Head, face, and back muscles’ table

ن الرحيم الرحم بسم اHead, Face, and BACK Muscles’ table ا علمتنا مم لنا إ عل لهم ال.. عليم إنك أنت ال الحكيمنا ما ينفعنانا بما علمتنا وعلملهم انفع ال وزدنا علما يالعالمين رب ا... This table corresponds to the info that were mentioned during the lectures (according to the sheets)

Transcript of Head, face, and back muscles’ table

Page 1: Head, face, and back muscles’ table

بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم

Head, Face, and

BACK Muscles’


إنك أنت العليم .. اللهم ال علم لنا إال ما علمتنا الحكيم

يا وزدنا علما اللهم انفعنا بما علمتنا وعلمنا ما ينفعنا ...رب العالمين

This table corresponds to the info that were mentioned during the lectures (according to the sheets)‎

Page 2: Head, face, and back muscles’ table

Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Action Notes


Occipitofrontalis (frontal belly)

Skin of forehead & eyebrows

Aponeurosis epicranialis

Facial nerve(7th cranial nerve)

Temporal branch

Elevates eyebrows & forming

Transverse wrinkling of the forehead’s skin.

opponent of

orbital part of Orbicularis


Occipitofrontalis ( Occipital belly)

Occipital bone (lateral part of

the superior nuchal line)

Aponeurosis epicranialis

No prominent action


Orbicularis Oculi (Orbital part)


palpebral ligament


palpebral ligament

Facial nerve (7th cranial nerve)

Closes the eye tightly (in

response to fear, bright light...)

Temporal branch

innervates the upper part,

while the Zygomatic

branch innervates the lower part of

the muscle

Orbicularis Oculi (Palpebral part)

Medial palpebral ligament

Lateral palpebral raphe


Closes the eye gently during blinking and


Orbicularis Oculi (Lacrimal part)

Fascia covering the lacrimal sac

At the 2 eyelids (upper & lower)

Suction of tears

Buccinator Upper part

maxilla, opposite the last

three molars Upper lip

Facial nerve (7th cranial nerve)

(Buccal branch)

Compresses the cheeks against

the teeth

Only muscle in the face

covered by fascia Covered

by buccopharynge

al fascia

Buccinator lower part

mandible, opposite the last

three molars Lower lip

Page 3: Head, face, and back muscles’ table

Buccinator Middle part


ular ligament

Decussates in a way that its upper fibers insert at the

lower lip and the lower ones at the upper lip

Facial nerve (7th cranial nerve)

(Buccal branch)

Compresses the cheeks against

the teeth

Only muscle in the face

covered by fascia

(buccopharyngeal fascia)

Orbicularis Oris Superficial

(extrinsic fibers)

from muscles that surround

the lips at the lips

Facial nerve

(7th cranial nerve) (marginal

mandibular branch)

narrows (closes) the lips and the

oral opening

Encircles the lips Orbicularis Oris

Deep (intrinsic fibers)

Maxilla &




Fascia coverage of pectoralis

major and upper part of

deltoid muscle

Base of the mandible

Facial nerve (7th cranial nerve)

Cervical branch

Formation of wrinkles of skin

of the neck & assist in

mandible depression


Clavicular head: upper surface of the medial 3rd of

the clavicle, Sternal head:

anterior surface of manubrium


Mastoid process of the temporal

bone of the skull.‎

Spinal part of accessory nerve.‎

Unilateral action:‎ Tilt head toward

same side, by small shorting of

the muscle. Rotate the head toward opposite

side, by full shorting.

Bilateral action:‎ Flexion of the


Digastric ‎ (Anterior belly)

Digastric fossa on the inner side of the

lower border of the mandible Attachment of

tendon between two bellies to body of hyoid


-------- -------- --------

Digastric ‎ (posterior belly)

Mastoid notch on medial side

of mastoid bone -------- -------- --------

Page 4: Head, face, and back muscles’ table

Mylohyoid ‎

Mylohyoid line on mandible

(mandible from both sides)

Unite at intermediate

raphi‎ & inserted at the body of

hyoid bone.

-------- -------- Make lower

floor of mouth.‎

Sternohyoid Back of

manubrium sterni

Hyoid bone

Ansa cervicalis

Depress the larynx down to

open the laryngeal inlet

during third stage of

‎deglutition‎; (to allow the air to

pass again‎ (

All fix the hyoid bone in its


Sternothyroid Back of

manubrium sterni

Oblique line of the thyroid



Superior belly: from hyoid


Inferior belly: from superior border of the


Intermediate tendon;

That is fixed in position by a loop of deep fascia held to clavicle and manubrium.

Thyrohyoid Oblique line of

the thyroid cartilage

Hyoid bone A direct branch from C1 spinal


elevates larynx up to close the laryngeal inlet during second

part of deglutition‎


Levator Palpebrae ‎‎superioris‎

Posterior part of orbit's roof,

anterior to optic canal

*the superior division: the

skin of the upper lid,

*the deep ‎division:

attached to the Tarsus‎

Occulomotor nerve (CN III);

deep division is supplied by sympathetic

Elevation of the upper eyelid

(oppose the palpebral part of Orbicularis


Intrinsic Muscles: ‎

Constrictor Pupillae

fibers encircles the pupil parasympathetic

fibers constriction of

the pupil,

Page 5: Head, face, and back muscles’ table

Dilator Pupillae oblique fibers running radially to

the outer extent of the eye Sympathetic fibers

dilation of the pupil

damage cause miosis

(constriction or failure to dialte).

Ciliary muscle extends from Ciliary body and

hooked to the iris Parasympathetic


contraction and relaxation,

changes the refractory power

of the lens

Extrinsic muscles:

Superior Oblique

Junction between roof

and medial wall anterior to

optic canal

Runs anteriorly, revolves around the trochlea , and

posteriorly inserted into

upper surface of sclera, behind the


Depression, lateral deviation

Trochlear Nerve (CN IV)

Inferior oblique Floor of the


Upper surface of the eyeball, behind the


Elevation, Lateral Deviation

Occulomotor nerve (CN III)

Superior Rectus

Common tendinous ring

Sclera posterior to corneoscleral

junction, each inserted on its corresponding


Elevation & rotates eyeball


Inferior Rectus Depression &

rotates eyeball medially

Medial Rectus Medial deviation;


Lateral Rectus Lateral deviation;

Abduction Abducent nerve


Page 6: Head, face, and back muscles’ table



temporal fossa & the temporal

fascia which ‎covers this

muscle ‎

The margin and inner aspect of the ‎coronoid

process of the mandible

(anterior to mandibular


Mandibular nerve (anterior division).

Elevation of the mandible (upper

fibers) &

Retraction of mandible (posterior


passes deep to the zygomatic


Masseter ‎

lower margin and deep aspect of

zygomatic arch ‎

Outer surface of the ramus of the


elevation &

protraction of the mandible (protrusion) ‎

Facial artery enter the face

at ‎anteroinferior

angle of this muscle

Lateral pterygoid

Upper head: infratemporal part of greater

wing of sphenoid‎

Lower head: lateral aspect

of lateral pterygoid pl‎ate

-Anterior aspect of neck of mandible


‎foveae) -Capsule of TMJ

joint -The articular disk inside the ‎capsule of the

joint. ‎ ‎

depresses the mandible ‎

medial & lateral

pterygoid together:

side to side movement of the mandible

Medial pterygoid‎‎

Superficial head: maxillary tuberosity on

back of maxilla ‎

Deep head: medial aspect

of lateral pterygoid plate‎

‎ ‎

both heads join to be inserted at inner aspect of

angle of mandible

The trunk of the mandibular nerve ‎

elevation of the mandible ‎

Page 7: Head, face, and back muscles’ table

Some info about some Muscles of the back:

Superficial group: ‎

Muscle Notes Nerve supply Action

‎ Trapezius superficial to the


ventral rami ‎ fo‎ lanip‎

nevre movement of the upper


‎Lattismus dorsi ‎

‎Levator scapulae

located the floor of the posterior


Rhomboid major

---- Rhomboid


‎Intermediate group:

Muscle Nerve supply Action

serratus posterior superior‎

intercostal nerves respiratory movement‎ ‎serratus posterior inferior‎

levator costarum‎

Page 8: Head, face, and back muscles’ table

Deep (intrinsic) group ‎

1) Erector spinae

Origin Nerve supply Action notes

-back of sacrum -ilium "part of the hip bone".‎ -spines of the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae‎

dorsal rami ‎fo‎ lanip‎nevre

movement of the back "‎

The most superficial & important muscles in the intrinsic group. ‎ located in both sides of the spines of the vertebral column

‎2) Rotator muscles ‎

origin insertion action

Transverse process is the origin for each muscle ‎

spine of the vertebra which is located above the vertebra from

which the ‎ muscle is originated.‎

rotation of vertebral column

towards the opposite


Best wishes in the exam,