This hastydeparture was ascribed by the friendsand relatives to his jealousy.

After Modesta's death and the inquestthey were not satisfied with the verdictand set about making inquiries. Rumorswere thick about Lamanda Park, butnothing was of a tangible nature. Thebrother of the deceased, Bito Linares,visited the offices of the coroner, districtattorney and sheriff on Saturday, butthe information at his command at the'time was not .sufficient to allow these

!officials to act.Yesterday morning he came again and

!informed District Attorney Donnell thatan American woman who lived quite

Iclose to the Orosco house had stated tojhim that she had seen the husband gointo the house on the morning of thewife's death and remain there about tenminutes. While he was there she hadheard a shot and later she had seen himgo away.

With such a statement at hand, it wasresolved that an immediate investiga-tion was imperative, and Assistant Dis-trict Attorney Williams took charge ofit. He and Sheriff Burr proceeded toLamanda Park in one carriage, whileDeputy Sheriff White took another oneby way of the mission, to head offOros-co If he should undertake to run away,In case his suspicions became aroused.

The American woman was found to bea Mrs. Neblino, a middle-aged personmarried to a Mexican, and who.formerlyworked at the St. Elmo hotel. Her storywas somewhat different from the Lin-ares' version. She lives only about 20yards away from the Orpsco place. Shesaid that on the day of Modesta's deathshe had heard a shot in the house at 8:30in the morning. Some twenty minuteslater she saw Orosco, as she wendedher way to a little outhouse, on his owndoorstep going in. He remained insidea few minutes, then rame out and wentaway. He did not speak to Mrs. Neb-lino at that time.ft was considered by the officials that

there were sufficient suspicious circum-stances connected with Orosco's doingson that day to justify his arrest, andBito Linares was permitted to swear toa complaint charging Juan Orosco withthe murder of his wife on the 25th ofJanuary. Justice Rosslter of PasadenaIssued a warrant which was served up-on the accused as he was plowing yes-terday afternoon on the Allen ranch bySheriff Burr.

Mr. Allen was with the sheriff andsaid to Orosco: "John, this is the sher-iff. The people don't seem to be satis-fied with the verdict at the inquest."

"I don't see why they shouldn't besatisfied," replied the Mexican, ' as h?quit plowing and asked to be permittedto put on his overcoat.

He was then taken before Justice Ros- 'siter at Pasadena and remanded withoutbail pending examination. Upon hl3arrival at the county jail his mainthought was that he was very hungryand wanted a good hot supper. OroscoIs a tall, swarthy Mexican with piercingblack eyes and a heavy moustache, not 1ill looking. While being searched and 1prepared for identification he said thatIt was all nonsense to say that he had 'been at his house about 9 oclock In themorning on the 25th as he was fullypre-pared to prove an unassailable alibi.He pretended not to know why Mrs.Neblino should say that he was therewhen he was not, and claimed never to Ihave spoken to her In his life.

He laughed scornfully when told ofthe stories of his Jealousy and said thatthey were lies. As to his brother-ln- <law, Bito Linares, he stigmatized him Ias a liar, because he had told him thathe had had nothing to do with his arrestwhen as a matter of fact he alone hadmoved the machinery of the law to bringit about. All this time the prisoner waspicking his teeth with a match and re-verting to that hot supper whlci thesheriff had promised him and which hewanted right then.

Orosco will be taken to Pasadena thismorning, arraigned before Justice Ros-slter and the date of his examinationset.

Fractured His ArmPeter Mcintosh, aped 18 years, was the

victim of a serious accident at 1:20 oclock

yesterday afternoon. He had recov-ered from an attack of typhoid feverbuttwo days before, and yesterday was thefirst day his physician would allow himto leave the house. He was walkingalong Bellevue avenue and slipped ona piece of orange peel and fell. He sus-tained a fracture of the right arm intwo places, besides other Injuries. ItIsfeared the accident will cause a recur-rence of his illness.


Standing Committees Appointed at theDirectors' Meeting Last Night

At a meeting board of directorsof tho Merchants and Manufacturers'association held last evening the specialcommittee appointed' by the farmersclubs was present to confer with the as-sociation regarding the establishment ofa produce exchange.

Prof. Sprague stated that the produc-ers of Southern California greatly ap-preciated the efforts of the Merchantsand Manufacturers' association to es-tablish reliable market reports of theproduce of this section and that thefarmers realize that such an exchangewould be of vast benefit to them as wellas to the commission merchants.

A committee from the association,consisting of Max Meyherg, FrankSimpson and H. P. Anderson, was ap-pointed to meet with the committee fromthe farmers' clubs for the purpose offormulating a plan of action. The twocommittees will meet next Tuesdaymorning at 10 oclock at the hall of in-dustry.

The Invitation to be present at theopening of the new armory next Mondayevening was accepted with thanks, andthe board of directors decided to attendthe event In a body.

A resolution was passed In memory ofthe death of T. D. Stimson and setting

forth that by his demise this rlty hassustained a serious loss, and a commit-tee was appointed to present the resolu-tion at the next meeting of the board ofdirectors.

The following were elected new mem-bers: C. L. Hanson, Golden Brand Hy-gienic Coffee company.

President Baker announced the ap-pointment of the following standingcommittees:

Public improvements?J. J. Bergin. J. S.Salkey, G. J. Griffith, F. K. Rule, D. W.Klrkland.

Municipal Affairs?A. C. Jones, A. C.Bllleke, F. W. King, H. Jevne, JamesMontgomery.

Transportation?Geo. Boole. E. A. Stu-art. P. W. Braun, J. O. Koepfli. M. H. New-mark.

Trade and Commerce?J. M. Schneider.C. B. Boothe. M. W. Stewart, Geo. Wig-more. H. W. Frank.

Manufactures?Max Meyherg, N. Bon-filio. B. Erckenbrecher, J. G. McKinney.A. Douglass.

Grievances?S. G. Marshutz, F. E. Fay,Jos. Maier.

Statistics?Carl Trlest, E. S. Sullivan, R.11. Hunt.

Membership?C. C. Desmond, H. P. An-derson. R. W. Pridham.

Finance?Frank Simpson, R. W. Burn-ham. J. J. Bergin.

Exhibition?R. H. Herron. R. W. Burn-ham. J. M. Schneider, Frank Simpßon, C.C. Desmond.

Investments?H. J. Fleishman, R. W.Burnham, K. Cohn. >


Mrs. Gertrude Auld Thomas has nevergiven more convincing proof of her rankas an artist than at the first of a seriesof song recitals last evening in theBlanchard-Fltzgerald hall. Her pro-gram, which was carefully selected, wasdelightfully presented, and, except foran occasional tendency to vibrate, whichwas probably due to nervousness, hervoice was quite at its best.

Mrs. Thomas met and conquered thedramatic and vocal exactions of the greataria from the mad scene in "Hamlet"with a very delightful art. As a well-merited encore, she sang KJerulf's tragiclittle "Synnove's Pong," with a deliciousmezza voce. For encore to the group ofthree songs, with which the programopened, Yon Stutzman's "Vainka'sSong" was given, with a dainty naivete.

Another of the particularly enjoyablenumbers was an "Old French Song"(1700), by Martini. Mrs. Thomas wasably assisted by Miss M. Edith Haines,who played her accompaniments withsympathy, and three solo numbers be-sides. The next recital will be givenFebruary 28th.

o o *>The first matinee concert by the Los

Angeles Symphony orchestra. HarieyHamilton, conductor, will be given thisafternoon in Music hall at ,1:30 oclook.The program will include, besides Bee-thoven's "First Symphony," Plerne's"Serenade" (for strings only), Mendels-sohn's "Flngal Cave Overture," a Strausswaltz. "Wiener Blut." and Rossini'soverture to "William Tell."


Steals a Rig but Kills the Horse WhileEscaping

An unknown man made a determinedeffort to steal a horse and delivery wag-on belonging to Sentous Bros., butchers,at Aliso and Los Angeles streets, lastnight. That he did not succeed was dueto an accident later, in which the horsewas killed and the wagon wrecked.

The horse was hitched in front of thefirm's meat store shortly after 8 oclocklast night. One of the employes of thestore happened to notice a man drivingthe horse slow ly along the opposite, sideof the street and called to him to stop.Instead of replying, the man whippedthe horse Into a run and was soon out ofsight. He drove to Main street andthen past the plaza, turning into Sono-ratown, all the time keeping the horserunning. At the corner of Castellar andAlpine streets he tried to make a sharpturn, and in doing so overturned thewagon. The horse was thrown and itsneck was broken by the fall. A crowdquickly collected, but none of the peo-ple knew that the man had no right tothe rig. He hurriedly left the place,seemingly uninjured, and disappearedIn the direction of the oil fields. The mat-ter was reported at the police station,but, as no good description of the mancould be furnished, he will be hard tofind.

Died of Heart FailureMrs. Ida Vogel, who while insane tried

to kill herself by cutting her throat ather home on Anderson street a monthago, died yesterday at the county hos-pital. Her death was only indirectly-due to the self-inflicted injuries. Shehad been gradually growing weakerever since her admission to the hos-pital and the direct cause of her deathwas heart failure. She was 32 years ofage and leaves a husband and onedaughter.

J. H. Adams of Pasadena was at theSt. Denis, New York, Saturday.


LOS ANGELES THEATER.?A gen-uine coon minstrel show of the old-fashioned kind was that given by theMaharas last night. The house wasnot heavy, as might have been expected,but the performance was quite asuccessand better of its class than is often seenhere. The first part ot me entertain-ment went very smothly and the oliothat followed contained enough of theknock-about element to please thecolored population who made a veryconsiderable showing In the audience.The minstrels will appear again tonightand tomorrow they will close with twoperformances, afternoon and evening,

o o oORPHEUM.?The usual large audi-

ence last night witnessed a performancethat was varied enough to suit the tasteof ail parts of the hoURe. Among thenew turns Barney snd Russell gave avery earnest, energetic act that wasthoroughly well liked. The lady whofollowed and who makes pictures withcolored sands wore yellow silk Inex-pressibles and made new tableauxwhich were greatly applauded. Shedoes very clever work and one cannotbut admire the deft way in which sheJuggles the sands of various hues to doher bidding.

Maud Beall Price is a monologue en-tertainer and clever imitator. She isof the style but brighter than CarolineHull, who was here a few weeks ago,another difference between them being

that Miss Hull was a three-story vo-calist, or so called triple voiced, whileMiss Price pretends only the possessionof two registers. She affords lots ofamusement in a clever breezy way andwas recalled several times. Patrice andAlfHampton repeated their pretty littlesketch, "A New Year's Dream," whichkeeps its charm as well as ever. Crim-mlngs and Gore have been here beforeand their amusing comedy skit is en-tirely funny and gets lots of laughter

and applause. The Farnum brothersrepeat their acrobatic work, which isexcellent of its kind. A couple ofFrench people, Paulo and Dlka, singsome songs In French and the woman ofthe team, who is decollete above and be-low and is besides perfectly justified inher choice of costume, accompanies hersongs with gestures that were applaud-

ed by the gallery only. The rest of thehouse appeared surprised, but at thefinish the applause was hearty and gen-eral. The up-to-dateness of the turn isnot to be questioned.


ford company opened Its engagement atthis house last evening with a presenta-tion of the well known melodrama, "TheStowaway." The piece contains theusual number of escapes and heroic-speeches, all of which were greatly ap-preciated by the gallery, which com-posed the majority of the audience. W.J. Elleford, in the title role, was well re-ceived. As Chucky the newsboy JessieNorton did much to add life and inter-est to the drama and made a hit withher songs. There was too much timegiven up to "business" for so long aplay and the action was slow, but thislatter Is likely a first night defect whichwill be remedied as the week advances."The Stowaway" will be given the bal-ance of the week witlj a matinee Satur-day.


cellent company of comedians will inter-pret "Courted Into Court" upon its firstappearance here at the Los Angeles

theater next Friday and Saturday nights

and Saturday matinee, the most im-portant members probably being MarieDressier, John C. Rice, John G. Sparks.Jacques Kruger and several other wellknown farceurs.

The eagerness with which the publicbesieged the box office of the Los Ange-les theater indicates that the productionof "The Serenade" by the Bostoniansnext week has aroused more than usualcuriosity. The success of "The Sere-nade" is such a matter of record else-where that there is every reason to be-lieve it will find equal favor here. Thecast will include the fullstrength of th»organization, including: Henry ClayBarnabee, William H. MacDonald, Jes-sie Bartlett Davis, Eugene Cowles, AliceNielsen, George Frothingham. JosephineBartlett, William E. Philip, HarryBrown, Crafton Baker, W. H. Fitzger-ald, Nellie Guistl, Helene Fredericks.Jennie Hawley, Charles R. Hawley andS. L. Studley, musical director.

To Entertain TowneThe committee having in charge the lo-

cal arrangements for the reception ofthe Hon. Charles A. Towne of Minne-sota will meet today at luncheon at therooms of the Sliver Republican club. 533South Main street. A full committeemeeting is expected, at which time re-ports will be made by the several com-mittees appointed by Chairman SpaMingat the last meeting. Secretary Cooperof the state committee announces thatMr. Towne will address the people ofLos Angeles on Monday evening. Febru-ary 14. The location of the meeting willbe announced later. From letters re-ceived by Secretary Cooper, Mr. Townewillreceive a rousing reception in all theplaces he will visit, and the outcome ofhis trip west will be watched with greatinterest by all Interested in the cause ofsilver.

Child's PlaySeveral hundred people attended the

entertainment given at the First Chris-tian church last evening under the aus-pices of Miss Katherine Page. A littleplay, called "The Midgets' Wedding,"was enacted by children in the early partof the evening and was followed byclassical groupings and posings byyoung ladies in Grecian garb, whichwere made the more effective by the useof colored light. The second half of theprogram was made up of drills, panto-

mime and music. The whole entertain-ment was so eminently successful thntit has been decided to repeat it tjpnight at

the same place, wtih a reduced fee ofadmission.


But Is Still Hunting for Metal InMines

PRESCOTT, Ariz.. Jan. 31? H. A.Strong, partner of Dr. Emmens of NewYork, inventor of an alleged process oftransmitting silver Into gold, was avisitor at Prescott today.

Emmens. Strong & Co., recently pur-chased a big gold property In Mojavscounty, which they are working. Wheninterviewed in regard to the manufac-ture of gold by Dr. Emmens' process, hestated that the company was at presentturning out about $2000 gold per monthwhich they sell to the government. Hestated that the company with Improvedmachinery can produce dally an amountequal to the present monthly product.

He said that the company had no stockto sell and consequently did not carswhether people believed or disbelievedhis statement. While the transmuta-tions of silver into gold is in progress,the New York firm Is engaged in pros-pecting for native gold in Arizona.

Fractured a RibGeorge Finney was taken to the re-

ceiving hospital yesterday afternoon,apparently dangerously injured. He hadattempted to board a moving street carnear Second and Spring streets, and wasthrown to the ground. Dr. Hagan, whoexamined his injuries, found that hehad sustained a fracture of a rib andnumerous severe bruises.

There are something like 40.000 public

schools in Japan. The buildings are,comfortable, and education is compul-sory.

Judge Calvin Edgerton of Los An-geles was a guest at the Flfth-avenuahotel, New York, Saturday.

At the WestminsterA. W. Ballard, Geo. P. Curtis. San Fran-

cisco; A. M. Compton and wife, Chicago;H. IS. Carlton and wife. Rochester; FrankSancho. New Orleans; Louis P. Boardman,San Francisco: t>, Walton and wife. NewYork; R. A. Kddy and wife, ,f. M. Keithand wife. Mlsaula: A. M. Sutton, SunFrancisco; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Town,,Jackson Towne. Miss Dodge. Milwaukee;Miss Inez Miller. P. O. Miller, Newport,Vt.i Charles A. Johnson. Mrs. Charles A.Johnson. Denver, Col.; Geo. H. Bughroan,Pittsburg: L, w. Loomls, Chicago; Mrs,B. Regenshurger. Miss 1,. Regensburger,San Francisco; James Reed. Cariboo, it.C; R. c. Wrenshall and wife. Pittsburg;Mr. and Mrs. A. McC. Hardenbergh, Ne«Brunswick, N. J.: H. C. Btubbe, Banning;C. Stanley Hurlbut, wife and child, Phila-delphia.


Time jBar.

I n. m.. 30.10Ip.m.| 30.A



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