Government Finals Review

Government Finals Review


Government Finals Review. Moderate Conservative Reactionary . Radical. Liberal . Democrat. Republican. This party believes that a tax cut to investors will help to promote economic growth? Considered to be the “Pro-Life” party - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Government Finals Review

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Government Finals Review

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Moderate Conservative Reactionary

Radical Liberal

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Democrat• More willing to create

government jobs to lower the national unemployment rate

• This party tends to be opposed to Capital Punishment

• This party is often symbolized by a donkey

• Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Dick Durbin

• Chicago and Cook County has historically voted for this party

Republican• This party believes that a tax cut

to investors will help to promote economic growth?

• Considered to be the “Pro-Life” party

• This party is often times referred to as the G.O.P

• Ronald Reagan, John McCain, George Bush

• This party is historically more closely associated with anti-communism

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• 3. What are the goals of the U.S. constitution as stated in the Preamble?

• We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

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• 4. Separation of powers:• power is distributed

evenly among three independent branches of government.

• 5. What major power does the legislative branch have?

• To make laws

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• 6. What are checks and balances?

• 3 Examples: • The Supreme Court

declares a law by congress to be unconstitutional.

• The President veto’s a bill.• The Senate approves the

President’s nominee for Supreme Court justice.

• 7. What branch enforces the laws?

• Executive

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• 8. The House of Representatives membership is based on what?

• states population

• 9. How many US senators do we have per state?

• Two

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• 10. When is a Census taken?

• Every ten years

• 11. Define Reapportionment:

• Redistributing seats of the legislative body based on census information

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• 12. The federal system divides power among the STATE GOVERNMENT and the National government

• 13. Who officially elects the President?

• The Electoral College

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• 14. What are the qualifications to vote?

• 18 years of age• Citizen of the country• Lived in the state you

are voting in for at least a month

• 15. What type of people cannot vote?

• People serving Jail time, and ex-convicts

• People in mental hospitals

• Non-US citizens

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• 16. What is community service?

• Work done for free that benefits the community

• 17. Miranda vs. AZ

• Because of this case, you must be told your rights when you are arrested for a crime

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• Roe vs. Wade

• This ruling establishes a women’s right to an abortion.

• Brown vs. The Board of Education Topeka, KS

• This case declared the doctrine of separate but equal to be unconstitutional.

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• Tinker vs. Des Moines

• Student can express themselves silently without discipline

• Mapp v. Ohio

• This case prevents illegally obtained evidence cannot be used against you in court.

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• Marbury v. Madison

• established the Court’s power of judicial review

• Plessy v. Ferguson

• separate but equal

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• 18. What is the “Bill of Rights” and whom was it created to protect the citizens from?

• It is the first ten amendments to the US Constitution. It is meant to protect citizens from the federal government

• 19. What document contains the Bill of Rights?

• The US Constitution

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• 20. Which has occurred the least?

• Amending the Constitution

• What is Judicial Review?

• The power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional

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• 22. Where did the phrase wall of separation originate?

• Thomas Jefferson

• 23. What freedoms are found in the 1st Amendement?

• Speech• Religion• Assembly• Press

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• 24. What is eminent domain?

• Power of the government to take private property of public use

• 25. The 1st Amendment separating church and state has been interpreted to allow what?

• It does NOT allow a public school principal to begin school with a prayer over the intercom

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• 26. The 1st amendment dealing with free speech has been interpreted to allow what?

• standing on a street corner and stating personal opinions about the federal government to anyone who stops to listen.

• 27.Does the 4th amendment allow the search of a school locker because the locker belongs to the school?

• Yes

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• 28. What is meant by “freedom from self-incrimination”? Where is it found?

• You do not have to testify against yourself in a criminal court.

• The 5th amendment

• 29. What is the 8th amendment?

• “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”

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• 30. What is the 2nd Amendment?

• “Right to bear arms”

• 31. The 13th, 14th, and 15th, Amendments deal with?

• Slavery

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• 32. What do the 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments deal with?

• The rights of the accused

• Affirmative Action

• An active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups

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• 34. Civil Rights

• Acts of the government to secure equality for all citizens.

• 35.Eminent Domain

• Allows for the government to secure private property at fair market value for the public.

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• 36. Euthanasia

• Putting someone to death to relieve suffering

• Grand Jury

• This meets to determine of there is enough evidence for you to be tried for a crime.

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• 38. Probable Cause

• This must be present for most police actions to be legal.

• 39. Indictment

• This is a formal complaint that charges you with a crime

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• 40. Double Jeopardy

• This legal principal protects you from being tried for the same crime more than once.

• 41. Bench Trial

• When this occurs your guilt is not determined by a jury.

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• 42. Precinct

• A voting district divided into its smallest part

• 43. Home Rule

• When local government is given control of land use.

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• 44. Alderman

• This person is the people’s representative in city government.

• 45. Referendum

• A legislative measure that is out before the voters, often times in Illinois this refers to taxation issues.

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• 46. Why are political polls negative to an election?

• They may cause a person to believe a candidate can not win so they may not vote or change their vote.

• 47. The procedures, manner, and monitoring of elections is done by whom?

• The State

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• 48. Name two communist countries today:

• China, Cuba

• 49. Why was the United Nations formed?

• to save future generations from armed conflict.

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• 50. Which of the Cabinet positions is most responsible for foreign policy?

• Secretary of State

• 51. What is a direct democracy? How are decisions made?

• Government where decisions are made directly by the people

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• 52. Republic

• A government conducted by representatives elected by the people best describes a

• Dictatorship

• A government in which one person has total control

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• Anarchy

• A system with no official form of government, chaos

• Monarchy

• Rule by a monarch, king or queen

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• 54. What is the United States and Example of?

• Republic

• 55. Is this person/group Conservative or Liberal

• Fox News-Conservative• Rush Limbaugh-

Conservative• Chicago Tribune- Liberal• Jon Stewart- Liberal

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• 56. This African American Supreme Court Justice first became famous by arguing a landmark civil rights case before the supreme Court?

• Thurgood Marshall

• 57. What responsibilities does local government have?

• School Board

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• 58. Who was the most recently impeached governor of Illinois?

• Rod Blagojevich

• 59. How many judges are on the Illinois State Supreme Court?

• 7

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• 60. How do Illinois Judges obtain their positions?

• Elected by the People

• 61. What is the Legislative body in Illinois called?

• General Assembly