Guardians of the Galaxy Poster Analysis

Guardians of the Galaxy Poster Analysis

Transcript of Guardians of the Galaxy Poster Analysis

Page 1: Guardians of the Galaxy Poster Analysis

Guardians of the Galaxy Poster Analysis

Page 2: Guardians of the Galaxy Poster Analysis

The Poster

Page 3: Guardians of the Galaxy Poster Analysis

AnalysisThis is the cinema poster for the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, a movie which has the genres sci-fi, fantasy and action. The title of the is displayed on the lower bottom of the poster in a large golden font, the only other text which is on the poster are the names of the actors in the film placed at the top of the poster, in a smaller but similar font as the title.The logo “Marvel”, who created the film from their comics, is shown above the big title. This displays what the movie was based on, and also advertises the comic world to comic lovers and also the overall audience of the film.The key image of the poster is of all the characters shown in the middle of the poster, where each of them are in still action postures, looking as though they are ready to fight an enemy. This image shows their importance in the film, and also makes them eye-catching and intrigues the audience as they are all alien-like and different from one another. They show the film’s genre through their science-fiction and fantasy weapons, and also through their physical appearance (i.e. clothes, body type, colour etc.)The target audience for the film are those who are interested in comics, Marvel in general, and also the genres displayed and presented on the poster. This target audience is usually those 12+ .The layout of the poster shows the relationship between the shown characters, as they all look like they are standing together, fighting together. Other objects which are shown in the poster also relate to the chosen genres for the film; such as the variety of spaceships, the planets in the background and also the setting of a nebula of a galaxy in the far away background.

The poster is attention-grabbing due to the colour palette chosen for the poster, and this is a very good selling point as it is full of colour and is very different from most fantasy and action posters showing off new films.