GOMMERCIALMATTERS. a j · 2017-12-13 · tr rrytrin* their of tl.e vamoval waa eviBenliy ia>ea-...

tr rrytrin* their of tl.e vamoval waa eviBenliy ia>ea- t.. ._?. Tbe u-aia. a arfl remov-d b __*-&£_ and at nigtit «r__ tbt. csitr'.-ty that the ontr.ge tf a_j i- w-t-d wtvad hara been averu-d by an lojaoctmn fV. m tha C-artfl. » whi 1. c..a ite perpetrat-.r8 woald h_ve beer. auBt-V t-> »->-* _dvF.nt*4?_ of th-ir owrj wro_. by in* rting - | B iton that the vaoha waro _, *tT": Babave'. ?. lnferme-timt \ *.il_. t.»l. n«- b_BBB_B_.I _*~-lH?e kaaa bean pillaged in tbe aame JT j,or t_;« we tannot vonch; bat the faete in the B-e'caae wbieh w* hnve a'ated are unqueatiouabla; and we ehouid ba botty lo believe that there iB any aoeietr, eivilnt'd or rneivilixed. beatben or Chriatiao, in which Biich tb-nca awe euflered to pate without rabnke. In a ro_iin_r'ty wbere tbere ia no faar af BV-rilege, no re- gard for aBsctity, uo reapect for lagal rigfata, wbat ee- curitv raa tbera be for tbe remaina of tha deaid ? Wbat nanc'n have. we to believe that they will ba aufferad t.> repoae if peace a moment after it anita the purpoae* of ctipif1 y ard avarice to diaturb them1 [ChtiTch Jonroal. .TV RermllicanB of the Illd Aiwembly PiBtrict beld a meeting laat night, a*. No. 16-' Canal atreet, for the purpoae of org_ni7ing a C_mpai_- Clab. A num¬ ber of aamea weie antered npon the roD, a temporary organixatiou wae lorrued, and the meating adjourned till Salurday, t.. compleie a parmanent working organ- k-hap- » Thi Nrv Fachtv <>r St. Johkt Conn.r.-The ft-lOwiBgUaoorreci li-4 of tha nea Faculty of fcr. John a ( o'le_e: Be. Anatiitut /. Thehtud Pr-ildent Rev Willlani Oock ._.. V Ir^-frv..de:.t. R- < *BB Reruier. Treattirer Rev Mau- rk* B-wv-e. Prefe-or ot Rhe.orir R-t.l,. Jotilo. Rev Jo. \ nt-r. TrVf. aaon, ot l'hi >*opby Rev John Aab._r.Profr.Mor r-' NaBaa] Pbi'.otopl'.v Baf Mi, hael Meagher Profrator of Ho rLM.itiea . .4 _, . H. uae of fcxereiaee. formerlr tlie Sammary: r__i Rev B. J Telier. Rev. lajiin Df trtrmte, Paaor, Rev. TtiTkini.-c Aataa-t ii" ii oRriii,. Tbe c'l^aea will oj en at St. Jobn'a Cllege, Ford- b»m, onThnreday, Sept. 6. thi: rvios kkrry company. T'OUKdmor mf Th* S. Y. 7Vi»t_t«. Bia: It appear-a. bv thii- morning a pajier, tliat tbe I'niaa Ferrj lompany ooiitemplate gTeat alterttiont and im- p:, vrraerit- at the Kulton Ifi-ry, which. doubtleflt. are mi. h BBafl-l Hut th* Uthabitant* of lirooklyn who tBBBB at the Ham- DtOf. Kerrr wi'. bear tr.tin.ony to the truth of my aaaertiC-, that ImprOTf.'rcf are t.erded tn i, more tbere, etpe<i-,_y on thr Brooklj:, «Je The BtaMaflB art- ahametully dirty, inoonvt- ni.-ot. tnd cr-u_pr_. and hav. beni to, notwith-t.udin- the larra li.mMia.to eroia tbere aud an- auSVrera t hereby. li. rainj and t..I weat.bt, thtr» ia nn plt.-e whrte geutlemer. who do not lUr tobare; .ri cfr can r>r mad.- romtortabl.-while waitiac for Xl.r boat The tu BBBB boati ar.- nin upon tliif ferry. althougb a Urar BBtalear < roa* li.-re lhan at any other, except the Fulton frrry. t'-vaalor iliy th. K^rry Conipany promite to remedy Xhror faulta. wheo thr publi,- iioniplain; bnt, when th<- mtiUer- lug- arv onrrt tb'y uiairuin the n__r do nothioi! poli.-y. Latt kali (1 tt-nk ia S-j-t»-trri*ri, at a mi-etior of thr South RrooklyD Improvr-nert AaaoriaUon. Mr. Stranahan, a Diractor of tbr I'nino F-rry C«_pai:v sa\. hii plfnifv, upot, hlt honor at a Criiibei «f the llaard cf Dir.-ctort, that th* ir_provement> id CjueMlflD ahouid be made. whether Mr Blake (a rentlcmao who d:.pat»t th* ri_l t u th. .t: tii ;. roruaBtrd or not, or untU they w«<r* caa-pr-.'h-d tr ttop. V\"htt haa brto_t of Mr. Stranah-i . hi- pro..taa..ii hooor I The nuifaucrt of thr ferry houte con- H> ue Ob-> vtould think that M: Stranahan uouid b«. intereated froa. p^eriury cocaidrrati >u- H hi. honor war not ir. quettion. tt, ha*_ hi. . - -'."i prou.ii_a fuitilled, at hia large propt-rty I -t atff-r front the c-ontinuaiice of thii nu___f*. SOLTH BROOKLYN BOLltE REt'ORK TOR THE WEEK. Nkt. Yo-k, Srpt 6, 1860. !.Brun DaarBK, emq.. Prtt-dmr f tb* Board of Committiontri V Ftibi', Cbarxttrr and (orrottiont. I>t»a 8m: Tbe foilowing is a liat of pereona ar- rr-t«-dhy th- po ice and comniitted at thr aeveral IHttri, u tor raamlaatioi, o-.i harge. of intcxicatio.; dlaorderly i-oudurt. and va-rtrx-y. durirr the wer_ endin* Bept. !V together wi'h thr cumbvi ditcl Tfed by the oiaijittratea, aud the tompiaintt div tM.td aiao tbe number remaininr in prtaou. Sept 5: rta'T BBaBBIUI JtfllltBB wb_»h a.nd kbllt. Bfalea Femalet. Total. No rerf4ln:nzi priton Aug. W. 0 1 t No recei. -ddunug the »ee_.10 7 17 Tat_l.10 I IM No d.» __rfr- ccnialaint diiaiUaed 5 11 No raeia itfd ia ki...I t 4 Totai.7 15 No recia. :.-.* Lt. pri.OL Sept 5. 1 4 BB i> --"K..'T. -i «ti. 0-.-1OIXT AND IIVACBBSrBVfla. So llfO,>iai' - i.-ipriaon Aut 19.18 5 1 No. re. eiTrdd_im« the »e*_..64 89 Bfl I .77 No dti _*r--d. compitir.t diiuiitted 1.1 No .ou._-t_.dlc fu.l.18 lota..71 38 109 Nr ra__,_t'o«tn Jflrtaoi hept f.. 6 6 12 THIBI. MtTRiar.t.ii.'|' BBBBBAB abi, aTKBKt. No. ie.-aiuina ui pritcn Aug. 29. 2 5 7 No raeetve. duri-i ..r>2 in 61 .»4 15 h. Nr. di*c_t-g»-d eon plaii.t dim.it.- 83 fl Na coxiLiii-.eJ i- full. I 12 Tofla..» li -7<J No remai«ir ( Sept. i.t>> 19 FOI HTH DIITKIt'T.,'l-T CB8 OIHOK.N AM. KKoW-rBLL. No ramaining Ang 29. 1 No revaiv-d di rii.g the week. 8 I Totai. 4 0 4 No dbeba-goddurire the we«k. 1 I 1 Nr, rroi.UHL! Sept ¦>. :< (' Tt__ r.-i.iber muan.it r lu pritoc Au« 20.28 Totolnfaa auriiig the week.1H5 Tot_lno_.t*r tMachtrgeu complaint diamlated.I"i4 Irtal n_'. b r- n lluirjg in priaor: Srpt '<.18 fcr^e- HABUC- SI'lTON. Warden. gcrroci i ni CariBa Ifl ot a I>rcin.. Co:<ne- O'i.rr.'r hr.d ar' kafJBfMl yetterdi> a: pitai, on the b.-dv <jt Patfiek ilegan, a:. Iiiili'uan. 4i' yeart oid. abovatr -lo-«trd on Tu.-iny latt hy tbr ludden canngin of a -. wa- at wor-%, wm. tiirr,. la.ing pifet I near Broadwar At tir-t (W. a.-a » a » .t |.a-tia. > tulrd, and cotiid liave b.ei eatiiy ' dui tbr crowJ that co'..c'.»d at.out the edre ot thr trvtui: btok' tb' earth »way a ..-cond time, and the untonunate b_l aaarotiipletrly <*rvrr-d Afjaaltaral a: iiour pa»ted be¬ fore ha ro-:_l o* rowued. aud U* di.-d immediately v r-rdi'-t it, % .re »ith thr art- and thr Ifl. at-v.-reiy r-en-ureti thfl ua orlo-ur-t properly tt-ctiriug the tid*-oi the r»cavatii!:. a At BBl D I-*'-' KBT 01 MoBBT..Yeater.iay an ioa- Bt.r.-, ntrr »1 Michae WalBI a_f_mflfsa.« !.¦ b| baik-tiiilf tu_l tilver to thr an.t ui.t - vVUliam Butaev, rfNo 8t, Oiver itr.e' 1- appei-a that rar y ..i U'ednef day mitDio: \\a .b tieliveirj tome ie at ti.e pia. r of Hitaey. and whiie i: t_c h'.i,-- he appioa. Iie-. tht !>a- wbere tha miiiey »ai ro«»-ie».r_ a d rrmainrj their tor aeveral B_BB.B hr waa eane the lo.t of th* .'i,r>n>y wat diteoverrd. at.: ca ie<j th* ffluB o: w _.h, nn tuipi. ion of having ttoleu it. Me aai BBB mii.-ed for e*B:i.iu.~ion. H,.i -. B bbbbt..Ab-.nt 71 o'fllaak oa Wednr«dBv eve Jrr Mr- M^eder re-dr.. at Bfl IM Wmet ¦ocrteeat itree'. * aa |«aaaii.g liirough 6utii av.-uue uear Knur- i known aa .1 acob Coltton ran op and i- »- Liiat».1.1 mat .e<J a t. .ir Irou. ..rr arm and fl^J. Al aia._uwai rai.ed whrr* ,i.f-.i. .rvrral gentl»i.eu gave chaie BBdeoi-erjF-d u. ane-tlng Ui- lufilive, wbini th.-v paai-d to tbe ..todv mt OrBcer C-riato-a .L Ward Poli, r Tbr rnict.. - d a. ujt tr l u. ta.h aud Otoer v tra. fotiod ir ->,....tt'.'n f tl.e prtto M 1 I ,i,^d wat taken brf-,.r Jt.ai - Uua,-.- k. Q| fir t-ial It n al »-«._ ti. ttoie a gold watth from ti.r C-M- Bf . -e**e. Ij l:.g U. ihe N rtt . - |l', BBfl TB Diath A flfllotad tnrl. narned Pho- BflMt Braa . Wl ''*¦! ynterday n. tb>- New-York .^ froir- iljtri*t fv-eeived tl.e prerioai day. Kne tO'.k a cai. of eampi.- -rirdi.ri.it lirr motb.-.-'t abteme. aml Ifcrow aoine of It on the h-e Her lothet took flBB, and tlie b ined t->d*«ti. C'toi er JaflBaBB hr.d th. laaaaff \ erdi t BB_ 4-otb. -?- On h, IUil.-viieIIoapit_l. yeeterday. Jamea tii-irgh fiom iu. w«ain JJIed l.y auouier Wi.. Iloroner O K»efr beld iin W^urf. \ r m i Pbisob h . -IkfBBB Oimt liiid l-at »M cl- . arref.ed (tf pittinf UOUIiUirtel B ven- Bf arrr^rd air! I w i.'.af1i»'aW- tt thr 1 ombi, who l .uu t.~l tiiet. '.o: trial a bi.A-TiM a. i,.im ia B_rra Aa-BVBa.Akoal ¦ oa aBe r> ildrt u. WitXh tvr.ua. at tl.. imft. ., itreet aa. ght Ol'- a. do* tlu av ..oe wh.i. i.r w. atruok by a fivinr !rr« iieif. r..i o .. d A p.li ecoa' loi boae |Adver-te.ient.J Oirnkv's Gai.i.ert. No 7ij7 Broadway. P>t iX,t,,T.trm Iv.lKTTTPBfl Btiw.4T.AA. RfOia. aod U.u'iaar.'i.ri. ? Adv.-rUaement _4 PH0.-B3BA--U f>l. K BoUfflfl Nev. InveuBoa, No. t9f' hioadway [Adveru_n_ent. | IXlMiON < L.IH SAOCB. Tl.. Ba ,r -lehraU-d throufhe«t Kurop* aud war... y rr tFOi_u,e_,l_f j. tlie teiebrated frorirh cLlAiuier Soyn potMta-t M i_.ii.ai_B rii _r.r. _d delioary of taitr impartu.g a re itb ,., a_p.^d b- ._ oti_: Saucafl to read)-u.i_U diahea Itt tlavor ii B_«t^ir.a..ie ai.d no one .i-ct-foaied to tUjMO would -arr to nt at ¦ _,l.a l__W-i with tbe rtebeft rlan-. without ii --_.»-¦ atd *m?rru,r to _l atbor »a....ei, .r haa oiUy lo try lt U> _-t lla "KaTj'-Sl (.rai-er.evarywher.. A. J Pahkbk, No 1 Utk a_-«t. Ag. ... *_ the i.iudSute. B [ Advortuemant | Motbr-ni vtith Childr.r ran obtain PlIBEBOUx. or atufT-l to wti|r.h eaeb peraon _. B_yt*d Ait.l_wtu.ivei a-d dilr. t Ui> uitudf Ot Chiitlieo trtymttit I .dra.rtt_-._ae_. A-t'.t.'-. mmwVM ClttK. ? o' tha »j»a«dv c.-ire of In'-rn.itUM Yefer or trrvt and tr'ia Ran-.ittant Ka.ar, O'lm^ A:'i_*. I'anrdir* lir-da h- or hllim. Haadvr*. and BUlcii. fever tndaad f i u .. »ho.- ci.m »f dluaaa* otifu.ttlnx li Ht'i.a- ivaranaan -it raraaad by th* Maiari, o( Mlaatmti. Ceaatriea. Ni. ... ..u_r_4\ 1. londer raliad fot by tba -,a.aa_.t_a. of th-- A marican paop'ia than a .ur* and aafa «t_ for *v*r and Afw Surh wa arr uow aa_.bl._d to oOar. witb a p.-rl*a t c-ert*intv -bai H will aradir-ata Iba dia>-_*a. an.l witb aaauraoc*. fonndod oo pro. f. tbat no kami <.*¦ ari** from lt* a** iu an-' qntntit) That ivhlrb prul.< ta froni or p-*v*nt« th*. d-_or4er _nn_t ba of imnn iim lervie* in tb* cou.nmt W*» wh*ra It pnrvail.. Pr*-*n- tion i. batti-r tb.li cunt, for the r-aumt earapaa tn* ri_* »bl.-h h«- umat rttr. lu viotent .tt*. k. uf thir balafii. dutampar Thia " Craa" eip-1* tha miaaaui. poialn of Prvkk and Aer* frotr th.-.v.tan). aud p'awnta tha devaiopment uf tho df.a_*a. if t._.. ii i- .... t)T*t apprnarh rl lu pr»ruonit_ry .ymi-lotn. It i. rotor.iy tha beat re_a*dv a»ar vat di.coverad fot thi* rlat. u' ron.plalnt.. but alao tb* cl.aapa t Th. lar*a q-iautltv we.upey r dollr.r lirlap lt wlthli. tha raa-h <>? avt.ryhody; and P t.ilirm. diatruu, »b*r* Kavanaod Ai.i a p.rraiU, aver-rbodv ibouldh.iv* it *nd n.a it f:a.-iy boih for rui* »ud praveutlon. A iinI .opario.lty of thi* rwnedy over any otber avar Aiicoverad for tbr -pi-cdy and cartaln cure «f li,i«rinti_*nt. n. tbat tt.- in tai . no fjulnlt e 01 iclra'al. conaaqnertly it prodnca. no q.ilntitn or rthar inj' riou. atlarta waaierar nravn tha r-onatotaHon Th tw rurad by tt ar* l*ft aa baallby aa if they had navet had tba _U- eeae- r -va- and Afna 1. not alonr tha r«n(*quan__» o'tha mlaamati. poUou A ere*t vari*ty of dl.ordara ari.a f irai it* irrltatl->r.. aniong wl.i.ii arr Nruralfia. Kliruii.i__.__. tio-.t H*adarb* P'itdraaa. Tootha.he. Kararha. < atarrii Aathu.a. I'alpjtation, Faii.ful Aflectlon of tba Rpl**n. Hv_t«ric«. P«in ln tha BowaU. ( eUc Paralytia, and Daranfamant of tha Stoma-.h, ali of which. » bnt originatlng ln th'* ranaa, pnt on tOr Irtarmlttout typ*, ot l^-o-pp. .iodiral Tbia " Crim" aipala tb* poi.on from tha blood. and coiuaquently cure* them all aili*. Praparad by Dr. J. C Ataa - Co., Learell, and lo'.d by all DiuggiM. evarywhera. [ Ady»rt_-*___ant Edward H. Dixok, M. D., Editw of Th* Ba-alp*., and OparaUng and Co__mlti<« Burgaoa, N* 41 _U_-_.v Offica con.ultat'on. on tha mor* obacurB d_.a*j_a* of th* paivta f vi.rj.ra. Boptor*, Pll**, VarloorWa, and Plr.ula r*dl8»llycar(_t without tb* fcnlf* or _tg_*__r*. OCo* hoar* fronn I U 9, 1 to t aad I to y avaninaa. !Advart_aam«nt_f Thi Prince ok \Vai.i> at Oursu'.- Gai.lf.ry. Th* onlv corract likana*. ln tba I'liitad Suta* of hi. Royl H:phn*iath*Pri->reof Walea on erhibitlon at Ovrnbt'i 0*1- lnry. J OfBKft' k Sox. No TOT Broadiray. OtttM fot Sale^_ F1RSTA8SEMBLYDI8TRICT CAMPA1GN CLUB. m The Firat Aaaembly Diatrict Camnt ign Clab held a meeting hiat evening ot their Iu ad-qnart#r». corner of Murray atreet and College Place. Tne rooma were crowded and tl.e greateat entliiudaam prevailed. A. J. Williamaon, Preeident of the Club, occnpi*d I the chair, and J. P. Boyce acted aa 8ecreUr>-. Jp*A communication waa receivBd from the RepubU- can Central Committee invimg Uie Clnb to attend tbe fieat ratification ineeting to be beld on the i_N-> The inviiation waa accepted and a Committee appoinlod to make th. neceaearv arranireaenta. The I*reaident tben introdnced BlUOTT F. Shet- ari., eeq., of the Eighte<>n_h Ward, who pr<>ceeded to addreee tbe meeting on the ieeuee of the campaign. Hia addreae waa eptrited, and waa received with mueb applauae. Mr. Jn-i.ru ('» rraa was the next BDeaker. li.-al-o reviewed the iw-nee of tbe crinia in a fortible aud bomelv wav. IIe wae purticularly merry over tbe Bell- Kverett a and their attempted aale of their jarty to Douglaa and JohtBon. He paid hia reepect* to w. Hunt in bia late sttempt. to Bell ont hia frienda, while he diverted ati-ntion by loud profeB.ioae of eaving the I'nion and putting" down agitation. He thought tbe fuaion a very lucky thing for the Bell- Kvereite, for it would conceal the emallneBe of their numbera. Tbe Hon. Chas. S. BPBBCKB then entertained the njeeting with a a irring addrt-ae. He gave a irlowing deacription of the wealth of tbe cropa of tbe Weat, throngh which he had juat been tra\ eling. He had been tbrongh tbe State which waa the home of the fu- ture Preeident of the conntry, Abraham Lincoln. X'beera.] Tliat t'lorioiia Stite waa the fit repreeenta- tive of Fret Lal«".r, for tbe new cenauB would make her the fonrth State in tbe Dnkra. and give her more mem- bt-re of Congresj than the old State of ~_nrl___B, whicb led the I'nion S*S veara ago, when no white child had bten boi n in IlliroiB. He wae aaenred in the Weet tbat the Weet waa all right, and that the oniy State in whioh the l>emocr_,tr had a ghost of a chanc waa lu¬ diaua. But they inquir-d eugerly ab >tit New-York. He luughed at tbem. Mr. Spencer eaid that he could BBC BO diHerence beiw«aen Donglae and Br*ckinridi-e. He eould illuetrate their fKradiion only by a remark made bv a colored prenchei at a camp meeting, who eaid, '' Breddtr. n, dert- are but two roade, one of em leada to bell, an de oder leada to damnation. (I.ond lau|ihter.J Mr. Spencer continne., aud concluded am:d vociferoua appianae. At the cloee the following reeolutionB were unani- monalv paBned: keool't'd. That m- heartl'.y Indori- the ranomlaa'inn of Mkr- ..Ajy ai. 1 ("anh-hf: i Im tha bi*h off. «hii li they bavt io hon orablj i.iled for tha pa*t l»'c jeai.. *nd that wa pl-djfa oona-lvea ._> u th- Kipfort dae to lionr-t and faithfu. pub.ic _ar- Heeolred, Tbat wa ln like m_nn>-r approve and indorae tba i.on .-.luttton of Samibl H BauMBr for Canal Goniml.aioi.ar a:..i Jarora K Bat*r for In«pertor of 8t*te Priaon*, a* randldata. wortby oi the .npport ofthe Hepubbran party. aiid that wa will ntr allhcncrable ineac. to taleot th* whofc tiokaC The meeting eeparattd at u late honr with cheera for Lincoln and Hamlin and tbe State candidatea. AEMY AND SAVY ISTELLIGES'CII. Two army f'ourta-maitia' a-e ordered. oue at Waab- ington und tbe r .her at S:. Louia, Mo. Tbe former ia to try Lieut. Dryadale, -^LArtilbiv. aud the la'tev Majii Whitirg wt tbe .itb Itifantry. An importBEt cbange in the adroi__i_T._.io:i wttmt oidnaiit-- ef tl e uavy ig looked foi. Troop. lur Carlale left New-York a few d»ya aince, and arrived all well at tbeir deatinatioti. Caili-le ir ui.* >.arrii-oiit;d by about 'J.V) mounted iu- . Ti ere :i e vei IM re.'iuit- atid -thera Wt G:v- ___MB*I Irbunl. A large i<at< 1; 11 I ldien> if to leave tbia city in a few wcelir- tm Texaa, to re-it.fcrce the Coiupaniea ¦ertfag tbere. Ci mmai.tler Fotue du'iv ;.e abeence rm v;icutio:i of Fiat-oibcer Breeee, ia acting Commatidaiit of the Brooklyn Yard. The te."m'-f aervic of ti.e U. S. _hip_ Bab-M ai.i f.;i\Hi,i:ali now on tbe Imme atation baa exjiired. Un- letathe atate of affaire ia Cential America continuea to remain unaettled they will be home iu a few weeka. Tbe Savannah ie already detaehtd. Capt. Ganaevoort, of tlie Navy-Yard, eipectB to have th. Cumberland a battery camplete, und of tbe liret tlaar in a week or two. More slupe are ordered to be btted out The eteamen- MiaaiBtippiaud Foltoc, andtbe to;vette Ctim'-f-land, will be ..veiliaiiled witboti'. tl--luy. Tbe Mi._iK.ip: ll Ht B.-aton tlu Cu_ab.rlatid iaexpected bere e.ery day tn u. Portemoutb, N. H. Notwitbat'iEdiug tbe dia- .laimera ol'the authoritie-. naval people exj>ect u ligbt The liat of abipa preparing, ie m>w aa fol- ii B itton. Co.veti* Ja.i.r.to-vn, at Phiiadelphia. CorvcMe Bantaaa «t Philad.-i|-hla. l Bliiam r P.- at Phuade'iilita. . ( .,-irtla l.ani.atitowi.,_.t Norfolk.(riod. ^ta_ji..-r Richi.ond, *t Norf..lk.».*"'' -.- I Noifcft., WV -t. rr MU.Ualppl. at Bo-ton.(.ooa- Kteai i-r Kultor, at P_aM_Mla la b.- about rrbuilt. ( .r\-ttr Cti.-.il.arlaud, at PorUu.oull..Oood. Ae tbe Wabaeb could urid. r no circttraBtancea ba ready foreom___i-_i.<n before the lat ol March, HU. wa omii her name. Tbe Plymoutb, whoeearrival at lUmoton roada, waa yealerday announted by telegrapb, will probably be put ont of ocmmiaaion at once, and her crew and " middi. rr* tranaferred to the Conntitution. .A Newpor. cirreBpondent givea some g^aeip WOk> aaiB-Hj a garden, a gardeuer, und it nove!i_t fliieof the greateat .urioaitiea I bave fl*eu for a l.. | time ia tbe OTchard-h-ua. of tbe Hon \\ ilUam H. I jtwr. n<e of tbia citv. Tbe Bystem of cultnre ib, I be li,-ve, ratber new m 'thi* conntry. The bonae ia a laan- to :»0 ftet lonir, bniit in tbe moat Bnbilantial mauner. 'J t,. ntire Imnn' ia heated bv hot-water pip(*. and h dividetl Iv tflai-a partitiouB into Bectioua of W feet each. Heie one'tan eaaily lancy he ia enjoying tropual life, for be haa the heat of the tropice for the entire year, und their frait*. euch a* niueappltw, aprit ota, tilberla, U\ir b..im'i.u- t mPtmw w'itb u frreut abundaooe aud va- nety of the fruit of more uortbern climee, au.h aa _ttrawl.erri.-e p4-ar_i, peaebea, cberriea, _k.c. All tlieae troita are yrowinj? in rxiia, antl what ii inoet reaarka- l.le, th* pota are Bim ply filled with moflB gatheretl Irom the \mk>i1«. Kome of the treee grow in hangmu ba*- kett, wbicb, 1 believe, waa origmal witb Mr. Alirml (,'iiumlr_rl_ii., who __._» th* ottre of Uie booee. Mi. formerly bad tbe care of tbe garden ot hn I.ytt >u Bai- wer, tbe noveliai, wbo bved *. vou miiea oul ol l.iu don. Hia aeoount ia, that ' llulwer waa atcnatomed t<. come aud apend an boor or two witb him in the gar¬ den, and tben be would returu to bi* aludy aud write with all bia mitfbt. Ihe pot*and baakete are generally hidbII, aud Iille.l witb dh-ms, and, witb tbe tree* trained iu e\eiv imaginable ahape. eome of them ladeu witu tbecli.iceat fruit, praaeut a pietarw^'s aad uovel ap- peaiance. GOMMERCIAL MATTERS. Balea at ttteffiark BirhMflgr.. .-*> rr. 6. 1 rwYiri-uiiaSutr 6t.91 bo Mich Ootrai RR...MB 70j i in k'1-..'u'i Hiata e.i.fl; W do._H _<l(ali'r.r.iia|ital«7.SI_QM.flo.lt N. Ind BR... *t 2,tt» Iti-coklvn (Ity Vt. L.lC*l| HB M. to k N. Iud 0.1 44; !,Bt»N '. Centralbt.Hi BB do.*M -.141 Krir R R. llh m b.hW T<Ji Sfl de. .... «« M.«Mirh. flo. 2d n.tgt. ht_4 :a _t\'V___"__..l -,0.0 do...MC KIC..P A AthfaRR.119 R.Ufi do.MilSoIU. Central RR U.rlp.. *i\ lOOfillUnoitCtntraiR Rt .«! 50 do. M .'.Ot-ilbi. ai.d N W litm W,»i do..'."?2 Of.' Late Kile A VV.ldn. b 46.1 US Cleve Col A Cin. RR. M a'foerir. .Hani k P 2d n. ttt 15o Oai k Chic. RR....bl0 7V B' Merfbanlt' Bank Bcrlp .W5 850 do._i_S- V Bank of C.ommerce.101 350 do.____ BAm. .KrhanjreBank....K3i!ll'0 do.flf _J ISAitl-an.'Hai.k. 99 jl'25 do. « 57Bankr.rthrRepub1ic...<»o _. do...._i"" _S 1( r«. ih- Mail B*mp Co.. H2i'80P Cleve A Tol_do RR.... 44^ I'f'LaCrot-aandMiLR B 1.100 do.Bt 44, Wm] do. H'TOO do. *4l 18.41 N V.Ceuira. RR.B4J.5I-. do.Ml *«i fifO do.W84,I100 do.b*_' 4^J »0 do.hi 8411 Ki Chi,- ii R'--k Iti RR... 79 H60 do.MO 84,1 SO do.b!5 78. 150 tio.b30 844,100 do.WO 79 100 do.bl5 84* 4B8 do.iW 7S1 ?(-> Erle Railroad.nt 850 do 100 do. 781 ino do.aa) 781 100 do.f*l "H 50 Chlc. B n A Q'y RR i*> 87 1.4) do.f»' (Tti J de. 88 2.0 do.r. 150 do.27, 100 do.bkO 2* too Htidao:. River Railroad. 571 50 do.57, 2-< do.b«0M 1S0 Harlrm Railroad. 17* UO do. 871 I.ViHarlem RaUroad Pref.. 4-M'Ill Mt'.w. Mitt. RR.}4 108 do.UI 200 do.141 50 do.b80 45 mo do. 144 10 Siith-avenue Railroad..P5 Do do. 141 UO St-uington Railroad.... 71 »ar,,M> i.....tn n.000 MftiooHfit.8U lCOParifi- Mal'SS fc... 881 400 N Y. Central RB...tlO 84, 508 de._.. » 200 do.i?...blOM 1(0 dr....b»o 85. 2C0 do.b-f'rSi |ro do.MO BS» Krir lUiitoad..tB) Wl 50 1.1 C«n. RR. Biip b»0 Rfi* JOO do. 86} 50 do.1.10 861 2S do. 86 _*> do.ba. 87 108 do. tt» 88 SCle-e.. Col -Cin R. R. 9.1 808 Oalena k Ciiloago RR.. 79J KO do. 79l iso do.ia«'l50 do.M080 *ai dr.bSOIHllSO io.oV>'9i ir© do.b-u2B.,l50 do.b60 so do.tlO Mjl.W Cler. k Toledo RR b60 M ... ui tlO 44} Uio do.»$!:«* do. 171. Mlchirti. (>n. RR. 71 5-0 do .MO 46 |,f, io.I.l.'« 711 IV) Chi. b Rock It RR. 79 Itv.Hudior River R R.5H 400 do.f^ 79 ?u Htrlrm Railroad. IR 2.V) do.n-l 78} tU, Ml, l, Ho 4 N Ia.RR.21il'-' do.MO 79] 50 Mi¦ h.S 4. N.lat'.S 41.J 25 Chi.. Bur Ic Q. 88 50 do.blO 4_i 1400 Mll. and Mitt. 15 50 df.4»4 15 8eeond Av R. R.. 100 H* rait:..- Railroad..-IM Btrrt-rri no.-t*. ifl l.ir Rov»>.10, 5" IaleRnva.e.104 HO Rockland.2^ 500 Iti. Ro'yale.MO 101 lou Baaeock.bio 51 Bii Atked. Bid. Atked Copper Pai.i M. Co. lHIBoekltad.251 IH Central.«i 9t Hnperior.i\ 4} Kranklin.2S Haroiltoa.. . Han-oek..'| B] Coiombian. 21 li Iile Royale.1"; l>,'r.e__.- . Metnard.b '¦'. (lardner Hill.71 71 Mtnr.etoU.Bl vOollford. 3} 31 NaUooai.86 40 North Hute. li Nortl Cll#. 2, \tnrm HU'. 1 11 Pewabir.4R 50 Del. and Had... . Pltt.bur«t.."«, 5^ Penn-Coal.. . Pontlar. 44 4> jCamberiand... (iulncy.*» it-*;Amerioan CoaL....- . Tiii'i'.-niv, fcopt. C-p. x. There waa a (|ukk and eanieBt rally in the fctot k market thia morning, and materi.l advanoae were es- tabli-bfd for nearly all of the le_din_' ka Iway atocka. There waa ler* baiiimering than for aome time pi_it, acd the market, left to ita natnral coaraa, catne np .mitkly with the removal of the preaaura which haa l>een a marked feature of tlie operationa for eeveral week-. New-Ynrk Ceritntl opened at 81}, and wae taken freely at the price, and at the cloee fll the cal! waa in demand at &W. Iltidson River went up to o7_\, an BtVBBflfl ol up"n the cloaiag price of yeeterday, and Krie w.i8 in briak demund at 'J7- ti -.'7,. The buai- neae on all three of theae lines promiaea to excead an- ticipntionB, during the Autumn anl Winter montha. September cpena with the moat flatteriuj- proapecta. Tbere waa . better inqniry aiao for Ilarlrm Common and Prcferred Bbaree, at an impr'.vement in thequota- ticna for each. The We-tern aharew were i|'iite ani- mated, and, with the exeeption t.f Hock h-land, hitrher. The moet aetive movementa were iu Crtlena and To¬ ledo, bnt the demand for IUinoia Centrnl and Michi-an Sonthera Guaranteed waa epiiited. The fnrmer jun.ped np Ifl H-'ij on ealee ot bat 100 aburea, aud the latita cloaed in BBBBBl at 4".4. Michigau Central waa atearJy ht 70i, and foi Uurli-gtou and (^uincy the mar¬ ket wae iiim without activity. There war a briak in- quiry for Milwaakee and IDflflhaajfi, whirli ojiened at 11 and eloeed at I4J bid. 11.i.i inipruvement ia in part owing to the increaaing buainesn ofthe road, and jiaiily Ifl tbe movementa uiward a re- orgai 'zatioti of the conceni, which ara m progrean. The Wieconrin rcada will all find fall einployment in the movement of a crop which ha? never been erjualed in that Stnte. The Bond market waa tiraier, with a well-diatrihuted inqniry. MicLigan Sotithern _d Mort- g.gt advhiiitd tr.i'l-, and ui B. alflflfl were held at 05. Chic_f-i. iV North-Waetern lat Mortgage boII at Mi, nnd forthe .'d Mortgage whith yesterday eoldut '.>.'>, 311 wae bid. At the Second Board a large businefla wae trana- aited, Khd a further advance took place, uea-ly every- thii.e .,u.)t-d al.'.winu preat tirmnese. Aftur the :i«i- ionf-lmert :he BM vtas Btandy, and the tenden. J waa t to hiptber pricee at the cloee ofthe day. T!.. Ufllflfllflfl of New-1! ork Central were at 8.'., which war bid freely afterwHrde. Th( cl'.aiiig pcB-fl were: For Unitad fctatea .r»a, 11. lOIJ 1109; Teni-ei«_-e State ut, 'Mi a 91; Virginia iBBfl Bt\ 91 «1*11; MiaBOuri fctate 68,811.; U}j Canton Company, I''; Paeihc Mail, H.'J} _K.iJ; New-Yoik Central Kailroad, 8.'),| K..J; Eria Bailroad, - _,-:; Iludson River Railroad, B1%*t%m\ Harlem Railroad, ITfflBlSi Harlem Kailroail Pref., _. * 1 ¦'¦. Reatiine Railroad, H,j_ l':i; Michigan Central Rail¬ road 71 711; Michigan Southern and Northern In¬ diana Railroad, Hf-_-|j Michigan 8onth8rn and Northern Indiana Onarantaed, Ufaaijl Panama RaUroad, -M-B-B-l) IUinoia Central Kailroad, e%\ 9 hi ,; Oalena and Chicagc Railroad, 7'.'_ _p7.<:; CleTB- land atd Toledo Railroad, <S$-.-ty| Chicago and K.,ck laland Railroad, 70_7'.'j, Clikago, Bnrl. aud QaiBflf Railroad, 88.-8H], Delaware and llalion Canal Co., '.'1111 -. The market for foieign billa ia very dull, and draw- era have matle (ome ccuceeflioDs to etfect aalee. The ¦apply of outride billa is increaain*, aud billa Itding. ¦tflrttag I av. b.en «old aa lowasH)". !07_ f ceut. Very g.anl conimerciai aterliog ie aold at IW" 10J|. lJanktrBaBk 10,.,-;> with a brokerage oli. Frauea ara aiao 1 -wer. TLe very best Mgnaturee :ire ->AU net, and t omiiiercial namea have eohl at 6.17 J. In Freighte, to LiviBBBfll, la OO) 1,'iah. When' iu biigaat i::_d.: 11,000 bbla. Floiirat le.; ot) balea Cot¬ ton at Id per Bteamer, 1,(HM) Ina. O-flflflfl at >*)«.. and ItlMi tirkiir; Butter at t m. T. London, 7,M) bole. 1-i.iur at Ic 10 IBJH biikh. Wiie_: on ptivate terniB. A nhij> to |Jaa~-fllB-tt 17 IM btai.. WkflBl at lld. A viretl to Cette. aaf iliem-e to Sicily and back, on prhate terma. A hiig of Ml tona la fc ., ti Side of CBbBflB- l."k with Sngarat Ma, aud Mol-saaaat *:(; and a veaatl of '--''>0 tuiir to North hule <>f Caba und bmk witi, fc t_ar at 10a., aml MoLuieea a'. *¦!. Tbe btuiueae ti the SuL-Treaaury waa: Receipta, $i:i7,H0:i :C,-for Cmrtcma, flJ.'i.OOti; Paymeuta, |I81,- lll M| Bt-BBflfl, |8^«,M- 34, The sL'pment hy the Saturday steamer will not probably l»e aa laige aa waa auti. ip.tted iu co_8e.jiit'iu r .,1 tl a dtilmeee tt BMiBBBJB MflflBrJ flflBBBBBB to W"rk eaaier.and pafBI hat Iroan paastd j, I' cent below the hiiiheet ratea of l__t week. The anpply ol money both on demand Bnd ou paper ia abuudaut, at tba ad- \anted rate-. Call Iobub are bu7 ceut, and gilt- t-cged pajier bj a '. r cent for ehort, aud 7 aH F cent for long. TLe Sub-Treaaury eent a q i-rvr of a milhon t.f gold dollara to Philadelphia yemerday, to be re- SB.al Intt, .foubli- eaglea. The Muit in now ruady f"r wt.rk, and wil! proeeed to recoin the two milhona authorized by the fcacretary. The ¦___§_¦ Southarn DiiU't. flfl have not tmmti their Beaaion. Uafore they adjourii, aome aatisfactory arr.aiirement will be made uo to the interaet npon tbe eecon.l mortptmre bonda. The |«_weiiger rat-ripte of the Indianapolia and Cm- cunati Road bt Auguit wera $18,400, againat |l 1.0H foi the «.me month laat year, being au iucreafle of aome tVj.600. Thefttightearmngt wiii aiao ahow a hand- aome gain. The aariiingB of the Dayton aml Mkhigan Railroatl for Angmi will. it ia underatood, ahow a gain ol U- tween l-'.OOo aad f.i.OOOO oTf. \he Jaly 8^"B,e»l. Tle 01 io and Mueia.ippi will ahow a fulliog ofl wben compart-d witb Angtut, \<M. The fwight BtatiaticB (f the IHraob Ontrai for th* tirat eight montb* U.ii ysai, aa lomparod wiib tbe l.rat eigbt montba of IKM, are aa followa: .___*, laco. _ni<__.. ifl-0 \Vh*al.b«»h.1.606.. 5* 7.17.42. R,. . 81,06- 131. J-Jr, .»Jf-B,Bl* 343,378 (MU.. WMR* 1«*.«5 IS;..bhk. 1U.BB3 jn,lM Total tredm-liig flonr to bn___.r..5,B4»,-08 l.B-.Stn Tlie -rrafn carried the laat ftmr months of lfcrj9 waa larirely in exoeee of the tirst eight monthfl-1,570,007 buahelfl In the eight montha, and 3,633,407 bnaheN in fonr montha from Sept. 1. In the aingle month of Au- .tub. tbia year tbe lUinois Central forwarded 1,231,966 buabelaof grain, and 20,770 barrela of flour, or equal to ore-tbird ofthe amonnt of flour, and within 3,000 buah- hia of the total onantity of grain ahipped in the firtrt eight nwmth* of 18T>3. Ofhcial rt port of_B_rningsofthe Michigan Southern and Nortbern Indiana Raiiroad Co. for Anguat: INHO. 1HS«. Paaxn-en.$-31771 PT »5..2I4 11 E2-7.:.:. * & n «wj s .EipenM.mdMiicellaDeoo. 3,54665 W 90 Total.BIW064 54 »lSl,-~ 26 .Mia. fll«tirnu. expan*.-* ar* d_tdtict*d frou. tha amouut aliova .If Bddad, wo.ild in. itMJa tha amoent of aarnlnr 'or lm>, about + ir.__whicb wlll make tha fftin ln eernlna. for *»--"< 18«r..?___. Tc4__.#-1,1-M *> Tbe Wheat market haa been much exoited to-day, and tbe aalea are Btated toreach 300,000 bnah. FreighU are lirm, and uom ecarce at tbe current quotationa. Shipe are fiimly held, and pricee reeambling old Cab- fornia timea are demanded. Tlie Germania Fire Inatiranoe Company ha- declared a nemi-annnal dividendof 6 F cent, puyableon the 10th inet We have received from Albert II. Nicohy, Auctioueertuid Stock-Brokar, hia aemi-montbly priee current of Btocka and bondr:, giving the lateat quota¬ tionB of -eenritiee aa well ae otber information, copiee of which can be obtaintd at tbe offlce, No. 5_! William etreet, g?atnitonaly. Meeeia. Whitehouae, Son Al Moiieonof thia city, are offering for aale eome bonda of the city of Mobile, bearing intereat at the rate cf 8 9 cent per annnm, and the iirincipal reimbiiraable at varionedatea from 1875 to 1885.both payableatthe Merchanta llank, New-York, the former aemi-auuu- ally. Tlieee bonda are a portion of an iasne of . 1.000,000 by the city of Mobile to the Mobile and Great Nortbern Kailroad, autborhed by a epecial act of the Legialature of Alabama, and contirmed by tbe jvopular --ote of the people of Mobile. The faith of the city ia pled_-*d for tbe prompt paymant of the intereat, antl the redempt.on of the prkcipal at matority, the law empowerinp the iaaue of bonda providing for raifl- ing, by laxaiion, au aimnal eurn of $'J-i,000, »_> be paid i_»o the Bank of Mobile, and uaed for tbe pnrpoae of red.mptiou, eaid provision to be continned until auch time aa the Company Bhall be able to mak« tlie aame proviaion from the aurplua revennea of the road. The road for which theae bonda are iaaiied ia intended to ennect tlie city of Mobile witb the Alabama and Florida road near Fort Crawford, the propoaed janc- tion of tbe Mobile aud Girard Bailroad, and by the ronte adop'ed, the city of Mobile will be connected with ali the propoetd raiiroad extenfion, from Mont- gomerj, Selma, Columbna, aud Eufaola, aud will make the Mobile and Great Nortbern road tbe trunk line of four importaut iailwaya to the Gulf. The wl ole length of the road will be 07 milea, of whi.h 17 weie under tontract at tl.e date of tbe laat report of tbe Comrany iu April laat. Kobbio!* luroBT. af Woxt-fmttJmJ WUmMmmo\/ttm .'a_ 1. 1K5H. 1-"_*»_». 1HR-U. Enter.-d for ronanrnption.-._.'>,-.'I.l. 11 *131,br_T.__4u 4> 1 l_.370.__..- Ki.t*r*dfor\\arabc_.ii_i.. 17,:i_1.440 _».,173.802 _y.*_4.,l_l Krealioodi. 15,_»i_b«S ll.._50,.5J l_#.iil». 231 Sna-ie _.dBi.Hi..n. l,B«.<M« 1 -4-501 8:11,968 Total enb-red at tha port «._0/.U 5.V7 -.181.10n.5iJl -»1H8,5_*I,S7') ..ittidia.infroc.Who.i_- 21 112._ 15 l7.4flC,S4>. 21.23l.7_-> Eji'<.kt. froot -..-_. I'f-A: Fortvm Fort, fo, th month of Avyui'. PrjdoraandMd.^ Spoci*. ToUl. 1*44..<-2_21.038 #57,5a'l *2.6.8.eT 1!H:. 4,!"7l.,l(__ W.OiW 5,0lo,108 184:.. 2,l>. 115 »1 031 1T51.14', IM?. j.nna.nii *>..*). f.iasa.ias 1854). 5.614 W4, _,4»1,.___ T.HJ-.tWt IIJ51. It.blT 117 2 b.,444 6,_io.y.l . leaBM " 5.544.09» isei. 4 r.:,..... uw.'.ru ..U'I.mW 185.1. 5.___.,7V- 4,54-JiM 9,84.5.-»_> 18W. 4._36.1-,» 2.609.3 0 7.BB4 532 1H.VJ. 913<(_l _._4H.t-_- "11 1K57. 5337 44'. B.2U.717 ll.(.'-l- UH. 4 9«7JB4 2,.'in.a"r2 7 1._.1H6 UBB. IM OKI 6,4 1- HMM I .8,250.1-7 .,4.'>4,-13 15,7 U._rt*_i Kxi"KT« fnm 9fm>Ymk to Foreian Portt for aght month* from __Ba*M-*| 1. iv,v iv,.., igso. |)0Bia.ti Prtd.iv.BT 1.12..*. *_.) 5'/4.8J7 BM.2-44._4I9 You'.f}. MAt, Ifr-i. 9-«,t-»l 2.133,1(07 1.9 Koreign Md««. (.I'lti.ll-) 2.782'..'.' 2,_12..*_« 8.51..331 8pe< io and l_._.lli_.i. 17,3.^;..:: MJA9.774 35.59* 500 Tr >_1 K.t orta.*.. \AVtmt *:i :,i:i_. 174 »_...!4... T77 Tot_l, ri iuaiT. ofSp.. i.-.41,750,606 41,476,700 5.1,747,2_7 The Montonr Iroi. Company worka weree-dd at aue- tion at riiiladel(>bia on Tueelay, by order ofthe traat- eee. Tbe entire property waa p_rtha»ed by Jo«. A. Clay, e.,., for a party of ¦.'entl-iuen alruady largely inteiert. d ui ti <. (.oinpaiiv, tmJ ¦rl(Xi,000, of wbich $..0,000 waa paitl in i-aeh t* tlu- aui".ion«era wben the property waa rtrnck ofl. Tl.e operationa of the United State_ branch mint at New-Orlrana tor the year endiug Jn'y :i), lHW, were: Drpoaiu of ito'.d an.l ii'var.B-l.4T2.446 Do. do ptariou. year. ,145,_r.) H.-.n-Mi- In lEW).e 1.1.71 434 Coi__-_.-.i...d. 11 Ml pi. e«, ralu.-. BI5t.ooo Silv.r 4,'...'..l_.».__J. l,4.'l_.0"' Silv.rb-n. 2 ToUl.ei Pr*.iou. yr*r. 3.57..H-, I>a.-ra_M. il. IM.$1 957,787 Tbe toll receipta from the Obio canala uud turnpikee duiing tbe month of Au(ju-t, ISN^Wa. fl^.O..'!; tolls for tbe Kime montb latt year, j*-''.'.!-'.'! 13; ii,i'.ea«e, $..).:«! K. Ti CkmtgoPt nnd Tribun, oi Monday evenim. tixyt: Thi- lil.aral tkttt..tnt. o" proilura do-ing tha pi,t two d*j. h*. .irplled th<- n:*r».-' w.-;i with Kaatarn .arha.if-. and rato* ara i*n. at_iar. Tha ^-.li::« mta «t tha b ink. 1. 1 #? »-nt pracui-im, i.ut rour.d let* .r.uld ba ol.tait.rd *t . ,'. ceut, and ula. BM n. uia vr. tlu .ir.it a: 4 9 mti Witb the proa-nt raoaiptl and l. i.tj ul trnji.t r.¦¦ _ J-.ntrin nchaii)p- wll' do'ibtle*. »oon d_- .-lirir to i 0* rant prrmi.ini Tbere U s nura »ctive d_._i._ud for tur.a.iry, but thr b*nker. ara generally wall mpplirA Tbe following htatement in referenceto the lin wt Miaeouri will l>e foiad intereeting: r- ..k Muaora apmlteablet _Wjm***m tnt.-r .,,':¦ 'he F.umxnot oj thr Hu tn Krotn 2 auii t ii .-< !.'.-ti-d in Drcembi-r n.-It, io.-li.di:.- _aa, wrrifln baaa-d ou r>-venu>- >.( pt.t ya«r.. . * 0 .pa. ial ta* tor inl.-ra»t. 4 Hank tai »[[.ri.pri»t. :.l. Y.tiautU-d t.-¦.-1 - iiom l_*t y**r. Bu.iMW Total.B**r7H)>,000 DaJ... t apprepiiatioi, t>. nhooll. .n.e nuartar ot tha 2 mltl tai. .+J.'5.i)rtB tiOOmlol 1_!-1- ,. r.tliiultad by a A .litoi a report at »3rn..V0 to wiii h a.I.I d-li.'.i. I'.-r i.icr. aaed ex^iiaaa. U.1.11O.1 t__6,O0O . 1,1175,000 Au.o'.iituf u.t.r_*t payal.lr ln Januaiy an.l Juiy aaal. $1 M.MI IU wLi 1. tka K -iiil.l au.lSt. Jo*. pl. K. a.l pay. 1.0,1.11-1. < ; Tii** In caae MM f the roads, otber tban tbe H__iniii_.l aud St. Jo_»pb, prot nl. nothing. ()! the laat intere-). |iiii.l in .luiy, tb.-i.- wa* [.rovi.l.-d by tbe roadn Bl.-O.fXX), l.-nde tbe iiii.oiiut of ^'.O.OOo paid by the Hannibal and 8t. .loaeph H.ad. Hy law all tbe rouda mt providiug th. intereet on tlie State bonda are forfeiled to the State. The Pacitk m;iin liue, North Miavmri, aud Iron Mountain Roada, have fail. d to pay, and tbeee inuda bave about two-thiidr of the Suite debt. It ie anppoaed tliat the I^ginlatnre that meota in Dea^mber will eilber dedarr thoee roada forfeitad, and order them aold for the umount of tbe Siale lien, >.r make Home arraiurement m *.., .n. their eaniinga for tbe rliate inten^ft fntid. Tbe uet eurniafi of tbe Pacitic Koatl laet year were over fMyMl both the othar roaula abow couaideral.le t_uriiii._.'» abore their ex peueea, and all of them are iteadily imreaaing. Their earningB have been a) propnated iu eitendiiig and cotn- pleting tbe roada. No more bond. exept the Goar- antead Bonda of tbr State) cau be ia-ned without the aa-ction of the next L-egialature; and it L* bt-beved a rery large majority of tlie membemalect are Btrongly ojipoeed to any lucrean. of tbe 8__te debt. Tbe I'arific liyad iba ouly rad now in pn.gfe-- of coiutraoii.'U. iai ba compkied witt.otil auji farto_f i>u_» a«.|, mu4 Wm will obriate any Dte-wiiv tYi farttiar IflflflBfl flfl -t-t« IrOtvlr. An hflflflBM of taxa'w'-i to f ,ur miiir uhich would btill be hflfl tiiau in ¦»»> of thfl other Sut<-8, would provide tha entira State iiitBraft, iade- |iendent of any of tha e mings of the roads. Thara ara none of the roada that wculd not brlng tha State lien, it ia aaid by prominent ciiizens of tha State who are familiar with theae matten-.. We annex our ufltial fnnmary of the exporta of Do- maetic Cottone foi the week auding Sept. 3: Tn IUn:bur«ir>---Ooo_,\.TjtO**" D-ArAW. Imfie.. ^ Livrr-XK_ (Dry Ooodt). 88 KritiA W~_ It_U_. (!>_, <100.». t Mt-tiro 'Dry (Ji,..di). aa Bv-i-.:. m t«i«i. S Previovitly reported.71,114 Trtal tlnre Jtn. 1.71,718 8",121,4*8 The erporta of Cotton G-ooda from Boaton, aa per Tke Sktppxng Lat, from Ang. 24 to An_. :J1, havebeta aafolloWB: Maajaa To Afrioa. 108 Auttralia.... a. % Tetal. 104 Pre.ioutly, rlnoe Jaa 1.J9,*3> Total IhUjear.»,774 Over 100,000 pkgi. Cotton gooda hare beeu aent oot of the country einoe Jannary, which haaredticed the Btock.- to am h moderate amonnta that, in abaence of a vigor- oua demand for export, no accamulation exUta. Tha general trade ofthe week haa not been aa Lirge aa pratiouBly reported, bnt it hae been quite aatiefactory. The tone of tba market ia buoyant, and all partiea ara hopcfuL Tha prioea of all Btylea of cotton gOoda are eteody, and the tiraOHflfl hitherto reportad ia main- tained. ln many atyles of bleaehed and biown rot- tona great acarcitypreva-B, aiid we obaerve a tendecicy to lugher ratea. Printir g cloths are firm, and in soma csaea high price8 hava been paid for 61x64; bat the low counte, from StBM and below that grada, have been offered ut a raduction. Tliere ia no douht 1 utthe mannfitetarersof low Print ClotliB ehould reduce the prodnction by directing their loom- to soma other fahric. Thoae partiea making .VJx.'i. ehould make fiOxti-l pu ka goo.lt, whici can ba done with little expenee. or that which would ba bet¬ ter, they ehould change the aley actirely. fcome milla are making nanower gooda on wide looma; theae conld l>e changed to advaatage by prodacing 37-inch good?, which are wanli-d. We believe that we ahall have a depreaeed Priuting Cloth market aa aoon as tha great printeni have romplatad their miUe for the pro¬ dnction of their own cloths, which are iu aome i_a_.-cea nearly fini-hed. Tli« Wefltern market haa lieen active, and all good atylea of clotha have found a ready eah-. The marjufactniei- are at preeent I-ngaged on the new .amplee for Spring aalea. and will Iie in tha market for ordere naxt month. Tl.e amiexed atatiutice are from the annual repirt cf Th. Nrtr.Orlrant Shippint: Eitt. T.vW.B SHottlMi theprocuet of l.oie Mtddlioo to frW Mlddltnii Ottfen, taktnt) tht aofraar of rach entire ytar tor ten ytar., textk thr rereiptt at Seto-fhleant. and tht total crop of th* l KtUdSt.it.. Tctal Crop. Balet. 13S0-.-.1.1.3.-. v: 1B51-S2.3.1)15.02*. 1852 53.3,262,8i2 IO-'3-.'.4.2 930 027 1H54-55.J.»r7,.'_9 laa-S<.3,527.845 1856-57.2.909.519 18'7-5.i.3.1U--2 185R-S9.8,1-1,481 18.Sf__'...(e.Umated).4.r_0,«,i, A B-BBB.IBBf of thr Supply and Con.ttmptinn of Cotton in F.urope atd tkr i'mtfd Statrt. J rr th* trn, ytart ending toith BH. Cout'mp- Cont'mp- Y'r. t'. Stat.-a Porrign Total. tion in Bm in Toul. Crop. tJupply. Eorope. I*. State* 181-0. .2,097,000 747,000 2,B44,C00 2.44'.000 484,000 Mflfl.flfll 18S1..2 3_5.(IK1 6HH.000 3 035,000 2.618.000 401.000 I.OW.0JW) 1B52...1015,000 73H,(00 8,745,000 3,U2,o..0 603,000 3 71 i,000 I 262.-00 8H2 000 4,145.000 3,01.1.000 671,000 3,681,000 UB4. 2 "30,000 6»'i<m 8.560,000 .(.116,000 Sl'',**) 3,716.0"0 18M 2 i-47,000 763 ..OO 8 b|0 000 3,316.0 0 598.1)00 3.9O9.00O 1H56.. 3,329.000 843,000 4.372.000 3 673,000 694,00.1 4.367,000 18S7..2 940.080 1,0%. 00 4.1.1.; 000 3,079.(100 702.. 100 3,781,1100 1850.^,114.000 926,000 4.0*. 000 .516 000 19..000 4.112,000 18-...3.881,000 1,018,(14) 4,869,000 3,651,000 928,000 4,579,000 PH Bf.Wl BB 8,843.000 38.284.0(f) 31.545,000 MM,flM S7,l~4.<->0 A T.BB. thrteinij thr reeeipt. uf th*prinripal trtitimflttt tht Intrrwr, dunny the year endtna Mlt Auyutt. 186". tctth their rttimntrd areragt and total rn'tu. Artirle*. Amotint. Av'gr. Price. Valoe. Applei, bblt. 67.416 *5 00 #.~7.0HI> Hu.cn. aiid. lihdi and raak. 4..,015 90 00 4.0.-1...50 Haron aMortrd. boxei. 5,987 15 00 39,B0O B-rtllnu, htdt. and tlt. t,,H ti 00 2,079,770 B_oti in b,.lk. poi.ndi. 39,000 8 8120 B |4_I, plecef. 21,427 15 00 .121,406 Hair K.,pr. coilt. 12_,429 9 Oo 1,128,861 Beai.t, Wrelf. 8,889 4 50 40 OOO Bulter, kr*. tnd brkUt. 38.345 10 On 383.450 Buttrr, barrrl.. 1,506 35(0 52,710 ttan, tackt. IMJTI 115 270 816 Brel. barreii. !5,313 12 00 42S.816 Beef. tra. 9,616 18 00 173,083 Beef dried. poo_df. 9i>,7J6 10 9171 Cotton balr..2.'.»:.5,141 48 M. 1>.«1,3«!',*_I ( on, Meal. btrrrli. IM 3 CO 1,614 Ccn. in ear, barrrU. 36,092 100 1(6 098 Com theUrd, tackt.1,711.089 1 73 3,ol:i,S68 Che.M. boxet. 35 586 3 50 Il4,:a6 Canelei.boie.. 110.406 7 00 772,835 Coal, Weatem, barrela.I,9r»,0f« 40 1.160,000 D.lrdApp.ealtPeacliet.bbil 1,121 12 M 13 452 Keather.. ba«.. 936 tl 00 20,592 naflaaal Birrii. 375 12 ao 4.5"(. Klt.ur barreii. '.»_>,1I60 6 2.'. 8,036 6X5 Kiua. bbdi.bbl. andboiea. 151 UN 2.2i_. (ilattware. packagre. 6:!.B79 I oo 344 I * l"n b, balet. 4888 21 ia) Ufl.M Hide.. WSSM 3 14) 4'*J,7ni May balet. 152,659 4 70 717,497 Iron, piK.tum. 643 *. 00 19.2J0 L«r.i.bbll -ttdtet. »Btl ¦ flfl 1,97359' Urd kect. 90 699 6 BJ 544 194 Lratb.". bundle. 1,111 30 tti 133.450 I.-inr. Weatem, barrel. 33,143 167. 54.685 L«_l.pigt. 30.9C4 5 00 404.82.1 Lrad, tar k.-ft ai,d boi-a... 1.6.'.( 17 5c 9B_tU Lrad Wbitr, ken. 1 H4l 3 00 1,'i. MolajF-r.. (ett'te-i crop)|-llt.l7,85ii.lOO 35 6.250,335 OaU. tark. ..! I.3WM8 Onioni btrrelf., !.,.).] 6 UW 118,111 (li., Linteed, banrlt. 1,020 ifl BO IMH OU. Cartor, barrelt. 571 44 00 25 124 Oil. Laril, btrrrli. IJ* fll fll 117,1-1 l-BflSBfl, barreii. 207,69a 2 7.. 571.169 Prrk, tiercet and barrel..... il',,523 17 m 3,6W.H"1 Pork. boxef . 71 4O00 1.810 Peik. bofth.idt. 1 «74 70 Co U1.180 Pork in bulk. ponndi. il.Ri .1,5.0 7RK,14' Poitrr aid Aie, barrtlt. 20 940 10 00 J09.4O0 l'i kiir Varn. rrrlt. 3,748 6 00 22.438 rlun- bairelf.. 475 UBI UN Sklr.id.er.pa.-_i. 1,512 20 00T',H«. rihot, keri...'. 4,«'l 30*. ^l.b-.-o Soep.boi.t. l'-'.IC2 7 00 85,414 Htavt-t M. I",178 50 00 HMnflrt. M. 7.C00 4 00 21."-1 Surar. (ef.kiiated rrop) hbdf. 221840 r2 UO la.l9o.8W Spaitab M.». btlet. Mfll liur I2ti.iv, Tallow,bair.lt. I,M M Ifl 3',7lo Tobacco.Leaf, hottbe-lt.... fll^fll 95 00 6,tl8,Haj Tobatro, Btripa. hogiheadf.. U'.onB ln:. tt' 2,"17,!>B0 Tobr, ,o. Btrmi, b.igt-eadf.. 2 164 15 00 BaJM Toba..-oClitw.krnandbxi 14 "44 15 0.) 218.160 luine bundletacd boxel... 3.503 IH 31.57." \ inr»ar. tarrela. 1.2iW 4 0' 4,824 \\o.>l.baga. 3,733 MM 1(1.355 Wbiaky. bam-li. IBIfl " Ol 1.685,378 Wh.at. a_k. Hll. 2 25 2?,5I1 Ulh< r Ttliont artirle. rifdat .... .... 7,75(',Otl' Tots! value. 1 Tottlif. H0a-.''9. 172.968 Ui4 Total la lb5«-57.15^.- Tota. it 1857-48_1..7.15.',,t4i Tota" in 1855-5»..141,256,.*l vlarUeln-CAKBrtLLT Kkported roa Thb N. T. Trib._. Thik.-d*). Srpt 6, 18tjo. A0BBB.Tha icquirr for both Viiidt Ii liu.it.-d tt *i 25 for I'._ a.id *5 tti tor Prtrlt. (OTTON.Th.-re i.inorr doitif; lalrt ot l.'."-1 liaiei; pri,'.-. un- -i. a.iy v.. q ;ote at 101 for Middllu- I'plandi, and lle. tor 6 (i, .' COBKBE ii vrry dull, er* outy hear of -.ilet 125 b.tji Bt. Do ii.Into it VIc. CAND_KS.Adarcai.tiue are in fair requeat. Vit at mott oi tbe B-rhf bat.' Lrrrn w> ikinx tliort time duriuit thr Summrr uion'bt. tbr inpply la luadrquate to tbr demand. ai.d pri, rt ou tr,| iri,t!> triul upu ,trd. Holdr.'i ot piiuir tlty bnuitlt arv nowr tirti. v drirandiii. 1-t. ln viru of tbe enhai.i-ed >o»t of the rat* inatriia., ..ud no vo..II ounrr r-ly iiiadefan br obtainrd ahirt vrri l.y tbe qnantity luderd the prln.ipal ateiitt arr in- dir)ri..|,t arlirn utilew at tnr ritreine hturra. (X- -aaionally, h.v r%. r. j.'l. lotfl of lufrrior ,raud wliicJjbaTr i»*o boiub' "*, arr obt'.l.i.d from arcrmd bi.id. at i.i_htly|lower ratea, b_ «'.' h la Ut t.ti cannot br r.-r,arded aa a.riterloii of ?_.. market. Blearir (rre... h iniiUtioii) ue In mod.ratr rtxiu.-f. at Bitf'ilK-., ,_',"_-*- and ,-taea Bprrni and Patent are tn liuiltrd drioand tt *>a «. . for tbe formri, aod 46 « 18c. fir the Utt.-r. Kiited palr'it «'" uiaidr-.fli.Ir. - ift..,. KLOIR AND BFAL-The d.niai.d fo. WflfBflfl «" '^°» (. rareedi.-iy a. tivr, hieliy for rtport, and with J;'°-,f','^f _T Hv.la, ...d ¦.'rrd.i.ed ttocK. price. ar. J*__* «**-*' *t dr- nertl. and all Bnd. ba-tJ_JBfVf* P^*_*''J ._L.. .h.Z -^--,5J*_: lo. ha llai. "atter', r ...tli ia u..ari, ."« .. ... ¦-- , ... ... t,,.lr, i.d I. niorr plr.ity aafc-t of I.8HO bbla at *hO». 50ior Kitia. -iotithern Klour ii al.o bettei, aud \* good drmand fur ii.r r.dr .nd tbe Wr-t IndUa old It tlm mott lought ar_r, and . li r.dJ."d .Tppi, «. o' 6,700 1,61. .1ifll 10rr«,h IS fo, iT.lird lo r-*-1 brandtaf Baltimoi-e. Ba., tnd »b tOa $7 SO for tlir bettar iradea Ky» Flour U hnuer. aod tlir iemaud fair, _>«..( -abblfl tt fl :»d*x xo Com M.-tl l,. »._0e. tnd vtwilrd, atlet of BU bblt tt *.»'_«. 4" for WVttar., aad B3 80 for Jr|.~T I IKH-Drv ( «d ir..qi,irt bnt hrui at tr-ttS for Bt Oeorfe'a Hank. Matkara. ai« iu .itt-d t_-__i..1 l>ut price* cinti.ue uuael- iled aale. p'l.rrt) bblf. at B5 V a *,". *<tm i.rdiui.i No. .1 Ma*» BalMrBIM-o. lartrB. aandtaa',' No I aod 815 tt r lor .' ..all MK' iarre No 1 li.-niuf rtj.tn q.irt y«t fteady ORAIN.T-eWhaat market i. aickud tad li very a |l-_. thr dr.n._id hiefl) lu. etBert aad ,; part. t-> imn eo-wl V\ hu* |«U V5',r*- t*H etf, (ojj ,G» BBMfBl,a-4||.|p^|fl|p|%a| Brjor u tror, %0a .»_,*. u a.. nmmtot th« oolem are **? bt_* lot-n . V »-'.a S-wthen, ... w] tn U,"M0 beac. _W. fte« *f *,"_"_ "T.t1 ¦£ <r*1 r _¦*.«»> buih. IbriVim'^n *4 Bl J*_» ?i _?,''. U?"_.b ** *«-»»*"<. .* B1*T*-H M: __U4_.bi._-- "l* a_5__? (__V°_ ***..*»* . < »**1 ** M** b«*k- f*_r B* .rfn.. W,,,-"Mt-*''-^**W*B_U_,,. Bl V)»kl M..,1N|*_| i-liol . Mlr»._g»r>. io t ...a at »l itfr * »7t i 4eo beat W-tfeo Kf ot... ky. i. b.f.. M *1 60 u.-g* »** ho 1 C_ur«_* twrW to »r-lve, .* Bl .1. and 17 HOe _-ua_ U'Uwiaka. M*t*M_| on piivat* tera.*. By- 1* _,r_r.er I' i. b«i_ »So-, tha ytew* .# l.oy.-r. and I. ao. plenty. «_T./jr4|-ie for Waaurn KarVay M_*t I. qnlet *t HOY Ba:l*y ratbar mooe pleerty ¦___« *r 3.3BB baah- new btate, itured, at 75c Oat* «ra n.ora pemty, tad ant . aln.de *_%ii»-t **|e.of Weatar: ard f »_ adlar. at Vn)ti\c~ -mt State at 41 rrtlke. Cato b -or*, arttve, the d*_*___d ehMv tmr rtve," aitbr ni. in part apao.ilatira, lo part to arriv*. and la itrra *ala. of IM. DO hulk. et «S*S_***. far Waatara MJl«_4; lin-Ot for do. Y.-1.-.W. *_.a TJ*.. for Bcuad o4.ow, HIDE8.Tb«rr__rteteop';ntie.__i berore, »it_. Bolenle eer- HOPB-Ptleei of r.*w er* «r_o; tale* of belee at..WWBc^ 1H*#» *fa in good dan.»nd, and tfri-a. nre .teady; aala* *f MB l*le. *t I0<rl5c. Oid ax* quirt, aad tn tbe ahaeoc* of aale* aslaaa ar* Dou.lnaJ. .. ______ HA Y-The demand l* falr for «M-»p.-W|, ind the nierk-4 i. krm .ale.of l.TfJObaie-.U'TVi/'jer? 10- ft. LEATHER.The den.and moderet* _ Haai rk *a_ Oak Sole piice* ar* unrhaeged; wa qnot* at 12 »»*. fir LU-* -.__ Mldd'.r weifhta Hemlock. _»__, I.l IIE- Tbe demard for Rockland li modarat* aal** tr tm bbia Common at Wc and 270 bbla _a__np at Bl F b**- MOLA88E8 l. qoiat, we do not heer of »ny i.nporUot ooiem. NAVAX HTOR..8.Uplrit. Tnrp-atln* U ir. fair raq-i-at and pricaa ara hifher; aale. of 250 bbl-.. ln _oarci»nt»bla order. at mr. 80 Now Vork bbl. at -*_r«. for atralgbt. and 341 do <_r. ^rall.cMh. for.bippinf. Crod* I. qnlet, but firm at *i*V 'tm tf, Comaaon Koain _. in moderat* reqae*t, bat wtth * leffB .toch tmd laa* pi-xpeoti r* recelpt-. price* r_le low. oolmt at i b'...., *. 310 I. lt. limited lon No. 1 tt 4.1.1-1 do. io., it »2 ?> 3tO»,a_-J Itood No. 1 at 4-2 2r. i> »o rft Tar i. _4_aedy. aod in B_)_*ra_e rrqueat. tolt* of 10 bbl. WaaUnctoo at »2 f) t? PA, in *t_a». ii. va-d OILB-The Inqulry for mo«t klad. i. onhe limited. bnt erinea *en»rel!y»- _-.. -lf.t of , vt, ._ y-g^^ ^ ».ea_|f-- ia ca_k* ttidoCafil ln hbU. (.,(_» do. W Ictef Bl_a_cb___i W____B »t_l<jC2. 4 mo*., and 4-. 000 V, Tallwar Ol' at ''. e*-* PROVI8IONB-Tba _am»._taf_T fo. P*f*. ar.d tha B_r_et I* .teady aale. of l itebhU. at $19 45<rBl- ». for newMaaBi tl' 25 for old do B20 50 for (..__. __ ai4 1__,»BM >' far new Priu.* .25c 4? bbi waa paad (or th* onriUfe ef celftae far 1 irt. bbl. Ma*. al. thi. mooth *. mio 2J. Baif n wttheai ekeaae, and the damand 1* nrti*m Mia. of 1,000 bt,l, at t*9mt tor Conntry Mew: $i- 824 ff B10 50 for Repackat M***. aad BiB a +12 50 for l.'ltra. Cut Ma«t. .i d Racon ar«r _». __r| U traa and in falr d*_i*ad mI_>. of 830 bbi. nt U'lBllie. A lara* ael* of Baron wot reported for Noremoer bnt wi- do not oredit B. Sniokrd Meata are *c*rre snd ln demand at ad.__r.inai rate*. Hutter U ..tor* p.eaty. *nd tn fair de_____4 al B»aHt_c fler OfeBe; 15310.. for Stal- md 2I-_l23c. for ch^ico de. Ch.ua i. ln tmkt rewi.e.t, and Ia firm at H99tr. f*- Ohlo. and f).9Ue. for *«B* RICE.There ii i.o cliaiife: we qoot* Bt e4o-.tf»l_* fn conimon te cholce. Sl'OARH.TheniaHieti-artlreatateadTpflee*: **J***f l.ffla hbd. , man.ly Cuba, at ¦'.} a :.... ud "' iil.d* Porto Rio* at Bc TALLOtv.The m»rt*4 i. .teady but qui*t. .ai*. ot I0.9BB 9 Prime at 10c aod 30.000 IT) Tal,o» Oll at k , cuh. \\ 1II8KY.Tha market U better, andii more actjre; aale* ef 7-1 l.t.i. »-. 24. » Ihtr. npi- m. frmtmcf. Total ft» all Bmoitt, Sept. 6, 1860.-14 *T0 bbi*. B-Mrr, aa bbi*. Corn Meal M.otT bn*b. U"heat, » 200 b'.h. Oata, af^Ht bo.l. Corn 156 buah Rye, Wf*_P Prorliioa*. S pkmt- Atkoo, ,20 pku. VV'hl»ky, 241 ba«. S.d Common Ko.in U in moeeral* reqoeax, not wito * laife nd iar.e ptoapectiT* rereipt-. price* nle low mU, ot a., anoat at Bl 30, and »'« do. at Bl 30 ln yard aad Bl » IT- dell.ered tbarefroui Tbe niedium and onr rrade* aaa M demand; eaie. cf IB) hbl* low No 2 at * I 40 POU. LA WINIELLIGENCR t NITED 9TATE8 COMMtBSIONERB' OKPICE-iBM. «. Before Comndaclaoer Bkidumam. THK I'i. Cu.-T. mu. OtkWAt It ie stated tbat the trial of Henrieo Da Coeu wll be Involved ln _oma dlfficulty. It appean that th* principal wltnea. azalni. the BBBMB-I l. C»pt Ahrarn IMano, wtth waeaa it l. eliargad De Coata made the barraii. for a Taaael for the tlorm trade. At the tim* of Da Corta'i lecond __T**t, a few waeta mo. on the bark Kate. Capt. M_M wa. bere ia tblaetty. M* ;rovMon b.iviaj been uiade for hl. i-ib*_».euce w_La her*. Ihe ( aptiio it U .aid hu left for a trading voy_4je of many ma*_hs and cannot i>* h. ra i: tbe caae ii called al tbe next term. H*w lar Dr. Co.tu can arai. himie-f of tbi. abaenre U a quettioB, taaa- nitich a- bl. ccaplnf in tbe fir... irutaace daiayed the trlaL 1\m nutter may ba, however. au ob.t*cie ln the ipeedy trial ot the caae. THI ALLKOE1' _H.TU.KB OB B "4RK THI. SHIP HDILU. Tbe Inited Sutee v». 8. W. Benedict and IHoid F.rinaon. __>. ex.___ln*tiouu.toth_.c*_eproceod_<lat 11 o'cieok. Tl..- hr,t witnea* betibed aa foKow. .l.ih: W Smith-l iblpped In the ridelit aaa <e*m_a freaa New \ ork to I.:.. rpoi,. f reiogoiie tb* pii-oner. ** th* brat aadl _-. oud ofiiiii of tbe thip [It wa* alniittad that the ihip wa. American t e_*el. I remembrr an affray wbich teok place aa tb* dn-k in July, ibortly after wr left Litrerpool. Thatit »*aTbur*dayti'_ht tbe 12th of July »b_4K 124; o'oleek. I wa. betw een the lan wbo ;unip*d overboar J *nd tha prUoaar, I don't know the name of the man that jurcped orerboard iBBa priioner and I.e were quarrelinii wben I eame on deck a liMlu after 12; Benedict tben crdeied ui to he*** on the aprtaa, 1 did >o: tbey heared a little. and Iie then .ang ont to«tophe**>i-4. h.- (Benedict) then rtepped up to th* nan who jtunped otrer- board. *. roat-d hin. witb an ceth. and Kruck him tertrtl tiuiee in tha far*: tben he f.e the ord-r to heara a_r_iu. and wben the man learnd to tbe b»r be kicked him he _t_en nid. "That wBI d" the Port « atch |o below." Tbh man tben want down th* main deck of tha topcallaat forat-utle, a* lt wa. bi. M.u..b _.o_, tben Benedict told tba otber priioner to k.-ap that fellow off deck to h*a'. ln *.. the mitcO. hain by him.elf; tbe a-eoad mata then c*_led ont. ¦ Wh_r* tr thb. man ?" and he an.werad. " I an. here w____i-i_ th* blood ot ar:" tbe tr ond mata, ii»vi-c * hand.pika ln hl. hand, h»r* II at bin. from tha topc*i_*_4 forecaatle: l caa't *»y .lietbw il 4r.ck tha man or not it Aid not aound a* If it *true_l xmMtktt ha.-d «t:l..t_MB, but aciiii.t _4>m*tl_lii-j *oft. The I'-cond m*ta ptcked np anotber bu-.rdir and *aa| oat la the m___, "Ara vou comln^ up here?" The man maee 00 an.wer. The w-cc'nd mate went off tba t.iwr__l_nt foreoaalie ad to the mail. dn k and the ran toward tha port aan*.a*-. Tbe chief rn«ta Baredict, wenl alou* on top ofthe botiaa acd f__M___» man *. be waa on the Laddar to tb* poop deck. Tba man wa* then brtween the »>eocd ai.d firat niat-r. I beard bim __n-a Lord ba»e mercy on me " ar.d paued orerboard rUbt mror tha ¦raway: I b. »r_ bim .piaao oi. th.- water. Tha oun at tha wiieai mu; out " A man oTerbeard." Tbe c ipta.a o*_ne eo ir*ok ind ordered a boat to be lowered. Kenrdi.t raid. "Lat him druuu." Thi* wa* before the beet wbi lowered They want in -_._rr-l. of the man, and cauie baoh aud laid tbey couid not lii.d bim. W e then pr__-aa_4*d ea thfl vcy_«e The boat wa* *one 15 or 2") minute.. I wa* -Undh-f looiin-; over the itde while th* l>o»t wa* goae I h.r o*a* back. and the man w»« not iu lt Pergn.ou lent * hand to olear awav th.- boat and 'ower her dswn. I n-ver _*w th* man aiatn. Tl:e .hipea. |oin* two or thn-a knota an bonr. Biara wa* . ateamboat aatani of u*. th>- uiglit wa. _«ili. and tbere wa* vecy Ut le bn-.-r* Thr .-lo.a-ex.inil .atioo wa. poatponee, and tba oaae *djoum**[ i. nl ii to inorioH IMi'KI) 8TATE8 DISTRICT COl'RT.8bt «-nmtan J..dte Barn. Tl' Ita-tra W. E. KIBIIV. I'p to tbe cl.ne of office houn> U.-day, tliecoanael f._r the alle^ed ^pamah tweer. ol th* i-oudemned aiarer \V B. Kibby had fi ed aa l*im a^nir.rt th* ve**el MAiaNfc COI'RT-Thial Tihm-Bbpt 6.-Before Jaotlem Ai.kbi: A HITAi 11 .'I I')t(i>:isr V-F. Ita l.ei Kir.cliein aart. Benjtinin Be.utela. Tbe pluititiil eeelaD to reoover dijua+ree for braaoh ot *promUt- c m*rri*re on the ptrt of the de'endanl. iTba eviiien. a ot tbe n.air.tlrt di«-loaed tliat the promifte wa. rlrm aa the -'Tili r' May laii. that the detendant u.ade puunbfr pr-wiate of cniane'it. aud n.oney Thr p:..intitt.. .). n.e. iu hl. openlng r»mark. obierv*J tbat ther did ot b.i: r thi. i-.it for ttlthy Tticra, but for tba pcrp.ee of e*i|.o.ing the conduct ofthe detendant. wbo coeld thm triB* vith tbe _-t.. ti. :.¦ n Udy wbo liad confid-ad in bu hoeor aa_ ii. pr..:.ia.-a Tl.e eaia-'mada-l-y tba defendmt we. thal he did not 4i-t 4.10" pron.iaaad tu bim i: I.e got marriej Tht- c*»- i- rtlll ou. _B Bl'PERiOS COLTRT-BrBci__t T«kb-3bi>t. 6.1 Juatice Piikkkk.-nt PABTBEMHIP DllACBBBMBVTt, Tiieopfalie Koik *_tt L Cantel l_ia nioti'-n tor an iiijunctiou aud receiver Ll tnarlrt by onr p_rtn.-r again.'. th.- cther tha time of the p*rt_ier*_up aal b*.m~ expirrd. Th. g oi.i d allerad iivi.t ef harmony in tt. hniainea., s~ar- r.-U betw.-.-u tn.-pirtiea. and fail'.re of ptobta. Tliedafaadaat d.-nir. tbat the bt:»i:.a.» i- i:..t prcHrparr-na. and daaia* aay difB- i tn the bo*.ie**, excapt au o.-<'a»ioni_ diapie I aee aa .ut:-. .ent rround on e_atn;iutio_ of tlie whoi* caae to interf-wa hy injeaeaea, o: to appolnt a rer_.iv.-r. Moti.>n d.-nu. 1, witb k io o*t». a SI PRKMK COI RT-Sra. iai Tne -Sfi-fl. Hefore .liiati. .- I.M.HAHAM. TL-People, Ac .-, rrl Pattn-k l.jr.-hand othenait TbeBoarf of Aldermrn of ibe Ci'y of New- York A motioti wa« made on tbe part of tbe I"'**!** °",~* d-ru.er (i.at the peremptorr » rit ct mandanj. - taiuirlJd ol l+ept. be op.ued aad .et aaide, a*'lt appeared ih.t llia writ d.d ntx eoe- reapood wlth th.- alternati... writ Thr aiiemall.e wrtt cobb- u.anded tb.-.u f^ Inlre attton _;.» the award o? cMfcart, lh* per- ptoryv-iit to act upon .ndomtt'Ot. Cot.n**l ata_l tn*_¦ a not prcpo.ad on retnn. ofthe alla-n.atlv.- writ tJ _4_*Mla tb« :, i_tor. to . perwnpiory wr« reaalflug the Board U tl.e Mbj*. t but thal tl.e power ol tba l o«« te order the Beerd to cmjir m or tn any w.y H-beBlxmPmm.*> tion lh- ..ld be, wa. darued. He rjaJ frou. the premptorj wrtt to _bow tbat lt did noi torrr*poad with tbe a_i*r__Uive wtUla that importaiit p*i-lcul*r .- Th.- (Wl orired tb* wr« to ae opened. Coaaael for the re- lator* ilain .-d iba ri.l.t tn a writ orderiag the c.i:itiaclco__ra_A .__~ Wrabam mki he do^t-d the power o Ui, to b«t be wonld ::e.. Mj.ment ea tb.t point on the 1Mb, laat, ani that a .leuiurrer oi reture aiigl't be iaierpo^d before tbat time If ceua- ** Ifti tt** p.rth* Hoard o'AMermaii, 11. II. Auderion. for tb* telaler*. Judge Whttlng. .-,,_,, l Hiami.t-Slrl. t> Befor.- Juitli eT_r.,aAHAM. ...Tl iiM.v)M 01 Till KRlt.G I1_.HI._l3 CORPCB. TIIK CBM "I l.H II V_. LASD MtAl'I.S. The Ktokj. bal>ea_! Wttttm, whicb waa eet down for i,.dav. wa* poatpoae.1 uatil naxt w.-ek on appiiration of tha i-our.4_-lto- tha r.-lator. in onaequeuce of ai..en.-e o: wttneeaee. Tha.a-.eof Meaeiraet al *ft Stl'.-tuan at al eame up for M«- tlement of tb* order tl.ia uiornioa. bl tbr de.Uioc h»nng been made by JaBOBB S'.ithetLa...l, who i. now out of town. Juatioe l-.giahau. aigteataad * pixtponenMnt u-.tl'. ne»t Mot.lay. whicb Waa a. Cedrd to DBCIBIOBa Wm. S. S«<arB apt. -lohn K. Hrudy..Leave granted t.i plai-itirl to renew tbi. niotioD en the'paper* for the MOte-l Monday of Heptt-u.ber, at 12 n.. right of tl a. ti COI'P.T OK OHNKRAL 8EflSIOSS-T«-«a:>Ai. ton 9.. Betoia Judfe Rl'a.BLL. I'ht.mu" Dolan and Hngn Hardy were fonnd RUilty -i g.uto * itur* onthe Itith J._ij, aud .te_iit_g th_rn__a. b*:a of oat*. Dolao waa aer\tene_»d to Iho and Hardjr lo thr*-* )»-. in the Hute PrUon. .I'tnn Watei*. toigr-ry ln th* mcoii.I droa* iu pa__d__t tww coui.ieiirtt ?*> o.i th. evening ofthe 13th of Ae-rurt The(_*_t waa m_a4*a_ fur d.l.ka br a bar ta.idar at No. lli C_i__h_--J atreet and the neat * oonatartnit waa prreenled U No tll (ieaal Hrett Tbr bill* *»er*|o__i maut'en. trfblL*oi iheBuJ* lleei Hank of thi. cBy Kantenc.d to tba rttate PrUon for n»e y*a_»- -VUUaui Joue. and Heury Oeary pletd**! I~lhy to an aw*-tt »itli lutrit to r..b Jotre. a a. a_aUi«i__:__l to tbr»* aud tieary te two yeara lt th* State Ptiioa. _. TI.V-i._aa Itcl'm pleaded f.-lltj ofpttA laroeay ai.d _-»._*- to ihe Pr:.it. -.ita-1 fi-i aia mi>_d_.» Adjoui -dtib llocloektlii.-aorn-qg. n_BM_a, Naw* *«-->t, Brrraie.. I* «f«l Hi**m**\mmm\\o T«:»ra- M. 4-K.1v** l. k, Vw bvwomtpet ttf** ^."' ¦ l*a*a_

Transcript of GOMMERCIALMATTERS. a j · 2017-12-13 · tr rrytrin* their of tl.e vamoval waa eviBenliy ia>ea-...

Page 1: GOMMERCIALMATTERS. a j · 2017-12-13 · tr rrytrin* their of tl.e vamoval waa eviBenliy ia>ea- t..._?. Tbeu-aia. aarfl remov-d b__*-&£_and at nigtit «r__ tbt. csitr'.-ty that the

tr rrytrin* their of tl.e vamoval waa eviBenliy ia>ea-

t.. ._?. Tbe u-aia. a arfl remov-d b__*-&£_ and at

nigtit «r__ tbt. csitr'.-ty that the ontr.ge tf a_j i-

w-t-d wtvad hara been averu-d by an lojaoctmnfV. m tha C-artfl. » whi 1. c..a ite perpetrat-.r8 woaldh_ve beer. auBt-V t-> »->-* _dvF.nt*4?_ of th-ir owrj

wro_. by in* rting - -« | B iton that the vaoha waro_, *tT": Babave'. ?. lnferme-timt \ *.il_. t.»l. n«-b_BBB_B_.I _*~-lH?e kaaa bean pillaged in tbe aameJT j,or t_;« we tannot vonch; bat the faete in the

B-e'caae wbieh w* hnve a'ated are unqueatiouabla; andwe ehouid ba botty lo believe that there iB any aoeietr,eivilnt'd or rneivilixed. beatben or Chriatiao, in whichBiich tb-nca awe euflered to pate without rabnke. In a

ro_iin_r'ty wbere tbere ia no faar af BV-rilege, no re-

gard for aBsctity, uo reapect for lagal rigfata, wbat ee-curitv raa tbera be for tbe remaina of tha deaid ? Wbatnanc'n have. we to believe that they will ba aufferad t.>

repoae if peace a moment after it anita the purpoae* ofctipif1 y ard avarice to diaturb them1

[ChtiTch Jonroal.

.TV RermllicanB of the Illd Aiwembly PiBtrictbeld a meeting laat night, a*. No. 16-' Canal atreet, for

the purpoae of org_ni7ing a C_mpai_- Clab. A num¬

ber of aamea weie antered npon the roD, a temporaryorganixatiou wae lorrued, and the meating adjournedtill Salurday, t.. compleie a parmanent working organ-k-hap-


Thi Nrv Fachtv <>r St. Johkt Conn.r.-The

ft-lOwiBgUaoorreci li-4 of tha nea Faculty of fcr.John a ( o'le_e:Be. Anatiitut /. Thehtud Pr-ildent Rev Willlani Oock

._.. V Ir^-frv..de:.t. R- < *BB Reruier. Treattirer Rev Mau-rk* B-wv-e. Prefe-or ot Rhe.orir R-t.l,. Jotilo. Rev Jo.\ nt-r. TrVf. aaon, ot l'hi >*opby Rev John Aab._r.Profr.Morr-' NaBaa] Pbi'.otopl'.v Baf Mi, hael Meagher Profrator of HorLM.itiea . .4 _, .

H. uae of fcxereiaee. formerlr tlie Sammary:r__i Rev B. J Telier. Rev. lajiin Df trtrmte, Paaor, Rev.TtiTkini.-c Aataa-t ii" ii oRriii,.Tbe c'l^aea will oj en at St. Jobn'a Cllege, Ford-

b»m, onThnreday, Sept. 6.

thi: rvios kkrry company.T'OUKdmor mf Th* S. Y. 7Vi»t_t«.

Bia: It appear-a. bv thii- morning a pajier, tliat tbeI'niaa Ferrj lompany ooiitemplate gTeat alterttiont and im-p:, vrraerit- at the Kulton Ifi-ry, which. doubtleflt. are mi. hBBafl-l Hut th* Uthabitant* of lirooklyn who tBBBB at the Ham-DtOf. Kerrr wi'. bear tr.tin.ony to the truth of my aaaertiC-, thatImprOTf.'rcf are t.erded tn i, more tbere, etpe<i-,_y on thrBrooklj:, «Je The BtaMaflB art- ahametully dirty, inoonvt-ni.-ot. tnd cr-u_pr_. and hav. beni to, notwith-t.udin- the larrali.mMia.to eroia tbere aud an- auSVrera t hereby. li. rainjand t..I weat.bt, thtr» ia nn plt.-e whrte geutlemer. who do notlUr tobare; .ri cfr can r>r mad.- romtortabl.-while waitiac forXl.r boat The tu BBBB boati ar.- nin upon tliif ferry. althougb a

Urar BBtalear < roa* li.-re lhan at any other, except the Fultonfrrry. t'-vaalor iliy th. K^rry Conipany promite to remedyXhror faulta. wheo thr publi,- iioniplain; bnt, when th<- mtiUer-lug- arv onrrt tb'y uiairuin the n__r do nothioi! poli.-y. Lattkali (1 tt-nk ia S-j-t»-trri*ri, at a mi-etior of thr South RrooklyDImprovr-nert AaaoriaUon. Mr. Stranahan, a Diractor of tbrI'nino F-rry C«_pai:v sa\. hii plfnifv, upot, hlt honor at a

Criiibei «f the llaard cf Dir.-ctort, that th* ir_provement> id

CjueMlflD ahouid be made. whether Mr Blake (a rentlcmao whod:.pat»t th* ri_l t u th. .t: tii ;. roruaBtrd or not, or untU theyw«<r* caa-pr-.'h-d tr ttop. V\"htt haa brto_t of Mr. Stranah-i .hi- pro..taa..ii hooor I The nuifaucrt of thr ferry houte con-

H> ue Ob-> vtould think that M: Stranahan uouid b«. intereatedfroa. p^eriury cocaidrrati >u- H hi. honor war not ir. quettion.tt, ha*_ hi. . - -'."i prou.ii_a fuitilled, at hia large propt-rtyI -t atff-r front the c-ontinuaiice of thii nu___f*.


BOLltE REt'ORK TOR THE WEEK.Nkt. Yo-k, Srpt 6, 1860.

!.Brun DaarBK, emq.. Prtt-dmr f tb* Board of CommittiontriV Ftibi', Cbarxttrr and (orrottiont.

I>t»a 8m: Tbe foilowing is a liat of pereona ar-rr-t«-dhy th- po ice and comniitted at thr aeveral IHttri, u torraamlaatioi, o-.i harge. of intcxicatio.; dlaorderly i-oudurt. andva-rtrx-y. durirr the wer_ endin* Bept. !V together wi'h thrcumbvi ditcl Tfed by the oiaijittratea, aud the tompiaintt divtM.td aiao tbe number remaininr in prtaou. Sept 5:

rta'T BBaBBIUI JtfllltBB wb_»h a.nd kbllt.Bfalea Femalet. Total.

No rerf4ln:nzi priton Aug.W. 0 1tNo recei. -ddunug the »ee_.10 717

Tat_l.10IIMNo d.» __rfr- ccnialaint diiaiUaed 5 11No raeia itfd ia ki...I t 4

Totai.7 15No recia. :.-.* Lt. pri.OL Sept 5.1 4

BB i> --"K..'T. -i «ti. .¦ 0-.-1OIXT AND IIVACBBSrBVfla.So llfO,>iai' - i.-ipriaon Aut 19.18 51No. re. eiTrdd_im« the »e*_..64 89 Bfl

I .77No dti _*r--d. compitir.t diiuiitted 1.1No .ou._-t_.dlc fu.l.18

lota..71 38 109Nr ra__,_t'o«tn Jflrtaoi hept f.. 6 6 12

THIBI. MtTRiar.t.ii.'|' BBBBBAB abi, aTKBKt.No. ie.-aiuina ui pritcn Aug. 29. 2 5 7No raeetve. duri-i ..r>2 in 61

.»4 15 h.Nr. di*c_t-g»-d eon plaii.t dim.it.- 83 flNa coxiLiii-.eJ i- full. I12

Tofla..» li -7<JNo remai«ir ( Sept.i.t>>19FOI HTH DIITKIt'T.,'l-T CB8 OIHOK.N AM. KKoW-rBLL.No ramaining Ang 29. 1No revaiv-d di rii.g the week. 8I

Totai. 4 0 4No dbeba-goddurire the we«k. 1 I1Nr, rroi.UHL! Sept ¦>. :<('Tt__ r.-i.iber muan.it r lu pritoc Au« 20.28Totolnfaa auriiig the week.1H5Tot_lno_.t*r tMachtrgeu complaint diamlated.I"i4Irtal n_'. b r- n lluirjg in priaor: Srpt '<.18

fcr^e- HABUC- SI'lTON. Warden.

gcrroci i ni CariBa Ifl ot a I>rcin..Co:<ne- O'i.rr.'r hr.d ar' kafJBfMl yetterdi> a:

pitai, on the b.-dv <jt Patfiek ilegan, a:. Iiiili'uan. 4i' yeart oid.abovatr -lo-«trd on Tu.-iny latt hy tbr ludden canngin of a

-. wa- at wor-%, wm. tiirr,.la.ing pifet I near Broadwar At tir-t(W. a.-a » a » .t |.a-tia. > tulrd, and cotiid liave b.ei eatiiy' dui tbr crowJ that co'..c'.»d at.out the edre ot thr

trvtui: btok' tb' earth »way a ..-cond time, and the untonunateb_l aaarotiipletrly <*rvrr-d Afjaaltaral a: iiour pa»ted be¬fore ha ro-:_l o* rowued. aud U* di.-d immediately v r-rdi'-t it,

% .re »ith thr art- and thr Ifl. at-v.-reiy r-en-ureti thflua orlo-ur-t properly tt-ctiriug the tid*-oi the r»cavatii!:.


At BBl D I-*'-' KBT 01 MoBBT..Yeater.iay an ioa-Bt.r.-, ntrr »1 Michae WalBI a_f_mflfsa.« !.¦

b| baik-tiiilf tu_l tilver to thr an.t ui.t - vVUliamButaev, rfNo 8t, Oiver itr.e' 1- appei-a that rar y ..i U'ednefday mitDio: \\a .b tieliveirj tome ie at ti.e pia. r of Hitaey.and whiie i: t_c h'.i,-- he appioa. Iie-. tht !>a- wbere tha miiiey»ai ro«»-ie».r_ a d rrmainrj their tor aeveral B_BB.Bhr waa eane the lo.t of th* .'i,r>n>y wat diteoverrd. at.:

ca ie<j th* ffluB o: w _.h, nn tuipi. ion of having ttoleu it. Meaai BBB mii.-ed for e*B:i.iu.~ion.

H,.i -. B bbbbt..Ab-.nt 71 o'fllaak oaWednr«dBv eve Jrr Mr- M^eder re-dr.. at Bfl IM Wmet¦ocrteeat itree'. * aa |«aaaii.g liirough 6utii av.-uue uear Knur-

i known aa .1 acob Coltton ran

op and i- »- Liiat».1.1 mat .e<J a r» t. .ir Irou. ..rr arm and fl^J.Al aia._uwai rai.ed whrr* ,i.f-.i. .rvrral gentl»i.eu gave chaieBBdeoi-erjF-d u. ane-tlng Ui- lufilive, wbini th.-v paai-d to tbe..todv mt OrBcer C-riato-a .L Ward Poli, r Tbr

rnict.. - d a. ujt tr l u. ta.h aud Otoer v

tra. fotiod ir ->,....tt'.'n f tl.e prtto M 1 I ,i,^d wat takenbrf-,.r Jt.ai - Uua,-.- k. Q| fir t-ial It n al

»-«._ ti. ttoie a gold watth from ti.rC-M- Bf . -e**e. Ij l:.g U. ihe N rtt

. -

|l', BBfl TB Diath A flfllotad tnrl. narned Pho-BflMt Braa . Wl ''*¦! ynterday n. tb>- New-York

.^ froir- iljtri*t fv-eeived tl.e prerioai day. Kne tO'.k a

cai. of eampi.- -rirdi.ri.it lirr motb.-.-'t abteme. amlIfcrow aoine of It on the h-e Her lothet took flBB, and tlieb ined t->d*«ti. C'toi er JaflBaBB hr.d th. laaaaff \ erdi t

BB_ 4-otb.-?-

On h, IUil.-viieIIoapit_l. yeeterday. Jameatii-irgh

fiom iu. o» w«ainJJIed l.y auouier Wi.. Iloroner O K»efr beld iin

W^urf. \ r

mi Pbisob h. -IkfBBB Oimt

liiid l-at »M cl- . arref.ed (tf pittinf UOUIiUirtelB ven- Bf

arrr^rd air! I w i.'.af1i»'aW- tt thr 1 ombi, whol .uu t.~l tiiet. '.o: trial


bi.A-TiM a. i,.im ia B_rra Aa-BVBa.Akoal¦ oa aBe r> ildrt u.

WitXh tvr.ua. at tl.. imft. ., itreet aa.ght Ol'- a. do* tlu av ..oe wh.i. i.r w. atruok by a

fivinr !rr« iieif. r..i o .. d A p.li ecoa'loi boae

|Adver-te.ient.JOirnkv's Gai.i.ert.

No 7ij7 Broadway.P>t iX,t,,T.trm Iv.lKTTTPBfl

Btiw.4T.AA. RfOia. aod U.u'iaar.'i.ri.?

Adv.-rUaement_4 PH0.-B3BA--U f>l.

K BoUfflfl Nev. InveuBoa,No. t9f' hioadway

[Adveru_n_ent. |IXlMiON < L.IH SAOCB.

Tl.. Ba ,r -lehraU-d throufhe«t Kurop* aud war... y rr

tFOi_u,e_,l_f j. tlie teiebrated frorirh cLlAiuier Soyn potMta-tM i_.ii.ai_B rii _r.r. _d delioary of taitr impartu.g a re itb ,.,

a_p.^d b- ._ oti_: Saucafl to read)-u.i_U diahea Itt tlavor iiB_«t^ir.a..ie ai.d no one .i-ct-foaied to tUjMO would -arr tont at ¦ _,l.a l__W-i with tbe rtebeft rlan-. without ii --_.»-¦atd *m?rru,r to _l atbor »a....ei, .r haa oiUy lo try lt U> _-t lla

"KaTj'-Sl (.rai-er.evarywher.. A. J Pahkbk, No 1 Utka_-«t. Ag. ... *_ the i.iudSute.

B[ Advortuemant |

Motbr-ni vtith Childr.r ran obtain PlIBEBOUx.

or atufT-l to wti|r.h eaeb peraon _.

B_yt*d Ait.l_wtu.ivei a-d dilr. t Ui> uitudf Ot Chiitlieotrtymttit

I .dra.rtt_-._ae_.A-t'.t.'-. mmwVM ClttK.

? o' tha »j»a«dv c.-ire ofIn'-rn.itUM Yefer or trrvt and tr'ia Ran-.ittant Ka.ar, O'lm^

A:'i_*. I'anrdir* lir-da h- or hllim. Haadvr*. and BUlcii.fever tndaad f i u .. »ho.- ci.m »f dluaaa* otifu.ttlnx liHt'i.a- ivaranaan -it raraaad by th* Maiari, o( Mlaatmti.Ceaatriea.Ni. ... ..u_r_4\ 1. londer raliad fot by tba -,a.aa_.t_a. of th--

A marican paop'ia than a .ur* and aafa «t_ for *v*r and AfwSurh wa arr uow aa_.bl._d to oOar. witb a p.-rl*a t c-ert*intv -baiH will aradir-ata Iba dia>-_*a. an.l witb aaauraoc*. fonndod oo

pro. f. tbat no kami <.*¦ ari** from lt* a** iu an-' qntntit)That ivhlrb prul.< ta froni or p-*v*nt« th*. d-_or4er _nn_t ba of

imnn iim lervie* in tb* cou.nmt W*» wh*ra It pnrvail.. Pr*-*n-tion i. batti-r tb.li cunt, for the r-aumt earapaa tn* ri_* »bl.-h h«-umat rttr. lu viotent .tt*. k. uf thir balafii. dutampar Thia" Craa" eip-1* tha miaaaui. poialn of Prvkk and Aer* frotrth.-.v.tan). aud p'awnta tha devaiopment uf tho df.a_*a. ift._.. ii i- .... t)T*t apprnarh rl lu pr»ruonit_ry .ymi-lotn. It i.rotor.iy tha beat re_a*dv a»ar vat di.coverad fot thi* rlat. u'

ron.plalnt.. but alao tb* cl.aapa t Th. lar*a q-iautltv we.upeyr dollr.r lirlap lt wlthli. tha raa-h <>? avt.ryhody; and P

t.ilirm. diatruu, »b*r* Kavanaod Ai.i a p.rraiU, aver-rbodvibouldh.iv* it *nd n.a it f:a.-iy boih for rui* »ud praveutlon. AiinI .opario.lty of thi* rwnedy over any otber avar Aiicoveradfor tbr -pi-cdy and cartaln cure «f li,i«rinti_*nt. n. tbat tt.- intai . no fjulnlt e 01 iclra'al. conaaqnertly it prodnca. no q.ilntitnor rthar inj' riou. atlarta waaierar nravn tha r-onatotaHon Th twrurad by tt ar* l*ft aa baallby aa if they had navet had tba _U-eeae-

r -va- and Afna 1. not alonr tha r«n(*quan__» o'tha mlaamati.poUou A ere*t vari*ty of dl.ordara ari.a f irai it* irrltatl->r..aniong wl.i.ii arr Nruralfia. Kliruii.i__.__. tio-.t H*adarb*P'itdraaa. Tootha.he. Kararha. < atarrii Aathu.a. I'alpjtation,Faii.ful Aflectlon of tba Rpl**n. Hv_t«ric«. P«in ln tha BowaU.( eUc Paralytia, and Daranfamant of tha Stoma-.h, ali of which.» bnt originatlng ln th'* ranaa, pnt on tOr Irtarmlttout typ*, ot

l^-o-pp. .iodiral Tbia " Crim" aipala tb* poi.on from thablood. and coiuaquently cure* them all aili*.Praparad by Dr. J. C Ataa - Co., Learell, and lo'.d by all

DiuggiM. evarywhera.[ Ady»rt_-*___ant

Edward H. Dixok, M. D., Editw of Th*Ba-alp*., and OparaUng and Co__mlti<« Burgaoa, N* 41 _U_-_.vOffica con.ultat'on. on tha mor* obacurB d_.a*j_a* of th* paivta

f vi.rj.ra. Boptor*, Pll**, VarloorWa, and Plr.ula r*dl8»llycar(_twithout tb* fcnlf* or _tg_*__r*. OCo* hoar* fronn I U 9, 1 to taad I to y avaninaa.

!Advart_aam«nt_fThi Prince ok \Vai.i> at Oursu'.- Gai.lf.ry.Th* onlv corract likana*. ln tba I'liitad Suta* of hi. Royl

H:phn*iath*Pri->reof Walea on erhibitlon at Ovrnbt'i 0*1-lnry. J OfBKft' k Sox. No TOT Broadiray.OtttM fot Sale^_F1RSTA8SEMBLYDI8TRICT CAMPA1GN


The Firat Aaaembly Diatrict Camnt ign Clab held a

meeting hiat evening ot their Iu ad-qnart#r». corner ofMurray atreet and College Place. Tne rooma were

crowded and tl.e greateat entliiudaam prevailed.A. J. Williamaon, Preeident of the Club, occnpi*d

I the chair, and J. P. Boyce acted aa 8ecreUr>-.Jp*A communication waa receivBd from the RepubU-can Central Committee invimg Uie Clnb to attend tbefieat ratification ineeting to be beld on the i_N-> Theinviiation waa accepted and a Committee appoinlod tomake th. neceaearv arranireaenta.The I*reaident tben introdnced BlUOTT F. Shet-

ari., eeq., of the Eighte<>n_h Ward, who pr<>ceeded toaddreee tbe meeting on the ieeuee of the campaign.Hia addreae waa eptrited, and waa received with muebapplauae. Mr. Jn-i.ru ('» rraa was the next BDeaker.li.-al-o reviewed the iw-nee of tbe crinia in a fortibleaud bomelv wav. IIe wae purticularly merry over

tbe Bell- Kverett a and their attempted aale of theirjarty to Douglaa and JohtBon. He paid hia reepect*to w. Hunt in bia late sttempt. to Bell ont hia frienda,while he diverted ati-ntion by loud profeB.ioae ofeaving the I'nion and putting" down agitation. Hethought tbe fuaion a very lucky thing for the Bell-Kvereite, for it would conceal the emallneBe of theirnumbera.Tbe Hon. Chas. S. BPBBCKB then entertained the

njeeting with a a irring addrt-ae. He gave a irlowingdeacription of the wealth of tbe cropa of tbe Weat,throngh which he had juat been tra\ eling. He hadbeen tbrongh tbe State which waa the home of the fu-ture Preeident of the conntry, Abraham Lincoln.X'beera.] Tliat t'lorioiia Stite waa the fit repreeenta-tive of Fret Lal«".r, for tbe new cenauB would make herthe fonrth State in tbe Dnkra. and give her more mem-

bt-re of Congresj than the old State of ~_nrl___B, whicbled the I'nion S*S veara ago, when no white child hadbten boi n in IlliroiB. He wae aaenred in the Weettbat the Weet waa all right, and that the oniy State inwhioh the l>emocr_,tr had a ghost of a chanc waa lu¬diaua. But they inquir-d eugerly ab >tit New-York.He luughed at tbem. Mr. Spencer eaid that he couldBBC BO diHerence beiw«aen Donglae and Br*ckinridi-e.He eould illuetrate their fKradiion only by a remarkmade bv a colored prenchei at a camp meeting, whoeaid, '' Breddtr. n, dert- are but two roade, one of em

leada to bell, an de oder leada to damnation. (I.ondlau|ihter.J Mr. Spencer continne., aud concludedam:d vociferoua appianae.At the cloee the following reeolutionB were unani-

monalv paBned:keool't'd. That m- heartl'.y Indori- the ranomlaa'inn of Mkr-..Ajy ai. 1 ("anh-hf: i Im tha bi*h off. *« «hii li they bavt io honorablj i.iled for tha pa*t l»'c jeai.. *nd that wa pl-djfa oona-lvea

._> u th- Kipfort dae to lionr-t and faithfu. pub.ic _ar-

Heeolred, Tbat wa ln like m_nn>-r approve and indorae tbai.on .-.luttton of Samibl H BauMBr for Canal Goniml.aioi.ar a:..iJarora K Bat*r for In«pertor of 8t*te Priaon*, a* randldata.wortby oi the .npport ofthe Hepubbran party. aiid that wa willntr allhcncrable ineac. to taleot th* whofc tiokaCThe meeting eeparattd at u late honr with cheera for

Lincoln and Hamlin and tbe State candidatea.


Two army f'ourta-maitia' a-e ordered. oue at Waab-ington und tbe r .her at S:. Louia, Mo. Tbe former iato try Lieut. Dryadale, -^LArtilbiv. aud the la'tevMajii Whitirg wt tbe .itb Itifantry.An importBEt cbange in the adroi__i_T._.io:i wttmt

oidnaiit-- ef tl e uavy ig looked foi.Troop. lur Carlale left New-York a few d»ya aince,

and arrived all well at tbeir deatinatioti.Caili-le ir ui.* >.arrii-oiit;d by about 'J.V) mounted

iu- . Ti ere :i e vei IM re.'iuit- atid -thera Wt G:v-___MB*I Irbunl.A large i<at< 1; 11 I ldien> if to leave tbia city in a

few wcelir- tm Texaa, to re-it.fcrce the Coiupaniea¦ertfag tbere.

Ci mmai.tler Fotue du'iv ;.e abeence rm v;icutio:iof Fiat-oibcer Breeee, ia acting Commatidaiit of theBrooklyn Yard.The te."m'-f aervic of ti.e U. S. _hip_ Bab-M ai.i

f.;i\Hi,i:ali now on tbe Imme atation baa exjiired. Un-letathe atate of affaire ia Cential America continueato remain unaettled they will be home iu a few weeka.Tbe Savannah ie already detaehtd.

Capt. Ganaevoort, of tlie Navy-Yard, eipectB to

have th. Cumberland a battery camplete, und of tbeliret tlaar in a week or two.

More slupe are ordered to be btted out The eteamen-

MiaaiBtippiaud Foltoc, andtbe to;vette Ctim'-f-land,will be ..veiliaiiled witboti'. tl--luy. Tbe Mi._iK.ip: llHt B.-aton tlu Cu_ab.rlatid iaexpected bere e.ery daytn u. Portemoutb, N. H. Notwitbat'iEdiug tbe dia-.laimera ol'the authoritie-. naval people exj>ect u ligbt

The liat of abipa preparing, ie m>w aa fol-ii B


Co.veti* Ja.i.r.to-vn, at Phiiadelphia.CorvcMe Bantaaa «t Philad.-i|-hla. l

Bliiam rP.- at Phuade'iilita. .

( .,-irtla l.ani.atitowi.,_.t Norfolk.(riod.^ta_ji..-r Richi.ond, *t Norf..lk.».*"''-.- I Noifcft., WV-t. rr MU.Ualppl. at Bo-ton.(.ooa-Kteai i-r Kultor, at P_aM_Mla la b.- about rrbuilt.( .r\-ttr Cti.-.il.arlaud, at PorUu.oull..Oood.

Ae tbe Wabaeb could urid. r no circttraBtancea ba

ready foreom___i-_i.<n before the lat ol March, HU. wa

omii her name.

Tbe Plymoutb, whoeearrival at lUmoton roada, waa

yealerday announted by telegrapb, will probably be

put ont of ocmmiaaion at once, and her crew and" middi. rr* tranaferred to the Conntitution.

.A Newpor. cirreBpondent givea some g^aeip WOk>

aaiB-Hj a garden, a gardeuer, und it nove!i_tfliieof the greateat .urioaitiea I bave fl*eu for a

l.. | time ia tbe OTchard-h-ua. of tbe Hon \\ ilUam H.I jtwr. n<e of tbia citv. Tbe Bystem of cultnre ib, I be

li,-ve, ratber new m 'thi* conntry. The bonae ia a laan-to :»0 ftet lonir, bniit in tbe moat Bnbilantial mauner.

'J t,. ntire Imnn' ia heated bv hot-water pip(*. and h

dividetl Iv tflai-a partitiouB into Bectioua of W feet each.Heie one'tan eaaily lancy he ia enjoying tropual life,for be haa the heat of the tropice for the entire year,und their frait*. euch a* niueappltw, aprit ota, tilberla,U\ir b..im'i.u- t mPtmw w'itb u frreut abundaooe aud va-

nety of the fruit of more uortbern climee, au.h aa_ttrawl.erri.-e p4-ar_i, peaebea, cberriea, _k.c. All tlieaetroita are yrowinj? in rxiia, antl what ii inoet reaarka-l.le, th* pota are Bim ply filled with moflB gatheretl Iromthe \mk>i1«. Kome of the treee grow in hangmu ba*-kett, wbicb, 1 believe, waa origmal witb Mr. Alirml(,'iiumlr_rl_ii., who __._» th* ottre of Uie booee. Mi.formerly bad tbe care of tbe garden ot hn I.ytt >u Bai-wer, tbe noveliai, wbo bved *. vou miiea oul ol l.iudon. Hia aeoount ia, that ' llulwer waa atcnatomed t<.come aud apend an boor or two witb him in the gar¬den, and tben be would returu to bi* aludy aud writewith all bia mitfbt. Ihe pot*and baakete are generallyhidbII, aud Iille.l witb dh-ms, and, witb tbe tree* trainediu e\eiv imaginable ahape. eome of them ladeu witutbecli.iceat fruit, praaeut a pietarw^'s aad uovel ap-peaiance.

GOMMERCIAL MATTERS.Balea at ttteffiark BirhMflgr.. .-*> rr. 6.

1 rwYiri-uiiaSutr 6t.91 bo Mich Ootrai RR...MB 70ji in k'1-..'u'i Hiata e.i.fl; W do._H_<l(ali'r.r.iia|ital«7.SI_QM.flo.lt N. Ind BR... *t

2,tt» Iti-coklvn (Ity Vt. L.lC*l| HB M. to k N. Iud 0.1 44;!,Bt»N '. Centralbt.Hi BB do.*M-.141 Krir R R. llh m b.hW T<Ji Sfl de. .... ««M.«Mirh. flo. 2d n.tgt. ht_4 :a _t\'V___"__..l-,0.0 do...MC KIC..P A AthfaRR.119R.Ufi do.MilSoIU. Central RR U.rlp.. *i\lOOfillUnoitCtntraiR Rt .«! 50 do.M.'.Ot-ilbi. ai.d N W litm W,»i do..'."?2

Of.' Late Kile A VV.ldn. b 46.1 US Cleve Col A Cin. RR. Ma'foerir. .Hani k P 2d n. ttt 15o Oai k Chic. RR....bl0 7VB' Merfbanlt' Bank Bcrlp .W5 850 do._i_S-V Bank of C.ommerce.101 350 do.____BAm. .KrhanjreBank....K3i!ll'0 do.flf _JISAitl-an.'Hai.k. 99 jl'25 do.«57Bankr.rthrRepub1ic...<»o _. do...._i"" _S1( r«. ih- Mail B*mp Co.. H2i'80P Cleve A Tol_do RR.... 44^I'f'LaCrot-aandMiLR B 1.100 do.Bt 44,Wm] do. H'TOO do.*4l18.41 N V.Ceuira. RR.B4J.5I-. do.Ml*«ififO do.W84,I100 do.b*_' 4^J

»0 do.hi 8411 Ki Chi,- ii R'--k Iti RR... 79H60do.MO 84,1 SO do.b!5 78.

150tio.b30 844,100 do.WO79100do.bl5 84* 4B8 do.iW 7S1

?(-> Erle Railroad.nt 850do100 do. 781ino do.aa) 781100 do.f*l "H50 Chlc. B n A Q'y RR i*> 87

1.4) do.f»' (TtiJ de. 88

2.0 do.r.150 do.27,100 do.bkO 2*too Htidao:. River Railroad. 57150 do.57,

2-< do.b«0M1S0 Harlrm Railroad. 17* UO do.871I.ViHarlem RaUroad Pref.. 4-M'Ill Mt'.w. Mitt. RR.}4

108 do.UI 200 do.14150do.b80 45 mo do.144

10 Siith-avenue Railroad..P5 Do do.141UO St-uington Railroad.... 71

»ar,,M> i.....tnn.000 MftiooHfit.8UlCOParifi- Mal'SS fc... 881400 N Y. Central RB...tlO 84,508 de._.. »200 do.i?...blOM1(0 dr....b»o 85.2C0 do.b-f'rSi|ro do.MO BS»1« Krir lUiitoad..tB) Wl

50 1.1 C«n. RR. Biip b»0 Rfi*JOO do. 86}

50do.1.10 8612S do. 86_*> do.ba. 87108 do. tt» 88SCle-e.. Col -Cin R. R. 9.1

808 Oalena k Ciiloago RR.. 79JKO do. 79l

iso do.ia«'l50 do.M080*ai dr.bSOIHllSO io.oV>'9i

ir©do.b-u2B.,l50 do.b60sodo.tlO Mjl.W Cler. k Toledo RR

b60 M... uitlO 44}Uio do.»$!:«* do.

171. Mlchirti. (>n. RR. 71 5-0 do.MO 46|,f, io.I.l.'« 711 IV) Chi. b Rock It RR. 79Itv.Hudior River R R.5H 400 do.f^ 79?u Htrlrm Railroad. IR 2.V) do.n-l 78}tU, Ml, l, Ho 4 N Ia.RR.21il'-' do.MO 79]50 Mi¦ h.S 4. N.lat'.S 41.J 25 Chi.. Bur Ic Q. 88

50do.blO 4_i 1400 Mll. and Mitt. 1550 df.4»4 15 8eeond Av R.R.. 100

H* rait:..- Railroad..-IM

Btrrt-rri no.-t*.ifl l.ir Rov»>.10, 5" IaleRnva.e.104HORockland.2^ 500 Iti. Ro'yale.MO 101lou Baaeock.bio 51

Bii Atked. Bid. AtkedCopper Pai.i M. Co. l» lHIBoekltad.251 IHCentral.«i 9t Hnperior.i\4}Kranklin.2S Haroiltoa...

Han-oek..'| B] Coiombian. 21 liIile Royale.1"; l>,'r.e__.- .

Metnard.b '¦'. (lardner Hill.7171Mtnr.etoU.Bl vOollford. 3}31NaUooai.86 40 North Hute. liNortl Cll#. 2, \tnrm HU'. 1 11Pewabir.4R 50 Del. and Had... .

Pltt.bur«t.."«, 5^ Penn-Coal...

Pontlar. 44 4> jCamberiand...(iulncy.*» it-*;Amerioan CoaL....- .

Tiii'i'.-niv, fcopt. C-p. x.

There waa a (|ukk and eanieBt rally in the fctot kmarket thia morning, and materi.l advanoae were es-

tabli-bfd for nearly all of the le_din_' ka Iway atocka.There waa ler* baiiimering than for aome time pi_it,acd the market, left to ita natnral coaraa, catne np.mitkly with the removal of the preaaura which haal>een a marked feature of tlie operationa for eeveralweek-. New-Ynrk Ceritntl opened at 81}, and wae

taken freely at the price, and at the cloee fll the cal!waa in demand at &W. Iltidson River went up to o7_\,an BtVBBflfl ol up"n the cloaiag price of yeeterday,and Krie w.i8 in briak demund at 'J7- ti -.'7,. The buai-neae on all three of theae lines promiaea to excead an-

ticipntionB, during the Autumn anl Winter montha.September cpena with the moat flatteriuj- proapecta.Tbere waa . better inqniry aiao for Ilarlrm Commonand Prcferred Bbaree, at an impr'.vement in thequota-ticna for each. The We-tern aharew were i|'iite ani-mated, and, with the exeeption t.f Hock h-land, hitrher.The moet aetive movementa were iu Crtlena and To¬ledo, bnt the demand for IUinoia Centrnl and Michi-anSonthera Guaranteed waa epiiited. The fnrmer

jun.ped np Ifl H-'ij on ealee ot bat 100 aburea, aud thelatita cloaed in BBBBBl at 4".4. Michigau Central waa

atearJy ht 70i, and foi Uurli-gtou and (^uincy the mar¬

ket wae iiim without activity. There war a briak in-

quiry for Milwaakee and IDflflhaajfi, whirli ojienedat 11 and eloeed at I4J bid. 11.i.i inipruvementia in part owing to the increaaing buainesnofthe road, and jiaiily Ifl tbe movementa uiward a re-

orgai 'zatioti of the conceni, which ara m progrean.The Wieconrin rcada will all find fall einployment inthe movement of a crop which ha? never been erjualedin that Stnte. The Bond market waa tiraier, with a

well-diatrihuted inqniry. MicLigan Sotithern _d Mort-g.gt advhiiitd tr.i'l-, and ui B. alflflfl were held at 05.Chic_f-i. iV North-Waetern lat Mortgage boII at Mi, nndforthe .'d Mortgage whith yesterday eoldut '.>.'>, 311 wae

bid. At the Second Board a large businefla wae trana-

aited, Khd a further advance took place, uea-ly every-thii.e .,u.)t-d al.'.winu preat tirmnese. Aftur the :i«i-ionf-lmert :he BM vtas Btandy, and the tenden. J waa

t to hiptber pricee at the cloee ofthe day. T!.. Ufllflfllflflof New-1! ork Central were at 8.'., which war bid freelyafterwHrde. Th( cl'.aiiig pcB-fl were: For Unitadfctatea .r»a, 11. lOIJ 1109; Teni-ei«_-e State ut, 'Mi a 91;Virginia iBBfl Bt\ 91 «1*11; MiaBOuri fctate 68,811.;U}j Canton Company, I''; Paeihc Mail, H.'J} _K.iJ;New-Yoik Central Kailroad, 8.'),| K..J; Eria Bailroad,- _,-:; Iludson River Railroad, B1%*t%m\ Harlem

Railroad, ITfflBlSi Harlem Kailroail Pref., _. * 1 ¦'¦.Reatiine Railroad, H,j_ l':i; Michigan Central Rail¬road 71 711; Michigan Southern and Northern In¬diana Railroad, Hf-_-|j Michigan 8onth8rn andNorthern Indiana Onarantaed, Ufaaijl PanamaRaUroad, -M-B-B-l) IUinoia Central Kailroad, e%\ 9hi ,; Oalena and Chicagc Railroad, 7'.'_ _p7.<:; CleTB-land atd Toledo Railroad, <S$-.-ty| Chicago andK.,ck laland Railroad, 70_7'.'j, Clikago, Bnrl. audQaiBflf Railroad, 88.-8H], Delaware and llalionCanal Co., '.'1111 -.

The market for foieign billa ia very dull, and draw-era have matle (ome ccuceeflioDs to etfect aalee. The

¦apply of outride billa is increaain*, aud billa Itding.¦tflrttag I av. b.en «old aa lowasH)". !07_ f ceut.

Very g.anl conimerciai aterliog ie aold at IW" 10J|.lJanktrBaBk 10,.,-;> with a brokerage oli. Frauea ara

aiao 1 -wer. TLe very best Mgnaturee :ire ->AU net,and t omiiiercial namea have eohl at 6.17 J.

In Freighte, to LiviBBBfll, la OO) 1,'iah. When' iu

biigaat i::_d.: 11,000 bbla. Floiirat le.; ot) balea Cot¬ton at Id per Bteamer, 1,(HM) Ina. O-flflflfl at >*)«.. andItlMi tirkiir; Butter at t m. T. London, 7,M) bole.1-i.iur at Ic 10 IBJH biikh. Wiie_: on ptivate terniB. A

nhij> to |Jaa~-fllB-tt 17 IM btai.. WkflBl at lld.A viretl to Cette. aaf iliem-e to Sicily and back, on

prhate terma. A hiig of Ml tona la fc ., ti Side of

CBbBflB- l."k with Sngarat Ma, aud Mol-saaaat *:(;and a veaatl of '--''>0 tuiir to North hule <>f Caba undbmk witi, fc t_ar at 10a., aml MoLuieea a'. *¦!.Tbe btuiueae ti the SuL-Treaaury waa: Receipta,

$i:i7,H0:i :C,-for Cmrtcma, flJ.'i.OOti; Paymeuta, |I81,-lll M| Bt-BBflfl, |8^«,M- 34,The sL'pment hy the Saturday steamer will not

probably l»e aa laige aa waa auti. ip.tted iu co_8e.jiit'iu r

.,1 tl a dtilmeee tt BMiBBBJB MflflBrJ flflBBBBBB to W"rkeaaier.and pafBI hat Iroan paastd j, I' cent below the

hiiiheet ratea of l__t week. The anpply ol moneyboth on demand Bnd ou paper ia abuudaut, at tba ad-\anted rate-. Call Iobub are bu7 k» ceut, and gilt-t-cged pajier bj a '. r cent for ehort, aud 7 aH F cent

for long. TLe Sub-Treaaury eent a q i-rvr of a milhont.f gold dollara to Philadelphia yemerday, to be re-

SB.al Intt, .foubli- eaglea. The Muit in now ruady f"r

wt.rk, and wil! proeeed to recoin the two milhonaauthorized by the fcacretary. The ¦___§_¦ SoutharnDiiU't. flfl have not tmmti their Beaaion. Uafore theyadjourii, aome aatisfactory arr.aiirement will be madeuo to the interaet npon tbe eecon.l mortptmre bonda.

The |«_weiiger rat-ripte of the Indianapolia and Cm-

cunati Road bt Auguit wera $18,400, againat |l 1.0Hfoi the «.me month laat year, being au iucreafle of aome

tVj.600. Thefttightearmngt wiii aiao ahow a hand-aome gain.The aariiingB of the Dayton aml Mkhigan Railroatl

for Angmi will. it ia underatood, ahow a gain ol U-

tween l-'.OOo aad f.i.OOOO oTf. \he Jaly 8^"B,e»l.

Tle 01 io and Mueia.ippi will ahow a fulliog oflwben compart-d witb Angtut, \<M.The fwight BtatiaticB (f the IHraob Ontrai for th*

tirat eight montb* U.ii ysai, aa lomparod wiib tbe l.rat

eigbt montba of IKM, are aa followa:.___*, laco. _ni<__.. ifl-0

\Vh*al.b«»h.1.606.. 5* 7.17.42.R,. . 81,06- 131.

J-Jr, .»Jf-B,Bl* 343,378(MU.. WMR* 1«*.«5

IS;..bhk. 1U.BB3 jn,lMTotal tredm-liig flonr to bn___.r..5,B4»,-08 l.B-.Stn

Tlie -rrafn carried the laat ftmr months of lfcrj9 waa

larirely in exoeee of the tirst eight monthfl-1,570,007buahelfl In the eight montha, and 3,633,407 bnaheN in

fonr montha from Sept. 1. In the aingle month of Au-

.tub. tbia year tbe lUinois Central forwarded 1,231,966buabelaof grain, and 20,770 barrela of flour, or equal to

ore-tbird ofthe amonnt of flour, and within 3,000 buah-hia of the total onantity of grain ahipped in the firtrt

eight nwmth* of 18T>3.Ofhcial rt port of_B_rningsofthe Michigan Southern

and Nortbern Indiana Raiiroad Co. for Anguat:INHO. 1HS«.

Paaxn-en.$-31771 PT »5..2I4 11

E2-7.:.:. * & n «wj s.EipenM.mdMiicellaDeoo. 3,54665W 90

Total.BIW064 54 »lSl,-~ 26.Mia. fll«tirnu. expan*.-* ar* d_tdtict*d frou. tha amouut aliova

.If Bddad, wo.ild in. itMJa tha amoent of aarnlnr 'or lm>, about+ ir.__whicb wlll make tha fftin ln eernlna. for *»--"<

18«r..?___.Tc4__.#-1,1-M *>

Tbe Wheat market haa been much exoited to-day,and tbe aalea are Btated toreach 300,000 bnah. FreighUare lirm, and uom ecarce at tbe current quotationa.Shipe are fiimly held, and pricee reeambling old Cab-fornia timea are demanded.

Tlie Germania Fire Inatiranoe Company ha- declareda nemi-annnal dividendof 6 F cent, puyableon the 10thinet We have received from Albert II. Nicohy,Auctioueertuid Stock-Brokar, hia aemi-montbly prieecurrent of Btocka and bondr:, giving the lateat quota¬tionB of -eenritiee aa well ae otber information, copieeof which can be obtaintd at tbe offlce, No. 5_! Williametreet, g?atnitonaly. Meeeia. Whitehouae, Son AlMoiieonof thia city, are offering for aale eome bondaof the city of Mobile, bearing intereat at the rate cf 89 cent per annnm, and the iirincipal reimbiiraable at

varionedatea from 1875 to 1885.both payableattheMerchanta llank, New-York, the former aemi-auuu-ally. Tlieee bonda are a portion of an iasne of. 1.000,000 by the city of Mobile to the Mobile andGreat Nortbern Kailroad, autborhed by a epecial act ofthe Legialature of Alabama, and contirmed by tbejvopular --ote of the people of Mobile. The faith of the

city ia pled_-*d for tbe prompt paymant of the intereat,antl the redempt.on of the prkcipal at matority, thelaw empowerinp the iaaue of bonda providing for raifl-

ing, by laxaiion, au aimnal eurn of $'J-i,000, »_> be paidi_»o the Bank of Mobile, and uaed for tbe pnrpoae of

red.mptiou, eaid provision to be continned until auchtime aa the Company Bhall be able to mak« tlie aameproviaion from the aurplua revennea of the road. Theroad for which theae bonda are iaaiied ia intended toennect tlie city of Mobile witb the Alabama andFlorida road near Fort Crawford, the propoaed janc-tion of tbe Mobile aud Girard Bailroad, and by theronte adop'ed, the city of Mobile will be connectedwith ali the propoetd raiiroad extenfion, from Mont-

gomerj, Selma, Columbna, aud Eufaola, aud willmake the Mobile and Great Nortbern road tbe trunkline of four importaut iailwaya to the Gulf. Thewl ole length of the road will be 07 milea, of whi.h 17weie under tontract at tl.e date of tbe laat report oftbe Comrany iu April laat.Kobbio!* luroBT. af Woxt-fmttJmJ WUmMmmo\/ttm .'a_ 1.

1K5H. 1-"_*»_». 1HR-U.Enter.-d for ronanrnption.-._.'>,-.'I.l. 11 *131,br_T.__4u 4> 1 l_.370.__..-Ki.t*r*dfor\\arabc_.ii_i.. 17,:i_1.440 _».,173.802 _y.*_4.,l_lKrealioodi. 15,_»i_b«S ll.._50,.5J l_#.iil». 231Sna-ie _.dBi.Hi..n. l,B«.<M« 1 -4-501 8:11,968

Total enb-red at tha port «._0/.U 5.V7 -.181.10n.5iJl -»1H8,5_*I,S7')..ittidia.infroc.Who.i_- 21 112._ 15 l7.4flC,S4>. 21.23l.7_->Eji'<.kt. froot -..-_. I'f-A: f« Fortvm Fort, fo, th month of

Avyui'.PrjdoraandMd.^ Spoci*. ToUl.1*44..<-2_21.038 #57,5a'l *2.6.8.eT

1!H:. 4,!"7l.,l(__ W.OiW 5,0lo,108184:.. 2,l>. 115 »1 031 1T51.14',

IM?.j.nna.nii *>..*). f.iasa.ias1854). 5.614 W4, _,4»1,.___ T.HJ-.tWtIIJ51. It.blT 117 2 b.,444 6,_io.y.l

.leaBM " 5.544.09»isei. 4 r.:,..... uw.'.ru ..U'I.mW

185.1.5.___.,7V- 4,54-JiM 9,84.5.-»_>18W. 4._36.1-,» 2.609.3 0 7.BB4 532

1H.VJ. 913<(_l _._4H.t-_- "111K57. 5337 44'. B.2U.717 ll.(.'-l-

UH.4 9«7JB4 2,.'in.a"r2 7 1._.1H6UBB. IM OKI 6,4 1- HMM

I .8,250.1-7 .,4.'>4,-13 15,7 U._rt*_iKxi"KT« fnm 9fm>Ymk to Foreian Portt for aght month*

from __Ba*M-*| 1.iv,v iv,.., igso.

|)0Bia.ti Prtd.iv.BT 1.12..*. *_.) 5'/4.8J7 BM.2-44._4I9You'.f}. MAt, Ifr-i. 9-«,t-»l 2.133,1(07 1.9Koreign Md««. (.I'lti.ll-) 2.782'..'.' 2,_12..*_« 8.51..3318pe< io and l_._.lli_.i. 17,3.^;..:: MJA9.774 35.59* 500

Tr >_1 K.t orta.*.. \AVtmt *:i :,i:i_. 174 »_...!4... T77Tot_l, ri iuaiT. ofSp.. i.-.41,750,606 41,476,700 5.1,747,2_7The Montonr Iroi. Company worka weree-dd at aue-

tion at riiiladel(>bia on Tueelay, by order ofthe traat-eee. Tbe entire property waa p_rtha»ed by Jo«. A.Clay, e.,., for a party of ¦.'entl-iuen alruady largelyinteiert. d ui ti <. (.oinpaiiv, tmJ ¦rl(Xi,000, of wbich$..0,000 waa paitl in i-aeh t* tlu- aui".ion«era wben theproperty waa rtrnck ofl.

Tl.e operationa of the United State_ branch mint atNew-Orlrana tor the year endiug Jn'y :i), lHW, were:

Drpoaiu of ito'.d an.l ii'var.B-l.4T2.446Do. do ptariou. year. ,145,_r.)

H.-.n-Mi- In lEW).e 1.1.71 434Coi__-_.-.i...d. 11 Ml pi. e«, ralu.-. BI5t.ooo

Silv.r 4,'...'..l_.».__J. l,4.'l_.0"'Silv.rb-n. 2

ToUl.eiPr*.iou. yr*r. 3.57..H-,

I>a.-ra_M. il.IM.$1 957,787Tbe toll receipta from the Obio canala uud turnpikee

duiing tbe month of Au(ju-t, ISN^Wa. fl^.O..'!; tollsfor tbe Kime montb latt year, j*-''.'.!-'.'! 13; ii,i'.ea«e,$..).:«! K.

Ti CkmtgoPt nnd Tribun, oi Monday evenim.tixyt:

Thi- lil.aral tkttt..tnt. o" proilura do-ing tha pi,t two d*j. h*..irplled th<- n:*r».-' w.-;i with Kaatarn .arha.if-. and rato* arai*n. at_iar. Tha ^-.li::« mta «t tha b ink. 1. 1 #? »-nt pracui-im,

i.ut rour.d let* .r.uld ba ol.tait.rd *t . ,'. ceut, and ula. BMn. uia vr. tlu .ir.it a: 4 9 mti Witb the proa-nt raoaiptl and

l. i.tj ul trnji.t r.¦¦ _ J-.ntrin nchaii)p- wll' do'ibtle*. »oon d_-.-lirir to i 0* rant prrmi.ini Tbere U s nura »ctive d_._i._ud fortur.a.iry, but thr b*nker. ara generally wall mpplirATbe following htatement in referenceto the lin

wt Miaeouri will l>e foiad intereeting:r- ..k Muaora apmlteablet _Wjm***m

tnt.-r.,,':¦ 'he F.umxnot oj thrHu tn

Krotn 2 auii t ii .-< !.'.-ti-d in Drcembi-r n.-It, io.-li.di:.-_aa, wrrifln baaa-d ou r>-venu>- >.( pt.t

ya«r.. . *0 .pa. ial ta* tor inl.-ra»t. 4

Hank tai »[[.ri.pri»t. :.l.Y.tiautU-d t.-¦.-1 - iiom l_*t y**r. Bu.iMW

Total.B**r7H)>,000DaJ... t apprepiiatioi, t>. nhooll. .n.e nuartarot tha 2 mltltai. .+J.'5.i)rtB

tiOOmlol 1_!-1- ,. r.tliiultad bya A .litoi a report at »3rn..V0 to wiii h a.I.I

d-li.'.i. I'.-r i.icr. aaed ex^iiaaa. U.1.11O.1 t__6,O0O. 1,1175,000

Au.o'.iituf u.t.r_*t payal.lr ln Januaiy an.lJuiy aaal. $1 M.MI

IU wLi 1. tka K -iiil.l au.lSt. Jo*. pl. K. a.lpay. 1.0,1.11-1. <

; Tii**In caae MM f the roads, otber tban tbe H__iniii_.l audSt. Jo_»pb, prot nl. nothing. ()! the laat intere-).|iiii.l in .luiy, tb.-i.- wa* [.rovi.l.-d by tbe roadn Bl.-O.fXX),l.-nde tbe iiii.oiiut of ^'.O.OOo paid by the Hannibal and8t. .loaeph H.ad. Hy law all tbe rouda mt providiugth. intereet on tlie State bonda are forfeiled to theState. The Pacitk m;iin liue, North Miavmri, audIron Mountain Roada, have fail. d to pay, and tbeeeinuda bave about two-thiidr of the Suite debt. It ieanppoaed tliat the I^ginlatnre that meota in Dea^mberwill eilber dedarr thoee roada forfeitad, and orderthem aold for the umount of tbe Siale lien, >.r makeHome arraiurement m *.., .n. their eaniinga for tberliate inten^ft fntid. Tbe uet eurniafi of tbe PaciticKoatl laet year were over fMyMl both the otharroaula abow couaideral.le t_uriiii._.'» abore their ex

peueea, and all of them are iteadily imreaaing. TheirearningB have been a) propnated iu eitendiiig and cotn-

pleting tbe roada. No more bond. exept the Goar-antead Bonda of tbr State) cau be ia-ned without theaa-ction of the next L-egialature; and it L* bt-beved a

rery large majority of tlie membemalect are Btronglyojipoeed to any lucrean. of tbe 8__te debt. Tbe I'arificliyad iba ouly rad now in pn.gfe-- of coiutraoii.'U.

iai ba compkied witt.otil auji farto_f i>u_» a«.|, mu4Wm will obriate any Dte-wiiv tYi farttiar IflflflBfl flfl-t-t« IrOtvlr. An hflflflBM of taxa'w'-i to f ,ur miiiruhich would btill be hflfl tiiau in ¦»»> of thfl otherSut<-8, would provide tha entira State iiitBraft, iade-|iendent of any of tha e mings of the roads. Tharaara none of the roada that wculd not brlng tha Statelien, it ia aaid by prominent ciiizens of tha State whoare familiar with theae matten-..We annex our ufltial fnnmary of the exporta of Do-

maetic Cottone foi the week auding Sept. 3:Tn IUn:bur«ir>---Ooo_,\.TjtO**"D-ArAW. Imfie.. ^

Livrr-XK_ (Dry Ooodt). 88KritiA W~_ It_U_. (!>_, <100.». tMt-tiro 'Dry (Ji,..di). aa

Bv-i-.:. m

t«i«i. SPreviovitly reported.71,114Trtal tlnre Jtn. 1.71,718 8",121,4*8

The erporta of Cotton G-ooda from Boaton, aa perTke Sktppxng Lat, from Ang. 24 to An_. :J1, havebetaaafolloWB:

MaajaaTo Afrioa. 108

Auttralia.... a. %

Tetal. 104Pre.ioutly, rlnoe Jaa 1.J9,*3>

Total IhUjear.»,774Over 100,000 pkgi. Cotton gooda hare beeu aent oot of

the country einoe Jannary, which haaredticed the Btock.-to am h moderate amonnta that, in abaence of a vigor-oua demand for export, no accamulation exUta. Thageneral trade ofthe week haa not been aa Lirge aa

pratiouBly reported, bnt it hae been quite aatiefactory.The tone of tba market ia buoyant, and all partiea ara

hopcfuL Tha prioea of all Btylea of cotton gOoda are

eteody, and the tiraOHflfl hitherto reportad ia main-tained. ln many atyles of bleaehed and biown rot-tona great acarcitypreva-B, aiid we obaerve a tendecicyto lugher ratea. Printir g cloths are firm, and in somacsaea high price8 hava been paid for 61x64; bat the lowcounte, from StBM and below that grada, have beenoffered ut a raduction.

Tliere ia no douht 1 utthe mannfitetarersof low PrintClotliB ehould reduce the prodnction by directing theirloom- to soma other fahric. Thoae partiea making.VJx.'i. ehould make fiOxti-l pu ka goo.lt, whici can badone with little expenee. or that which would ba bet¬ter, they ehould change the aley actirely. fcome millaare making nanower gooda on wide looma; theaeconld l>e changed to advaatage by prodacing 37-inchgood?, which are wanli-d. We believe that we ahallhave a depreaeed Priuting Cloth market aa aoon as thagreat printeni have romplatad their miUe for the pro¬dnction of theirown cloths, which are iu aome i_a_.-ceanearly fini-hed. Tli« Wefltern market haa lieen active,and all good atylea of clotha have found a ready eah-.The marjufactniei- are at preeent I-ngaged on the new.amplee for Spring aalea. and will Iie in tha market forordere naxt month.

Tl.e amiexed atatiutice are from the annual repirt cfTh. Nrtr.Orlrant Shippint: Eitt.T.vW.B SHottlMi theprocuet of l.oie Mtddlioo to frW Mlddltnii

Ottfen, taktnt) tht aofraar of rach entire ytar tor ten ytar.,textk thr rereiptt at Seto-fhleant. and tht total crop of th*l KtUdSt.it..

Tctal Crop.Balet.

13S0-.-.1.1.3.-.v:1B51-S2.3.1)15.02*.1852 53.3,262,8i2IO-'3-.'.4.2 930 0271H54-55.J.»r7,.'_9laa-S<.3,527.8451856-57.2.909.51918'7-5.i.3.1U--2185R-S9.8,1-1,48118.Sf__'...(e.Umated).4.r_0,«,i,

A B-BBB.IBBf of thr Supply and Con.ttmptinn of Cotton inF.urope atd tkr i'mtfd Statrt. J rr th* trn, ytart ending toithBH.

Cout'mp- Cont'mp-Y'r. t'. Stat.-a Porrign Total. tion in Bm in Toul.

Crop. tJupply. Eorope. I*. State*181-0. .2,097,000 747,000 2,B44,C00 2.44'.000 484,000 Mflfl.flfll18S1..2 3_5.(IK1 6HH.000 3 035,000 2.618.000 401.000 I.OW.0JW)1B52...1015,000 73H,(00 8,745,000 3,U2,o..0 603,000 3 71 i,000I 262.-00 8H2 000 4,145.000 3,01.1.000 671,000 3,681,000UB4. 2 "30,000 6»'i<m 8.560,000 .(.116,000 Sl'',**) 3,716.0"018M 2 i-47,000 763 ..OO 8 b|0 000 3,316.0 0 598.1)00 3.9O9.00O1H56.. 3,329.000 843,000 4.372.000 3 673,000 694,00.1 4.367,00018S7..2 940.080 1,0%. 00 4.1.1.; 000 3,079.(100 702.. 100 3,781,11001850.^,114.000 926,000 4.0*. 000 .516 000 19..000 4.112,00018-...3.881,000 1,018,(14) 4,869,000 3,651,000 928,000 4,579,000

PH Bf.Wl BB 8,843.000 38.284.0(f) 31.545,000 MM,flM S7,l~4.<->0A T.BB. thrteinij thr reeeipt. uf th*prinripal trtitimflttt tht

Intrrwr, dunny the year endtna Mlt Auyutt. 186". tctth theirrttimntrd areragt and total rn'tu.Artirle*. Amotint. Av'gr. Price. Valoe.

Applei, bblt. 67.416 *5 00 #.~7.0HI>Hu.cn. aiid. lihdi and raak. 4..,015 90 00 4.0.-1...50Haron aMortrd. boxei. 5,987 15 00 39,B0OB-rtllnu, htdt. and tlt. t,,H ti 00 2,079,770B_oti in b,.lk. poi.ndi. 39,000 88120B |4_I, plecef. 21,427 15 00 .121,406Hair K.,pr. coilt. 12_,429 9 Oo 1,128,861Beai.t, Wrelf. 8,889 4 5040 OOOBulter, kr*. tnd brkUt. 38.345 10 On 383.450Buttrr, barrrl.. 1,506 35(0 52,710ttan, tackt. IMJTI 115 270 816Brel. barreii. !5,313 12 00 42S.816Beef. tra. 9,616 18 00 173,083Beef dried. poo_df. 9i>,7J6 109171Cotton balr..2.'.»:.5,141 48 M. 1>.«1,3«!',*_I( on, Meal. btrrrli. IM 3 CO 1,614Ccn. in ear, barrrU. 36,092 100 1(6 098Com theUrd, tackt.1,711.089 1 73 3,ol:i,S68Che.M. boxet. 35 586 3 50 Il4,:a6Canelei.boie.. 110.406 7 00 772,835Coal, Weatem, barrela.I,9r»,0f« 40 1.160,000D.lrdApp.ealtPeacliet.bbil 1,121 12 M 13 452Keather.. ba«.. 936 tl 00 20,592naflaaal Birrii. 375 12 ao 4.5"(.Klt.ur barreii. '.»_>,1I60 6 2.'. 8,036 6X5Kiua. bbdi.bbl. andboiea. 151 UN2.2i_.(ilattware. packagre. 6:!.B79 I oo344 I *l"n b, balet. 4888 21 ia) Ufl.M

Hide..WSSM 3 14) 4'*J,7niMay balet. 152,659 4 70 717,497Iron, piK.tum. 643 *. 00 19.2J0L«r.i.bbll -ttdtet. »Btl ¦ flfl 1,97359'Urd kect. 90 699 6 BJ 544 194Lratb.". bundle. 1,111 30 tti 133.450I.-inr. Weatem, barrel. 33,143 167. 54.685L«_l.pigt. 30.9C4 5 00 404.82.1Lrad, tar k.-ft ai,d boi-a... 1.6.'.( 17 5c 9B_tULrad Wbitr, ken. 1 H4l 3 00 1,'i.MolajF-r.. (ett'te-i crop)|-llt.l7,85ii.lOO 35 6.250,335OaU.tark. ..! I.3WM8Onioni btrrelf., !.,.).] 6 UW 118,111(li., Linteed, banrlt. 1,020 ifl BOIMHOU. Cartor, barrelt. 571 44 0025 124Oil. Laril, btrrrli. IJ* fll fll 117,1-1l-BflSBfl, barreii. 207,69a 2 7.. 571.169Prrk, tiercet and barrel..... il',,523 17 m 3,6W.H"1Pork. boxef . 71 4O001.810Peik. bofth.idt. 1 «74 70 Co U1.180Pork in bulk. ponndi. il.Ri .1,5.0 7RK,14'Poitrr aid Aie, barrtlt. 20 940 10 00 J09.4O0l'i kiir Varn. rrrlt. 3,748 6 0022.438rlun- bairelf.. 475 UBIUNSklr.id.er.pa.-_i. 1,512 20 00T',H«.rihot, keri...'. 4,«'l 30*. ^l.b-.-oSoep.boi.t. l'-'.IC2 7 00 85,414Htavt-t M. I",178 50 00HMnflrt. M. 7.C00 4 00 21."-1Surar. (ef.kiiated rrop) hbdf. 221840 r2 UO la.l9o.8WSpaitab M.». btlet. Mfll liur I2ti.iv,Tallow,bair.lt. I,M M Ifl 3',7loTobacco.Leaf, hottbe-lt.... fll^fll 95 00 6,tl8,HajTobatro, Btripa. hogiheadf.. U'.onB ln:. tt' 2,"17,!>B0Tobr, ,o. Btrmi, b.igt-eadf.. 2 164 15 00BaJMToba..-oClitw.krnandbxi 14 "44 15 0.) 218.160luine bundletacd boxel... 3.503 IH 31.57."\ inr»ar. tarrela. 1.2iW 4 0'4,824\\o.>l.baga. 3,733 MM1(1.355Wbiaky. bam-li. IBIfl " Ol 1.685,378Wh.at.a_k. Hll. 2 25 2?,5I1Ulh< r Ttliont artirle. rifdat .... .... 7,75(',Otl'

Tots! value. 1Tottlif. H0a-.''9. 172.968 Ui4 Total la lb5«-57.15^.-Tota. it 1857-48_1..7.15.',,t4i Tota" in 1855-5»..141,256,.*l

vlarUeln-CAKBrtLLT Kkported roa Thb N. T. Trib._.Thik.-d*). Srpt 6, 18tjo.

A0BBB.Tha icquirr for both Viiidt Ii liu.it.-d tt *i 25 forI'._ a.id *5 tti tor Prtrlt.(OTTON.Th.-re i.inorr doitif; lalrt ot l.'."-1 liaiei; pri,'.-.

un- -i. a.iy v.. q ;ote at 101 for Middllu- I'plandi, and lle. tor6 (i, .'

COBKBE ii vrry dull, er* outy hear of -.ilet 125 b.tji Bt. Doii.Into it VIc.CAND_KS.Adarcai.tiue are in fair requeat. Vit at mott oi

tbe B-rhf bat.' Lrrrn w> ikinx tliort time duriuit thr Summrruion'bt. tbr inpply la luadrquate to tbr demand. ai.d pri, rt ou

tr,| iri,t!> triul upu ,trd. Holdr.'i ot piiuir tlty bnuitlt arv nowrtirti. v drirandiii. 1-t. ln viru of tbe enhai.i-ed >o»t of the rat*

inatriia., ..ud no vo..II ounrr r-ly iiiadefan br obtainrd ahirtvrri l.y tbe qnantity luderd the prln.ipal ateiitt arr in-

dir)ri..|,t arlirn utilew at tnr ritreine hturra. (X- -aaionally,h.v r%. r. j.'l. lotfl of lufrrior ,raud wliicJjbaTr i»*o boiub' "*,arr obt'.l.i.d from arcrmd bi.id. at i.i_htly|lower ratea, b_ «'.' h

la Ut t.ti cannot br r.-r,arded aa a.riterloii of ?_.. market. Blearir(rre... h iniiUtioii) ue In mod.ratr rtxiu.-f. at Bitf'ilK-., ,_',"_-*-and ,-taea Bprrni and Patent are tn liuiltrd drioand tt *>a «. .

for tbe formri, aod 46 « 18c. fir the Utt.-r. Kiited palr'it «'"

uiaidr-.fli.Ir. - ift..,.KLOIR AND BFAL-The d.niai.d fo. WflfBflfl «" '^°»

(. rareedi.-iy a. tivr, hieliy for rtport, and withJ;'°-,f','^f _THv.la, ...d ¦.'rrd.i.ed ttocK. price. ar. J*__* «**-*' *t dr-

nertl. and all Bnd. ba-tJ_JBfVf* P^*_*''J._L.. .h.Z -^--,5J*_:lo.ha

lla i."atter',

r ...tli ia u..ari, ."« .. ... ¦-- ,... ...

t,,.lr, i.d I. niorr plr.ity aafc-t of I.8HO bbla at *hO». 50iorKitia. -iotithern Klour ii al.o bettei, aud \* good drmand furii.r r.dr .nd tbe Wr-t IndUa old It tlm mott lought ar_r, and. li r.dJ."d .Tppi, «. o' 6,700 1,61. .1ifll 10rr«,h IS fo,iT.lird lo r-*-1 brandtaf Baltimoi-e. Ba., tnd »b tOa $7 SO fortlir bettar iradea Ky» Flour U hnuer. aod tlir iemaud fair,_>«..( -abblfl tt fl :»d*x xo Com M.-tl l,. »._0e. tndvtwilrd, atlet of BU bblt tt *.»'_«. 4" for WVttar., aadB3 80 for Jr|.~T

I IKH-Drv ( «d ir..qi,irt bnt hrui at tr-ttS for Bt Oeorfe'aHank. Matkara. ai« iu .itt-d t_-__i..1 l>ut price* cinti.ue uuael-iled aale. p'l.rrt) bblf. at B5 V a *,". *<tm i.rdiui.i No. .1 Ma*»BalMrBIM-o. lartrB. aandtaa',' No I aod 815 tt rlor .' ..all MK' iarre No 1 li.-niuf rtj.tn q.irt y«t fteadyORAIN.T-eWhaat market i. aickud tad li very a |l-_.thr dr.n._id hiefl) lu. etBert aad ,; part. t-> imn eo-wl V\ hu*|«U V5',r*- t*H etf, (ojj ,G» BBMfBl,a-4||.|p^|fl|p|%a|

Brjor u tror, %0a .»_,*. u a.. nmmtot th« oolem are **?bt_* lot-n . V »-'.a S-wthen, ... w] tn U,"M0 beac. _W. fte«*f *,"_"_ "T.t1 ¦£ <r*1 r _¦*.«»> buih. IbriVim'^n *4 Bl J*_»?i _?,''. U?"_.b ** *«-»»*"<. .* B1*T*-H M: __U4_.bi._--"l* a_5__? (__V°_ ***..*»* . < »**1 ** M** b«*k- f*_r B*.rfn.. W,,,-"Mt-*''-^**W*B_U_,,. Bl V)»kl M..,1N|*_|i-liol . Mlr»._g»r>. io t ...a at »l itfr * »7t i 4eo beat W-tfeoKf ot... ky. i. b.f.. M *1 60 u.-g* »** ho 1 C_ur«_* twrWto »r-lve, .* Bl .1. and 17 HOe _-ua_ U'Uwiaka.M*t*M_|on piivat* tera.*. By- 1* _,r_r.er I' i. b«i_ »So-, tha ytew* .#l.oy.-r. and I. ao. plenty. «_T./jr4|-ie for Waaurn KarVay M_*tI. qnlet *t HOY Ba:l*y ratbar mooe pleerty ¦___« *r 3.3BB baah-new btate, itured, at 75c Oat* «ra n.ora pemty, tad ant .aln.de *_%ii»-t **|e.of Weatar: ard f »_ adlar. at Vn)ti\c~ -mtState at 41 rrtlke. Cato b -or*, arttve, the d*_*___d ehMv tmrrtve," aitbr ni. in part apao.ilatira, lo part to arriv*. and laitrra *ala. of IM. DO hulk. et «S*S_***. far Waatara MJl«_4;lin-Ot for do. Y.-1.-.W. *_.a TJ*.. for Bcuad o4.ow,HIDE8.Tb«rr__rteteop';ntie.__i berore, »it_. Bolenle eer-

HOPB-Ptleei of r.*w er* «r_o; tale* of *» belee at..WWBc^1H*#» *fa in good dan.»nd, and tfri-a. nre .teady; aala* *f MBl*le. *t I0<rl5c. Oid ax* quirt, aad tn tbe ahaeoc* of aale* aslaaaar* Dou.lnaJ. .. ______HA Y-The demand l* falr for «M-»p.-W|, ind the nierk-4 i. krm

.ale.of l.TfJObaie-.U'TVi/'jer? 10- ft.LEATHER.The den.and l» moderet*

_Haai rk *a_ Oak

Sole piice* ar* unrhaeged; wa qnot* at 12 »»*. fir LU-* -.__

Mldd'.r weifhta Hemlock. _»__,I.l IIE- Tbe demard for Rockland li modarat* aal** tr tm

bbia Common at Wc and 270 bbla _a__np at Bl F b**-MOLA88E8 l. qoiat, we do not heer of »ny i.nporUot ooiem.NAVAX HTOR..8.Uplrit. Tnrp-atln* U ir. fair raq-i-at and

pricaa ara hifher; aale. of 250 bbl-.. ln _oarci»nt»bla order. atmr. 80 Now Vork bbl. at -*_r«. for atralgbt. and 341 do <_r.^rall.cMh. for.bippinf. Crod* I. qnlet, but firm at *i*V'tm tf, Comaaon Koain _. in moderat* reqae*t, bat wtth * leffB.toch tmd laa* pi-xpeoti r* recelpt-. price* r_le low. oolmt ati b'....,

*. 310 I.lt. limitedlon No. 1 tt 4.1.1-1 do. io., it »2 2» ?> 3tO»,a_-JItood No. 1 at 4-2 2r. i> »o rft Tar i. _4_aedy. aod in B_)_*ra_errqueat. tolt* of 10 bbl. WaaUnctoo at »2 f) t? PA, in *t_a».ii. va-dOILB-The Inqulry for mo«t klad. i. onhe limited. bnt erinea

*en»rel!y»- _-.. -lf.t of , vt, ._ y-g^^ ^ ».ea_|f-- iaca_k* ttidoCafil ln hbU. (.,(_» do. W Ictef Bl_a_cb___i W____B»t_l<jC2. 4 mo*., and 4-. 000 V, Tallwar Ol' at ''. e*-*PROVI8IONB-Tba _am»._taf_T fo. P*f*. ar.d tha B_r_et

I* .teady aale. of l itebhU. at $19 45<rBl- ». for newMaaBitl' 25 for old do B20 50 for (..__. __ ai4 1__,»BM >' farnew Priu.* .25c 4? bbi waa paad (or th* onriUfe ef celftae far1 irt. bbl. Ma*. al. thi. mooth *. mio 2J. Baif n wttheaiekeaae, and the damand 1* nrti*m Mia. of 1,000 bt,l, at t*9mttor Conntry Mew: $i- 824 ff B10 50 for Repackat M***. aad BiBa +12 50 for l.'ltra. Cut Ma«t. .i d Racon ar«r _». __r| U traaand in falr d*_i*ad mI_>. of 830 bbi. nt U'lBllie. A lara* ael*of Baron wot reported for Noremoer bnt wi- do not oredit B.Sniokrd Meata are *c*rre snd ln demand at ad.__r.inai rate*.Hutter U ..tor* p.eaty. *nd tn fair de_____4 al B»aHt_c fler OfeBe;15310.. for Stal- md 2I-_l23c. for ch^ico de. Ch.ua i. ln tmktrewi.e.t, and Ia firm at H99tr. f*- Ohlo. and f).9Ue. for *«B*RICE.There ii i.o cliaiife: we qoot* Bt e4o-.tf»l_* fn

conimon te cholce.Sl'OARH.TheniaHieti-artlreatateadTpflee*: **J***f l.ffla

hbd. , man.ly Cuba, at ¦'.} a :.... ud "' iil.d* Porto Rio* at BcTALLOtv.The m»rt*4 i. .teady but qui*t. .ai*. ot I0.9BB 9

Prime at 10c aod 30.000 IT) Tal,o» Oll at k , cuh.\\ 1II8KY.Tha market U better, andii more actjre; aale* ef

7-1 l.t.i. »-. 24.»

Ihtr. npi- m. frmtmcf.Total ft» all Bmoitt, Sept. 6, 1860.-14 *T0 bbi*. B-Mrr, aa

bbi*. Corn Meal M.otT bn*b. U"heat, » 200 b'.h. Oata, af^Htbo.l. Corn 156 buah Rye, Wf*_P Prorliioa*. S pkmt- Atkoo,,20 pku. VV'hl»ky, 241 ba«. S.d

Common Ko.in U in moeeral* reqoeax, not wito * laifend iar.e ptoapectiT* rereipt-. price* nle low mU, ota., anoat at Bl 30, and »'« do. at Bl 30 ln yardaad Bl »IT- dell.ered tbarefroui Tbe niedium and onr rrade* aaaM demand; eaie. cf IB) hbl* low No 2 at * I 40 POU.


Before Comndaclaoer Bkidumam.THK I'i. Cu.-T. mu. OtkWAt

It ie stated tbat the trial of Henrieo Da Coeu wllbe Involved ln _oma dlfficulty. It appean that th* principalwltnea. azalni. the BBBMB-I l. C»pt Ahrarn IMano, wtth waeaa

it l. eliargad De Coata made the barraii. for a Taaael for the tlormtrade. At the tim* of Da Corta'i lecond __T**t, a few waetamo. on the bark Kate. Capt. M_M wa. bere ia tblaetty. M*;rovMon b.iviaj been uiade for hl. i-ib*_».euce w_La her*. Ihe( aptiio it U .aid hu left for a trading voy_4je of many ma*_hsand cannot i>* h. ra i: tbe caae ii called al tbe next term. H*wlar Dr. Co.tu can arai. himie-f of tbi. abaenre U a quettioB, taaa-nitich a- bl. ccaplnf in tbe fir... irutaace daiayed the trlaL 1\mnutter may ba, however. au ob.t*cie ln the ipeedy trial ot thecaae.

THI ALLKOE1' _H.TU.KB OB B "4RK THI. SHIP HDILU.Tbe Inited Sutee v». 8. W. Benedict and IHoid

F.rinaon. __>. ex.___ln*tiouu.toth_.c*_eproceod_<lat 11 o'cieok.Tl..- hr,t witnea* betibed aa foKow.

.l.ih: W Smith-l iblpped In the ridelit aaa <e*m_a freaaNew \ ork to I.:.. rpoi,. f reiogoiie tb* pii-oner. ** th* brat aadl_-. oud ofiiiii of tbe thip [It wa* alniittad that the ihip wa. _¦

American t e_*el. I remembrr an affray wbich teok place aa tb*dn-k in July, ibortly after wr left Litrerpool.Thatit »*aTbur*dayti'_ht tbe 12th of July »b_4K 124; o'oleek.

I wa. betw een the lan wbo ;unip*d overboarJ *nd tha prUoaar,I don't know the name of the man that jurcped orerboard iBBapriioner and I.e were quarrelinii wben I eame on deck a liMluafter 12; Benedict tben crdeied ui to he*** on the aprtaa, 1did >o: tbey heared a little. and Iie then .ang ont to«tophe**>i-4.h.- (Benedict) then rtepped up to th* nan who jtunped otrer-

board. *. roat-d hin. witb an ceth. and Kruck him tertrtl tiuieein tha far*: tben he f.e the ord-r to heara a_r_iu. and wben theman learnd to tbe b»r be kicked him he _t_en nid. "That wBId" the Port « atch |o below."Tbh man tben want down th* main deck of tha topcallaat

forat-utle, a* lt wa. bi. M.u..b _.o_, tben Benedict told tbaotber priioner to k.-ap that fellow off deck to h*a'. ln *.. the mitcO.hain by him.elf; tbe a-eoad mata then c*_led ont. ¦ Wh_r* tr

thb. man ?" and he an.werad. " I an. here w____i-i_ th* blood otar:" tbe tr ond mata, ii»vi-c * hand.pika ln hl. hand, h»r* IIat bin. from tha topc*i_*_4 forecaatle: l caa't *»y .lietbw il4r.ck tha man or not it Aid not aound a* If it *true_l xmMtkttha.-d «t:l..t_MB, but aciiii.t _4>m*tl_lii-j *oft.The I'-cond m*ta ptcked np anotber bu-.rdir and *aa| oat la

the m___, "Ara vou comln^ up here?" The man maee 00an.wer. The w-cc'nd mate went off tba t.iwr__l_nt foreoaalie ad

to the mail. dn k and the ran toward tha port aan*.a*-. Tbechief rn«ta Baredict, wenl alou* on top ofthe botiaa acd f__M___»man *. be waa on the Laddar to tb* poop deck. Tba man wa*

then brtween the »>eocd ai.d firat niat-r. I beard bim __n-aLord ba»e mercy on me

" ar.d paued orerboard rUbt mror tha¦raway: I b. »r_ bim .piaao oi. th.- water. Tha oun at thawiieai mu; out " A man oTerbeard." Tbe c ipta.a o*_ne eo ir*okind ordered a boat to be lowered.Kenrdi.t raid. "Lat him druuu." Thi* wa* before the beet

wbi lowered They want in -_._rr-l. of the man, and cauie baohaud laid tbey couid not lii.d bim. W e then pr__-aa_4*d ea thflvcy_«e The boat wa* *one 15 or 2") minute.. I wa* -Undh-flooiin-; over the itde while th* l>o»t wa* goae I u« h.r o*a*back. and the man w»« not iu lt Pergn.ou lent * hand to olearawav th.- boat and 'ower her dswn. I n-ver _*w th* man aiatn.Tl:e .hipea. |oin* two or thn-a knota an bonr. Biara wa* .ateamboat aatani of u*. th>- uiglit wa. _«ili. and tbere wa* vecyUt le bn-.-r*Thr .-lo.a-ex.inil .atioo wa. poatponee, and tba oaae *djoum**[

i. nl ii to inorioH

IMi'KI) 8TATE8 DISTRICT COl'RT.8bt «-nmtanJ..dte Barn.

Tl' Ita-tra W. E. KIBIIV.I'p to tbe cl.ne of office houn> U.-day, tliecoanael f._r

the alle^ed ^pamah tweer. ol th* i-oudemned aiarer \V B.Kibby had fi ed aa l*im a^nir.rt th* ve**el

MAiaNfc COI'RT-Thial Tihm-Bbpt 6.-Before JaotlemAi.kbi:

A HITAi 11 .'I I')t(i>:isr V-F.Ita l.ei Kir.cliein aart. Benjtinin Be.utela.

Tbe pluititiil eeelaD to reoover dijua+ree for braaoh ot*promUt- c m*rri*re on the ptrt of the de'endanl. iTbaeviiien. a ot tbe n.air.tlrt di«-loaed tliat the promifte wa. rlrm aathe -'Tili r' May laii. that the detendant u.ade puunbfr pr-wiateof cniane'it. aud n.oneyThr p:..intitt.. .). n.e. iu hl. openlng r»mark. obierv*J tbat

ther did ot b.i: r thi. i-.it for ttlthy Tticra, but for tba pcrp.eeof e*i|.o.ing the conduct ofthe detendant. wbo coeld thm triB*vith tbe _-t.. ti. :.¦ n Udy wbo liad confid-ad in bu hoeor aa_ii. pr..:.ia.-a Tl.e eaia-'mada-l-y tba defendmt we. thal hedid not 4i-t 4.10" pron.iaaad tu bim i: I.e got marriej

Tht- c*»- i- rtlll ou._B

Bl'PERiOS COLTRT-BrBci__t T«kb-3bi>t. 6.1Juatice Piikkkk.-nt

PABTBEMHIP DllACBBBMBVTt,Tiieopfalie Koik *_tt L Cantel

l_ia nioti'-n tor an iiijunctiou aud receiver Ll tnarlrtby onr p_rtn.-r again.'. th.- cther tha time of the p*rt_ier*_up aalb*.m~ expirrd.Th. g oi.i d allerad iivi.t ef harmony in tt. hniainea., s~ar-

r.-U betw.-.-u tn.-pirtiea. and fail'.re of ptobta. Tliedafaadaatd.-nir. tbat the bt:»i:.a.» i- i:..t prcHrparr-na. and daaia* aay difB-

i tn the bo*.ie**, excapt au o.-<'a»ioni_ diapie I aee aa.ut:-. .ent rround on e_atn;iutio_ of tlie whoi* caae to interf-wahy injeaeaea, o: to appolnt a rer_.iv.-r. Moti.>n d.-nu. 1, witbk io o*t».


SI PRKMK COI RT-Sra. iai Tne -Sfi-fl.Hefore .liiati. .- I.M.HAHAM.

TL-People, Ac .-, rrl Pattn-k l.jr.-hand othenait TbeBoarfof Aldermrn of ibe Ci'y of New- York

A motioti wa« made on tbe part of tbe I"'**!** °",~*d-ru.er (i.at the peremptorr » rit ct mandanj. - taiuirlJd ol l+ept.be op.ued aad .et aaide, a*'lt appeared ih.t llia writ d.d ntx eoe-

reapood wlth th.- alternati... writ Thr aiiemall.e wrtt cobb-

u.anded tb.-.u f^ Inlre attton _;.» the award o? cMfcart, lh* per-ptoryv-iit to act upon .ndomtt'Ot. Cot.n**l ata_l tn*_¦a not prcpo.ad on retnn. ofthe alla-n.atlv.- writ tJ _4_*Mla tb«

:, i_tor. to . perwnpiory wr« reaalflug the Board Utl.e Mbj*. t but thal tl.e power ol tba l o«« te

order the Beerd to cmjir m or tn any w.y H-beBlxmPmm.*>tion lh- ..ld be, wa. darued. He rjaJ frou. the premptorj wrttto _bow tbat lt did noi torrr*poad with tbe a_i*r__Uive wtUlathat importaiit p*i-lcul*r .-

Th.- (Wl orired tb* wr« to ae opened. Coaaael for the re-lator* ilain .-d iba ri.l.t tn a writ orderiag the c.i:itiaclco__ra_A.__~ Wrabam mki he do^t-d the power o Ui, to b«t bewonld ::e.. Mj.ment ea tb.t point on the 1Mb, laat, ani that a

.leuiurrer oi reture aiigl't be iaierpo^d before tbat time If ceua-** If ti tt**

p.rth* Hoard o'AMermaii, 11. II. Auderion. for tb* telaler*.e» Judge Whttlng. .-,,_,,

l Hiami.t-Slrl. t> Befor.- Juitli eT_r.,aAHAM....Tl iiM.v)M 01 Till KRlt.G I1_.HI._l3 CORPCB.

TIIK CBM "I l.H II V_. LASD MtAl'I.S.The Ktokj. bal>ea_! Wttttm, whicb waa eet down for

i,.dav. wa* poatpoae.1 uatil naxt w.-ek on appiiration of thai-our.4_-lto- tha r.-lator. in onaequeuce of ai..en.-e o: wttneeaee.Tha.a-.eof Meaeiraet al *ft Stl'.-tuan at al eame up for M«-

tlement of tb* order tl.ia uiornioa. bl tbr de.Uioc h»nng beenmade by JaBOBB S'.ithetLa...l, who i. now out of town. Juatioel-.giahau. aigteataad * pixtponenMnt u-.tl'. ne»t Mot.lay. whicbWaa a. Cedrd to

DBCIBIOBaWm. S. S«<arB apt. -lohn K. Hrudy..Leave granted

t.i plai-itirl to renew tbi. niotioD en the'paper* for the MOte-lMonday of Heptt-u.ber, at 12 n..

right of tla. ti

COI'P.T OK OHNKRAL 8EflSIOSS-T«-«a:>Ai. ton 9..Betoia Judfe Rl'a.BLL.

I'ht.mu" Dolan and Hngn Hardy were fonnd RUilty-i g.uto * itur* onthe Itith J._ij, aud .te_iit_g th_rn__a.

b*:a of oat*. Dolao waa aer\tene_»d to Iho and Hardjr lo thr*-*)»-. in the Hute PrUon.

.I'tnn Watei*. toigr-ry ln th* mcoii.I droa* iu pa__d__t twwcoui.ieiirtt ?*> o.i th. evening ofthe 13th of Ae-rurt The(_*_twaa m_a4*a_ fur d.l.ka br a bar ta.idar at No. lli C_i__h_--Jatreet and the neat * oonatartnit waa prreenled U No tll (ieaalHrett Tbr bill* *»er*|o__i maut'en. trfblL*oi iheBuJ* lleeiHank of thi. cBy Kantenc.d to tba rttate PrUon for n»e y*a_»-

-VUUaui Joue. and Heury Oeary pletd**! I~lhy to an aw*-tt»itli lutrit to r..b Jotre. a a. a_aUi«i__:__l to tbr»* aud tieary tetwo yeara lt th* State Ptiioa. _.

TI.V-i._aa Itcl'm pleaded f.-lltj ofpttA laroeay ai.d _-»._*-to ihe Pr:.it. -.ita-1 fi-i aia mi>_d_.»Adjoui -dtib llocloektlii.-aorn-qg.

n_BM_a, Naw* *«-->t, Brrraie.. I* «f«l Hi**m**\mmm\\oT«:»ra- M. 4-K.1v** l. k, Vw bvwomtpet ttf** ^."' ¦
