Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta...


Transcript of Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta...

Page 1: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual
Page 2: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual
Page 3: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual
Page 4: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Grand Chapter of

Royal Arch Masons of Alberta





The City of Calgary, Alberta MARCH 1Oth and 11th, 1920

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Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta

Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration

Minutes of the Proceedings of the S ixth A nnual C01wocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of A lberta , held in the City of Calgary, Province of A lberta, on the 10th and I Ith day s of March, A.D. 1920, A.I. 2.f.)O.


M. E. Comp. Meh·in M. Downey . . . . . . . . . . Grand Z. ) R. E. Co mp. ::\forman T. Macleod ..... . .. .. Grand H ( Grand Council R. E. Comp. Hiram Darling .. Grand J. R. E . Comp. J ohn E. J ohnson . . . . ... G rand Scribe E. R. E. Comp. E. C. Dun lop ......... . ... ... Grand Scribe K. R. E. Comp. \ 1V. A. Mahaffy . . . . . .. Grand Prin. Sojourner R. E . Co mp. A. 'vV. R. Markley ... Grand Treasurer R. E. Comp. J esse E lliott . . . . .. Grand Reg istrar R. E . Comp. W. J. Seed .. . ....... . .. . .... Supt. Ist Masonic Distnct R. E . Comp. 'vV. E. Mercer ....... .. . .. ... Supt. 2nd Masonic Dist rict R. E. Comp. 'v\1. H . Doty .. .. .. . .... Supt. 3rd Masonic District V. E. Comp. 'v\1. J . Stephenson .. . . . . .. . ... Grand Senior Sojourner V. E. Comp. R. H. Struthers . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Sword Bearer V. E . Comp. M . B. Peacock . . . .... Grand D ir. of Ceremonies V. E. Comp. 'v\1 . A. Ackland ... Grand Organist V. E. Comp. H. Macpherson .............. Grand Steward V. E. Comp. H. D. McMillan .. . . . .... .... Gra nd Steward

Comp. F. 'v\1. Keyte ...... . . . ... . .. . . Grand Janitor


M. E. Comp. Stephen Y. Taylor 19q E. Comp. James N. Rankin .... .. .. .. ... 1915 M. E . Comp. Fred S . Watson .. ... . ........ 1916 M. E. Comp. Robert Patterson .......... . . 1917


NI. E. Comp. F. S. 'v\'atson ....... . . ... .... . Canada R. E. Comp. T. C. Bruce . . . . Colorado M. E. Comp. S. Y. Taylor . . . ...... L."Joricla

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R. E. Comp j. S. Morri s .... Idaho R E. Comp. E. C. Dunlop ..... . ... ...... lllino is M . E. Comp. ]. N. Rankin . . . . . . . . . Iowa R. E . Comp. ]. E. John son . ... Louisana R. E. Comp. F. s. Selwood .... ......... .. Maine R. E. Comp. W. E. Mercer ......... . . ..... Maryland V. E. Comp. ]. B. Suthe rland . . . . . . . . . . .... Mi ssouri M. E. Comp. R. Patterson . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. Nebraska V. E. Comp. 'vV. A. Ackland . .. ....... .. 1\ ew B runswick R. E. Co mp. J esse El liott . . . . ... . .. . . . . .. .. N CIV Ham pshire H.. E . Comp. w. T. Coote . .. .. :\ e\V J er sey R E. Comp. T. F red E ngli sh .... ); or th Dakota R. E. Comp. H. Darling ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ohio

E. Comp. G. Fra nk B utler . . Quebec E . Comp. H. 0 . Haslam • • 0 •••• ••• .. l<hode I sland

R. E. Comp. N . T. Macleod .. . .. Tennessee V. E. Comp. R C. MacDonald . . T exas M. E. Comp. M. M. Downey . Vermont R. E . Comp. David Mci ntosh . . Victoria V. E . Comp. w. J Steph en son . ... \ "irginia R. E. Com p. A. 'v\'. R . Markl e:: . .. . . 'vVashington R. E. Comp. F. E . N ichol .... . .... .. ..... . \\'yoming

A constitu tional number of Chapters being represented by th eir quali­fied offi ce r s, the Sixth An nu al Com·ocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta, wa s opened in AMPLE FORM at ro.30 o'c lock a.m.

R. E. Comp. 'vV. T. Coote, Chairman of the Committee on Credentials of Represen ta tives , repo rted that there we re t\\"enty-one war ranted Chap­ters and three Chapter s under di spensation on the rol l of Grand Chapter and that twenty wa rranted Chapter s and the three Chapters U.D. were represented by th e fo ll ow in g delegates:

Alberta, No. 1, Calgary

M. E . Comp. J. N. Rankin, R. E. Comps. F. S. Se lwood, T. F. E ng ­lish, V. E. Comps. I-I. H. Fletche r, M. B. Peacock, V. A. Bo\\·es, E. Fa rl ey; Ex. Comps. A. H. Duff, \11/. D. Spence .

North Star, No . 2, Edmonto n

M. E . Comp. F. S. vVatson; R. E. Comps. H. Da rling, vV. A . Ma­haffy, Geo rge B. McLeod; V. E. Comp. R. C. Macdona ld ; Ex. Comps. G. W. E lliot t, P. R. Campbell, C. W. Coppock.

Ass in iboia , No. 3, Medicine H a t

R. E. Com ps. J esse E lli ott, 'vV. H. Doty; Ex Comp. 1\. G. Finch.

Shek inah, No. 4, Lethbridge

R . E. Comp. N . T. Macleod; E. Comps. J. E. Ra nna rd , F. S. Bet­t erley, '1'. C. Ridpath.

Golden West , No. 5, High River

E. Comp. 'v\' . E. M . Holmes.

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Beka h , No. 7, M acleod

M. E. Comp. Robert Patte,·son; R. E. Comp. T. C. Bruce; V. E. Comp. J. B . Sutherland ; E. Comp. S. Middleton.

Kether, No. 8, P i ncher Creek

V. E. Comp. H. D. McMillan; E. Comp. J. J Cameron.

Otus kwan, No. 9, Calgary

M. E . Comp. S. Y. T aylor; R. E. Comp. 'vV. E. Mercer; V. E. Comps. \1\1. A. Ackland, Gaius Allen; E . Comps. J. R. F lan, H . .f. Cole, J ames C'lf}:l\'C.

B ow Valley, N o. 10, Gleichen

\1. E. Comp R. H. Struthcr;· ; E. Comps. T. \V. Bates, R. P. U ndJritc-

Calgary, No. 11 , C a lgary

R. E. Comp. J. E. Johnson; V. E. Comp. H. Macpherson; E. Comps C. R. 'vVentzel, 'v\1. C. Black, E. G. Ironsid e.

K eyst o ne, No. 12, Red Deer

R. E. Comp. \1\1. T. Coote; V. E. Comp. \1\1. J. Stephenson.

C a pita l City, No. 13, Edmonton

R. E. Comp. E. C. Dunlop; V. E. Comps. D. Mclntosh, H. G. Jamie­' 011; E. Comps. J. G. Morris, R. E. Thomson, 'vV. M . McNab.

Vermilion , No. 14, Vermilion

R. E. Comp. W. ]. Seed.

Hillvue, No. 15, H i llcrest

E. Comp. E. C. Macdonald.

T a u Cross, No. 16, Cl a resholm

V. E. Comp. H. M. H enderson; E. Comp. I-I. 0. Haslam.

lil ount Olivet, N o. 17, Killam

R . E. Comp. F. E. Kichol ; E. Comp. 'v\1. D. Graham.

Norwood, No. 18, Edmonton

V. E. Comp. DaYid Mcintosh.

The Hiram, No. 19, Youngstown

E. Com p. 0. J. Cowi n.

Banff, No. 20, B anff

E. Comp. R. L. Mel h ·ccn.

St rathmore, No. 21, Strathmore

E. Comps. G. F. Butler, H. \\'. B. Bel l, R. Harland.

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Joseph Sta uffer, U . D. , Di dsbur·y

E. Comp. J. A. McGh ee.

Coro n a ti o n , U.D ., Corona ti on

E. Comp. E. C. Locke.

C resce nt , U . D. , Ca lgary

11. E. Cornp. M. M. Downey; V . E. Comp. G. L. Chesney; E. Comps. l<. C. Rankin, H. C. Ritchie.

On motion of R. E . Comp. V\·. E . .Mercer, seconded by R E. Comp. E. C. Dmr lop, it \\·as

RESOLVED, That the report of the Commi ttee on Credentials of H.cprc sentatiYcs be recciYc cl and adopted.

The Most Excel lent the Grand Z., grarrtecl permission for the acl­mi:;siorr of Royal Arch Masons, in good st;-tnc\ing, as visitors.


Comp. William J. l3otterill, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Alben a, 11 as introduced to the Grand Chapter by M. E. Comp. S. Y. Taylor.

M. E. Comp. Abraham Shaw Past Grand Z., of the Grand Chapter of Canada, was irrtroclucecl to t h~ Grand Chapter by M. E. Comp J. K. Rankin.

M. E. Comp. F. D. J ones, Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of .Montana, was in troduced to Grand Chapter by M. E. Comp. F. S. vVatson.

R. E. Comp. David C raig R eprese ll tati1·e of the Grand Chapter of Alberta, ncar the Grand Chapter of Montana, was introduced to Grand Chapter by R. E. Comp. J. E. Johnson.

T he di sti nguished Yisitors were received with GRAND HOKORS, ;•ncl welcomed by .M. E. Comp. M. M . Downey, Grand Z., and R E. Comp. N. T. Macleod, Oil behalf of Grand Chapter. They were then escorted to scats in th e East.

Comp. F. E. Osborne, Alderman, of the City of Calgary, and repre­sen ting the Mayor of the City, was then introduced, and on behalf of the City of Calgary, \Yelcomecl th e Yis iting delegates.

On motion of R. E. Comp. N. T. Macleod, seconded by R. E. Comp H. Darling, it was

H.ESOL VED, T hat as the P roceedings of the F ifth A nnual Con­\·ocat ion h eld in the City of Re el Deer, Oil the rzth clay of March, I9 I9, ktve been printed, an d copies placed in the hands of the Ch apters of this J urisd iction, the recorded minutes be con'<iclered as read and the same be now confirmed.

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Address of Grand First Principal

T o the Otliccrs and 1-1 embers of the G rand Chapter of A lberta : My Dear Companions :-

lt is with pleasure that I \\·clcome you to this, the SeYenth A nnual Conyocation of the Grand Chapter of Alberta.

On beha lf of the Officers of the Grand Chapter, I bid you welcome, a nd wish fo r each of you an enj oyable and profitabl e session, in consider­ing the business o f Capitular M asonry w hich shall come before you fo r consideration.

T o those Companions w ho a rc residing outside o f this Provi11 Cc and members of other J urisclictions, this Grand Body extends a hearty wel­con1c.

l rejoice with you in the prosperity tha t has attended our mutual labors during the past year, and in the harmony that has pervaded this Grand J uriscliction. Ou r Grand Scribe E., R. E . Comp. J ohnson, will show by h is repo rt a n et increase of 333 in onr membership, being a n increa se of I7 7o . The financial sta tement of our Grand Treasurer, R . E x . Comp. Ma rkley, w ill show the finan ces to be in a healthy condition.

At the beginning of thi s Conyocation let u s bow w ith reverentia l awe and thankful h earts to the Great I A m, fo r His manifo ld blessings and gua rding care during the past year.


vVhilc we arc glad that we are permitted to be together again in the g lorious work of our beloved Ordct·, we a t·e not unmindful of the f act tha t the "Great L eveller" has ente red our ranks du r ing the yeat·, and has removed Companions w ho hay c labored so faithfully w ith u s.

Alberta, N 0. I ......... Freel VI/. Hardy . . . . . rsth December, IQ]() A lberta, N o. I ......... Al ex. T. Sho rt ..... . ..... 27th May, IQI9 Alberta , No. I ....... . . F ra nk vVellman ... . ...... 2oth F ebruary, I920 North Star, No. 2 .. .. . . E . \TV. Bateman .. . . . . . . ... Died in France. '\orth Star. No. 2 .. . . .. \V. G. Congdon . . .. . . ... . Ijth April, I9I9 ' '!, nk:nah. N o. 4· ..... . . Fra nk T. Gregg . . ........ 28th M ay, I9 I9 r· .,•r] n·l \ \'c;;t . No. 5 ... Robt. A. McFadanc . . .... 29th M ay, I9I9 O tn;;k wan, No. g ....... Arnold R ea ... . ....... . .. 24th N ovembet·, 1919 n . . , l, " ·cn . No. g .. . .... Roht. L. M cE lvenn\· ..... .. 3rd January, 1919 Bo" · Valley. No. 10 ... .. \' lauclC' T .. Farrow ... . .... 26th Mat·ch, 1919 K c\·;;tone. N o. 12 . . .... Samuel I. Smith .25th Tanuan •, JQI9 C'apit:1 l City, No. 13 . . .. J ohn A . Smith . 13th September, TQIO

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Our own Oft-icial Family h as been blessed with an unbroken circl e. Other Grand Juri sdicti ons cann ot so reco rd, for durin g the past yea r I ha ve rccc iYccl notices of th e death of the following d istin gui sh ed Com­panions of other Grand Juri sdi ction s :-

Alabama . .. ... J ohn Gi lbert S mith .. . . .. P .G.H.P . . _Died ... A pril 30, 1919 Arka nsas ..... N a th <1 ni cl P endl eton Richmond .. .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.G.H.P ... D ied ... _Tun c 28, 1919 Ca lifornia .... S cl11·a rcl Richard H edges " .. Died . . . D ec. 25, 1918 Conn ecticut ... Justus _T. Bartel Gel. Mas of r st Veil.. Died ... Sept. 17, 1919 Conn ecticut . Rc ul>en H. Tucker ...... P.G.H.P . . . D ied .. . Feb. q, 1919 Florida .... I ame s \ •\ ' . Boyd . . . . . . . . . . Died ... May 29, 1919 Illin ois ..... \\'i lliam LeRoy M illigan. . . D ied ... ?VIar. q, 1919 Illin ois ...... ~Ion roc Carro ll Crawford . . Di ed ... Mar. 9, 1919 Indian a ... . . . \\ ' illi am H . Hamellc .... . . . Died ... June 20, 1919 Indi ana ...... . Manuel ~I. Fisher. . . . . . . . . Died ... April 25, 1919 Mayland ...... j ohn H . Mill er . ... . . Gel. Secretary . . Died .. . June 24, 1919 ~lay l and ...... W illia m H enry Martin .. P .G.H.P ... Di ed .. . Feb. 19, 19 19 May la nd . ... . . Jam es Franklin A ll en . . . " .. D ied ... Mar. 12, 1919 ~lay l and ... . .. Edward R Trippe . . . . . . . . Died ... July 28, 1919 Mich igan ... .. Cha rles Milan No rton. . . Died ... Sept. 3, 1919 Minnesota .... Alonzo Branclenbmg .. Died ... Jun e 22, 1919 Montana . ... . A lexander B. Macdonald . . D ied ... A pri l 5, 1919 :--J evada ... .... Ylat th cw Kyle . . . . . . . Died .. . J unc 17, 1919 New J ersey . . Frede ri ck Theron Crane. . . Di ed . .. May J I , 1919 New Yo1k .. .. IJ\'il li s Wood Rice . . . Died ... Oct. 2, 1919 ~ew York .... Seymour H. Stone . . . .. . . . Di ed ... Jan. r, 1920 ~orth Dakota. Syh·cs tc r J. Hill . . . . . . . . . . Died . . . Ap ril 25, 1919 ~oya Sco tia .. W illiam Crowe ... ... .. . .. D ied ... Sept. q , 1919 :--J'oya Scotia . . Samu el .J a mes vVaclclell. Gcl. Sec retary Dice! ... Apri l IO, 1919 Oh io . . ....... Ra lph Hcam cr Ricky ..... G.P.H.G .. . Di ed .. . _Tan. r6, 1919 Oklahoma .... George Henry B ruce . . " . . Died ... Mar. 20, 1919 Oklahoma .... Jo hn Coyle . . . . . . . . . .. Died ... Aug. 24, 1919 Penn sylvania . Ed11·arcl B. Spencer . . . . . . . Died ... Feb. 15, 1919 T ennessee .... George Lim erick Cowan. . . Di ed ... Sept. 19, 1919 T ex:1s ........ _T oe Adams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Died ... Sept. 14, 1919 Wyoming . .... Adrian _T. Parshall ...... . .. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . Gel. Sec., G.P.H.P ... Died ... Feb. LJ, 1919

I r espectfully recomm end that a page of the Proceed ings of thi s Grand Chapter be se t apart to th e memory of th ese emi nen t Companions, as well as th ose of our 011·n ju risdicti on.


Durin g the year we have rccc iYecl r equests for recognition from the Grand Chapter of Brit ish Columbia, and from the Grand Chapter oi­Quccnslancl. \ •\ 'e welcome to our ci rcle these two Grand Bodies, and the qu es tion of recogniti on wi ll , no doubt, he fa1·orab ly consid ered b~· the Committee on Foreign Co rrespond ence.

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On August 19th, 1919, I visited the Grand Chapter of Montana. On my arrival in the city of Great Fal ls I received every courtesy. On my v isit to the session of Grand Chapter I had the honor to be introduced by M . Ex. Comps. E. H . R eni sh and H. C. Smith, both Past Grand High P riests. M . E x. Comp. Stephen P. \l\1right welcom ed and recei,·ed m e with the Grand Hono rs. M. E. Comp. \!\fri ght and R. E. Comp. Hedges jL, the Grand Secretary, are a fin e working team.

At the close of Grand Chapter, the Order of High Pries thood was confer red on m e. I am g rateful to th e Conyenti on of High Pries ts of th e S tate of M ontana, and to M. Ex. Comp. Jon es, the President, fo r thi s honoL

I cannot speak too " ·a rmly of the courtesies extend ed to me " ·hil e in the city of Great Falls.


I recci,·ed an in vita tion to Yisit The St. Patrick 's Chapter in T o ro11to, on Octobe r 3rd, 1919. Thi s was th e occasion of the return o f the TraYe l­ling Triang le by Ancient Chapter No. 1, of New Yo rk City. Thi s Trian gle visited thi s city, and was received by Alberta Chapter on S eptember 16th, 1910. From January 29th, 1909, to October 3rd, 1919, thi s Trian gle tra ve ll ed over the Anglo-Saxon world. I had the honor to be recci,·cd with 11. E. Comp. 'vV. N. Ponton, the Grand Z. of the Grand Chapter of Canada, by som e six hundred Royal Arch Masons. The Triang le was accompani ed by some eighty Companions f rom New Yo rk City.

vVh il e in th e city of Toronto, I vis ited a number of Chapters, a nd was r ccei vcd with every honor.


The Grand Chapter o f A lberta, having g ran ted to St rathmore Chap te r No. 21, the necessary authority to perform al l th e dut ies and enj oy all the privi leges of a subo rdina te Chapte r, it was my g reat plea sure to du ly constitute them a s such on March 13th, 1919. Thi s \Ya s my first o fficial act, and th e occasion was a delightful :Masonic event. It was well attended, and much ca re and thought given to the ceremony. The Companion s of t hi s Chapter had previou sly made me a life m ember, and I shall enj oy with them the success thc.v arc bound to share and so rich ly deserve.

On January 28th, 1920, I again v isited thi s Chapter, when R. E. Comp. M ercer in stall ed the offi ce r s.


A lthough a Charter had been one year ago granted to the Hiram Chapte•·, No. 19, Y oungstown, it had never been consecrated or con stituted. On M a rch 19th, 1919, I visited thi s Chapter and perfo rm ed the ceremony of Consecra tion and Constitution. I wa s ass isted and accompanied by V. Ex. Comp. George Campbell. Later in the cYcn ing we in stall ed th e officer s of Th e Hiram Chapter, and had the pleasure of witne ss ing the newly in stall ed office r s confer the M. E. JvL Deg ree in a c reditabl e mann er.

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On May 8th, 1919, I Yisited Hill vue Chapte r No. 13, and pe rfo rm ed the ce remony of Con secration and Con stitu tion. Thi s Chapter o rigina lly r eceived it s cha rte r from the Grand Chapte r of Canada, but had nc,·c r been consecra ted and con stituted. V . Ex. Camps. M cDonald and Cruick­shanks accompani ed m e and ass isted in th e ce remony. Later in the c\·enin g th e officers co nferred the Royal A rch D egree, doing the wo rk wel l.

On :March 25th, 1919, I vis ited North Star Chapter No. 2, an d was co rdia lly r eceived by Ex. Camp. Fol li nsbee and hi s officer s. T he wo rk of confe rring the Mark Master D egree was well exemplifi ed by Ex. Camp. Hi ll. On J unc 24th, I aga in v isited thi s Chapter, being r eceived by Ex. Camp. J a mieson, of Capital City Chapter, w ho was acting a s First Principa l. The Royal A rch Deg ree was co nferred wi th R. E. Camp. E. C. Dunlop act in g a s Principal Sou journ er. The \\·ark of these two officer s was of a hi gh qu a lity.

On Ma rch 28th , 1919, I v isited Capital City Chapte r No. 13. T oo much can not be said in hi gh prai se of the work done by this Chapte r. The wo rk of confe rrin g the Mark Ma ster Mason D egree by E x . Ca mp. Campbell, and th e Mo st Excell ent Master Deg ree by Ex. Camp. Thompson, merited the k ind r emarks made by v isito r s. T he excell ent work of V. Ex. Comp. Arm st rong in the Royal A rch brought a ve ry in structive session to a close. On Ap ril 25th , 1919, I again visited Capital City Chapte r an d \\·as accompanied by R. E. Comp. Seed, the Grand S uperin­tendent of th e Di strict . At th is Convocation, V . Ex. Camp. Mcin tosh dcJi,·crcd a lectu re on the R oyal A rch D egree, whi ch wa s ve ry interest­ing a nd much appreciated by tho se pre sent. Thi s Chapte r is to be co tt ­gratula tcd in ha,·ing V. Ex. Ca mp. Mcintosh as their Scribe E.

O n J anuary 28th, I Yisit cd the three Edmonton Chapters in the Chap­te r Room of Capital City, accompan ied by R. Ex. Comps. Darling , Seed and Dunl op. At thi s C01wocati on I presented rd . Ex. Comp. F. S . \Vat­son w ith a Past Grand Z's J ewe!.

On May 6th, 1919, I v isited Bakah Chapter K o. 7, at Macl eod. was accompanied by M. Ex. Camp. R obert Patte r son. Ex. Ca mp. J. A ll en, in confe rring th e H oly Roya l A rch, docs spl endid wo rk, but h as not good support f rom the other officer s. The Second Principa l was absent a nd th e Third P rincipa l not proficient. The Chapter ha s some enthu siast ic members and should show good progress.

On Apri l 3rd, 1919, I visited Ass iniboia Chap te r No. 3, and was accompan ied by R. E. Camp. J esse E lli ott, Grand Registrar, and R. Ex. Camp. \ \' . Sa und ers. At thi s Convocation I in sta ll ed R . E. Comp. W. H. Doty a s Grand S uperintendent of the Third Mason ic District. Thi s be­ing my mother chapter, I w a s particu larly touched a t the spl endid recep­tion I \\·as tendered, a nd the thoughtful a rrangements which were plann ed for the Convocation. T he a rrangement of the room was as nea rly perfect as po ss ibl e. The work of Ex. Ca mps. Fawcett and N iblock was worthy of comm endati on. On January, 13th, 1920, I aga in v isited th is Chapter and in stall ed the ofhcers.

Th e fou r Calgary Chapters have been v isited freq uently by me during th e y·ear. Progress is being made, and the officers a r c anx ious f o r great things, and arc pla nning accordingly.

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The Grand Superintendent of this Di stri ct has Yisitcd these Chapte rs freque ntly ,, nd wi ll report in detail.

On January 7th, 1920, I had the honor of in stalling th e off-ice rs of Alberta, Otuskwan and Calga ry Chapter s. I was received in fu ll fo n}l, accompanied by a number of Past Grand Z's a nd o ther Grand Chapter Officers. At thi s Convocation Past Grand Z's J ewels were presen ted to M. E . Co mp. S. Y. Taylor and M. Ex. Comp. ]. N . Rankin, in acco rdance with a rrangemen ts made a t the last annu al Convocation.

On April 17th, 1919, I v isited Banff Chapter No. 20. Ex. Comp. Mcllvcn e, the First P rincipal, confe rred the Royal A rch in an impressive mann er. This Chapter is splendidly officc rcd and the work of Comp. R. Moore was well wo rthy of praise, as he acted as Principal Soj ou rn er, the regular officer being absent.

A t thi s Convocation I a lso consecrated and constituted the Chapter, being ass isted by V . Ex. Comp. Saddington.

On April 18th, 1919, I y isit<'d K eystone Chapter 1\ o. 12, and was accompanied by R. Ex. Comp. v\1. E . Lord. I have Yisitcd this Chapter on a number of occasions, being a life member of the Chapter. Thi s Chapter, as wel l as being splend idly office rcd, is in a h ealthy con dition otherwise.

Ar thi s Convocation I had the h ono r of in sta llin g the officers.

On Ap ril 22ncl, 1919, I v isited Ve rm il ion Chapter, :-Jo. q. \\a s met at the station by R. E . Comp. Seed, the Grand S uperintend en t, who accom pani ed me ove r hi s District. The success of thi s Chapter is due in no small measure to the interest R. E. Comp. Seed takes in the work. On thi s visit I had the hono r of bein g introduced by V. Ex. Comp. Fielding. I r egretted that the First Principal was unable to open th e Chapter and do the degree work.

On A pril 23 rd, 1919, I visited No rwood Chapter No. 18. I was ac­co mpanied by R. Ex. Com ps. Seed and Dunlop, V. Ex. Comp. Mcintosh an d Ex. Comp. Arm strong. This Chapter is to be congratu la tcd in h av­ing an efficient and enthusiastic office r like V. E. Comp. ] . J. Green in the chai r. His work in the Royal A rch was wo rthy th e praise given it by th e visito rs present.

On A pril 24th, 1919, I v isited M ou nt H oreb Chapter No. 6, accomp­anied by M. E. Comp. A. R. Dickson and R. E . Comp. Seed. The Ma rk Master Mason Degree was con fe rred on a number of candidates by Ex. Comp. Ru ssell, sh owing what this Chapter can do. The man ner in whi ch the busin ess was conducted by Ex. Comp. Man ley was a lso worthy of comm endat ion.

On M ay 7th , 1919, I " ·as privileged to visit Shckinah Chapter No. 4 and see th e Grand Second Principal, R. E. Comp. N. T. M acleod assum e t l1 e duties of Principal Sojourner and do spl endid wo rk. This Chapter is fortunate in havin g so many good pa st and present officers.

On May 9th, 1919, I v isited Kcthcr Chapter No. 8. I wa s accompanied lJ,· V. Ex. Comp. Cruickshanks, of Hillvue Chapter. Ex. Comp. Mc­Millen is a ve ry enthu sia st ic officer. This Chapter is fortunate in h 2v ing R. E. Comp. ]. H. Kemmis as one of it s Past Principal s.

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O n .May 12th, 1919, I was accompa nied by E . Comp. E. Doolan, of T he Royal regula r o [-

A lber ta Chapter, on a v isit to Golden 'vVest Chapter No. s. Arch Degree was confer r ed by Ex. Comp. J . Green and the ficers. Ex. Comp. Green is \\'Orking ha rd for his Chapter.

O n May 28th, 1919, accompanied by Ex. Comp. 'vV. D. Spence, of A lberta Chapter, I visited Bow Valley Chapter No. IO. O ne cannot speak too highly of the manner in which Ex. Comp. Bates looks a fter visitors to hi s town and Chapter. T he business was clone with despatch and dignity. The degree work in the Royal Arch ·was conferred in an im­pressive manner.

O n J anua ry 28th, 1920, I visited Mount O livet Chapter No. !7, a nd installed the office rs for the year. On this occasion I was accompanied by R. E . Comp. Seed. The j uriscliction of th is Chapter is spread over an extensive district, and fo r that r eason it is difficult to have the of­fice rs present at every convocation. T he officers and members are \'cry enthusiastic, and look well after their guests in town.

On May 13th, 1919, I visited Claresholm. T his was the evening of the regula r ConYocation, but the F irst P rincipal had neglected to call a meeting. T au C1·oss Chapter was very unfo rtunate during the year 1919, but with a change of officers it entered upon a new life.

I visited thi s Chapter again on Februa ry roth , and witnessed some degree work. This Chapter has a splendid district, and should do better .

I visited a ll the Chapters once, and in most cases twice, making in all forty-one Yisi t s. I also consecrated four Chapter s during the yea r.

April 16th, 1919

November 6th, " December uth, " December I rth, " December uth, "

December 13th, " December 29th, "

December 29th, "

Decembe1· 30th, "

J anuary 3rd, 1920

J anuary 3rcl,

J anua ry sth,


Keystone Chapte r No. 12, to install F . A. McEwen as 2nd Principal.

1'\ o rwood Chapter No. 18, to install out of time. Golden 'vVest Chapter No. 5, to insta ll out of time. Mount O livet Chapter, No. 17, to insta ll out of time. Mount Olivet Chapter No. 17, to install George

R oddick as 2nd Principal. V ermilion Chapter, No. 14, to install out o f time. Calgary Chapter No. II, to install at a j oint instal­

lation. Otuskwan Chapter No. 9, to install a t a joint instal­

la tion. Strathmore Chapter No. 21, to install H . N icholson

a s 2nd Principal. Tau Cross Chapter No. 16, to confirm election and

to in stall J. B. Bosse as I st Principal. Tau Cross Chapter No. 16, to install Officers out of

time. Golden 'vVest Chapter No. s, to insta ll 'vV. E . M.

H olmes a s I st Principal.

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January sth, !9:20

January 13th, "

Tanuan· 13th, "

January z6th, "

February 7th, "

February 14th, " February 23rd, "

February 28th, "


Golden 'v\' est Chapter No. 5, to install E. F . Thomas as znd P rincipal.

Bow Yalley Chapter No. ro, to in stall R. P. Um­brite as r st Principal.

Bow \ 'alley Chapter No. ro, to install Peter Mc­Lean as znd Principal.

Banff Chapter No. 20, to install officers out of time.

Beckah Chapter No. 7, to install Comp. S . 0. Lawson as 3rd Principal, owing to death of Comp. Baker.

H iram Chapter No. 19, to in stall oflicers out of time. Assiniboia Chapter No. 3, to wear Royal A rch R e­

galia at an "At Home" of the Chapter. Skekinah Chapter No.4, to change place of meeti ng.


On July 3rd, 1919, I instituted The J oseph Stauffer Chapter at the Town of Didsbury. I \\·as accompanied by R. E. Comp. \1V. E. Mercer, R. E . Comp. ] . E . J ohn son, Ex. Comp. E. Doolan atid a number of Com­panions from the city of Calgary, Ex. Comp. G. F. B utler and a number from Strathmore Chapter , and by R. E. Comp. Coote and a number from Keystone Chapter. Following the In stitution and Installation, the three degrees ·were conferred on a number of candidates.

On October 27th, 1919, I instituted Coronation Chapter at Coronation. I was accompanied and assisted by R. E. Comp. E. C. Dunlop and Ex. Comp. A. 'vV. Dunlop. The officers were installed, after which the three degrees were conferred.

I v isited thi s Chapter again on November 13th, 1919, and witnessed the wot·k conferred by the off1cers of the new Chapter. The officers are H ry enthusiastic and capable.

On December 8th, 1919, I in stituted Crescent Chapter in the City of Calgary. I was accompanied and assisted by M. E . Comp. S. Y. Taylor, R. E. Comp. F. S. Selwood, R. E . Comp. J. E. Johnson and a number of Ex. Companions from the Calgary Chapters. I regretted very much that owing to a serious accident, R. E. Comp. Mercer was unabl e to ac­company me. This Chapter should h ave a brigh t future.


Vacancies having occurred in the R epresenta tions of other Grand Chapters, near the Grand Chapter of A lberta, I recommended the fo llowing appointments:

Ireland- V. Ex. Comp. A. N. Saddington, Banff Chapter No. 20.

New South 'vValcs- V. Ex. Comp. James S. Lambert, Bekah Chapter No. 7-

Quebec- Ex. Comp. G. F. Butler, Strathmore Chapter No. 21, Vice R. Ex. Comp. F. R. J clfs, removed from jurisdiction.

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New Bnms\\·ick- V. Ex . Comp. 'vV . A. Ackland, Otuskwan Chapter No.9·

Virginia- V . Ex. Cornp. 'vV. J. Stephenson, Keystone Chapter 1\' o. 12. Idaho- Ex. Comp. J. S. Morris, Capital City No. 13. Vacancies having occurred in the representation of this Grand Body

near other Grand Ch apters, I appro\'ecl of th e following recommendations: New South 'vVales- Ex. Comp. Charles Edward Abbott, St. Georges

Chapter K o. 24, Il lawarra. Ireland- Ex. Comp. 'vVm. McMahon, Richill Chapter, Armagh. New Bruns\\'ick- Ex. Comp. E. Kenneth Connell , \Voodstock :\o. 8. V irginia- Ex. Comp. V/. C. Craig, Norton, Va.


Assin ibo ia Chapter No. 3- June 19th, 1919, to r:1ise the Exaltation fee to $so.oo.

Alberta Chapter No. r- October rst, 1919, to raise the annual clues to $4.00.

Strathmore Chapter No. 21- 0ctober 9th, 1919, to raise the Exaltation fcc to $6o.oo.


Canada-Request of A ssin iboia Chapter No. 3, to have deg rees of H. R. A.

conferred on Bro. Lewis H \Vclsforcl by King Cyru s Chapter No. II9, of Leamington, Ontario.

Oregon-Request of Calgary Chapter No. rr, to hayc M.E.M. & R.H.A. de­

grees conferred on Bro. Leonard 'vV. 'v\lhitc, by Portland Chapter No. 3, of Portland, Oregon.

Illinois-Request of Sh ekinah Chapter No. 4, to have H .R. A. degree conferred

on Bro. Joseph Quinsey, by Norma l Park Chapter of Chicago. Request of the Grand Chap ter of Neb raska, to waive Jurisdiction on

Harvey Torr Seaman f rom North Star Chapter No. 2, Edmonton, In favo r of Li nco ln Chapter No. 6, Lincoln, Nebraska.


No case requiring a special ruling ha s been referred to me during the yea !'.


It is unfortunately impossible to give clue recognition to the various Chapters and individuals, w ho have extended so many courtesies to me during my tenure of office.

On my visits it would be humanly impossible not to be impressed with the exceptiona lly good and exceptionally bad work. Some Chapters excel in one thing, and without knowledge of it., are quite deficient in othe r s. Some do not keep up the Book of Marks. Others do not open the Chapter promptly, and a lack of dignity is in evidence in some Chap­ters. A 11 these things miti gate aga inst the success of the Chapter.

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T h e work of supen·ising the Chapters has not been a s carefully carried out as it should be. P ersona lly, I favor the system as a t present, that is, G rand Superintendents of Districts, and a Grand L ecturer, who is also the custodian o f the work. At a ll Chapters of Instructions the Grand Lecturer should be present and his expenses paid by Grand Chapter. E ach Grand S uperin tendent should be paid a mileage of three cents per mile f o r travelling expenses. The said off1cia l putting in hi s account to the Grand Sc ribe E. , \\·ho shall appor tion th e expense to each Chapter in the di strict on a per capi ta basis. While on e of the districts has been neglected, yet I a m con vinced that the Chapters genera lly a rc doing much bette r wo rk than h ereto fore. The Grand S uperintendents should pay at lea st two visits to each of the Ch apter s under supervision, and i1i ca se of a weak Ch>lptc r, v isit mo re frequently. The prevailing custom of electing the Superintendents from Chapters in rota tion is wrong, and I would strong ly urge tha t only qualified and enthu siastic P ast Principa ls and \\·ho a rc in attenda nce a t G rand Chapter, be elected to this office.


I am com·iuced that a n Institution of a s much importa nce as Capitular M asona ry in this Grand Jurisdiction, should assume to itself burden s, take upon itscH tasks, justi fy to itself and to Masonry, a s well as to the wo rld, its existence by contributing to the welfare of man­kind. I therefore recommend :

r. T hat this Grand Ch apte r appoint a committee to conside r what 111 its judgment \\ ill be a proper task f o r the Grand Chapter of Alberta to undertake, a nd report to this Grand Body, a t its next A nnual Convoca­tion. F urther, that thi s memoria l sh all bear a title that w ill , in some way commemo ra te Capitula r M asonry in this Juri sdiction .

2. That the Grand L ecturer be paid by thi s Grand Chapter hi s travelling expenses to and f rom Chapters of Instruction. A nd f urther, tha t the Grand S uperin tendents be pa id, as outlin ed in a former section of thi s address ; and tha t no Companion be elected a Grand S uperin tendent unless he is p resent a t said election .

3. That all moon schedules for stated convocations be abolished. It is an antiqua ted idea and not necessary with the present means of trans­porta tion. It is certa inly con fu sing as to dates and complicates the a ffairs of the Chapters.

4· H aving been for three years th e Grand Scribe E. of th is G rand Body, and having d uring the past year seen the amount of work tha t this Officer perfo rms, I am convinced tha t the sala ry of the office is in­adequate. I therefore recommend tha t the salary of G rand Scribe E be increased. I cannot speak too highly of the unfa iling courtesy of R. E . Com p. J ohn son du ring my term of office.

s. T ha t prov iding a Gra nd Representative fa il to a ttend the Grand Chapter Convocation fo r three consecutive years, the office of Grand R ep­resentative of that Juri sdiction be decla red vacant and the 1n ~ommg Grand Z recommend a n ew appointment.

------------------------------ --

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6. That the Juri sdiction be re-di,·ided and the D istricts be composed as fo llows:


D istrict No. 1

A ll that ter ritory on and north of the Main Line of the Grand Tru nk Pacific R ai lway.

North Star Chapter. Capital City Chapter.

No r wood Chapter. Vermilion Chapter.

D istr ict No. 2

All that terri tory south of D istri ct No. I , and north of T ownship 33. Mount H oreb Chapter. Keystone Chapter. Mount Olive t Chapter. Coronation Chapter.

D ist rict No. 3

A lberta and Calgary Chapters in the City of Calga ry, and the Chap­ters on the Main Line of the C.P.R. west of Calgary, the Chapters on the Calgary and Edmonton branch of the C.P.R. north to Township 34, and the Chapters on the Lethbridge-Calgary, and th e Macleod- Calgary lines of the C.P.R. north of Township 13.

Alberta Chapter. Golden West Chapter. Calgary Chapter. Banff Chapter.

The J oseph Stauffer Chapter.

Di st rict No. 4

A ll that territory north . of D istrict No. 5, east of Di strict No .. 3. and south of Di strict N o. 2 , a lso Otusk wan and Crescent Chapte r s 111

the City of Calgary.

Otuskwan Chapter. Bow Valley Chapter. The Hiram Chapter. St ra thmore Chapter.

Crescent Chapter.

Di st r ict No. 5

A ll that territory south of

A ssiniboia Chapter.

Township 14.

Shekinah Chapter. K ether Chapter. Tau Cross Chapte r.

Bekah Chapter. Hi llvue Chapter


Whil e there has been much cause for thankfulness in r egard to suf­fe rin g in our midst, yet Grand Chapter has not entirely overlooked this important part of our respon sibiliti es. In another part of thi s r eport will be found a recomm endation bea ring on this subi ect.

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Before my term of oflice closes, I desi re to place on reco rd my ap­preciation to the Officers and Companions who have assisted me in so many ways during the past year.

In surrendering the sceptre of offtce to a more worthy successor, permit me to remind you of the high calling of every one \\·ho professes to be a M2.son. Our Royal Craft has a high mission to perform, a nd the responsibility rests on each individual.

One of the obj ects of Masonry is to educate men in the true principles of life, and if there ever comes to this world that much t<!L~ccl of, and more to be desired S tate of "UniYersal Peace," it will come through education and devotion to principle. Companions, bear this eYer in mind and not only teach Masonry, but live it and exemplify it in your every day lives, thereby reflecting it on the whole world. "Thus you wil l render yourselves desen·ing of the honor which has been conferred upon you and worthy of the confidence reposed in you."

"For the structure which we raise, Time is with materia l filled:

Our toc\ays and yesterdays Are the blocks with which we build.

Let us do our work as well, Both the unseen and the seen,

Make the house where gods may elwell Beautiful, entire and clean."

- Longfellow.

Fraternally submitted,

Gmnd Z .

On motion of M.E. Comp. S. Y. Taylor, seconded by M.E. Comp . .i­~- Rankin, it was

RESOLVED, That the address of the Most Excellent, the Grand Z., be received and referred to the Committee on Grand Z' s address

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T he M.E. the Grand Z. , directed the Grand Scribe E ., to call the Roll of R epresentatives of Sister Chapters, and the Grand D~rector of Ceremonie'i, having assembled them at the Altar, they wer e welcomed to Grand Chapter Convocation by M. E. Comp. M. M. Downey, Grand Z., in ?. few well chosen words.

Each of th~ Representatives responding to the \\·ords of welcome o£ the Grand Z., conveyed the greetings from their several Grand Chap­ters.

After the R epresentatives had been given the Grand Honors, the Grand Z. requested them to be seated.


To the Most Excellent, the Grand First P rincipal of the Grand Chapter of Alberta:

Your Committee on Vlarrants takes pleasure in subm itting the fo l­lowing report:

'vVe note that in the report of the Grand Superintendent of D istrict No. z, R. E . Comp. Mercer, that the three Chapters which have been in­stituted in thi s District during the year, namely, Didsbury, Coronation and Crescent, arc in a ve1·y prosperous and healthy condition, and are well suppiied with regalia and paraphernalia.

\\'e therefo re have pleasure in recommending a VVarrant be granted to earh of these three Chapters a t thi s Convocation of Grand Chapter.

F raternally submitted,

A. W. R. MARKI.F,Y. W. E. MF.RCER, W. H. DoTY.

On moti on of R. E. Como. E. C. Dunlop, seconded by R. E. Comp. I-I. Da rling, it \\ aS

RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on 'vVarrants be received and aclc•pted.


L etters of regret at being unable to be present, having been read from R. E . Comps. Percy F ielding, Geo. S. A rmstrong, and Darnley Murison, and a telegram fFom V. E. Comp. G. E. Cruickshank, a lso expressing his regrets a t not being able to be present, were ordered to be fi led.

A letter from Ballard Chapter, No. 26, G. R. \1\iash., sending g reet­ings to the Grand Chapter of Alberta. T he M. Ex. the Grand Z. , in­structed the Grand Scribe E. to reply to this exp ression of good will in suitable terms.

A letter f rom R. E. Comp. H . C. Seynei, Representative of the Grand Chapter of A lberta, near the Grand Chapter of · \1\iashington, conveying g reetings, and presen ting to Grand Chapter a group portrait o f U nited States P resident:, Washington, Lincoln and \!\Tilson . T he Grand Scribe E. was in structed to convey to R. E. Comp Seynei the thanks of Grand Chapter for this very fin e gift.

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A letter from the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Alberta advising that Joseph H. Argue had been suspended by Grand Lodge for unmasonic conduct. Ordered to be filed.

A letter frcm M. E. Comp. 'vV. S. Murch, Past Grand Z. of the Grand Chapter cf Canada, wishing the Grand Chapter of A lberta "God Speed."

The Grand Z. instructed M. E. Comp. F. S. 'v\latson and R. E . Comp. N. T. Macleod, to send a suitable reply to M. E. Comp. Murch.

A letter from the Grand Scribe E. of Grand Chapter of Canada, expressing regret that M. E. Comp. 'vV. K. Ponton, Grand Z., would be Lmable to attend the Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Alberta, and expressing the Grand Z.'s most fraternal good wishes. M. E. Comp. M. M. Downey, Grand Z., requested the Excel lent Companions present, to receive M. E. Comp. Ponton in a Royal manner, should he visit any of the Alberta Chapters, during the coming yea r. The letter was ordered filed.

Letters were also read from R. E . Comp. 'vV. McMahon, our Rcpre­:entati,·c ncar the Grand Chapter of Ireland; R. E. Comp. 'vVil liam Mc­Vey, R epresentative ncar the Grand Chapter of Scotland, and V. E. Comp. John E. Kennedy, Representative near the Grand Chapter of Victoria, Australia. These ·we re ordered to be filed.

Tenders were received from the MeAra Co., and the Albertan Job Press for the printing of the Proceedings of this Convocation.

On motion of R. E. Comp. E. C. Dunlop, seconded by Ex. Comp. E. G. I rons ide, it was

RESOLVED, That the tenders be referred to the Committee on Audit and Finance.


At this tim;; R. E. Comp. J. E. Johnson, acting on behalf of R. E. Comp. H. C. Seynei, Representative ncar the Grand Chapter of Washing­ton, presented to Grand Chapter, the group portrait of Presidents Wash­ington, L incoln and Wil son. M. E. Comp. M. M. Downey, Grand Z., ac­cepted the gif t on behalf of Grand Chapter.

At 1.30 p_.m. the Grand Z. adjourned Grand Chapter for the purpose o~ C~msecrat111g Crescent Chapter, No. 24, and for the purpose of in­stituting THE ALBERTA ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD.

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At IO.JO a .m., T hursday, March nth, the Grand Z. Called Grand Cha pter to o1·cler.

Grand Superintendent's Reports


Vermilion, Februa ry 12th, 1920

To the I\Iost Excellent Grand Z., Officers and Companions o [ the Grand Chapter of A lbcrta:

:Most Excel lent Sir and Companions:

I ha,·c much pleasure in outlining a brief report of my official visits to the different Chapters in the D istrict.

In company with M ost Ex. C.ompanion M . M. Downey, Grand Z., I v isited the foliowing Chapters, v1z.:

Vermilion Chapter, No. 14, )Jorwoocl Chapter, 1\o. 18, Mount H oreb Chapter, 1\ o . 6, and Capital City Chapter, No. 13, on the fo llowing dates :

April 22ncl, my horne Chapter, )J o. q, Vermilion, when, a fter the gen eral routine of bu siness \Yas transacted, the R.A.M. Degree was con­fe n·ccl.

O n April 23rcl, Norwood Chapter, No. 18, w hen two Companions were exal ted to the S upreme Degree of the Holy R oyal Arch, by their 1·egula r o fficers in a ,·cry c reditable manner, and a lthough thi s Chapter is not too strong;, either numerically o r fina ncially, they a rc very earnest and zealous in their work, which should produce good results in the f uture.

On April 2~ th, M ount H o reb Chapter, K o. 6, \\·h en the M.M.M. Degrec was conferred, and although not too efficient in their work, it being early in the year, I f ully expect them to measure up to the f ullest extent of their ability before the close o f the year . I had arranged to again visit them on F ebruary 5th, 1920, but it was cancelled owing to unforseen causes. I propose v isiting them befo re th e close of my term of office, but no t in time to report.

On April 25t h, Capital City, No. 13, Edmonton, when the three De­g were conferred in such a manner as to fully avoid c riticism, and too much p raise cannot be given for their accuracy and p recision in every particular, which can only be obtained by d iligence and industry.

Being absent in the East, I wa s unabl e to visit North Star Chapter, No. 2, until December r6th, 1919, w hen a fie ld clay was held, when the three Degrees were conferred on e ight candidates during the a ftern oon and evening in a very sa tisfacto ry manner, and they have a goodly nnm­bcr of applications for exaltation. A pl easant and prospcmus year shonlcl be in sto re fo r them.

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On November 17th, 1919, :Yiuunt O li,·ct Chapte r, :\o. 17, at Killam, held a fie ld day, when scYcral Companions were exalted to the Supreme Jlcgrcc of tl; c H oly R oyal A rch. I 11·as unable to a ttend, but visited them on Janua ry 28th, 1920, in company 11· ith Most Ex. Companion M. M. Dom1ey, Grand Z., who, on that occasion in stalled the officers in a very efficient and impressive manner; like many Chapte rs in small towns, many of the Companions live in the Rural District, which makes it more difficult to obtain regular and punctual a ttendance. The books and finances a rc in excellent condition, clue la rgely to energy of R. Ex. Camp. F. E . Kichol, Scribe E.

O n J anua ry 31st, 1920, as prcyiously arranged, a Chapter of Instruc­tion was held in Edmonton Chapter Room, roz-zncl S treet, when :Most Ex. Companion M. M. Do11·ncy, Grand Z., again favo red us with hi s presence. T he work was put on a s fo llo11·s b~· the fo llo1Ying Chapters: K orwood Chapter, No. 18, Mark Master Mason Degree; No rth Star Chapter, No. 2, Most Excel lent Master Degree; Capital City Chapter, Royal A rch Degree. All three Chapters doing honor to thcm seh ·es as well as entire satisfaction to the la rge number of Companions who were in a ttendance ; and, personally I was m ore than pleased with the whole proceedings.

\Vhi lc in Vermilion I was in regular attendance a t my home Chapter, and fee l quite pleased with the progress it has made during the past year.

Si nce coming to Edmon ton, on December rst, 1919, outside of m y ,·egular Ollicia l Visits, I ha1·c unofficia lly visited on sc,·c ra l occasions the three City Chapters, ancl l!ote w ith 1)kasu rc the steady prog ress be­i,,g made in Capitu la r Nla soJH) in thi, Llty.

In conclu sion, permit me to say that the past year to me h as been f raug ht wi th both interest and pleasure in cndcaYoring to perform my duti es as S uperintendent of this District, and I tru st that 1111· successor may receil'e the same kind and courteous recepti on as tcndC"red me on a ll occasions.

Fraternal ly submitted,

\V. J, SEED, S uperintendent District No. I.

Page 24: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual

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...., R es tora tions ~

6 \ Vithdra\\·als rn

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~ ~

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Page 25: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


To the Most Excellent the Gran d First Principal, Off1cers and M embers of th e Grand Chapter of Alberta:


I n presenting to you my report as Grand Superintendent of the Second 1-Iasonic Distr ict of the Grand Chap ter year just drawing to a close, it affo rds me much p leasure in being abl e to state that through­out the year considerab le g rowth and ac tivity has been cy inccd in Royal A rch Masonry in thi s District.

During th e year all Chapters in the D ist rict have been holding 1·egular meetings and cxempliying the three Degrees in a \"cry sat is­factory manner, a spirit of enthu siasm and desire evin ced by the officers for a high standard of efficiency in the work of the three Degrees. I am happy to state that a healthy development ha s been made in member ­,;hip by Exaltation and Affiliation and in the forma tion of new Chapters. D uring the year three new Chapter s have been g ranted Dispensations.

On March 13th, 1919, I attended the Mo st Excel lent the Grand F irst Principal to S trathmore Chapte r, w hen the War rant was presented, and the Chapter consecrated, the ce remony being performed by the Grand First Prin cipal M. M. Down ey, assisted by seve ra l Companion s and myself, there being a ve ry good attendance of the Companions of the Chapter. It was a source of g reat plcausre to me on thi s occasion to be presented with a framed Cert ifi ca te of Life Membership of Stra thmore Chapte r, the Yio st Exce llent F irst Principa l Compani on G. F rank Butler, making the J>re senta tion on behalf of the Companions of the Chapter, and as long as my li fe lasts the memory of thi s express ion of thi s good Co mpani onship wi ll remain w ith m e.

In Jun e, 1919, the Grand Scribe E. fo rwarded to me a petition signed by a number of Compan ions resid ent in a nd a round Didsbury. After making the necessa ry investiga tions I wa s ab le to recommend th e petition for the approval of the Most Excellent Grand First P rin cipa l.

On July 23rd, 1919, a number of Companions from Reel Deer, S trath­more an d Calgary met at D iclsbu ry, wh en the Most Excellent and Grand F irst P rincipal, ass isted by the Grand Scribe E., instituted the J oseph Stauffer Chapter and in stalled the officer s, at which ceremony I was pleased to be ab le to take a part and to w itness the exemplifica tion of Degrees on a la rge class of candidates, the M a rk Master Degree being conferred by Ex. Comp. Doolan, of Alberta Chapter, K o. I, ass isted by a ve ry ab le staff of officers. Excell ent Companion ]. R. F lan, of Otusk­wan Chapter, No. 9, presided at the M.E.M. Degree, 'which was exempli­h eel in a ve ry efficient mann er. Very Excel lent Companion Steph enson, of Keystone Chapter, No. 12, took cha rge of the R oyal A rch Degree, assisted by Ex cellent Compani on Stone and other officers and Companions of Keystone Chapter. The three Chapters a rc to be congratul a ted upon the excell ent cha racter of the work , both in the exemplifi cation of the Degree and the spi rit of scn·i cc shown in attendin g in such good numbers.

Two other petitions having been forwarded to me through the of­fice of the Grand Scribe E., one signed by a number of Companions r esi dent in and a round Coronatio\1 an d the other f rom Crescent Heights 111 the City of Calgary, duly signed by a number of Compan ions in and around the City of Ca lgary. U pon making the necessary investiga tions, I was abl e to reco mmend both these petit ions to th e Mo st Excell ent the

--------~ --

Page 26: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Grand First Principal fo r hi s approval. It is ,,·ith regret that I have to sta te my inability to be present at the I ns titution of either o f these Chapte r s, , ickn css prcycntin g m e in each case.

From enquiries made and reports rccc i,·ed, it is pl easing to be able to reco rd that each cycnt was of a most enthu siastic character.

O n th e 6th of A ugust, I9I9, I visited offic ially Bow Valley Chapter, :~ o. IO, wh en the three Degrees were conferred in a ve ry p lea sing and capabl e way, demon strating that the officers of th is Chapter were de­vo ting much interest in the wo rking of the Degrees. I again v isited thi s Chapter on the 28th o f Janua ry, I920, and ins ta lled th e office r s. Owin g to the inclemency of the weathe r and the delay of th e train service, the Scribe E. was un abl e to be present a t this m eeting w ith th e books of th e Chapter, so I had not th e oppo rtunity of inspecting the sam e, and des ire to thank the Fi r st Principal Excellent Companion T. \ •V. Bates, f o r fo n,·a rding to m e the necessa ry data which show the Chap­te r to be in a hea lthy condition.

O n th e I rth of August, I9I9, I paid an ofiic ia l vis it to K eys tone Chapte r, ?\o. 1 2, ,,·here I had the pl easure of wi tn ess ing the three D e­g rees con (erred upon a large class of candida tes, showi ng the enthu s­iasm an d energy w hich the Companion s of thi s Chapter were displayi ng in building up a v igo rou s, healthy Chapter. The gathering ,,·as one of the largest it has been my priYil ege to witness as an indi vidu a l Chap­ter, and the Degrees were conferred in a mann er which r eflec ts g reat c redit upon th e Principal s, Past Principals and office r s of K eystone Chapter. Th e book s o f th e Chapter whi ch the Scribe E. presented for in spection, I fo und to be kept in a most sa ti sfacto ry manner.

A lberta Chapter No. I; Having visited this Chapter several times during the yea r and had the pl easure of seeing the seve ral D egrees confe rred , on the -tth of February, I920, I v isited officially-on thi s occasion ]). ,g- rccs not bei ng conferred, I li stened to some very interesting di scuss ions in trying to arrive at the best m ethod of \vo rking in con­juncti on w ith Craft 1v! asonry an d othe r Orde rs, in g iYing th e best at­ten ti on to the sick and sick v isiting.

Knowing the officers of thi s Chapte r, I ha,·c c\·c ry confide nce it\ predi cti ng a prosperou s yea r, fruitful in good work and ha rmony.

Bein g a member of Otuskwan Chapte r, 1\ o. 9, I have had ample opportunity of " ·itn css ing the wo rk of the ofiiccrs on many occasions <m d can, wi th confidence, state that at no peri od of its hi story, was it eve r in a bette r condition, it is well offi cered, books in good cond ition, a nd a surplu s of f und s well invested. I paid one offic ia l visit durin g the yea r and W<•S r 2ccivcd w ith the honor and co urtesy du e thi s Grand Body.

C rescent Chapter U .D. , havin g offi cially v isited thi s Chapte r and fou nd it efficiently o fftce red, with a good attendance of Com pa ni ons present . The M.M. and M.E.M. D egrees bein g co nferred in an eff·icient and impress ive manner. The f uture of thi s Chapter look s ve ry bright, having amongst its m embers some spl endid ma terial fro m which to draw for the officer s, and extendin g of its sph ere of usefuln ess. The book s of the Chap ter arc in the care of an efftc ient and well qualifi ed Scribe E., ::nd it is well equipped wi th rega lia and paraphernali a , and it is in a sound, finan cia l conditi on. I have much pleasure in recommending that ;,. \ l\la n·ant be g ranted to Crescent Chapter at this Convoca tion of Grand Chapter.

Page 27: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


l official ly visited Banff Chapter, No. 20, on February 5th, 1920, and installed tlw ofliccrs, afte r which the nc\\·ly installed ofhccrs ex­emplifi ed the R oyal Arch Degree in an excellent and impressive manner. The books of the Chapter being submitted to me fo r inspection, I found the same kept in a very efficient manner. I feel confident with a little more enthu siasm this Chapter can be one of the brightest in this Grand Body. On this occasion of my visit the attendance was fair and as this \\·as at a period of the year when on ly a few visitors patronize this reso rt. l feel convinced that during the summer and autumn seasons good gath­e-rings of Royal A rch Masons could be held, afford ing v isiting Compan­ions from a ll parts of the world an opportunity of meeting "·ith them.

Calgary Chapter, No. II; during the year I have twice visited in my official capacity and found it well officered a nd in a healthy condition. On my second visit the M.E.M. and the Holy A rch was conferred. The candidates for these degrees passing a very creditable examination in the former Degree conferred on them, by the excellent quality of the ,,·ork done by the officers of this Chapter, and the support the Companions, by thei t· attendance, are g iving to them, and the spirit of harmony pre­,·ailing, the year should be a very successful one, the books of the Chap­ter arc in good o rder and in the care of a most capable Scribe E.

j oseph S tauffe r Chapter U.D.; It was with pleasu rabl e anticipation that I j ou rneyed to Didsbury to pay my officia l v isit to this Chapter on the rrth of February, 1920, and received a most h ea rty welcome from a good gathering of Companions. It is g ratifying to be able to report that this Chapter is fortunate in having a staff of very capable and enthus­iastic officer s, who conferred the Degrees of M.E.M. and Holy Royal A rch in a very able form. The books being well kept by an effici ent Scribe E . This Chapter is wel l equipped w ith regalia and paraphernalia and is in a sound financial position. I have g reat pleasu re in recom­mending that a vVa rrant be granted to Joseph Stauffer Chapter a t this Convocation of Grand Chapter.

Hiram Chapter, No. 19; The j oumcy to Youngstown being very considerable, it was the 2oth of February, 1920, before I \\·as able to pay an o fficia l visit · to thi s Chapter. The Holy Royal Arch D egree \\·as conferred in a very creditable and satisfactory manner. The books of the Chanter being submitted to me for inspection, and I found them in excellent condition. I was under the impression that the officers would be in stalled at this meeting, but found that owing to lack of knowledge of the book of Constitution a change in the By-laws had been made altering the elate of election to May without a notice of motion being given and served in the notice con vening the Convocation for the passing of the same, 8lso omitting to submit such changes for appronl and ratification. T hi s Cha pter is well equipped. numerica l ~\- and financial ly, in a good nosition and with the infusion of a little enthu siasm and get-together spirit, ex­cellent prospects arc in view.

S trathmore Chaptet·, No. 21; Since the presentation of the \IV arrant and consecration of this Chapter on the 13th of March, 1919, it has been my privilege to be present at five meetings, and have witnessed and as­sisted in the conferring of the several Deg rees. On the 8th o f J anuary, :920, I had the pleasure of presiding a t the in stallation of officers, after ,,·hich a very enj oyable eveP ing was spent, solendicl entertainment being nrovidecl, very sa ti s factory progress having been made during the yea!'. This Chanter is in the happy position of good material coming in to build w ith, wel l officcrccl, finances in good condition and the books in the care qf a capable and energet ic Scribe E.

Page 28: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Corona tion Chapter, U.D. ; I regret my inability to make a visit to thts Chapter which was mstttutecl on the 27th of October, I9 I9. I haye inspected the reports sent In to the Grand Scribe E , and have made en­quiry of its progress and condition from other Gra nd Chapter officers, and ::1m pleased to repor t that satisfacto ry work is being clone, a considerable number of Companions having been exalted to the Holy Royal Arch, and ten petitions for exaltation still to proceed with, an efficient supply of regalia and paraphernalia hav ing been obtained, and meetings regularly held. I t is with pleasure tha t I r ecomm end that a v\'arrant be g ranted to Coronation Chapter at this Convocation of Grand Chapter.

Having received applications f rom Alberta Chapter, l\ o. I, and Strathmo re Chapter, No. 2I, for permission to change theit· By-laws, the fo rmer to raise the clues a nd the la tter to increase the fees for Exaltation, both applications being presented with all the necessary information, upon assuring myself that such changes had been executed in clue fo rm, I h ad pleasure in recommending the same to the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal fo r his approval.

vVhile visiting the several Chapters I found considerable attention being paid to arrears o f clues outstanding. Much desirable reform has been mack in thi s direction during the year, howevn, there is still room for improvement in some of the Chapters, and I understa nd seri ous con­sideration of the Chapters affected will he g iven in the nca r future.

I am pleased to r eport that all Chapters in District No. 2, excepting Calgary, No. II, have their regalia and paraphcrnlia in su red to what ap­pears to be a reasonable amount. Calgary Chapter, No. II, being jo int owner s with A lberta, No. I and Otuskwan Chapter, No. 9, in the general furnishing and Chapter paraphernalia will most probably be the reason fo r this Chapter 's omission to insure the balance of the Chapter regalia.

The Scribes of the various Chapters h ave supplied me with the 110ticcs calling Convocation in ample time.

In couclusion permit me through the medium of this repo rt, to conyey to the Companions of the D ist rict a sincere expression of my thanks fo r the many courtesies extended to me during the past year, which has con­t r ibuted considerably in making my term of office such that it will be a pleasure to remember. I wish to thank the Grand Scribe E. for the as­sistance h e a lways so r eadily gave me in carrying out the duties of my office, also to thank Excellent Companions H. vV. B. Bell and H. N ichol­oon for their suppo rt and company w h en v isiting Bow Valley Chapter, No. IO at Gleichen, and Excellent Companion R. P. U mbrite for his 'upport a n<l assistance during my vi sit to Banff Chapter, No. 20.

I h ave endeavored to discharge the duties of the office to the best interest of Royal Arch Masonry, and trust my efforts have met with the approval of the Companions, and that they feel no cause for regret in ha1·ing bc:stowed on me the honor by electing me to the office one year ago.

Fraternal ly yours,


Grand Superintendent District ::\o. 2.

Page 29: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


~ ~

rn 0.0 ~ ul ~ on .~ QJ rn ..C:: :.... >. r0 "'0 .5 "'a) ,£l ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ C) Q) 0 +..~ w rn E ;.... IJ) rn ~ ..C: ~- ~~ ~E

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..::::: :S 0 ~a> :S E > +J !: ~ :S c\l :S i±: <V ~ :s c.> • 0 ~ o ~ o f ~ :S Q.l .~ r.n ° r.n Q.l :S :s ~ rn !: - -' u Z ....l ~p; Zl':1 11 1 A Z....l Z1 o; ,_. rn ~ ;;::iu ~u o;u !1.?:; Z;;::i.S ...:1 ~Jl .-: o; ~0 --:,S --:.3 P.. zS

Alberta ....... 1. C-alg a ry ........ .. . •2 11 18 $3 252 2 - 2 - 2 15 15 16 265 $1,000.00 $1,800.00 $350.00 $375. 00 $400.00 --good C

Otusk wan • 'J Calgary . .. .. ~ 5 25 $3 126 1 - 3 2 - n n n 131 14 n il 1,500.00 600.00 207.50 600.00 $23.00 good C

Bow Va lley _ l(l Gleich en .... 11 2 12 $4 81 - 3 2 1 9 n n 84 3~ -- 243.00 500.00 576.00 275.00 --good

Calgar y ........ 1l Calgary . ........ ~ 6 15 $3 9~ 1 - - - - 11 10 10 108 45 153.00 336.00 100.00 <122.00 --good C

*Keystone .... ! 2 Red Di!er ~ ...... - - - - 87 2 - 2 - 1 28 28 28 114 -- -- --- --- -- good

The Hira n, J~ Youngst.:;w!! .. 6 3 13 $6 17 2 10 6 - 14 14 8 47 7 210.00 860.00 300.00 135.00 200.00 -- good

Ba nff .......... 20 I:a nff .............. ~ 2 11 $5 29 - 3 - 7 7 6 33 4 34.00 268.00 200.00 -- 100.00 65 .00 good

Stra thmot.:_ 21 Strathmorf, .... 12 3 17 $4 1 - - 20 20 20 41 71 .50 97.00 490.00 68.00 300.00 55 .00 good

Jos. Stauff·' r U. D. Didsbury.. 6 19 $3 - - - ·- - 6 ti 4 <15 50.00 77:l.'J0 315.00 43.50 500.00 -- good

Corona t ion U .D Coron a tio!' .... 3 - 18 $6 - 15 - - - 10 10 10 25 --- -- 583.00 -- g·ood

Cr escent.. U .D. Ca.l g-ar y .......... 1 0 75 $3 - 1 - - - - 30 30 30 55 -- 300.00 750.00 -- 750.00 -- good C

*Complete Statemen t n ot Rece ived.

C signifies Con curren t in last column.

Page 30: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Most Excellent th e Grand F irst Principal and Companions of the Grand Chapter of A lber ta, R.A.M.:

I hereby submit my report as Grand Superin tendent of Third Dis­t~· i ct of the Crand Chapter of Alberta, for th e Chapter Year 1919 and 1920.

Owing to circum stances over w hi ch I h ad no contro l,_ I \\:as unable to visit any of th e Chapters in my D tstnct, except AsstmbOta, No. 3, Medicine Hat, until the very end of the Chapter Y ca r.

February 24th I v isited Kethcr Chapter, No. 8, F in cher C reek. Reg­ular Con vocat ion a s there was much snow very few of the out-of- town Compani ons wcr~ at this meeting, this Chap ter is well equipped and is do ing good work.

F ebrua ry zsth I h ad plann ed to Yisit Hillvuc Chapter, N 0. I S, Hill ­crest but received no tice from their Scribe E. that on accou nt of eoi­dct;1i~ of Influenza, the Chaptct· would hold no meetings until fu rther notice. I then took the tra in fo r Lethbridge and made both a surpri se ;,nd officia l v isit a t their regu la r Convoca tion. Sh ekinah Chapter, No. 5 is a lways ready for any kind of a vis it. Fo r the past few years the Chapter and Masonic Lodges have not had a very good hall in wh ich to hold meetin gs. A t this Convocation the most important business was the question of taki ng stock in the S.O .E . Hall, w hich Masonic Brethren ha<l purchased. The Compan ions being well versed in th e question , it was passed without discussion, and from now on Sh ekinah Chapter w ill han· a Temple 'ccond to none in thi s D istrict. R. E . Companion s N. T. Macleod and 'vV. V. Sanders were present at this meeting. The M.M.M. Degree was confe rred in a creditable manner.

March rst I v isited Golden West Chapter, No. 5, Hi gh River. The Compani ons of th is Chapter arc very efficient and a ll take a g reat interest in their Golden 'vVest Chapter. They made the day ve ry pl easant fo r me. Thi s Chapter is finan cia lly strong and well equipped.

March znd I visited Bckah Chapter, No. 7, Macleod. Here again 1 fo und a st rong Chapte r with very efficient officers. R . E. Companion N . T. Macleod was presen t at thi s meeting a nd insta ll ed the Thi rd Prin­cipa l. Thi s Chapter ha s but one M asonic Lodge to draw from, conse· qncntly in numbers it is limited, but for the good of Capitular Masonry it is strong, always ready and willing to assist other Chapters.

:March 3rd I vi sited Tau Cross Chapter, No. r6, Cla resholm , where I received a h earty welcom e. This Chapter, as you know, had had a hard struggle. They have now settl ed down to wo rk and the new office rs a rc determined to overcome their di fficulties. In th e past year o r so they we re a littl e di scouraged, but after a vis it fro m Most E. Companion lVL M. Dow ney and R. E. Companion N. T. Macleod, they put on the wh ole a rmour a nd are now doing good wo rk. Financial condition, strong.

Assiniboia Chapter, No. 3, Medicine Hat (my home Chapter), have :ttlended every meet ing. An emergen t meeting h el d Apri l 3rd, M. E. Compani on M . M. Downey paid his first offtcia l visit. Two Companions were Exalted to th e Supreme Degree of the H. R . A rch . I was then in sta ll ed as G. S. of Di strict No. 3 by M. E. Companion Downey. At a I"Cgltla r COiwocation held J an uary r sth, 1920, M. E . the Grand First P rin­cipal paid hi s secon d offi cia l visit a nd in stall ed th e officers, except the First

Page 31: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Principal El ec t, Companion E. M . Cawker, being out of town. It was my pleasure to in sta ll him at th e next R egul a r Co nvoca ti on h eld Feb ru­a ry 19th .

l found all books well kept; regali a and oth er property f ully insured.

I thank the Compan ions of D istrict No. 3 for the honor in electing :nc as Grand S uperintendent and fo r the co rdi a l mann er in which they nne a nd a ll received me on my oHicia l visits.

F rate rna lly yours,

W. H. DOTY, Superintendent D istrict No. 3·

Page 32: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


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62 11 $30.00 1a0.00 500.00 175.00 500.00 - -good

38 115.00 450.00 175.00 300.00 114.00 g·ood 2

tO 10 10 30 75. 00 455.00 750.00 56.50 400.00 --good

34 19 l 00.00 111.00 500.00 190.50 350.00 -- fai r 4

Page 33: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


O n moti on of M. E. Com p. S. Y. Taylor, seconded by M. E. Comp. R Patterson, it was

RESOLVED, T hat the repor ts of the Grand Su perintendents of D istricts be refe r red to the Committee on Con dition of Capitul a t· Masonry.


Calga ry, Ma rch r st, 1920. T o the Most Excell ent ,

The Gra nd Chapter of Roya l Arch Ma sons of A lberta: I have the honour to submi t the R eport of th e G rand Scribe E . fo r

th e year I') I g .

T he co rrespon dence a nd general busin ess of the Grand Chapte r has been ca rried on to the best of my abili ty, and while a t time:; th e wo rk ha s been heavy ye t I have had the pleasure of knowing that our G:-an d Chapter is fl ouri shing and that thi s year's wo rk has been the most suc­cessf ul in its hi sto ry.

The P roceedings of the rgr8 Convocation we re printed and issued to all the P rincipa ls, Past P r incipals and Chapters of our Juri sdi ction and copi es sent to a ll o ther Grand Chapters.

H a,· ing bee n in structed by the Grand Chapter I procured regalia fo r the Superintendents of our th ree Dist ricts, a nd sent one se t to each of the p resent in cu mbents.

T enders were ca ll ed fo r three J ewels fo r our P ast Grand Z's; the tender of Mess rs. Dingwall, L td. , of vVinnipeg, hav in g been fo und to be the most sa tisfactory, that fi rm was in structed to manufac ture J ewels fo r M. E . Comps. T aylor, R ankin and vVatson. I tru st that the design and pri ce will meet with your approval.

The supply of Consti tutions having become exhausted, I consul ted with members of the F ina nce Committee, and had r, soo copies printed .

During the yea r petitions from Companions at Didsbury, Coronation, and Crescent Heigh ts, of Calgary, we re received, a nd af ter having re­ceived favo rable r ecommendation of the Superintendent of No. 2 Distri ct and the approval of the Grand Z., Dispensations we re issued fo r the erection of new Chapters as fo llows:-

J oseph S tauffer Chapter, a t D idsbury, institu ted 23rd July, 1919.

Co ronati on Chapter, a t Coronation, in stituted 27th Oct ., rgrg.

Crescent Chapter, a t Calgary, instituted 8th D ec. , 1919.

The names of the petit ioner s will be found a s an appendix to this report.

T he Grand Chapter debt has been reduced during the year by five hundred doll ars, leaving a balance of one thousand dollar s owing to Otuskwan Chapter, No. g.

Three hundred and seventeen R oyal A rch Masons Certificates have been issued during the year, and our member ship has been increased by three hundred and thi rty-three.


Page 34: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


The annual f ees fo r the yea r we re fi f ty cents per capita. The Scribes E. with f ew exceptions have perform ed their duties

during the year in a prompt and bu sin ess like manner, a nd accord ing to the Constitution.

Copies of the 'N ork have been issued to those entitl ed to them, and who have applied f o r them in the regul a r mann er. In a ll ca ses the re­ceive r of a copy is ca ll ed upon to g ive a receipt, and these receipts a rc kept on fil e, so that a compl ete record is kept of a ll no w in u se. There are now only nineteen Copies in my possession, and as I have received a quota tion from Scribe E. of the Grand Chapte r of Canada, for one hundred (roo) at a pri ce of $1.25 each, I respectfully recommend tha t in structions be issued to procure tha t numbe r.

T o properly secure the records of thi s Grand Ch apter as printed in the Proceedin gs, I r espect f ully r ecomm end that the Grand Scribe E. be autho rized to have one hundred ( roo) ,·o lu mes bound. On e bound copy to be presented to each of the P as t Gra nd F irst Principals, a suffi cient number to be pl aced in th e Grand Chapter A rch ives f o r f uture usc, a nd th e r em ~ind c r to be sold to Companions who wish to buy them.

It is a lso recommended tha t a sectional book-case be provid ed fo r th e keeping of the Proceedin gs of Sister Grand Chapters, and that an additional section of th e filin g cabin et be bought. The to ta l cost should not exceed seventy-five dollars ($75.00).

I t will be necessary to have a t leas t r,ooo copies of the S tanda rd By­La\\'s printed, as the stock is a lmost exhausted .

I am pl eased to info rm you tha t o ffi cia l r ecogn it ion ha s been received fro m a ll Grand Chapter s throughout the wo rld, with the exceptions of those of P enn sylvania and So uth Carolin a, and I am led to beli eve that 1·ecognition f rom th ese w ill be forthcoming at an ea rly ela te.

The fo ll ow ing is a detail ed statement of membership :-

N umber on Roll of Grand Ch apte r, 31st December, 1918 . .... . I,9 II

~\ d :l itio n~

R estored to 31 st December, 1919 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Admitted to 31 st D ecember, 1919 .... . . .. ..... .. .. .... 336 Affiliated to 31 st D ecember, 1919 .. .... ...... .. . .. . .... 91

D ed u c ti ons

Death s to 3 r st December, 1919 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II

R esignation s to 31 st December, 1919 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Suspension s N.P.D. to 31 st D ecember, 1919 .. . . . .. . .. .. 36 N umber on Roll, 31 st December, 1919 . . ...... . . . .. . .. .. . .


435 --2,346

102 --2,244

Cash jn Bank, 28th February, 1920 ..... . .. ..... . ... . .. . $1,310.56 Accounts receivable fro m Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77.65 Regalia, F urniture, Books and Stock .. .. ...... .. . ... . 1,215.36

---$ 2,603.57 LI A BILITIES

Loan from Otuskwan Chapter, ,1\; o. 9 ............. . ...... $r,ooo.oo A mounts to credit of Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r6.85

---:$ 1,016.85

Balance Assets over Liabilitie s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,586.72

Page 35: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


F rom 1st Ma rch , 1919, to 28th Febru a ry, 1920

Alberta Chapter, 1\o. r . . . . .$ I95-SO North Star Chapter, No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.15 Assiniboia Chapter, No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.00 Shekinah Chapter, No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84.20 Golden 'Nest Chapter, No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.00 Mount Horeb Chapter, No. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.33 B.ckah Chapter, No. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 K ether Chapter, No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.15 Otuskwan Chapter, No. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-35 Bow Valley Chapter, No. ro . . . . . . . . . 73.00 Calgary Chapter, No. I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 r.oo Keystone Chapter, No. 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149.30 Capital City, No. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189.85 Vermil ion Chapter, No. 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.00 Hill vue Chapter, No. IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s6.oo Tau Cross Chapter, No. r6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.68 Mount Olivet Chapter, No. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II4.60 Norwood Chapter, No. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6r.oo T he H iram Chapter, No. 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-40 Banff Chapter, No. 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.85 Strathmore Chapter, 1\ o. 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79-75 Joseph Stauffer Chapter, U.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175.95 Coronation Chapter, U .D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ros.6s Crescent Chapter, U .D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204.20 Grand Chapter of B.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.85


---$ 2,412.78


I9I9-z8th March ...... ... ... ................. . .... . .. $ 52.05


6th May . ........ . ... .. . ... ...... . ..... . . ..... . 23rd June . ..... .. ... ... . ... .. . ..... ... .... . .. . .

7th August . ... . . ... .. .......... . .. ... .... . . . . . 7th August . . .. .. .. .... . ....... . .... .. . ...... . . .

zsth September .. ... ....... . . ... . ..... . ........ . . rzth December .. . .. ........... .. .... . .. . . . ... . . . 31st December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . . ... .


!]3.05 24.00

IJS.OO 146-70 298.80

2Ist January . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565.13 9th F ebruary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579.05

21st February . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145.75 ---$ 2,412.78

A mounts due to Chapters-North S tar Chapte1·, No. 2 .. . . ... .............. . $ Kether Chapter, No. 8 .. . . ... . . . . ..... . . .. .. . Norwood Chapter, No. r8 .... . .. ... . . ...... . . . . . Strathmore Chapter, No. 22 . . .... ... . . . . . Coronation Chapter, U.D. . ...... . .... . . .


12.00 1.00

.so r.85


Page 36: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Amounts due from Chapters-

A ss iniboia Chapter, No. 3 ........... . .. . ......... $ Sh ekinah Chapter, No. 4 .... . . .... ..... . .... . ... . Golden 'Nest Chapter, No. 5 Mount Horeb Chapter, No. 6 ..... . . . ... . Bekah Chapter, No. 7 . . . . . . .......... . Otusk wan Chapter, No. 9 ..... . ...... . . .. . . . Bow Valley Chapter, No. 10 . . . ...•......

Calgary Chapter, No. I I ......... ... ..... .. .. . . . Keystone Chapter, No. I2 Capital City Ch apter, No. I3 Vermilion Chapter, No. I4 . Hillvue Chapter, ~ o. IS Tau Cross Chapter, No . I6 Banff Chapter, No. 20 ..



28th Febru a r y, 1920

6.25 ·30

2.90 .15

42.I5 2-45 I. 50 7.00 I.40 2.30

.IO I.OO 4-00 6.15

Office Furniture and Typewriter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 230.00 R egalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330.00 Envelopes, Letterh eads, etc. . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Ce rtificate, Stone and Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ioo.oo Blank Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ss.oo Blank Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so.oo Copies of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 Books of Constitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 Certificates (Blank) for various purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.oo Books, Office and B lank . . . . . . . . . . . . ISo.oo Office Suppli es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO.OO Postage on Hanel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.36

---$ I,2I5.36


Duff, John 6 Wilson, Wm. I McGh ee, James A. 7 Wrightson, c. 3 Grant, James P . 8 Fulkreth, L. B. 4 P ublicover, Thos. w. 9 Downie, F. J. 5 Colwell , Frank L . IO Smith, Michael


Zilliax, A. 8 Short, G. A. 2 T owns, A . A. 9 Pedcins, 0. H . 3 Storey, H . M. IO Dillon. F. M. 4 Taylor, Robert II Fleming, F. W. 5 Sissons, A. T. I2 Rogers, M. H. 6 Locke, E . c. IJ Taylor, A. J. 7 McNeil, w. J. q Cochran, 0. D.

Page 37: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


McPherson, Cyril A rchibald 2 McFee, Nor man 3 McCutcheon, Daniel 4 \1\lilliams, Edmund J ones 5 Anderson, Milward V. 6 Stanley, George Douglas 7 Ritchie, Hugh Crichton S Glover, Alfred 9 Byers, R oy

IO McCarthy, Timothy Francis I I Patrick, Omar H. I2 Rankin, R obert C.

I3 Davidson, William M. I4 Cook, Colin M. IS Chesney, George L. I6 Casey, Arthur C. I7 Noble, Robert IS Burke, Julius Belvin I9 Nesbitt, Hugh. W. 20 S teacy, Ernest M. 2I Gow, Du ncan 22 Forsey, J ohn H. 23 Cottrell , Samuel J. 24 Patterson, A lexander G.


North Star, No.2 ... A. B. Powley, Norman McLeod.


Assiniboia, No. 3 .. 0. E. Barker, 0. Botsford, W. H. McEwan, Jno. A. Perry.

Bekah, No. 7 ....... H. S. Bailey. Bow Valley, No. IO . f. H. Binns, R. A. Travis. Hill vue, No. IS .. .. J as. N ichol, C. \ V. John ston, J os. Gordon, J. 'vV.

Verge, Thos. D. Stockdale, J no. S. \1\/allace, Loui s A. Weisegerber, vVilfred \1\/olstenholm.

Norwood, No. IS ... Harry K. Dow, Jno. C. Morrison, Jno. H . Wilson, Cla rence \N. Bookens, Alex. Mc'vVhirter, Rich­ard N. Beatty, Wilber E. Cla rk, J. E. R eid.

T he H iram, No. 19 . . 'vVm. H elem, Jno. A. Anderson, Arch. 'vV. Ewer s, 'vVm. P. Ironsides, 'vVm. E. Ironsides, Geo. E. Kennedy.


J oseph H. Argue and Herbert L. R eid, having been suspended f rom member ship by the Grand Lodge of A lberta, for U nmasonic Conduct, arc now hereby suspended f rom membership in the Grand Chapter of Royal A rch Mason s of Alberta.


A lberta, No. I . .. . . 'vVm. McC. Davidson, John C. Howells. North Sta r, No. 2 .. J as. A. McKinnon, J as. M. Horne, A. M. N cwman,

Loui s Law, A. F . Franklin, J . D. McNeill, J. A. Scott.

Assiniboia, No. 3 . .. J as. T. J ohn s, A. R. Perry, F. C. Beaumont, M. M . Downey.

Page 38: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Shekinah, No. 4 .... C. F. Prettie, C. C. Cragg, G. Dickie, 'vV. V. Paapst, P. L. McCallum.

Golden 'vVest, No . .) . Jas. G. Murray. Bekah, No. 7 ....... Jno. C. Merkel, J as. G. Graham. Bow Valley, No. 10 . J. B. Sim, A. 'vV. \Vatson, J. H . Freeman. Keystone, No. 12 ... Arch. Fyfe, Roy Byers. Capital City, No. 13 . John Gi ll espie, L. B. Coulter. Hillvue, No. 15 .... I. R. Bel l, J. M. 'vVindsor. Tau Cross, No. 16 .. . 'vV. A. Melross, J as. C. O'Bryan. Norwood, No. r8 .. Gilbert Anderson, 'vV. H. Price. The Hiram, No. 19 .. Ceo. McHarg, E . 'vV. Hatton, E. H. Ayling·, , \. T.

Sissons, A. J. Taylor, T. A. Short, Robt. Taylor, 'vVm. J. McNeil, E. C. Locke, H. M. Storey.

Banff, No. 20 ...... 'vVm. R. Seatle, R. H. Martin, H. C. Ritchie.


North Sta r, No. 2 . . . Ceo. A Green, H. A. Murphy. Golden 'vVest, No. s .. A. Y. McCorquodale, G. F. W. Stribling. Mount Horeb, No. 6. Ja s. \V. Hey. Bekah, No. 7 ........ E. J. Camies, John Allan.

Fraternally submitted,

Grand Scribe.

Page 39: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Re port of Grand Treasurer

March I, 1919- Cash in Bank of Noya Scotia .... . .... $1,261.67 March 2S, 19I9- Amount received from Grand Scribe E. 52.05 May 6, I9I9- " 92.50 June 23, I919- 76.15 August 7, I9I9- 173.05 A ugust 7, I9I9- 24.00 August 2S, I9I9- 135.00 Sept. 25, I919- 49-50 Dec. 12, I919- I46.7o Dec. 31, 1919- 29S.So Jan. 2I , 1920- 565.I3 Feb. 9, I920- 579.05 Feb. zi, 1920- q5.75 Feb. 2S, 1920-

---:$ 3.674-45


To February 28th , 1920

Voucher No. March I, I9I9- Campbell Floral Co. . . . ........ 167 $ March 1, 1919- ]. H. Routl edge, Engrossing Certificates I6S March I , I919- Star Printing \1\lorks, Printing ... . ..... 169 March S, I919- F. E . Osbo rn e, Office Suppl ies .. ...... .. J70 March I5, 1919- ]. E. ] ohnson, Consecration Su ppli es .... I7I March 15, 1919- F. E. Osborne, Office Cabi net . ......... 172 March I.), I919- F. E. Osborne, Office Supplies .. . . ...... 173 March IS, 19I9- Grand Chanter of Canada, Books ... . . 174 March 15, 19I9- .T. H. Rou tl edge, Engross: ng Cert ifi cates 175 March IS, 1919- J. H. Routledge, Engross ing Charter ... I76 March IS, 1919- \•Vm. Burns, Grand Tyler ....... . ...... 177 March I5, I9I9- St,·athmore Hospital Grant...... .17S .i\i·,Hh 15, 19!9-l\1. B. P eacock, La\\· Co>ts . . I79 ·Ma rch 15, 1919- A. R. Dickson, Grand Z.'s Expenses .... ISO :-.b.rch 15, 1919- \IV. A. i\ck!and, Premium on Bonds .... rSr March lS, I9 I9- ]. E. Johnson, Postage ................ IS2 Marr- h IS, I9I9-f\ . W. R. Markle_,., \\'ar Tax .......... 1S3 Ap1·i ! 26, 19Ig-Calgary Photo Engra\·ing Co., Cut . ..... IS4 ADI·il 26, I919- Star Printing \!\forks, Envelopes ....... ISS :-.!fa ,· 6, 1919- J E. John son, Office Furniture .... . ... . IS6 T:u{c 23, 1919- Grand Scribe E., Salary . . . . . . . . . ... 1S7 June 23, I9I CJ-A lbcrt;ltl Job Print, Procccd;ngs . .. rSS Tunc 23, 1919- Amhro>c Kent & Sons, Regalia . . .... . .. 1S9 Aug-ust -1, 19!0·-T. D. M r ,\ra, R cnri n t of Constitution . .. I90 August -1. I9I9- .T. D. MeAra, Printing a nd Books .. . ... I9I Augu st 4, I9I9-]. H. Routledge, Engrossi ng Cert., etc. I92 August 4, 1919---H ctlr)' T. Sc1ith . B lank Book s . . . . . I93 August 4, 19I9-F. E. O oborn c, Bhmk Books and S uppli es 19-1 A ugu st 4, I9I9- ]. E. Johnson, L.D. Phones and Exp ress I95 August 4, 1919- A iberta Chap. No. r, Payment on Note . I96

Amt. IO.OO 3.00 3-S5 1.30 4-90

36 75 2.05 3.00

I2.00 S.oo

IO.OO 2.).00

I2.).00 so.oo 3.00

20.00 2 .00 2.00 9.00 7-50

ISO.OO 234-00 I 78.65 206.75

36.75 II.OO 7.00

II.45 4-S .:;


Page 40: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Sept. Nov. Kov. Nov. NoY. Nov. NoY. Nov. NoY. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. F eb. Feb.


1919- J. D . M eAra, Books . .. ...... ........ . 197 1919- B rit. Colonial Press, Cuts ............. 198 1919- T he Bryant P ress, Ltd., Musical Services 199 1919-J. E. John son, Express, L.D. P hones, etc. 201 1919- G ra nc\ Scribe E., Salary . .............. 202 1919-]. E. jo hn son, Postage ........ ........ 203 1919- 'vV. A. Ackland, Insurance ............. 20-1-1919-D. R. Dingwall, Ltd., Jewels ............ 205 1919- Star Printing V/orks, Envelopes ... 206

19, I9I9- Chilclren's Aiel Society, Grant . .... . ... 207 19, 1919- Miss A. Campbell, Chi ldren's R ei' £ Gra nt 208 19, 1919- Granc\ Scribe E. , Salary .............. 209 20, 20, 20, 21,

21, 21, 21, 21,

21 , 2 1, 21,


1920- F. E. O sborne, Office Supplies .. . 210 192o-}. D. M eA ra, P rinting .......... ... ... 21 1 1920- N . T. M acleod, Expenses ....... . ..... 212 1919- J. D. MeAra, Printing and Stock . . .... . 213 1920-\ Vest & Brown, S tock .. ........ . ....... 2q 1920- A lbertan J ob Print, Printing .... .. ... .. 215 1920- A lberta Chapte1·, K o. r, Interest .... . .. 216 1920- Aiberta Chapter, No. r, Loan 1n Full ... 217 1920- 0tusk wan Chapter , No. 9, Interest ..... 218 1920- ]. E. J ohn son, T elegram s, etc ... .. .... . 219 1920- E. B. Curlette, Photos of Past Z.'s ..... 220 1920- Cash 111 Bank . . . . . ......... . .. .

Fraternally submitted,


II.2,S 12.55 10.00 s.og

75.00 20.00

6.80 189.00

8.50 25.00 zs.oo 75.00 3.25

29.00 6.r5

57.50 3·75

14.75 28.oo

300.00 60.00




Grand T1·easw·er,

Calgary, March 4th, 1920

'vVe haYe Audited the books and Youchers of the Grand Scribe E., and the Grand Treasurer, a nd find the same to be well k ept.

vVe certify that the attached report of R eceipts and D isbursements is in accordance with the youchers and the books of the Grand Scribe E. a nd Grand Treasurer.



O n m otion of R. E . Comp. H . Darling, seconded by Ex. Comp. A. G. l'inch, it was

RESOI~ VED, that the R epo rts of the Grand Scribe E . and Grand Treasurer be referred to the Committee of A udit a nd l'inancc.

Page 41: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual

Report of Committee on Grand Z's Address

To the :Most Excell ent Grand F irst Principal and Compan ions of the Grand Chapter of A lberta:


You r Committee to w hom was referred the Mo st Excellent the Grand F irst Principal's address, respectfully report as fo ll ows:

\Ve de sire to cong ratulate the Mo st Excellent the Grand First Principal on th e harmony that exists throughout this Grand Juri sdiction, and th e g reat prog ress mad e during his tenure of office. Not a single note of di scord has been struck anywhere, a nd the true f undamenta l principl es of F ree .Masonry, Brotherly Love, Reli ef and T ruth, arc much in evid ence.

At our fi rst ann ua l comm un ica tion in 19 15 thi s Gran d Chapter h ad seven S ubordinate Chapters and a total membership of 747- The p resent status of 24 Chapters with a membership of 2,24-1, being ove r three tim es the number of Chapter s at the time of for mat ion of thi s Grand Chapter. T his is t indeed, a condition which is highly g ratifying.

The f1nancial condition of our Grand Chapter is a lso wo rthy of special m ention as a ll the expenses conn ected with th e formation of Grand Chapter have been fully met and ou r fi nancia l report shows a substantia l credit balance in the treasury. Thi s surely fu lfill s the pre­diction macie by the Grand F irst Principal of thi s Grand Chapter, in 1914, when h e stated: "The Companions of A lbe rta arc f ully convinced that they can best promote th e interests of Capitulary Mason ry under the ir own Grand Chapte r, and that the expenses in curred therewith wi ll not prove a burden." Much of the success a ttending thi s Grand Chapter has been du e: to th e untiring effo rts of our present Grand First P rinci pal, an d we hear til y cong ratulate him upon the SIJCcess that ha s been achieyecJ.

Your Committee desire, a lso, to join with th e Mo st Excell ent the Grand F ir;t Principal in their ex press ion of apprec ia tion of the va luable services rendered by R. E. Comp. J. E. J ohn son, Grand Scribe E., w ho has been always ready and willing to render services in wh ateve r direc­tion in dicated fo r the best interests of Capitul a r Masonry.

Your Committee note w ith pleasure the visits made by our G rand F irst Prin cipal to the Grand Chapter of Montana, and Chapters under the Jur isdiction of the Grand Chapter of Canada . S uch v isitat ions do much to cement the fr iendships now existing between th e Companions of Sis ter Juri sdiction s and our own Grand Chapter.

You r Committee desire to congratul ate the Mo st Excel lent the Grand F irst Principal on bein g able to visit every one of the twenty-four Chap­ters in thi s Juri sdiction at leas t once, and in most cases a secon d t im e, making in a ll forty-one vis its to these Chapters. T h ese Yisits, we feel assured, mu st have been of g reat va lu e and encouragemen t to th e officers and Compani on ; of ou r Ch apte rs.

Y our Committee also note with pl easu re th at three new Chapters have been in stituted duri ng the past year, each of which g ive evidence of being in st ituted under ve r~· favo rable circum stance s, a nd will doubtl ess in clue t im e, be a credit to this Grand Chapter.

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Y our Committee a re pleased to note that no special ruling base been referred to the Grand First Principal during the past year ; thus sh owing tha t the Compa nions are studying their Constitutions more caref ully and l>ccoming mo re efficient in the work of Capitula ry Masonry.

Your Committee concur with the Most E xcellent the Grand "Z" in that the office rs o f a Chapter should be prompt in their a ttendance a nd in sist upon opening the Chapter promptly at the time fixed by thei r By­laws for so doing, and that they should do everything within their power to maintain the dignity of their respective officers.

Your Committee al so h eartily concur with the M ost E xcellent the G1·and "Z" in hi s recommenda tion tha t a Cha pter of In struction should be h eld in each Di strict in the Province, and that the Grand Lecturer should be present, and that hi s travelling expenses should be paid by Grand Chapter when in attendance thereat. They a lso heartily concur in his r ecommendation that the Grand S uperintendent f o r each Distr.i ct should be selected from merit only, without consideration a s to the Chapter to which he may belong.

Your Committee are, howc\·er, of the o p11110n tha t a less number of Districts than that proposed by the Most E xcellent the Grand First Principal is desirable. They fee l tha t where D istricts arc small the number e lig ible f or the office of Grand S uperintendent is limited and too often Companions are selected who have no particula r qualifica tions fo r the office. Such a Companion should not only be fully qualifi ed to confer D egrees but should have a thorough knowledge of the Constitution ~,nd be generally ver sed in Capitulary Masonry, and be able to address the Compa nions upon Masonic subj eel s.

Your Committee arc a lso of the opinion tha t the time has not yet a rrived when the travelling expenses of the G rand S uperintendents sh ould be paid.

Your Committee heartily endo rse the recomm endation made by the Most E xcellent the Grand "Z" that thi s G rand Chapter assume some definite task through which they will be putting into practice the pur­poses of our Order in some definite tangible way.

In conclu sion, your Committee desire to again express their appreci­ation o f the excellent services rendered to Capitular M asonry by the Most Excellent the Grand First Principal and tru st that h e may long be spa red to cnj oy the hono rs which he has worthily merited.

Fra te rnally submitted,

]. N . RANKT~, Chairman. s. Y. TAYLOR,

F. S. \t\' ATSON.

On motion of M. E . Comp. ]. N . Ra nkin, seconded by M . E . Comp. F. S. Watson, it was

RESOLVED, That the repo rt of the Committee on Grand Z's address he received and adopted.

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To the Grand Z., Officers a nd Companions Gra nd Chapter of A lberta, R.A.M.:

Your Committee on Audit and Finance beg to report as fo llows:

'v\'c recommend that the Grand Z's expenses for the year be paid.

'vVe r ecommend that the tenders of the MeAra Printing Company fo r printing 700 copies of the proceedings be accepted.

'vVc a pprove of the action taken by Grand Scribe E. in procuring the three Past Grand Z. J ewels and recommend that the design be adopted.

'vVc recommend that the Gra nd Scribe E. procure a sectiona l book­case and an addi tiona l section for hi s file cabinet.

'v\'c recommend that the Gra nd Sc"ribe E. have r,ooo copies of the standard By-laws printed.

\ilie recommend that the debt of the Grand Chapter to Otuskwan Chapter, No. 9, be repaid as far as possible during the coming year.

\11/e recommend that the Grand S cribe E . procure roo bound volumes of the proceedings of Grand Chapter since its inception, and place 20 volumes in the Archives of Grand Chapter, present copies to a ll Past Grand Z's and ;ell the remainder to the members of Grand Chapter de­,;iring them.

'vVe approyc the action of the Grand Scribe E. in procuring r,soo copies of the Constitution.

'vVe congratulate Grand Chapter on having such an efficient and capable Grand Scribe Ezra, and recommend that the salary of Grand Scribe E. be increased to $.po per annum and be payable quarterly.

Fraternally submitted,

F. s. S J<:tWOOD,


]. l\. RA N KIN.

On motion of R. E. Camp. F. S. Selwood, seconded by M. E. Comp. J. N. Rankin, it was

RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on A udit and F inance be received and adopted.



To the Most E xcellent the Grand Z., Officers and Companions o"f the Grand Chapter of R oyal Arch Masons of Alberta:

Dear Sir and Most Excellent Comp.:

Your Committee on the Condition of Capitular Masonry having read the reports of the Grand Scribe E. and Superintendents of Districts and Grand T reasurer, have noted fir st of all , the excellent financial standing of the Grand Chapter and tha t the re has been a substantial increase of about one-six th in membership, a nd that 'vVarrants fo r three new Chap­te rs have been issued.

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vVhil e not condemni ng, we wou ld suggest that the Chapters take into consideration whether they arc justified in having so large fun d s on hand or if these f unds shou ld be working Masonically? vVe note that some Chapters have too many m embers that are more than t welve mo nth s in arrears. vVc commend the use of forms of itemized statements to the Chapters, but observe that all Chapters h ave not sent in these forms. \!\fe fu rther no te that the Grand Z. and the Grand S uperintendents have been painstaking an d faithful in their duties in v isiting, enco urag ing and generally lookin g after the welfare of Capitular Masonry, and tha t they fi nd nearly a ll Chapters carryi ng insurance and the work well done. \Ale approve of the suggestion of the Grand Scribe E., that additional copies of the ,,·ork be sccu red.

Fraternally submitted,


On motion of E. Comp. G. B. McLeod, seconded by R. E. Comp. vV. E. Mercer, it was

RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on the Condition of Capitular Masonry be received an d adopted.


To the Mo:Oc Ex. Grand Z., Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Alberta:

vVc, your Committee, arc more than pleased to state that good f eel ing and ha rmo ny ha s prevailed am ong the Companio ns of the diffen~nt Chapters in th e province; that we ha,·e nothing ftu·ther to r epo rt under this h eading.

Fraternally subm itted,


On motion of R. E. Comp. 'v\'. J. Seed, seconded by R. E. Comr. H. Darling, it was

RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on G ric,·a nccs and Appeals be received and adopted.


To the M . Ex. the Gran d First Principal and Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Alberta:

M. Ex. Sir and Camp. :

Since our last meeting 30 Companions of Sister Juri sdictions, a nd I I of our own J uri sdietions, have gone over to the si lent majority. Of these 30, nearly all were of the rank of P.G.H.P., and of these II of our own Jurisdiction, one was a v ictim of the great war. Each year we a rc faced by thi s same loss, differing o nly in degree. It would some­times seem that all had been said which could be said of our sense of loss, of the good qua lities of those gone, and of our eterna l hope. For­tunately this year but one of these has fa llen from the ranks while on military :;cn•icc. Doubtless ncycr before ha,·e the problems been so

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compl ex, overwh elmin g an d many, as n ow. :Men arc weary, an::'iou s, ;,nd somctim <es di scou raged, and so would seem to y1cld more eas!ly to d isease ami the ravages of tim e. In the mid st o f our perpl exities and d isappointm ents, th e buoyancy of hope and the sureness of promi se a rc our s, because we believe today, as never befo re, tha t Hi s hand is guiding ;; ncl the \ Vo rcl is H is. The things worth whil e a re not dollars, but h ea rts , an d the homely wo rds of th e poet again prove t ru e :

"There's a money of th e soul, my fr iend, you' ll find in af te r years; Its pennies a re the sweat-drops, its dollars arc the tea rs,

A nd Love is th e redeeming gold w hich measures wh at they' re worth, And you' ll ge t as much h erea f te r as you've given out on ea rth."

'vVe believe tha t out of thi s hou r and all its tragedy th e conviction w ill g row stronger tha t humanity wa s not to be th e pl ay thing of mere things ; that a man's heart and mind, to say nothing of hi s soul , is of vas tly more importance than a ll h e could possess of mere things, and that the un seen things of the soul are the only things man eve r k eeps.

A ssured that our Companions, whatever their station in the F ratern­ity, la id clown the working tools of life with some considerabl e balance to their credit of these un seen things ; we bid them farewell w ith regret f o r thei r l o~s , but in the full hope tha t we sha ll sec them again.

Your Committee would move that suitabl e memorial pages be placed in our A nnual in memory of those Companions who haYc le ft u s.

Fra ternally submitted,


Chairm an.

On motion of R. E . Comp. H. Darling, seconded by M . E . Comp . ] . N . Rankin, it was

RE SOLVED , That the repo rt of the Committee on Fraternal D ead br adopted.

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lJu :Lmrmory nf tl}r

ilrrraar!l 01nmpauinua nf ~iatrr 3Juria!lirttnua

for tfrr lfrar 19HJ

"Earth to ea rth, a nd du st to dust," Calmly now the words we say,

L ef t behind, we wait in trust Till the Resurrection-Day.

Page 47: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual

1Jn imrmnry of tlrr

Olnmpautnus nf ®ur ®wu 3Jurtslltrttnu

for tl]e fear 1919

Now th e laboure r' s task is o'er, Now the battle-day is past;

Now upon th e fa r ther shore Lands the voyager a t last.

Page 48: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


To the Most Excellent the Grand Z., Officers and Companions:

Requ ests fo r recognition have been received f rom the Grand Chap­te r of British Columbia and the Grand Chapter of Queensland. vVe haYe pleasure in recommending that recognition be granted to the Grand Chapte r of Brtish Columbia and that an exchange of representatives be arranged for.

Some time ago a request was made by our Grand Scribe E. to the Grand Chapte r of Queensland for further information with regard to its fo rmation. This information ha s not yet come to hand and, we there­fore, recommend that action be deferred until our next annual com­munication.

vVe submit herewith a review of the proceedings of our Sister Juris­dictions and request that the same be printed in our annual proceedings.

Fraternally subm itted,


On motion of R. E. Comp. F. S. Selwood, seconded by R. E. Comp. W. E . Mercer, it was

RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on Fraternal Re­lations be adopted.

Alabama ....... 1918 Arkansas .. 1918-1919 Arizona ........ 1919 Canada ......... 1919 California ...... 1919 Colorado ....... 1919 Connecticut ..... 1919 Di st . Columbia . 1919 England (Mark) 1919 Florida ......... 1919 Georgia ...... .. 1919 Iowa ...... 1918-1919 Ireland ......... 1918 Illinoi s .... . .... 1919 Idaho ......... . 1919 Indiana ........ 1919


Kansas .. 1919 Kentucky ....... 1918 Louisana . . .. 1919 Massachusettes '18- 19 Maine ...... .... 1919 Michigan ....... 1919 Minnesota ...... 1919 Missouri . . . 1919 New H amp. . . 1919 New York ..... 1919 N. Carolina .. 1918-19 Nova Scotia . 1918-19 Nevada ....... . 1918 Nebraska ....... 1919 North Dakota .. 1919 New J ersey . ... 1919

New Mexico ... 1918 Ohio ... . ....... 1919 Oklahoma .. 1919 O regon ......... 1919 Quebec ......... 1919 Rhode I sland .. 1918 South Dakota .. . 1919 Tennessee . 1919-1920 Texas . . . 1918-1919 Utah . . . . . . .. 1919 Vermont . 1919 Virginia .. ... . .. 1918 Victoria ... 1918-1919 Washington .... 1919 vVest Vi rginia .. 1918 Wiscon sin ... . .. 1919


To the Mo st Excellent Grand Z., Officers and Members of the Grand Chapter of Alberta:

Your Committee on Juri sp rudence respectfully beg to report that no business h•1s come before your Committee for consideration.

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On motion of R. E. Camp. H. Darling, seconded by R. E. Camp. F. S. Selwood, it was

RESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on Juris prudence be adopted.


To the Most Excell ent Grand Z., Officers and Companions n f the Grand Chapter of Alberta, R.A.M.:

Dear S ir and Most Ex. Camp.:

Your Committee on Benevolence begs to report that contributions have been received from the fo llowing Chapters:

i\ssiniboia, No. 3 .. . . .... .. . ..... $z rs.oo Shekinah, No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so.oo Kether, No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I4.00 Otuskwan, No. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.00 Capital City, No. IJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76.00 Banff, No. zo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6s.oo Strathmore, No. 2I 55.00

TOTAL .... ...... : . . . . . . . $498.oo

Of the amou nt cont ributed by Strathmore Chapter, $25.00 was donated to the Hospita l a t Stra thm ore, and the contribution f rom Banff Chapter ·.vas cliviclecl equally between the Children's A iel Society of Calgary and the re li ef of other children in that city.

Fraternally submitted,


'vV. T. Coo'l'E

On motion of R . E. Camp. W. J. Seed, seconded by R. E. Camp. \V. E. Mercer, it was

R ESOLVED, That the report of the Committee on Benevolence be adopted.


To the Most Excellent the Grand Z., Officers and Members of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of A lberta :

Your Committee on Special Benevolence begs to report that having covered th e g round from all angles, in our consideration and investiga­tion s on benevolence, and having given all heed to suggestions offered ~t our la st Annual Convocation, that;

Charity being the foundation store of our institution, we should be bui lding thereon; having some definite plan to work upon.

Masonry as a w hole, in Alberta, should have an obj ect, a part of w hich could be taken care of by Royal A rch Masons as th eir particular work.

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'vVe beli eve that the time has arrived for the Alberta Masons to start on a definite plan.

'vVe recommend that a Committee be appointed to work towards that end with all kindred Masonic Bodies.

'vVe recommend that we start a fund now by having each Chapter assessed Five Dollars ($s.oo) on each fee for exaltation.

Fraternally submitted, F. s. WATSON D. MciNTOSH J. N. RANKIN

On motion of M. E. Comp. J. N. Rankin, seconded by R. E . Comp. H. Darling, it was

RESOLVED, That the report of the Special Committee on Benevol­ence be adopted.

On motion of M. E. Comp. S. Y. Taylor, seconded by M. E . Comp. I<obt. Patterson, it was

RESOT~ VED, That a Committee be appointed to consider the re­arrangement of the Districts of this Grand Chapter and report at a later session of Grand Chapter.

The Most Excellent Grand Z. appointed R. E. Camps. 'W. T. Coote, 'vV. E. Mercer and Ex. Comp. S. Middleton to act on this Committee.

The above Committee later reported as fo llows: Most Excellent Sir:

Your Committee recommends that the Districts be divided as recom­mended in the Grand Z. report.

Fraternally submitted, W. T. CooT£ S. MIDDLETON w. E. MERCER

On motion of R. E. Comp. 'vV. T . Coote, seconded by E.x. Comp. S. Middleton, it was

RESOLVED, That the report be received and adopted.


The Most Excellent the Grand Z. appointed M. E. Comp. Abraham 'Shaw, M. E. Comp. Francis D. Jones and R. E. Comp. David Craig, as Scrutineers of the Ballot.

The election of Grand Officers was then proceeded with, and resulted as follows:

M. E. Comp. No rman T. Macleod .......... Grand Z. R. E. Comp. Hiram Darling ......... . . .... Grand H. R. E . Comp. William T . Coote . ............ Grand J. R. E. Comp. John E . Johnson ...... ........ Grand Scribe E. R. E . Comp. David Mcintosh .... . ..... .. .. . Grand Scribe N. R. E. Comp. Howard H. Fletcher ..... . ... . Grand Treasurer R. E. Comp. George B. Macleod ..... . ... ... Grand Prin. Sojourner R. E. Comp. Joseph G. Morris ....... ..... . Grand Registrar

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Grand Chapter was then called off to enable the Districts to select their Grand Superintendents for the ensuing year.

On Grand Chapter resuming labor, the following nominations for District Superintendents were submitted to the M. E. the Grand Z., who was pleased to 3pprove in each case, and the selections were confirmed:

R. E. Comp. R. C. Macdonald .... . Edmonton ........... District No. r R. E . Comp. 'vV. J. Stephenson ..... Reel Deer . . . . District No. 2

R. E. Comp. M. B. Peacock ....... Calgary . . . . . . District No. 3 R . E. Comp. T. 'vV. Bates· .......... Glcichen . . ...... District No. 4 R. E. Comp. John Allan ........... Macleod . . . District No. 5


The following Companions were elected for the term of two years: R. E . Comp. Jesse Elliott .......... Medicine Hat R. E. Comp. E. C. Dunlop .... . .... Edmonton R. E. Comp. W. E . Mercer ......... Calgary R. E. Comp. W. ]. Seed ............ Edmonton, and R. E. Comp. Geo. B. Macleod ..... Edmonton, for the term of one year


The Cities of Edmonton and Banff, having been nominated for the meeting-place of the next Annual Convocation, and having balloted on, the City of Edmonton, having received the majority of votes, was declared to be the choice of Grand Chapter.


NOTICE OF MOTION by R. E. Comp. J. E. Johnson

That the Constitution be amended by adding the following clause to be known as No. 107a :

"Notice of such suspension shall be ginn to the Grand Scribe E., to other Chapters having concurrent jurisdiction, and to all Chapters in the District in which the t hapter is situated."

NOTICE OF MOTION by R. E. Comp. J. E. Johnson

That the Constitution be amended by adding the following clause to be known as No. 59a :

"A fine of Five Dollars per month for each month's delay shall be imposed upon every Chapter, the returns of which shall not have been mailed to the Grand Scribe E.'s office on or before ] anuary 15th 111 each year."

NOTICE OF MOTION by R. E. Comp. J. E. Johnson

That the Constitution be amended by adding the fo llowing clause to be known as No. rooa:

"No Companion shall be a member of more than one Chapter in this Jurisdiction at the same time (except as an honorary or life member). This rule shall not apply to members of a Chapter under dispensation,

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uut when a Charter is granted, the Companion_ must at once apply fo r a demit from the Chapter of which he was prcvwusly a member."

NOTICE OF MOTION b y R. E. Comp. H. Darling

"That Good Standing in Chapter membership be dependent on good standing in Craft Masonry."

It was moved by Ex. Camp. J. R. Flan, seconded by R. E. Camp. E. C. Dunlop; That the Grand Scribe E. be authorized to scc_ure prices from the different firms and carry a stock of R cgaha, to be d1sposcd of to the Chapters at actual cost plus the cost of shipping, etc.

It was moved in amendment, by R. E. Camp. Coote, seconded by V. E. Camp M. B. Peacock, that the Grand Scribe E. purchase a supply d Regalia and the same be supplied to the Chapters at cost plus 10%.

A vote having been taken, both the amendment and the original motion were declared "LOST."

On motion of R. E. Camp. J. Elliott, seconded by R. E. Camp. E. C. Dunlop, it was

RESOLVED, T hat a g rant of ten dolla r s ($IO.oo) be made to acting Grand Tyler Companion Keyte.

On motion of R. E . Camp. \N . J. Seed, seconded by Ex. Camp. J. R. Flan, it was

RESOLVED, That a g rant of ten dollars ($ro.oo) be made to P er­fection Masonic Lodge fo r expenses in connection \\·ith the lighting and cleaning of the Lodge Room.

On motion of R. E. Camp. E. C. Dunlop, seconded by Ex. Camp. R. L. Mcilveen, it was

RESOLVED, That the thanks of Grand Chapter be extended to Ashier Lodge and Calgary Chapter, for their kindness in allowing Grand Chapter the usc of the Lodge Rooms for this Convocation.

On motion of R. E. Camp. F. S . Selwood, seconded by R. E. Ca mp. H. Darling, it was

RESOLVED, That the Grand Scribe E. be authorized to procure suitable Regalia for the usc of the Grand Superintendents of D istricts No. 4 and No. 5 and Past Grand F irst Principal's J ewels fo r M. E . Companions Robert Patter son, A. R. Dick son and M. M. Downey.

On motion of M . E . Comp. J. N . Rankin, seconded by R. E. Comp. \V. E . Mercer, it was

RESOLVED, T hat this Grand Chapter express its sincere apprecia­tion of the visit to th is Grand Chapte1· of M. E. Comp. F rancis D . J ones and R. E. Comp. David Craig, of the Grand Chapter of Montana.

T he disting ui shed Companions suitably acknowledged the vote of thanks and expressed their thanks to the Companions for the reception they had received in Alberta.

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On motion of R. E. Comp. H. Darling, seconded by R. E. Comp. N. T. Macleod, it was

R ESOLVED, That the Grand Chapter of Alberta, appreciates the visit of M. E. Comp. Abraham Shaw, Past Grand Z. of the Grand Chap­ter of Canada. "His genial word and timely g uidance have been alike welcome."

M. E . Comp. Shaw expressed his pleasure at having been able to be present at the Annual Convocation.

On motion of R. E. Comp. David Mcintosh, seconded by R. E. Comp. F. S. Selwood, it was

RESOLVED, That the thanks of the assembled Grand Chapter be tendered to R. E. Comp. J. E. Johnson for his faithful and efficient ser­Yices as Grand Scribe E.

On motion of R. E . Comp. W. T. Coote, seconded by R. E. Comp. H. Darling, it was

RESOLVED, That the thanks of thi s Grand Body be extended to the four Calgary Chapters and the Grand Z. M. E . Comp. M. M. Downey, for the very cordia l reception extended to the delegates.


M. E . Comp. Abraham Shaw, assisted by Past Grand Officers then proceeded with the installation and investiture of the newly elected officers of the Grand Chapter, who were then proclaimeu and saluted according to ancient custom.

On motion of R. E. Comp. vV. T. Coote, seconded by R. E. Comp. H. Darling, it was

RESOLVED, That a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to M . E. Comp. Shaw for his kindness in installing the of-ficers of Grand Chapter.


The following appointments by Most Excellent Companion Norman T. Macleod, Grand Z., were subsequently announced:

V. E: Comp. \A/ . C. Black ..... Calgary ......... Grand Senior Sojourner V. E. Comp. J. E. Rannard ... Lethbridge ...... Grand Junior Sojourner M. E. Comp. M. M. Downey .. Calgary ......... Grand Lecturer V. E. Comp. vV. D. Graham .. . Sedgewick ....... Grand Sword Bearer V. E. Comp. R. vV. Manley ... \'\'etaskiwin ...... Gr. Master rst Veil V. E. Comp. D . C. McKenzie . Hill vue .......... Gr. Master 2nd Veil V. E. Comp. R. L. Mcilveen .. Banff .. ......... Gr. Master 3rd Veil V. E. Comp J B. Sutherland. Macleod . .. ...... Gr. Master 4th Veil V. E. Comp. J H. Green ..... High Rive1· ...... Gr. Di r . of Ceremonies V. E. Comp. W. A. Ackland .. Calgary ..... . ... Grand Organist V. E. Comp. J. R. Flan ....... Calgary ......... Grand Pursuivant V . E. Comp. G. Frank Butler. Strathmore ..... . Grand Steward V. E . Comp. M. M. Steele .... Fincher Creek ... Grand Steward V. E. Comp. H. 0. Haslam ... Claresholm ...... Grand Steward V. E. Comp. Oliver Cowin .... Youngstown .. Grand Steward V. E. Comp. J. J. Green ...... Edmonton ...... . Grand Janitor

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T he labors of the Convocation being ended, Grand was ::h,sed m AMPLE FORM at -1.30 p.m.

Grand Scrib'" E.

Page 55: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


GR.\Nll 0FF1CERS 1914 1915 rgr6 1917 Grand Z .. .. . . ......... S. Y. Taylor .......... J. 1\. Rankin . . ...... . F. S. Watson .......... Robert Patterson Grand H ............... F. S. \\'at son .......... F. S. 'vVatson .......... R. Patterson .......... A. R. Dickson Grand J ........... ..... T. C. Bruce ...... ..... T. C. Bruce .... . ...... A. R. Dickson ......... M. M. Downey Grand Scribe E ........ ~'L M. Downey ........ l'vL M. Downey.. . .M. M. Downey ........ J. E. Johnson Grand Scribe N ........ 1\.. R. Yates ... . ........ 1\. R. Dickson ....... E. D. H. W ilkins ...... Geo. D. Stanley Grand Prin. Sojourner. E. D. H. W ilkins ...... E. D. H. Wi lkins ...... A. R. Yates . ...... . ... N. T. Macleod Grand Treasurer ...... \. \\'. R. Markley ..... A. \V. R. Markley .... A. vV. R. Markley ..... A. W. R. Markley Grand Registrar ....... \. \\'est ............... A. 'vVest . . . ........ V. A. Bowes . ......... E. D. H. Wilkins Crane! Senior Sojourner. T. Rankine ........ . ... D. \V. McMillan . ...... \/1/. A. Mahaffy . ....... Geo. \ rV. Elliott Grand Junior Sojourner. 1\ . 1-L Spurr . . . . . . . . .. \ \'. A. Mahaffy . . . . ... D. L. Murison ...... . . David Mcintosh Grand Lecturer . ...... . I. H. Argue . ...... . ... I. H. Argue .......... . J . H . Argue ..... .. .... J. H. Argue Grand Sword Bearet· .. . C. B. McLeod ......... C. B. McLeod . . . .... C. D. Wallace ......... W. F. W. Lent Grand M. rst Veil ..... I-I . I. Miller ........... ! I. C. l-l oa re ......... . A. N. Lindsay ......... William H. Coote Grand M. znd Veil ..... G. T. Bragg ........... '1'. H. Irvine ........ D. McKenzie .. .. ...... R. Powell Grand M. 3rd Veil ... . C. E. Macdonald ...... D. G. Campbell ..... R. C. MacDonald .. .... Thos. Burnett Grand M. 4th Veil.. .. W E. Lord .. . . .. .. James Walker ......... E. E. Farley .......... . J. A. MacDonald Grand D. of C ......... I. M. Empey .. . ...... A. R. Yates ...... .... . James \;\Talker ......... F. S. Selwoocl Grand O rganist .. . ..... C. J Davis . . . . . . .. F. B. Cooper .. .. ... .. Peter vValker ... . ..... J. E . Hodgson Grand Pursuivant .. E. E. Farley . . . . .... E. E. Farley ... . . . .... H. H. Fletcher ..... . .. J oseph Langdon Grand Steward .. Ceo. McManus ...... F. R. Jclfs ..... .. . . ... W. E. Mercer ....... .. S. M. Fraser Grand Steward ....... . \\'. A. Mahaffy . .. .... Gains f\ lien .......... . D. W. McMillan ....... G. E . Hayward Grand Steward ........ G. L. Chesney ..... .... D. L. Murison ........ Gaius Allen ........... J. A. Neff Grand Steward . .... J. S. Lambert.. . ... G. J. Davis ........ G. J. Davis ... ... ... ... William Thompson Grand Janitor ........ . Haney Brock ....... .. R. C. Bruce ........... J. L. Johnson . . . .. .... Thos. Baird

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GnAND OFFICERS rgr8 1919 1920

Grand Z ..................... A. R. Dickson ....... ...... . NI. M. Downey ................. N. T. Macleod Grand H. .. ...... ... ........ M. M. Downey ......... . .... N. T. Macleod .................. H. Darling Grand J, .................... N. T. Macleod .............. H . Darling ...................... vV. T. Coote Grand Scribe E . ... .. ........ J. E. Johnson . . . . . . . . ... J. E. Johnson .... . .... .... ...... J. E. John son Grand Scribe N .............. P. J. Dewie . . . . . . . ......... E. C. Dunlop . . . . . . ..... . ...... D. Mcintosh Grand Prin. Sojourner .. .. ... W. T. Coote . . . . ......... vV. A. Mahaffy . ....... . .. . ...... Geo. B. MacLeod Grand Treasurer ............ A. v\1. R. Markley ........ A. W. R. Markley ............... H. H. Fletcher Grand Registrar ............. D. W. McMillan ... .. .. . .... . Jesse Elliott ..................... J os. G. Morris Grand Sen ior Sojourner ..... Jesse Elliott ................ 'vV. J. Stephenson . ............... VI. C. Black Grand Junior Sojourner ..... . J. A. R. Powell ... . . ........ J, J. Green ... .. ......... .... .. .. J, E. Rannard Grand Lecturer ............. J. H. Argue ................ J . H. Argue .......... . .......... M. M. Downey Grand Sword Bearer ....... . R. D. Robertson ..... .... .... R. H. Struthers .. .... . . . . . . . . . . 'vV. D. Graham Grand M. Ist Veil .......... J. Dan McDonald ........ G. E. Cruickshank ...... ... . . . ... R. W. Manley Grand M. 2nd Veil .......... D. Thompson ......... . ..... Harvey Brock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. C. McKenzie Gran d M. 3rd Veil .... . ..... H. B. Jamieson ......... . ... S. T. Fawcett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. L. Mcilveen Grand M. 4th Vei l ..... ...... A. W. Rosborough .......... D. McLean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. B. Sutherland Grand D. of C ................ Geo. Simpson ... .. ..... .... . M. B. Peacock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J, H. Green Grand Organist ............. F. B. Cooper ......... . .. .. . W. A. Ackland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. A. Ackland Gra nd Pursuivant ........... Geo. Campbell .............. D. A. Taylor .................... J. R. Flan Grand Steward . . . . . ....... F. S. Macpherson .... ... ..... A. N. Saddington .... .. . . ... .. ... G. F. Butler Grand Steward ............. A. Hayr .................... H. Macpherson ............. .... . M. M. Steele Grand Steward . . . ...... .... R. C. MacDonald ............ VI/. J. Haynes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. 0. Haslam Grand Steward ...... . . ..... S. M. Fraser ............ . ... H. D. McMillan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oliver Cowin Grand Janitor .............. W m. Burns .... ..... . .... ... S. H. Davies ...... . ... . ......... J. J . Green

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Page 58: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual

Grand Royal Arch Chapters Grand Chapters Grand Secretaries Address

Alabama ... . ........ . Ceo. A. Beauchamp ......... Montgomery Arizona ............ Geo. ]. Roskruge ............ Tuscan Arkansas ........... John C. Bone ...... .. ....... Batesville British Columbia ... ]. VI/. Prescott, G.S.E ... .... . . Vancouver Ca li fornia .......... Thomas A. Davies .... .... ... San Francisco Canada . . . . . . ...... Henry T. Smith, G.S.E .... . . Toronto Colorado ..... . ..... Cha s. H. Jacobson ...... Denve r Connecticut . . ....... Geo. A. Kies . ............... Hartford Delaware ........... Stuart ]. Horn . . . . . . . . . . 'W ilmin gton D istrict of Columbia. A rvin e \ \'. Tohnston ......... vVashington England ............ P . Colville Smith ....... . .... London, W.C. Florida ... Wi lber P. \ Vebster ... . . . . .. .. Jacksonvi lle Georgia .. . . . ....... E. A. McHan ............... Macon Idaho . . . . .. Lewis \IV. Ensign .... . . . ... .. Boise Illi !Jois .. . .......... J. E. Jeffers ..... . ...... Springfield Indiana . . . .. Calvin \ \'. Prather .... . .. In•.nan~polis Ireland . . . . . . -H. E. Flavelle, Gel. Reg ... .. Du•,:;n Iowa ............ . .. 0. F. Gra,·es ........... . ... . Ha•:lan Kansas . . .. -Albert K. \\'il son .... .... .... Topeka Kentucky ....... . ... G. A lli son Holland .. ..... . .. Lexington Louisiana ......... ·John A. Davilla ........... . . New Orleans Maine .............. Chas. B. ])ayis ........... Portland Maryland . ........ . . c. P. Morningstar ... .. ..... Ba ltimore Massachusetts ...... Frederick T. Comee .. .. ..... Boston Michigan .. ........ . Chas. A. Co no\'Cr . . . . Col dwate r ).;linnesota ...... . .. · T ohn Fishel ................. St. Paul Mississippi ......... Frederick G. Speed .. . .. ..... Vicksburg Missouri ........... Robert F. S tevenson ......... St. Louis Montana .......... · Cornelius Hedges, Jr. .... . .. Helena Nebraska ....... .... Francis E. \t\lhite ......... . .. Omaha Nevada ............ Edward D. Vanclerlieth ...... Carson City K ew Brunswick .... J. Twining Hartt ....... .. ... St. John New Hampsh1re .... Harry M. Cheney .......... . Concord New J ersey . .. ..... Peter McGill ...... . .. . .. . . .. Bound Brook New Mexico ... ..... Alpheus A . K.ee1i ..... .... ... Albuqmque New South \\'ales .. .'\If. ]. Burbidge ... . ... . . Sydney New York ........ -Chas. C. Hunt . . . . . . . New Yo rk City New Zea land .. ..... l{e rbcl·t T. Williams .. \tV ellington North Ca rolin a .. . . rohn B. Griggs . . . . . . . ~ Elizabeth City Korth Dakota .... ·Walter L. Stock\\'ell . . Fargo Nova Scotia ........ Benton F . Porter ....... . . ... Tmro Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . Edw in Hagenbuch . . .. Urbana Oklahoma . . . . . ... T as. A Scott . . . . . .... Muskogee Oregon .... .. ...... Tames F. R obinson ... Portland P ennsylvania ....... Gco. B. \tV ells ............... Philadelphia Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . W m. M. Couper . . . . . . . ... Montreal Rhode Island .... . .. William R. Gret>nc ........ . . Providence Scotland ... . . . .. . .. Alfred A. A. Mnrrav, G.S.E .. Edinburgh South Carolina .... 0. Frank Hart . . . . . . . . .... Columbia South Dakota ...... George A. Pettigrew .... . ... Sioux Fall s Tennessee . . . . . . . . . Stith M . Cain . . . . . . . . . Nashvill e Texas . . .... . .. .. ... T. M. Ba1·tl ev .. \Naco Utah . . . . ........... \!\falter Daniels . . . .... Salt Lake City Vermont .. . . .. . .... Henry H. Ro ss . . . .. . .. . . .. . Bml ington Victoria . ..... . ..... G, Lyell M a rquand, G.S.E .... Melbourne Virgini a ............ T. G. Hankins . . . . . .. Richmond 'vVashington .. . . .. . . Yancey C. B la lock .. . \!Va ll a \ i\Tallrl 'vVcst Austra lia .... Tno. C. Strickland .... Perth \\'est Virginia ...... D. K. R eed ............. .. ... Clarksburg \Visconsin ......... \J\'m. V/. Perry .. . . . ....... . Milwaukee \ Vyoming ....... . .. A. ]. Parshal l . ........ . ..... Chcvenne G.G. Chapt. of LJ.S .. Charles A. Conm·rr .. Coldwater. Mich. I. Lodge .M.M.M .... Arthur David Han<C'll .. London , E ngland

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Alabama ... A. R. Yates ... ............ . . Glcichen, Alberta Arizona ............ P. ]. Dewey ...... High River, Alberta A rkansas ..... ...... D. Murison . . . . . ....... Macleod, A lber ta B riti sh Columbia ... H. H. Fletcher ...... . .. . ... . Calgary, A lberta California . ......... W. F. W. Lent .. Calgary, Alberta Colorado ........... T. C. Bruce . . . . . . Calgary, Alberta Canada . .. .......... F. S. Watson .... Edmonton, Alberta Connecticu t ........ . H . H. Gould ....... .. .. ..... High Rivet·, A lta. Delaware ... .. .... .. Geo. E. Hayward .. Vermilion, Alberta D ist. of Columbia .. D. A. Taylor .. ..... ....... . Lethbridge, Alta. Florida ............. S. Y. Taylor . . . . . Calgary, Alberta Georgia ....... . ...• H. A. Brock . . . . . .. Edmonton, Alberta Idaho ..... . ........ J os. G. Morris . . . . . ... Edmonton, Alberta Illinois ... . . .... . ... E. C. Dunlop . . . . . .. Edmonton, A lberta Indiana ............ 'vV. E. L ord ..... .... . ...... .. Red Deer, Alberta Iowa ...... . ....... . Jas. N. Rankin ....... . ...... Calgary, A lber ta Ireland ........ . .... A. N. Saddington . . . Banff, A lberta Kansas ............. H. C. Taylor . . . . . . ... E dmonton, A lberta Kentucky ........... Geo. D. Stanley .. Calgary, A lberta Louisiana ... .. ..... .Johtt E. Johnson .. Calgary, A lberta Maine .. . .. .. ......• Fred S. Selwoocl ....... . . . ... Calgary, A lberta Maryland . . .W. E. Mercer ....... ........ Calgary, A lberta Massachusetts ...... Walter V. Sanders .......... Medicine Hat, A lta. Minnesota .........• Geo. C. Campbell ............ Youngstown, A lta. Mississippi .. ... ·~ · .J. A. R. Powell ..... ....... Edmonton, A lberta M issouri ........... J as. B. Sutherland .... . ... ... Macleod, A lberta Montana . ......... • ]. Dan. McDonald ..... Bellevue, A lberta Nebraska ..... . ....• Robert Patterson .... .. .. .... Macl eod, Alberta N evacla ... ... . . ...• Thos. M. Burnett .. .. . . ... Hillvuc, J\ lberta New Bnmswick .... Vv. A. Ackland ......... .. . .. Calg-a ry, A lberta New Hampshire .... J esse Elliott ............. .... Medicine Hat, A lta. New J ersey .. ...... V•/. T. Coote .... . ...... . Reel Deer, Alberta New Sonth Wales .. Jas. S. Lambert ....... . . . .... Macleod, Alberta New York ... .... . . New Zealand ....... H. E. Bedding-field ...... . ... High Rint·, A lbcrta Nor th Carolina ..... J. F. Casteel . . . ... High Rivet·, A lberta North Dakota ...... T. Freel Engli sh .. . Calgary, Alberta Nova Scotia ........ Geo. S. Armstrong .. . Edmonton, Alberta Oh io . ....... . .... . . H. Darling . . . . . . Edmonton, Alberta Oklahoma .. ........ A. Hayr . . . . . T,cthbriclgc, A lberta Oregon ........ . .... S . M. Fraser ..... . .. , . . . M acleocl, Alberta Pennsylvania .. . ...• Q uebec ......... .. .. G. Frank Butler ........ . .... S trathmo re, Alberta Rhode I sland ......• H. 0. H;-tslam . . . .. .. . .... Claresholm, Albnta Scotland ........... E. D. H. \i\lilkim Sonth Carolina .... . John J. Green . . South Dakota .... A. R. Duncan ..... . Tennessee .... • Norman T. Macleod Texas . . . . . .... R. C. :rvr;-t,Donalcl . U tah . .. ....... . T. A. Neff Vermont ........ .. ,Melvin M. Downey V irgini a ............ \i\Tm. J. Stephenson Victoria ............ David 1\fclntosh . . . . \iVashin r>;ton .......• A. W. R. l\.faddey . \ i\Test A nstralia .... . S. E. C'ornell ...... . \i\Tf'st Virgini~ ...... 'v\lm. T homn,on .... . \iVisconsin ...... Andrew H. Dickson \Vyoming ... . ......• F. E. )Ji,hol ... . . . .

. . \iVetaskiwin, A lberta

.. Edmonton, A lberta

. . Edmonton, A lber ta . .. Lethbridge, A lberta

........ Edmonton, A lhcrta . .. Edmonton. Alberta ... Cale;ary, A 111C'rta

...... Reel Deet·, Alber ta ... Edmonton. A lbrrta . .. Calgary, Alberta . .. E dmonton, A lbrrta . . . Edmonton, All)('rta . . \ iV etaskiwin, A lherta

... Killam, A lhcrta

Page 60: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual



Alabama ............ Robert E. Ho ward ...... . .. .. Birmingham, A la. Arizona ............ Charles Mill er Smith ..... . .. Yuma, A rizona Arkansa s ........... S. M. Beattie .......... . .... Newport, Ark. Briti sh Columbia ... J . 'vV. Prescott ... .. . . ... .... . Vancouver, D. C. Cali fornia .......... Charles H. King .. . .. .. . .... Sebastopol, Calif. Canada ........... . . J. K. Brydon ............ ... . K en ora, Ontario Co lorado ..... ..... . \IVm. S. Pickerill ........ . ... Durango, Col. Connecticut ....... .. \1\"m . Bowers .... .. .. ....... N cw H aven, Conn. Delaware .... .. .... . J ohn W. Macklem ...... . .... \1Vilmington, Del. Dist. of Columbia . . . James A. West . . ... .. ....... Washing ton, D.C. Florida .. .. ......... James M. 'vVil son ....... . . .. . Kissimee, Fla. Georgia ............ B. S. Brown ............ .. .. Brunswick, Ga. Idaho . .. .... . ... ... I ohn H. Paclgham .. .. .. . . ... Salmon, Ida. Illinois . . . . ... . A. J. Schattgcn ....... . ..... J crscyvill c, Ill. Indiana . . . . . . . . . Ro!Jt. W. I-I. Britton .. T erra Haute, Io\\·a I owa . . . . ... \ . 0. Wakefield . . . . . . S ioux City, Ia. Ireland . . . ...... . \Vm. McMahon . . . . . .. Richill, Armagh Kansas . ... .... ... . . Fra nk B. 'vVood . . . . . ... E mporia, Kan. K entucky ........... :iamucl K. Veach . . . ..... Carlisle, Ky. Louisiana . .... . . ... l eon A. Baas ....... . ....... Opelousas, La. Maine ........ ...... W. Scott Shorey ....... ..... Ba th , Me. Maryland .......... -larry Oscar Perry .......... Baltimore, Mel. Massachusetts . ..... Robt. \N. Oliver ............. Charl estown, 1vfa ss. Minnesota ... ... .... [< rank H . McCu skcy ..... . ... Minneapolis, Minn. Mississippi ...... . .. 2 has. N . Harris ............. Eclwarcls, Mis s. Missoui·i .... ........ \Vm. K. Davi s ..... . .. . ...... 'vVest P lains, Mo. ]\!fontana .. . ... .. . .. David Craig ........... .. ... Grea t Falls, :Mont. K c!J raska ... .... . . .. Frank H. Stephen son ........ Columbus, :\ cb. N end a ... ....... .. Gordon H . J onascn .......... Go lclficlcl, ~ cv. New Brunswick .... E. Kenn eth Connell ....... . .. vVooclstock, K.B. New H ampshire . . .. \Vm. Bates Randa ll . . Portsmouth, ~.H. New J ersey ......... \Mm. H. Pike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N cwark, N .J. N cw So uth \!Vales .. Cha s. Edward Abbott . . . Illawa rra, X.S.\\'. New York .. ... .. . .. Cha s. F. Sherman . . . . Mount Vernon, X.Y. K cw Zealand ....... Robt. S. Stiles ..... . .. ....... N clson , N.Z. No rth Carolina . . ... T'rcd Bayard Crowson ..... . . Go lclboro, N.C. No rth Dakota ...... Wa lter R R eed ......... . ... A meni a, N.D. Nova Scotia ..... ... Fletcher H. No rthup ......... Kingston, :\.S. Ohio ............... Irving Stafford ........ . .. .. Cleveland, Ohio Oklahoma ...... . ... T•:clwa rd P ayson Gallup . Oklahoma Ci ty Oregon .. .. .. .. ... .. \Vm. Arthur Tohn ston ....... The Dallas, O re. Pennsylvania . . . . . . . · Quebec . . ........ . . . \IV alter J. Franci s ... Montreal, Ca1\acla Rhode I sland ..... .. Adelbert E . Place . .. . . ... ... Providence. R.I. Scotland ... .. ...... W illi am McVey ...... .. .. ... Millburn, Portobello South Carolina . .... 'vVm. A. Gil es .. . ........ ... Aiken, S. Car. South Dakota ..... . Norris J. H endrickson . . .. .. R apid City, i\.D. T enn essee .......... Frank W. Bartl ey . . . . . . . Morristown, T enn. T exas ...... . ... . ... C. E. Mead ...... .. ... . . .... Marfax . Texas Utah . .............. Emest A. Trinp .... . . . .. .... Salt Lake Cit\· Vermont . . .. . ...... Howard W . Shufelt ... .. . ... Burlington, Vt. Victo ria ........ . ... T. E. K enn ecl v . . . . . . . . . . . .. Melbourn e, Virginia ... . . .. ..... W. C. Craig . .. ... . . .. . . . .... Norton, Va. \iVashington .. .. .... Harry C. Synei . . . . . . . ... .. Seattle, \IV ash. \iVest Aust ralia ..... Chas. C. Bedell s ...... . ..... P erth Vlest Virginia ... .. . S. M. Scott . . . . ... .... . . ..... Terra Alta. \;l, r Va. \Vi sconsin ........ . . George W. Bell . . . . Hudson. \ Vis. \V)·oming . .... .. .... Cha s. Elm e1· Lane . ....... . .. Cheyenn e, \\'yo.

Page 61: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


President-R. E. Camp. H iram Darling, Grand H . By Virtue of Offi ce


M.E. Camp. N. T. Macleod, Grand Z R.E. Camp. ] . E . Johnson, G.S.E. M.E. Camp. M. M. Downey, P.G.Z. R.E. Camp. D. Mcintosh, G.S.N. M.E. Comp. A. R. Dickson, P.G.Z. R.E. Camp. H. H. F letcher, G.Treas. M.E. Camp. R . Patterson, P.G.Z. R.E. Camp. R. C. Macdonald, G.Supt. M.E. Camp. F. S. Watson, P.G.Z. R.E. Camp. vV.J. Stephenson, G.Supt. M.E. Camp. ] . N. Rankin, P .G.Z. RE. Camp. M. B. Peacock, G.Supt. M.E. Camp. S. Y. Taylor, P.G.Z. R.E. Camp. T . W. Bates, G. Supt. R. E. Camp. W . T. Coote, Grand ] . R.E. Camp. J ohn A llan, G.Supt.

Elected by

R. E . Camp. F. S. Selwood. G rand Chapter

R. E. Camp. J esse El liott. R. E. Camp. E . C. Dunlop. R. E. Camp. \IV. E. Mercer. R. E. Camp. W. ]. Seed.

R. E. Camp. ]. A. R. Powell. R. E. Camp. A. Hayr. R E. Ca mp. Geo. B. MacLeod.

Sub -Committees

Grand Z ' s Address

M. E. Camp ]. l\. Rankin, Chairman; M. E. Ca mp. S. Y. Taylor, M. E . Camp. R. P atterson, M . E. Camp. F . S. \!\Iatson, M. E. Camp. A. R. Dickson, ~1. E. Camp. M. M. Downey.


R. E. Camp. E . C. Dunlop, Chairman; R. E. Camps. W. E. Mercer, R. C. Macdonald, J ohn A llan, J. A. R. Powell.

W arrants

R. E. Camp. T. v\1. Bates, Chairman; R. E. Camps. M. B. Peacock, \V. J. Stephenson, D. Mcintosh, H. H. F letcher.

Audit and Finance

R. E . Camp. F . S. Selwood, Chairman; R. E. Camps. J esse E lliott, ~~I. B. P eacock, D. Mcintosh, M. E. Camp. ]. N. Ra nkin.

C ondition of Capitular Masonry

M. E. Camp. F. S . Watson, Cha irman; R. E. Camps. I-I. H. F letcher, \V. E. Mercer, Jesse Elliott, ]. A. R. Powell.


M. E. Camp. M. M. Downey, Chairman; R. E. Camps. H. Darling, G. B. MacLeod, E. C. D unlop, R. C. Macdonald.

Grievances and Appeal

R. E. Camp. \IV. T. Coote, Chairman; M. E. Camp. Robt. Patterson, R E. Camps. \1\T. ]. Seed, Jo hn A llan.


R. E. Camp. W. ]. Seed, Chairman; M. E. Camp. S. Y. Taylor, R. E. Camps. vV. T. Coote, A. H ayr, T. W . Bates.

Fraternal Dead

R E. Camp. H. D arling, Chairman; M. E . Camp. A. R. Dickson, R. E. Camps. A. Hayr, \11/ . ] . Stevenson, G. B. MacLeod.

Foreign Correspondence

M. E. Com:J. S . Y. Taylor, Chairman; M. E . Camp. M. M. Downey, R. E. Camp. F. S. Selwood.

T he next Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch :Masons of A lberta will be held in the City of Edmonton, on the S econd \Vednesday in March, being the gth day of March, 192r.

]. E. JOHNSON, Grand Scribe. E.

633 I .Jth Ave. \!Vest, Calgary, Alberta.

Page 62: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual


Convention of Grand Council

Order of



Page 63: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual




During the recess between sessions of the Conyocation of the Grand Chapter, a Convention of Anointed High Priests was organized. ::-1. Ex. Comp. Francis D. Jones, President of the Convention of Anointed High Priests of Montana; E . Comp. David Craig, of Conrad, Montana; E. Comp. Abraham Shaw, Kingston, Ontario, and a member of the Con­vention of Connecticut; and E. Comp. Melvin M . . Downey, of Calgary, a member o E the Convention of Montana, were present and organized the Convention of High Priests of the Province of A lberta.

Petiti0ns for the Order were received from the fo llowing Companions:

John E John son, P.Z. of Calgary Chapter, No. II. James N. Rankin, P.Z. of Alberta Chapter, No. ro6. Norman T . Macleod, P.Z. of Shekinah Chapter, No. 4. Hiram Darling, P.Z. of North Star Chapter, No. 2.

George B. MacLeod, P.Z. of ~orth Star Chapter, No.2. ]{obert C. Rankin, Z. of Crescent Chapter, No. 24. Alfred Glover, P.Z. of Crescent Chapter, No. 24. George L. Chesney, P.Z. of Crescent Chapter, No. 24. \ Valter E. Mercer, P.Z. of Otuskwan Chapter, No. 9· VVilliam A. Ackland, P.Z. of Otuskwan Chapter, No. 9. Harry ]. Cole, Z. of Otuskwan Chapter, No. 9. VVilliam C. Black, Z. of Calgary Chapter, No. II. George F . Butler, P.Z. of Strathmore Chapter, No. 21. Harold W. B. Bel l, Z. of Strathmore Chapter, No. 21. Freel S. Watson, P.Z. of North Star Chapter, No. 2.

T. C. Bruce, P.Z. of Bekah Chapter, No. 7. R. L. Mcilveen, P.Z. of Banff Chapter, No. 20.

]. A. McGhee, Z. of J oscph Stauffer Chapter, No. 22. \N. A. Mahaffy, P.Z. of North Star Chapter, No. 2.

H. D. McMil lan, P.Z. of Kether Chapter, No. 8. J E . Rannarcl, P.Z .. >f Shekinah Chapter, No <I· F. E. N ichol, P.Z. of Mo)Jnt Olivet Chapter, No. 17. R. C. Macdonald, P.Z. of North Star Chapter, No. 2. F:. C. Macdonald, P.Z. of Hil lvue Chapter, No. rs . .T. R. Flan, P.Z. of Otuskwan Chapter, No. 9. G. \N. Elliott, P.Z. of North Star Chapter, No. 2. R. H. Struthers, P.Z. of Bow Valley Chapter, No. ro. R. P. Umbrite, Z. of Bow Val ley Chapter, No. ro. T. \N. Bates, P.Z. of Bow Valley Chapter, No. ro. E. C. Locke, Z. of Coronation Chapter, No. 23. A. H. Duff, Z. of A lberta Chapter, No. I. \N. D. Graham, P.Z. of Mount O livet Chapter, No. 17. vV. ]. Seed, P.Z. of Vermilion Chapter, No. 14. T. B. Suther land, P .Z. of Bekah Chapter, No. 7. S. Middleton, Z. of Bekah Chapter, No. 7. M. B. Peacock, P.Z. of A lberta Chapter, No. I. Oliver Cowin, Z. of The H i ram Chapter, No. 19.

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All the abO\·e Companions being in waiting, they \\·ere introduced, anointed and consecrated in clue and ancient form. The following Ex­cellent Companions occupied the chairs :

M . Ex. Camp. Francis D. Jones, President. Ex. Camp. Melvin M. Downey, Vice-President. Ex. Camp. Abraham Shaw, Chapla in. Ex. Camp. David Craig, Master of Ceremonies.

The c:lection being held, the fol lowing officers were duly elected for the ensmng year:


M. E. Camp. Melvin M. Downey . . . . Most Excellent President E . Camp. l\ orman T. Macleod ..... Excellent Vice-President E. Camp. James K. Rankin . Excel lent Chaplain E. Camp. Hiram Darling . Excel lent Treasurer E. Camp. John E. Johnson ... Excell ent Recorder


E. Camp. George B. MacLeod .. Excellent Master of Ceremonies E. Camp. Jesse E lliott ... . Exce ll ent Conductor E. Camp. 'vVilliam T. Coote . Excellent Herald E. Camp. Walter E. M ercer ....... Excel lent Steward E . Camp. 'vVilliam A. Ackland . Excell ent Organist E. Camp. 'vVilliam J. Seed .. Sentinel


On motion made and carried, the expenses of M. E. Camp. F. D. Jones and E. Camp. David Craig were yo ted to he paid.


On motion made and carried, M. E. Camp. Francis D. Jones, E. Camp. Abraham Shaw, and E. Camp. David Craig, were made Honorary Member s of the Alberta Com·ention of High Prie sthood.


The '.-:rand Recorder reported the collection of fees aggregating SI8.).oo. The Convention was then closed in solemn form.


T h e First Annual Convention of Anointed High Priests of the Pro­vince of A lberta, will be held at the City of Edmonton, on 'vVeclnesclay, March gth, 1921, at eight o'clock p.m.

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To the Mo st Excellent the Grand First Principal, Officers and Members of the Grand Chapter of A lbcrta:

Most Excellent Sir and Brethren: In the prepara tio n of this r eport your Committee has adhered .to

the pl an adopted three years ago, which it is believed affo rds opportumty of usef uln ess to the Royal Craft in A lberta, not attainable through the m ore extend ed and diffu sive reports quite common elsewh ere.

In our judgment, the report of the Committee on Foreign Corres­pondence is matter for home consumption. Nea rly 95% of those who read the report arc members of A lberta Chapters, and it is needless to s::~y th ey arc not vitally interested in the small detai ls that go to make up the very large proportion of the reports of the several Grand Chap­ters. \t\lhat do the Companions of A lberta care that in Nevada, for in­stance, th e Grand Chapter opened in Ample Form; that pract ically all the Chapters were represented; that twenty-five of the repre sentatives of oth er jurisdiction s were prese nt; that a cordial \vclcomc was extended to distinguished Companions; that ce rtain distinguished member s were in­troduced and appropriate respon ses made; that th e Grand Fi rst Principal judging f rom hi s picture, is a fine looking fellow, etc., and yet these matters sometim es constitute a third of the space of the report of many Grand Jurisdiction s.

Your Committee, in presenting their report in this form, trust that the Companions may be able to readily find the leadin g topics discussed by prominent Masons throughout the world. Lack of time and space i,; accountable for the brevity of this review.

Fraternally submitted,


J. E. JoHNSON F. S. Sn.woon


The vVc.r, has, howeve r, left the world in a ,·ery different condition from that in w hich it found it. Our country, in common with eve ry other part of the Empire to which we belong, and together with our gall ant Allies, ha s battl ed through years of bitter struggle, and at a trightful expenditure of blood and trea sure, for the maintenan ce of the high est ideal s of personal liberty an d democracy; and the period of re­const ruction which is now befo re u s imposes duties upon humanity ;,ca rcely less exacting than tho se w hich confronted u s during the progress cf hostilities.

Masonry mu st of necessity play a la rge pa rt in thi s important wo rk; not as some would have u s believe, by thru sting h erself forward as a separa te and distinct organ ization into the field of political or public scn ·icc, but by impressing all h er initia tes and a ll others within the spher e cf h er influence, with the duty of devoting themselves to the highest fo rm of individual service to God and to Humanity. This is beautifully expressed by th e R ev. Companion Cushing, o f New York, in the fo ll ow­Jng passage:

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"\\'e kuo11· what Masonry stands for, a!Jsolute loyalty to the great inndamental in stitution s of human society, Religion, the Home and the State. It is of inestimable importance and concern that we, as Masons, in our thoughts, our words, our actions and our lives should stand for the same things. The world has entered upon the great period of r e­construction. The Grand Masters of statesmanship in the A llied Nations arc at work in Paris laying plans for the re-building of the House of the Lord, the great Temple of Humanity. Let us in a very real sense 'go up to help, aiel and assist' them. Let us be 'willing to undertake any part of the work, even the most servile, to promote this noble and glorious 11·ork' And we do this !Jest by building up the Temple of our own Moral Life on new lin es laid clown on our Masonic trestleboard.

"My Companions, never in the history of the world were Masonry and Masons who arc true to Masonry so much needed as at the present time. 'vVhile Atotocracy has been overthrown, the world is not yet safe from Democracy, not while anarchy crawls forth from its slime, stands with dagger drawn, bomb in hand proclaiming its h elli sh creed of class l•atrccl and class warfare, the abrogation of every existing law, human «ncl divine, and the reign of ignorance, immorality and crime in all the \1-orJc\ .

"Our duty as Masons, as belie1•ers in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man is to fight it in every way we can, to oppose its propaganda in our country, to realize that every one who upholds it, 11·hether he is an I.'vV.'vV. fanatic, or som e lily-handed college professor, is in fact, if not in intent, a traitor to mankind. -

"That it will ever prevail h ere, or long endure elsewhere, I do not believe. It will not prevail any more than Kaiserism prevail ed and one of the strongest antidotes to this horrible disease of the body politic in our own country is :Masonry.

"But the might of Masonry as a whole is the collective moral strength of individual Masons, and hence, the supreme appeal to us in all things is to live up to our Masonry, sternly to suppress anarchy of every kind in our thought and conduct, and to con secrate anew the Foru111 Conscien­tiae, the Lodge of the Soul, that Lodge where Conscience, R eason and \Viii should ever sit as the principal oHicers, and all other faculties of mind and body be in clue subo rdination, and all work togethe r in harmony to build 11p the Temple of a 11·el1 ordered, true Masonic life."

(Quebec, 1919)


Question: A member "A" was at one tim e in good standing ir, a Lodge A.F. & A.M., and a R.A. Chapter. Fie dimitted from the Lodge but retained membership in the Chapter. He later petitioned for <tffi liati on in a Lodge, but his petition was by ballot denied. He therefore, ;;till carries hi s dimit and claims Chapter membership.

Ans11·er: If "A" ha s not complied with Section 209, Book of Con­stitution s of the Grand Lodge of Colorado, by petitioning for affiliation within tweh'e months, he is a non-affiliate and therefore is not in "good >tanding'' as required h)· Section LU, Constitution of the Grand Chapter R.A. :M. of Colorado, and hi s Chapter membership is in suspen sion.

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2. Q uestion: A member "B" was for many years a mcmi.Jcr of ,, Lodge i\.F. & A.M., and a R.A. Chapter. In cou rse o f time by v1rtue of the B,·-Jaws of the Chapter, h e became a "Life M ember" in that he was no t ; cquircd to pay dues. He demitted from his Lodge many yea rs ago, hut clai m s full Chapter m embership as a life member.

A nswer: "Life Membership" in a Chapter of Royal A rch Masons docs not exempt the ho lder the reof from discipline by th e Chapter of which he is a member. Failure to maintain membership in a L odge of A.F. & A.M., as required by Section 209, supra, automatically suspends his membership in the Chapte r, not\\·ith standing his "Life "Yicmhership."

3- Correcting e rror in 1919 R epo rt (Canada, 1918) :-

A Brother suspended fo1· 1\.P.D. in a Craft Lodge is no t a utomat­ically ;;uspcnded in hi s Chapter.


r. :'\ot 111ore than one candidate sho uld rccciYe the Deg rees at the -a me 1 im e. Cu;;tom, ho\YeYcr, ha;; co t111tenanccd the entrance of an un­limited number of candidates fo r the Most Excel lent Master's Degree In the ~brk ~ la;;tcr D egree on e candida te only should he admitted, until after the obligation. Canada, 19 19.

2 . It is pe rmi ssible to confer the R oyal Arch Degree on m ore than three candidates at one time, provided the candidates arc cond ucted in Juts of three, and in no othe r manner. Canada, 1919.

3- A Chapter can on ly con fer D egrees in its o\\·n meeti ng place, though its High Priest, w ith the attendance of his own officers, o r o thers, may visit ;cnother Chapter at the r equest of its High Priest a nd in his presence the re con fe r the Degrees for th e latter. M innesota, 1918.

4- A Chapter cannot confe r D egrees outside of the place of its location. 1\ cbraska, 1918.

5. R q ucsts to con fe r D egrees by courtesy do no t necessarily have to pass tht ough the hands of th e Grand High P r iest. \\ 'ashington, 1918.


r. The Companions of a do rmant Chapter, \\·hose hooks h ave been r eturned to the o lf-icc of the Grand Scribe E., "·ho arc found clear on the books, o r \\·ho subsequently make good a ll a rrcarages to the t ime the Chapte!· becom e do rmant, should he furni sh ed \Y ith a ce rtificate of standing by the Grand Sc ribe E. Canada, 1919.

2. Dues cannot he coll ected from any Companion who I S not a member of some Chapter, the ref ore no Chapter has a right to collec t dues from a dimitted member. lo\\·a, 1918.

3- Dues for the year arc payable 011 Ja11uary First, a11cl a dimit ca11 on ly he issued a fter the same haYe bcc11 paid. Jo\\·a, 1918.

4- A Companion is entitled to a dimit \Y ithout paymc11t of a 11 ex tra yea r 's clue.;, on accou11t of the comme11cemen t of a new year, \\'hen hi s request is made ea rly enough to ha,·c had it issued prio r to the com­mencemellt o f th e n c\\· year. ~Iinn esota, 1918.

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s. A Companion , ,·ho dimits from hi s Lodge mu st be given rea­sonable tim e to affi li ate elsewhere befo re bei ng dropped from Chapter member ship; then hi s name is automatically dropped a tid r estored again immediatch· \\·ithout ball ot on aHiliation with any Lodge. South Carolina, 1918. •

6. A Chapter clai med by a By-law the right to have the Secretary grant a dimit on req uest, pro1· iding the dimitting Companion had paid ;c. ll clu es for the current year and was in good standing- and report the came at the next regu lar m eetin g. It was h eld that such By-law w as in con Aict with the Constitution and cou ld not prevail. I owa, 1919.


A Chapter ma)· remit dues of a 'Yiinister o f th e Gospel or R ahhi, \'.• hcthc r in th e nava l or m ilitary sen· ice o r not. Mi sso uri, 1919.


An ex.1 min ation of candidates should he held tn open Lodge hy th e officers rul ing the Lodge. Canada, 19 19.


A Dispensation to confe r the Degrees upon so ldi er s fo r less than $30.00 would violate the Consti tuti on. A labama, 1')18.


The fa ilure of the newh· in stalled Z. to announce th e selection of 8ppointed officer s on the ni ght of Installation docs not render th e In ­stallati on iil ega l. Canada, 1919.


r. A brother on cru tches from a di sabled hip is not deba rred fro m the R oyal Arch D egree prO\·idcd h e ca n conform " ·ith the ce remonie s pe rtainin g to the Degree. Arkansas, 19 18.

2. A :Ma ste r Mason of good cha ractn and sound mind is barred f rom adva ncement in RO\·a l Arch Nlasonn· on account of disabil ity <•cquired af ter hi s acfmi ss ion to Symliol ic Masonry. 1919.

not de­physical Canada,

3· A brother who has lo st hi s left hand is elig ibl e for th e Chapter Degrees. Oklahoma, 1919.

4· A can didate who, by the nsc of artificial limb, can g i,·c the g rips and sign s is e li gible for the Capitul ar D egrees . Oregon, 1919.

_:;. A Chapte r is th e so le judge of the physical qualifications o[ a candida te. Oregon, 1919.

6. A MastCI' Mason of t11·enty-five years' standing " ·ho has received the 32nd D egree but not the Capitular Degree, who ha s los t a port ion of the lef t arm just hclO\\' the elho\\·, is not elig ibl e for the Capitular Degrees. \ \' isconsi n, 1919.

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r. A Ch ap te r mu st m eet every three months, and no dimits should issue unl ess pas,ed upo n in open Ch apte r. Canada, 1919.

2. A surtic icn t time should be a ll owed an obj ecto r to advancemen t of a candida te w ho has received the M .M. D egree to p refer ch a r ges at a stated meeting , but if not prefe rred in a r easonable tim e, confe rri ng o£ the D eg r ees is "·a n ·an ted. Indi a na , rg r8.

3· R oya l A rch M asonry cannot cont ro l the r equi rements of the K nig h ts Templa r Bodies as to the necess ity of th ei r mem ber s k eeping t hem seh·es in good sta nding in their Chapter s. Minnesota, rg r8.

4· Th ere is no way to elect a H igh P ri est in case of r em oval of Hi gh Pries t a fte r hi s ins ta llati o n except by hi s resig nation, and tha t of 1\ a nd S cribe. M issouri, 1919 .

.). F a ilure of a Committee to Investiga tio n to r eport w ithin f our month s is equi1·alent to an un favo rab le r eport . Pennsy lvania, 1918.


A re-appli ca tion f o r r ecomm endat ion fo r a new Chapter cannot lawfully be m ade fo r a peri od of t welve ( r2) months fro m elate it was firs t r ef used. A ll the petitione r s mu st be clea r of dues and cha rges a t t im e petition is submitted . Geo rgia, 1919.


I. No Co mpanion is entit led to p ro motion, bu t is given such by the vo tes o f l1is Co mpani ons. Ca nada, 1919.

2 . A ny Co mpanion in good standing 1n hi s Ch apter is eli g ibl e to a ny office within its g ift. I owa, rg r8.


I. I t is not permi ss ible fo r any Presiding Officer except th e G ra nd Z. to close any L odge o r Chapter w ithout the f ull ce remony. Ca nada, 1919.

2 . A II sig ns up to and in cluding the D egr ee upon w hich opened, arc ncccssa ry in opening and closing of Ch apter s. Oregon, 1919.


T hree rul e a Lodge; fiy c ho ld a L odge; seven o r m o r e m ake it perfect in Symbolic M asonry;. but in Ca pitul a r M asonry nine m ember s must be present to make it legal at a m eeting o f M ark M as ter M ason s and M ost Exce ll en t l'vias ter M aso ns. Ca nada, 1919.


The paym ent of the a mo un t of clues owing at the t im e of suspen sion en titles a Comoa ni on to r einsta tement w ithou t pay men t o[ dues d uring ti me of s u s pen ~ion . Canada, 1919.

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A notation of suspension on the Chapter Ledger is of no effect 11 ntil it is made a matter of record in the Chapter minutes. Iowa, 1918.


I. A Companion can be excu sed from vo ti ng upon a petition. If t;ot excus ~cl and he refuses to \'Ote, he \\'Oulcl be liable for charges for tttt-Masonic conduct. X o rth Dakota, 1918.

2 . It is proper to yote col lcct il·cly on a number of candidates. Ten­nessee, 1919.


I. A Chapter can not wai\'e Juri sdicti on oye r one 11·hose petition has been r eceived and refe rred to a Committee. Missouri, IC)I9.

2 . A wai\'cr is the action of a Chapter and mu st be clone by the Chapter wh en in session at a r egu la r Convocation only. Missouri, 1919.

3. A waiver of Jurisdiction in a fo reign Juri sdicti on does not giyc permission to rccci\'c a petition from one w ho has not resided in the J uri sclicti on six months. South Carolina, 1918.

4· A Chapter having clcctccl a Brother who r cmoyes from the furiscliction before h e rccc i1·es th e Degrees, ca n 11·a ive its Jurisdiction in favo r of a particu lar Chapter. Sou th Carolina, 1918.

s. The Grand High Priest ha s no authority to 11·ai\'c Jurisdiction over a resident of Tennessee. Tennessee, 1919.


The fo llowing rema rks of the Grand High Priest of California are well worthy of con sideration:

" It is no ti ced, with some measure of regret, that each yea r our Grand Secretary reports a conside rab le number of Companions suspcnclccl for non-paymen t of clues. One hundred and nin ety-s ix arc r epo rted fo r this year. f\ :icw of these Companions in clu e tim e reinstate them selves, but m any arc permanently lost to us as members.

"This condition, I feel assured, may be co rrected to a g reat extent by more careful attention on the part of Subordinate Chaptct·s. I am in for med that some Chapters in thi s Jurisdiction, fo r one, two, three and four yea r s, and even a longer period, ca rry these delinqu ents on their ro ll s, an d often tim es suspend them after that length of time ha s passed. S uch practice is a Yio lation of ou r la11·. Our Col1stitution proYidcs that any membe r 11·ho shall he six months in ar rea r s for clues sh a ll be im­m ediately notified th ereof by the Secretary ; and if the sa id cl ues sha ll not be paid at or before th e next State Meeting. o r some surlicient reason be presented for such non-payment by such delinquent member, he shall be suspended f rom a ll the right s and priYilcgcs of Royal f\rch Masonry.

"Irrespective of the fact that Chapters shou ld observe this law because it is a law, it 11·oulcl seem that there would be fewer perman ent

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deflections from our ranks in thi s section if our Constitution were en­fo rced than by permitting the du es of de linqu ent members to accrue for >evera l years. lt is reasonable to belicyc that it is less burdensome for a member to pay, six months clues than it is for him to pay a sum that has accumulated for several yea r s.

"I bclicyc the impo rtance of thi s matter dcsen·cs the pursuance of ;;omc cffcc ti,·c course of action by th e Ch apters.

"It is kno\\'n that some Masonic Bodies in thi s S ta te ha,·c adopted the plan of appointing a Committee on Delinquent Members, th e duty ,.f th e Committee being to inYcstigate separately each case of deli nquency . . \ personal ca ll by a committeema n is made on th e member fo r the pur­pose of ascertaining the reaso n \Yhy he ha s not paid hi s du es, or i £ an t•ut of to\\' n resident, a letter is sen t to him " ·ith the same purpose in Yie\\·. If possible, info rmation is obtained as to the ability of the mem­ber to pay hi s dues. The Body then acts on the repo rt of th e Committee. I offe r th e suggestion in th e firm belie£ that it is of Yalu e to ou r Chapters."


I. A dispensation ll'<tS g ra nted to ballot for \\·ell kn o\\·n cand ida tes ;1t a special ConHJCa tion of Chapter, they fa ilin g to r ecetYC a quorum a t their regular Co nYocation. F lo rid a, 1919.

2. A dispensation \\·as refused to a Chapte r to ho ld their A nnual Elect ion of ot}ice r s on a date pri o r to the regular Co nvocat ion at \\·hich the elec tion should take place, their regu lar Com ·ocation fa llin g- upo n Chri stm as l)ay, \\·hen th e necessary quorum could sca rce ly be expected to a ttend . Qnebec, 1919.

3· Th ,· Grand Hi g h Priest declined to g i1 e blanket dispensation ior a Chapter to at \\' ill "rece ive and ballot on petitions of brethren subj ect to draft." \' iq~in i a , 1918.

-J.. Th e Gr.tnd Hi gh Priest refused to permit a Chapter to recci\·e and act on petitio ns of Master Masons residing in the Jurisdiction of ;•.noth er Chapter "because it \\·as more co nvenient fo r th em to pet ition" the one Cha pter than the o th er. V irg inia, 1918.

S· The Grand H igh Priest refu sed the fol low ing request: "Rush wire dispemation for specia l meetin gs, \\'aiving sta tuto ry time limit ac­cou nt of 'iO many applicants desi rous of receiying S h r in e before June 26th." \ \' yoming, 1919.


Tl1 e Grand Chapter of J daho passed the f o ll o\\·in g resolution:

RESOL\'ED, That it be th e duty of each Grand Representative of S iste r Juri sdict ions ncar this Grand Chapte r to address a sho rt report (•f the proceedings of thi s Grand Chapter to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter he represents, and that a copy of this report be also for­·warded lo the Grand Secreta ry of thi s G ra nd Juri sdic ti on, to be read at the next Grand Com·ocation.

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I. A charitable fund of $so,ooo.oo has been rai sed by the Grand Lodge of .Mark Master Masons of England to celebrate the fiftieth an­nive rsa ry of the establishment of the same, and a r ecord of the diS­bursements to its beneficiaries is publi sh ed in last year's proceedings.

2. "The "ord Charity has practically lost its meaning in these later days, and now seems to coll\·ey the intention of the g iving of money to more or less desen·ing applicants. I totally disag ree with thi s con­ception of the \\·orcl, when applied to Masonry. To my mind it is to ex tend to a Brother, who is in distress, o r who may have clone wrong, o r who may have committed a grave crime against the la"·s of the coun­try, k indly sympathy a nd assistance as may be justified in a case under consideration. Do not mistake my meaning, I am unalte rably opposed to the mantle of :Masonic Charity covering the \\TOng do ing of any kind, <>ither Masonic or civil , but, I think, true Masonic Cha rity consists in a f riendly inter est and kindly sympathy to a Brother, whose patll\\·ay of life has not hc<.:n of the rosiest, and in 0\·e rlooking small personal faults and characte ri stic sin s of omission and commission. and al l the fra ilties to 'vhich the human fl esh is h eir. No man is perfe(:t, we have a ll our fau lts, some good in a g reater o r less degree, some bad in a g rea ter or less degree, and o u1· Masonic Charity should pardon and condon e to the utmost, that strict justice w ill permit; but Masonic Bcnc\·olcncc is of another character, and brings to our minds certa in definite duties, which we as Masons, owe to each other, and to the dependents of each othe r . ~Iany, in fact a ll Masonic Grand Bodies have a R est o r R esen ·e Fund fo r B rethren suffering from the misfo rtunes of life. Its admi nistration is expressed in m any different fo rm s such as :VIa sonic Homes, Orphan Asylum s, !'-~choo l, and direct money grants.

"It is no t my purpose to di scuss the diffe rent form s in which the d isbu rsa l of Masonic Benevolence may be made, because each fo rm ha,; ll1any good points, but ra ther to im·ite your attention to the fact, that o\\·ing to the g reat number of fratcmal benificcnt soc ieties nO\\. operating in our country, the re seem s to be a subconsciou s fee ling , in many cases, that g rants from :Masonic Benevolent Funds are a quid pro quo for mone\· paid into the c raft. Thi s sentiment cannot be too strong ly condemned, as g1·ants from ·Masonic Benevolence arc in on wi se similar to mon ev paid fo r insu.rance to the different Fraternal Insurance O rganizations, and must eye r be regarded, as one of the sacred pri\·ilcges of Mason ry, \';hereby the Brethren, freely and Yoluntary, extend to a needy Brother such help as m ay he needful in the time of trouble.

"I trust that I have made made myscl f clear because, I again ap­p roach the subject of the R eturned Soldier. In thi s connection th e soldi er who has become di sabled wi ll receive hi s pen sion. acco rd ing to !he classification of his disabi lities. He will also he enabled, in man,· cases. to make a fair compensation by fo llowing some special \·ocation hut there sti ll remain s a class \\·hich wil l req uire Masonic Bene\·olence, and it is in behalf of these cases that I now ask yonr attention.

"It is true that the Grand Chapter o f Canada has a Rcscn·e Fund, hut it is questionable to my mind, if this Fund will he surficicnt to h onor the ncccssa n · drafts which w ill he m ade upon it in the ncar future. It is not my i~tcntion to lay before you a ny pa rti cular scheme fo r rai sing money fo r the Bcnc\·olcnt Fund o f Grand Chapter, hut merely to eli rect you r atten tion to the fact, that \YC may he called upon, in the nca r future ,

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to make a fa irly subs tantia l addi tion to th is F un d. I hope that it will no t be necessa ry to do so, but if the necessity a ri ses, I ente rtain no doubt, bu t that the em ergency \\-ill be met w ith that prom ptitude which h as cha racter ized our ac tions as Roya l Arch Maso ns in the past." (G rand Z.'s A ddress, Canada, 1919).

3· T he care of the helpless Masons, their widows and o rphans is, in the opin ion of your Commi ttee, peculia rly the prerogative a nd pro\·­ince of the Grand Lodge, and pa rticu larly so since the enterpri se h as "'!ready begun and h as made considerable progress. \t\ 'e , the refo re, be­lie,·e th at it wo ul d not only be cou r teou s, but a lso w ise and consid era te to consul t th e w ishes of the Grand Lodge befo re com mencing th e under­taking contempla ted and suggested by th e G rand High P r iest. To that end , therefore, ,,-e recomm end th a t a Com mittee composed of the Grand High P riest, King and Sc ribe be au tho ri zed to tak e this matter up with the T ru stees of th e Masonic H ome and ascerta in the wishes of the Grand Lodge rela tive to it and m ake report to th is G rand Chapter at its next A nnual Conyocation . Geo rg ia, 1919.


"The Chapte r s of Indiana and the Gra nd Chapte r h ave ahYays taken a !i ,·e ly interest in the g reat enterp rise so clear to the h earts of a ll Masons of whateve r D egree-the Indiana :Mason ic Hom e. Some in­fo rmation to th e Companions ,,· ill not be amiss. T he splen did donation made in 1918 was much a ppreciated and of g reat h elp in the erection of an additiona l building to ca re f o r the orph ans of our deceased brethren and compani ons. The splendid donat ion s fro m membe rs of the State an d fro m a ll Maso nic Bodies have wa rran ted the Di recto r s in beginni ng the erecti on of an additiona l cottage with a capacity fo r forty chi ld ren. T hi s buildin g so ve ry much needed was to be completed by Kovcmbcr 1st, but the di sturbed conditi on s a long many lin es h a\'e delayed the con­trac tor to the extent tha t the cottage w ill not be ready for occupancy before J anua ry 1st, next.

"Th ere a rc now in th e H om e about se\'cnty brigh t and happy boys a nd gi rl s, of whom yo u m ay fee l just ly p roud. There a rc a lso in the H om e m:ar ly one hundred clear o ld people who seem to be entirely con­tent . It is a happy fa mily clown at the H ome at F ranklin, and th e Grand Chapte r is Lntitl ecl to much credit fo r its loyalty and assista nce."


The concurrent j uri scl iction between thi s j urisd ic tion and those of ()llt' Sis ter States o f No rth Dakota and X ebraska h as p ro1·en beneficia l and sa ti sfacto ry. The Chapter s a long our No rthern bo rder ha\'e been great ly st reng th ened through the effo rts of thi s regu la tion. So uth Da­kota, 1919.


Yo ur Commi ttee of Fo reign Correspondence, to w hich has been re­fe n ·cd the applica tion of the Grand Chap te r of Queensland, asking for recogniti on by thi s Gra nd Chapte r a nd an exchange of R eprescnta ti1·es, begs leave to r epo rt tha t onl y five Chapte r s ou t of bet11·een 30 and -+O in that J uri scli ction took pa rt in the fo rmation of th e Grand Chapter in quest ion.

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Your Committee, the r ef ore recommend s that no action be taken at thi s time upon the applicatio;1 in question, but that time be accorded (:) th e Committee f o r obtaining further information on the subj cct, and fo r additional con side ration of the same. Quebec, 1919.

2. Your Committee o n Correspondence, to whom ha s been refe rred the matter of r ecognition of the Grand Chapter of Queensland, submits th e fo llowing r epo rt:

On July 9, 1918, there was formed by r eso lution the Supreme Grand Chapter of Queen sland, and on August 13 following, its officers were elected and in stalled. Five Chapters were represented during these pro­ceedings. There arc thirty-nine Chapters in Queensland, including t wo District Grand Chapters as fa llows : The District Grand Chapter of England, \\·ith fifteen Chapters; the District Grand Chapter of Scotland, ,,_·ith nin eteen Chapters; one Chapter holding under the Iri sh Con sti­tution, and four Chapters holding under the New South \Mal es Consti­tution. Of these thirty-nin e Chapters, but fiyc were repre sented, the bal­ance declining to participate.

Under these circumstances your Committee I S of the op1mon that recogn ition should he withheld fo r the present. S. Dakota, 1919.

3. In r e recognition of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Queensland, Australia. Your Committee has g i,·cn thi s matter such consideration as was pos sible, with the data before it, and think it in­ach·isahlc to recommend recognition at thi s time.

Judgin g from the summary of the proceeding, leading up to the organ iza ti o n of the Supreme Ro) a! Arch Chapter of Queensland furni­shed your Committee, there arc within the Juri sdiction claimed by thi s Grand Chapter fifteen Subordinate Chapters holding allegiance to the Supr~me Royal Arch Chapter of England, and segregated a s a Di st rict Grand Chapter of thi s Grand Juri sdiction . A lso nineteen Subordinate Chante rs holding all egiance to the Supreme Grand Royal A1·ch Chapter of Scotland, and segregated as a District Grand Chapter of that Grand .T uri sdicti o n.

The Chapters j o ining in the mo \·cment to organize a Supreme G1·and Royal Arch Chapter of Queensland a rc only five; one under the Iri sh Co nst itu tion. and four under th e Constitution of Xcw South \!Vales. The Crand Royal A rch Chapter of Alabama occupies fraternal re lations with ;dl the Grand Chapters likeh· to be affected . and therefore should with­hold recognition ncnding action by these Grand Bodies, or until it is l•tad e to apncar that a respectable number of Subordinate Chapters in the Turisdic tion claim~d h\· the Sunrcmc Royal Arch Chapter of Quecns­l ~. nd sha ll ha\·e proncrly sc,·crcd th eir nrescnt allegiance and tran sfcn-ccl it to the Supreme Grand Royal A rch Chapter of Queen sland. A labama, 1918.

-f. T wo nc\\. Grand Chapters will ask for recogn ition at our n ext Com·ocation.

The Supreme Grand Chapter of British Columbia enters the Ca nitu ­lar fi el d, with bright prospects, and a "God bless you, my child," fr om its parent, the Supreme Grand Chapter of Can ada.

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The Supreme Grand Chapter of Queensland haYe ycnturcd fo r th under less auspicious circum stances. lt was organized by five R oyal A rch Cha•)tcrs and Ma rk Lodges. One of these Chapters was of the Constituti~n of Ireland, from \\·h ich it obta ined dimission (sec I rcland). T h e remaining four had been constituted by the Supreme Grand Chapter of N cw South vValcs under most emphatic protests f rom the S upreme G rand Chapte rs of both E ngland and Scotland, against this, as it was termed, "im·asion of their Jurisdiction rights." E ngland had fifteen Chapters organized as a District Grand Chapter, and Scotland had nine­teen o rgani zed in the same manner. 'l'hese were all notified of the steps being tak en, as to the promotion of a S upreme Grand Chapter of Queens­land, but none of them took any part in its organization. The Supreme Grand Cha;:>tcr of Scotland h as issued a notice to its Constituent Chap­ter s interdicting and debar ring them from g iving Masonic recognition a nd intercourse to the Chapters in l\cw South v\'alcs and Queensland, g iying their a llegiance to the local Grand Chapters o r Grand Ma rk Lodges.

A report of England's action in the matter has not yet come to hand, but we think enough has been stated to show that the new Supreme Grand Chapter of Q ueensla nd is con fronting a \·cry serious problem if its obj ect is, as we p resume it to be, to form a nucleus for the unification of Royal Arch Masonry in Queensland. ::\ova Scotia, 1919.

T h e S ub-Committee appointed by the Exccuti\·c Committee of thi s C rand Chapte r, to consider the Petitions from the Compan ions of British Columbia, for the fo rmation of a Grand Chapter, desire to express the high esteem in \\·hich the Companions of British Columbia are held by this Grand Chapter, and deeply regret the se\·erance of our bciO\·cd Com­panions from the Mother Chapter.

Yet as the Grand Chapter of Canada has placed on record their Y/illingnes-; to co-ope1·atc with the Companions of the various provinces, in the promotion of th e Royal Craft, join with ou r Most Excellent the Grand Z. in wishing them eyery success in their endeavors, and also rej oice in their ability and strength in fo rming a G rand Chapter of the H oly Rop tl A rch. Therefo re, \\·e recommend tha t th e p rayer of the petit ioners be granted.

Furthermore, we recommend that the sum of One Thousand Dollars I.e paid to th e said Grand Chapter of B ritish Columbia, payable in two instalments of Fi,·e Hundred D olla r s each, the first of the 1st of August, I919, and the second on the 1st of January, 1920. Canada, 1919.


Much confusion and many di spensations could be avoided by change 111 By-laws regarding meetings, particularly annuals.

There arc still fo1·ty-nine Chapters which cling to the antiquated moon schedule, seven less than last year. On this subj ect the Grand High Priest of Tennessee has thi s to say:

"Since the days of J oshua, the great general of I sraelites in their ,.,andcrings in the desert- the one who commanded the sun to stand still upon Gideon and the moon in the Valley of A jalon, that he migh t ha,·c '' little more daylight in which to whip the enemy- the moon h as, on several occasions, played sad h avoc with the meeting nights of Lodges

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and Chapters, many of 11·hich pro1· ide that the stated meeting shall be held a certain day of the week 'on o r before (or after ) the f ull of t h e n>oon of each month.' As a result, once in a while som e of them wake t•P to the fact that occasiona lly the moon gets 'full' too soon in t he month for them to have a meeting night, and just as often she i s no t 'full ' un til too late in the month. They then rush to the Gr?'l cl High Priest for a dispen sation to elect officer s at anoth e r time. As long as Chapters cling to the old notion that the members must have 'moonshine' in o rder to get home, or rather, as this is a bone-dry State, that the moon must be 'Full' of 'moonshine' to enable them to sec thei r 11·a1· o1·cr 'rough a nd rugged roads,· just so long wi ll there be troubl e with_ their m eeting nights. ln this clay a nd generation, a ll the fa rmers h ave Fords, run by gasoline-not 'moonshinc'- with bright lights in ft-ont to sho11· them the way, and it matter s no t how much or how little 'moon­shine' they have, provided they have enough gasoli ne, the Fords w il l b ring them safely to their homes, even if the re be no moon to shine."

Chapte r By-la11·s could a lso be am ended so as to provide that when a regu lar rom ·ocation fa ll s upon January I , July -~, Decembe r 2-J. o r 25, such con1·ocation sha ll be held one 11·cck ea r lie r o r later. Each Cha pter ma)· regulate this by it;; own By-la ws. Michigan, 1919.


One of the lessons of the initia te is tha t " it is the internal and not the externa l qua li fications oi a man which r ecommends hi m to be made a Mason, an d yet we arc prone to overlook any li ttle stain on the mo ral character and waive any defect in the m enta l abi lity of the petitio ner that renders him incapable of properly understa nding or comprehending ~he principles of ou r fra ternity.

'v\'c arc not will ing to sit in judg ment upon the intellectual atta in­ments-or ra ther , the lack of them-of one who desires to connect himself with our ancient and hono rable insti tution, but \1·e never over­look a stiff knee or 11·aive the loss of a foo t or the fi rst j oin t of a thumb. In so doing we deny m embership to many m en of big brain and warm hearts, men of good moral character, men whose mental ability an d i•t tcl lcctua l a tta inments should be of great benefit to the craft and of g reater benefi t to the world by reason of their association with us and their help in the great work in wh ich we are engaged.

The requirem ent that a n acceptable petitione r sha ll be perfect in member, comes to us from the clays of operative Mas~mry, when there ,,·ere p robably good reasons thercfot·, but has little to commend it and so much to condemn it. I t is t ime to modify it, even at the ri sk o f shat­te ring what migh t be term ed a Landma rk.

I believe that inte llectually , m orally and socially the effect upon the candida te and upon the Craft would be beneficial if by amending or modify ing the present law concerning physical perfection or qualifications we look more closely into t he in tellectual, mora l and socia l qualifications of the petitione r, and admit those only who a rc worthy and well qua li­fied from these th ree standpoin ts and waive such slight physical require­rlents as now prohibit the r eception of a petitioner who cannot perfectly exemplify." Michigan, 1919.

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On June 29th, 1919, afte r vic\\· ing the destruction w rought by the Cyclone at Fergus Falls, con sultation with the Master of Corner Stone Lodo-c l\o 99 Hio-h Priest of Fergus Falls Chapter, No. 27, Emment Con_;;n'and~;- of Palestine Commandcry, No. q, and the offtccrs of the Grand Chapter there present, and learning that a large number of the members of our fraternity had lost everything, home, clothing, furniture, --all; and believing that this was an opportunity fo r a practical illus­tration of the charity which we teach, a circular "·as issued calling upon each Subordinate Chapter for small contributions for relief of our Com­r:lllions that had suffe red loss by the hand of ProYidcncc. This f und was to be clisbursccl by a Committee composed of the presiding officer s of the 'C\·cral Masonic Bodies at Fergus Fall s, who will make report to this Grand Chapter of their doings.

The response was prompt, and a ll that could be expected, a nd I fee l that a good work h as been accomplished, and the load of several Com­panions made lighter \Yhcn it seemed more than th ey could bear, and a ray of sunshine thro\Yn into a future that looked clark indeed, to them. :viinnesota, 1919.


The law of the Grand Chapter requires that each High Priest elect shal l procure f rom the Deputy Grand Lecturer of his District, a certificate uf quali fication before h e can be installed; in Districts wh ere no Deputies hayc yet been appointed, communicate with the Grand Lecturer direct. California, 1919.


Comment has been made pro and con with ref erencc to solicitation d members. Most of th e Grand Jurisdictions fee l that it is proper for a Chapter Mason to a pproach a Blue Lodge man with reference to hi s join ing the Chapter. Some of the Grand High Priests commenting there­on, feel that the solicitation should come from the Blue Lodge members. T he latte r, however, appear to be in the minority. California, 1919 (For­eign Correspondence).


"Of late I came across complaints by Grand High Priests, that the Chapters, on their offtcial stationery, a rc not using th e Royal Arch Emblem, but arc di splaying the keystone and other devices. The keystone, howcYcr, has long been regarded as a proper capitula r emblem, and, in my early clays, \Yas constantly employed in that capacity. Indeed, there <:rc many old lVIasons who would scarcely recognize the a uthorized embl em if they we re to see it, and w ho still carry on the watch-chain a k eystone as the special Capitulat· insignia. The generally accepted embl em at the present time, both in Great Britain and America, is the triple tau \'lith in a triangle surrounded by a circle. But just what the ,-cal significance of this emblem is no one seems to know. Of course, the tri ang le and the circle arc easy of explanation, as representing the essence and att ributes of the Diety. But the triple tau is still something of mystery. And so, perhaps, the Chapters w hich still cling to th e old fam ilia r keYstone arc not as much in fault as some of the G.H.P.'s would hayc them.-

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The tau which got its nam e from the Greek letter T, in ecclesias­tical circles is call ed the Tau Cross, sometimes the Cross of St. A nthony and is claimed by many to be the original fo rm of the Cross used in executions. As usually depicted in the tripl e form, it resembles a T resting on the reverse bar of an H. This has led to the explanation tha t it was the private mark of our Grand Master, Hiram the Tyrian. Others say it refer s to the T emple a t J erusalcm, being the initial s of the name T emplum H ierosolymac. Still others assert that it is only a m odi­fication of the Hebrew letter shin, which was one of the J ew ish ab­brevia tion s of the sacred name; and there a rc many w ho contend that it is an ea rly Christ ian monogram to represent the Holy Trinity. And so, you see, that i ts signifi cation is a matter of much doubt a nd that its real meaning, whateyer it may be, is ve il ed in obscurity.

"Such being the case, I presum e eve ry one is at liberty to draw a co nclu sion fo r himself . A nd this is often clone. Thus, I have seen it stated tha t it r eally represents three T squares and alludes to the three j ewe is worn by the three ancient Grand Masters . \ 1\T ell, perhaps that is as good an expl ana tion as any, as our emblem is not merely a tau but a tripl e tau ..

"Th e Engli sh Royal Arch Lecturer says of it, that 'by its inte rsection it forms a given number of angles that may be taken in fi ve severa l combina tions; and, reduced, their amount in ri ght angles w ill be found cr1u a l to the fiv e Platonic Bodies w hich represent the four clements and the sphere of the Univer se.' All of which may be true; and ye t, I am bound to confess I do not find the statement very illuminating. H ow does it st rike you?

" It has further been suggested by Bro. Mackey, that the Prophet Ezeki el speak s of th e tau as a mark which di stingui shed those who were :o be saved on account of their repentance of their sin s, from those who persisted in their sinful course and were to be slain. The tau, therefo re, \\"as a m a rk o r sign of favorab le di stinction, and as such the triple tau is em ployed in the Royal Arch Degree, as a mark designating and sepa l·­ating those who know and worship the tru e name of God, from those who a re ;gnorant o [ that august mystery. This is one of the many in­genious speculations which the use of our emblem has brought forth, and candor compels us to say that it is a ve ry good one.

"vVhilc the triple tau has long been an emblem of English Royal A rch 1\tiasonry, it docs not seem to have been officially recognized in thi s country until 1859. In that year the General Grand Chapter, at its t ri enni a l co nvention at Chicago, adopted specification s fo r th e Masonic clothing of a Royal Arch Mason . These provided, among other things, :for a w hi te lamb- skin apron, 'with a tripl e tau cross w ithin a triangle, and that w ithin a circle on the flap.' At the annual convocation of the Grand Chapter of Illin ois, h eld in the same year (1859), the Masonic clothing 'as defi ned by the General Grand Chapter' was duly adopted fo r u se in this J uri scl iction. So far as my obse rva tion h as extended thi s is the only acti011 h ad in Illinois w ith respect to th e embl em.

"But ten years prior to the incident just shown, Grand Chapter had adopted a noth er o ld E nglish emblem, which is now depicted on o u1· · officia l seal. It consists of two inte rlaced triangles, Masonically known as the sign of Macrocosm, or Seal of Solomon. Under a number of occasions th is device has been offic ially employed by Grand Chapter as a R oyal A rch emblem . As, see th e medal st ruck to commemorate the semi-centenn ia l celebration in 18go.

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"And so, it seem s we haye at least t\\·o off1cially recognized R oyal Arch Emblem. Take your choice." X orth Dakota, 1919.


"At the last Com ·ocation of Grand Chapter, at w hich the Con stitution was re,·ised, legislation was passed obliterating the Sash f rom the Re­galia worn by Royal A rch Masons. T h is action has been stro ng ly resented m ma ny portions o{ the G rand Jurisdiction, and a Notice of Motion has already been placed upon the Agenda Paper, asking that the leg islatio n of last year be reconsidered and the Sash restored. I trust t h at t h1s wi ll be giyen complete and f ull consideration, that the debate upon the question will be final , a nd that every member of Grand Chapter w h o desires to do so, will express his pe r sonal opinion upon t h e questwn." Canada, 1919.

It was moved by M. Ex. Comp. \1V. S. R. Murch, seconded by M . Ex. Comp, A. Shaw, and unanimo usly

RESOLVED, That the Constitution be a mended by inserting between Section s 275 a nd 276, page 70, of the Constitution ( 1918) the fol lowing Section s respecting the Sash to be worn by members of the Order in this J urisdiction :

275a-The Sash of t he Order shall be of four-inch indented (crimson d iamond outside) with silk f ringe a t the ends, and is to be worn over the Jc[t sho ulde r, passing ob liquely to the right side. The Sash of Principals and Past Z.'s of Constituent Chapter s shal l have gold fringe o r bull ion in stead of silk

275b- T he Sash of present and past officers of the Grand Chapter : hall be a t ricolor ribbon of purple, crim son and pale blue, four inch es wide, with gold fringe or bullion at the ends. Canada, 1919.


"The Royal A rch Mason is under no g reater obl igatio n than to r ever­a nce the name of God; profanity is, therefore, unmasonic ; yet ma ny thoughtlessly fal l into this habi t. I have never exalted a candidate dur­ing the last year without emphasizing this important po int, a nd the r e­sults have been good. I commend to my successor and the High Priests the continuation of this effort to stamp o ut p rofanity." Alabama, 1918.


It hav ing been brough t to the attention o[ the G rand H igh Priest of Ohio that levity, r o ug h usage of candida tes, etc., was the practice in c·ne of the Chapters o f that Jurisdiction, a nd that special paraphernalia h ad been prepared to make matter s as ridiculo us as possible fo r the can­didates, a Ia S hrine, h e cited the Chapter to appear a t the Annual Con­vocation wi th their Charter ready for su rrender. The Committee to w hom the matte r was referred r ecom mended that the Cha rter be arrested, ;mel authorized the Grand Hig h P riest to restore it "upon proper r epr e­sentatio ns and promises of good behavior," which was adopted . S tringent laws to prevent the conferring of the Degrees in any other manner t han prescribed in the Ritua l were adopted. This is referred to by Companion John H. Miller, correspondent of the G rand Ch apte r, of Missouri, in the f,, llowing manner:

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"Those w ho make light of sacred things a nd seck amu sement by humiliating the candida te must learn a lesson from the fol lowing circum­stance : 'An elderly stranger, who was really a distinguished sch olar, but unknown personally in the community wh ere h e happened to be, was passing a college at an hour wh en the students were gathered on the campus. As he was walking along a student cried a loud in Latin, '!\braham is going by.' A second boy carried on the j oke by shouting in Greek, 'I saac is going by.' A third continued the sport by calling to his companions in H ebrew, 'Jacob is going by.' To their astonishment and confu sion the stranger stopped, lifted his hat, made a bow and said, 'Young gentlemen, I am neith er Abraham, I saac or Jacob; I am Saul, the son of K ish. My father sent me out to round up a bunch of his asses that strayed away. I am glad to find three of them in you r midst.'" Ten nessee, 1920 (Foreign Correspondence) .


Dr. Alberta G. Mack ey, in his Masonic Rituali stic, published in 1867, says:

"No allusion to it can be found in any ritual works out of A merica, nor even here an terior to about the end of the la st and beginning of this century. vVebb is the fir st who mentions it, and g ives it a place in the series of Capitular Degrees. It is probable that it was establ ished by vVebb at the same time that he gave that form to the Prestonian lectures and ceremonies of the infer ior Deg rees which have since so universally obta ined in thi s country. If so, we may make a guess, a nd a guess only, a t the source whence he derived hi s general idea of the Degrees. l n 1780, a M asonic rite was founded at Berlin, Prussia, called the "Initiated B ro ther s of Asia." It was a philosophica l rite, intended to g ive what was supposed to be a true explana tion of a ll Masonic sym­bolism. The Fif th Deg ree of this rite was entitled "Mclchizcdek, o r the Hoyal Priest." It is possible that this Degree may ha,·c suggested to "v\'ebb his idea of the 'Order of High Priesthood.'

"This Order is an honorarium, o r gift of h onor, to be bestowed upon the High P riest of a R oyal Arch Chapter, and consequently no one is legally entitled to receive it until he has been duly elected to pre­side as H igh Priest in a regula r Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. This Order should not be conferred when a less number than three duly qualified High Priests a rc presen t. W henever the ceremony is performed in due and ample fo rm, the assistance· of at least nine High Priests, \\·ho hayc 1 eccivcd it is requisite.

"Though the High Priest of every regular Arch Chapter, h av ing himself been duly qualified, can confer the Order, under the preceding limita tions as to number, yet it is desirable, when circumstances w ill perm it, tha t it should be con [erred by the Grand High Pri est, of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter, or such present o r past High P riest as he may designate fo t· that purpose. A conveneion notified to meet at the time of any convocation of the Grand Chapter will affo rd the best op­po rtunity ~f ~?n ~erring this important and exalted o rder with appropri-a te solcmmty. fcn nessee, 1920.

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"I would strongly recommend to every Companion who is seeking office in hi s Chapter, wh ether from the lowest to the highest, to make himself proficient in the work that h e w ill be called upon to perform in the seve ra l Deg~·ees, thus doing away w ith the practice which is so often used, of get ting a past officer to take charge, whlle the Degrees nre being wo rked.

"It w<J ttlcl make each officer more independent and self-reliant, and tn the case of the presiding officer, he would not have to surrender his chair, but at all times be in fu ll command of hi s Chapter, at the same time there should be every opportunity g iven to the past officer, to g ive 'ome portion of the wo rk to be performed and thus keep the older ex­office r s in close touch wi th the work they have so much at h eart.

"It is a very pleasing sight to haY c the Degrees properly exemplified ;,ncl this pleasure is considerably added to, w hen most of the work is done by the regu la r office r s of the yea r. I am sure the Past Officers arc always ready and willing to help, ai el , and assist, and acl,·antage shou ld be taken at a ll times of their assistance, yet, those who have accepted office sh ould sec that they themse lves arc proficient. I make these observation s in the pure spi rit of Masonry, and void of a ll harping criticism, for I fee l sure that the spirit and intention of Grand Chapter is, that each Subordinate Chapter be proficient in every respect, but if the practice is persisted in of the past officers being a lways ca ll ed upon to exemplify the work, what state of chaos can w e expect in those Chapters, when those worthy pill ars of our noble Craft a re ca ll ed away? It must shak e the Chapter to its ,·ery foundation, by the loss so sustained. Therefore, I say to th e young Companions, always be ready a nd prepared. Nova Scotia, 1919.

In gene ra l I desire to call at tention to the duty of every Chapter to keep itself in shape during wat· time. No unn ecessa ry expen ditures ' hou ld be made, but a ll the essentials should be taken care of. The mem­bers should attend meetin gs as often as they can, and every reasonable cffor t shou ld be made to get good candidates. vVe mu st build for the ~uture in adverse tim es as wel l as in prosperous ones. The officers should be so fa miliar w ith their rituals that the work may be well clone, and the m ember intere sted. No member goes to Chapter to hea r poor work and whi le he may be a staunch friend of the office r who does poor work an d try to excuse him, he feels in hi s heart that there is no r eal 1"xcuse fo r accepting an offtcc and then neglecting to learn the wo rk.

More impo rtant than thi s is the general knowledge of the obj ect of our g reat institution. Th e m ember who ha s not a broad general under­'tanding of the m eaning of Masonic teachings, is not fit to honor an office, and he doesn' t. Make the members feel that you believe in the teachin gs, and conv ince them by skill ed delivery of the wo rk that you take an interest in it.

I wou ld like to a lso call attention to the unreasonable delays that c'ometimes cha racterize Degree \,York. If the work is well in hand, and the workers well drilled, it goes off w ith a snap and in half the tim e. It is interest ing and keeps up the vim of members. T here are many o ld members that get tired when the work drags.

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You cannot dri ft and succeed. Eternal vigilance and industry will enthuse even the Sphinx. On the outside pick out likely candidates for the Royal Arch Chapters and by legitimate ways interest them in the work Be constructive and alive.

Officers and members often meet with critici sm and become dis­COLII·aged. If you are not more sensible than sensitive you cannot suc­ceed. Nevada, 1918.


Companion s, may the teachings of the Royal Craft be as a beacon li ght, calling you to higher reso lution s and nobler deeds. May your light so sh ine that others wi ll conclude that your labor in the quarries has been worth whil e and without personal thought of fee or reward, be ready to spend and be spent in the cause of humanity.

"It makes no difference who sang the song, If only the song was sung ;

It makes no difference who did the deed, Be he old in years or young;

It makes no difference who run the race, So long as the race was run ;

So, why should the winner be proud of himself Because it was he who won?

If the song was sweet and h elped a soul, What matters the singer' s name?

The worth was in the song itself, And not in the world's acclaim.

The song, the race and the deed are one, If each be clone for love ;

Love of the work (not love of self), And the score is kept above."

Fraternally submitted,


Chairman, Fraternal Correspondence Committee.

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Index of Proceedings

Address of Grand Z .. Page

5 Annual Convocation- 'vVhere Held Annual R epo rt, Grand Scribe E . . . . . . .. .. ........ . Annual R eport, Grand Treasurer ........ . . Annual R eport, Grand Superintendents of D ist ricts Appointments of Grand Officers .. ......... . ..... ......... . .

Credentials, Annual Convocation, Report of Committee. Chapte rs Represented . ... . ........ . ..... . Commun ication s ......... .

Deaths Districts

Election of Officers . . . . . . . . ..... .... . . .... ......... ... . . .... . . Executive Committee, Elected Members .. .

Foreign Correspondence, Annual Report.. Fore ign Correspondence, Appendix ..

General Business .... Grand Chapter Officers P resent ..... . . . . . . . Grand Chapter Officers since Organization Grand Royal Arch Chapters and Secretaries .. .. ... .. . . ... .... . . .

In Memoriam ............... .. ... . Installation of 011-icers

List of Executi\·e and Sub-Committees List of Chapters . . . .............. .

:\Text P lace of Meeting :\T otices of Motion . .

O rder of High Priesthood

Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ... . Report of Committee on Audit a nd F inance Report of Committee on Benevolence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..... . Report of Comn1ittee on Jurisprudence ............. . Report of Committee on Condition of Capitular Masonry Report of Committee on Fraternal Dead .......... .


29 35 r8 49




s. 6 14

46 57

44 63


5I 54

42 49

57 53

58 47


55 39 45 -14 39 40

Report of Committee on G rand Z's Address .. . . . . . . . . . . 37 Report of Committee on G rievances and Appeals. Report of Committee on 'vVarrants Reports of Special Committees Returns of S ubordina te Chapters .. Reception of Grand Rcprcsentati\·c ~;


Votes qf Thanks

40 r6

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -45-46 53 r6

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That all moon schedules for stated convocations be abolished. It J> an antiquated idea and not necessary with the present means of trans­portation. I t is certainly confusing as to dates and complicates affairs 0f the Chapters.

That providing a Grand R epresentative fail to attend the Grand Chapter Convocation for three consecutive years, the office of Grand Representative of that J uriscliction be declared vacant and the incoming Grand Z recommend a new appointment.


D istrict No. I- R. C. Macdonald, w8o-+ 94th Street District No. 2-'vV. J. Stephenson, ......... . District No. 3- M. B. Peacock, 840 Royal Avenue District ~ o. 4- T. \N. Bates ... . . . ..... . .. . . District No. 5-John Al lan ..

. . Edmonton

. . Reel Deer .... Calgary

. . .. ... Gleich en . ... . Macleod

Copies of the Summons call ing Convocations should be sent to the Grand Z., the Grand Scribe E. and to the Superintenden t of the District in which the Chapter is located.

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Page 87: Grand Chapter of Alberta Proceedings 1920€¦ · Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta Jrorrrbings §txtq Annual QJ:onuoration Minutes of the Proceedings of the Sixth Annual