Getting started with EndNote

Getting started with EndNote …

Transcript of Getting started with EndNote

Getting started with EndNote …


EndNote can be found in the Start menu,

under ‘All Programs’. Open the EndNote

folder and then click on the link to open



The first time you open EndNote, you’ll see this

short slideshow on its different


You can watch the slideshow or close it by clicking the cross in the right

hand corner of it’s window.


Go to ‘File’ and then ‘New’ and this will let you create a Library to save references into

Your library will save into your U: drive. You can change it’s name but since you can save thousands of references into a library, you probably won’t need more than one of them.


This is your EndNote library. It’s empty at the moment, watch the next PowerPoint to learn how to fill it up …


Questions about EndNote ?Contact Susan Hastie at [email protected]

Or pop into the library