Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage...

Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage of the MSCI Index Change Harald Hau INSEAD and CEPR Abstract Large-scale simultaneous asset demand shocks like index revisions modify stock betas market- wide and generate testable cross-sectional asset pricing implications. This paper explores the stock price dynamics around the revision of MSCI’s global equity index announced in December 2000. The global nature of the MSCI index revision implies that global and local beta changes dier substantially along with the respective marginal arbitrage risk incurred to arbitrage them. Testing which beta changes and marginal arbitrage risk terms are price relevant reveals that MSCI stocks are priced globally and not locally. JEL classication: G11, G14, G15. Department of Finance, Boulevard de Constance, 77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France. Telephone: (33)-1 6072 4484. Fax: (33)-1 6072 4045. E-mail: [email protected]. Web page: I would like to thank Bernard Dumas for helpful comments as well as participants of the Adam Smith Asset Pricing Conference (LSE, June 2008), and seminar participants at Singapore Management University, the University of Brussels, the University of Mannheim, and the University of Zürich.

Transcript of Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage...

Page 1: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

Global versus Local Asset Pricing:

Evidence from Arbitrage of the MSCI Index Change

Harald Hau∗



Large-scale simultaneous asset demand shocks like index revisions modify stock betas market-wide and generate testable cross-sectional asset pricing implications. This paper exploresthe stock price dynamics around the revision of MSCI’s global equity index announced inDecember 2000. The global nature of the MSCI index revision implies that global and localbeta changes differ substantially along with the respective marginal arbitrage risk incurredto arbitrage them. Testing which beta changes and marginal arbitrage risk terms are pricerelevant reveals that MSCI stocks are priced globally and not locally.

JEL classification: G11, G14, G15.

∗Department of Finance, Boulevard de Constance, 77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France. Telephone: (33)-1

6072 4484. Fax: (33)-1 6072 4045. E-mail: [email protected]. Web page:

I would like to thank Bernard Dumas for helpful comments as well as participants of the Adam Smith Asset

Pricing Conference (LSE, June 2008), and seminar participants at Singapore Management University, the

University of Brussels, the University of Mannheim, and the University of Zürich.

Page 2: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

1 Introduction

Asset pricing theory faces the difficult task of explaining equity prices for both unobservable

expected cash flows and unobservable discount factors. Cash flow expectations are notori-

ously volatile over longer periods which makes it difficult to infer the true discount factor.

Portfolio formation based on priors about the correct risk factors can reduce the cash flow

variation and recover ex-post return patterns, but only by means of a considerable sample

reduction to a small number of portfolios.

This paper takes an alternative approach by exploring the short-term pricing effect of

exogenous changes in the stock beta. Over a very short period of time, cash flow expectations

are plausibly constant and any sudden change in the discount factor is revealed directly in

stock prices. Of particular interest are exogenous multi-asset demand shocks like large-scale

revisions of major stock indices. Large index revisions modify CAPM betas market-wide

and therefore generate testable cross-sectional asset pricing implications. The intuition is

straightforward. Stock betas are proportional to the covariance of the stock return with the

return on the market portfolio constituted by all freely investable asset risk. Let S denote

the value weighted supply vector of this investable risk and Σ the covariance matrix of asset

returns. The vector of CAPM betas is then proportional to ΣS. Stocks for which the index

weight change is positive (negative) experience an effective (residual) asset supply decrease

(increase) after accounting for the increased demand from index tracking investors. The new

supply vector after the index change, S0 = S−(wn−wo), gets adjusted for the demand change

of the index investors from old index weights wo to new index weights wn. The change in the

vector of stock betas is therefore proportional to Σ(S0−S) = −Σ(wn−wo) and (for constant

cash flow expectation) the permanent asset price change is (approximately) proportional to

Σ(wn − wo).

How is this long-run asset value changes impounded in prices? A dynamic model is

developed which generalizes the Greenwood (2005) model of limited arbitrage.1 It allows for

1The multi-asset framework developed in Greenwood has obvious shortcomings. Most importantly, all

investors are assumed to have identical information and represent arbitrageurs. But homogeneity among(non-index tracking) investors implies that the equilibrium price adjustment to the demand shock occurswithout any speculative position taking as the net asset supply to the arbitrageurs is fixed. Arbitrageprofits are therefore zero. Moreover, the absence of speculative positions means that any hedging or riskmanagement motive for these positions disappears and their corresponding price impact is also discarded.


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asymmetric information where arbitrageurs learn about an imminent index revision prior to

its public announcement. Arbitrageurs can acquire net positions against uninformed liquidity

suppliers in order to make arbitrage profits. The extended model provides a more general

empirical specification for testing the asset pricing effects of a large-scale index revision.

To describe the price dynamics, consider the optimal arbitrage strategy of a risk averse

mean-variance investor who is privately informed about the index revision. His optimal

arbitrage position is shown to feature two distinct terms. First, it has a ‘return seeking

component’ proportional to the vector of expected price changes Σ(wn−wo). This component

is due to the change in the market portfolio (from S to S0) and the corresponding change in

stock betas. Second, it features a ‘risk hedging component’ proportional to the stock-specific

marginal arbitrage risk contribution. The latter is shown to be proportional to ΣΣ(wn−wo).

Optimization in the mean-variance space requires arbitrageurs to choose a portfolio which

optimizes the trade-off between expected arbitrage returns and marginal arbitrage risk in

each stock. The optimal arbitrage strategy down-weights stocks with a positive marginal

arbitrage risk contribution and up-weights stocks with a negative marginal arbitrage risk

contribution. During the implementation of the arbitrage strategy, both the ‘return seeking

component’ and the ‘risk hedging component’ influence stock prices. The generalized model

nests the Greenwood model as a special case where the myopic liquidity suppliers disappear.

In the latter case, price adjustment occurs without any speculative position taking and the

‘risk hedging component’ disappears from the price adjustment process.

The most important contribution of the paper relates to the issue of international equity

market integration. The revision of a global equity index (like the MSCI index) provides a

test as to whether stocks are priced globally or locally. Intuitively, a global asset demand

shock modifies the global stock beta differently from the local stock beta. Generally, we can

isolate the global from the local beta change. The global covariance matrix ΣG of all index

stocks can be decomposed into a matrix ΣL featuring non-zero covariance elements only

between stocks in the same country and a complementary matrix ΣInt = ΣG−ΣL featuring

only cross country stock covariances (and zeros otherwise). The global beta changes are

proportional to ΣG(wn − wo), while local beta change are proportional to ΣL(wn − wo).

Such a minimalist arbitrage framework is very detached from a practitioner’s notion of arbitrage to whichasymmetric information is essential.


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Global asset markets are segmented if the difference between the global and local beta

change given by ΣInt(wn−wo) does not help to explain event returns. Alternatively, market

integration with respect to asset pricing implies that local beta changes ΣL(wn − wo) and

the complementary international beta changes ΣInt(wn −wo) feature the same quantitative

influence on event returns. A similar decomposition into a local and a complementary

international component can also be applied to the arbitrage risk ΣΣ(wn−wo), which allows

additional inference about the degree of market integration. Importantly, these simple asset

pricing tests do not rely on the correct identification of the global or local market benchmarks.

The true global or local market weights may not be known (Rolls (1977)). Asset pricing tests

based on exogenous demand shocks are predicated on the correct identification of index

weight changes, but not on any identification of the market benchmark S itself as long as it

is spanned by the vector of all assets.2

The empirical analysis focuses on the revision of the global MSCI index announced in

December 2000 and implemented in two steps in November 2001 and May 2002. This choice

has a number of advantages over the events used in previous studies. First, the weight

revision concerned a total of 2566 stocks in 50 countries. It therefore presents an index change

of unprecedented scope, which provides great cross-sectional power to discriminate between

different theories of limited arbitrage. Second, the announcement of the MSCI index revision

and its implementation are separated by at least 12 months. The speculative dynamics

around the announcement can therefore be easily separated from the implementation of the

index revision. In the Nikkei 225 revision considered by Greenwood (2005), announcement

and implementation are separated by only one week and combined into one event window.

Moreover, the empirical analysis there does not attempt to isolate price effects related to the

speculative position build-up and the consecutive liquidation of hedging positions. Third, the

international dimension of the index change allows us to infer the degree of market integration

with respect to asset pricing. Previous empirical work on the degree of international equity

market integration has used capital market liberalization as the identifying event to measure

2None of the conclusions therefore depend on whether the MSCI index represents the global marketbenchmark or not. We only assume that (i) the weight changes represent a change to that global marketbenchmark (whatever it may be), and (ii) that the true market portfolio is spanned by the asset set under

consideration. We can also have other pricing factors as long as their role for asset prices is not changed bythe demand shock.


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risk premium changes (Chari and Henry (2004)). In a similar spirit, I test whether the local or

international components of risk premium changes and arbitrage risk determine returns over

a more sharply defined event window. Moreover, the index change in this paper is certainly

more exogenous than a liberalization policy which may also correlate with changing company

cash flows.

The finance literature counts a large number of studies on the stock price impact of index

inclusions and exclusions. These event studies initially all focus on individual price move-

ments with overwhelming evidence that index inclusions increase share prices and exclusions

decrease them.3 But individual stock index in- or exclusions do not (substantially) modify

the residual asset supply vector of freely investable assets and therefore do not change the

CAPM beta of stocks. Price effects here are due to temporary ‘price pressure’ and might be

reversed in the long run. Similarly, a broader literature on ‘liquidity effects’ assesses whether

demand shocks correlate with individual stock price returns.4 This literature is generally

concerned with the mere existence of liquidity effects.

More closely related to this paper is work by Brennan and Li (2008) on the role of index

investment and index performance benchmarking for the equilibrium asset returns. They

argue (as I do) that index tracking by institutional investors modifies the residual supply

vector of freely investable assets and that this changes CAPM returns. Brennan and Li

find evidence that stocks whose return covary more with the idiosyncratic component of

the S&P500 return have significantly lower returns in recent periods. Closely related is also

a paper by Greenwood (2005), who examines the cross-sectional asset pricing implications

for the Nikkei index change. The cross-sectional asset pricing implications developed in

3See for example (Garry and Goetzmann (1986), Harris and Gurel (1986), Shleifer (1986), Dillon and

Johnson (1991), Beniesh and Whaley (1996), Lynch and Mendenhall (1997)). Kaul et al. (2000) examineindex reweighting for stocks in the Toronto Stock Exchange 300 index and find that upweighted stocksexperience a persistent positive price effect. See also Denis et al. (2003) and Hedge and McDermott (2003).

4Time series studies on block purchases and sales of stocks, as well as the trades of institutional investors,have consistently uncovered evidence of temporary price pressure on individual securities conditional uponunusual demand (Lakonishok, Shleifer and Vishny (1991,1992), Chan and Lakonishok (1993, 1995)). In theinternational finance literature, Froot, O’Connell and Seasholes (1998) have shown that local stock prices aresensitive to international investor flows, and that transitory inflows have a positive future impact on returns.

Focusing on mutual funds, Warther (1995) and Zheng (1999) have documented that investor demand effectsmay aggregate to the level of the stock market itself. Goetzmann and Massa (2002) show that, at dailyfrequency, inflows into S&P500 index funds have a direct impact on the stocks that are part of the index.


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Greenwood are nested in my framework. The more general arbitrage setting in this paper

is most comparable to Greenwood and Vayanos (2008), where risk averse speculators choose

optimal arbitrage positions against a price elastic net supply in bonds of different maturity.

But unlike bond yields in their set-up, stock prices in my model are governed by asset specific

stochastic processes.

This paper also contributes to the literature on international asset pricing. Karolyi and

Stulz (2003) provide a literature survey on the issue of global versus local asset pricing. Such

research has increasingly tested the world CAPM in a conditional setting with time-varying

expected returns, variances and covariances as exemplified in Harvey (1991); Chan, Karolyi

and Stulz (1992); and De Santis and Gerard (1997). But inference here is sensitive to the

GARCH specification and less restrictive specifications (with a large number of parameters)

suffer from low power and only weak empirical support for the CAPM model. An additional

concern is that financial globalization has modified the degree of international market inte-

gration over the past two decades. The event study approach in this paper provides a unique

snap shot on market integration using relatively recent data in a very short time window.

Moreover, the cross-sectional test of market integration does not rely on the correct iden-

tification of the market benchmarks on which intertemporal models are predicated. Only

spanning of the ‘true market’ by all considered assets is required for the validity of the test.

The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 outlines a simple model of multi-asset arbitrage

and develops the testable predictions. Section 3 describes the MSCI index redefinition and

discusses summary statistics about the index weight changes, the risk premium changes and

the arbitrage risk for individual stocks. Section 4 provides the evidence on the pre- and

post-announcement effect, the implementation effect and the degree of global versus local

asset price determination. Section 5 dicusses robustness issues and section 6 concludes.

2 Theory and Hypotheses

2.1 Model Assumptions

This section develops a simple limits-to-arbitrage model which allows me to analyze the

return effects of demand shocks in a multi-asset market setting. A set of n financial assets

are traded in regular intervals ∆t. The market characteristics are summarized as follows:


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Assumption 1: Market Structure, Asset Supply and Liquidation Value

The financial market allows simultaneous trading in risk assets i = 1, 2, 3..., n.Trading takes place over the time interval [0, T ) at equally spaced time pointst = 0,∆t, 2∆t, 3∆t, ..., T −∆t, with ∆t = T/N. Liquidation occurs at time T ata price

pT = 1+TP


εt. (1)

where εt denotes serially uncorrelated mean zero innovation learned by all marketparticipants at time t. The innovation εt feature a constant covariance matrixEt−∆t(εtε

0t) = Σ∆t. The asset supply is given by S. At time tu a demand shock

changes the asset supply to S − u, where u = wn −wo represents the exogenousdemand change from old index weights wo to new index weights wn. The initial(t = 0) expected liquidation value of all assets is normalized to the unit vector 1.

The stochastic liquidation value generates asset investment risk. The index revision is

modeled like in Greenwood (2005) as an exogenous change in the asset supply. Stocks with

increased weight face a higher demand by index tracking funds so that their net asset supply

Si−ui is reduced. The demand shock u from the index investors is completely price inelastic.

Index investors therefore do not qualify as counterparty to intertemporal arbitrage trades.

The behavior of the index investors is fully captured by the one-time demand shock.

A new feature of the proposed model is the introduction of liquidity supplying agents.

These are the potential counterparties to the arbitrageurs seeking a net arbitrage position.

The arbitrage opportunity is further imbedded in the assumption that liquidity suppliers

learn about the exogenous liquidity shock only with a delay at time tL. It is then shown that

the existence of less informed liquidity suppliers significantly modifies the cross-sectional

price patterns of event returns. Assumption 2 characterizes the investment behavior of these

two types of market participants:

Assumption 2: Risk Arbitrageurs and Linear Liquidity Supply

A unit interval of market participants can be grouped into a set [0, λ] of riskarbitrageurs and a set of liquidity suppliers (λ, 1]. Arbitrageurs have a CARAutility and a risk aversion parameter ρ, and access to a riskless asset of zeroreturn. Their optimal demand vector of a CARA investor follows as

xAt = (ρΣ)−1EAt (pt+∆t − pt), (2)

where pt denotes the price vector in period t and EAt their expectation for theconsecutive price appreciation. Liquidity suppliers provide in each stock a linear


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asset supply which depends on the asset supply elasticity γ and is given by thevector

xLt = γELt (pt+∆t − pt), (3)

where ELt characterizes the expectations of the liquidity suppliers.

The arbitrageurs are optimizing agents who maximize the CARA utility over their short

investment horizon ∆t. The liquidity suppliers by contrast represent an ad hoc addition

to the model. Representative agent models appear generally inconsistent with existing ev-

idence for steep demand curves for individual stocks (Petajisto (2008)). Limited market

participation and short-term liquidity supply by financial intermediaries (market makers) on

a stock by stock base are plausible assumptions to explain low supply elasticity of stocks.

The linear liquidity supply formulated in assumption 2 is best interpreted as a short-cut to

capture such market friction. A low supply elasticity of stocks corresponds to a low parame-

ter value γ. The Greenwood (2005) framework is nested in the specification and recovered

for a parameter λ = 1 when only arbitrageurs constitute the market.5

An apparently restrictive assumption consists of imposing an identical parameter γ for

the liquidity supply elasticity upon all stocks. It is straightforward to relax this assumption.

The scalar γ can be replaced by a matrix

Γ =

⎡⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣γ1 0 · · · 0

0 γ2...

. . .

0 γn

⎤⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦ , (4)

where stock specific liquidity supply elasticities feature as the diagonal elements. None of

the model insights depend on this modification.6 The empirical section generally abstracts

5Formally, Greenwood (2005) builds on the asset pricing framework in Hong and Stein (1999) and Barberis

and Shleifer (2003) and assumes a time varying dividend process. I dispense with the dividend process and

just assume a stochastic liquidation value. No important insight is lost under this simplification.6It can be shown that stock-sepcific liquidity differences do not alter the return effect of the premium

change, which is still proportional to Σu. Intuitively, arbitrageurs modifiy their speculative demand so as

to equalize the price impact of their demand across stocks with different liquidity. However, the arbitrage

risk factor differs across stocks of different liquidity since lower speculative positions for low liquidity stocks

require also smaller hedge positions. The arbitrage risk effect on returns is proportional to ΓΣΣu.


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from liquidity differences across stocks and assumes that such differences average out in the

cross-sectional regressions.

The very existence of arbitrage opportunities also depends on information asymmetries

between different market participants. In order to keep the model simple, I do not develop

a rational expectation equilibrium in which the liquidity suppliers rationally anticipate the

possibility of an index revision and infer its likelihood from the trading behavior of the

arbitrageurs. Instead, beliefs about the supply shocks are exogenously set: The arbitrageurs

learn about the index weight change in at time tA, but that liquidity suppliers learn about it

only with a delay at time tL > tA. Such a theoretical short-cut can be justified by the fact that

the index revision is a rare event which may be anticipated only by the privately informed

arbitrageurs. The latter exploit their information advantage by maintaining speculative

positions over the interval [tA, tL).7 The information structure is summarized as follows:

Assumption 3: Information Structure and Beliefs

Initially, both the arbitrageurs and the liquidity suppliers believe that the assetsupply remains constant at S. At time tA, arbitrageurs learn about the net supplychanges from S to S−u. Arbitrageurs correctly anticipate that liquidity supplierslearn about the net supply soon after at time tL > tA. The net supply changesoccur at time tu > tL and all assets are liquidated at time T > tu with a pricepT .

All arbitrageurs are assumed to learn about the demand shock u at the same time tA

and immediately seek a speculative position. In this context it is appropriate to discuss

the market mechanism for market clearing. In a modern open limit order book, orders are

executed sequentially against the increasing price schedule of the liquidity suppliers. Order

volume executed first earns the largest informational rents. However, if a batch auction is

assumed as the market mechanism at tA, then all order execution occurs at the uniform price

ptA and the speculators’ informational rents are competed away. Empirically, anticipation of

the supply shock and implementation of speculative positions is likely to stretch over many

7The liquidity suppliers do not learn from the speculative demand of the arbitrageurs as is the case in

a rational expectation equilibrium. Incorporating such learning attenuates the possibility of arbitrageurs

to acquire profitable speculative positions depending on the ‘noise level’ of other trading activity. In the

limit case where the price is fully revealling, no speculative position can be acquired, which is similar to the

non-existance of liquidity providers or λ = 1.


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days. Order execution in a discriminatory fashion therefore represents the more appropriate

benchmark. Accordingly, I assume that orders submitted at the same time are executed

sequentially (in random sequence) against the linear liquidity supply. This ensures that the

speculators earn excess returns for their information advantage. But while the exact market

mechanism determines informational rents, it influences neither the market clearing price

nor the speculators’ total demand.8

2.2 Model Solution and Hypothesis

2.2.1 Speculative Price Dynamics

It is straightforward to solve the model backwards period by period. The CARA utility

assumption for the arbitrageurs and the linear liquidity supply result in a linear asset demand

for all stocks. The trading process can be divided into four distinct phases. For 0 ≤ t < tA

both risk arbitrageurs and liquidity provides assume a constant net asset supply of S. In the

interval tA ≤ t < tL only the arbitrageurs know about the future change of the net supply to

S−u. In this phase the asset valuation diverges between arbitraguers and liquidity suppliers.

This valuation difference disappears after tL. The last phase tu ≤ t < T is marked by the

fact that the change in the risk premium applies to an interval of decreasing duration. It is

straightforward to solve for the equilibrium price process pt at each time point by backward

induction. The solution starts from the market clearing condition in the last trading occasion

at T −∆t and then proceed through repeated substition to earlier and earlier stages of the

price process. The derivation is provided in the appendix.

Of particular interest is the excess return at time tA when arbitrageurs learn about the

demand shock. The following proposition characterizes this excess return:9

Proposition 1: Excess Returns around Speculative Position Build-Up

Arbitrageurs acquire speculative positions at time tA when they learn about thefuture asset demand shock u = wn − wo occurring at time tu due to a revisionof old index weights wo to new index weights wn. The excess return at time

8Note that the total aggregate demand at time tA is unchanged even under random discriminatory

execution because speculators can submit price dependent limit orders.9The normalization of the liquidation price vector to 1 implies that any price change translates into an

(approximately) equally large event return.


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tA is positively proportional to the premium change Σ(wn − wo) and negativelyproportional to the arbitrage risk term ΣΣ(wn − wo), where Σ represents thecovariance matrix of asset returns. Formally, the following linear approximationis obtained:

∆rtA ≈ α1 ×Σ(wn − wo) + β1 ×ΣΣ(wn − wo), (5)

with α1 =ρλ(T − tu) > 0 and β1 = −(1− λ)γ


¢2(T − tu)(tL − tA) < 0.

Proof: See Appendix.

In the baseline case of the Greenwood model with λ = 1, the announcement price effect

simplifies to the single term α1×Σ(wn−wo) as β1 = 0. This term represents the fundamental

valuation effect of the beta changes of all stocks due to the asset demand shock wn − wo.

To illustrate this interpretation, the term Σ(wn −wo) can be restated as the changes of the

market ‘betas’,

Σ(wn − wo) = −σ2m

ϑ[betan − betao] = −σ


ϑ∆beta, (6)

where σ2m denotes the market volatility and the scaling coefficient ϑ represents the ratio of

MSCI index tracking capital to freely investable capital.10 As the volume of index tracking

capital becomes large relative to the freely investable capital, any index weight change can

have a nonnegligible effect on stock betas. The coefficient α1 includes the factor (T − tu)

which represents the time between the net supply shock and the terminal cash payout. Over

this duration, the stock betas are changed. The asset price effect captured by Σ(wn − wo)

is referred to as the risk premium change since it is proportional to the beta change and

the change in the discount factor. The index revision is therefore a large-scale modification

of all stock betas and should change all stock prices proportionally given that stock cash

flows remain unchanged.11 It should be highlighted that the price effect induced by the beta

change does not depend on a correct specification of the overall asset supply S or the market

benchmark, but only on the change wn −wo of this supply. The pricing inference expressed

in proposition 1 is therefore immune to the so-called Roll’s critique according to which S

is difficult to identify. The only assumption needed is that the market benchmark can be

expressed as a linear combination of the asset set under consideration.10By freely investable capital I mean all capital allocations which are influenced only by global return and

risk considerations and no other restrictions like the investment mandate, corporate control considerations,

etc.11The inference abstracts from the fact that growth stocks and highly leveraged stocks might be somewhat

more sensitive to changes in their beta.


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In the general case when λ < 1, arbitrageurs take positions in order to benefit from their

knowledge about the expected premium change Σ(wn−wo) in their trading against liquidity

suppliers. Optimization in the mean-variance space consists for arbitrageurs in a portfolio

choice which linearly combines a ‘return seeking’ position with a risk reducing ‘hedge’ po-

sition. The ‘return seeking’ is best achieved by a portfolio proportional to the premium or

beta change, namely Σ(wn−wo). To understand the risk hedging position, it is useful to cal-

culate the absolute portfolio risk of the return seeking position as (wn−wo)0ΣΣΣ(wn−wo).

The marginal arbitrage risk of such a position follows as ΣΣ(wn − wo). The optimal hedge

position is designed to partially reverse these marginal risk contributions. A hedge portfolio

−ΣΣ(wn − wo) reduces weights in stocks with positive marginal arbitrage risk contribu-

tions and increases weights in stocks with negative marginal risk contributions. An optimal

arbitrage portfolio combines the ‘return seeking’ component and the ‘risk reducing’ hedge

component and therefore features two distinct cross-sectional price effects characterized by

the linear combination α1 × Σ(wn − wo) + β1 × ΣΣ(wn − wo) with coefficients α1 > 0

and β1 < 0, respectively. A demand shock like the MSCI revision allows us to test these

parameter restrictions.

Next, I discuss the asset price behavior after the build-up of the speculative positions.

As the moment tL comes closer when liquidity suppliers learn about the index change,

speculators continously reduce their hedging positions until they are fully liquidated. The

gradual liquidation of hedging positions reverses the price effect which comes with their

acquistion at time tA. The excess returns induced by hedging demands observed that time

tA are therefore reversed.

Proposition 2: Excess Returns After the Speculative Position Build-up

Over the interval [tA, tL) speculators liquidate their hedging positions before liq-uidity suppliers learn at time tL about the index change from old index weightswo to new index weights wn. The corresponding excess return is positively pro-portional to the arbitrage risk ΣΣ(wn − wo), where Σ represents the covariancematrix of asset returns. Formally, the following linear approximation is obtained:

∆r[tA,tL) ≈ β2 × ΣΣ(wn − wo), (7)

with β2 = −β1 = (1− λ)γ¡ρλ

¢2(T − tu)(tL − tA) > 0.

Proof: See Appendix.


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Proposition 2 characterizes the excess return due to gradual liquidation of the speculators’

hedging position. Stocks with high marginal arbitrage risk [ΣΣ(wn − wo)]j are initially sold

(short) at time tA. This creates the negative price effect captured by the hedging term in

proposition 1. Thereafter, these stocks are gradually bought back until complete liquidation

of the hedging position at time tL. The excess return from the acquisition of the hedging

positions exactly offsets the price effect of their liquidation as β2 = −β1 > 0. The full price

dynamics is illustrated in Figure 1. The bold (red) line represents the price pjt − E(pjT ) net

of the expected liquidation value for a stock j with high arbitrage risk. The graph shows

a V-shaped price pattern as arbitrageurs initially short sell the stock and then purchase it

back over the interval [tA, tL). The fundamental valuation effect of the stock’s beta change

is represented by the upward shift α1 × Σ(wn − wo) in the price corresponding to a lower

beta and lower discount factor over the period [tu, T ).

2.2.2 Testing for Market Integration

An important issue in international finance is the degree of integration of different national

stock markets. Are asset prices determined locally or globally (Karolyi and Stulz, 2003)?

Frequently, market integration is reviewed indirectly by scrutinizing cross-market ownership.

But the prevalent home bias may or may not come with market integration in the asset pric-

ing dimension. This paper directly examines the pricing implications for premium changes

and arbitrage risk. Under the hypothesis of national market segmentation, the n assets may

be partitioned into m national stock markets. Risk Arbitrage may occur primarily within

the national market if the arbitrageurs face trading restrictions with respect to foreign as-

sets. It is straightforward to distinguish the global covariance matrix ΣG accounting for the

full correlation structure between all stocks from a restricted matrix ΣL which ignores cross-

country correlations between stocks in different countries by setting those to zero. Formally,

the restricted (local) covariance matrix is defined as

(ΣL)ij =

⎧⎨⎩ (ΣG)ij if stocks i and j are listed in the same country

0 otherwise,(8)

where ΣG denotes the full covariance of all index stock returns. The corresponding local

market equity premium change in stock j follows as [ΣL(wn − wo)]j and arbitrage risk as


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[ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j. This implies a simple test of international market integration.

Proposition 3: Integrated versus Segmented Equity Markets

Let ΣG denote the global covariance matrix of all asset returns and ΣL thecorresponding covariance matrix with zeros for all cross-country elements. De-fine incremental (or international) matrices as ΣInt = ΣG − ΣL and ΣΣInt =ΣGΣG − ΣLΣL, respectively. The excess return of the speculative positionbuild-up can be decomposed into its local and international components as

∆rtA ≈ αL1×ΣL(wn−wo)+αInt

1 ×ΣInt(wn−wo)+βL1×ΣLΣL(wn−wo)+βInt1 ×ΣΣInt(wn−wo)(9)

and the excess return due to liquidated hedging positions as

∆r[tA,tL) ≈ βL2 × ΣLΣL(wn − wo) + βInt2 ×ΣΣInt(wn − wo) (10)


(i) αL1 = αInt

1 > 0 and βL1 = βInt1 < 0 and βL2 = βInt2 > 0(ii) αL

1 > αInt1 = 0 and βL1 < βInt1 = 0 and βL2 > βInt2 = 0

for (i) complete market integration and (ii) for complete market segmentation,respectively.

Proof: Follows from Propositions 1 and 2 by decomposition of ΣGand ΣGΣG.

The intuition behind the test of market integration is straightforward. Assume the stock

price of ‘Microsoft’ (stock m) covaries equally strongly with the stock return of ‘General

Electric’ (stock g) and the Italian company ‘Fiat’ (stock f) and that both GE and Fiat are

up-weighted in the MSCI index by the same amount, hence ug = uf > 0. Under market

integration, the index weight increase of both GE and Fiat should produce quantitatively

the same long-run effect on the stock price of Microsoft as ΣGmgug = ΣG

mfuf . This equality

of the cross-border pricing effects is tested by separating the GE element ΣGmgug as part of

the local premium change ΣLm•u from the Fiat element ΣG

mfuf as part of the international

premium change ΣIntm•u. The corresponding regression coefficients are equal (α

L1 = αInt

1 ) if

stocks are priced relative to their risk contribution to the global market risk. However, if the

risk contribution of Fiat is not part of the market benchmark for the Microsoft risk premium,

then its change should be without consequence for the Microsoft stock price; hence αInt1 = 0.

A similar logic applies to the coefficients βL1 and βL2 , but with respect to the arbitrageurs.

Assume that U.S. stocks are exclusively arbitraged by U.S. investors, Italian stocks by Italian

investors, etc.. In this case the sub-matrix ΣLΣL is sufficient to characterize all arbitrage risk


Page 15: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

and therefore βInt = 0. However, the complementary matrix ΣΣInt should feature the same

price impact (βL1 = βInt1 < 0 and βL2 = βInt2 > 0) if arbitrageurs adopt a global arbitrage

strategy and treat foreign and home stocks in a similar way. In the latter case, stock markets

are integrated with respect to arbitrage behavior.

The above regression specification only explores the average degree of market integration

or segmentation. Alternatively, the matrices ΣInt and ΣΣInt could be further decomposed

into an incremental contribution of each market with respect to all other markets. This

allows, in principle, for more specific tests of integration of any particular country either

with respect to the world equity market or any other country market. The largest sample

and therefore the greatest statistical power is obtained by pooling all observations. The

regression results concerning international market integration are reported in Section 4.3.

3 The MSCI Index Redefinition

Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. (MSCI) is a leading provider of equity (interna-

tional and U.S.), fixed income and hedge fund indices. The MSCI equity indices are designed

to be used by a wide variety of global institutional market participants. They are available in

local currency and U.S. Dollars (US$), and with or without dividends reinvested.12 MSCI’s

global equity indices have become the most widely used international equity benchmarks

by institutional investors. By the year 2000, close to 2,000 organizations worldwide were

using the MSCI international equity benchmarks. Over US$ 3 trillion of investments were

benchmarked against these indices worldwide and approximately US$ 300 to 350 billion were

directly indexed.13 The index with the largest international coverage is the MSCI ACWI

(All Country World Index), which includes 50 developed and emerging equity markets. This

broad index is the focus of the empirical work. MSCI reviews the index composition at

12Aggregating individual securities by different criteria MSCI creates a broad base of indexes such as

Global, Regional and Country Equity Indexes, Sector, Industry Group and Industry Indexes, Value and

Growth Indexes, Small Cap Equity Indexes, Hedged and GDP-weighted Indexes, Custom Equity Indexes,

Real Time Equity Indexes.13See the investment newsletter ‘Spotlight on: Throwing Weights Around’, Hewitt Investment Group,

December 2000.


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regular intervals in order to maintain a broad and fair market representation.14 But in 2000

MSCI initiated a particular index review of exceptional scope described in the following


3.1 Public Announcement and the Event Windows

In February 2000, MSCI communicated that it was reviewing its weighting policy and that

it was considering a move to index weights defined by the freely floating proportion of the

stock value. Such free-float weights would better reflect the limited investibility of many

stocks. Free-float weights were consecutively adopted by MSCI’s competitor Dow Jones

on September 18, 2000. The next day, MSCI published a consultative paper on possible

changes and elicited comments from its clients. The consultation process between MSCI and

the investment industry proceeded throughout November 2000. It is therefore very likely

that speculators anticipated the change in the index methodology and acquired arbitrage

positions prior to the public announcement of the index revision.

This public announcement occurred in two steps. On December 1, 2000, MSCI announced

that it would communicate its decision on the redefinition of the MSCI international equity

index on December 10, 2000. Fund managers could by then infer that MSCI’s adoption

of free floats weights was very likely. The second announcement on December 10, 2000

provided the official confirmation that MSCI would adopt free-float weights. MSCI then

also communicated the timetable for the implementation of the index change in two steps

and the new target for the market representation of 85 percent up from the previous 60

percent. The equity indices would adjust 50 percent towards the new index on November

30, 2001 and the remaining adjustment was scheduled for May 31, 2002. MSCI’s decision

was broadly in line with the previous consultative paper. Only the target level of 85 percent

was somewhat higher (by 5 percent) and the implementation timetable was somewhat longer

14The index maintenance can be described by three types of reviews. First, there are annual full country

index reviews (at the end of May) in which MSCI re-assesses systematically the various dimensions of the

equity universe for all countries. Second, there are quarterly index reviews (at the end of February, August,

November), in which other significant market events are accounted for (e.g. large market transactions

affecting strategic shareholders, exercise of options, share repurchases, etc.). Third, ongoing event-related

changes like mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcies or spin-offs are implemented as they occur.


Page 17: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

than industry observers had expected.15

It is most plausible that arbitrageurs acquired their speculative positions during the

month of November parallel to MSCI’s consultation process. Thus, speculative positions

have been built up even pior to the first announcement on December 1. Since the exact

beginning of the speculative activity is difficult to date, a variety of different event windows

are proposed, all of which extend until the market closure on December 1. These windows

capture the ‘position build-up effect’ and cover alternatively a period of 5, 10, 15 or 20

trading days. Their event returns should capture the excess return ∆rtA associated with

time tA in the model.

Liquidity providers and the market as a whole may have revised their stock valuation

much later than December 1, 2000. Knowing exactly which stock would be up- or down-

weighted required after all considerable equity research into the ownership structure of more

than 2,300 stocks. After the week-end of December 2 and 3, 2000, the financial market

re-opened on December 4. The market closure on this date is chosen as the beginning of

a second event window. It captures the excess returns ∆r[tA,tL) predicted in proposition 2

which are associated with the liquidation of hedging positions. Here again, different event

windows are selected, which start on December 4, 2000, and extend over the following 3,

5 or 7 trading days. Different window lengths should help to access the robustness of the


To probe the plausibility of the event window choice, it is instructive to further examine

the time series properties of the stock returns around the first announcement. According to

propositions 1 and 2, stock with high marginal arbitrage risk are initially sold (short) during

the speculative position build-up and thereafter bought back during the hedge liquidation

period, which implies the V-shaped pattern shown in Figure 1. To identify this pattern in

the data, a self-financing portfolio is constructed which consists of long positions in stocks

with high arbitrage risk and short positions in stocks with low arbitrage risk. Figure 2

15See again the investment newsletter ‘Spotlight on: Throwing Weights Around’, Hewitt Investment

Group, December 2000.16The reported regression outcomes also feature a certain robustness with respect to the end date of the

first event window and the beginning of the second event window. For example, extending the ‘position

build-up event’ until December 4, or starting the ‘hedge liquidation event’ on December 1, has no incidence

on the qualitative results.


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plots the cumulative (excess) returns of such a hedge portfolio based on all stocks and the

subset of in- and excluded stocks. The latter feature the most dramatic weight changes

and should therefore show the largest variation in arbitrager risk. The two graphs show the

predicted V-shaped pattern with a decreasing portfolio value before December 1, 2000, and a

value reversal thereafter. The graphs are in accordance with the above event window choice.

December 1, 2000, marks indeed a turning point for the speculative dynamics around the

index revision.

3.2 Overview of the Index Weight Changes

MSCI’s new index methodology differs from the previous equity index definition in two

aspects. First, stock selection is based on freely floating capital as opposed to market cap-

italization. Second, the market representation is enhanced in the new index. MSCI defines

the free float of a security as the proportion of shares outstanding that is available for pur-

chase by international investors. In practice, limitations on the investment opportunities of

international institutions are common due to so-called “strategic holdings” by either public

or private investors. Given that disclosure requirements generally do not permit a clear

identification of “strategic” investments, MSCI labels shareholdings by classifying investors

as strategic and non-strategic. Free floating shares include those held by households, in-

vestment funds, mutual funds and unit trusts, pension funds, insurance companies, social

security funds and security brokers. The non-free floating shares include those held by gov-

ernments, companies, banks (excl. trusts), principal officers, board members and employees.

The second goal of the equity index modification was an enhanced market representation. In

its new indices, MSCI targets a free float-adjusted market representation of 85 percent within

each industry and country, compared to the 60 percent share based on market capitalization

in the old index. Because of differences in industry structure, the 85 percent threshold may

not be uniformly achieved. Moreover, the occasional over- and under-representation of in-

dustries may also imply that the aggregate country representation may deviate from the 85

percent target.17

Next, I describe the effect of the new index methodology on the index composition.

17MSCI’s bottom-up approach to index construction may lead to a large company in an industry not being

included in the index, while a smaller company from a different industry might be included.


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Prior to its revision, the MSCI ACWI included a total of 2077 stocks. The new index

methodology led to the inclusion of 489 new stocks and the deletion of 298 stocks. The total

number of stocks belonging either to the old or new index is therefore 2566. Table 1 provides a

breakdown of these stocks by country and lists the number of retained sample stocks for each

country. The sample excludes 62 stocks from the two crisis countries, Argentina and Turkey.

The analysis also requires 2 years of historic price data to compute covariance matrices with

all other index stocks. For 31 stock codes no company information was found. Another 182

stocks have an incomplete price history prior to the index change.18 This reduces the data

sample from 2566 to 2291 stocks, of which 396 are included and 265 excluded in the index


Table 1, columns (3) and (4) provide the aggregate country weight defined as the sum of

all stock weights before and after the index revision, respectively. The largest contribution

to the new MSCI index comes from the U.S. stocks with 55.12 percent followed by the U.K.

with 10.33 percent and Japan with 9.38 percent. The most dramatic country weight change

concerns the U.S. with a 6.24 percent absolute weight increase followed by the U.K. with a

1.07 percent increase. Both countries also feature the largest number of new stocks added

to the index. Of the 396 sample stocks added to the new MSCI index, a total of 113 are

U.S. stocks and 29 are U.K. stocks. It is also instructive to express stock weight changes in

percentage terms (relative to the midpoint) as

∆vj =wnj − wo



¡wnj + wo


¢ , (11)

where woj and wn

j represent the old and new index weight of stock j, respectively. The

percentage weight change is bounded above by 2 for newly included stocks and below by

−2 for deleted stocks. Table 1, columns (5) and (6) report the mean and the standard

deviation of the percentage weight change ∆vj by country. The largest average stock weight

increase is experienced by stocks in New Zealand (44.1 percent), the U.S. (39.0 percent) and

the U.K. (36.9 percent). Figure 3 plots the percentage weight change of individual stocks

against their initial weight (in logs) both for non-U.S. stocks and U.S. stocks. Due to the

overall increase in the number of stocks in the new index, many previously included stocks

18I require in particular 80 weekly return observations for the two-year period between July 1, 1998, and

July 1, 2000. Otherwise, the return history is incomplete.


Page 20: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

are down-weighted. This explains why the median percentage weight change is negative

at −19.0 percent. The comparison between U.S. and non-U.S. stocks also reveals that the

average size of U.S. stocks is larger than for non-U.S. stocks. This size difference applies

equally to the groups of added, deleted and re-weighted stocks.

3.3 Risk Premium Changes and Marginal Arbitrage Risk

In order to determine the premium change and the marginal arbitrage risk the covariance

matrix Σ of all stock returns needs to be estimated. To proxy for the (expected) covariance

matrix, I simply use the historical covariance based on 2 years of return data prior to the

event. The estimation window for the covariance covers the period July 1, 1998 to July

1, 2000. It is sufficiently removed from the first announcement on December 1, 2000 to

be unaffected by the event itself. The covariance estimation for the stock returns is based

on weekly data. Since stock prices are sampled around the world, daily sampling may

pose inference problems due to asynchronous return measurement. Weekly return sampling

appears more robust to this problem and justifies the use of weekly data.19 On a more

general level, using historical data represents certainly an imperfect measure of the forward

look covariance, but it is also the mostly likely technique used by arbitrageurs to determine

the optimal arbitrage strategy and the ex ante risk of their portfolio position. It is important

to highlight that even though the covariance matrix is estimated, only a weighted average

of its row elements is used to infer the premium change. Every row element [Σ(wn − wo)]j

is calculated based on approximately 100 weekly observations from 2291 different return

sequences. The estimation quality is therefore comparable to the standard beta estimation.

A particularly interesting aspect of the MSCI index revision is its international dimen-

sion. The global index change can be interpreted as a natural experiment on local versus

global asset pricing. The degree of market integration versus segmentation can be measured

in two dimensions. First, I explore whether the cross-sectional price changes around the

announcement event correspond to premium changes induced by either local or global beta

changes. The international nature of the weight changes ensures that local and global beta

changes are generally different. If local beta changes alone explain the price behavior, mar-

19I verify that estimation of the equity return covariance based on a daily return sampling did not quali-

tatively alter the results.


Page 21: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

ket segmentation is inferred. If the incremental premium changes between the global and

the local premium have additional and equal explanatory power, I conclude that global asset

pricing and therefore market integration represents the correct benchmark. Second, a similar

argument applies to marginal arbitrage risk. If arbitrage strategies are confined to exploiting

local premium changes for local stocks, only the risk contribution of local stocks matters. By

contrast, global arbitrage strategies optimize over the marginal risk contribution of all local

and all international stocks. The marginal risk contribution of local stocks to the portfolio

should equal that of the international stocks and both factors should reveal an equal price

impact. The two polar cases of market integration and segmentation can be summarized as


1. Global asset pricing and global equity arbitrage: Arbitrageurs take speculative posi-

tions in all stocks affected by the index and risk is measured by the global covariance

ΣG of dollar returns. The change in the risk premium on stock j is proportional to

[ΣG(wn − wo)]j and the arbitrage risk proxied by [ΣGΣG(wn − wo)]j.

2. Local asset pricing and local equity arbitrage: Arbitrageurs speculate only on the

weight change in one local market. I can therefore define a restricted covariance matrix

ΣL of equity returns which is obtained from ΣG by setting to zero all cross-country

covariances. The change in the risk premium under complete market segmentation is

proportional to [ΣL(wn − wo)]j and the arbitrage risk proxied by [ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j.

Table 2 reports summary statistics of the risk premium changes and the corresponding

arbitrage risk for different groups of stocks. Panels A and B describe the global and local

risk premium change, respectively, while Panels C and D provide summary statistics on

global and local arbitrage risk. To better interpret these statistics, the stock beta change in

equation (6) can be restated as

∆betaj = −ϑ[Σ(wn − wo)]j

σ2m. (12)

The parameter ϑ represents the ratio of index tracking capital to freely investable capital

and may be difficult to quantify. Among the MSCI index capital we may include capital

which has the MSCI index as the performance benchmark and therefore maintains portfolio


Page 22: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

weights relatively close to the index. Brennan and Li (2008) estimate that today approxi-

mately 65 percent of U.S. common shares are held by institutional investors, while only 35

percent is directly held by households. A large percentage of the institutional investors have

performance benchmarks linked to market indices like the S&P500 index and might track

such indices closely. For international equity, the share of performance benchmarked capital

relative to the directly invested household wealth may be even larger. MSCI’s own estimate

of MSCI benchmarked capital is more than $3 trillion. If 10 percent of global equity capital

(at $36 trillion in 2000) is counted as freely investable and engaged in global risk trading,

we obtain ϑ = 0.83. Other parameters are less debateable. The weekly market volatility of

the global index is estimated as σ2m = wo0Σwo = 0.936. The standard deviation for the term

[Σ(wn − wo)]j is given by 0.049 ( see Table 2), which implies 0.044 (= 0.83× 0.049/0.936)

for the standard deviation of global beta changes. Assuming a 3 percent risk free rate and

an equity premium of 5 percent, a beta change of 0.044 (relative to an initial value of 1)

produces a 2.7 percent change in the discount factor and and 5.4 percent value change for

a cash flow perpetuity growing at 4 percent. The magnitude of ϑ is ultimately an empiri-

cal question. For a very small value of ϑ the predicted asset pricing effects should become

quantitatively and statistically insignificant.20

A graphical representation of the distribution of the global and local risk premium change

is provided in Figure 4. It reveals systematic differences between non-U.S. and U.S. stocks.

For non-U.S. stocks, the dispersion of the local equity premium change is relatively small

and the mean change negative at −0.005. The corresponding average change in the global

premium is also negative at −0.009, but features a much higher standard deviation of 0.036

compared to only 0.009 for the local premium. Non-U.S. stocks include more down-weighted

than up-weighted stocks, which explains the negative mean for both local and global premium

changes. Compared to the global covariance matrix ΣG, the local covariance matrix ΣL

features by construction many zero elements, which tends to generate less dispersion in the

local relative to the global premium change. The dispersion of local premium changes is

particularly small for stocks from countries with a minor representation in the MSCI index.

It is interesting to note the low correlation between local and global premium changes for

20The estimated price effect of a one standard deviation change in [Σ(wn −wo)]j over the 15 day window

in Table 3 is approximately 5 percent (≈ 101.7× 0.049). This corresponds to ϑ = 0.75.


Page 23: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

non-U.S. stocks. The correlation of local and global premium changes correspond to the

correlation of the local and global beta changes and can be calculated as

Corrj /∈US£∆betaLj ,∆betaGj

¤= Corrj /∈US


n − wo),ΣGj•(w

n − wo)¤= 0.149.

This low correlation allows for sufficient discriminatory power between local and global asset

pricing effects. Weight changes by other international stocks exercise an important influence

on the global beta change for most non-U.S. stocks and therefore differentiate global beta

from local beta changes. This aspect underlines that the degree of market integration is

very important for the price effect of a global demand shock like the MSCI index revision.

Market integration generally implies a completely different price effect for non-U.S. stocks

compared to market segmentation.

For U.S. stocks the premium changes behave very differently. The local equity premium

change for U.S. stocks shows a positive mean of 0.115 and a large standard deviation of 0.074.

The local premium change here is typically only slightly smaller than the global premium

change as illustrated in Figure 4. Most U.S. stocks are situated just below the 45 degree

line. The large number of U.S. stocks in the MSCI index explains why for U.S. stocks the

corresponding rows in the global and local covariance matrices differ less than for stocks from

other countries because fewer cross-country covariances are set to zero. As a consequence,

local and global premium and beta changes are highly correlated for U.S. stocks; that is

Corrj∈US£∆betaLj ,∆betaGj

¤= Corrj∈US


n − wo),ΣGj•(w

n − wo)¤= 0.911.

This high correlation makes the U.S. stocks less suited for inference about global versus local

asset pricing. Intuitively, most of the change in the beta for U.S. stocks is induced by the

index weight changes of other U.S. stocks with similar effects on both the local and global


Figure 5 plots the marginal arbitrage risk contribution of each stock under global ar-

bitrage against the marginal risk contribution under local arbitrage. Local arbitrage risk

accounts only for the risk of positions in pursuit of local beta changes, whereas global arbi-

trage risk is related to positions exploiting global beta changes. The distribution of local and

global marginal arbitrage risk is closely related to the distribution of the local and global risk

premium changes. The marginal arbitrage risk [ΣΣ(wn−wo)]j differs from the risk premium


Page 24: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

change only by a quadratic term ΣΣ replacing the linear term Σ. Again, non-U.S. stocks

are found to behave very differently from U.S. stocks. Local and global marginal arbitrage

risk have a low correlation of only 0.172 across non-U.S. stocks. However, for U.S. stocks,

this correlation is approximately 0.987 and indicates strong colinearity. Meaningful inference

about global versus local arbitrage risk is therefore problematic for U.S. stocks.

4 Evidence

Section 4.1 provides the evidence on the speculative position build-up effect. It is assumed

that privately informed arbitrageurs front-run the public announcement of the index revision.

They can do so because uninformed liquidity suppliers allow them to acquire a speculative

position. Once the speculators have acquired their desired positions, a second period of excess

returns starts, which is characterized by the liquidation of hedging positions. Here the price

effect from the acquisition of the hedging positions is reversed. Section 4.2 presents the

corresponding evidence. Evidence on the degree of international equity market integration

follows in section 4.3.

4.1 Price Effects of the Speculative Position Build-Up

The global scale of the MSCI index rebalancing provides an extremely large sample of stocks

which experienced a weight change. The sample contains 2291 stocks with a continuous

two year price history needed to calculate the global covariance matrix ΣG. The statistical

inference is based on a cross-sectional analysis in which dollar returns ∆rj (defined as log

price differences lnP jt − lnP j

t−∆t) in stock j over the entire event window are regressed on a

constant c, the stock’s risk premium change£ΣG(wn − wo)

¤jand its corresponding marginal

arbitrage risk£ΣGΣG(wn − wo)

¤j. Formally,

∆rjtA = c+ α1 ×£ΣG(wn − wo)

¤j+ β1 ×

£ΣGΣG(wn − wo)

¤j+ μj, (13)

where clustering of the error term μj on the country level is allowed. Error clustering at the

country level can account for omitted exchange rate effects or common country effects.

It is difficult to know when arbitrage trading on the index revision started. Four alterna-

tive position build-up windows are considered comprising 5, 10, 15 or 20 trading days prior to


Page 25: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

December 1, 2000. Table 3, Panel A, features the regression results for the full sample of 2291

stocks. Reported are regression results with a specification including only the constant and

the risk premium change as well as the complete specification. A specification without the

marginal arbitrage risk term corresponds to the nested Greenwood model. This specification

is correct for the special case λ = 1 where all market participants are equally informed arbi-

trageurs and there is no liquidity supply. The restrictive specification is strongly rejected by

the data. The estimated coefficient α1 is negative while theory predicts a positive coefficient.

The rejection of the Greenwood model is evident for each of the four event windows. But un-

der the full specification with the arbitrage risk term, the sign of the coefficient α1 becomes

positive at a high level of statistical significance. The coefficient estimate of 80.6 for the

10 day event window also implies an economically large return difference of approximately

3.95 percent for two stocks with a relative change in their risk premium by one standard

deviation or 0.049. The coefficient β1 also takes on the predicted negative sign with a value

of −0.099 for the 10 day event window. This means that an arbitrage risk increase by one

standard deviation (or 61.63) in a particular stock induces smaller speculative positions and

therefore a decrease in the 10 day pre-announcement return by 6.1 percent. The adjusted

R-squared of the full specification is at 0.119 highest for the 20 day event window and more

than 2 times higher than under the restrictive specification. The estimated coefficients for

the full specification increase in the window size as can be expected if the return effects of

arbitrage cumulate over time.

As a robustness check, Panel B reports the results for the sample of added and deleted

stocks and Panel C for non-U.S. stocks only. Both samples feature qualitatively similar

results. In each case and for every window size, the hypothesis that β1 = 0 is strongly

rejected. As in the entire sample, and in line with the theoretical model, the coefficient α1 for

the risk premium change is significantly positive and the coefficient β1 for the arbitrage risk

significantly negative in the full specification. In Panel B the adjusted R-squared is generally

higher, suggesting a better model fit for stocks with the most dramatic weight changes. For

the 20 day window in Panel B, an adjusted R-squared of 0.18 is found. Overall, returns for

the position build-up event provide strong empirical support for the generalized arbitrage

model. The estimated effects are also economically significant.


Page 26: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

4.2 Price Effects of Liquidating Hedging Positions

Poposition 2 asserts that the return effect of the hedge position risk is reversed once the

liquidity suppliers learn about the index revision. Arbitrageurs gradually liquidate their

hedging positions as the date tL approaches. It is assumed that knowledge of the index

revision becames widespread in the week after the first MSCI announcement on December 1,

2000. Three alternative windows for the ‘hedge liquidation event’ are defined. These event

windows all start on the market closure on December 4, 2000 and cover returns over 3, 5

or 7 trading days. From Proposition 2, the preferred cross-sectional specification for the

post-announcement return effect follows as

∆rj[tA,tL) = c+ β2 ×£ΣGΣG(wn − wo)

¤j+ μj,

where β2 > 0 is expected for the general model with λ < 0. The cross-sectional price effect

is generated by the liquidation of hedging positions. The nested Greenwood model which

abstracts from speculative position taking and hedging implies β2 = 0 under λ = 1.

Table 4, Panel A, reports regression results. The t-statistics are robust to error clustering

at the country level. The coefficient β2 is significant at the 1 percent level in all specifications,

all samples and for all three event windows. The adjusted R-squared reaches 0.138 for the

5 day event window. At 0.175 it is even higher for the sample of added and deleted stocks

reported in Panel B. The Greenwood model with β2 = 0 is again strongly rejected by the


The post-announcement return pattern provides additional support for the generalized

model of risk arbitrage. It corresponds to the evidence in section 4.1 which shows that the

returns due to speculative position build-up are substantially modified by marginal arbitrage

risk. The speculative dynamics around the announcement of the index revision are therefore

best captured in a model which features uninformed liquidity suppliers. The baseline CAPM

or Greenwood framework which ignores information asymmetries cannot account for the

observed price pattern. In particular, the price significance of the hedging demand documents

that hedging of the arbitrage risk is an important element of the speculative strategy of the

risk arbitrageurs.


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4.3 Global versus Local Asset Pricing

Arbitrage strategies could comprise all MSCI stocks or only a subset of re-weighted stocks in

the local market. The investor mandate might constrain some fund managers not to invest in

the foreign equity market. Similarly, dedicated country funds may be limited to investment

in only one foreign country. Only a local equity arbitrage strategy is feasible in these cases.

In order to discriminate between the role of local and global asset pricing, the incremental

international risk premium change is defined as

£ΣInt(wn − wo)

¤j=£ΣG(wn − wo)

¤j−£ΣL(wn − wo)


and the incremental international marginal arbitrage risk as

£ΣΣInt(wn − wo)

¤j=£ΣGΣG(wn − wo)

¤j−£ΣLΣL(wn − wo)


where ΣG represents the covariance of dollar returns for all 2291 stocks and ΣL the equivalent

covariance matrix with zeros for stocks in different countries. The statistical inference for

the position build-up event is based on the regressions

∆rj1 = c+ αL1 ×

£ΣL(wn − wo)

¤j+ αInt

1 ×£ΣInt(wn − wo)


+βL1 ×£ΣLΣL(wn − wo)

¤j+ βInt1 ×

£ΣΣInt(wn − wo)

¤j+ μj,

and for the hedge liquidation event on

∆rj2 = c+ βL2 ×£ΣLΣL(wn − wo)

¤j+ βInt2 ×

£ΣΣInt(wn − wo)

¤j+ μj,

where ∆rj1 and ∆rj2 denote the cumulative dollar return for the respective event windows.

The coefficient αL1 measures the return effect of the local premium change and αInt

1 the

incremental premium change if stocks are priced globally. Similarly, βL and βInt capture the

marginal arbitrage risk effect on returns for the local arbitrageur and the incremental effect

for the global arbitrageur, respectively. Equality of the coefficients αL1 and α

Int1 implies global

asset pricing and equality of βL1 and βInt1 (as well as βL2 and βInt2 ) implies global arbitrage.

Both suggest an integrated global equity market. However, αInt1 = 0 suggests local asset

pricing and βInt = 0 strictly local arbitrage strategies. The latter two cases characterize an

internationally segmented market.


Page 28: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

Table 5 reports regression results for the decomposition of the position built-up event

into the local and global return components. In Panel A, the sample consists of all stocks.

The incremental effects captured by the coefficients αInt1 and βInt1 are significant for each of

the event windows and have the expected sign. The risk premium change and the marginal

arbitrage risk therefore have a significant international component. The arbitrage strategies

therefore assumed the validity of an international premium change and also engaged in

international hedging. The last two columns in Table 5 report the significance level for an

F-test conjecturing equality of the respective coefficients. The null hypothesis αL1 = αInt

1 as

well as βL1 = βInt1 cannot be rejected. For the 15 and 20 day event windows, surprisingly

similar coefficient estimates are obtained. The local beta change for example has a coefficient

estimate αL1 = 144.8 for the 20 day return in Panel A and the complementary international

beta change (induced by weight changes in foreign country stocks) has a coefficient estimate

αInt1 = 130.5. The corresponding estimates for the marginal arbitrage risk are βL1 = −0.186

and βInt1 = −0.154.

As a robustness check, separate results are estimated for the smaller sample of added

and deleted stocks. These results are reported in Panel B and are qualitatively similar. For

the long window of 15 and 20 trading days (in absolute terms) larger point estimates for the

local coefficients αL1 and β

L1 are obtained. However, the differences to respective international

coefficients αInt1 and βInt1 remain statistically insignificant. An alternative sample is formed

by all non-U.S. stocks. U.S. stocks are characterized by a relatively high correlation between

local and global risk premium changes as well as between local and global marginal arbitrage

risk (see Figures 4 and 5). This makes discrimination between the local and global pricing

component more difficult. Non-U.S. stocks feature a much lower correlation between local

and global explanatory variable. On the other hand, their local premium and local arbitrage

risk variation is small and the coefficient αL1 and βL1 therefore statistically insignificant for

all regressions in Panel C. However, the incremental international coefficients αInt1 and βInt1

are of the predicted sign and statistically different from zero for all event windows. Similar

to the full sample, the hypothesis of equity market integration cannot be rejected, but the

hypothesis of local asset pricing is strongly rejected.

Table 6 reports the corresponding regression on local versus global pricing for the post-

announcement period. In the full sample, the coefficient βInt2 is again highly significant with


Page 29: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

the correct positive sign. Its magnitude is similar to the local arbitrage risk coefficient βL2 for

both the full sample (Panel A) and the sample of added and deleted stocks (Panel B). For

the 5 and 7 day window the null hypothesis βL2 = βInt2 cannot be rejected. Only the three

day window shows a statistically significant difference. But it is the international coefficient

which is largest and this cannot be interpreted as evidence for market segmentation. In the

sample of non-U.S. firms (Panel C), only the international coefficient is significant. This is

not surprising since local marginal arbitrage risk features hardly any cross-sectional variation

among non-U.S. stocks. Overall, the hedge liquidation event provides additional support in

favor of market integration.

5 Robustness Issues

A variety of robustness issues can be raised with respect to the evidence in the previous

section. These concern the potential regressor colinearity, stability of results to alternative

estimation of the covariance matrix Σ, and the role of liquidity difference across stocks. Next,

each of these issues is addressed separately.

First, regressor colinearity poses an inference problem under high correlation of the inde-

pendent variables and a small number of observations. The twomain regressors [Σ(wn − wo)]j

and [ΣΣ(wn − wo)]j are have a correlation of 0.931 for the entire sample of 2,291 stocks. This

correlation is slightly higher at 0.943 for the subsample of 661 added and deleted stocks and

drops to 0.878 for the set of 1,877 non-U.S. stocks. These correlations do no seem to be

problematic in light of the large number of observations. Also, the positive coefficient for α1

and the negative coefficient for β1 are of very similar magnitude in the subsample of non-U.S.

stocks in which regressor correlation is the lowest. Colinearity of the independent variable

therefore does not appear to be a problem.

Estimation error with respect to the covariance matrix Σ is a very relevant concern

in many empirical asset pricing studies. It becomes particularly severe if the covariance

matrix needs to be inverted. The empirical inference in this paper does not rely on such a

matrix inversion. Rather, the row elements of the matrix Σ are averaged when multiplied

with the vector of index weight changes wn − wo. This implies that estimation errors with

respect to each matrix element are also averaged. Even though we are calculating a high


Page 30: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

dimensional 2, 291× 2, 291 matrix, this averaging implies that effectively only a vector with

2, 291 row elements is estimated. A similar logic also applies to the marginal arbitrage risk

[ΣΣ(wn − wo)]j and should make the inference relative robust. Estimating the covariance Σ

based on two years of weekly return data represents a somewhat subjective choice. However,

extending the panel data set to years prior to 1998 resulted in frequently missing data for

many emerging market stocks in the sample. As an alternative to a longer data sample, the

matrix Σ is estimated using two day returns (instead of daily) in order to address the issue

of nonsynchronous trading across countries. This produced qualitatively similar regression


Another potential concern about the empirical strategy is that it does not account for

liquidity differences across stocks. As pointed out in section 2.1, this aspect should not

matter for the risk premium change [Σ(wn − wo)]j . Intuitively, arbitrageurs modify their

speculative demand so as to equalize the price impact of their demand across stocks with

different liquidity. The same argument does not apply to hedging demands which are weaker

in less liquid stocks. The arbitrage risk effect is generally proportional to [ΓΣΣ(wn − wo)]j,

where Γ denotes the diagonal matrix which substitutes for the scalar γ. A reasonably good

proxy for the liquidity of a stock may be given by the (log of the) new stock weight wnj ,

since these new weights are based on the free floating capital.21 Next, a normalized liquidity

parameter is defined as

bγj = lnwnj − lnwn


sd(lnwnj )


which has an approximate Gaussian distribution of zero mean and unit standard deviation.

The elements of the diagonal matrix Γ of supply elasticities in (4) are chosen as γj =

1+ cγ × bγj. The free parameter cγ ≥ 0 scales the cross-sectional liquidity dispersion aroundthe mean of one. The return effect for the hedging demand can then be decomposed according


β × ΓΣΣ(wn − wo) = βI ×ΣΣ(wn − wo) + βΓ × bΓΣΣ(wn − wo),

where the diagonal matrix bΓ = (Γ−I) has elements bγj. If cross-sectional liquidity differencesdo not matter for the hedging strategy then cγ = 0 and βΓ = β × cγ = 0. This test nests

21Stocks eliminated from the index are assigned the log of the old index weight as their liquidity proxy.

This may overestimate their true liquidity since they were discarded from the index for their lack of liquidity.

However, exclusion of these stocks does not change the conclusion.


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any dispersion of liquidity across stocks as a determinant of the hedging demand as long as

stock liquidity is proxied by lnwnj . The regression results on liquidity effects are reported

for the position build-up event in Table 7. Repeated are the regressions in Table 3 with the

additional decomposition of the coefficient β1 into components βI and βΓ. The coefficient βΓ

is not significantly different from zero for every event window and all three samples. This

suggests that the hedging component of the speculative demand is not biased towards the

more liquid stocks. Repeating the same decomposition for Tables 4, 5 and 6 does not alter

this conclusion. The results are therefore robust to cross-sectional liquidity controls.

6 Conclusion

The previous finance literature viewed equity index changes as an interesting exogenous

event to explore the limits of equity arbitrage. This literature has produced evidence for

important (short-term) liquidity effects related to demand shocks. But large-scale multi-

asset demand shocks also have a more fundamental interpretation as exogenous changes

to the stock-specific risk premium. This paper develops the cross-sectional asset pricing

implications if the demand shock coming from the index investors is partially anticipated

and speculative position taking occurs prior to public announcement of the index change. A

new and simple heterogenous agent model of multi-asset arbitrage is proposed. Incorporating

information heterogeneity between arbitrageurs and the liquidity supply side of the market

has interesting theoretical and empirical implications. Arbitrageurs can actually accumulate

speculative positions against the less informed liquidity providers. As a consequence, their

trading returns can exceed the CAPM-based fair risk compensation. This brings theory

closer to a practitioner’s understanding of arbitrage, but also suggest a more general empirical

specification for testing the cross-sectional asset pricing effects.

The optimal arbitrage strategy for mean-variance investors consists of a trade-off be-

tween higher expected returns and lower arbitrage risk. To a linear approximation, the

optimal portfolio can be represented as a combination of a ‘return seeking portfolio’ and a

‘hedge portfolio’. First, the return seeking portfolio in stock j is proportional to the (ex-

pected) premium change [Σ(wn − wo)]j . It reflects the changes in the stock’s beta and its

corresponding price effect. Second, the ability of arbitrageurs to control arbitrage risk via


Page 32: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

a hedge portfolio generates an additional price effect. The optimal arbitrage strategy con-

sists in modifying stock weights according to their marginal risk contribution of the return

seeking portfolio. Intuitively, a return seeking portfolio Σ(wn − wo) generates an absolute

arbitrage risk (wn − wo)0ΣΣΣ(wn − wo) and a marginal arbitrage risk contribution charac-

terized by ΣΣ(wn − wo). Short selling of the ‘hedge portfolio’ proportional to ΣΣ(wn − wo)

represents the optimal risk reduction for the arbitrageur. Selling of the hedge portfolio dur-

ing the pre-announcement period implies a negative return followed by a positive return in

the post-announcement period when the same short positions are liquidated.

The redefinition of the MSCI index announced in December 2000 represents an ideal ex-

periment to test the generalized portfolio approach to limited arbitrage. The unprecedented

scope of the index revision provides a sample of 2291 stocks for which the covariance matrix

Σ can be estimated and for which premium changes and marginal arbitrage risk contribu-

tions can be calculated. An important finding in this paper is that stock returns associated

with the speculative position build-up are positively determined by premium change and

negatively by the marginal arbitrage risk contribution. Both are statistically and econom-

ically significant explanatory variables for the cross section of returns. For the consecutive

liquidation of the hedging positions, the marginal arbitrage risk is found to have the pre-

dicted positive effect. These findings are robust to variations of the event window size and

extend to various subsamples.

The international nature of the MSCI index turns its revision also into a test of global

versus local asset pricing. The global covariance matrix ΣG of all stocks can be decomposed

into (i) a covariance matrix ΣL consisting only of covariances of local stocks domiciled in the

same national market and (ii) a complementary matrix ΣInt = ΣG−ΣL capturing the effect

of international market integration. An important finding for MSCI index revision is that

local premium changes alone cannot account for cross-section of price changes around the

announcement event. The international component of the premium changes ΣInt(wn − wo)

is statistically highly significant and of similar magnitude. This allows us to reject the

hypothesis of market segmentation. Asset returns are best captured by global and not local

beta changes. Asset pricing models using a global benchmark appear more appropriate than

models based on a local market benchmark. A similar conclusion is reached with respect to

arbitrage risk. The international component ΣΣInt(wn − wo) to the marginal arbitrage risk


Page 33: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

represents a highly significant pricing factor. This suggests that arbitrage strategies for the

MSCI revision were implemented globally. Overall, the evidence suggests that - at least in

the new millennium - a global market benchmark is more appropriate for asset pricing than

a local market benchmark.


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Proposition 1:

Let expectations which incorporate knowledge about the demand shock u be denoted byeEt(.) and those which do not are represented by E t(.). The market clearing conditions thenfollow as

λ(ρΣ∆t)−1E t(pt+∆t − pt) + (1− λ)γE t(pt+∆t − pt) = S for 0 ≤ t < tA

λ(ρΣ∆t)−1 eEt(pt+∆t − pt) + (1− λ)γE t(pt+∆t − pt) = S for tA ≤ t < tL

λ(ρΣ∆t)−1 eEt(pt+∆t − pt) + (1− λ)γ eEt(pt+∆t − pt) = S for tL ≤ t < tu

λ(ρΣ∆t)−1 eEt(pt+∆t − pt) + (1− λ)γ eEt(pt+∆t − pt) = S − u for tu ≤ t < T

, (14)

where left hand side terms in (14) denote the asset demand of the speculators and the

liquidity suppliers, respectively. By assumptions, risk arbitrageurs learn about the demand

shock u to the total asset supply S at time tA and the liquidity supplies only at time tL. The

expected terminal asset price is identical for both groups and given by

Et=k∆t(pT ) = 1+k∆tXt=∆t


The expected equilibrium return from t to t+∆t for period tu ≤ t < T follows directly as

r4∆t = eEt(pt+∆t − pt) =£λ(ρΣ∆t)−1 + (1− λ)γI

¤−1(S − u)

=hI + (1− λ)γ



i−1 ρλΣ∆t (S − u)

≈hI − (1− λ)γ



i ρλΣ∆t (S − u)

≈ ρ

λΣ∆t (S − u)

where I used the approximation [I + kΣ∆t]−1 ≈ I − kΣ∆t for small ∆t and ignore terms of

order (∆t)2. For the period tL ≤ t < tu the expected return over the interval ∆t becomes

r3∆t ≈ ρ


and asset prices follow (by recursive substitution) as

pt ≈ Et(pT )− (T − tu)r4 − (tu − t)r3 for tL ≤ t < tu

pt ≈ Et(pT )− (T − t)r4 for tu ≤ t < T. (15)


Page 38: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

For the period tA ≤ t < tL, expectations about the correct equilibrium price differ between

the arbitrageurs who know about the demand shock u and the liquidity suppliers who do

not. The market clearing condition for t = tL −∆t implies

ptL−∆t ≈ −ρ


hI − (1− λ)γ



i hS − λ(ρΣ∆t)−1 eEtL−∆t(ptL)− (1− λ)γE tL−∆t(ptL)

iand substition of the expectations

eEtL−∆t(ptL) = EtL−∆t(pT )− (T − tu)r4 − (tu − tL)r3

E tL−∆t(ptL) = EtL−∆t(pT )− (T − tu)r3 − (tu − tL)r3


ptL−∆t ≈ EtL−∆t(pT )− (T − tu)r4 − (tu − tL −∆t)r3 − (1− λ)γ³ρλ

´2ΣΣ∆t(T − tu)u.

The equilibrium return follows for tA ≤ t < tL as

r2∆t ≈ ρ

λΣS∆t− (1− λ)γ


´2ΣΣu(T − tu)∆t

and repeated substitution implies for the equilibrium price

pt ≈ Et(pT )− (T − tu)r4 − (tu − tL)r3 − (tL − t)r3 (16)

The speculative position of the arbitrageurs can be deterimined as

xAt = S − xL = S − (1− λ)γE t(pt+∆t − pt)

≈ S − (1− λ)γr3∆t+ (1− λ)γρ

λΣu(T − tu)− (1− λ)2γ2


´2ΣΣu(T − tu)(tL − t).

Speculative positions are therefore positively proportional to Σu and negatively proportion-

ally to ΣΣu. The latter term represents the hedging position. It is decreased linear as tL

comes closer. Finally, the price process for the initial period follows as

pt ≈ Et(pT )− (T − t)r3 for 0 ≤ t < tA . (17)

For proposition 1, I determine the price reaction when the speculators learn about the

demand shock u at time t = tA. This price effect follows (for ∆t small) as

ptA − ptA−∆t ≈ρ



λΣu(T − tu)−


λΣx(tL − tA) +∆εtA−∆t



λΣu(T − tu)− (1− λ)γ


´2ΣΣu(T − tu)(tL − tA) +∆εtA−∆t.

= β1Σu(T − tu) + β2ΣΣu+∆εtA−∆t,


Page 39: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

and after subtracting the expected return ρλΣS∆t for the interval ∆t, the excess return is

given by

∆rt=tA = ptA − ptA−∆t −ρ

λΣS∆t ≈ β1Σu− β2ΣΣu+∆εtA−∆t


β1 =ρ

λ(T − tu) and β2 = (1− λ)γ


´2(T − tu)(tL − tA).

The term Σu represents the fundamental effect proportional to the beta change of the stock.

The term proportional to ΣΣu captures hedging desires of the speculators. It is proportional

to the duration of the arbitrage position given by (tL − tA).

Proposition 2:

Consider the equilibrium price sequence derived in proposition 1. For an trading periods

tA ≤ t < tL (after the arbitrageurs have built their arbitrage position and before liquidity

learn about the demand shock), the expected return follows as

pt − pt−∆t = r2∆t

≈ ρ


hS + (1− λ)γ


λΣ(T − tu)u

i≈ ρ

λΣS∆t+ (1− λ)γ




λΣΣ(T − tu)u∆t

The expected excess return over the interval [tA, tL] follows as

∆r[tA,tL] =X


pt − pt−∆t −ρ

λΣS∆t ≈ β2ΣΣu.

The solutions in propositions 1 and 2 represent approximations where terms of order

(∆t)2 and higher are neglected. An exact solution can be obtained in the limit case for

∆t → 0. The price process is then characterized by a system of stochastic equations. Let

pt be the price process and denote by pt beliefs of the liquidity providers about the correct

asset valuation before they learn about the demand shock u. The market clearing conditions

translate into the following stochastic system

dpt =


Φt +ρλΣ(S − u)dt+ dεt for tu ≤ t < T

Φt +ρλΣSdt+ dεt for tL ≤ t < tu

Φt − (1− λ)γ ρλΣ(pt − pt)dt+

ρλΣSdt+ dεt for tA ≤ t < tL

dpt for 0 ≤ t < tA

dpt = Φt +ρλΣSdt+ dεt for 0 ≤ t < T .


Page 40: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

where Φt =R ts=0

dεt and the boundary conditions pT = pT = ΦT holds. The price system

no longer follows a linear function in t − T as stated in (17). Instead, the expected prices

path evolves exponentially as eμi(t−T ) where the coefficients μi denote rows ofρλΣ(S − u) for

tu ≤ t < T. Hence, ignoring terms of order (∆t)2 and higher implies an approximation error

equal to the difference between an exponential growth path and its linear approximation at

t = T . Hence, the approximation is relatively accurate for modest risk premia μi and if the

time interval under consideration is relatively short.


Page 41: Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence from Arbitrage · Global versus Local Asset Pricing: Evidence

Table 1: Summary Statistics on Weight Changes

Reported are summary statistics by country on the (1) total number of stocks concerned by MSCI index revision, (2) total number of sample stocks withcomplete historic price data, (3) new and (4) old country weights in percent. For the sample stocks we also provide the (5) mean and (6) standard deviationof the percentage weight change ∆v = 2(wn −wo)/(wn + wo) within the country.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)Country MSCI Stocks Sample Stocks New Weight Old Weight Mean(∆v) SD(∆v)

Argentina 17 0 0.03 0.07 − −Australia 71 66 1.28 1.29 0.395 0.939Austria 17 16 0.04 0.09 −0.702 1.021Belgium 18 16 0.28 0.39 −0.308 0.991Brazil 50 47 0.30 0.49 −0.638 1.041Canada 89 80 1.93 1.97 0.195 1.025Chile 30 30 0.07 0.18 −0.777 0.941China 43 37 0.26 0.35 0.091 1.215Colombia 9 8 0.00 0.01 −1.184 0.560Czech Republic 6 6 0.01 0.03 −0.958 0.149Denmark 27 24 0.28 0.40 0.098 1.211Egypt 14 11 0.01 0.01 0.033 0.000Finland 30 27 1.00 0.98 −0.598 1.116France 63 59 3.77 4.93 −0.279 1.03Germany 59 51 2.76 3.71 −0.276 1.013Greece 24 21 0.16 0.16 0.033 0.000Hong Kong 34 32 0.66 0.93 −0.511 1.137Hungary 13 13 0.03 0.04 −1.079 0.913India 76 74 0.12 0.35 −1.037 0.943Indonesia 32 32 0.02 0.03 −1.171 1.039Ireland 16 15 0.34 0.30 0.044 0.942Israel 52 49 0.16 0.24 −0.765 1.407Italy 47 41 1.38 1.99 −0.436 1.107Japan 348 333 9.38 10.71 0.035 1.068Korea 82 69 0.45 0.57 −0.119 1.102Luxembourg 3 3 0.01 0.05 −1.093 0.478Malaysia 86 84 0.12 0.29 −0.696 1.186Mexico 27 25 0.3 0.59 −0.674 0.938Morocco 12 11 0.01 0.01 0.033 0.000Netherlands 26 24 2.17 2.42 −0.045 0.665New Zealand 15 10 0.04 0.05 0.441 1.446Norway 24 22 0.16 0.20 0.007 0.834Pakistan 18 18 0.00 0.01 −1.339 0.706Peru 11 10 0.01 0.02 −0.294 1.344Philippines 21 20 0.02 0.05 −0.901 1.176Poland 22 19 0.04 0.06 −0.404 0.945Portugal 11 10 0.15 0.23 −0.728 0.492Russia 12 9 0.08 0.14 −0.550 1.178Singapore 40 34 0.26 0.38 −0.221 1.167South Africa 48 45 0.47 0.55 −0.378 0.922Spain 34 31 1.21 1.38 −0.830 0.964Sri Lanka 8 8 0.00 0.00 −0.753 0.589Sweden 37 35 0.84 1.00 −0.022 0.647Switzerland 43 38 2.87 2.93 −0.105 1.143Taiwan 96 89 0.44 0.69 0.111 1.304Thailand 39 37 0.04 0.08 −0.926 1.176Turkey 45 0 0.05 0.12 − −United Kingdom 140 133 10.33 9.26 0.369 0.924United States 443 414 55.12 48.88 0.390 1.108Venezuela 7 5 0.01 0.02 −0.598 1.470Country Unknown 31 0 0.5 0.38 − −

Total 2566 2291 100.00 100.00 − −


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Table 2: Summary Statistics on Premium Changes and Marginal Arbitrage Risk

Reported are summary statistics on stock risk premium changes and on their risk contributions to the arbitrage portfolio for both the global covariancematrix ΣG and local covariance matrix ΣL of stock returns. In the local covariance matrix elements are set to zero for stocks in different national markets.The covariance matrices are estimated for 2 years of weekly dollar stock returns for the period of July 1, 1998 to July 1, 2000. The weekly return varianceof the global index is estimated as 0.936. The diagonal matrix Γ features liquidity proxies γj for each stock as elements.

Obs. Mean S.D. Min Max

Panel A: Change in Risk Premium under Global Pricing

All Stocks [ΣG(wn − wo)]j 2, 291 0.006 0.049 −0.173 0.249Added and Deleted Stocks [ΣG(wn − wo)]j 661 0.013 0.057 −0.173 0.280U.S. Stocks [ΣG(wn − wo)]j 414 0.070 0.047 −0.078 0.249Non-U.S. Stocks [ΣG(wn − wo)]j 1, 877 −0.009 0.036 −0.173 0.219

Panel B: Change in Risk Premium under Local Pricing

All Stocks [ΣL(wn − wo)]j 2, 291 0.017 0.056 −0.074 0.345Added and Deleted Stocks [ΣL(wn − wo)]j 661 0.027 0.072 −0.071 0.345U.S. Stocks [ΣL(wn − wo)]j 414 0.115 0.074 −0.074 0.345Non-U.S. Stocks [ΣL(wn − wo)]j 1, 877 −0.005 0.009 −0.052 0.031

Panel C: Risk Contribution to Global Arbitrage Portfolio

All Stocks [ΣGΣG(wn − wo)]j 2, 291 25.88 61.63 −179.46 335.31Added and Deleted Stocks [ΣGΣG(wn − wo)]j 661 33.36 72.61 −179.46 335.31U.S. Stocks [ΣGΣG(wn − wo)]j 414 100.49 66.14 −84.17 335.31Non-U.S. Stocks [ΣGΣG(wn − wo)]j 1, 877 9.42 46.62 −179.46 302.09

Panel D: Risk Contribution to Local Arbitrage Portfolio

All Stocks [ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j 2, 291 20.35 57.00 −71.15 391.95Added and Deleted Stocks [ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j 661 30.12 74.09 −71.15 391.95U.S. Stocks [ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j 414 119.30 77.46 −71.15 391.95Non-U.S. Stocks [ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j 1, 877 −1.47 2.90 −18.69 11.77

Panel E: Liquidity Weighted Risk Contribution to Global Arbitrage Portfolio

All Stocks [ΓΣGΣG(wn −wo)]j 2, 291 19.13 70.19 −250.27 578.54

Added and Deleted Stocks [ΓΣGΣG(wn −wo)]j 661 15.77 73.06 −250.27 420.44

U.S. Stocks [ΓΣGΣG(wn −wo)]j 414 107.94 96.41 −44.58 578.54

Non-U.S. Stocks [ΓΣGΣG(wn −wo)]j 1, 877 −0.45 42.92 −250.27 369.47


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Table 3: Price Effect of the Speculative Position Build-Up

To characterize the price effect of the speculative position build-up, the cumulative event returns ∆rjtA (denominated in dollars and expressed in percentagepoints) over different even windows (WS = window size) is regressed on a constant, the change in the risk premium ΣG(wn − wo)

jand the arbitrage risk

ΣGΣG(wn −wo)jof each stock j. Formally,

∆rjtA = c+ α1 × [ΣG(wn − wo)]j + β1 × [ΣGΣG(wn −wo)]j + μj .

The covariance matrix ΣG is estimated for 2 years of weekly dollar stock returns for the period of July 1, 1998 to July 1, 2000. The event window sizeis chosen alternatively to start WS = 5, 10, 15, 20 trading days prior to December 1, 2000. Panel A reports the coefficients for the entire sample, Panel Bfor only the added and deleted stocks and Panel C for the subsample of non-U.S. stocks. Robust and country clustered adjusted t-values are reported inparenthesis.

WS c [t] α1 [t] β1 [t] R2

Panel A: Position Build-Up Event (All Stocks, N=2291)

5 0.31 [0.59] −33.7 [−3.77] 0.0545 1.54 [3.15] 41.8 [3.42] −0.064 [−6.54] 0.095

10 −2.14 [−2.98] −36.0 [−3.26] 0.03410 −0.25 [−0.32] 80.6 [4.01] −0.099 [−6.43] 0.089

15 −4.06 [−3.97] −22.5 [−1.97] 0.00915 −2.04 [−1.58] 101.7 [3.71] −0.105 [−4.45] 0.051

20 −5.09 [−5.01] −65.8 [−4.44] 0.05220 −1.99 [−1.34] 124.5 [3.47] −0.161 [−4.58] 0.119

Panel B: Position Build-Up Event (Only Added and Deleted Stocks, N=661)

5 −0.18 [−0.32] −44.2 [−4.92] 0.0985 1.10 [2.00] 42.4 [2.45] −0.072 [−5.10] 0.145

10 −2.61 [−3.39] −50.7 [−6.09] 0.07710 −0.87 [−0.85] 67.2 [2.17] −0.098 [−4.10] 0.129

15 −4.68 [−3.91] −37.7 [−3.62] 0.02915 −2.70 [−1.55] 96.4 [2.39] −0.111 [−3.11] 0.076

20 −5.04 [−4.21] −95.7 [−6.20] 0.11520 −2.05 [−1.03] 106.9 [1.80] −0.168 [−3.12] 0.180

Panel C: Position Build-Up Event (Only Non-U.S. Stocks, N=1877)

5 0.28 [0.47] −27.5 [−1.70] 0.0225 1.43 [2.70] 41.2 [2.71] −0.060 [−4.89] 0.064

10 −2.38 [−3.30] −30.8 [−1.67] 0.01410 −0.64 [−0.81] 72.9 [2.88] −0.090 [−5.40] 0.062

15 −4.61 [−4.50] −20.5 [−1.11] 0.00415 −2.89 [−2.31] 81.6 [2.59] −0.089 [−3.81] 0.036

20 −5.58 [−5.92] −50.3 [−2.58] 0.01920 −3.03 [−2.47] 101.5 [2.72] −0.132 [−4.23] 0.071


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Table 4: Price Effect of Liquidating Hedging Positions

To characterize the price effect of liquidating hedging positions, the cumulative equity returns ∆rj[tA,tL) (denominated in dollars and expressed in percentage

points) for different event windows (WS = window size) are regressed on a constant and the arbitrage risk ΣGΣG(wn − wo)jof each stock j. Formally,

∆rj[tA,tL) = c+ β2 × [ΣGΣG(wn −wo)]j + μj .

The covariance matrix ΣG is estimated for 2 years of weekly dollar stock returns for the period of July 1, 1998 to July 1, 2000. The event window size ischosen alternatively to extend over WS = 3, 5, 7 trading days starting on December 4, 2000. Panel A reports the coefficients for the entire sample, PanelB for only the added and deleted stocks and Panel C for the subsample of non-U.S. stocks. Robust and country clustered adjusted t-values are reported inparenthesis.

WS c [t] β2 [t] R2

Panel A: Hedge Liquidation Event (All Stocks, N=2291)

3 0.67 [1.30] 0.023 [3.90] 0.0375 1.90 [2.90] 0.047 [6.78] 0.1387 1.40 [2.17] 0.033 [4.56] 0.069

Panel B: Hedge Liquidation Event (Only Added and Deleted Stocks, N=661)

3 0.74 [1.79] 0.023 [7.08] 0.0675 2.06 [3.51] 0.054 [6.26] 0.1757 1.52 [2.22] 0.034 [6.81] 0.075

Panel C: Hedge Liquidation Event (Only Non-U.S. Stocks, N=1877)

3 1.00 [2.14] 0.032 [4.06] 0.0895 2.37 [4.65] 0.044 [3.76] 0.0937 1.76 [2.84] 0.041 [3.30] 0.070


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Table 5: Market Integration for Speculative Position Build-Up

The cumulative equity returns ∆rjtA in stock j (denominated in dollars and expressed in percentage points) for different event windows (WS = windowsize) are regressed on a constant, the change in the risk premium [ΣL(wn −wo)]j of a local arbitrage portfolio, difference between the global and local riskpremium change [ΣInt(wn − wo)]j , the arbitrage risks for the local arbitrage portfolio [ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j and the incremental international arbitrage riskto the global arbitrage risk [ΣΣInt(wn − wo)]j . Formally,

∆rjtA = c+ αL1 × [ΣL(wn − wo)]j + αInt1 × [ΣInt(wn −wo)]j + βL1 × [ΣLΣL(wn −wo)]j + βInt1 × [ΣΣInt(wn −wo)]j + μj .

The covariance matrix ΣG is estimated for 2 years of weekly dollar stock returns for the period of July 1, 1998 to July 1, 2000. The matrix ΣL is obtained bysetting to zero all stock covariances across countries to capture only within country arbitrage. Furthermore, ΣInt = ΣG −ΣL and ΣΣInt = ΣGΣG −ΣLΣL.The event window size is chosen alternatively to start WS = 5, 10, 15, 20 trading days prior to December 1, 2000. Panel A reports the coefficients for allstocks, Panel B only for added and deleted stock and Panel C only for non-U.S. stocks. Robust and country clustered adjusted t-values are reported inparenthesis. The last two columns report the significance level at which equality of the respective coefficients can be rejected.

WS c [t] αL1 [t] αInt1 [t] βL1 [t] βInt1 [t] R2 αL1 = αInt1 βL1 = βInt1

Panel A: Position Build-Up Event (All Stocks, N=2291)

5 1.49 [3.17] −12.2 [−0.29] 52.6 [3.26] −0.011 [−0.26] −0.067 [−5.13] 0.101 0.207 0.24910 −0.32 [−0.40] 22.8 [0.60] 90.8 [4.14] −0.041 [−1.16] −0.103 [−6.62] 0.091 0.058 0.07915 −2.01 [−1.52] 120.0 [1.66] 99.3 [3.60] −0.124 [−1.76] −0.104 [−4.59] 0.052 0.761 0.76020 −1.81 [−1.20] 144.8 [2.56] 130.5 [3.39] −0.186 [−3.32] −0.154 [−4.65] 0.121 0.797 0.545

Panel B: Position Build-Up Event (Only Added and Deleted Stocks, N=661)

5 1.14 [2.07] 11.1 [0.34] 48.9 [2.25] −0.042 [−1.29] −0.067 [−4.32] 0.151 0.412 0.55510 −0.90 [−0.84] 25.0 [0.43] 71.9 [2.23] −0.056 [−1.04] −0.104 [−4.23] 0.131 0.315 0.29315 −2.66 [−1.64] 219.2 [2.48] 80.1 [2.35] −0.234 [−2.76] −0.101 [−3.12] 0.084 0.068 0.07120 −1.94 [−1.01] 170.8 [2.02] 102.6 [1.82] −0.234 [−2.94] −0.150 [−2.97] 0.183 0.334 0.217

Panel C: Position Build-Up Event (Non-U.S. Stocks, N=1877)

5 1.34 [2.70] 53.5 [0.85] 40.2 [2.35] −0.147 [−0.53] −0.058 [−4.26] 0.065 0.849 0.75410 −0.87 [−0.98] 46.7 [0.75] 75.5 [2.67] −0.171 [−0.47] −0.091 [−4.77] 0.065 0.708 0.83215 −2.88 [−1.99] 88.5 [0.83] 81.0 [2.27] −0.107 [−0.21] −0.089 [−3.25] 0.036 0.951 0.97320 −3.11 [−2.12] 167.3 [1.92] 95.7 [2.31] −0.361 [−0.89] −0.127 [−3.65] 0.072 0.485 0.583


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Table 6: Market Integration for the Liquidation of Hedging Positions

The cumulative equity returns ∆rj[tA,tL) in stock j (denominated in dollars and expressed in percentage points) for different event windows (WS) are

regressed on a constant, the arbitrage risks for the local arbitrage portfolio [ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j and the incremental arbitrage risk to the global arbitragerisk [ΣΣInt(wn −wo)]j . Formally,

∆rj[tA,tL) = c+ βL2 × [ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j + βInt2 × [ΣΣInt(wn − wo)]j + μj .

The covariance matrix ΣG is estimated for 2 years of weekly dollar stock returns for the period of July 1, 1998 to July 1, 2000. The matrix ΣL is obtained bysetting to zero all stock covariances across countries to capture only within country arbitrage. Furthermore, ΣInt = ΣG −ΣL and ΣΣInt = ΣGΣG −ΣLΣL.The event window size is chosen alternatively to extend over WS = 3, 5, 7 trading days starting on December 4, 2000. Panel A reports the coefficients forall stocks, Panel B only for added and deleted stock and Panel C only for non-U.S. stocks. Robust and country clustered adjusted t-values are reported inparenthesis. The last column reports the significance level at which equality of the respective coefficients can be rejected.

WS c [t] βL2 [t] βInt2 [t] R2 βL2 = βInt2

Panel A: Hedge Liquidation Event (All Stocks, N=2291)

3 0.71 [1.47] 0.019 [4.80] 0.032 [4.49] 0.076 0.0055 1.93 [2.85] 0.049 [9.74] 0.044 [3.64] 0.139 0.6747 1.44 [2.27] 0.029 [5.94] 0.042 [3.33] 0.073 0.208

Panel B: Hedge Liquidation Event (Only Added and Deleted Stocks, N=661)

3 0.74 [1.76] 0.023 [8.84] 0.022 [2.78] 0.067 0.8475 1.99 [3.35] 0.058 [14.85] 0.033 [2.18] 0.189 0.0547 1.52 [2.20] 0.033 [8.16] 0.034 [2.67] 0.075 0.621

Panel C: Hedge Liquidation Event (Non-U.S. Stocks, N=1877)

3 1.29 [4.41] 0.212 [1.42] 0.030 [4.07] 0.100 0.2325 2.24 [5.30] −0.033 [−0.15] 0.045 [3.86] 0.094 0.7327 1.72 [3.23] 0.011 [0.264] 0.042 [3.21] 0.069 0.423


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Table 7: Liquidity Effects for the Speculative Position Build-Up

To characterize the price effect of the speculative position build-up, the cumulative event returns ∆rjtA (denominated in dollars and expressed in percentagepoints) over different event windows (WS = window size) is regressed on a constant, the change in the risk premium ΣG(wn −wo)

j, the arbitrage risk

ΣGΣG(wn −wo)jof each stock j, and the arbitrage risk scaled by a stock specific liquidity proxy γi combined in the diagonal matrix Γ. Formally,

∆rjtA = c+ α1 × [ΣG(wn −wo)]j + βI × [ΣGΣG(wn − wo)]j + βΓ × [ΓΣ

GΣG(wn − wo)]j + μj .

The covariance matrix ΣG is estimated for 2 years of weekly dollar stock returns for the period of July 1, 1998 to July 1, 2000. The event window sizeis chosen alternatively to start WS = 5, 10, 15, 20 trading days prior to December 1, 2000. Panel A reports the coefficients for the entire sample, Panel Bfor only the added and deleted stocks and Panel C for the subsample of non-U.S. stocks. Robust and country clustered adjusted t-values are reported inparenthesis.

WS c [t] α1 [t] βI [t] βΓ [t] R2

Panel A: Position Build-Up Event (All Stocks, N=2291)

5 1.52 [3.23] 41.3 [3.29] −0.064 [−6.32] 0.002 [0.35] 0.09510 −0.30 [−0.39] 79.1 [3.84] −0.099 [−6.30] 0.004 [0.84] 0.08915 −2.16 [−1.68] 98.2 [3.60] −0.107 [−4.28] 0.010 [1.52] 0.05420 −2.00 [−1.34] 124.4 [3.49] −0.161 [−4.53] 0.000 [0.05] 0.119

Panel B: Position Build-Up Event (Only Added and Deleted Stocks, N=661)

5 1.14 [2.21] 43.6 [2.55] −0.072 [−5.41] −0.003 [−0.55] 0.14710 −0.92 [−0.92] 65.4 [2.13] −0.098 [−3.94] 0.005 [0.75] 0.13015 −2.78 [−1.60] 93.8 [2.35] −0.112 [−2.97] 0.007 [0.88] 0.07720 −1.95 [−0.97] 110.1 [1.87] −0.168 [−3.24] −0.009 [0.97] 0.181

Panel C: Position Build-Up Event (Only Non-U.S. Stocks, N=1877)

5 1.44 [2.68] 42.1 [2.75] −0.060 [−4.90] 0.003 [0.47] 0.06510 −0.624 [−0.79] 74.5 [2.92] −0.089 [−5.37] 0.006 [0.74] 0.06315 −2.86 [−2.30] 85.3 [2.62] −0.088 [−3.77] 0.014 [1.38] 0.03820 −3.02 [−2.46] 102.9 [2.70] −0.132 [−4.25] 0.005 [0.45] 0.071


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Figure 1: The price dynamics for asset j are depicted net of the expected liquidation value E(pT ) for the case in which the arbitrage riskΣΣ(wn−wo) is positive. At time tA risk arbitrageurs learn about the demand shock u = (wn−wo), which occurs at time tu. Liquidity supplierslearn about the demand shock at time tL > tA.


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Figure 2: Plotted are the cumulative excess returns of a (self-financing) hedge portfolio with portfolio weights proportional to ΣΣ(wn−wo) andthe sum of weights normalized to one. The hedge portfolio is constructed separately for all stocks and the subset of in- and excluded stocks.The vertical line marks the first MSCI announcement on December 1, 2000.


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Figure 3: The percentage weight change for U.S. and non-U.S. stocks is plotted as a function of the log of the level of the old weight in the index(or the new weight in the case of stock additions).


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Figure 4: The risk premium change [ΣL(wn − wo)]j of stocks j under local asset pricing (market segmentation) is plotted against the riskpremium change [ΣG(wn − wo)]j of the same stock under global asset pricing (market integration).


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Figure 5: The arbitrage risk contribution [ΣLΣL(wn − wo)]j of stock j to the local arbitrage portfolio composed only of local stock (x-axis) isplotted against the arbitrage risk contribution [ΣGΣG(wn − wo)]j of the same stock to the global arbitrage portfolio of all stocks (y-axis).