Gary Brown - 'Bold Thinking in Marketing' - 13th March 2014

Gary Brown Chairman TMcC [email protected]



Transcript of Gary Brown - 'Bold Thinking in Marketing' - 13th March 2014

2. The intrepid, undaunted, bold and courageous search for innovative ideas 3. Guts And Glory 4. Ideas Solve stubborn problems Find the gap in the market Get you noticed 5. Boldness is remarkable 6. Stop trying to be perfect, start being remarkable 7. Engender and create a culture of boldness in your company 8. Ask for forgiveness rather than permission 9. Culture of Boldness If you want to go quickly, go alone 10. Culture of Boldness If you want to go quickly, go alone If you want to go far, go together 11. Create experiences for staff and customers, People Experiences 12. Escape Entertain EducateEsthetics Engaging Experiences 13. People may forget what you show them or what you tell them 14. People may forget what you show them or what you tell them They never forget how you make them feel 15. Deliver wow through service 16. Deliver wow service Embrace and drive change Create fun and some weirdness Be adventurous Pursue growth and learning 17. Strength Empathy Relationships Vision Impact Commitment Entrepeneurship 18. Culture of Boldness Commit to transparency Your culture is your brand Values are magnetic 19. Culture of Boldness Commit to transparency Your culture is your brand Values are magnetic Magnetism is remarkable it attracts and bonds 20. Courage is contagious 21. Learn from Michael Flatley 22. Commitment Investment v Expense 23. Boldness is infectious influence