Guillain Barré y Campylobacter jejuni mecanismos de invasión

CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOG Y REVIEW ARTICLE published: 05 March 2012 doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2012.00025 Host epithelial cell invasion by Campylobacter jejuni : trigger or zipper mechanism? Tadhg Ó Cróinín* and Steffen Backert* UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Edited by: D. Scott Merrell, Uniformed Services University, USA Reviewed by: Hazel Marjory Mitchell, The University of New South Wales, Australia Michael Konkel, Washington State University, USA *Correspondence: Tadhg Ó Cróinín and Steffen Backert, UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield Campus, Dublin-4, Ireland. e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Campylobacter jejuni, a spiral -shaped Gram-negative pathogen, is a highly frequent cause of gastrointestinal foodborne illness in humans worldwide. Clinical outcome of C. jejuni infections ranges from mild to severe diarrheal disease, and some other complications including reactive arthritis and Guillain–Barré syndrome.This review article highlights vari- ous C. jejuni pathogenicity factors, host cell determinants, and proposed signaling mecha- nisms involved in human host cell invasion and their potential role in the development of C. jejuni -mediated disease. A model is presented which outlines the various important inter- actions of C. jejuni with the intestinal epithelium, and we discuss the pro’s and con’s for the “zipper” over the “trigger” mechanism of invasion. Future work should clarify the con- tradictory role of some previously identified factors, and should identify and characterize novel virulence determinants, which are crucial to provide fresh insights into the diversity of strategies employed by this pathogen to cause disease. Keywords: molecular pathogenesis, cellular invasion, signaling, virulence INTRODUCTION Campylobacter jejuni and related species are commensals in many birds and domestic mammals, and have been recognized as being the most important cause of bacterial food poisoning worldwide. Infections with C. jejuni are the major cause of human bacterial gastroenteritis, and may be responsible for as many as 400–500 million cases worldwide each year (Friedman et al., 2000). Disease outcomes vary from mild, non-inflammatory, self-limiting diar- rhea to severe, inflammatory, bloody diarrhea lasting for several weeks, but C. jejuni is also associated with the development of the reactive arthritis and peripheral neuropathies, the Miller–Fisher and Guillain–Barrè syndromes in a minority of individuals (Young et al., 2007). The publication of numerous complete genome sequences of different C. jejuni strains has revealed an organism that displays a large degree of strain to strain variation. This nat- ural heterogeneity has made studying the pathogenicity of this pathogen particularly challenging. However, significant progress has been made in recent years which has contributed to our under- standing of the role of several key factors including the cytolethal distending toxin (Lara-Tejero and Galán, 2000; Ge et al., 2008) as well as glycosylation and molecular mimicry processes (Guerry and Szymanski, 2008; Nothaft and Szymanski, 2010). One of the key differences between infection of humans and chickens by C. jejuni is the apparently increased number of bacteria invading epithelial cells in the human host (Young et al.,2007). This suggests that both bacterial adherence to and entrance into epithelial cells may be critical steps that are essential for disease development. Thus, the identification of factors involved in these processes is the key for developing therapeutics to treat infections as well as enhancing our understanding of the pathogenesis. There are two general strategies which the multitude of enteric bacterial pathogens use to enter host target cells. According to specific characteristics of the invasion process, we can distinguish between the classical “zipper”- and “trigger”-mechanisms, respec- tively (Cossart and Sansonetti, 2004). The “zipper”-mechanism is initiated by one or more bacterial surface proteins (commonly comprising adhesins and invasins) which bind to one or more specific host cell receptors followed by internalization, as reported for Yersinia or Listeria species (Figure 1A). On the other hand, the “trigger”-mechanism involves type-III and type-IV secretion systems (T3SSs and T4SSs) injecting bacterial proteins which often mimic or hijack specific host cell factors to trigger the bac- terial uptake process, as described for Salmonella and Shigella (Figure 1B). Genome analyses revealed a notable absence of these classical pathogenicity factors in C. jejuni, making predictions very difficult. Since a suitable animal model system mimicking human infection is not available, a wide variety of in vitro cell culture mod- els have been applied to identify the C. jejuni factors that play a role in adherence and invasion (Table 1). Unfortunately, the use of different C. jejuni strains and various cell models of infection led to substantial confusion and controversies in the literature. This review aims to summarize recent developments and to outline the experimental evidence for factors with proposed roles in adhesion and invasion.We discuss the pro’s and con’s of these findings in order to see whether C. jejuni may utilize a “zipper” or “trigger” mechanism of host cell invasion. BACTERIAL MOTILITY AND ROLE OF THE FLAGELLA Campylobacter jejuni is a highly motile organism with bipolar fla- gella which has been reported to be essential for colonization both in humans and animal models (Guerry, 2007). The organisms reg- ulate motility through a complex chemotaxis system that allows to swim toward attractants and away from repellants (Lertseth- takarn et al., 2011). Early studies revealed that C. jejuni motility is required for invasion of epithelial cells in vitro as well as show- ing that increases in mucosal viscosity led to enhanced motility, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology March 2012 |Volume 2 | Article 25 | 1


Campylobacter jejuni, tiene una forma de espiral, es un Gram-negativos patógeno, y es una causa muy frecuente de enfermedades gastrointestinales transmitidas por los alimentos en los seres humanos en todo el mundo.Los resultados clínicos de infección C. jejuni varía de leve a grave enfermedad diarreica, y algunas otras complicaciones como la artritis reactiva y el síndrome de Guillain-Barré.Este artículo de revisión destaca varios factores de patogenicidad de C. jejuni, los determinantes de la célula huésped, y propuestas de señalización mecanismos implicados en la invasión humana de la célula huésped y su papel potencial en el desarrollo de C. jejuni enfermedad mediada.Se presenta un modelo que describe las distintas etapas de las interacciones de C. jejuni con el epitelio intestinal, y se discuten los pros y los contras de los mecanismos de invasión por "Zipper" y en "Trigger" .El trabajo futuro debe aclarar el papel contradictorio de algunos factores previamente identificados, y debe identificar y caracterizar nuevos factores determinantes de virulencia, que son cruciales para proporcionar nuevas ideas en la diversidad de estrategias empleadas por este patógeno para causar enfermedad.

Transcript of Guillain Barré y Campylobacter jejuni mecanismos de invasión

Page 1: Guillain Barré y Campylobacter jejuni mecanismos de invasión


doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2012.00025

Host epithelial cell invasion by Campylobacter jejuni :trigger or zipper mechanism?

Tadhg Ó Cróinín* and Steffen Backert*

UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Sciences, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Edited by:

D. Scott Merrell, Uniformed ServicesUniversity, USA

Reviewed by:

Hazel Marjory Mitchell, The Universityof New South Wales, AustraliaMichael Konkel, Washington StateUniversity, USA


Tadhg Ó Cróinín and Steffen Backert ,UCD School of Biomolecular andBiomedical Sciences, UniversityCollege Dublin, Belfield Campus,Dublin-4, Ireland.e-mail: [email protected];[email protected]

Campylobacter jejuni, a spiral -shaped Gram-negative pathogen, is a highly frequent causeof gastrointestinal foodborne illness in humans worldwide. Clinical outcome of C. jejuniinfections ranges from mild to severe diarrheal disease, and some other complicationsincluding reactive arthritis and Guillain–Barré syndrome. This review article highlights vari-ous C. jejuni pathogenicity factors, host cell determinants, and proposed signaling mecha-nisms involved in human host cell invasion and their potential role in the development of C.jejuni -mediated disease. A model is presented which outlines the various important inter-actions of C. jejuni with the intestinal epithelium, and we discuss the pro’s and con’s forthe “zipper” over the “trigger” mechanism of invasion. Future work should clarify the con-tradictory role of some previously identified factors, and should identify and characterizenovel virulence determinants, which are crucial to provide fresh insights into the diversityof strategies employed by this pathogen to cause disease.

Keywords: molecular pathogenesis, cellular invasion, signaling, virulence

INTRODUCTIONCampylobacter jejuni and related species are commensals in manybirds and domestic mammals, and have been recognized as beingthe most important cause of bacterial food poisoning worldwide.Infections with C. jejuni are the major cause of human bacterialgastroenteritis, and may be responsible for as many as 400–500million cases worldwide each year (Friedman et al., 2000). Diseaseoutcomes vary from mild, non-inflammatory, self-limiting diar-rhea to severe, inflammatory, bloody diarrhea lasting for severalweeks, but C. jejuni is also associated with the development of thereactive arthritis and peripheral neuropathies, the Miller–Fisherand Guillain–Barrè syndromes in a minority of individuals (Younget al., 2007). The publication of numerous complete genomesequences of different C. jejuni strains has revealed an organismthat displays a large degree of strain to strain variation. This nat-ural heterogeneity has made studying the pathogenicity of thispathogen particularly challenging. However, significant progresshas been made in recent years which has contributed to our under-standing of the role of several key factors including the cytolethaldistending toxin (Lara-Tejero and Galán, 2000; Ge et al., 2008) aswell as glycosylation and molecular mimicry processes (Guerryand Szymanski, 2008; Nothaft and Szymanski, 2010). One of thekey differences between infection of humans and chickens by C.jejuni is the apparently increased number of bacteria invadingepithelial cells in the human host (Young et al., 2007). This suggeststhat both bacterial adherence to and entrance into epithelial cellsmay be critical steps that are essential for disease development.Thus, the identification of factors involved in these processes isthe key for developing therapeutics to treat infections as well asenhancing our understanding of the pathogenesis.

There are two general strategies which the multitude of entericbacterial pathogens use to enter host target cells. According tospecific characteristics of the invasion process, we can distinguish

between the classical “zipper”- and “trigger”-mechanisms, respec-tively (Cossart and Sansonetti, 2004). The “zipper”-mechanismis initiated by one or more bacterial surface proteins (commonlycomprising adhesins and invasins) which bind to one or morespecific host cell receptors followed by internalization, as reportedfor Yersinia or Listeria species (Figure 1A). On the other hand,the “trigger”-mechanism involves type-III and type-IV secretionsystems (T3SSs and T4SSs) injecting bacterial proteins whichoften mimic or hijack specific host cell factors to trigger the bac-terial uptake process, as described for Salmonella and Shigella(Figure 1B). Genome analyses revealed a notable absence of theseclassical pathogenicity factors in C. jejuni, making predictions verydifficult. Since a suitable animal model system mimicking humaninfection is not available, a wide variety of in vitro cell culture mod-els have been applied to identify the C. jejuni factors that play arole in adherence and invasion (Table 1). Unfortunately, the use ofdifferent C. jejuni strains and various cell models of infection ledto substantial confusion and controversies in the literature. Thisreview aims to summarize recent developments and to outline theexperimental evidence for factors with proposed roles in adhesionand invasion. We discuss the pro’s and con’s of these findings inorder to see whether C. jejuni may utilize a “zipper” or “trigger”mechanism of host cell invasion.

BACTERIAL MOTILITY AND ROLE OF THE FLAGELLACampylobacter jejuni is a highly motile organism with bipolar fla-gella which has been reported to be essential for colonization bothin humans and animal models (Guerry, 2007). The organisms reg-ulate motility through a complex chemotaxis system that allowsto swim toward attractants and away from repellants (Lertseth-takarn et al., 2011). Early studies revealed that C. jejuni motilityis required for invasion of epithelial cells in vitro as well as show-ing that increases in mucosal viscosity led to enhanced motility,

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Ó Cróinín and Backert Mechanism of C. jejuni invasion

FIGURE 1 | Primary mechanisms of bacterial invasion into

non-phagocytic host cells. Schematic representation of the two differentroutes of entry by intracellular bacterial pathogens. The pathogens inducetheir own uptake into target cells by subversion of host cell signalingpathways using the “zipper” and “trigger” invasion mechanism, respectively.(A) Bacterial gastrointestinal pathogens commonly colonize the gastricepithelium [step 1]. The “zipper” mechanism of invasion involves thehigh-affinity binding of bacterial surface adhesins to their cognate receptorson mammalian cells [step 2], which is required to initiatecytoskeleton-mediated zippering of the host cell plasma membrane aroundthe bacterium [step 3]. Subsequently the bacterium is internalized into avacuole. Some bacteria have developed strategies to survive within, or toescape from this compartment [step 4]. (B) The “trigger” mechanism is usedby Shigella or Salmonella spp. which also colonize the intestinal epithelium[step 1]. These pathogens use sophisticated type-III or type-IV secretionsystem to inject various effector proteins into the host cell cytoplasm [step 2].

These factors manipulate a variety of signaling events including the activationof small Rho GTPases and cytoskeletal reorganization to induce membraneruffling and subsequently bacterial uptake [step 3]. As a consequence of thissignaling, the bacteria are internalized into a vacuole [step 4], followed by theinduction of different signaling pathways for intracellular survival andtrafficking. This figure was adapted from Tegtmeyer et al. (2011) with kindpermission from Springer Publishing. (C) Scanning electron microscopy of C.jejuni 81-176 invasion. Invading bacteria (yellow arrows) were regularlyassociated with membrane ruffles (red arrows) and filopodia-like structures(blue arrows). This figure was adapted from Boehm et al. (2012). (D) Electronmicrographs of C. jejuni–containing vacuoles (CCVs) that do not co-localizewith BSA-gold (left) and CCVs that co-localize with BSA-Gold and resemblelysosomes (right, arrows) are shown. The two pictures were kindly providedby Dr. Galan (Watson and Galán, 2008). (E) The electron micrograph oftranslocating C. jejuni across polarized Caco-2 cells by the paracellularpathway was kindly provided by Dr. Konkel (Konkel et al., 1992b).

adherence, and invasion (Szymanski et al., 1995). This apparentdirect association between motility and invasion combined withthe absence of an identifiable classical T3SS or T4SS led somegroups to speculate that the flagellum could be also be used as asecretory device for invasion-associated effector molecules. In fact,the flagellum represents a T3SS by definition (Desvaux et al., 2006),and a series of papers have been published reporting the extracel-lular release of C. jejuni proteins in the presence of fetal calf serum(FCS) or upon host cell contact, which was abolished when cru-cial flagellar apparatus genes were inactivated. Additional supportcame from secretion experiments of Yersinia or C. jejuni virulencefactors through their respective flagellar T3SS model system, sug-gesting that type-III protein secretion by the flagellum may be ageneral mechanism for the transport of proteins that influencebacterial–host interactions (Young et al., 1999; Christensen et al.,2009; Neal-McKinney et al., 2010).

The first identified secreted factor was the Campylobacter inva-sion antigen B (CiaB), a 73-kDa protein with weak homologyto T3SS effectors of other pathogens (Konkel et al., 1999). This

paper showed that although ciaB mutants had no reduction inadherence to non-polarized INT-407 cells, a significant reductionof intracellular bacteria was observed. CiaB expression was alsoshown to be essential for the secretion of a whole family of othersecreted Cia proteins that were induced in the presence of FCS(Rivera-Amill and Konkel, 1999). The CiaB protein was reportedto be translocated into the cytoplasm of host cells, suggesting thatit is a true effector molecule facilitating invasion (Konkel et al.,1999). A later study using a variety of mutants in flagellar subunitsreported that the CiaB protein appeared to require at least one ofthe flagellar subunits for its secretion (Konkel et al., 2004). CiaBsynthesis is reported to be induced by bile salts (Malik-Kale et al.,2008) and both synthesis and secretion can be induced by hostcell components suggesting that the protein is under strict envi-ronmental regulation (Rivera-Amill et al., 2001). However, a veryrecent study has reported no significant reduction in invasion bya ciaB mutant in the model strain 81-176 suggesting that furtherwork is required to confirm the role played by this protein duringinfection (Novik et al., 2010). Since the discovery of CiaB we have

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Ó Cróinín and Backert Mechanism of C. jejuni invasion

Table 1 | Bacterial factors and proposed roles in C. jejuni infection.





Applied experimental


Strains used Cell system



AspA, AspB Aspartate ammonia

lyase and amino


Infection in vitro, GPA, ISA 81-176 T84 Novik et al. (2010)

CadF Adhesin to


Infection in vitro and in chickens, GPA,


F38011, 11168,


INT-407, T84,


Konkel et al. (1997), Ziprin

et al. (1999), Monteville et al.

(2003), Scott et al. (2010)

CapA Adhesin/Invasin Infection in vitro and chickens, GPA 11168, F38011 Caco-2, LMH Ashgar et al. (2007), Flanagan

et al. (2009)

CDT Cytolethal distending


Treatment of cells in vitro, MI, FACS,

IFM, DNAse assays

81-176 COS-1, REF52,


Lara-Tejero and Galán (2000)

CiaB, CiaC Invasin Infection in vitro, GPA, MLA, T3SS


F38011, 11168 INT-407 Konkel et al. (1999), Chris-

tensen et al. (2009)

CiaI Intracellular survival Infection in vitro, GPA, MLA, IFM F38011 INT-407, HeLa Buelow et al. (2011)

CJ0977a Invasion Infection in vitro and ferrets, EM, MA,


81-176 INT-407 Goon et al. (2006)

CstII LOS sialylation Infection in vitro, GPA GB2, GB11,


Caco-2, T84 Louwen et al. (2008)

FlaC Invasin Infection in vitro, MA, EM, cell

fractionation, GPA, IFM

TGH9011 HEp-2 Song et al. (2004)

FlpA Adhesin to


Infection in vitro and in chickens, FBA,


F38011 INT-407, Hela,


Flanagan et al. (2009), Konkel

et al. (2010), Eucker and

Konkel (2012)

FspA Apoptosis BRP, AA 81-176,


INT-407 Poly et al. (2007)

GGT Gamma-glutamyl


Infection in vitro, mice and chickens,

cell fractionation, MA, GPA, HPS, AA


81-176, 81116,



CCD841 CoN

Hofreuter et al. (2006, 2008),

Barnes et al. (2007)

HtrA Periplasmic protease

and chaperone

Infection in vitro, GPA 11168 INT-407 Baek et al. (2011)

JlpAb Adhesin to HSP90-α,



Infection in vitro, GPA, BRP, ABB,

ligand overlays, geldanamycin inhibitor,

p38/NFκB activation using AABs

TGH9011 HEp-2 Jin et al. (2001), Jin et al.



KpsM, KpsT

Capsule proteins,


Infection in vitro, infection of chicken

and ferrets, GPA

81-176, 81116 INT-407 Bacon et al. (2001), Bachtiar

et al. (2007)

Peb1, Peb3,

and Peb4c

Transport proteins

and chaperones

Infection in vitro and in mice, BRP, GPA 81-176, 11168 Hela, INT-407 Leon-Kempis Mdel et al.

(2006), Min et al. (2009),

Asakura et al. (2007), Kale

et al. (2011)

PflA Motility Infection in vitro, GPA 81-176 INT-407 Yao et al. (1994)



Major outer

membrane protein

Infection in vitro, BRP K22, 1767 INT-407 Schröder and Moser (1997),

Moser et al. (1997)

pVIR Invasion Infection in vitro and in ferrets, GPA 81-176, VC83 INT-407 Bacon et al. (2000)

SodB Superoxide


Infection in vitro and in mice, GPA, ISA 81-176 T84 Novik et al. (2010)

VirK Intracellular survival Infection in vitro and in mice, GPA, IFM 81-176 T84, COS-7 Novik et al. (2009)

AA, apoptosis assay; AB, antibody; AAB, activation-specific antibodies; ABB, antibody blocking; BRP, binding assays using recombinant or purified protein; CBA,

competitive binding assay; EM, electron microscopy; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; FBA, fibronectin binding assay; GPA, gentamicin protection assay;

HPS, hydrogen peroxide susceptibility test; IFM, immunofluorescence microscopy; ISA, intracellular survival assay; MI, microinjection of proteins; MA, motility assay

on agar; MLA, 35S-methionine labeling assay; pVIR, mobilizable plasmid in some strains; T3SS assays, translocation assay using the Yersinia flagellar type-III secretion

apparatus.aAnother report indicated that the Cj0097 mutant has a deficiency in motility in liquid broth (Novik et al., 2010).bIdentified as an adhesin in strain TGH9011, but no effect observed with jlpA mutants in either 11168 or 81-176 strains (van Alphen et al., 2008; Novik et al., 2010).cThese structural studies along with other assays suggest primary roles in protein transport. Originally, the Peb’s were identified as putative adhesins (Pei et al., 1991).

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Ó Cróinín and Backert Mechanism of C. jejuni invasion

seen the emergence of other potential Cia proteins which havebeen speculated to be important virulence factors. CiaC is suchan example and reported to be essential for maximal invasion ofINT-407 cells (Christensen et al., 2009; Eucker and Konkel, 2012).CiaI has also been recently identified as a protein secreted throughthe flagellar transport system, and appears to play a role in intra-cellular survival (Buelow et al., 2011). Another protein which hasbeen postulated by one group to be secreted through the flagellumis FlaC. This protein has strong homology with the flagellin sub-unit proteins FlaA and FlaB, and has been shown to play a role ininvasion using the HEp-2 in vitro cell model (Song et al., 2004).The FspA protein which has been shown to induce apoptosis inINT-407 cells has also been reported to be secreted through theflagellum (Poly et al., 2007).

CadF AND FlpA FIBRONECTIN BINDING PROTEINSPerhaps the most well characterized C. jejuni factor interactingwith host cells is the CadF protein. CadF was first identified as a37-kDa protein that bound the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteinfibronectin, in either immobilized or soluble form (Konkel et al.,1997). The sequence of the cadF gene product revealed a pro-tein with homology to an adhesin from Pseudomonas fluorescens.In the same year another group confirmed the observation thatrecombinant CadF bound to fibronectin as well as reporting thatthe protein could bind to membrane fractions of INT-407 cellsin vitro (Moser et al., 1997). A later study revealed the importanceof CadF for colonization, as cadF mutants were unable to infectchickens (Ziprin et al., 1999). Using the polarized cell line T84it was reported that C. jejuni crossed the epithelial layer betweenneighboring cells (paracellular route) and invasion might occurthrough the basolateral but not apical surface (Monteville andKonkel, 2002). This study also revealed that CadF expression wasrequired for maximal T84 cell binding. A later study identifiedthe fibronectin binding domain in CadF as four surface-exposedamino acids at position 134–137 (Konkel et al., 2005). Mutationsin these residues significantly reduced binding to fibronectin andINT-407 cells while peptides containing this putative fibronectinbinding site exhibited blocking capacity for binding. Interestingly,Krause-Gruszczynska et al. (2007a) have reported that a 39-bpinsertion in the cadF gene of C. coli strains leads to a larger proteinand that these strains bind and invade INT-407 cells less efficientlythan C. jejuni. In C. jejuni, CadF expression has been reported tobe downregulated in response to human mucin Muc2, suggestingthat levels of expression of the protein may vary during the infec-tion cycle (Tu et al., 2008). Interestingly, most strains of C. jejuniexhibit two bands in Western blots using anti-CadF antibodies,suggesting that distinct forms of the protein may exist. A recentstudy using mass spectroscopy proposed that CadF may undergopost-translational processing steps, which result in certain casesin the removal of the immunogenic epitope but retention of thefibronectin binding site (Scott et al., 2010). The exact role thatthese different CadF forms play during infection is not yet fullyunderstood.

Recently, a second potential fibronectin binding protein hasbeen identified in C. jejuni called FlpA. FlpA was first describedas being a protein which played a role in adherence to chickenepithelial cells as well as playing a significant role in colonization of

chickens (Flanagan et al., 2009). The protein was later described asbeing capable of binding fibronectin and that flpA mutants showeda significant decrease in binding to INT-407 cells as comparedto the wild-type strain (Konkel et al., 2010). However, neitherCadF nor FlpA or any Cia protein were found in a global screenfor invasion-related genes in strain 81-176 (Novik et al., 2010). Arecent study has proposed that CadF and FlpA may act together totarget fibronectin for bacterial binding and subsequent invasionby C. jejuni (Eucker and Konkel, 2012). This indicates that certainadditive effects of genes involved in cell adhesion and invasionmay play a role. However, inhibitor studies using chlorampheni-col showed that bacterial protein synthesis is required for maximalC. jejuni invasion (Konkel and Cieplak, 1992; Oelschlaeger et al.,1993). Chloramphenicol retards the expression of Cia proteins butnot CadF or FlpA (Christensen et al., 2009; Eucker and Konkel,2012), suggesting that constitutive expression of these adhesinsalone is not sufficient for the bacterial uptake process.

ROLE OF JlpAJlpA is a 42-kDa lipoprotein which can be N -linked glycosylated attwo residues (Scott et al., 2009). This surface-exposed lipoproteinhas also been implicated as an important adhesin for C. jejuni. Aninitial study in 2001 revealed that jlpA mutants exhibit a decreasedability to bind to HEp-2 cells (Jin et al., 2001). It was also reportedin this study that binding of the wild-type strain could be inhibitedby either pre-incubation with recombinant JlpA protein or anti-bodies raised against JlpA. A later study revealed that recombinantJlpA bound to HEp-2 cells and that the corresponding receptorappeared to be a 90-kDa protein, which was identified as a heatshock protein, HSP90-α (Jin et al., 2003). Furthermore, the jlpAgene has been shown to be upregulated in response to humanmucin along with other C. jejuni genes suggesting the protein mayplay a key role in pathogenicity (Tu et al., 2008). However, twoother studies have been unable to show a role for JlpA in adher-ence of C. jejuni. One study, using T84 cells, revealed a minimalreduction in invasion with a jlpA mutant when compared to thewild-type strain (Novik et al., 2010), while the other study whichused a chicken epithelial cell line revealed no reduction in invasionof a jlpA mutant (Flanagan et al., 2009). This study also reportedno defect in colonization of broiler chickens by a jlpA mutant.Whether these conflicting results are due to strain variation ordifferences in experimental approaches is not yet clear (Table 1).

ROLE OF Peb PROTEINSOne group of C. jejuni surface molecules that were originallyimplicated as being involved in adhesion to epithelial cells are thePeb proteins. These proteins were first described as“CBF proteins,”which were observed to range from between 26 to 30-kDa andwere shown to be present in bacterial outer membrane fractionswhich bound to Hela cells (Fauchere et al., 1989). These proteinswere originally described as being major immunogenic antigensof C. jejuni (Pei et al., 1991). Peb1 (originally called CBF1) wasfirst described as playing a key role in the adherence to epithelialcells (Fauchere et al., 1989). Later studies revealed that Peb1 wassurface-exposed and showed that purified Peb1 bound to HeLa cellmembranes in vitro, and that co-incubation with anti-Peb1 anti-bodies significantly reduced adherence of C. jejuni to intact HeLa

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cells (Kervella et al., 1993). This role in adherence was confirmedwhen a peb1 mutant was shown to display a clear reduction inadherence to HeLa cells, invasion of INT-407 cells as well as a sig-nificant reduction in its ability to colonize the mouse intestine ascompared to the wild-type strain (Pei et al., 1998). However, laterstudies reported that a peb1 mutant exhibited a minimal reduc-tion in invasion of T84 cells or adherence to chicken epithelial cells,suggesting that the importance of Peb1 in adherence or invasionmay vary depending on the assay and cell system used (Flanaganet al., 2009; Novik et al., 2010).

When the gene encoding Peb1 was originally identified andsequenced, it revealed some homology to proteins involved inamino acid transport systems in other bacteria (Pei and Blaser,1993). A more recent study has confirmed that Peb1 binds aspar-tate and glutamic acid, and suggested that the protein was pre-dominantly found in the periplasm and not in the inner or outermembranes (Leon-Kempis Mdel et al., 2006). These studies mayimplicate that the primary role of the Peb1 protein may be theutilization of certain amino acids. The recently published crystalstructure of Peb1 has identified key domains which may indeedplay a role in binding amino acids and may provide a basis forfurthering our understanding of how this protein carries out thisfunction and how this affects the ability of the organism to adhereto or invade epithelial cells (Muller et al., 2007).

A similar dual role has also been suggested for other reportedPeb proteins (Table 1). Like Peb1, Peb4 had been implicated as apotential adhesin of C. jejuni (Kervella et al., 1993; Asakura et al.,2007). When the nucleotide sequence of Peb4 was first deducedit revealed a gene with homology to factors involved in proteinexport (Burucoa et al., 1995). This role in protein export has sincebeen confirmed by a study showing profound effects on the outermembrane profile in a peb4 mutant including a reduction in CadFprotein levels (Rathbun and Thompson, 2009). The recently pub-lished crystal structure of Peb4 has confirmed that the proteinappears to be a chaperone and may thus play a key role in export-ing proteins to the outer membrane and that this may explain itsrole in adherence (Kale et al., 2011). A later study revealed thatPeb3 may be a transport protein involved in the utilization of 3-phosphoglycerate (Min et al., 2009). These reports highlight thedifficulty in identifying the specific mechanism of action of theseproposed “adhesins” and further studies are required to discoverwhat exact role the Peb proteins play in C. jejuni adherence orinvasion.

OTHER PROPOSED FACTORS INVOLVED IN ADHESIONSeveral other genes have also been reported as playing a role ineither adherence or invasion by C. jejuni. The CapA (Campylobac-ter protein A) protein was initially identified as an autotransporterprotein and a capA mutant displayed reduced adherence to andinvasion of Caco-2 cells as well as an inability to colonize chickens(Ashgar et al., 2007). A later study confirmed the role of this proteinas a putative adhesin or invasin using chicken epithelial cells butrevealed no colonization defect in chickens (Flanagan et al., 2009).About 40% of human isolates and 39% of chicken isolates in thisstudy lack the capA gene, which can explain the reduced bacter-ial binding to LMH cells as compared to capA expressing controlstrains. Two other proteins, KpsE and KpsM, which are involved

in capsule production have also been implicated as playing a rolein invasion. In vivo experiments using kpsE and kpsM mutants inthe ferret model have indicated the role played by the capsule incolonization (Bacon et al., 2001; Bachtiar et al., 2007). Anotherproposed adhesin is Cj0977 (Goon et al., 2006), but later studieshave shown that reduced binding maybe due to a deficiency inmotility in liquid broth (Novik et al., 2010), although the mutantswere motile on soft agar plates (Goon et al., 2006). Furthermore,another study has revealed the role played by lipooligosaccharide(LOS) sialylation as mutants in the cstII gene showed reduced abil-ity to enter epithelial cells (Louwen et al., 2008). Other proteinsrecently identified as affecting adherence and invasion levels alsoinclude the chaperone and serine protease HtrA (Baek et al., 2011)and VirK (Novik et al., 2009). Baek et al. showed that the chap-erone activity of HtrA in the periplasm may affect proper foldingof adhesins involved in host cell binding, whereas Novik et al.pointed out that the reduction of intracellular bacteria observedin the gentamycin protection assay (GPA) with a virK mutantmay be primarily due to a ∼100-fold increase in susceptibility tocertain antimicrobial peptides. Finally, although some genes havebeen identified on the pVIR plasmid in strain 81-176 to play a rolein invasion, these genes seem to be strain-specific as they are onlypresent in a very small subset (∼10%) of C. jejuni isolates (Baconet al., 2000, 2002).

THE CELLULAR INVASION PROCESSEarly reports which investigated intestinal biopsies from humanpatients indicated that C. jejuni is able to enter gut tissue cellsin vivo (van Spreeuwel et al., 1985). Numerous studies have thenshown that C. jejuni can invade and survive within a number ofcultured cell lines in vitro (Table 2). Various C. jejuni factors per-mitting motility, glycosylation, capsular synthesis, and adherencehave been implicated in the invasion process (Grant et al., 1993;Yaoet al., 1994; Pei et al., 1998; Bacon et al., 2001; Konkel et al., 2001;Szymanski et al., 2002). Very commonly, C. jejuni with introducedmutations in these genes exhibited various degrees of deficiencyin binding to and entering human target cells, or in colonizingcertain animal models including chicken and mice (Hendrixsonand DiRita, 2004; Kakuda and DiRita, 2006; Watson and Galán,2008; Novik et al., 2010). A common laboratory method to moni-tor adherence and invasion is GPA, but also immunofluorescenceand electron microscopy (EM) approaches have been utilized insome but not all studies (Table 2). However, it is not yet clearwhich mechanism of invasion, “zipper” or “trigger,” is used by C.jejuni. High resolution EM investigation of infected non-polarizedINT-407 and other cell lines indicated that C. jejuni induces mem-brane ruffling in a contact-dependent manner followed by hostcell entry, first with its flagellar tip followed by the opposite fla-gellar end (Krause-Gruszczynska et al., 2007b, 2011; Boehm et al.,2012), surprisingly sharing some features of both “zipper”- and“trigger”-mechanisms (Figure 1C).

PUTATIVE HOST CELL RECEPTORS AND KINASES INVOLVEDIN THE INVASION PROCESSLipid rafts are specific microdomains of plasma membrane ofeukaryotic host cells which are enriched in cholesterol and sphin-golipids, and favor the interactions of receptor molecules and

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Table 2 | Host factors and proposed roles in C. jejuni infections.

Host factor Proposed


Applied experimental




Cell system





Invasion Infection in vitro, cytochalasin D and

mycalolide B inhibitors, GPA, IFM






INT-407 Biswas et al. (2003), Monteville et al.


Calcium Invasion Infection in vitro, BAPTA inhibitors,


81-176 INT-407 Hu et al. (2005)

Cdc42 Invasion Infection in vitro, CA and DN

constructs, GMT, CRIB-PD, GPA, IF,





INT-407; −/− cell


Krause-Gruszczynska et al. (2007b,


Caveolae Invasion Infection in vitro, filipin-III and MβCD

inhibitors, DN constructs, GPA, IFM

N82, 81-176 Caco-2, INT-407,


Wooldridge et al. (1996), Hu et al.

(2006), Watson and Galán (2008)

DOCK180 Rac-1 activation,


Infection in vitro, siRNA, GPA F38011,



HeLa, INT-407 Eucker and Konkel (2012), Boehm

et al. (2012)

Dynein Invasion,



Infection in vitro, nocodazole and

o-Van inhibitor, GPA, IFM

81-176 INT-407 Hu and Kopecko (1999)



Invasion Infection in vitro, ABB, PD168393

and erlotinib inhibitors, DN

constructs, GPA




INT-407 Eucker and Konkel (2012), Krause-

Gruszczynska et al. (2011)

FAK Invasion signaling Infection in vitro, TAE226 and

PF573228 inhibitors, DN and other

constructs, GPA, FESEM






Krause-Gruszczynska et al. (2011),

Eucker and Konkel (2012), Boehm

et al. (2012)

Fibronectin Adhesion,


Binding and infection in vitro, CBA,

TWA, ABB, use of cadF mutant,





INT-407, T84,


Monteville and Konkel (2002);

Monteville et al. (2003), Krause-

Gruszczynska et al. (2011), Boehm

et al. (2012)

G proteins Invasion Infection in vitro, pertussis and

cholera toxin treatments, GPA

N82, 81-176 Caco-2, INT-407 Wooldridge et al. (1996), Hu et al.


Integrin β1 Adhesion,

invasion signaling

Infection in vitro, CRIB-PD, G-lisa,





Integrin β1−/−


Boehm et al. (2012)

Lysosomes Intracellular


Infection in vitro, IFM with EEA-1,

Lamp-1, Rab4, and Rab5

81-176 Cos-1 Watson and Galán (2008)

MAPK Inflammatory

signaling, invasion

Infection in vitro, binding of

GST-JlpA in vitro; AABs for Erk,

JNK, and p38; MAPK inhibitors




HEp-2, T84,

Caco-2, human

colonic explants,


Jin et al. (2003), MacCallum et al.

(2005), Chen et al. (2006), Hu et al.




Invasion Infection in vitro; nocodazole




INT-407 Oelschlaeger et al. (1993)



Inhibition of

bacterial virulence

Binding studies, GPA 81-176 HCT-8 Alemka et al. (2010)

Myd88 Colonization

controlled by


Colonization of Myd88−/− but not

wt control mice

81-176 Myd88−/−mice Watson et al. (2007)

NF-κB Inflammatory


Binding of GST-JlpA in vitro, AABs,

cytokine release

THG9011 HEp-2 Jin et al. (2003)

Nramp1 Colonization of


Colonization enhanced in

Nramp1−/− mice

81-176 Nramp1−/−mice Watson et al. (2007)


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Table 2 | Continued

Host factor Proposed


Applied experimental




Cell system



Occludin Impaired

epithelial barrier


Infection in vitro, TER,

hyperphosphorylation of occludin,

NF-κB activation, AABs, GPA



T84 Chen et al. (2006)

Paxillin Invasion Phosphorylation of paxillin, infection

in vitro, IP, AAB, GPA

F38011 INT-407 Monteville et al. (2003)



Invasion Infection in vitro, AG370 inhibitor,

DN constructs, GPA




INT-407 Krause-Gruszczynska et al. (2011)

PI3-kinase Invasion Infection in vitro, LY294002 and

wortmannin inhibitors, GPA, Vav2



81-176, 27



INT-407 Wooldridge et al. (1996), Hu et al.

(2006), Biswas et al. (2000), Krause-

Gruszczynska et al. (2011)

PKC Invasion Infection in vitro, calphostin C

inhibitor, GPA

81-176, 27



INT-407 Hu et al. (2005), Biswas et al. (2000)

Rac-1 Invasion Infection in vitro, CA and DN

constructs, GMT, CRIB-PD, G-lisa,





INT-407, −/− cell


Krause-Gruszczynska et al. (2007b),

Eucker and Konkel (2012), Boehm

et al. (2012)

Src kinases Invasion Infection in vitro, PP2 inhibitor, GPA F38011 INT-407, SYF cells Eucker and Konkel (2012), Krause-

Gruszczynska et al. (2011)

Tiam-1 Rac-1 activation,


Infection in vitro, DN and other

constructs, siRNA, GPA




INT-407, −/− cells Boehm et al. (2012)

Vav2 Cdc42 activation,


Infection in vitro, DN and other

constructs, siRNA, GPA




INT-407, Vav−/−


Krause-Gruszczynska et al. (2011)

AB, antibody; AAB, activation-specific antibody; ABB, antibody blocking; CBA, competitive binding assay; MβCD, methyl-beta cyclodextrin; CA constructs, constitutive-

active constructs; DN constructs, dominant-negative constructs; IP, immunoprecipitation; CRIB-PD, pull-down experiments to quantify GTPase-GTP levels; EEA-1,

early endosomal marker 1; FAK, focal adhesion kinase; FESEM, field emission scanning electron microscopy; Fn, Fibronectin, G-lisa, ELISA-based GTPase-GTP

quantification system; GPA, gentamicin protection assay, GST-JlpA, glutathione-S- transferase-tagged JlpA; GMT, GTPase-modifying toxins such as toxin B or CNF,

which either inhibit or activate GTPases; IFM, immunofluorescence microscopy; IP, immunoprecipitation; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinases; MyD88, myeloid

differentiation factor 88; o-Van, ortho-vanadate inhibitor; PKC, protein kinase C; SYF, Src−/−, Yes−/−, Fyn−/− triple knockout cells; TER, transepithelial resistance; TWA,

transwell assays with polarized cells; Vav2, guanine exchange factor of the Vav family; wt, wild-type; −/−, knockout cells.

the regulation of downstream signaling pathways. Pharmaco-logical inhibitor studies using the lipid raft-disrupting com-pounds filipin-III or MβCD as well as certain toxins have indi-cated that host heterotrimeric G proteins and caveolae may beinvolved in epithelial cell entry of C. jejuni (Wooldridge et al.,1996; Hu et al., 2006; Watson and Galán, 2008). Expressionof dominant-negative mutants of caveolin-1 but not dynamin-II significantly decreased C. jejuni internalization (Watson andGalán, 2008), suggesting that caveolin-1 in caveolae structuresmay play a role in the uptake process (Figure 2). Interest-ingly, C. jejuni is severely hampered in its ability to invade celllines derived from fibronectin−/−, integrin-β1−/−, focal adhe-sion kinase (FAK)−/−, and Src−/−/Yes−/−/Fyn−/− (SYF) tripleknockout mice using EM and/or GPA, but can efficiently enterwild-type control cells (Krause-Gruszczynska et al., 2011; Boehmet al., 2012). Infection of integrin-β1−/− knockout cells stablyexpressing integrin-β1 point mutants with well-known defectsin extracellular fibronectin fibril formation or intracellular FAK

signaling also exhibited severe deficiencies in C. jejuni inva-sion (Krause-Gruszczynska et al., 2011). Novel data also showedthat FAK and certain receptor protein tyrosine kinases such asEGF receptor (EGFR) and platelet derived growth factor receptor(PDGFR) are activated by C. jejuni and involved in the uptakeprocess (Krause-Gruszczynska et al., 2011; Boehm et al., 2012;Eucker and Konkel, 2012). Another focal adhesion signaling mol-ecule, paxillin, also exhibited increased levels of tyrosine phos-phorylation upon C. jejuni infection, which was not seen duringinfection with mutants of the fibronectin binding protein CadF(Monteville et al., 2003). These data collectively suggest that theCadF → fibronectin → integrin-β1 → FAK → paxillin pathway isanother major signaling cascade involved in C. jejuni-mediatedhost cell entry (Figure 2). In addition, inhibitor studies com-bined with GPA have suggested that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase(PI3-kinase), protein kinase C (PKC), and mitogen-activated pro-tein kinases (MAPKs) are involved in events controlling C. jejuniinternalization (Wooldridge et al., 1996; Biswas et al., 2000; Hu

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FIGURE 2 | Hypothetical model for C. jejuni -induced signaling events

leading to bacterial invasion and establishing infections. C. jejuni adheresto host cells via numerous reported and unknown factors. Several indicatedhost cell receptors have been proposed to play a role in the uptake of thebacteria. This potentially causes localized F-actin and/or microtubule

rearrangements at the site of C. jejuni entry, resulting in engulfment andbacterial uptake. Several indicated host cell signaling molecules and pathwaysincluding the intracellular survival in Campylobacter-containing vacuoles(CCVs) have been reported in in vitro infection models and may play a roleduring pathogenesis in vivo. For more details, see tables and text.

et al., 2006). Other inhibitor-based work has also shown that Ca2+release from host intracellular stores is essential for efficient C.jejuni recovery by GPA (Hu et al., 2005). However, whether mostof the latter factors are directly involved in the bacterial entry stepor trafficking linked to intracellular bacterial survival is not yetclear.

FUNCTION OF GEFs AND SMALL Rho GTPases IN C. jejuniINVASIONThe Rho family of small GTPases, including Rac-1, Cdc42, andRhoA, are small GTP-binding proteins that serve as guaninenucleotide-regulated switches which transmit external stimuli tomodulate different normal cellular functions as well as invasionof multiple bacterial pathogens (Cossart and Sansonetti, 2004).The internalization of C. jejuni into INT-407 cells is accompa-nied by a time-dependent activation of both Rac-1 and Cdc42(Krause-Gruszczynska et al., 2007b, 2011; Boehm et al., 2012;Eucker and Konkel, 2012). Using specific GTPase-modifying tox-ins, inhibitors, and GTPase expression constructs it was shown

by immunofluorescence, GPA, and other studies that Rac-1 andCdc42, but not RhoA, are involved in C. jejuni invasion (Krause-Gruszczynska et al., 2007b). Interestingly, the activation of theseGTPases and induction of membrane ruffling by C. jejuni wasseverely inhibited in infected fibronectin−/−, integrin-β1−/−,FAK−/−, and SYF−/− knockout cell lines, although the bacte-ria had intact flagella and bound to their cell surface (Krause-Gruszczynska et al., 2011; Boehm et al., 2012). Maximal GTPase–GTP levels induced by C. jejuni also involve EGFR, PDGFR, FAK,Src, and PI3-kinase activities as supported by inhibitor stud-ies, and the bacterial fibronectin binding protein CadF as wellas the flagellum and one secreted Campylobacter invasion anti-gen, CiaC (Krause-Gruszczynska et al., 2007b, 2011; Eucker andKonkel, 2012). Immunofluorescence data also indicated that CiaCis essential for recruitment of Rac-1 to the site of C. jejuni adher-ence (Eucker and Konkel, 2012). The exact role of CiaC, however,is not yet clear, but it would appear that it does not encode aguanine exchange factor (GEF) for activating Rac-1. CiaC sharesno sequence homology with the well-known GEFs from Shigella

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flexneri or Salmonella enterica, which are directly injected into thehost cell by a T3SS and known to induce extensive membrane ruf-fling by the“trigger”mechanism (Cossart and Sansonetti, 2004). Inagreement with these observations, two host cell GEFs (DOCK180and Tiam-1) were identified to trigger Rac-1 activity downstreamof FAK based on small inhibitory RNA (siRNA) knockdown,inhibitors, and the use of FAK−/− knockout cell experiments(Boehm et al., 2012; Eucker and Konkel, 2012), while another GEF(Vav2) is downstream of FAK, EGFR, PDGFR, and PI3-kinase totrigger Cdc42 GTPase activity (Krause-Gruszczynska et al., 2011).Collectively, these results suggest that C. jejuni actively triggerssignaling to stimulate their own uptake by host target cells usinga unique mechanism and the activation of the Rho GTPase mem-bers Rac-1 and Cdc42 plays a crucial role in this entry process(Figures 1C and 2).

ROLE OF MICROFILAMENTS VERSUS MICROTUBULESDURING INVASIONMicrofilaments (MFs) and microtubules (MTs), which are com-posed of actin or tubulin subunits, respectively, play an importantrole in cell architecture and other basic cellular processes. Usinginhibitor and GPA studies, C. jejuni internalization has been var-iously reported to require MTs (Oelschlaeger et al., 1993; Hu andKopecko, 2008), MFs (De Melo et al., 1989; Konkel and Joens,1989), both MTs and MFs (Oelschlaeger et al., 1993; Biswas et al.,2003; Monteville et al., 2003), or neither MTs or MFs (Russelland Blake, 1994). Other studies investigated the co-localizationof infecting C. jejuni with MTs and the molecular motor pro-tein dynein (Hu and Kopecko, 1999), but also with MFs (Konkelet al., 1992a; Rivera-Amill et al., 2001; Krause-Gruszczynska et al.,2007b). This available data, although not sufficient to allow defin-itive conclusions, suggest that different C. jejuni strains may pre-fer MT-dependent or MF-dependent pathways for host invasion,while others may depend on both MTs and MFs during inva-sion. Remarkably, after about 20 years of research, the C. jejuni-mediated triggers which result in MT and/or MF rearrangementsto facilitate bacterial uptake are still not clear. It will thereforebe important to investigate how activated caveolae, FAK, EGFR,PDGFR, PI3-kinase, Rac-1, Cdc42, or other host factors couldpotentially stimulate MFs and/or MTs dynamics to mediate the C.jejuni entry process.

INTRACELLULAR TRAFFICKING AND SURVIVAL OF C. jejuniVarious intracellular pathogens utilize a variety of strategies tolive and replicate within host cells. GPA and EM studies haveshown that C. jejuni can survive for extended periods of timein several cell lines and tissues (Table 2). Following entry intointestinal epithelial cells, C. jejuni appears to localize in a specificcompartment in the cytoplasm, which seems to be distinct fromthe lysosomes (Watson and Galán, 2008). It was found that theC. jejuni-containing vacuole (CCV) deviates from the canonicalendocytic pathway immediately after host cell entry, thus avoid-ing delivery into lysosomes (Figure 1D). The CCV appears tointeract with early endosomal compartments because it associateswith early endosomal marker protein EEA-1 and two traffick-ing GTPases, Rab4, and Rab5 (Figure 2, right). However, thisinteraction seems only transient and does not progress inside

the canonical endocytic pathway (Watson and Galán, 2008). TheCCV can be also stained with Lamp-1, a late endosomal marker,although this compartment appears to be unique and clearly dis-tinct from lysosomes (Figure 2). CCVs were not stainable with thelysosomal marker protein cathepsin B and it is also not accessi-ble to certain endocytic tracers (Watson and Galán, 2008). Takentogether, the acquisition of Lamp-1 occurring very early duringmaturation of CCVs, appears to proceed by an unusual pathwaynot requiring the GTPases Rab5 or Rab7, although recruited tothe CCV. More studies are required to elucidate in more detail themechanism by which C. jejuni modulates intracellular traffickingand survival.

The subset of C. jejuni genes which are important for intra-cellular trafficking and survival are widely unknown, but a coupleof potential factors are emerging. One of these factors is CiaI, areported secreted protein (Buelow et al., 2011). A ciaI mutant wasimpaired in intracellular survival by GPA. Immunofluorescenceexamination indicated that the ciaI mutant more frequently co-localized with Cathepsin D in the CCVs as compared to wild-typebacteria, and is probably killed in these compartments. In anotherrecent study, insertional mutation of three novel genes namedaspA, aspB, and sodB also exhibited clear defects in intracellularrecovery by GPA (Novik et al., 2010). Further characterization ofthese mutants revealed that the reduction in recovered bacteria wasdue to a combined defect in adhesion and impaired intracellularviability (SodB) or undetermined effects on bacterial physiology(AspA and AspB). These studies highlight the importance of theuse of multiple assays to identify and characterize genes which playpotential roles in C. jejuni adherence and invasion.

URGENT PROBLEMS TO BE SOLVEDCampylobacter jejuni is a remarkable foodborne microbe, but bycomparison to other well-known enteric pathogens, we know verylittle about the bacterial and host factors involved in establishinginfection and triggering disease. This dilemma is in part due tothe clear absence of classical bacterial adhesins, toxins, or typicalT3SSs or T4SSs in the sequenced C. jejuni genomes. The otherenormous handicap is the large amount of highly conflicting datain the literature. For almost every reported factor proposed tobe involved in a given host response, there is at least one otherstudy showing the opposite. It is possible that the reported resultsdepend on the specific strains used, how the bacteria were grown,but also on differences in the experimental conditions and appliedmethodology (Tables 1 and 2). In addition, many studies usingsingle mutants lack genetic complementation of the correspond-ing wild-type gene, which although technically very difficult in C.jejuni, would be very useful to restore the phenotypes reported formany of the aforementioned pathogenicity factors. Furthermore,one must be very careful when using methods such as GPA asan accurate measurement of bacterial invasion. GPA determinesthe number of viable CFU protected from gentamicin, and thusrepresents a direct measurement of intracellular surviving bac-teria, rather than a direct measure of the invasion process itself?Some studies have identified factors which appear to play a directrole in invasion when studied using GPA, but when studied usingother methods are actually revealed to have an indirect role. Theseinclude AspA and AspB whose primary role was shown to be in

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the production of fumarate but when mutated displayed a reduc-tion in invasion by the GPA assay (Novik et al., 2010). However,this effect could be reversed by the addition of fumarate showingthat this reduction was due to physiological effects rather thanthese proteins functioning as adhesins or invasins directly (Noviket al., 2010). Studies such as these highlight how important it is touse a variety of experimental approaches to identify and study anyfactors found to play a role in host cell interactions. The same argu-ments apply for certain studies using pharmacological inhibitors.Besides such problems as the lack of controls, it should be asked ifthese inhibitors or their solvents alone have specific activities onthe host or bacteria over time and, if properly performed, does agiven compound really inhibit the entry process itself or does itinterfere with bacterial survival in the CCVs? GPA certainly doesnot discriminate between these different possibilities either. Thus,in future, more direct methods such as novel microscopic tech-nologies are necessary to investigate in detail the involvement ofcertain host factors in bacterial engulfment and uptake, but alsoin intracellular survival processes.

Although several of the discussed GPA studies have identi-fied certain C. jejuni gene mutants exhibiting severe defects inentering or surviving in cells, there is no direct evidence yet thatany of the identified gene products can directly trigger invasion(Tables 1 and 2). For example, it is still controversial if the roleof the flagellum during invasion is restricted to bacterial motilityor secretion of bacterial Cia proteins into the medium or eveninjection into the host cell. This model of Cia protein secretionthrough the flagellum is very tempting and would support theidea that Campylobacter uses a “trigger mechanism” of invasioninvolving the secretion of effector proteins directly into the cell toinduce their uptake, similar to Salmonella and Shigella. Some elec-tron microscopic evidence exists that would support this model(Figure 1C), but it should be noted that a recent study has sug-gested that CiaB plays a minimal or no role in invasion (Noviket al., 2010). Thus, much more work is required to confirm therole of the flagellum as a secretion system for effector proteinsinvolved in invasion.

Confusion also exists as to the exact role played by some ofthe previously proposed adhesins. Proteins such as JlpA have beendescribed by some authors as being an important adhesin (Jinet al., 2001), whereas other groups have been unable to show anysignificant decrease in invasion in a jlpA mutant (Novik et al.,2010). Furthermore, factors such as the PEB proteins which wereoriginally described as adhesins (Pei et al., 1991) now appear to pri-marily have roles as transporters (Leon-Kempis Mdel et al., 2006)or as chaperones (Kale et al., 2011), suggesting that they may notdirectly interact with the host cell but play a more indirect role. Oneprotein that is very well characterized and appears to clearly play arole in adherence to host epithelial cells is CadF (Monteville et al.,2003). This protein along with the recently described FlpA protein

(Flanagan et al., 2009) appears to bind to fibronectin and specificfibronectin binding sites have been identified in CadF (Konkelet al., 2005). The importance of CadF has been observed in a largenumber of strains and using a variety of different experimen-tal approaches (Table 1). Thus, targeting the fibronectin/integrinreceptor could explain why C. jejuni may try to reach basolat-eral surfaces during infection (van Alphen et al., 2008). Howthe bacteria breach this epithelial barrier, by a transcellular route(Figure 1D) or a paracellular route (Figure 1E), is also under muchdebate and not yet clear (Konkel et al., 1992b; Grant et al., 1993;Brás and Ketley, 1999; Monteville and Konkel, 2002; Hu et al.,2008; Kalischuk et al., 2009). However, the underlined impor-tance of CadF and the fibronectin/integrin might give supportto a “zipper”-like mechanism of invasion as used by Listeria orYersinia species.

CONCLUDING REMARKSIn conclusion it is very difficult at present to conclusively statehow C. jejuni facilitates its uptake into host epithelial cells. Thereis evidence in the literature and specifically EM images which givesome support for both the “zipper” and “trigger” mechanisms ofinvasion, underlining the concept that C. jejuni enters epithelialcells by a unique novel mechanism. It may be that C. jejuni hasdeveloped during evolution a strategy which shares features ofboth of these mechanisms, but more work is clearly required topinpoint the exact pathways used by this important pathogen toenter and survive in intestinal epithelial cells. At the moment, wefavor a model where at least two major receptor-involved path-ways give rise to C. jejuni invasion, the fibronectin/integrin, andcaveolae structures (Figure 2). We also consider that caveolae andintegrin may act cooperatively in GTPase signaling as shown forother cell systems (del Pozo et al., 2005; del Pozo and Schwartz,2007). Future studies should investigate how this occurs and whatare the forces triggered by the host cell that mediate engulfment,uptake, and also membrane closure behind the entering bacteria.It will be also important to investigate, in more detail, the mech-anisms by which C. jejuni survives and spreads intracellularly aswell as how it causes extra-intestinal infection in organs such as theliver in various animals (Hofreuter et al., 2008; Cox et al., 2009).It therefore appears that C. jejuni will continue to be a fascinatingand rewarding research subject in the future.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank Drs. Billy Bourke and Nicole Tegtmeyer (UCD Dublin,Ireland) for critical reading of this manuscript, and Drs. MichaelKonkel (Pullman University, USA) and Jorge Galan (Yale Univer-sity,USA) for providing the EM pictures in Figures 1D,E. The workof Tadhg Ó. Cróinín is supported by a research SFI grant (10/RFP-gen2759) and Steffen Backert is supported through another SFIgrant (UCD 09/IN.1/B2609).

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Conflict of Interest Statement: Theauthors declare that the research wasconducted in the absence of any com-mercial or financial relationships thatcould be construed as a potential con-flict of interest.

Received: 01 November 2011; accepted:17 February 2012; published online: 05March 2012.Citation: Ó Cróinín T and Backert S(2012) Host epithelial cell invasion byCampylobacter jejuni: trigger or zippermechanism? Front. Cell. Inf. Microbio.2:25. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2012.00025Copyright © 2012 Ó Cróinín and Back-ert . This is an open-access article dis-tributed under the terms of the Cre-ative Commons Attribution Non Com-mercial License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and repro-duction in other forums, provided theoriginal authors and source are credited.

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