GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ITWaTStill - - Goes On · Mrs. Mills Hall nee Hattle Richardson, is at ber home...

THE ST. PUL SUNDAY GLOBK SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 30 1884, 5 married us long ago as Nov. 6, at Trinity church, Chicago, 111. Daisy Murdoch says that she has received several offers for next season, but has not yet decided wbicu to accept. It is announced that Dr. W. A. Hammond end a Boston literary man will dramatize the former's society novel, "Lai." Mrs. Mills Hall nee Hattle Richardson, is at ber home in Chelsea, Mass. She has recov- ered from her recent illness. Belle Archer is at the head of tbc Madison equare "Hazel Kirke" company at present, playing her former role of Hazel. "Duprez and Son," the new domM>tie drama at the Union Square theater, New York, is flliing that theater nightly. It is a "go." Mr. W. J. Bcanlan, tbc Irish comedian, plays "Friend and Foe" in Baltimore, No- vember 24 week, and the following we<»k in Philadelphia. Mr. Henry Irving expresses a great desire to see Dix.y's imitations of him, bince bo many of his friends have chafed him about the excellent foolery of his alirr «jo. George C. Brown, a Cincinnati journalist, is at law with his wife, who is acting in the Lost Cause company, res?ardiusr the custody of a pledge of affection in the shape of a twelve year old boy. C. A. Davis will take the -'Hazel Kirke" advauce in Kuusas City, Mo., DeceinUr 10. After billing Kuiibda City and Topeltr be will go direct to "Frisco, returning to New York about February, 1 - . T'.ie dramatic profession has caught the ruby craze, that stone now being the favorite, eclipsing diamonds for Christmas present*. A number of thcsplans have recently pur- chased line rubies at high figures. Lawrence Barrett has concluded not to produce Lib play of "Thomas A'Beckof uu- til after his Australian engagement. In the autumn of next year the play will be given with most elaborate mounting. Madame Janauschek. having recovered from her recent illness, will resume ber etarr.nir lour in the new drama ''My Life," ul Chicago, November 30. The play Las al- most been rewritten since its production . Referring to his engagement at tlie BtU- lurd theater, Chicago. Nat Qoodfffa Mfs: "Oh, yes; we aid an immense business on the west side; but it seems funny to get v. million dollars into the house and have our •hare t4.75." John McCullougli has returned to New York after his aimless wet>tern trip. He Bccms greatly enfeebled by his wild-goo«e chase to Bt. Louie. It its strange that of all tbe actor's friends there is none who will see that he receives the care and treatment that be needs to bring him to himself again. A benefit entertainment for the Re lief society will be given at tbe .Jackson street roller rink Tuesday evening. Miss Mabel Davidson, who is one of the loeat skaiers in the conntry, will ftppear and give an exhibition of her wonderful bkill. "O!T to Egypt" did a bis: business in Phil- adelphia the week of November 16. After three nights in Newark and three in New Haven, Mr. Aug. Piton, manager of the bright, musical comedy, will open with it at the Qfobe theater, Boston, for one week, coui- menciug December 1. Miss Bessie Bernard has been en paged a3 advance agent for Grace Hawthorne. Mies Bernard desires to call attention to the factl that she ia a plain, every-day "advance! \u25a0gent," without any fancy title. Miss B»r- --nard served an experience in Journalising and is clever and c-urr^ctic^^^^^^^^^B The seventh edition of "Jeffery's Guide and Di recto"" linn just been issued, and contains a great deal of valuable informa- tion. A now feature has beca added, viz. : a list of debuts, marriages and deaths, tv the profession : also of the production of new piece.'-. Tlie book is a very valuable one to aIJ interested in theatricals. Syfil Spencer has recovered from the shock experienced at the recent lire in Devil's Lake Dak., and is now playing on extended en- gagement at the Victoria theatre, Winnipeg, Man. Her mother writes tnat the scars re- ceived by Mist* Spencer on her face, head and bands are healing rapidly. Edwin Booth's season was brilliantly Inau- gurated at the Boston museum last week. Cultured Boston did its best to give the tra- gedian a hearty welcome. Booth was sup- ported by the Museum company. Hamlet va9 the initial play, Charles Barron playing the Ghost; Qeorge Parks, Laertes, and Auuie Clarke, tbe Queen. Mr. George C. Miln's engagement in San- Francisco seems not to have been a great success thus fur. The critics are unkind enough to suggest that Mr. Miln, instead of devoting himself to Shakespeare's verse, should take k-Rbons in clog dancing. Tuis is rather severe tresittnent of an actor as ear- nest and conscientious as Mr. Miiu. Mile. Klica libr just closed a brilliant en- jragement in Montreal and Toronto, tbe tlie- aters In both places being well filled at every performance. Mile. Kiiea bas signed a three 3 r ears' contract with Mr. Jobn W. Morrisscv, and early in Jauuary will begin an enijafro- mentatthe Park tbfat^r, Boston, ulitii Yvonne, ber new play, will be produced for tbe first time in an eJMfcmi city. A gentleman whom it would be gross flat- ! tery to call homely, remarks* to a child at a I house where he i.-> visiting: "Well, my fine j boy, what do you think about me, eh?" The child gags himself with his fingers and re- mains silent. "Come, now," says the visitor kindly, "uhy won't you tell me what you think about meT i: 'Cause I don't wain to be whipped.*' Grace Hawthorne, \V. W. Kelly's new j star, is to be supported by William Harris, j Hurry W. Mitchell, David Hanchett, Chas. T. Vincent and a capable company. Toe list of managers, advance agents, etc. : W. \V. Kelly, Chas. G. Lord,Chas. J. Walker, Miss Bessie Bernard aud A. L. Erlalnger. The repertoire includes Camille, Miss Mul- ton, Frou Frou and East Lynnc. The sea- son begins December 14, in St. Louis. Another Emmett in the field is found in ihe drama by Frank Marshall, rendered by Henry Irving, and it is said, shortly to be produced by him. Emmett is certainly hav- ing more than his share of posthumous his- trionic fame. Boucicault will probably get out an injunction to prevent the production of any Emmett play other than his own. The latest thing in the way of advertising is the method pursued by Mr. Henry E. Abbey, in the i jterests of Miss Mars Ander- son. He has issued from London a fa'! simile of the second quarto of Romeo and Juliet, printed A.D. 150y, beautifully printed ou hand made paper, toned to n df-lloate brownish cream tint to imitate the antique paper, and elegantly gotten up In a vellum wrapper. Accompanying the books were no less than twenty-three actual cuttings, not reprints of the notices, from leading London daily and weekly journals, describing the first performance ot the play by Miss Ander- son at the Royal Lyceum theater, selected aud mounted Ly a bureau in London espe- ciaJly devoted to the collecting and forward- ing of similar matter, and & bill of the play. There is quite a lively row in ttfe ranks of the Carleton Opera company. There are two sopranos and each claims to be the priraa , douna of the troupe, Miss Dora Wiley and | Mies Alfa Norman. Judging from the work done by the company in Chicago, and from the comments of our San Fram-isco ex- changes, the claims of both ladies are vain, as Jessie Barliette-Davis appears to be win- ning the greatest praise of both the critics and the public. Chicago Smt Later. "Spot Cash" was played at the Brooklyn theater, the week commencing November 16, and drew full houses. The comedy is ex- ceedingly funny, the scenery realistic, the "props" immense, the horses and hotel coach and the hotel safe the biggest out. Mr. M. B- Curtle is the only ana original Sum'l Plastrik, any imitation of his He hrew drumra«r being out of the question. Mis? Aliiina de M'-r played Hortenst Lavoidiuicr excellently well aud was radiant in mneuifl- ceot costumes. That "Bpot Cash" is a better Play than "Sam'l of Posen" Is generally con- ceded. Mr. Curtis plays in Williamaburg, X. V., the week commencing November 24. AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. L. N. SCOTT, Manager. LIMITED ENGAGEMENT ! » Tillllt. Mil MM ! ConmifEcing Monday, Dtt. Ist. Special Wednesday Hatinte "LITTLE ELECTRIC BATTERY!" ENGAGEMENT OF THE GREATEST LIVING SOUBRETTE AND COMEDIENNE, LIZZIE EVANS! Supported by the Talented Young Comedian. HAEEY WARREN! And a Superb Company. Monday and Tuesday, E. C. CALLA.HA.N'S Beautiful Picturesque Comedy -Drama, ! FOGG'S FERRY! I Wednesday— Vatinoe and Evening, the antic Comedy, DEWDROP. £&' Sale of He^erved Seats open. U-ua> Pric-a.^l j /"I RAND OPERA HOUSE. Q.RAND OPERA HOUSE. {TUB}— -{TUEJ— C ESS C TTTT OO i»i»i» «ni> a MB DM) K SSS a TTTT OO VliV DDI» A ;:b DDE b s T Ol* F> I) DAA X i: i' S T O Oil D•' i' AA li 111) 1 b tJSS a TOOI> DH DA A HUH 1' V SSS fi 1 Oil li I) I) A A KUft I) I «. "TOODDDU AAA It KD » m m 1 \u2666• "I' "I' 0 AAA It, RU I BSsSs8 SsS s T on \i\n> DUD A A R 1! I>Cl> ifcb" T OO Wli DDI» a AI. l: Ml) —\u25a0{ LECTURES. ' r - NEW SERIES K'<i: 1881-5. Embodying, besides the (harm* of ForeignTrareL A NEW DEPARTURE. Which ha« jui-t civen Mr. Stoddard in Boston, Brooklyn, and Philadelphia thr-Grandect Suc- cuf^r i.i bin Record, ami i.i Chicago the largcut advance vale ever held there. . ., Realization of History, Standard Fiction, Art an Travel by the aid of Photograph aud Omert ' GRAND SUBSCRIPTION SEASON OF SIX EVENINGS. MONDAY, TUESDAY AN!) WEDNESDAY : EVENINGS, DECEMBER 8, 9, 10, 15, IC, 17. MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 8. I VKI'.HAILI.EH and Antoinette. Earliest Mutlerinp* of the rrench Revolution. Upprirrion of Louis XiV i nd bic Succ?M^>r. Ad- vent of Louis XVI, and Marie Antoinftm. The j People's Hopes and their Cruel Di»nj»polutineul. Flight and Capture of the Royal Family. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9. II Pakih in tiie BBH m Tehuok. The Revolution Orowr Apace wi.l; Fearful Spoed. Attack upon the Tnii.ri.ji'. '. i uil.iiof Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette. The Despotism of the Guillotine. Danlon, Murat, Kobespk-ric. 1 Their Fate. Order at Last. The Young Napo- i leon. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10. ' III Takol'oii K.Mil.Av.l WITH I'UAI: Dickexs. The Great Novelist's Haunts aud Home. Scenes of his Famous . Novel-. Tbu .V»r^hai»^\u25a0». Brigh- ton Beach and Paul Dombey. David Copperfleld and Canterbury. Dickens at:d his Daughters on 1 the Lawn at Gad's Hill. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 15. IV In EnnorE with <;ukat >\u25a0 m itoiw. Exquisite Reproduction of •\u25a0,.\u25a0 World's HootOl pIOCM in Scclpture from Ancient Gicece to tbe Present Day. Lives and Homes of the Immortal Artists. TUESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 10. V Round the Bat or Naples. An Evening in an Earthly Paradise. Sicily and j:tna. lilFatfl boko). Hajeelic Vesuvius, Ruins of PompeiL Lovely (pVccaiO, Amalfl, and Capri. * WEDNESDAY EVENIX<J, DECEMBER 17. VI The CAsTLE-BonuEREU Ruine. ! A journey by rail, carriage or aU-araer, alor^ mid over the noble River from iis source to the sea Mo-» Crown Ruins. MajcllcCataract*. Charm- ! ing Villages. Historic Legends. SUBSCRIPTION TICKETS With Reserved Scats for the Six Evening*, $1.00. I THE SALE OF SUBSCRIPTION TICKETS WILL BEGIN TUESDAY WOUSIXO, DEC. 2, AT BOX OFFICE, Aud continue Three Days Only. SINGLE TICKETS ON AND AFTER FRIDAY DEC. 6. DRUGS. IN NEW QUARTERS P, J. DREIS, General Druggist Ji settled lr his elegant New dtora Co r ner KintH and Saint Peter srses. Where can be found the finest wd best of Drugs, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, etc Also, all kinds of Garden and Flower suede in their season. PBBBCBIPTIONS A.BPKCIA T,TT GOAL AND WOOD. GBIKGS & FOSTER Offer the best grades of Anthracite and Bitumi- nous Coal at the very lowest market prices. Their coal is fresh from the mines and well screened. And their Body Wood caunol be equaied*in the state. A share of your patronage Is solicited. 41 East Third Street Corner of Cedar. DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS. IXCOKPO BATED. The Leading ST. PAUL Manufactory at SASH, DOORS, BLIPS, Mold and Stair Work. Have in Store, .Jackson, near Eighth street, a large stock of STORM SASH. Make to Order WOOD MANTLES, r'.'kl. AJ>D OFFICE A.\it BASK FUUXITUHE. FACTO KY— Eagle Street * Seven Corner* The Minnesota Stone Comp'y, ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Sorth River and ftßiisylvanii Blue Stone, ALSO, SAWED OHIO FLAGGING. Sidewalk Flagging a Specialty. WM.F.VA' ViilU , n. Arc & MsLtuwtr, Offices Room SB Wood's Block, MivKtA.roi.if. . " —Room 6, Cham. Com. Build g. St. Paul **(**3 s> f LKCTUUES. }\u25a0— •.mi- INCOMPARABLE SERIES OF 16S1-5. Containing Evening* -«-\ot«-<i to lIISTOIXY, PICTIOy, AKT, AND TKAYEL Ha* Upen.ii a New Fie!d to MR. STODDARD, j Which he bes Improved with » skill that has everywhere been \ REOQQXIZED BY PEOPLE ANDPRESS ALIKS The Former ly IMMENSE AUDIENCES, and the LatUr by FLATTERING NOTICES. fiom Hiiich a feu extract* we given: . 4 *Auy pe'»on with any appreciation of art, an/ Interest In hiitnry, or au> mom whatever of the bvnutiful will im-- It ii:i!ii«-ii •.-!>• by not neuritis; j ticketr at once for every -u.iiaty oue of Mr. j Slvddard's lectures in Chicago." livening Jour , nal. "Mr. Stoddard, with a rlroke of true genius, has opened -a SMI vein.*'— Providence Star. "Mr. Stoddard thoroughly »ati*fled the large audience, which remained >. .i-urti.d and sympa- thetic belon him. und left ii to aualtlhe a-»»-mfj- liu^ in Mui-ioi iir'l a wr«-k hence, to witness tbe concluMou of a inaltrr in which all hi* hearen are now Intensely imrrvi-tcd." Boston Herald. •'The tskiugof'the hat-iile, the mob of famished women. Hi' queen's heroism, the etory of LonU' MremkatM, were all told a- only Stoddard could teli th<:u." Philadelphia North American. "With that concealed art which is the perfec- tion of lit, Mr. St<xliiiird made apparently no attempt to till the ttory, hot let it tell iu-clf." Philadelphia Jm.uircr. "l)icktn« lived again in the eloqnent word* of the lecturer, and breathed ftom the life-like illustrations."— Philadelphia North American. "No more attractive subject i Dicker has ti< en piven to any of the lecture*. The a»*em- t'latri- was tuc iar. Mr. Mm 4 has appeared l»cfore in this city." !ln»ol.!yn Kagle. ••Mr. Stoddard divided honors laat evening with the Ohio election, with his lectnre *In Cnmpe with Great Scalptora.' In proportion, the Academy watatdcnm-ly crowded at tbe rtnc!*." Philadelphia Itcconl. "T. those interested la art it was doubtlf»n the finest lecture in the course-. 1 ' Brooklyn Eagle. "Mr. Stoddard'e lecture, ( Roand the Bay of Naples.' mm lititrnid to by another delighted audience last night,*,' Philadelphia I&quirer. THE REMARKABLE ILLUSTRATIONS, Many of them, were M cured with great difficulty and from PRIVATE AND I M>i \[. SOURCES, Requiring the Services Cot Several Month* of a Special JfcprcnTitativc fcENT TO ROM EXIREssLY TO OBTAIN ANI» PERFECT TnEM. I; I. J.TT 4 NORTH If anasrr> MUSICAL. LAURA W. HALL, MUSIC ROOMS 1<» WESTERN AVENUE, lii«o of Aaiuand \vcr.ue. M. Autuou/ Jill ST. PAUL. i TEACH OP PIANO, ORUAS AM) JL4R3IOAY THOROUGH INSTRUCTION GUARANTEEU References: Miss Maiue Geist. Principal >f Musical Conservatory, No. 127 West Third nrcct. M. Paul i alro on perttonal application, reference to the numerous families whore daughters ana has taught and is now will be given. Also, gent tor "Urainard'a Musical World,' 1 the olde*t» and best musical journal pablUhed. Subscription £1.50 per annum. tin Lafa! I am retiring from th« Fancy Goods business and offor my entire stick of EmbroidariM commenced and finished, nod Material for all kind* of Embroideries, Zephyrs, Yarns, Hand Knit Goods, etc, with hit entire stock of fine Holiday Good*, at and below coat. I will give | on gotJd bargains. Call and »oe mo. MRS. C. HERWEGEN, No. 87 West Third ttroet. St. Paul. 1... -' - \u25a0 _ =\u25a0 PROPOSALS. FIRE DEPARTMENT OF CITY OF ST. PAUL, ) ; . Office Board Kins Coxximuoxek*. V ST. Paul, Nov. 20, 1881. ) SEALED PROPOSALS FOR HOSE! Sealed proposal* will be received at this ofSee tint 11 Monday the Bth day of December, for far- iiihhSiiU the city of St. Paul with twenty-nine hundred (2,900) feet "RUBBER OR FABRIC HOSE," 2*4 iirch 4 ply with 5 ply ends, fitted, all complete with Ca*well's Patent Couplings ; said hose to be delivered in the city of St. Paul, and guaranteed to perform three years 1 service \u25a0 under any preatnre that may be applied to it by any steam fire engine in the service of the said city daring eaid term of three years. Bidders to state price per foot of hose to be delivered at the city of Si. Paul freight free. Said Board reserve* the right to reject any and all bids. , . Proposals to be endorsed •'Proposals for Steam Fire- Engine How," and addressed to F. R. Delano, President Board of Fire Commissioners By order of the Board. - WM. 0 GORMAN. \u25a0Ml b*creury. j CHINA, CROCKER?, ETC. | j ; - - ITWaTStill Goes On AND Crockery, Glassware, China, and 2 .amps, Slust Sutler on the Tremendous Discount of 50 PER CENT. i . \u25a0 I . Only Two Weeks Longer, At Private Sale \ For alter this time the entire stock goes at AUCTION, In Package Lots to the trade only. Remember we give 50 per cent, discount from regular prices on any and all goods in our stock. This is your chance to buy. Improve your opportunity while you have a chance. : mm l leiiemi, 7 129 East Third Street. TAILORING.; FINE TAILORING!-. BfTWjii |l] fl IH I) ft V 30 East-Third street jJjMK fit PAWII, St. Pad, Minn. FERGUS FAHEY, MERCHANT TAILOR fSB Eaf*t Third Street. V*~The latest styles ofImported Goods always on tiaai. Perfect His guaranteed. •-."- WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS.' NO YES, BROS. A CUTLER IMPOUTERS Al HULK DBDGSISTS 16 ana 70 6ibUy street, corner Fifth* 8L Paul, Minn. BOOTS AND SHOES Boots id ShHs, Kew Styles Daily Kweived. 33iwtmiiii«i<ar. ifi,^y« - ' - STAND SCALED FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES! ~ Eclipse Wind Mills. Tanks and Pumps, Smith- Vaile Steam Pumps and Boilers, J Hancock Inspirators, Lubricators, c AIRBISn MORSE 0., - 371 & 373 Siblej stroat BUSINESS COLLEGE, _ AND TELEGBAPHIO INSTITUTE Bit kaf tinre f»t»ti3itc«siu i!»in •\c i tlhc f»»or and has now cateied npoa it* 15»ii yetriaii it« xnoit iMMHi aupkM. bttc lei t*i»'3 4 Lt, fiWicg lull paitlculan. Nortbweatcor.Seractb and Jackaon streets. W. A. KADDIS, PrWaip» BATns. I NOTICE ST. PAUL HEALTH USTITITE y n Rri |i C,,hjppto Unioi Mick. Cor. 4th & Cedar ib.. lU Dlllloll OuUJCUIOi ST. PAUL,, ... . MINN. * TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ALL KINDS OP MEDICATED BA fTI "1 1" r~^i « Brillah subjects residing within this Vice-Con- /\ •\u25a0 I I N«i V tolar DUtrict, an hereby notified that a Register -*- -*- -*- . -*- -*- K_X la open at this Vke-Coninlate, for the registrar HOURS* * Uoa of Births of children of British subjects Friday, from 8a.m.t05 p. m. reji.traUon ; together with a Regiater for ,the For Ozxra—Every day from Bp. m.. Registration of Deaths of British subjects dying except Ladles' days. Snaday* for g«nt», from within this Vice-Consular district. 8a.m.t012 m. 3 G. U. WINKLER, ' H. S. ThKHKRNE, 820 . - Manager. ' 230 British Vice-Con.ul. St. Paul, Minn. KAYAK AGfi'S AUCTIONS. ANNOUNCEMENT ~ EXTRAORDINARY! f THE GREAT AUCTION SALE! ' a nr 1 422 Wabashaw Street! \u25a0 Has been such an unqualified success, and Business has been so rushing that we have been unable to approach the people through the newspapers. g f We would announce that on Monday Morning, Dec. Ist, We will make a SPECIAL SALE of Lies' Kid Gloves, Gils' Kid, End it Step Gloves, ant Mitts, Laces, Hosiery Aid Underwear ! In addition, we would state that throughout the month of December, we will Away to Meters 510 Caps t On Dec. Bth we will open at Auction over $10,000 Worth of Gold and Silver Watches, Gold and Plated Jewelry, Watch Chains,. Charms, Kings, Ladies' Sets, Cuffs- Buttons, Studs, ! A further announcement of which will be 1 given hereafter. These Goods will be Sold Upon Guarantee and UJJUJLI vJucllclJLltuC aIiUL Absolutely Without limit! P. T. KAVANAGH, AUCTIONEER.

Transcript of GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ITWaTStill - - Goes On · Mrs. Mills Hall nee Hattle Richardson, is at ber home...

Page 1: GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ITWaTStill - - Goes On · Mrs. Mills Hall nee Hattle Richardson, is at ber home in Chelsea, Mass. She has recov-ered from her recent illness. Belle Archer is at

THE ST. PUL SUNDAY GLOBK SUNDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 30 1884, 5married us long ago as Nov. 6, at Trinitychurch, Chicago, 111.

Daisy Murdoch says that she has receivedseveral offers for next season, but has not yetdecided wbicu to accept.

It is announced that Dr. W. A. Hammondend a Boston literary man will dramatize theformer's society novel, "Lai."

Mrs. Mills Hall nee Hattle Richardson, is atber home in Chelsea, Mass. She has recov-ered from her recent illness.

Belle Archer is at the head of tbc Madisonequare "Hazel Kirke" company at present,playing her former role of Hazel.

"Duprez and Son," the new domM>tiedrama at the Union Square theater, NewYork, is flliing that theater nightly. It isa "go."

Mr. W. J. Bcanlan, tbc Irish comedian,plays "Friend and Foe" in Baltimore, No-vember 24 week, and the following we<»kin Philadelphia.

Mr. Henry Irving expresses a great desireto see Dix.y's imitations of him, bince bomany of his friends have chafed him aboutthe excellent foolery of his alirr «jo.

George C. Brown, a Cincinnati journalist,is at law with his wife, who is acting in theLost Cause company, res?ardiusr the custodyof a pledge of affection in the shape of atwelve year old boy.

C. A. Davis will take the -'Hazel Kirke"advauce in Kuusas City, Mo., DeceinUr 10.After billingKuiibda City and Topeltr be willgo direct to "Frisco, returning to New Yorkabout February, 1 -. T'.ie dramatic profession has caught theruby craze, that stone now being the favorite,eclipsing diamonds for Christmas present*.A number of thcsplans have recently pur-chased line rubies at high figures.

Lawrence Barrett has concluded not toproduce Lib play of "Thomas A'Beckof uu-til after his Australian engagement. In theautumn of next year the play will be givenwith most elaborate mounting.

Madame Janauschek. having recoveredfrom her recent illness, will resume beretarr.nir lour in the new drama ''My Life,"ul Chicago, November 30. The play Las al-most been rewritten since its production .

Referring to his engagement at tlie BtU-lurd theater, Chicago. Nat Qoodfffa Mfs:"Oh, yes; we aid an immense business onthe west side; but it seems funny to get v.million dollars into the house and have our•hare t4.75."

John McCullougli has returned to NewYork after his aimless wet>tern trip. HeBccms greatly enfeebled by his wild-goo«echase to Bt. Louie. It its strange that of alltbe actor's friends there is none who willsee that he receives the care and treatmentthat be needs to bring him to himself again.

A benefit entertainment for the Relief society will be given at tbe .Jacksonstreet roller rink Tuesday evening.Miss Mabel Davidson, who is one ofthe loeat skaiers in the conntry,will ftppear and give an exhibition of herwonderful bkill.

"O!T to Egypt" did a bis: business in Phil-adelphia the week of November 16. Afterthree nights in Newark and three in NewHaven, Mr. Aug. Piton, manager of thebright, musical comedy, will open with it atthe Qfobe theater, Boston, for one week, coui-menciug December 1.

Miss Bessie Bernard has been en paged a3advance agent for Grace Hawthorne. MiesBernard desires to call attention to the factlthat she ia a plain, every-day "advance!\u25a0gent," without any fancy title. Miss B»r---nard served an experience in Journalisingand is clever and c-urr^ctic^^^^^^^^^B

The seventh edition of "Jeffery's Guideand Directo"" linn just been issued, andcontains a great deal of valuable informa-tion. A now feature has beca added, viz. :a list of debuts, marriages and deaths, tv theprofession : also of the production of newpiece.'-. Tlie book is a very valuable one toaIJ interested in theatricals.

Syfil Spencer has recovered from the shockexperienced at the recent lire in Devil's LakeDak., and is now playing on extended en-gagement at the Victoria theatre, Winnipeg,Man. Her mother writes tnat the scars re-ceived by Mist* Spencer on her face, headand bands are healing rapidly.

Edwin Booth's season was brilliantly Inau-gurated at the Boston museum last week.Cultured Boston did its best to give the tra-gedian a hearty welcome. Booth was sup-ported by the Museum company. Hamletva9 the initial play, Charles Barron playingthe Ghost; Qeorge Parks, Laertes, and AuuieClarke, tbe Queen.

Mr. George C. Miln's engagement in San-Francisco seems not to have been a greatsuccess thus fur. The critics are unkindenough to suggest that Mr. Miln, instead ofdevoting himself to Shakespeare's verse,should take k-Rbons in clog dancing. Tuisis rather severe tresittnent of an actor as ear-nest and conscientious as Mr. Miiu.

Mile. Klica libr just closed a brilliant en-jragement in Montreal and Toronto, tbe tlie-aters In both places being well filled at everyperformance. Mile. Kiiea bas signed a three

3rears' contract with Mr. Jobn W. Morrisscv,and early in Jauuary will begin an enijafro-mentatthe Park tbfat^r, Boston, ulitiiYvonne, ber new play, will be produced fortbe first time in an eJMfcmi city.

A gentleman whom it would be gross flat- !tery to call homely, remarks* to a child at a Ihouse where he i.-> visiting: "Well, my fine jboy, what do you think about me, eh?" Thechild gags himself with his fingers and re-mains silent. "Come, now," says the visitorkindly, "uhy won't you tell me what youthink about meT i: 'Cause I don't wain tobe whipped.*' •

Grace Hawthorne, \V. W. Kelly's new jstar, is to be supported by William Harris, jHurry W. Mitchell, David Hanchett, Chas.T. Vincent and a capable company. Toelist of managers, advance agents, etc. :W. \V. Kelly, Chas. G. Lord,Chas. J. Walker,Miss Bessie Bernard aud A. L. Erlalnger.The repertoire includes Camille, Miss Mul-ton, Frou Frou and East Lynnc. The sea-son begins December 14, in St. Louis.

Another Emmett in the field is found inihe drama by Frank Marshall, rendered byHenry Irving, and it is said, shortly to beproduced by him. Emmett is certainly hav-ing more than his share of posthumous his-trionic fame. Boucicault will probably getout an injunction to prevent the productionof any Emmett play other than his own.

The latest thing in the way of advertisingis the method pursued by Mr. Henry E.Abbey, in the i jterests of Miss Mars Ander-son. He has issued from London a fa'!simile of the second quarto of Romeo andJuliet, printed A.D. 150y, beautifully printedou hand made paper, toned to n df-lloatebrownish cream tint to imitate the antiquepaper, and elegantly gotten up In a vellumwrapper. Accompanying the books were noless than twenty-three actual cuttings, notreprints of the notices, from leading Londondaily and weekly journals, describing thefirst performance ot the play by Miss Ander-son at the Royal Lyceum theater, selectedaud mounted Ly a bureau in London espe-ciaJly devoted to the collecting and forward-ing of similar matter, and & bill of the play.

There is quite a lively row in ttfe ranks ofthe Carleton Opera company. There are twosopranos and each claims to be the priraa ,douna of the troupe, Miss Dora Wiley and |Mies Alfa Norman. Judging from the workdone by the company in Chicago, and fromthe comments of our San Fram-isco ex-changes, the claims of both ladies are vain,as Jessie Barliette-Davis appears to be win-ning the greatest praise of both the criticsand the public. —Chicago Smt Later.

"Spot Cash" was played at the Brooklyntheater, the week commencing November 16,

and drew full houses. The comedy is ex-ceedingly funny, the scenery realistic, the"props" immense, the horses and hotelcoach and the hotel safe the biggest out.Mr. M. B- Curtle is the only ana original

Sum'l Plastrik, any imitation of his He hrew

drumra«r being out of the question. Mis?Aliiina de M'-r played Hortenst Lavoidiuicrexcellently well aud was radiant in mneuifl-ceot costumes. That "Bpot Cash" is a betterPlay than "Sam'l of Posen" Is generally con-ceded. Mr. Curtis plays in Williamaburg,X. V., the week commencing November 24.




Tillllt.MilMM ! ConmifEcing Monday, Dtt. Ist. Special Wednesday Hatinte



LIZZIE EVANS!Supported by the Talented Young Comedian.

HAEEY WARREN!And a Superb Company.

Monday and Tuesday, E. C. CALLA.HA.N'S Beautiful PicturesqueComedy -Drama,

! FOGG'S FERRY!I Wednesday— Vatinoe and Evening, the antic Comedy,

DEWDROP.£&' Sale of He^erved Seats open. U-ua> Pric-a.^l


—{TUB}— —-{TUEJ—CESS C TTTT OO i»i»i» «ni> a MB DM) KSSS a TTTT OO VliV DDI» A ;:b DDEb s T (» Ol* F> I) DAA X i: 1» i' S T O Oil D•' i' AA li 111) 1b tJSS a TOOI> DH DA A HUH 1' V SSS fi 1 t» Oil li I) I) A A KUft I) I«. "TOODDDU AAA It KD » m m 1 \u2666• "I' "I' 0 AAA It, R U IBSsSs8 SsS s T on \i\n> DUD A A R 1! I>Cl> ifcb" T OO Wli DDI» a AI. l: Ml)

—\u25a0{ LECTURES. 'r -NEW SERIES K'<i: 1881-5.

Embodying, besides the (harm* ofForeignTrareL


Which ha« jui-t civen Mr. Stoddard in Boston,Brooklyn, and Philadelphia thr-Grandect Suc-

cuf^r i.i bin Record, ami i.i Chicago thelargcut advance vale ever held there. . .,

Realization of History, Standard Fiction, Art anTravel by the aid of Photograph aud Omert '




Earliest Mutlerinp* of the rrench Revolution.Upprirrion of Louis XiV i nd bic Succ?M^>r. Ad-vent of Louis XVI, and Marie Antoinftm. The

j People's Hopes and their Cruel Di»nj»polutineul.Flightand Capture of the Royal Family.

TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9.II—Pakih in tiie BBH m Tehuok.

The Revolution Orowr Apace wi.l; Fearful Spoed.

Attack upon the Tnii.ri.ji'. '. i uil.iiof LouisXVI. and Marie Antoinette. The Despotism ofthe Guillotine. Danlon, Murat, Kobespk-ric.

1 Their Fate. Order at Last. The Young Napo-i leon.


The Great Novelist's Haunts aud Home. Scenesof his Famous .Novel-. Tbu .V»r^hai»^\u25a0». Brigh-

ton Beach and Paul Dombey. David Copperfleldand Canterbury. Dickens at:d his Daughters on

1 the Lawn at Gad's Hill.


IV—In EnnorE with <;ukat >\u25a0 m itoiw.

Exquisite Reproduction of •\u25a0,.\u25a0 World's HootOlpIOCM in Scclpture from Ancient Gicece to tbePresent Day. Lives and Homes of the ImmortalArtists.

TUESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 10.V—Round the Bat or Naples.

AnEvening in an Earthly Paradise. Sicily andj:tna. lilFatfl boko). Hajeelic Vesuvius,Ruins ofPompeiL Lovely (pVccaiO, Amalfl, andCapri. *•


VI—The CAsTLE-BonuEREU Ruine.! A journey by rail, carriage or aU-araer, alor^ mid

over the noble River from iis source to the seaMo-» Crown Ruins. MajcllcCataract*. Charm-

! ing Villages. Historic Legends.

SUBSCRIPTION TICKETSWith Reserved Scats for the Six Evening*, $1.00.


2, AT BOX OFFICE,Aud continue Three Days Only.





General DruggistJi settled lr his elegant New dtora

Corner KintH and Saint Peter srses.Where can be found the finest wd best ofDrugs,Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines,etc Also, allkinds of Garden and Flower suedein their season.



Offer the best grades of Anthracite and Bitumi-nous Coal at the very lowest market prices.Their coal is fresh from the mines and wellscreened. And their Body Wood caunol beequaied*in the state.

A share of your patronage Is solicited.

41 East Third StreetCorner of Cedar.



The Leading ST. PAUL Manufactory at

SASH, DOORS, BLIPS,Mold and Stair Work.

Have in Store, .Jackson, near Eighth street, alarge stock of

STORM SASH.Make to Order



FACTO KY—Eagle Street * Seven Corner*

The Minnesota Stone Comp'y,' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

Sorth River and ftßiisylvanii Blue Stone,ALSO,

SAWED OHIO FLAGGING.Sidewalk Flagging a Specialty.

WM.F.VA' ViilU , n. Arc & MsLtuwtr,Offices—Room SB Wood's Block, MivKtA.roi.if.. " —Room 6, Cham. Com. Build g. St. Paul


—f LKCTUUES. }\u25a0—


Containing Evening* -«-\ot«-<i tolIISTOIXY, PICTIOy, AKT, AND TKAYEL

Ha* Upen.ii a New Fie!d to


j Which he bes Improved with » skill that haseverywhere been



fiom Hiiich a feu extract* we given:

. 4*Auy pe'»on with any appreciation of art, an/Interest In hiitnry, or au> mom whatever of thebvnutiful will im-- It ii:i!ii«-ii•.-!>• by not neuritis;

j ticketr at once for every -u.iiaty oue of Mr.j Slvddard's lectures in Chicago." —livening Jour, nal.

"Mr. Stoddard, with a rlroke of true genius,has opened -a SMI vein.*'—Providence Star.

"Mr. Stoddard thoroughly »ati*fled the largeaudience, which remained >. .i-urti.d and sympa-thetic belon him. und left ii to aualtlhe a-»»-mfj-

liu^ in Mui-ioi iir'l a wr«-k hence, to witness tbeconcluMou of a inaltrr in which all hi* hearenare now Intensely imrrvi-tcd."—Boston Herald.

•'The tskiugof'the hat-iile, the mob offamishedwomen. Hi' queen's heroism, the etory of LonU'MremkatM, were all told a- only Stoddard couldteli th<:u." —Philadelphia North American.

"With that concealed art which is the perfec-tion of lit, Mr. St<xliiiird made apparently noattempt to till the ttory, hot let it tell iu-clf."—Philadelphia Jm.uircr.

"l)icktn« lived again in the eloqnent word*ofthe lecturer, and breathed ftom the life-likeillustrations."— Philadelphia North American.

"No more attractive subject i Dicker hasti<en piven to any of the lecture*. The a»*em-t'latri- was tuc iar. Mr. Mm4has appearedl»cfore in this city."—!ln»ol.!yn Kagle.

••Mr. Stoddard divided honors laat evening withthe Ohio election, with his lectnre *In Cnmpewith Great Scalptora.' In proportion, theAcademy watatdcnm-ly crowded at tbe rtnc!*."—Philadelphia Itcconl.

"T. those interested la art it was doubtlf»nthe finest lecture in the course-. 1 '—BrooklynEagle.

"Mr. Stoddard'e lecture, (Roand the Bay ofNaples.' mm lititrnid to by another delightedaudience last night,*,' —Philadelphia I&quirer.


Many of them, were Mcured with great difficultyand from

PRIVATE AND I M>i \[. SOURCES,Requiring the Services Cot Several Month*of a

Special JfcprcnTitativcfcENT TO ROM


I;I. J.TT 4 NORTH Ifanasrr>


LAURA W. HALL,MUSIC ROOMS 1<» WESTERN AVENUE,lii«o of Aaiuand \vcr.ue. M. Autuou/ Jill




Musical Conservatory, No. 127 West Third nrcct.M. Paul i alro on perttonal application, referenceto the numerous families whore daughters anahas taught and is now will be given.

Also, gent tor "Urainard'a Musical World,'1 the olde*t» and best musical journal pablUhed.Subscription £1.50 per annum.

T« tin Lafa!Iam retiring from th« Fancy Goods business

and offor my entire stick of EmbroidariMcommenced and finished, nod Material for allkind* of Embroideries, Zephyrs, Yarns, HandKnit Goods, etc, with hit entire stock of fineHoliday Good*, at and below coat. I will give

| on gotJd bargains. Call and »oe mo.

MRS. C. HERWEGEN,No. 87 West Third ttroet. St. Paul.

1... -' - \u25a0 —_=\u25a0


FIRE DEPARTMENT OF CITY OF ST. PAUL, ); . Office Board Kins Coxximuoxek*. V

ST. Paul, Nov. 20, 1881. )


HOSE!Sealed proposal* will be received at this ofSee

tint 11 Monday the Bth day of December, for far-iiihhSiiU the city of St. Paul with twenty-ninehundred (2,900) feet "RUBBER OR FABRICHOSE," 2*4 iirch 4 ply with 5 ply ends, fitted,all complete with Ca*well's Patent Couplings ;said hose to be delivered in the city of St. Paul,and guaranteed to perform three years 1 service

\u25a0 under any preatnre that may be applied to it byany steam fire engine in the service of the saidcity daring eaid term of three years.

Bidders to state price per foot of hose to bedelivered at the city of Si. Paul freight free.

Said Board reserve* the right to reject any andall bids. , .

Proposals to be endorsed •'Proposals for SteamFire- Engine How," and addressed to F. R.Delano, President Board of Fire Commissioners

By order of the Board. -WM. 0 GORMAN.

\u25a0Ml b*creury.

j CHINA, CROCKER?, ETC.—— —— | j ; - -

ITWaTStill Goes OnAND

Crockery,Glassware,China, and2 .amps,

Slust Sutler on the Tremendous Discount of

50 PER CENT.i . \u25a0

I .Only Two Weeks Longer,

AtPrivate Sale \For alter this time the entire stock goes at

AUCTION,In Package Lots to the trade only.

Remember we give 50 per cent, discount fromregular prices on any and all goods in ourstock. This is your chance to buy. Improveyour opportunity while you have a chance.


mm lleiiemi,• 7

129 East Third Street.TAILORING.;


BfTWjii |l] fl IH I)ft V 30 East-Third streetjJjMKfit PAWII, St. Pad, Minn.


MERCHANT TAILORfSB Eaf*t Third Street.

V*~The latest styles ofImported Goods always on tiaai. Perfect His guaranteed.



IMPOUTERS AlHULKDBDGSISTS16 ana 70 6ibUy street, corner Fifth* 8L Paul, Minn.


Boots id ShHs,Kew Styles Daily Kweived.

33iwtmiiii«i<ar. ifi,^y«- ' -



Eclipse Wind Mills. Tanks and Pumps,Smith- Vaile Steam Pumps and Boilers,

J Hancock Inspirators, Lubricators, c

AIRBISn MORSE 0., - 371 & 373 Siblej stroatBUSINESS COLLEGE, _

AND TELEGBAPHIO INSTITUTEBitkaf tinre f»t»ti3itc«siu i!»in •\c i tlhc f»»or and has now cateied npoa it* 15»ii yetriaiiit« xnoit iMMHi aupkM. bttc lei t*i»'34 Lt, fiWicg lull paitlculan. Nortbweatcor.Seractband Jackaon streets.

W. A. KADDIS, PrWaip»


Unioi Mick. Cor. 4th & Cedar ib.. lU DllllollOuUJCUIOiST. PAUL,, ... . MINN. *TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ALL KINDS OP —MEDICATED

BA fTI "1 1" r~^i « Brillah subjects residing within this Vice-Con-/\ •\u25a0 I I N«i V tolar DUtrict, an hereby notified that a Register

-*- -*- -*- . -*--*-K_X • la open at this Vke-Coninlate, for the registrar

HOURS* * Uoa of Births of children of British subjects

Friday, from 8a.m.t05 p. m. reji.traUon ; together with a Regiater for ,theFor Ozxra—Every day from Bp. m.. Registration of Deaths of British subjects dying

except Ladles' days. Snaday* for g«nt», from within this Vice-Consular district.8a.m.t012 m. 3 G. U. WINKLER, ' H. S. ThKHKRNE,

820 . • - Manager. ' 230 British Vice-Con.ul. St. Paul, Minn.






422 Wabashaw Street!\u25a0

Has been such an unqualified success, andBusiness has been so rushing that we havebeen unable to approach the people through thenewspapers.



We would announce that on

Monday Morning, Dec. Ist,We will make a SPECIAL SALE of

Lies' Kid Gloves,Gils' Kid, End it

Step Gloves, antMitts, Laces, Hosiery

Aid Underwear !In addition, we would state that throughout

the month of December, we will

Away to Meters 510 Caps• t

On Dec. Bth we will open at Auction over

$10,000 Worth ofGold and Silver Watches,

Gold and Plated Jewelry,Watch Chains,. Charms,

Kings, Ladies' Sets, Cuffs-Buttons, Studs, !

A further announcement of which will be 1

given hereafter.

These Goods will be SoldUpon Guarantee andUJJUJLI vJucllclJLltuC aIiUL

Absolutely Withoutlimit!