GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the...

125 8. 漏えい・地下浸透時の対応 有害物質による地下水汚染防止のためには、4章で示したように汚染の未然防止措 置が重要であるが、ここでは万が一の事故による漏えい・地下浸透が生じた場合の応 急措置と浄化対策を示す。 なお、有害物質の種類や濃度、事故の規模(漏えい量や浸透範囲など)、地下水や地 盤の状況、近隣住民の存在や水利用状況、水生生物や生活環境の状況などを考慮して 対応する必要がある。事故時には、法律や条例等に基づき都道府県知事等への届出を 行うとともに、具体的な対策方法等については専門家の判断も含め適切な対応を行う 必要がある。 ※本章では、必要に応じて、事故時の措置の対象となる有害物質、指定物質又は油を 併せて、「有害物質等」と表記している。 8.1 事故時の措置 (1) 措置の対象 ① 管理すべき施設 平成 22 年5月に公布され、平成 23 年4月に施行された水濁法では、特定施設、指 定施設、貯油施設に関して事故時の措置を義務化している。すなわち、特定事業場に 加え、例えば、有害物質を貯蔵のみしている施設や指定物質のみを製造している施設 が、新たに指定施設に該当することとなった。 なお、ここで、農耕地や土木工事現場、道路を移動中のタンクローリーなどは施設 ではないため指定施設には該当しない。ただし、法に基づく指定施設ではないものの、 これらの場所等で有害物質等の漏えいや地下浸透が発生した場合にも、地下水汚染防 止の観点から適切な対応が必要である。 表 8-1 管理すべき施設の概要 1) 区分 該当する施設の条件 適用される 主な施策 該当する施設(例) 排出 規制 事故時 の措置 特定施設 (法第 2 条 第 2 項) 以下の何れかの要件を満たす汚水 又は廃液を排出する施設であって 政令で指定するもの ① 有害物質を含む ② 生活環境項目(BOD 等)で被害 が生ずるおそれがある ・旅館業のちゅう房施設、洗 たく施設、入浴施設・自動 式車両洗浄施設 指定施設 (法第 2 条 第 4 項) 有害物質の貯蔵若しくは使用、又 は指定物質の製造、貯蔵、使用若 しくは処理をする施設 (規定なし) ※左記の「条件」に該当する 施設はすべて該当 貯油施設等 (法第 2 条 第 5 項) 「油」の貯蔵、又は「油」を含む 水の処理をする施設であって政令 で指定するもの ・「油」を貯蔵する貯油施設 ・「油」を含む水を処理する 油水分離施設

Transcript of GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the...

Page 1: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

Grains1. Grains are the seeds or fruits of plants from the grass family,

including barley, corn, oats, rice, and wheat.

2. Early agriculture arose with the cultivation of grains, which are a good source of energy. They are also small, hard, and dry, making them easy to store, measure, and transport.

3. Today in the United States most grains are harvested in late summer or fall with a machine called a combine that cuts the stalks (reaps the grain) and separates the seeds from the rest of the plant (threshes the grain).

4. After harvest, most grains are sent to a mill for further processing.




Page 2: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

Barley Barley is:

Barley1. Barley originated in ancient Mesopotamia in the Middle East

and was one of the first grains cultivated for food. Ancient Egyptians were credited with developing the barley grain into what it is today.

2. Barley is one of the main crops of Canada.

3. Barley is high in fiber and beta-glucans, which help lower cholesterol and boost the immune system.

4. Much of the barley grown in the United States is malted. Malted grains are germinated by soaking in water and then the germination is stopped by drying with hot air. 2


Page 3: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

Corn4. Dent corn (or field corn) is large and has a dent on top. It

is used to feed livestock. It is also processed and used to make thousands of products ranging from cornmeal and sweeteners to ethanol and plastic.

5. Popcorn is small and round and has enough moisture inside to pop when heated.

6. Sweet corn is picked when it’s young and eaten as a vegetable on or off of the cob.

7. The United States is the largest producer of corn in the world.

Corn1. Corn originated on the American continent and was first

cultivated by the ancient Maya, Aztec, and Inca empires over 5,000 years ago.

2. Native cultures developed corn into many different varieties. After thousands of years, they changed the plant so much that corn is one of the only cereal grains that can’t plant its seed into the soil without the help of humans.

3. By the time Columbus reached America, corn was being grown from Chile to Canada. Today there are over 500 different varieties of corn.



Page 4: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

Oats1. Oats probably originated in the Balkan region of

southeastern Europe. Areas with cool climates like Russia,Poland, and Romania are where the grain was developed.

2. Oats were popular throughout early European historybecause of their ability to grow in cold and poor conditions.

3. Similar to barley, oats are high in beta-glucans which help tolower cholesterol and boost the immune system.

4. In the United States, oats are commonly steamed andflattened to produce rolled oats, which are eaten at breakfastas oatmeal and are also used in cookies and breads.

CornDent corn is:

Popcorn is:

dent corn popcorn



Page 5: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

Rice1. Rice originated in Asia and continues to be the main food

staple there.

2. China and India produce approximately half of the rice grown in the world. The United States produces less than two percent of the world’s rice.

3. Rice is commonly grown in flooded fields called paddies, which are designed so farmers can control the water level.

4. At the mill, the inedible hulls of rice are removed first. This is all the milling done to brown rice. White rice requires further milling to gently remove the bran layers.

OatsOats are:



Page 6: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

Wheat1. Wheat originated in the Middle East over 10,000 years ago.

2. The ancient Egyptians discovered how to use yeast to raise dough made from wheat flour. The high gluten (a type of protein) content of wheat allows it to rise better than flour made from other grains.

3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather than by hand.

4. Today approximately 60 million acres of wheat are harvested annually in the United States.

RiceRice is:



Page 7: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

LEGUMES1. Legumes are crops like soybeans, lentils, and beans that

produce seeds in pods and have the ability to use soil bacteria to pull nitrogen from the air and use it for growth.

2. Legumes are often grown in rotation (on alternating years in the same field) with grains to replenish nitrogen in the soil.

3. Similar to grains, legumes were important at the advent of agriculture and remain important today. They are a good source of protein that is easy to store and transport.

4. Most legumes are annual crops, meaning they must be planted each year from seed. An annual crop completes its life cycle in one growing season.

WheatWheat is:



Page 8: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

SoybeansSoybeans are:

Soybeans1. Soybeans originated in China and were cultivated as a food

crop as early as 1600 BC.

2. Soybeans are often planted in rotation with corn, which needs lots of nitrogen.

3. The United States grows more soybeans than any other country.

4. Soybeans were used primarily to feed livestock until the early 1900s, when George Washington Carver discovered that they contain valuable protein and oil. Today soybeans are processed and used in a wide variety of food products and are even used to make biodiesel. 14


Page 9: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

LentilsLentils are:

Lentils1. Lentils were among the first cultivated crops in the Middle

East approximately 10,000 years ago.

2. Lentils grow well in cool weather and don’t need a lot of water. They are often grown in rotation (on alternating years) with wheat to replenish nitrogen in the soil.

3. In the United States most lentils are grown in Montana, North Dakota, Washington, and Idaho.

4. Lentils are high in protein, A and B vitamins, and iron, and they come in a variety of colors, including yellow, red, green, brown, and black. 16


Page 10: GRAINS AND LEGUMES OF THE WORLD - agclassroomstore · 3. In 1831, Cyrus McCormick designed the first successful mechanical reaper, allowing farmers to cut wheat by machine rather

Pinto BeansPinto beans are:

Pinto Beans1. Pinto beans are members of the same species (Phaseolus

vulgaris) as green beans, kidney beans, black beans, and many others.

2. Beans originated in Central and South America. They were an important crop to many Native Americans, who often planted them together with corn and squash.

3. More than 40% of the dry beans produced in the United States are pinto beans.

4. Pinto means speckled in Spanish, but pinto beans’ characteristic spots disappear when they are cooked. 18