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5 1 4 9 5ISBN: 978-1-57863-548-1 U.S. $14.95



Exhausted? Angry? Broke? The Goddesses are here to help!

Goddess magic is powerful magic: with the help of the right goddess, simple spells can yield amazing results. In this book, author Jen McConnel offers spells imbued with the vibrant force of twenty-five goddesses from around the globe.

Call upon Athena for memory retention, Aphrodite to gain confidence, Persephone to find your path, and Sekhmet to prevent illness. As easy as taking a bath or boiling a pot of noodles, McConnel shows you how to transform everyday items from your pantry or from your purse to create the magic and life you need.

For the busy woman who wants it all but needs help getting it, Goddess Spells for Busy Girls can help you achieve love, balance, protection, and abundance in your life. Remember, there’s a goddess for that!










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First published in 2014 by Weiser Books

Red Wheel/Weiser, llcWith offices at:665 Third Street, Suite 400San Francisco, CA 94107


Copyright © 2014 by Jen McConnel

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or trans-mitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Red Wheel/Weiser, llc. Reviewers may quote brief passages.

ISBN: 978-1-57863-548-1

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon requestCover design by Jim WarnerInterior by Deborah DuttonTypeset in Warnock Pro Light text and Univers Condensed and Liberty Display

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Magic works. For a long time, I didn’t believe it. Actually, that’s not exactly true. For a long time, I didn’t believe that I could do magic. I didn’t think I was special enough, or skilled enough, or sparkly enough. And then I tried a simple spell that changed my life.

I was attending an herbal workshop one spring, and the smiling instructor spent the morning teaching us which herbs to use for which types of magic. She had us each attempt four spells: one for each of the four elements. Because she had told us that air magic was good for safety and travel, I threw my energy (and a lot of herbs) into a spell that I thought would never come true.

I’ve always loved to travel, but the one place that filled my dreams since childhood was Egypt. Now, if you’ve ever looked at plane tickets to Egypt, you know it isn’t exactly a walk in the park. At that time, my newly married husband and I had been dreaming about a delayed honeymoon in the land of the

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pharaohs, but we both knew that it was unlikely to happen anytime soon. What the heck, I thought; I’ll do this spell and see if it will help. I filled a small cotton bag with herbs and a tiny crystal, and I filled myself with the intention to make the trip happen. I didn’t try to conjure money with the spell; instead, I just focused on the idea of traveling to the exotic, unknown land of my dreams with my husband beside me.

A month after I made the charm bag, I won enough money in a local raffle to cover the cost of two plane tickets. I didn’t hesitate: I knew that money was meant to get me to Egypt, and with some convincing, my eternally practical sweetie agreed. There’s no doubt in my mind that the trip manifested due to my simple spell.

Since that time, I’ve learned to take magic a lot more seri-ously. Simple spells can yield amazing results, and we don’t have to have any special training or initiation to work magic. The ability to transform our lives through magic rests within each of us. This collection of spells will not only allow you to tap into your natural ability, but it will also give you access to the vibrant forces of many goddesses from around the globe.

Goddess magic is powerful magic: with the help of the right goddess, your spell will be imbued with phenomenal strength. Thousands of people over the centuries have sent their dreams and wishes out to various goddesses, and these divine ladies carry the residual spark of years of worship. Working goddess magic is as easy as working magic in gen-eral, but you get the extra sparkle that goddesses bring to ev-erything.

The first thing you’ll want to do when you decide to work goddess magic is to get to know the different goddesses. This

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book provides an introduction to twenty-five celestial ladies, but you can always go in search of even more information. Just make sure you are asking the right goddess for help; it would be a bad idea to ask Hecate to intercede in your love life, and an even worse idea to ask Lakshmi to help you defend yourself in a violent situation. Knowing a little bit about the different goddesses will guide your magic and make it easier to choose which lady you want to work with.

Magical ProtectionBefore attempting any kind of spell, make sure you are pre-pared. You wouldn’t try to drive a car without a hard-earned license, would you? Magical preparation is a bit different than mundane preparation, but you still need to take safety precau-tions before beginning any spell.

At the very least, you should ground and center before doing spell work. There are a variety of ways to do this, and I’ll share four with you right now, plus a more formal way. As an added bonus, you can use these grounding and centering methods even if you aren’t about to work magic. Whenever you’re feeling frazzled, these will help!

I’M A TREEConnecting to the earth beneath you is one of the quickest ways to ground and cen-ter. Close your eyes while sitting or standing. Imagine that you are a tree (or any other plant that

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you prefer). Feel the strength of your torso and the life flowing up toward your head. Imagine branches or blossoms shoot-ing out of the crown of your head. Now, feel yourself sending roots down into the earth. The roots anchor you to the earth, but they also sustain you. As your roots reach deeper, you can feel the energy of the planet coursing up and into you, climb-ing your torso, and spilling down your body. Take at least five deep breaths in this pose, feeling the energy climb from your roots with each inhale. With each exhale, feel the energy of the earth reaching through your branches and surrounding you. When you feel steady, you can open your eyes and begin your spell.

ENTRANCEDFind an instrumental song or chant without distinguishable words. (There are tons of these online, but even your great un-cle’s classical music CD will work.) Plug in your headphones or lock yourself in a room with the music. Sit down in a comfort-able position and close your eyes. Take a deep breath, listening to the music. Try to clear your mind of thoughts and just focus on the sound. Breathe deeply, and keep your eyes closed for three breaths after the music ends. When you open your eyes, you should be ready to work magic.

MERMAID(Note: This is not the best method to ground and center before doing a bath-based spell, unless you want to end up totally pruney.)

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Fill your tub with hot water (or, alternately, take a hot shower). Don’t use any soap or bubble bath; just immerse yourself in the warmth. Close your eyes and listen to the water flowing or lapping around you. Feel the warmth seeping into your core. When you are warm, calm, and content, you can open your eyes and drain the tub. Once you’re dry, you’ll be ready to start your spell.

SPARKLERFind a comfortable, dark place to sit. Bring a blanket or a warm sweater, and snuggle in. Light a candle and set it in front of you (being careful to observe good fire safety habits). Stare into the flame. Try to empty your mind; ignore any fleet-ing thoughts that may pass through it. Just watch the candle and breathe. Take at least fifteen deep breaths while watching the candle. When you feel still and calm, you can blow out the candle and be-gin your spell.

CASTING A CIRCLEIf you want to do something a little more formal than just a simple grounding and centering exercise before you work magic, you might consider casting a circle. Ground and cen-ter with whichever method you prefer, and then begin to cast your circle.

Casting a circle is a way of creating formal, sacred space wherever you are. It sets your magical work apart from the mundane world and provides you with psychic protection as

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you cast your spells. Some people like to use particular tools to cast a circle, such as an athame, a wand, or a braid of burning sage, but in its most basic form, all you need is yourself.

To cast a simple circle, first make sure you’ve assembled all the tools you will need for your spell. You don’t want to break the circle by running back and forth to get things after you’ve already begun. Once you ground and center, stand in the middle of the space that will be your circle. Face the four quarters, starting with either north or east, depending on your preference, and invite each quarter to protect you. You can make up quarter calls, or you can say something like this:

To the north, powers of earth, I ask your aid.To the east, powers of air, I ask your aid.To the south, powers of fire, I ask your aid.To the west, powers of water, I ask your aid.

The next step in casting a circle is to invite the assistance of a deity. If you are about to do a spell with the assistance of a particular goddess, now would be a great time to call her. You might say:

Athena, please be with me today and always.

Once you’ve called the quarters and whichever deity or deities you wish, your circle is complete. You can add elaborate ritual to the process, but if you’re in a rush, a simple circle will work just fine. Feel free to adapt the process to better suit your individual practice.

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ToolsAll of the spells in this book are designed to be simple. You can usually complete each one with items you have on hand, but here are a few things you might want to add to your shopping list:

• Spellcandles,allcolors.These are small candles, about half an inch in diameter and four inches tall. Most New Age stores sell them, but if you aren’t near any such shops, check your local, organic grocery store. You can also order them online for a fairly reasonable price.

• Oliveoil. Generally speaking, you can use most edible oils as a base for spells, but I prefer olive oil (and some goddesses, such as Athena, prefer it, too).

• Essentialoil. Another product you can usually find at an organic grocery store is essen-tial oils. These can be expensive, and they are usually optional when doing spells. Just note that the expense can be worth it: cinnamon oil in particular adds quite a punch to your spells.

• Ajournal. It’s a good idea to keep a dedicated magical notebook, not just for the spells that demand writing, but to reflect on your experiences with each spell and goddess as well. Buy something beautiful, and use it as part of your magic.

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• Herbs. All of the herbs mentioned in these spells are the ones most of us have in our pantries. Fresh herbs

are often better for spell work (unless dry is speci-fied), but I’ve been known to use the same dried, powdered herbs that I cook with for magic. What-ever works for you is fine!

Just read the list of ingredients carefully before be-ginning any spell. You’ll be surprised at how many magical tools you already have on hand!

Magical EthicsNo book of magic would be complete without a brief discus-sion of magical ethics. When working magic, it’s important to remember two things: every human being is unique, and every human being has free will. For those reasons, I try to only cast spells that affect my own life, and I never cast spells that interfere with another person’s choices, mostly because I would hate to have my own choices taken away. You must de-velop your own personal code of ethics when it comes to magic, just as you must come to your own con-clusions in your mundane life. Whatever path you follow, think long and hard about free will and individuality before casting any spell.

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How to Use This BookI know you’re dying to start casting spells, but just in case you were wondering, there are a few ways to approach this book.

BY ISSUEChapters 1 through 5 are structured around common issues. Chapter 1 deals with health and wellness, both mental and physical. Chapter 2 deals with interpersonal relationships, including those with family, friends, and lovers. Chapter 3 deals with hearth and home, offering suggestions for ways you can make any space secure. In chapter 4, spells for travel and protection are introduced. Chapter 5 focuses on all forms of abundance and fortune. Then, chapter 6 offers suggestions for group magic, which can be an exciting way to shake up your magical practice. And chapter 7 is filled with spells of grati-tude, so when you’re done changing your life, you can make sure you stop and give thanks!

BY GODDESSDo you want to know more about Isis? Maybe you’ve always had a thing for Aphrodite. Each of the twenty-five goddesses in this book has three spells associated with her, so you can use this book as a way to develop a deeper relationship with the goddess of your choice. Read her myth, work through her spells, and journal about your experience. You never know; you might find your next patron!

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IN A GROUPChapter 6 focuses on adapting the spells in this book for work with a group. It also includes a list of suggestions for rituals and gatherings focused on goddess magic. If you and a group of friends would like to use this book together, chapter 6 is the place to begin.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to meet some goddesses and start making magic!

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C H A P T E R 1

Don’t Forget to Take Your (Magic)


Once a week, I attend an intense and satisfying yoga class with a friend. I am comfortable there: I place my mat in the back, near the windows, and I breathe as evenly as I can, content that no one is judging or observing me.

But last summer, I stepped away from the studio. I made plans to meet a friend and carpool to the local minor league baseball park, where our community was convening for an hour of outdoor yoga practice. The thought of trying some-thing new with the support of a trusted friend wasn’t daunt-ing, and I cheerfully got up early on a Saturday morning. I was just finishing breakfast when I heard from my friend. She was ill, and wouldn’t be joining me.

To be honest, I seriously considered staying home. With-out the security of a known companion, I wasn’t sure I wanted to enter such a large group of strangers. What if they were are truly serious yogis, and what if they realized that I was still

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very much a beginner? What if everyone there was skinnier than I was?

As my thoughts spun and I prepared to give up on attend-ing, another what-if changed my mind. What if I didn’t go? As soon as I voiced the thought, my spirits fell. I really wanted to attend this event, so despite my nerves, I grabbed my green yoga mat and headed downtown.

When I surged with the crowd onto the grassy outfield, I spread my mat close to a row of women and sat down, try-ing to find my center before beginning the practice. My eyes kept flickering open, though, and I found myself watching the people around me. Young, old, in between like me, there were men and women of every shape and size. Gradually, I began to relax.

Once the practice began, I melted into the community. We raised our arms to the heavens together, breathing deeply and enjoying the fresh air and warm sunshine. The “om” at the end of practice was the most amazing thing: it was like a hive of bees, pulsing and buzzing together. Laying back in corpse pose, a thought filled my heart and exploded into my body. It’s not about me, I realized; it’s about we.

As women, we tend to run out of time or energy when it comes to caring for ourselves. Work, family, school, every-thing stacks up in importance, bumping little old you down to the bottom of the list. And let’s face it: things that end up that far down the list rarely get tackled.

The spells in this section address three aspects of being well: there are spells for health in times of sickness, spells for memory retention and clarity of thought, and spells to help you connect with your own divine nature. Athena, the first

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goddess of this chapter, is a great partner when you are seek-ing a clear mind. Sekhmet will help you heal your body, while Amaterasu rules body image and feelings of worth. Work with Sarasvati to infuse your life with beauty, and call on Oya when you just need to be purified. Remember to approach each deity with respect, and be prepared to listen to her teachings.

AthenaTitles:Grey-Eyed One, Lady of Snakes, Pallas


Attributes:Wisdom, Council, Judgment, Strength, Battle

Colors:White, Gray, Blue

Animals:Owl, Snake

CultureofOrigin:Pre-Greek, Hellenistic

Although she’s one powerful goddess, Athena’s tradi-tional followers didn’t include a lot of women. She tended to favor flawed, foxy heroes like Odysseus while changing uppity girls like Arachne into spiders. But that doesn’t mean you should ig-nore this motherless goddess: Athena values knowledge, and she’s willing to assist those who are genuine in their search for under-standing. Do not, under any circumstance, make the mistake of calling on this goddess

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to help in matters of the heart: Athena may be queen of the mind, but when it comes to relationships, her track record isn’t exactly glistening.

Athena was born in an unusual way, even for a goddess. In the Greek version of her myth, she is the child of the king of the gods, although there is some evidence that she predates the Hellenistic culture. This story is the most well-known and has become the most associated with Athena’s conception.

Her father, Zeus, was a bit of a ladies’ man, and even though he’d been warned not to, he hooked up with Metis, the crafty goddess of thought and wisdom. Afterward, he was hit with remorse and worry: what if this goddess bore a son who would destroy him? To keep that from happening, Zeus swallowed the woman. He thought trouble had been averted, but then the headaches started. Zeus was in so much pain that

he finally had to ask his blacksmith son, Hephaes-tus, to crack open his skull. Out popped Athena, fully grown and clothed in beautiful armor. This fierce and unexpected goddess instantly became the favorite child of Zeus.

Athena is not just another figure of war: her armor signifies protection and thoughtful confrontation, rather than hotheaded combat.

As a goddess who never took a lover, Athena is viewed as a perpetual maiden, wise beyond imagining

but without the chains that sometimes hamper goddesses who are tied to men. She values honesty, wisdom, and clear thought, and if you approach her for help in any of these areas, you will find her willing to listen.

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This is also a goddess who is familiar with disappointment. She went up against Hera and Aphrodite to compete for the title of the fairest, most worthy goddess. Not only would the winner get the glory, she would also get an enchanted golden apple. Competition between the goddesses was fierce. Their judge, the mortal prince of Troy named Paris, couldn’t decide. Each goddess offered him a bribe hoping to sway his vote, and he foolishly spurned Athena’s offer to become the wisest ruler the earth had ever known. Instead, he awarded Aphro-dite the apple and collected his prize: a girl named Helen who was already married to another guy. Although she was bitterly disappointed, Athena didn’t sulk and whine: she backed the Greeks when they waged war on Troy and got even with Paris. I’m sure you know how that story turned out: it took ten years, but eventually, Athena felt that her slight had been repaid. This is not a goddess you want to cross!

When working with this goddess for clarity and better judgment, do not expect things to happen quickly. Athena’s wisdom is passed on slowly and only as you are ready: nothing with this goddess will occur in the blink of an eye. Be patient and tell her truthfully what you seek, and if she be-lieves you truly need it, Athena will come to your aid.

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This spell is ideal when you are working on a test or project that requires a clear head with facts and figures at

your disposal.


• Olive oil• A small jar with a lid• Basil leaves• A lemon• A bathtub

1. Pour the olive oil into a small jar. (The kind you cook with is fine or whatever is on hand. Athena appreciates practicality.) You don’t need more than a cup, and less is fine, too.

2. Into this jar, put:Five basil leaves (preferably fresh, but dried is fine)A slice of lemon (feel free to squeeze the lemon juice and

save it for later)

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3. Seal the jar and give it a few swift shakes. While the jar is sitting, run a cool bath. (Not so cold that you can’t stand it, but not too hot: aim for just below room tempera-ture.)

4. While the water is running, pour half the contents of the jar into the bath. Ease yourself into the water and empty your mind. Feel your thoughts swirling around you like the water. Watch the way the oil collects on the surface, making patterns.

5. When the bath is as full as you would like, shut off the water and sit in silence for a few minutes. Contemplate what you are asking Athena for: why do you need help with your memory?

6. When you feel that your thoughts are orderly, speak your request aloud to Athena. “I ask you, great Athena, for clarity of thought. Help me to retain these facts _________ so that I might honor you with wisdom in this situation __________.”

7. Anoint your temples and your third eye with some of the remaining oil. When you drain the bath, pour what’s left of the oil over your feet as you stand in the tub. Seal the spell by saying, “Like you, Athena, I hope to walk in wisdom.”

8. It’s fine to shower after this spell if you don’t like the oily residue on your skin; Athena won’t mind.

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