Green Information Technology - Copy

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BY 09DIT038 SHAHRUKHKHAN PATHAN Environmentally sustainable computing or IT. The study and practice of designing & manufacturing using and disposing of computers servers and associated subsystems efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on environment.What is Green it?In 1992,U.S. Environmental Protection agency launched Energy StarTo promote and recognize energy efficiency in monitors,climate control equipment,etc. Origins


Swedish organization TCO development launched TCO Certification programmeTo promote low magnetic and electrical emission from CRTLater expand to include criteria on energy comsumption,use of hazardous materials in constructionIT industry using an increasingly large proportion of energyE wasteEnvironment protectionhelps green other industriesHelps saving planet

Concern about green ITThe Green IT Initiative is being developed to create a 21st century society where environmental Summary of Green IT Initiative 21st-protection and economic growth are compatible and to make changes in every aspect of production, society, and national life using technologies for manufacturing and for the environment and energy saving, in which Japan has a high level of proficiency.Green IT initiativeBreakthroughs by innovative technologies Promotion of the Green IT Project Development of cutting-edge energy-saving technologies,such as semiconductors and displaysEducation and promotion of environmental management and IT managementVisualization of environmental contributions of IT to society as a wholeGovernment initiativesCSCI(climate servers computing initiatives)EPEAT(electronic product environmental assessment tool)Green gridGreen500Industry initiativesGreen Web SurfingGreener Google Browsing:

Being Green with Yahoo!

Greener FireFox Surfing

Other Green Surfing Efforts - -

Product longevityAlgorithmic efficiencyVirtualizationTerminal serversPower managementMaterial recyclingCloud computingData centers

Approaches to green it70% of natural resources used in life cycle of a PCTo Prolong the equipments lifetimeProducts upgradabilityProducts modularityFor instance, manufacturing a new PC makes a far bigger ecological footprint than manufacturing a new RAM module to upgrade an existing one

Product longevityImpact on amount of computer resources required for any given computing function therefore efficiency trade-offs in writing programmesResource allocationRoutes data to data centers where electricity is less expensiveCut energy usage by routing traffic away from data centers as per its weatherEnerjAlgorithmic efficiencyA study by a physicist at Harvard, estimated that the average Google search released 7grams of carbon dioxide (CO).However, Google disputes this figure, arguing instead that a typical search produces only 0.2grams of independent study by demonstrate that Windows 7 + Office 2010 require 70 times more memory (RAM) than Windows 98 + Office 2000 to write exactly the same text or send exactly the same e-mail than 10 years agoAlgorithmic efficiencyan extension to Java that adds approximate data typespropose a hardware architecture that offers explicit approximate storage and computation.a language for principled approximate computing.Type Annotations@Approx int a = ...;int p; // precise by defaultp = a; // illegalEnerjEndorsement:-@Approx int a = ...;int p; // precise by defaultp = endorse(a); // legalDifferent qualifiers:-@Approx, @Precise, @Top Type annotations: qualify any type in the program.endorse(e) Cast an approximate value to its precise equivalent.@Approximable Class annotation: allow a class to have both precise and approximate instances.@Context Type annotation: in approximable class definitions, the precision of the type depends on the precision of the enclosing object.APPROX Method naming convention: this implementation of the method may be invoked when the receiver has approximate type.EnerjControl Flow:-@Approx int val = ...;boolean flag; // preciseif (val == 5){flag = true;}else{flag = false;}Solution:-if(endorse(val == 5))In class:-@Approximable class IntPair{@Context int x;@Context int y;@Approx int numAdditions = 0;void addToBoth(@Context int amount){x += amount;y += amount;numAdditions++;}}EnerjOriginated with IBM mainframe OSAbstraction of computer resources, such as the process of running two or more logical computer systems on one set physical hardwareReducing power and cooling consumptionAssist in distributing work so that servers are either busy or put in low power state

VirtualizationSeveral commercial companies and open-source projects now offer software packages to enable a transition to virtual computing. Intel Corporation and AMD have also built proprietary virtualization enhancements to the x86 instruction set into each of their CPU product lines, in order to facilitate virtualized computing.VirtualizationUsers at a terminal connect to central serverActual computing done on a serverThin clients , which use up to 1/8 the amount of energy of a normal workstation, resulting in a decrease of energy costs and consumptionVirtual labsIncrease in using terminal services with thin clients to create virtual labsExamples of terminal server software include Terminal Services for Windows and the Linux Terminal Server Project(LTSP) for the Linux operating system

Terminal serversAdvanced configuration and power interfaceHibernateAdvance power managementUndervoltingPower supplyVideo cardDisplayOperating system supportStorage

Power managementKeep harmful materials out of landfillsCollection of e-wasteRecycling of e-waste

Material recycling21Europe has outlawed using landfills for computer componentsthe US and Europe export a lot of e-waste to Asian landfills (especially China even though China has outlawed the importing of e-waste)in addition, incineration of computer components leads to air pollution and airborne toxinsLand Fills

Environment friendly computingEfficient computing Cloud computing

23High energy demand Highly energy-intensive and rapidly growingConsume 10 to 100 times more energy per square foot than a typical office buildingLarge potential impact on electricity supplyand distributionUsed about 45 billion kWh in 2005At current rates, power requirements could double in 5 years.

Data centersHeat producedCooling of serversBy natural resourceBy human effortData center coolingThin-Client Computer LabGrid Computer ProjectSolar/Wind ProjectsOrnamental Cooling Pond/Living RoofInterpretive Walk

Green IT Alliance ProjectsAdvanced Liquid CoolingThe use of liquid cooling of servers enables reductions in power by rejecting heat directly outside into ornamental cooling ponds, or the re-use of heat for office heating in the winter. Water Line HEATServer Heat Re-Use

Ornamental Cooling Pond

Ornamental Cooling Ponds

Traditional ApproachReplace Tower with Pond, in Summer. In Winter, re-use Heat for Office SpacesInvest in green ITCut energy usage Save extra cost Return on investmentEnergy starState wise recycling programmeAmerican recovery and reinvestment act(ARRA)Governments effortTo summarize Green computing is a novel and an innovative trend in the world of computing which has minimum or no impact on the environment.

Green computing has introduced a range of equipments and technologies which help in limiting the impact on the environment.

Green ITIT is a major power consumerA significant percentage of the power is wastedOpportunities exist to dramtically improve IT energy efficiencyIT can be a very beneficial part of the Green movement

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