Me, Love & The Universe Get A LIFE, Be ALIVE Arifah Handayani A Life Journey 22122015 ~ 29012016

Transcript of Get A LIFE - Be ALIVE

Me, Love & The Universe



Arifah Handayani

A Life Journey

22122015 ~ 29012016

Me, Love & The Universe


1. As The Spirit Carries On....

I have been searching and connecting my own understanding of Indigos,

kundalini energy flow, and humanity role in making the world a better

place. This journey of revealing new understanding about LIFE, make me

feel like constructing a big jigsaw puzzle. We finished one puzzle, only to

find the jigsaw that we've been finishing is a part of another bigger

jigsaw puzzle to finish...

I believe instead of bring me regret, desperation or disappointment of

the uncertainty in finding what we seek, I actually see this journey as the

most fascinating part of life. We face one Eureka after another, only to

learn we eventually need to search for many more Eurekas...

I think that's more about how we are equipped to do our roles on

Earth. As a writer who must write for both worlds, more because I got as

many readers from the west, as I have in the east. I should have trained

myself to use my helicopter view and see as many perspectives I could

find without becoming judgmental...

Back then I hesitated that Islamic Worldview can be my solid ground to

construct whatever I wrote. Recently a serial valuable discussion with a

super special friend has brought me to firm understanding of how every

important value in my LIFE should be wrapped up...

It's okay to be a seeker, as long as we finally grow to be The Finder. And

it's nice to be a finder, only then we will eventually grow to be The

Keeper of our own Truest Truth in LIFE. The Truest Truth we hold, is

actually The source of LIGHT that could let innermost part of us SHINE,

for the LIFE inside and the world outside...

So then, The Spirit Carries On...

Me, Love & The Universe


2. Pick The Colors of Rainbow in LIFE...

After the sun goes down, the moon would come out with the twinkling

stars, gives our twilight horizon a brand new hope, of better tomorrow.

Just the way all colors of rainbow shall arise, we could only pick them up

between every raindrops and silver lining brightness of the sun. As we

survived each thunders in all the storms we face in life...

That is how we manage to master the ability of flying above the storm, by

cherishing every chance to dance in the rain. The mastery of this simple

skill will eventually grant us the insight, of how LIFE actually very

WORTH living...

#FlyingAboveTheStorm #ThePowerofConscience

3. The Quest to Find Our Truest Truth....

"And What do you mean by truest truth...???"

Again, you asked... For this, I don't need any pause to think aboutthe

answer, since I have spent years to answer my own questions about the

truest truth in my LIFE...

I found that the truest truth is some kind of LIFE Codes we are

commited to, in our line of duty, wherever we live on Earth as we serve

the LIFE...

The Holy Book like Quran, should consist of the truest truth. Yet for me,

The Holy Book is still so full of secrets. Many people try to decode the

verses written there by extracting the secrets based on their own

specific understanding and knowledge...

Even if we have faith that Holy Book is contained of The Absolute Truth

from The Mighty Creator, that we believe as The Infinite Source of

Me, Love & The Universe


Truth, when the truth is decoded and extracted by human, there will

always be different perspectives in understanding the truth...

For example, like the truth of heaven written in Quran. The explanation

there might be comprehensive enough for people like you, because it is

suitable for your own specific needs to understand LIFE...

So that could be the truest truth for you, while I would like to believe, I

still need to complete my quest for the truest truth about Heaven. Since

my soul and spirit couldn't cope and accept the truth that you

believe. Not that the truth you hold is not true. It is simply not

compatible with the understanding that my mind, heart, soul and spirit

hold. Somehow my intuition told me, there should be better explanation of

Heaven than that. All we need is more knowledge and better ground to be

more conscious of this truth...

I think the blog I wrote in 2014 could tell you more about the quest to

find my own specific and truest truth...

Finding Our Own Stream ...

“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars

and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to


~ Hermann Hesse

It is really good to understand that life is always about finding our own

stream. Following the way we need to flow is always the best way to live

rather than going with others...

Yet... Every river will end at the sea shore and become one in the same

ocean. Although we might not go through the same river, but our beginning

and our end most likely have the oneness within. As clear as the silver

lining light in the sky that show us, we are living under the same sun and


Me, Love & The Universe


As for me learning is always my way of living. I learn about science as I

learn about human. I learn to tone my muscle at gym as I learn to stretch

my flesh and blood in yoga class. I simply love to learn, as I know my

curiosity has always been the best way to energize the life in me...

But I guess, learning about many different matters in life never bring me

closer to the truest truth about my life. Not until I learn about the life

inside me, I found the true knowledge to live this life the way my own true

nature should be...

Thanks for all of the challenges many of you have thrown at me, that

always bring me closer to the core of my being, so I can find my way to

flow my own stream...

Happily, Gracefully, Beautifully...

With the LOVE that always lighten up my way...

Bunch of Love,


One thing I am sure of the quest to find our own specific truest truth, as

our souls growth and we reach higher ground of consciousness, the truest

truth we hold will also shift and expand to meet our newest level of


Great thing I learn about the universe, LIFE is always on the move. It is

up to us, to synchronize the rhythm we play with the velocity of LIFE

where we live. We can always choose whether to slow down or to

accelerate, and meet the Universal Speed...

Anything will be fine as long as we always turn The LIGHT on and maintain

our Existence Track in orbiting The Infinite Source of Truth in LIFE. For

the sake of LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE and HARMONY in The Universe.


Me, Love & The Universe


4. True Meaning of Home....

"So, What is the meaning of HOME...???"

You asked... After I shared some posts from Facebook and Kompasiana,

that have something to do with my journey to the place I call HOME. So I

took a silent paused, then I carefully tried to answer...

It is like an ocean for The Great Sailor I mentioned in my previous blog

post. They might have family and home on the land. But no matter how

hard they try to rest for retirement. They will always hear the ocean call

them to sail some more for the rest of their life...

I might be a mom and a wife, but I am born to be A Traveler. I have a

duty to take a LIFE long journey, leaping through the space and time,

gathering and sharing all the beauty of LIFE that I found along the way. I

am traveling LIFE of the one inside of me and also of those who happened

to share their LIFE with me...

Home for your soul, may not be the same for mine. Our arguments on

several issues we discussed, has proven that we could have some different

perspectives about LIFE. But I guess, our differences is the special part

that amazed me most of our connection, we can be so different yet in so

many part we hit the same understanding level about LIFE...

The blogs Mas Pong Sahidy wrote on Kompasiana few years ago, give me

further explanation about my own Journey Home. After all this while,

finally I understand, what he wrote about surrendering. I just realized

that, the best thing to do for me is only surrender and accept my LIFE

the way I discover...

The Family LIFE is only a half part of our assignment on this planet,

that's why I can be so restless home. The other half still belong to the

LIFE within me, as it is directly connected to The Highest Order. That's

how we reveal our Existence Track, and The specific Order locked within

our default setting...

Me, Love & The Universe


This is also explaining why The LOVE I share with you give me comfort,

and bring me the energy to reach better ground of understanding. It is

because at the time being on this planet, You are part of my Journey

HOME. The souls are riding the energy tide, performing the sacred twin

flame dance. So the spirits can carry on their duty to shine...

This is My HOME... Here on Earth, transcending all the way to the infinity

and beyond, as we are definitely approaching the next life, towards our

Final Destination...

The Infinite Source of LIFE...

5. Transcending LIFE Journey...

I read The Angel's tasks from some beliefs, that makes me wondering

what actually Angels do for Human LIFE, as an entity mentioned in the

holy book that we supposed to have faith on...

As I start to see Angels are not exist on Earth to make human fear of

God's punishments, nor force us to live other people's life by taking notes

of all our good deeds and evil wrong doing as human...

Now I refuse to fear the life after death, as I begin to live at the most

by loving this LIFE instead. So I would do anything within my power to

make LIFE a better place, for the one inside me and also for those who

share their LIFE with me. That way, I will die peacefully knowing I have

no regret, because I have given everything I got to be ALIVE, and

dedicated all of me to make this LIFE worth living...

I would rather believe that Angels are there for Humanity to help us

living the LIFE to the most. They are whispering the words of wisdom

every time we need it, and nudging us to the place where we should find

light each time we face the darkness dragging our soul to the lower


Me, Love & The Universe


Not that I refuse to believe in afterlife, I see death as a gate to enter

the next life realm. The life after death is our next journey, where we

might get a new post, new assignment, based on how well we deal with our

previous roles in the spirit we carry...

If we carry out the role very well, we could be move to better task, if not

we probably get a demotion. I believe for those who has been working in

transcending LIFE, a demotion could mean a hell of rework...

This reminds me of the verses in the Holy Book which spoken of TIME,

which suggests us to make the best use of our time on earth. And I

believe, considering those verses, actually not being able to transcend The

LIFE to better ground while we are still pretty much ALIVE on earth,

should have been tasted like a downfall. This could give the spirit

obstacles to carry on the duty to shine...

That's why we need to create interconnections with all the spirits that

share LIFE with us to carry this duty and shine together for sharing our

truest truth, enhanced with the patience, to face all the obstacles


In the deepest part of my existence, I have a faith that The Angels, as

well as all the citizens of heaven, are there to guide and look after our

spirits. So we can manage to embrace our spesific duty on earth. As we

know, all the spirits have their own assignment to complete, and The

Angels should be there to help. So at the end of our life we could be

coming HOME peacefully to The Source, The Mighty Creator...

I just recently realized, HOME is always about our level of existence,

that starts here on earth as the ground zero, to be transcending all the

way back to The Source as The Final Destination. Even after we leave the

life in this planet. As I always use the term, to the infinity and beyond...

I am happy to finally see, being HOME is about Knowing that I am

travelling the right path for the LIFE inside of me, hopefully it is also

right for the LIFE of those who share forever with me...

Me, Love & The Universe


May The Angels look after and guard my soul and spirit, to transcend all

the way to the infinity and beyond, towards The Final Destination, The

Infinite Source of LIFE...

6. The Place I Call Home

People might see me as a weird package, who's full of anomalies...

Yet one of my valuable friends once told me, the measurement of my

normality should be counted based on the series of my abnormalities. If

the LIFE inside me still feels like a collection of paradoxes, even for my

own self, then I should really consider, everything is NORMAL. It's really

good to believe that. Then I start accepting all my anomalies in seeing

LIFE, as if I am born to create new pattern to live instead of fitting in ...

Embracing my anomalies felt like finding heaven is a place on earth, when

few months back, I read my eldest girl wrote about my biography, for her

English assignment...

"She has a different style in almost everything. The world in her eyes is a whole different thing from what you see. That’s one thing I like the most from my mom. She always sees things from a weird perspective. But somehow that’s mostly what helps people... "

It is really good to know that my own flesh and blood is accepting me as I

am. This fact really give me abundance of energy to face the future,

knowing that I have brought up an open mind young lady for the tiny

universe where we share this LIFE. Moreover, this LIFE continued to

give me even better things to live with, when the universe allow me to

start a brand new journey with you.

Last week, I encountered a chat with the very person who helped me

found my heart back in 2013. This chat made me went to sleep in tears, as

if I have just dragged the darkness back. We chat about a Place to Call

Home. I guess mostly because the chat make me lost a grip of my

Me, Love & The Universe


balance. As the morning comes up, and the first ray of my sunshine

kicked in, I start to see a better ground.

Even if the darkness was there, it is always our choice to maintain the

stand, whether we will choose to stand in the dark side, or we will step on

a higher ground where the light is shining. People might come and go to

show us the twilight zone. Yet it is us who must learn how to keep the

light on. So we don't have to accept that anyone who come and asist us,

as the only source of light we have.

Especially for the restless soul, who's been broken and torn apart like

mine. I thought I have been turning on the light inside me. But I was

wrong, the journey still continued on. As I realized it takes abundance of

brightness to bring out everything inside the place where my soul is


As I ever wrote in my blog few months back, after I went on a soul

journey to Solo, Magelang and Ngawi. On one event, I met a long lost soul

who showed me that I wasn't home yet. My soul is so restless, I still need

a place to call home. This is also felt Like playing back all my own Déjà vu

episodes, as I am collecting every pieces of my broken soul.

I wouldn't dare to imagine where this newest episode of my life journey

will take us. But where ever it might lead, I have fate, it will be worth the

effort. For this journey really give me a brand new insight. Eversince

I start this journey with you, I sense a high tide of energy is igniting

inside of me. The energy give me a glimpse of a silver lining brightness

that is spotting on the road I am travelling. The light that might finally

show my restless soul a way to the very Place I Call Home.

This should be my time to wrap everything up. If all the truths I have

gathered along my journey to get my scattered soul integrated are the

truest truth, then I should be able to find it written somewhere in the

road map you hold.

Me, Love & The Universe


God provides me teachers from all over the planet, to challenge my truths

and show me how to be a complete human. He sent people to allow me

located my heart. He let others show me how to find my God Spot. He

even sent many broken souls as mirror to show me how my mind, heart and

soul actually wired.

Now He sent you...

I will never be able to thank you enough for walking this journey with

me. All I know, when we did something to help the life, the universe will

smile at us and return the favor in the most surprising way. Looks like it is

my turn to get the surprise, I hope you equally get something good from

what we reveal together.

As I begin to understand, no matter how close we are to an

enlightenment, that allow us to use The Light Saber to slice into the

depth of other people soul. We could never be able to slice into our own

depth alone. Just the way we will never be able to see our own ears.

We certainly need a mirror to get all the brightness around us reflected

into the darkness we unconsciously keep inside. At the secret corner of

the soul where we locked our deepest fear in a Pandora box, which is

placed so secluded and hidden, even from my own consciousness...

May The Force be Upon Us. So this journey will finally show my way to

The Place I Call HOME. Hopefully...



Me, Love & The Universe


7. The Traveler’s Words....

This connection is really make sense... You understand the road map,

based on the truth written in the holy book... I traveled the road, based

on the guide written in the stars... Imagine if those two can come

together. What kind of understanding that can be revealed...

Mankind is in desperate need of explanation... the very one that can

penetrate their mind, reach their heart and enlightening their soul... so

they know where their God Spot is... then the spirit can carry on their

duty to shine...

Even myself... I'm still struggling in my own twilight zone to keep myself

steady to hang on the brightened ground... That's my line of duty... my

battle ground to help people transcending their own soul... Darkness is the

place where I carry on my duty to shine... While my highest dream is to

spread all the beauty I collect in my life including the beauty of Islamic

Teaching that I finally understand... So the life after me could learn that

there still hopes in humanity, to heal the world...

I surf the tide of energy that's been flowing to you so far and raise my

own vibe... I guess, from our discussion about LIFE, I can highlight two

parts that we could share... The self mastery and the existence track in

the tiny world where we're living, how that makes us a complete human, so

we can find our truest role in the universe...

We know, some people simply choose only to share their life in bright

area, they often shut down the man inside from his fundamental needs as

human, so they will never get in touch with their own darkness... They

make their spirit content with the devotion towards God... Yet they might

simply missed the best thing the LIFE could ever give, like LOVE and

Intimacy in multi dimensional level, mostly because they turn off their

own body-mind-heart needs, rather than analyze them and looking for

legal way to fulfill the needs...

The body-mind-heart-soul connection must be solid to reach the goal

Me, Love & The Universe


carried by our spirit. The next would be how we connect to the closest

LIFE around us. The way we deal with the darkness inside will help us

understand the darkness inside people around us.

I found that we are all equipped with our devils to deal with... each and

every one of us are born with a dark space where the devils could enter in

any ways... That will be our weakness... most people work so hard to cover

their weakness with their strength... so they don't even see their

weakness... What most people don't understand, that weakness is actually

our growth spot, once we are able to convert the weakness into a

significant growth spot...

As human, our body-mind-heart-soul connection has needs to fulfill... We

can't expect the human in us to work in full capacity, without fulfilling

this human needs... I learn that hunger is not only in the body, as food is

not always the one we put into our mouth... Mind-heart-soul connection

need their specific nutrition to preserve their function... As spirit needs

us to do every spiritual journey to reach the God Spot, to work as it

should be...

How would we fulfill our heart needs, if we don't understand LOVE... And

how would we fulfill your soul needs, if we reject the need to find our

passion in LIFE...

We are all equipped with the real guidance of The Truest Truth... Yet the

first thing we need is to recollect the truth inside us... Body mind heart

and soul, they have their own truth in fulfilling their needs... So we can

trust them to carry on their duty to make the human in us work in the

optimum capacity... We need to learn how to be true to our own selves...

The Honesty is essential part in the quest to seek for our own Truest


What I learn from my own journey is to find LOVE every where I go,

towards everything I see, using the eyes in my head and in my heart. So I

can manage to really get A LIFE and to be ALIVE. In the name of LIGHT,

PEACE and HARMONY... That's my order, my role in the tiny universe

where I'm living.

Me, Love & The Universe


I use The Power of Words to work in spreading LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE and

HARMONY. The soul whispering the words, that my fingers have to write

through my heart... So locating the heart is an essential part of our

journey, as heart-soul-spirit connection will give us autopilot journey...

The only problem is to silent the mind... who tend to see everything in true

or false... using the data the mind ever collects and analyzes...

May the truest truth inside, give us the way to find the guidance from

every source of starlight, in every step we make. As we hope for the air

of LOVE fill every cells in our body in every breath we take...

Heaven Helps....

8. Loyalty Towards The LIGHT...

The darkness only comes to those who allow their Light Saber inside on.

Loyalty towards this LIGHT will be tested within the worst pressure in


Like a diamond, which gets crushed, exposed to the heat and everything,

to allow every single sides of it shine, reflecting any light that comes upon

this most valuable gem...

It is never the calm blue sky and the bright sunny sea that could train a

greenhorn to be a sailor. It takes the wide spectrum of storms and all the

wilderness an ocean could provide to naturally shape The Great Sailor...

It takes everything we are equipped inside to make our LIFE really worth

living. So at the end of this adventurous LIFE we can proceed happily to

the next journey towards the Infinite LIGHT and Beyond...

As we know for sure that all of the quality within the human in us, had

been unlocked and used for the betterment of this tiny universe where we

share this LIFE...

# RoadLessTraveled #StarlightSeed # ThePowerofConscience

Me, Love & The Universe


9. Through The Depth of Our Heart....

Actually, The deepest darkest secret could only come up,

where the light on...

The human in us could simply be ordinary, but all of us got the flashlight

inside, which might work like a Jedi's light saber, slicing into the depth of

every innermost being...

So the naked soul could be exposed, as we make the bare mind work. Then

we could learn to clear the heart, and free the spirit to carry on...

Life isn't about waiting the storm and thunder to pass, Life is about

dancing in the rain and find all the colour of rainbow hidden in the sky,

just above our blue horizon...

Dear God, allow me to recognize the strength to carry on, by the presence

of people with warm soul and tender heart who will catch me when I fall.

So I could find my way back home...


10. LOVE shoud Set Us Free...

LOVE should set us free, not cages us in fear...

So we understand which part of our being need to grow,

as LOVE comes touching the LIFE inside us.

LOVE shows us the black hole in the soul,

as LOVE bring the light back,

to the deepest darkest corner of our being.

How could we LOVE anything better than

Me, Love & The Universe


loving The Source of Life, our Almighty Creator.

The one and only reason all of us created on earth.

As in the deepest part of our soul we now for sure,

in every LOVE we feel, manifest His message

for the tiny universe where we share the life inside of Us.

If the LOVE we feel,

brings us further from The Mighty Creator,

how would we ever call it LOVE...

The failure could be generate in our personal understanding of what LOVE

really is, mostly because at the soul level, we fail to embrace our own Self

LOVE inside.


11. Emberace Everything about LOVE...

I had been badly bleeding,

as my heart had been brutally broken,

along the way to embrace everything about LOVE,

yet the journey continued on...

LOVE could have been my strength,

as it is also my weakness, the way LOVE showered me with all its

blessings, after it got me so cursed.

The energy manifest out of LOVE, flows like the dynamic yin and yang.

Mostly it flies so high in the multi dimensions realm over my heart, soul

and spirit.

Yet sometime it's just lingering in the heart and mind emotionally, makes

me want to pick my phone and call you, just to fill the void, and quench the

thirst of missing you...

Me, Love & The Universe


Other time it is even dropped lower beyond the twilight zone,

makes me wonder how it would taste like,

to touch your flesh and blood...

But above all,

the thoughts and feelings,

generate a high level creativity,

while I am around you...

Manifest in all the flowing texts I wrote,

the words I can't hardly believe were mine...


12. Raising The Awareness....

1. Live with full capacity, as we love the life with full intensity. So we

would do anything in our power to grow and make this life a better place

for the one inside and the tiny universe where we share this life with.

2. Everyone deserve their dream, so dream big, help ourselves to make it

all come true by creating a dream network in our environment.

3. Surround our days with people who can ignite soul to soul positive

connection. Work with the doers who can stimulate all of our potency and

capacity work in their optimum velocity, then accelerate...

4. Always hope for the best, yet prepare for the worst, so we can

anticipate all the potential problems and improve the actions to make

things better.

5. Expect nothing and appreciate everything, so we can be ready for the

unexpected, as we learn to live in gratitude with all the blessing we have.

Me, Love & The Universe


6. We might be only one person for the world, but for some particular

persons, our presence might worth the world.

7. Never hesitate of feeling a Self LOVE and spread the understanding

how LOVE will keep us alive. Because this Earth need humanity to

understand, their happiness lays in the heart of TRUE LOVER.

Heaven help those who help themselves...

Be Happy... Stay SHINE...

13. My Flashligh...

"I see the shadows long beneath the mountain top I'm not afraid when the rain won't stop Cause you light the way, you light the way, you light the way I got all I need when I got you and I Look around me, and see sweet life I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're gettin’ me, gettin’ me through the night Can’t stop my heart when you shinin’ in my eyes Can’t lie, it’s a sweet life I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight You're gettin’ me, gettin’ me through the night Cause you're my flash light..." ~ Jesse J

I've been living my life with this song plays in my head for this past few

days, as the lyric dance in my heart, among all the lucid dreams I've been

through,along with the dams of thoughts and feelings in my horizon...

Makes me feel like hanging on a roller coaster ride in the twilight zone,

that could fly my soul higher than the stars,

then drop my mind off to the deepest part of my ocean heart...

Almost like keeping the firework cracks inside of me,

that could cause my heart skip a beat,

as I get the butterfly effect all over my blood system...

Me, Love & The Universe


Now I feel a warm flow of energy is bursting

in the innermost part of my being,

that makes me glow with happiness and hope...

After all this while,

finally I have the silver lining brightness surround me,

I find the flashlight that might guide me

through the path to a comfort and secure place

that feels like home...

Dear God,

I'm tired of running,

Will you please show me

the way to come home...???

14. The Lighthouse...

...She smiled and said with an ecstatic air: "It shines like a little diamond", "What does?" "This moment. It is round, it hangs in empty space like a little diamond; I am eternal ... ~Jean-Paul Sartre -The Age of Reason

It's been a month, since we exchange words in our light box. It feels like,

as if I found a powerful energy reservoir, for recharging my wearying

soul. As you then gradually find out by yourself, I am not as tough as

people like to see me, not as wise at my writing seems to show...

I am a web under construction. A broken soul that has been trying to

integrate every single pieces of my innermost being, by surviving each

battle I face. So I can complete my duty to shine, for the tiny universe

Me, Love & The Universe


where I live. Especially for making the life inside of me really worth


Not like you, who can easily be grateful of everything you got in life. I

made my life a living hell by wanting so much things I believe I deserve.

Also by questioning everything I couldn't understand. I used to believe if

I tried hard enough, I could use what I have to get what I want and need

most in life...

I think that's where my life start crumbling, when I began to look around

for a wag out and also a saviour. I traded my head and heart to the

darkness, for something that tastes like love and freedom. I have the

need to run as fast as I could, then to fly high and far towarfs the

tomorrow land so I can really feel ALIVE...

Then I got lost...

Although I often have the need to come back, but home doesn't feel like

home anymore. I wasn't sure where I've done so wrong to make it right

again. I always let my back door open, I left a room for my foot to step on

the underworld ground. I manage to stop trading with the darkness, yet I

start gliding into the twilight zone, where the light come and go as the

first touch in my dark horizon...

I fall in love a dozen times with too many persons, then use double time to

fix my broken heart as the consequences. And I need triple time to bring

the peace back inside of me, after my consciousness scolding at my own

thoughts and actions, for everything I did...

That's when the universe allowed us to meet...

You have the soul that made of Light. I know how hard you have been

keeping the purity of your own spirit. As we chat you let only the best

part of me flowing out, that feels wonderful. I understand you've been

seeing me as a ship which has traveled across so many horizons. But I

know you've felt the darkness that surrounds me, and recognize the anger

in the darkest part of my broken soul too...

Me, Love & The Universe


Our chats give me the chance to reveal my invisible wounds, reminds me of

my root. Somehow, You assure me that to be a moslem I don't have to

stand as someone else nor to wear any mask. You allow my soul to glow

without even laid a finger on me. As perfect as I expect, sharing energy,

revealing experience and knowledge, then letting Us reached a better

ground of understanding...

What you did help me restoring my almost lost nobility back to its place,

even give me hope that one day I will be able to restore every part of my

soul back again in one piece. As I said, God LOVES you and allow you to

live with so much brightness. This gave me no choice, but head to heel

fallen for you all over again...

You're a lighthouse in my thunder and storm...

As much as I send the storm towards you, I gain access to your

brightness. No wonder I can't had enough thundering your mind. My

apologies for being that selfish, and probably disturbing you. I just can't

help it...

So you see my Starlight, how I start learning the art of expecting nothing

and appreciate everything from you. Allow me to bow deeply in gratitude

for every single words You've been saying and writing. They definitely

send the message to the innermost part of my being, and make me thirst

for more. I can never thank you enough for flowing the light back to the

deepest darkest corner of my soul...

Have a beautiful start of 2016, I could only wish You will reach the

highest ground of understanding that will fly your soul and spirit higher

and further, in making your life worthy for the world, as it is for me...

Bunch of Love,


Me, Love & The Universe


15. True Colors of The Starlights....

I know, I've been burying you

in thunders and storms...

But You know, I can possibly give you

a touch of starlights and raindrops too,

So you can paint this life

with the colors of Rainbow...

Who knows, You might also learn

the art of flying above the storm along the way...

Since flesh and blood always have space and time obstacles,

I think we should blend our soul and connect our heart,

then press the telepathic button on...

So we can have access to each other brain in real-time...

I believe that will be a briliant way to collide our starlights energy,

in order to do our part in raising up

the awareness and consciousness of this planet..

What do you think...???

May all the stars int the universe wish us the best of Luck. For the path

we must walk on with dignity, faith, bravery, honesty and integrity.

Especially, in embracing the dedication and commitment to share a little

that we know with the whole race of mankind. So we will have a better

tomorrow which full of happiness and love,then we shall live in peace and


It ain't gonna be easy,

but definitely will worth everything we do,

as we learnt to give our best shot...

Me, Love & The Universe


Heaven help those

who help themselves...

# StartrekModeOn # IntergalacticAmbassador # CollectiveEvolution

16. The Sunflower....

Like The Sunflower...

She will turn her face

to the ray of sunshine

in life...

With the brightness,

She will spread her seeds to the earth,

so the whole planet can enjoy

the beauty of her new off springs...

Storms and thunders won't stop her,

She knows in the first touch of sunrise,

She will have to bloom again,

towards the Infinite light,

that travel beyond her horizon...

#therayofsunshine #thestarlight

17. Tentang Tarian Cahaya....

Sedang Sang Maha Hidup ada di setiap tutur kata yang terbaca,

di setiap pesan yang masuk, dan di setiap tanya yang tersampaikan...

Ketika sekat ruang dan waktu terangkat,

menyatukan rasa hati dalam tutur bening jiwa

Me, Love & The Universe


yang dipertemukan oleh tasbih semesta...

Demi membaca yang tak tertulis,

mendengar yang tak terucap,

dan memahami yang tak tersampaikan,

namun hadir dalam setiap dinamisnya tarian kata...

Seandainya saja kita selalu mampu menemukan sabdaNya,

di setiap detik yang berlalu dalam ruang kata yang kita miliki...

Biarlah mentari yang terbit dan terbenam,

berkenan menjadi pertanda bagi jiwa

yang kini terbangun,

demi memaknai setiap hari

yang senantiasa berganti... Semoga...

# velocitynacceleration # totheinfinitynbeyond # GetaLIFEBeALIVE

Nothing like LOVE,

to bring LIFE back into one SOUL.

Nothing like HOPE,

to allow our DREAM fly HIGHER & FURTHER

Nothing like FAITH,

to make them all come TRUE in our LIFE

Thanks for all the beauties, you bring into My WORLD

~ ArifaH – 15022016