Health 101

Health 101 By: Kelvin Ma, Humal Patel, Prajwal Prabhu, and Victor Zhen


Health guide

Transcript of Health 101

Health 101

By: Kelvin Ma, Humal Patel, Prajwal

Prabhu, and Victor Zhen

General Health: Advice 1

Sleep 7 or more hours

a day

Sleep is really important just as much how eating,

drinking, and breathing is important. Sleep plays

a vital role in promoting physical health, longevity,

and emotional well-being. This explains why,

after a good night’s sleep, you feel better, your

thoughts are clearer, and your emotions are less

fragile. Without adequate sleep, so many things

are weakened, such as the ability to learn and

retain information. Sleep benefits you by helping

repair your body, keeping your heart healthy,

reducing stress, improving your memory,

controlling your body weight issues, reducing your

chances of diabetes, and reducing the occurrence

of mood disorders. Sleep does your body so

much, which is why it’s important to get the right

amount of sleep.

General Health: Advice 2

Drink 8-10 glasses of

water a day

Dehydration is a big problem, since thirst lags behind your body’s need for water. Dehydration causes loss of energy, headaches, and more.. Drinking water is important because it cleans out toxins and helps the body function better. In addition, water helps restore the energy lost from dehydration and help with the headaches. Water benefits the body in so many ways, making it one of the most important things for the body.

General Health: Advice 3

Move Around More


Increasing how much one walks around

in a day can affect them positively by

allowing the body to relax and calm

down. One way to help increase how

much a person moves around can be by

taking the stairs instead of the elevators,

or walking to school instead of taking the

bus. By relaxing the body, it can help

relieve stress for activities later in the

day, and help motivate yourself.

General Health: Advice 4

Wash Your Hands!

Washing your hands can help rid yourself

of the cold or the flu. Many colds or flus

go from person to person by contact of

the hand, so by washing your hands, you

can be more healthy and ready to do

other activities. Also, you should wash it

with soap, to decrease the chance of

getting sick from the flu, and maybe other

kinds of illnesses. If soap and water are

not available, you can use hand sanitizer

to kill the germs on your hands

Stress Management:

Advice 1

If you do something

wrong, just remember

that it’s not the end of

the world. you can

always make up for it

It is human nature to mess up. Some

people may mess up more than others, but

no matter who or what, you’ll always be

able to make it up. There’s not a single

person on this planet who has never

messed up in his/her life. It’s part of life so

don’t let something that you know is going

to happen, take you down. If a mistake

happens, which it will, you can ALWAYS

make up for it, no matter how big the

mistake is.

Stress Management:

Advice 2

Manage your

boundaries; know

your limitations. If

you know where you

cannot go any

further, this will

prevent you from

going too far and

becoming stressed out.

Know where to stop. Some people can handle

more work than others. Everyone can’t handle a

16 hour job. If you know where to stop you won’t

be overloaded and therefore, won’t be stressed

out. Teenagers nowadays want to do everything

all at once. However, that is impossible. Know

what you personally can do and how much of it

you can do. If you become overloaded you most

likely will develop stress. But, if you stop the

overloading before it happens by understanding

your limitations, this stress will not reach you.

Stress Management:

Advice 3

There’s always some

good in everything so

find the beneficial

portion of your

stressful situation and

take advantage of it.

Every single person will be in a tough

situation which causes them stress.

However, if you encounter a stressful

situation, there will always be some way

that the stressful situation can benefit

you in some shape or form. There is

always some good beneficial factor of a

situation. So next time, you encounter a

stressful situation, think about the

benefits, and take advantage.

Stress Management:

Advice 4

Avoid, Alter, or Accept

the Stressor

When you encounter a stressor, it likely won’t be

the only time you encounter that stressor.

Sometimes the stressor is inevitably in your life.

Here is a simple way to cope with any stressor

that you deal with. You must either avoid, alter, or

accept the stressor. Avoiding the stressor is the

easiest out of the three, and if you avoid complete

contact with the stressor you won’t be stressed.

Altering the stressor is a bit more difficult. In this

you have to change the stressor so that it’s no

longer a stressor. Lastly, the most difficult and the

most effective is to accept the stressor. If you

successfully accept the stressor, not only will you

not be stressed out by that one stressor, but many

different “stressful” situations won’t be stressful to

you anymore.

Mental and Emotional

Health: Advice 1

Don’t be your own


Do not attack your mental health just because

someone can do something better than you. No

one is perfect and some people are better than

others at certain things. Although someone may

be better than you in a certain aspect, you

definitely are better than them in something else.

No two people will perform exactly equally in the

things they do. As Oscar Wilde says “Everyone

may not be good, but there's always something

good in everyone. Never judge anyone shortly

because every saint has a past and every sinner

has a future.” This shows us even though you

may be depressed over something that you can’t

do as good as someone else, there’s is always

going to be some good in everyone, so do not be

your own enemy.

Mental and Emotional

Health: Advice 2

Life is going to have

its ups and downs so

don’t let those get the

best (or worst) of you

Everyone wishes they had the ability to

control every aspect of their life and

make everything happen as they want it

to happen. However, you obviously can’t

do that, and you just have to accept life

and live through it. Accept the fact that

life will not always go where you want it

to go. You must also accept the fact that

life will have ups and downs, and you

have to deal with them.

Mental and Emotional

Health: Advice 3

Mistakes aren’t always

bad... Learn from


Again, It is human nature to make mistakes

(i,e no one is perfect). So accept this that

you are not perfect, and therefore, you will

also make mistakes. However, you should

not let your mistakes make you feel

depressed, but rather you should take

advantage of your mistakes. Mistakes are

something can teach you. Mistakes are

lessons to you and as Brett Favre said "Life

deals you a lot of lessons, some people

learn from them, some people don't." So

view your mistakes as lessons and learn

from them.

Mental and Emotional

Health: Advice 4

Life is too short; don’t

let the smallest things

take you down.

Nowadays, we get saddened by the

smallest things. We may get depressed

from things ranging from losing a few bucks

to getting a low grade in a test. Although

these things are inevitably saddening, you

have to learn that you will be able to make

up for it. Remember life is very short, and

don’t let small things make you depressed.

Always learn from your mistakes. Life will

always give you a chance to make up for a

mistake, so don’t let yourself fall down

because of one mistake. Cherish life: it

won’t last forever

Self Esteem: Advice 1

Stop comparing

yourself to others

Nowadays everyone is comparing themselves to other. It

is a good thing because it might give you motivation, but

most of the time people compare themselves to others

way too much. They let themselves become depressed

because they can’t do something as well as someone

else. Bobbe Sommer said “Having a low opinion of

yourself is not "modesty". It's self-destruction. Holding your

uniqueness in high regard is not "egotism". It's a

necessary precondition to happiness and success.”

Putting yourself down is killing your inner self esteem.

And next time you put yourself down because someone is

better than you at something, just remember the wise

words of Mary Dunbar. She said “We are each gifted in a

unique and important way. It is our privilege and our

adventure to discover our own special light.” It is

impossible to compare yourself to others because

everyone is unique in their own way. Be yourself and

accept that life is not a race against others but your self

confidence depends on you and your personal needs.

Self Esteem: Advice 2

Don’t think that you

will not be able to do


Anything is possible in every situation. If

you say it is impossible and don’t even try

how do you know if you will succeed or not.

You chances of success completely

completely depend on your perception of

the situation as well as the perception of

yourself. Robert Collier once said “Your

chances of success in any undertaking can

always be measured by your belief in

yourself”. Therefore, we should never think

that anything is impossible, because the

amount of success lies in the perception.

Self Esteem: Advice 3

Make sure your

friends are supportive

and POSITIVE people

When conquering the endeavors of life,

you cannot do it on your own. You will

need support in your life, and the only

way you can get this support to keep you

going is by being in the company of

supportive and positive people. Make

friends, which think positive and are

supportive of you. Negative thinkers will

only make life a lot harder for you.

Self Esteem: Advice 4

Think “The glass is

half full, not half


In order to be successful, you yourself,

along with the people of your company,

should be thinking positive at all times.

Thinking negative will not get you

anywhere. When you encounter any

situation, remember that there is a

positive as well as a negative of every

situation. Always think the positive, and

let that be your motivation and inspiration

for success.

Drugs: Advice 1

Take medicines only

when completely


Almost every single medicine, even over

the counter drugs, have many side effects

that are not good for you. For example, a

very commonly used drug Advil contains

many unknown side effects such as

irritation of the stomach. Therefore, we

should be completely aware of the side

effects of a drug before taking it. We also

must be careful as to not take too many

medicines at once. Some medicines can be

very harmful when taken with others. We

must also only take medicine only when

you have to because they’re not good for


Drugs: Advice 2

Realize that one

could easily lead to


Nowadays in our society, many adolescents

believe that it will be cool to smoke a

cigarette or another drug. However, these

drugs are very harmful for you, and they

have substances that easily get you

addicted. For example, the nicotine is so

addictive that 80% of smokers want to quit,

but are incapable of doing so because the

nicotine has them hooked. If you think that

you’ll be able to do one just to be able to try

out, chances are that you will likely become

addicted. So the best advice, is to never try

it in the first place

Drugs: Advice 3

Drugs won’t make you


If someone tells you that it’s cool to

smoke a cigarette or do drugs, they’re

wrong. Smoking or any drugs, do not

make you cooler at all. Who is that

person to define what the term “cool”

means? If drugs are cool that means

getting cancer and other extremely

harmful diseases is cool too.

Drugs: Advice 4

Drugs are a lot more

dangerous than you

may think.

Drugs can kill you. Many drugs have been

directly linked to many deaths. However,

some people think that some drugs like

marijuana and tobacco are fine because

they don’t directly kill you. However, they

cause many diseases that can later ruin

your entire future. Did you know that the

average cigarette contains about 4000

chemicals including rat poison, and jet fuel.

69 of these chemicals are proven to cause

cancer. Many drugs that taken in through

needles can even cause. Overall, drugs are

bad and can either directly or indirectly kill


Nutrition: Advice #1

You should eat the

recommended serving

size of food every day.

Two servings of fruits and vegetables

each. 6 servings of grains. 1 serving of milk and

protein. And a small amount of fat. A balanced

diet is a very good way to manage a person

weight. They will also get the amount of

nutrients they need. It is a very easy and useful

way to be healthy. You can also cook the food

in any way you like. You can make rice with

meat and vegetables and have fresh fruit for

dessert. That will help give you most of your

nutrients for the day.

Nutrition: Advice #2

2. You should avoid Fast

Food and soda.

Fast food is a very sneaky way in which

calories can sneak up on you. The salads they

sell are filled with sugar and preservatives to

keep them fresh. Dressing for the salads adds

about a thousand calories to it. Soda that

seems to be “Diet” is in fact really bad for you

because it uses a kind of fake sugar which

makes the body think it is eating sugar. This is

bad because the body will try and break down

extra sugar in the body that you need. This

turns that sugar into fat.

Nutrition: Advice #3

Have at least one

hour of exercise a day

Exercise is a great way to boost your self

esteem. Remember if at first you don’t succeed, try again. An easy way to exercise is

to do some jumping jacks and sit-ups. Those

are the easiest forms of exercise. If you can

support your own body weight, you should do

push-ups. A great way to improve your social

life is to play sports with your friends because

you can have fun, and get a lot of exercise.

Taking martial arts and boxing classes is also a

great way to get rid of stress as well as

exercise. Many people use this technique to

blow off some of their stress. So this is a key

point to being healthy so get up and exercise

for at least an hour every day.

Nutrition: Advice #4

4. Avoid Saturated Fats

and simple carbs.

Saturated fat is unhealthy and should be

avoided. It can cause heart disease in large

amounts. It is normally found in cooking oil

and lard. Saturated fat becomes saturated

when it has taken in a lot of hydrogen

molecules. Oils that have less saturated fats

are oils such as olive oil, vegetable oil, and

canola oil. Simple carbs are carbs that are

found in refined bread, potato chips and foods

like that. Complex carbs are healthier and they

are found in whole grains such as rice and

whole wheat. They have more nutritional

value because they have less starch and more


Physical activity and

Fitness: Advice #1

If you are young

do not lift weights or

have extreme workouts.

Lifting weights at a young age is a very

harmful thing to do to your body. It can lead to

a stunted growth and heart problems in the

future. If you are young, you should do

pushups in order to strengthen your arms, sit

ups to help strengthen your stomach and ab

muscles. And squats in order to work out your

legs and strengthen your stabilizing muscles.

Also, you should do different sets of each

exercise. You should do three sets of ten

pushups, ten sit ups, and ten squats. This way

you do not work out one muscle in particular.

Physical activity and

fitness: Advice #2

A balanced diet is key.

You should avoid one food in particular

in order to be healthy. Soda is a very sugary

and unhealthy drink as everyone knows. It is

carbonated which doesn't make it unhealthy

but the syrup and sugar which is added really

packs on the calories and carbs. The thing no

one understands is that soda does not even

need all of the sugar. It also does not need the

high fructose corn syrup. It is one of the

factors that aids in all of the additional sugar.

The syrup is also a vestigial ingredient.

Physical activity and

Fitness: Advice #3

Find a distraction when

you are exercising.

T.V. and music are always blaring in a

gym. Few people know the real reason why it

is there. Music is a key distraction when you

are exercising. While exercising, many people

ignore their workout and focus on their music

instead. They do not get focused on their tired

muscles and work out more. Remember,

perseverance needs to be your motto. You

should never give up. The distraction should

also be overpowering. It should be pretty loud

so you can focus on it a lot. You should listen

to music in noise isolating headphones in

order to get lost in the music.

Physical activity and

fitness: Advice #4

Do not speed up

your exercise if you are

not capable.

Lifting weights requires a large amount

of strength and when you lift weights really

quickly, you are putting lots of pressure on

your arms. This can pull the muscles and cause

tremendous pain. It can also cause permanent

damage on your muscles. If you are running on

a treadmill keep the speed at a pace in which

you can keep up. if you speed up, you may get

very tired and give up easily. This way, you will

feel exhausted and you will not have much of

a workout. So keeping a specific pace is key

when you are working out. If you do not have

a pace, then your workout will not be very


Eating Disorders and

body image: Advice #1

Do not be

uncomfortable with

your weight. You are

who you are.

The majority of people who develop eating

disorders are people who are uncomfortable

with their weight. You should know that you

cannot blame yourself for how much you

weigh. If diets don’t work for you, then you

shouldn’t try so hard to become more

“beautiful”. Being comfortable with your body

weight is the first step towards becoming a

happier and healthier person. Being confident

with your weight is the best way to increase

your self esteem which can build more


Eating Disorder and

Body Image: Advice #2

If you have an eating

disorder, contact a


An eating disorder is not a way of life, it is an

actual disease that needs special treatment

and care. If you are eating almost nothing, it is

technically starvation. You must contact a

therapist if you think you have an eating

disorder because he/she can start you on a

healthy diet and lots of medical help. An

eating disorder is not something to be taken

lightly and it may lead to malnutrition and

even death. It may also cause other diseases

due to your immune system being severely


Eating Disorder and

Body Image: #3

Do not exercise too


Too much exercise may lead to self esteem

issues which can lead to steroid use. Many

people who are anorexic also exercise way

too much in order to try and lose even more

weight. This also induces vomiting, fainting,

nausea, and it can even induce comas. Since

you already have malnutrition, your body

cannot afford to lose even more energy.

Many people do this to themselves because

they view themselves as fat. Remember, you

are who you are and no one can change who

you are.

Eating Disorder and

Body Image: Advice #4

Do not purchase any

medicine which can

induce vomiting.

Many medicines such as ipecac can induce

immediate vomiting and it can also lead to

bulimia if it is taken periodically. Many other

medicines such as castor oil may induce

vomiting if something goes wrong. Bulimic

patients take these medicines if they cannot

vomit. This is extremely unhealthy for your

inner organs because you will vomit up

stomach acid. Your stomach acid is strong

enough to dissolve razor blades and can form

holes in your esophagus and mouth.

Many people are afraid to make friends

because they have a large fear of rejection from

people. But the first step in order to make

friends is to speak to them and talk about things

you both like. Remember, every friendship starts with

a smile. Just joke around and try to make them

laugh. Just don’t speak

too much and give others a chance to speak. If

you are annoying and talk too much, many

people will not want to be near you. You

should just have a nice personality and very

good charisma.

Social Health:

Advice #1

Don’t be shy and try

to make new friends

Social Health:

Advice #2

Treat others the way you

would want to be


Countless friendships have been ruined

because people have been made fun of. Many

people also stay with friends who make fun of

them because they feel as if they are more

popular because they are getting laughed at.

This not only a very mean thing to do, it also

degrades the victim and drastically

lowerstheir self esteem. This leads to a drastic

negative impact on their social health. It

makes them feel all alone in the world because

they have been made fun of so much.

Spending time with your friends makes them want to spend time with you more. It allows you to practice social events such as ice skating, or going to the movies. This way you can enjoy yourself and enhance your social health. Sometimes, parties are good for your social life because you can have lots of people over and if you throw a really good party,many people will want to return to have more parties. Just make sure that the parties do not get too crazy or it will not be fun anymore.

Social Health:

Advice #3

Spend Time with

your friends

If you have good grades, you should keep

trying to maintain those grades because, your

friends will not want to hang out with

someone who wants to give up everything for

friends. It is a really dumb move because your

friends may not stay by your side. If they leave

your side when your grades are really bad,

then it will leave you with nothing left. You

should never give up anything for a social life

because it really isn’t worth it. Your friends will

still respect you if you want to do well. You

should just let them know.

Social Health:

Advice #4

Don’t Sacrifice Your

Grades for Your
